View Full Version : Why did they take away the dislike button on Youtube?

12-01-2021, 10:25 PM

12-01-2021, 10:29 PM
To protect the Biden administration's public image.

Err I mean so negativity isn't promoted or something probably :hammerhead:

12-01-2021, 10:48 PM
It's not just about Joe Biden, but the fact that every vaccine related video, and other videos that requires a narrative to be sold to the public get an extremely low likes to dislike ratio. There's a true disconnect with what's being said in the videos and the reaction.

They're going to stop it in the name of bullying, but it's all about better control of today's and future narratives.

Since power and controlling narratives is the most important aspect, I wouldn't be surprised if comments are next.


For example, you have happy news reports about how amazing it is that we're going to vaccinate children. All the news reporters are smiling, talking about how great it is. We can get this pandemic under control. Meanwhile you have 1 like for every 34 dislike, and it just doesn't make sense that all the news reporters all 100% agree with vaccinating children.

The average nonpolitical person will notice that, but not so much if they don't see that ratio.

If you watch average videos from nonpolitical channels who talk about the ban on dislikes and read comments there, they don't associate it with narrative control. Instead they just think it's such a stupid idea. When those people happen to watch an agenda related video like the above example, they won't see the dislike and see the disconnect from the dislike.

12-01-2021, 10:52 PM
More censorship.

I remember the main mod on this site Kblaze saying its all good. Go make your own social media platform. To compete with a multi billion (maybe trillion) dollar entity. :lol

Big Tech is eroding free speech.

12-02-2021, 02:35 AM
I thought i was the only who noticed this but at first i also thought it was a user-specific setting that was set by them on their respective videos lol

12-02-2021, 09:28 AM
I'm not nearly as big a believer in conspiracies as a lot of this country and clearly on this board have become, my personal opinion, I think they took them away to spare peoples feelings from getting a lot of dislikes on their videos. It's closer to coddling peoples feelings and the everyone gets a trophy mentality then some mass government conspiracy. Regardless of the reason, it's ridiculous anyway, you make a shitty video, you get lots of dislikes, that's fair. Seeing these videos with the dislike option empty is pretty comical.