View Full Version : Jonathan Isaac with the perfect response on why he decided not to vax

09-28-2021, 05:44 PM
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EQV5sV6QcM0 What an intelligent young man. Everyone from both sides should take notes on how to constructively express your thoughts on this debate.

09-28-2021, 05:56 PM
That guy is a wierdo. Overly religious Christian freakshow

09-28-2021, 05:58 PM
And a BUST too

09-28-2021, 06:02 PM
reddit's mask is off when it comes to unvax nba players. only like black people when they agree with them

09-28-2021, 06:02 PM
Is he a good player?

Do you think maybe the Lakers could get him...?

(Lebron DOESNT need help, Im just curious if he’s available)

09-28-2021, 06:21 PM
That guy is a wierdo. Overly religious Christian freakshow
He's a weirdo because he's religious?

09-28-2021, 06:22 PM
And a BUST too

How's he a bust? He's 23:oldlol:

09-28-2021, 07:58 PM
He's a weirdo because he's religious?

yes, overly strict religious guys like him always comes off as weird in person. I would label it as a mental illness.

09-28-2021, 08:00 PM
How's he a bust? He's 23:oldlol:

3 seasons into his career and he hasn't even averaged 10PPG for a full length season.

He has already missed like 50+ games in his career as well, i guess he was at church? hahahaah

09-28-2021, 08:02 PM
reddit's mask is off when it comes to unvax nba players. only like black people when they agree with them

haha yea

09-28-2021, 08:06 PM
3 seasons into his career and he hasn't even averaged 10PPG for a full length season.

He has already missed like 50+ games in his career as well, i guess he was at church? hahahaah

here's someone who's had the needle stuck into his arm :lol

09-28-2021, 08:13 PM
here's someone who's had the needle stuck into his arm :lol

yup and i'm damn healthy. I don't need to worship a child molester priest either hahahha

isaac is a christian lol worships white jesus.

From now on when i watch Isaac play, i'm going to call him "Stephen Warren"

09-29-2021, 06:58 AM
He doesnt agree with science. I take it his ACL healed itself.

Real Men Wear Green
09-29-2021, 07:43 AM
He has already missed like 50+ games in his career as well, i guess he was at church? hahahaah Yeah he likes to sit by Deacon Leonard.

09-29-2021, 07:47 AM
let him go to china

09-29-2021, 08:08 AM
He doesnt agree with science. I take it his ACL healed itself.

science said he should vaccinate himself?

09-29-2021, 10:30 AM
half of what he said is factually incorrect...he just speaks well, so taken as truth to many #WokeTho :lol

09-29-2021, 10:32 AM
He has already missed like 50+ games in his career as well

Kawhit must be his idol then.

09-29-2021, 11:31 AM
half of what he said is factually incorrect...he just speaks well, so taken as truth to many #WokeTho :lol

Exactly what was incorrect?

09-29-2021, 11:35 AM
He doesnt agree with science. I take it his ACL healed itself.

Who said he dosn't agree with science? He's using science dude. The science says natural antibodies ar as good or better than the vaccine. The science says young healthy individuals are a much much lower risk. The science says the vaccine doesn't stop or even reduce infection. So what science are you referring to?

09-29-2021, 11:57 AM
Who said he dosn't agree with science? He's using science dude. The science says natural antibodies ar as good or better than the vaccine. The science says young healthy individuals are a much much lower risk. The science says the vaccine doesn't stop or even reduce infection. So what science are you referring to?

If he has the antibodies he should be good for a while. But if he doesn't it's actually much more necessary for an athlete to be getting the vaccine than a non-athlete in his age group. The minor COVID complications are harmless and negligible for most people but an athlete is going to be affected by a VO2Max drop which could last months or years. This complication is much more common than a 1e-6 vaccine complication but most people won't notice it.

09-29-2021, 12:20 PM
If he has the antibodies he should be good for a while. But if he doesn't it's actually much more necessary for an athlete to be getting the vaccine than a non-athlete in his age group. The minor COVID complications are harmless and negligible for most people but an athlete is going to be affected by a VO2Max drop which could last months or years. This complication is much more common than a 1e-6 vaccine complication but most people won't notice it.

Thing is we don't know how much less likely a very healthy 23 year old is to get a complication from the vaccine then they are covid. We don't even know the full scale of how many people are getting side effects. They hospitals aren't keeping track and vaers isn't reliable because anyone can report on it.

We do know that the death rate for 20 year olds is extremely low. Around .2% and that's for the age group as a whole. That number would naturally be even lower for the a very healthy 20 year old.

09-29-2021, 12:22 PM
Dude could be so good. Just shut up get the shot and maybe it'll help you stay healthy for a full season with all the nanomachines

09-29-2021, 01:04 PM
Exactly what was incorrect?

for one, those who've recovered - some have high protection, some have little, some have no protective antibodies (as high as a 1/3rd of cases). Isaac says he's protected simply because he's had COVID, far from true. Nebraska Med study recently published details this

09-29-2021, 01:23 PM
The reason why there is 7.5 billion people on the planet today is due to antibiotics and vaccines for Polio, Measles, Tuberculosis and a host of other deadly diseases. 50 years ago there were HALF that amount of people in the world. Maybe there is too many people on the planet now, who do not have the mental capacity to understand we are interconnected.
Funny how he only mentioned himself, if he reduces he risk on contracting the Covid19 by taking the vaccine he reduces the chance of giving to someone else who could become seriously ill or die.

09-29-2021, 01:23 PM
Guys like him and Beal you can tell have a little more independent thinking and not media influenced. Good on them

09-29-2021, 01:28 PM
Guys like him and Beal you can tell have a little more independent thinking and not media influenced. Good on them

Hell yeah. Lotta chumps on here.

09-29-2021, 01:30 PM
Guys like him and Beal you can tell have a little more independent thinking and not media influenced. Good on them

Unless he understands already understands Virology, Molecular biology , Ecology and risk assessment analysis he is not doing any independent thinking.

09-29-2021, 02:06 PM
for one, those who've recovered - some have high protection, some have little, some have no protective antibodies (as high as a 1/3rd of cases). Isaac says he's protected simply because he's had COVID, far from true. Nebraska Med study recently published details this

That's not what conventionalwisdom says. that's not how antibodies work almost everyone who gets a virus gets antibodies. Plus you can find studies to support anything. They haven't done much testing of this in north america. I'm assuming the Nebraska study is a small one. Here's some literature that attests to this. One is a big one from isreal who are more advanced than we are in their understanding of the virus and vaccines. Here's some studys and literature that attests to that.



So based on conventional wisdom, most studies and the best study(isreal) it's highly likely that he does have antibodies and is as protected or more protected as the vaccinated.

As far as his other statements he was right also. With his age and health status he's even more low risk since we know older people and unhealthy people are a much higher risk.

09-29-2021, 02:10 PM
The reason why there is 7.5 billion people on the planet today is due to antibiotics and vaccines for Polio, Measles, Tuberculosis and a host of other deadly diseases. 50 years ago there were HALF that amount of people in the world. Maybe there is too many people on the planet now, who do not have the mental capacity to understand we are interconnected.
Funny how he only mentioned himself, if he reduces he risk on contracting the Covid19 by taking the vaccine he reduces the chance of giving to someone else who could become seriously ill or die.

That's where you and alot of people are wrong the vaccine doesn't stop or reduce infection and transmission it only reduces illness and death. This is something people like myself who use common sense have alresdy been saying. The cdc and fauci are just finally acknowledging it now because the biggest most accurate studies are all showing this and they can no longer lie about it without looking more stupid than they already look.

09-29-2021, 02:14 PM
Unless he understands already understands Virology, Molecular biology , Ecology and risk assessment analysis he is not doing any independent thinking.

He is though because it's going against the norm and Everything he said was true. Natural immunity from infection is as good or better. His age and health status also offer him more protection. These are both truths that can longer be debated.

09-29-2021, 02:18 PM
Very eloquent well spoken young man giving a logical answer. The fact that cities (like NYC) are not accepting anybody with a positive antibody test from previous exposure as a substitute for vax shows its not about achieving herd immunity at all. Its about getting people on a leash to show scannable ID absolutely everywhere they go.

09-29-2021, 02:23 PM
Very eloquent well spoken young man giving a logical answer. The fact that cities (like NYC) are not accepting anybody with a positive antibody test from previous exposure as a substitute for vax shows its not about achieving herd immunity at all. Its about getting people on a leash to show scannable ID absolutely everywhere they go.


Or maybe it has to do with legal precedent. When the courts ruled on this issue a long time ago there was no antibody testing. Hence, it isn't part of the law.

Scannable ids...SMFH

09-29-2021, 02:53 PM
Very eloquent well spoken young man giving a logical answer. The fact that cities (like NYC) are not accepting anybody with a positive antibody test from previous exposure as a substitute for vax shows its not about achieving herd immunity at all. Its about getting people on a leash to show scannable ID absolutely everywhere they go.

they're doing the same thing here in berlin.

restaurants/clubs/bars going from 3g (negative tests allowed) to 2g (only vaccinated and recovered).

i love how the health senator woman of berlin said there was a misunderstanding that society could work with 3g, but thats not the case. and then never went on to explain in her statement why. simply going on saying "we have enough vaccinations for everyone, so our expectations are that this offer will be accepted".

Like, if there's no grand conspiracy going on here, how can all these people collectively be so unsmart?

Why is it every person of meaning in some position that has a lot to say, is so brainlessly for this?

its odd.

09-29-2021, 03:15 PM
Unless he understands already understands Virology, Molecular biology , Ecology and risk assessment analysis he is not doing any independent thinking.

What is he doing any different from the vaxxers? He's regurgitating points that are out there, but at least it's not the ostercizing points the vaxxers shove down people's throat and through social media. I'm saying his mind isn't poisoned.

09-29-2021, 03:24 PM

Or maybe it has to do with legal precedent. When the courts ruled on this issue a long time ago there was no antibody testing. Hence, it isn't part of the law.

Scannable ids...SMFH

Dr. Tontoz they already have scannable apps for it in France and isreal. You're lying again mate. Everything will eventually transition from paper to bar code. Its already begun.

09-29-2021, 03:30 PM
Why is it every person of meaning in some position that has a lot to say, is so brainlessly for this?

People in positions of power have too much to lose. So they always sell out those below them. If they didn't do what they're told they'd lose their jobs, salaries, and luxurious lifestyle.

09-29-2021, 03:45 PM
Actually NYC and a bunch of other places are doing it too.


Dr. Tontoz gonna tell us this isn't reality though.

09-29-2021, 03:46 PM
Dr. Tontoz they already have scannable apps for it in France and isreal. You're lying again mate. Everything will eventually transition from paper to bar code. Its already begun.

What exactly was i lying about?

So it isnt about the US goverment then, it is a worldwide effort of all governments to control their people. Right?

I noticed you completely ignored the legal precedent thing. I wonder why.

09-29-2021, 03:49 PM
What exactly was i lying about?

So it isnt about the US goverment then, it is a worldwide effort of all governments to control their people. Right?

I noticed you completely ignored the legal precedent thing. I wonder why.

it's a loose, decentralised conspiracy

it's not one mastermind

powers like china or USA propagating narratives to vassal states.

in the end, I'm not even sure it's for some ulterior motive, like culling the old and weak.

occam's razor tells me more and more it's about money.

pure greed.

09-29-2021, 03:57 PM
it's a loose, decentralised conspiracy

it's not one mastermind

powers like china or USA propagating narratives to vassal states.

in the end, I'm not even sure it's for some ulterior motive, like culling the old and weak.

occam's razor tells me more and more it's about money.

pure greed.

So governments conspired to kill millions of people to gain more control of their people? Really?

How are governments making money on this? They are having to pay for the vaccines.

09-29-2021, 04:05 PM
So governments conspired to kill millions of people to gain more control of their people? Really?

How are governments making money on this? They are having to pay for the vaccines.

nobody is getting killed lol.

its not more ppl dying.

ppl that would die are dying.

the pandemic is over.

fear mongering = divide.

the only reason they're taking all these nonsensical measures is probably to rile people up against each other, split them up further.

09-29-2021, 04:06 PM
Actually NYC and a bunch of other places are doing it too.


Dr. Tontoz gonna tell us this isn't reality though.

its like Black Mirror

09-29-2021, 04:10 PM
nobody is getting killed lol.

its not more ppl dying.

ppl that would die are dying.

the pandemic is over.

fear mongering = divide.

the only reason they're taking all these nonsensical measures is probably to rile people up against each other, split them up further.

Tell that to the hospitals in low vax states. I don't think they got your conspiracy memo.

09-29-2021, 04:18 PM
Tell that to the hospitals in low vax states. I don't think they got your conspiracy memo.

let me guess, filled to the brim?

with people not dying?

if hospitals are your only argument for this whole clown show, your back-up is very very weak and you should have a hard time being straight with yourself.

09-29-2021, 04:21 PM
let me guess, filled to the brim?

with people not dying?

if hospitals are your only argument for this whole clown show, your back-up is very very weak and you should have a hard time being straight with yourself.

Right people hospitalized and dying aren't a big deal. It's the scannable IDs that we really need to fear.


09-29-2021, 04:23 PM
Right people hospitalized and dying aren't a big deal. It's the scannable IDs that we really need to fear.


it sure wasnt a big deal to you when those same people were hospitalized and dying due to the flu :lol

im not sure what your argument is.

"people are in hospitals due to covid!"

could you possibly appeal to emotion any more?

09-29-2021, 04:26 PM
nobody is getting killed lol.

its not more ppl dying.

ppl that would die are dying.

the pandemic is over.

fear mongering = divide.

the only reason they're taking all these nonsensical measures is probably to rile people up against each other, split them up further.

Just stop dude. lol at fear mongering... don't worry that's not what the sheep on the other side of the spectrum are spreading... amirite? lol at the pandemic is over. Says who? You did your own research? I can think for myself as well and it ain't over. Not when I have older relatives that I care about that I don't want to lose. OH WAIT THEY WERE GONNA DIE ANYWAY... JUST 10 years earlier so hehehehe at least we can have our own mini snap thanos version hehehehehe.

Do your research and live by your rules. But don't act like you know more than science.

09-29-2021, 04:32 PM
it sure wasnt a big deal to you when those same people were hospitalized and dying due to the flu :lol

im not sure what your argument is.

"people are in hospitals due to covid!"

could you possibly appeal to emotion any more?

You guys are frightened of scannable IDs LMAO.

There are currently 2k people dying daily due to covid. We haven't had deaths like that from the flu in 100 years.

09-29-2021, 05:00 PM
its like Black Mirror

Yea... its only the beginning though.

09-29-2021, 05:01 PM
Just stop dude. lol at fear mongering... don't worry that's not what the sheep on the other side of the spectrum are spreading... amirite? lol at the pandemic is over. Says who? You did your own research? I can think for myself as well and it ain't over. Not when I have older relatives that I care about that I don't want to lose. OH WAIT THEY WERE GONNA DIE ANYWAY... JUST 10 years earlier so hehehehe at least we can have our own mini snap thanos version hehehehehe.

Do your research and live by your rules. But don't act like you know more than science.

There's misinformation on both sides. Antivaxers that claim its fake or its a conspiracy are a problem. What's the conspiracy? To kill all the people that do whatever they say leaving only the the people that question the government left? That dosn't make any sense. The only conspiracy that's plausible is that they're using the virus to establishing more control over people. And i wouldn't say it's a conspiracy because this is something they've been trying to do forever plus the virus is real so It's more them being opportunistic than anything. Plus there's no hard evidence of this so while it may be plausible it's not something i would promote on social media or anywhere really because who flicking knows for sure. It's irresponsible to put something out there like that on a platform that alot of people are gonna see and maybe be influenced by. Sure the pro vaxxers are doing this also but that dosn't make it right.

As far as what misinformation the vaccinated are guilty of. They're constantly saying shit like the non vaccinated have no excuse to not get vaccinated or the vaccine reduces infection and the spread or the more recent one the delta variant is hitting children way harder. It's all b.s. there's lots of rational reasons not to get vaccinated. Antibodies from an infection, age and health status, religious beliefs and severity of infection in you area. The vaccine also dosn't reduce infection and transmission. The more recent more accurate studies that's recently come out has made this clear so this lie or incorrect statement needs to be deaded. And finally kids are not being hit way harder by delta. They are getting infected and hospitalized at a slightly higher rate but they aren't dying at a higher rate at all. There's still very little children dying.

We need to stop the misinformation on both sides and start having open minded non emotional discussions and debates.

09-29-2021, 06:49 PM
He is though because it's going against the norm and Everything he said was true. Natural immunity from infection is as good or better. His age and health status also offer him more protection. These are both truths that can longer be debated.
Everything he said is NOT TRUE. This virus mutates and is doing it faster because the infection rate is so high. The vaccine is our most effective tool to reduce spread before the virus mutates into something more resistant or deadly.

09-29-2021, 07:02 PM
That's where you and alot of people are wrong the vaccine doesn't stop or reduce infection and transmission it only reduces illness and death. This is something people like myself who use common sense have alresdy been saying. The cdc and fauci are just finally acknowledging it now because the biggest most accurate studies are all showing this and they can no longer lie about it without looking more stupid than they already look.

That is true because the virus MUTATES, the current variant has a higher viral load than previous variants. There is a new variant that has been found in Kentucky called the MU variant which is RESISTENT TO VACCINES. You can reduce the speed of mutation by reducing transmission which is what the vaccine helps accomplish. It also will destroy the economy, the average cost for Covid related hospitalization is 50K-70K Half of the country does not have 500 dollars in savings you do the math.

09-29-2021, 07:04 PM
Everything he said is NOT TRUE. This virus mutates and is doing it faster because the infection rate is so high. The vaccine is our most effective tool to reduce spread before the virus mutates into something more resistant or deadly.

That makes zero sense. The predominant variant is delta. Alpha is almost gone and newer ones are still rare. So we're talking about delta here and with delta the vaccine isn't the best way to stop the spread because it dosn't reduce infection and transmission. It is however a great way to reduce hospitalizations and deaths. That said the vaccinated aren't the only ones that are a lower risk to the virus. The millions of people with natural antibodies even more protected than the vaccinated. Non vaxxed who are young and healthy are also extremely low risk. Almost all of the people dying and getting and going to the icu are old and or immune compromised or unhealthy.

09-29-2021, 07:17 PM
That is true because the virus MUTATES, the current variant has a higher viral load than previous variants. There is a new variant that has been found in Kentucky called the MU variant which is RESISTENT TO VACCINES. You can reduce the speed of mutation by reducing transmission which is what the vaccine helps accomplish. It also will destroy the economy, the average cost for Covid related hospitalization is 50K-70K Half of the country does not have 500 dollars in savings you do the math.

Yes you can reduce the speed of mutation by reducing transmission but the vaccine dosn't accomplish this when it comes to the delta variant which is by far the most predominant strain.

I agree the vaccines work at heavily reducing hospitalizations and deaths but you can't blame all "anti vaxxers" for that. There's over 42 million people in the us that have antibodies and who are more protected than tge vaccinated. Younger healthy people are also extremely low risk so they can't be blamed for hospitalizations either

09-29-2021, 07:21 PM
That's not what conventionalwisdom says. that's not how antibodies work almost everyone who gets a virus gets antibodies. Plus you can find studies to support anything. They haven't done much testing of this in north america. I'm assuming the Nebraska study is a small one. Here's some literature that attests to this. One is a big one from isreal who are more advanced than we are in their understanding of the virus and vaccines. Here's some studys and literature that attests to that.



So based on conventional wisdom, most studies and the best study(isreal) it's highly likely that he does have antibodies and is as protected or more protected as the vaccinated.

As far as his other statements he was right also. With his age and health status he's even more low risk since we know older people and unhealthy people are a much higher risk.

there was a study on the NBA bubble of the 7 covid+ where 3 out of the 7 showed under a 10.0 AU/mL titer with reinfection ... it's not a study to just find anything, there are trends/patterns to be looked into, especially since this is such an early onset of the virus on a whole and info needs to be reviewed and studied. NBA study and the WHO study recognize this trend...same as your Israel study too :confusedshrug:
WHO - https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/341241/WHO-2019-nCoV-Sci-Brief-Natural-immunity-2021.1-eng.pdf
NBA Study: https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciab738/6359055

the israel study had some interesting comments from it's researchers as well
-further benefit would be had by same if these same convalescent individuals had gotten vaccinated, as well. specifically those who had one vax shot and convalescent. this only further proves why Isaac should get vaxed since it is truly unknown how long natural immunity lasts. at least one does of a double regimen provides even further benefit to the cause rather than going it at holistically

the premise with the israel study, which is most important, is that you must contract covid and are unsure your faith at that point if you do, young or not. and as we've seen with long term covid impact first hand with stars like Jason Tatum having to take inhalers to finish off games all due from the to the lasting impacts of being covid+.

in the end the vax is a preventative method and with as high as a 95% protection rate to covid infection on the whole. to compare that to risking infection for natural immunity with no indication of your fate is :hammerhead::hammerhead:

09-29-2021, 07:40 PM
You guys are frightened of scannable IDs LMAO.

There are currently 2k people dying daily due to covid. We haven't had deaths like that from the flu in 100 years.

If you're not deliberately trolling with this, you might belong to RRR's thread about the dumbest ****s on this site.

the people are dying are diseased anyway.


put this ish in google translator and have yourself a party of enlightenment

09-29-2021, 07:42 PM
Just stop dude. lol at fear mongering... don't worry that's not what the sheep on the other side of the spectrum are spreading... amirite? lol at the pandemic is over. Says who? You did your own research? I can think for myself as well and it ain't over. Not when I have older relatives that I care about that I don't want to lose. OH WAIT THEY WERE GONNA DIE ANYWAY... JUST 10 years earlier so hehehehe at least we can have our own mini snap thanos version hehehehehe.

Do your research and live by your rules. But don't act like you know more than science.

No you idiot, they were gonna die this or the next year most likely, of covid, flu, etc. they all have pre diseases they battled.

Its a nothing burger pandemic.

09-29-2021, 07:50 PM
there was a study on the NBA bubble of the 7 covid+ where 3 out of the 7 showed under a 10.0 AU/mL titer with reinfection ... it's not a study to just find anything, there are trends/patterns to be looked into, especially since this is such an early onset of the virus on a whole and info needs to be reviewed and studied. NBA study and the WHO study recognize this trend...same as your Israel study too :confusedshrug:
WHO - https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/341241/WHO-2019-nCoV-Sci-Brief-Natural-immunity-2021.1-eng.pdf
NBA Study: https://academic.oup.com/cid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cid/ciab738/6359055

the israel study had some interesting comments from it's researchers as well
-further benefit would be had by same if these same convalescent individuals had gotten vaccinated, as well. specifically those who had one vax shot and convalescent. this only further proves why Isaac should get vaxed since it is truly unknown how long natural immunity lasts. at least one does of a double regimen provides even further benefit to the cause rather than going it at holistically

the premise with the israel study, which is most important, is that you must contract covid and are unsure your faith at that point if you do, young or not. and as we've seen with long term covid impact first hand with stars like Jason Tatum having to take inhalers to finish off games all due from the to the lasting impacts of being covid+.

in the end the vax is a preventative method and with as high as a 95% protection rate to covid infection on the whole. to compare that to risking infection for natural immunity with no indication of your fate is :hammerhead::hammerhead:

Yes i did see that individuals who had natural antibodies from infections plus one vaccine gave more protection than every group. That's kind of irrelevant though because all you should need is good enough protection and antibodies or a vaccine does that. Even better protection is great if that's what you chose but having antibodies either way is sufficient in heavily reducing deaths and hospitalizations.

As far as having to contract covid to get the antibodies that's not what i'm suggesting. I'm just saying there's already over 42 million Americans that we know who have the antibodies and experts estimate that anywhere from 100 million to 160 million people in the us have already had covid so an antibody test could be used to find out if that was an option to the vaccine as it should be.

I'm not antivax man i just think the mandates aren't the way to go about this pandemic. They shoud of instead practiced transparency and honest open dialog instead of guessing or lying which made people not trust them. They should of been more understanding of people's rational reasoning of being vaccine hesitant instead of threatening and demeaning them. Like usual the government screwed this up almost from the beginning.

09-29-2021, 07:57 PM
If you're not deliberately trolling with this, you might belong to RRR's thread about the dumbest ****s on this site.

the people are dying are diseased anyway.


put this ish in google translator and have yourself a party of enlightenment

No they aren't that is just you pretending that you have a clue.

Straight from the CDC over 8k covid deaths under 54 in August, and that is with no other conditions.


Monthly tab on table 3.


09-29-2021, 08:05 PM
I don’t pick sides on the issue but the CDC has lied and been caught lying on multiple fronts. Using them as a legit source is questionable

09-29-2021, 08:15 PM
I don’t pick sides on the issue but the CDC has lied and been caught lying on multiple fronts. Using them as a legit source is questionable

The table is a data collection point with a mountain of info.

I just made screen prints of specific things in order to see trends.

09-29-2021, 08:16 PM
No they aren't that is just you pretending that you have a clue.

Straight from the CDC over 8k covid deaths under 54 in August, and that is with no other conditions.


Monthly tab on table 3.


I think it's actually 5006 going by that table but thats still alot.

09-29-2021, 08:22 PM
reddit's mask is off when it comes to unvax nba players. only like black people when they agree with them

This is one of the dumbest comments I’ve ever read on the internet, should someone black be exempt from criticism? Is a criticism of a singular black person an indication of how a person feels about all black people?

Average Celsh*t fan

09-29-2021, 08:25 PM
I don’t pick sides on the issue but the CDC has lied and been caught lying on multiple fronts. Using them as a legit source is questionable

Don't you dare question Dr. Tontoz. A lie or mistruth has never been spoken by an authority.

09-29-2021, 08:26 PM
I think it's actually 5006 going by that table but thats still alot.

I just had to hit view post to see what you are saying and sure enough you are wrong as usual.

I said over 8k deaths under 54.

45-54 is 5006
35-44 is 2457
25-34 is 994
0-24 is 248

Combined that is 8705.

That is why I put you on ignore. This gets tiresome having to constantly correct you because of your inability to read what I actually wrote.

09-29-2021, 08:28 PM
Don't you dare question Dr. Tontoz. A lie or mistruth has never been spoken by an authority.

Speaking of lies you said 70k nurses got fired then posted a link which showed 0 firings. :roll:

09-29-2021, 08:30 PM
I just had to hit view post to see what you are saying and sure enough you are wrong as usual.

I said over 8k deaths under 54.

45-54 is 5006
35-44 is 2457
25-34 is 994
0-24 is 248

Combined that is 8705.

That is why I put you on ignore. This gets tiresome having to constantly correct you because of your inability to read what I actually wrote.

I thought u meant the under 54 group but it's all good buddy nothing to get worked up about. Not like you haven't been wrong. Glad to see your finally on my side when it comes to the misinformation about the spread of covid.:rockon:

09-29-2021, 08:38 PM
I thought u meant the under 54 group but it's all good buddy nothing to get worked up about. Not like you haven't been wrong. Glad to see your finally on my side when it comes to the misinformation about the spread of covid.:rockon:

New information isnt the same as misinformation. Fauci clearly says they got new information about the Delta variant relative to alpha but you ignore it because it doesn't fit your agenda.

You just want to keep saying misinformation when it is just lack of comprehension on your part.

45 second mark


09-29-2021, 08:51 PM
That makes zero sense. The predominant variant is delta. Alpha is almost gone and newer ones are still rare. So we're talking about delta here and with delta the vaccine isn't the best way to stop the spread because it dosn't reduce infection and transmission. It is however a great way to reduce hospitalizations and deaths. That said the vaccinated aren't the only ones that are a lower risk to the virus. The millions of people with natural antibodies even more protected than the vaccinated. Non vaxxed who are young and healthy are also extremely low risk. Almost all of the people dying and getting and going to the icu are old and or immune compromised or unhealthy.

It doesn't make sense unless you understand this is not black and white. The flu vaccine reduces infection and transmission but in any given year it could be far less effective due to virus mutations. The same applies to the Covid vaccine there is no perfect solution, just the best tools to defeat the virus.
Your exposure to the virus varies based the proximity, environment (Outside/Inside) and the viral load of the person spreading the virus. Vaccinated people recover faster from the virus, therefore the risk of them spreading the virus to others is reduced.

You are relying on OLD information the delta variant is absolutely causing serious illness in younger people. You should study HISTORY so you understand how the world eradicated diseases like Polio and Measles and stopped the spread of EBOLA.

09-29-2021, 08:59 PM
New information isnt the same as misinformation. Fauci clearly says they got new information about the Delta variant relative to alpha but you ignore it because it doesn't fit your agenda.

You just want to keep saying misinformation when it is just lack of comprehension on your part.

45 second mark


The video wouldn't play but that's a load of shit. This information has been out foe more than a month now and you were just making these claims recently. It wasn't new it was just new to you. So it is in fact misinformation. It dosnt matter that you didn't realize something changed. You were still wrong and you were still spreading misinformation.

Nice try though. I'm definitely using that one next time i get caught lying to my girl. "Nah baby i wasn't lying. I just didn't know better" :roll:

09-29-2021, 09:15 PM
The video wouldn't play but that's a load of shit. This information has been out foe more than a month now and you were just making these claims recently. It wasn't new it was just new to you. So it is in fact misinformation. It dosnt matter that you didn't realize something changed. You were still wrong and you were still spreading misinformation.

Nice try though. I'm definitely using that one next time i get caught lying to my girl. "Nah baby i wasn't lying. I just didn't know better" :roll:

I knew the Delta variant was.more contagious and said so time and time again. Once again you see what you want to see. Your response to my under 54 comment showed yet again your lack of reading comprehension which is why I put you on ignore.

I didn't know the viral load was exactly the same until I heard fauci say it. And the only reason I went looking through fauci vids is because of that efficacy vid you posted.

Prior to that I can't remember the last time I actually heard him talk about anything. It was probably months ago.

09-29-2021, 09:32 PM
I knew the Delta variant was.more contagious and said so time and time again. Once again you see what you want to see. Your response to my under 54 comment showed yet again your lack of reading comprehension which is why I put you on ignore.

I didn't know the viral load was exactly the same until I heard fauci say it. And the only reason I went looking through fauci vids is because of that efficacy vid you posted.

Prior to that I can't remember the last time I actually heard him talk about anything. It was probably months ago.

You knew it was more contagious but you thought the unvaccinated were the only ones or mostly the ones spreading it. Alot of people think this. You see it in the news and social media everyday.

And again it dosn't matter if you and all these other people didn't know information came out that made it no longer true, you still kept saying the same shit that was now in fact wrong. So international or not you were spreading misinformation. It's ok though alot of pro vaccinated are doing it. I'll actually give you credit you're good enough to accept the truth. Most pro vaccinated just ignore it and keep spreading the same lies.

09-29-2021, 09:37 PM
You knew it was more contagious but you thought the unvaccinated were the only ones or mostly the ones spreading it. Alot of people think this. You see it in the news and social media everyday.

And again it dosn't matter if you and all these other people didn't know information came out that made it no longer true, you still kept saying the same shit that was now in fact wrong. So international or not you were spreading misinformation. It's ok though alot of pro vaccinated are doing it. I'll actually give you credit you're good enough to accept the truth. Most pro vaccinated just ignore it and keep spreading the same lies.

Once again you prove that you can't read. You don't understand what i actually say then you make stuff up and pretend i said it.

You can't understand what under 54 means. :roll:

Too annoying. Bye again

09-29-2021, 10:17 PM
Once again you prove that you can't read. You don't understand what i actually say then you make stuff up and pretend i said it.

You can't understand what under 54 means. :roll:

Too annoying. Bye again

Not at all you don't understand what your actually saying that's the problem. And it's you saying shit and then acting like you didn't say it even though it's in writing for everyone to see.

09-30-2021, 07:46 PM
he stated earlier he had covid back when he was 17 ???

09-30-2021, 08:15 PM
The white vaxxers are TERRIFIED of an eloquent black male preaching the truth.

It's why so many are afraid of 3ball here.

09-30-2021, 08:46 PM
I'm not an anti vaxer, my kids are fully immunised, I've had my first covid jab.

BUT... there is a lot of misinformation presented by government and mainstream media. And essentially nothing reported about the lack of testing and independent oversight. The reality is that the covid vaccination does not even meet the definition of a vaccination. For multiple reasons.

We should all be apprehensive about getting covid vaxed. I'm seriously considering not getting my second dose.

09-30-2021, 09:19 PM
I'm not an anti vaxer, my kids are fully immunised, I've had my first covid jab.

BUT... there is a lot of misinformation presented by government and mainstream media. And essentially nothing reported about the lack of testing and independent oversight. The reality is that the covid vaccination does not even meet the definition of a vaccination. For multiple reasons.

We should all be apprehensive about getting covid vaxed. I'm seriously considering not getting my second dose.

Another free thinking individual.

Who told us about Charles Barkley and his numbers / impact.

09-30-2021, 10:32 PM

10-01-2021, 05:35 AM
Of all the worlds religions i believe the science religion to be the most like a cult. Their priests repeatedly lie to their congregation but their loyal flock never see it for the lie it is..rather they excuse these lies by chalking it up time after time after time into perpetuity as "our esteemed priest didnt lie back then, they were merely going off of the information they had at the time. now we have new information!..this time they are surely right!" ...never ever stopping to wonder if that very same scenario applies to this new and improved doctrine(*hint -it will).. only for the same scenario to be replayed over and over again...their congregation is littered with well meaning people,scared people,insecure people, and tons of simple minded followers. Their unpaid foot soldiers like Dr. Tontoz exhibit a more devout level of faith than your most faithful muslim, christian, atheist or jew. Yet they dont even see it for what it is and will continue to tithe their belongings and serve up their daughters when asked and go door to door trying to recruit more followers for their priest...the world is inverted and there is nothing these ppl wouldnt try or do if their science priest recommended them do....logic be dammed. They cant even fathom how such a blind and loyal "trust the priest" could be taken advantage of?perhaps its their ego that blocks this verification step.
But hey..never try and explain to a 6 year old that santa aint real when all their peers, family, authority figures, media and local mall say otherwise and plus they get shit for believing!...it would just be a total dick thing to do to ruin santa for a 6 year old. Likewise dont ruin these science dudes fantasies..perhaps one day as they are growing up and attaining more knowledge of the big big world..perhaps they will be bored one day and wonder about the plausibility of this whole covid thing and apply some questions and logic and common sense and realize ooooof i got tricked again!

10-01-2021, 06:08 AM
Of all the worlds religions i believe the science religion to be the most like a cult. Their priests repeatedly lie to their congregation but their loyal flock never see it for the lie it is..rather they excuse these lies by chalking it up time after time after time into perpetuity as "our esteemed priest didnt lie back then, they were merely going off of the information they had at the time. now we have new information!..this time they are surely right!" ...never ever stopping to wonder if that very same scenario applies to this new and improved doctrine(*hint -it will).. only for the same scenario to be replayed over and over again...their congregation is littered with well meaning people,scared people,insecure people, and tons of simple minded followers. Their unpaid foot soldiers like Dr. Tontoz exhibit a more devout level of faith than your most faithful muslim, christian, atheist or jew. Yet they dont even see it for what it is and will continue to tithe their belongings and serve up their daughters when asked and go door to door trying to recruit more followers for their priest...the world is inverted and there is nothing these ppl wouldnt try or do if their science priest recommended them do....logic be dammed. They cant even fathom how such a blind and loyal "trust the priest" could be taken advantage of?perhaps its their ego that blocks this verification step.
But hey..never try and explain to a 6 year old that santa aint real when all their peers, family, authority figures, media and local mall say otherwise and plus they get shit for believing!...it would just be a total dick thing to do to ruin santa for a 6 year old. Likewise dont ruin these science dudes fantasies..perhaps one day as they are growing up and attaining more knowledge of the big big world..perhaps they will be bored one day and wonder about the plausibility of this whole covid thing and apply some questions and logic and common sense and realize ooooof i got tricked again!


10-02-2021, 07:13 AM

Watch this if you think Jonathan Isaac is wrong.

10-02-2021, 10:13 AM

Watch this if you think Jonathan Isaac is wrong.

This is NONSENSE, only Fools listen to Rand Paul. He claimed hydroxychloroquine was a cure for Covid 19, which was debunked and the CDC put out warning against using the drug. He is a political hack who takes advantage of peoples fears and ignorance for political gain.
Why people listen to a senator who was an EYE DOCTOR for vaccine information is beyond me.

10-02-2021, 11:29 AM
This is NONSENSE, only Fools listen to Rand Paul. He claimed hydroxychloroquine was a cure for Covid 19, which was debunked and the CDC put out warning against using the drug. He is a political hack who takes advantage of peoples fears and ignorance for political gain.
Why people listen to a senator who was an EYE DOCTOR for vaccine information is beyond me.

And fauci said masks weren’t effective. Now he’s saying wear 3 of them. Point is you can’t trust even the cdc soo all you can do is sift thru the bullshit the best you can

10-02-2021, 01:21 PM
All you vax shamers - stop... Just stop


10-02-2021, 05:29 PM
It doesn't make sense unless you understand this is not black and white. The flu vaccine reduces infection and transmission but in any given year it could be far less effective due to virus mutations. The same applies to the Covid vaccine there is no perfect solution, just the best tools to defeat the virus.
Your exposure to the virus varies based the proximity, environment (Outside/Inside) and the viral load of the person spreading the virus. Vaccinated people recover faster from the virus, therefore the risk of them spreading the virus to others is reduced.

You are relying on OLD information the delta variant is absolutely causing serious illness in younger people. You should study HISTORY so you understand how the world eradicated diseases like Polio and Measles and stopped the spread of EBOLA.

Your taking shit dude. there's a range of how many antibodies you can get but it ranges from as good as the vaccine to up to 10x better than the vaccine. There's absolutely no argument for people with antibodies needing to get a vaccine. Just like There's no great argument fir children and teenagers having to get the vaccine. Your the one relying on old data. Look at isreal they have the most recent and accurate studies going and they all support what i'm saying.

10-02-2021, 07:07 PM
And fauci said masks werenÂ’t effective. Now heÂ’s saying wear 3 of them. Point is you canÂ’t trust even the cdc soo all you can do is sift thru the bullshit the best you can

Come on! Mask were used during Spanish flu over 100 years ago and are routinely used in hospitals to reduce disease spread on a daily basis. Anyone can perform an experiment and try to spit on someone with a mask on, it's obvious less salvia is transmitted in the air with a mask on.

I agree that the public messaging has been confusing and inconsistent from the CDC and other government agencies but the main reason people are debating wearing a mask is because people are intentionally spreading misinformation for political gain.
The Mask debate is a political stunt used to convince the ignorant people that their rights are being taking away by Fauci and the deep state. Any doctor who performed a surgery or delivered a baby without mask and gloves would lose their medical license.

10-03-2021, 09:57 AM
This is NONSENSE, only Fools listen to Rand Paul. He claimed hydroxychloroquine was a cure for Covid 19, which was debunked and the CDC put out warning against using the drug. He is a political hack who takes advantage of peoples fears and ignorance for political gain.
Why people listen to a senator who was an EYE DOCTOR for vaccine information is beyond me.

if i'm not mistaken, he created a lower threshold for himself to be referred to as a doctor as a well

10-03-2021, 10:05 AM
And fauci said masks weren’t effective. Now he’s saying wear 3 of them. Point is you can’t trust even the cdc soo all you can do is sift thru the bullshit the best you can

masks work - CDC grew with the science, just like every other entity who studied it. to finger point at Fauci or the CDC, or whoever for detailing this with the available data at the time is creating more of the same bs you say should be sifted

10-03-2021, 10:17 AM
masks work - CDC grew with the science, just like every other entity who studied it. to finger point at Fauci or the CDC, or whoever for detailing this with the available data at the time is creating more of the same bs you say should be sifted

Fauci abd the cdc have been lying or ignorantly guessing since this shit started. So take your pick they're either incompetent or liars.

As far as the masks go i agree they work as tge cdc said they did but then shouldn't that be an option to the vaccine?

10-03-2021, 09:20 PM
Your taking shit dude. there's a range of how many antibodies you can get but it ranges from as good as the vaccine to up to 10x better than the vaccine. There's absolutely no argument for people with antibodies needing to get a vaccine. Just like There's no great argument fir children and teenagers having to get the vaccine. Your the one relying on old data. Look at isreal they have the most recent and accurate studies going and they all support what i'm saying.
1. I don,t think you understand viruses and bacteria mutate. This is why doctors use more antibiotics than just penicillin and develop new flu vaccines each year. Vaccines are just a tool to reduce serious illness death and spread.
Vaccines were 1st used in Africa and introduced to America by a black slave who shared it with his slave master in Boston to fight small pox. The concepts have been around for 100 of years.
You are obviously to young to understand how different the world was with polio, small pox , whooping cough measles and a host of deadly diseases treated that are easily treated with antibiotics and vaccines. Stop trying to use science to deny the obvious benefits of science and medical advances.

10-04-2021, 01:10 AM
Too bad he's a scrub and no one will care what he thinks. Eloquent it up buddy, we all care. (inb4 i care cuz i replied)

10-04-2021, 01:58 AM
Too bad he's a scrub and no one will care what he thinks. Eloquent it up buddy, we all care. (inb4 i care cuz i replied)

he's the magic's franchise cornerstone tbf