View Full Version : Wilt talks about Bird and Magic.

09-06-2021, 09:44 AM
If I had to pick a guy who could play in any era, right up there with anybody, it would be Larry Bird. I don't know if Magic could have done the same.

When he looks one way and passes another way... well how long does it take to realize that when he's looking that way, he's passing the other way?

He was so much bigger than most guards he was playing against. But he was great in his era, I just don't know how great he would have been in other eras.

While I believe Bird would have been just incredible as he epitomizes what a forward is supposed to do, especially in the game he played because he was technically correct.

He was a correct type of basketball player, and most people today don’t play the game correctly, and he did.”

09-06-2021, 09:45 AM

09-06-2021, 09:46 AM

09-06-2021, 09:54 AM
"When you're young and you're faster, stronger and jump higher than anyone, at the lower levels of the game you can be far above your contemporaries," Wilt said. "At that point, you're depending on talent rather than knowledge.

"I compare Larry Bird and Dominique Wilkins. Dominique is gifted, can jump to the moon.

Yet there's Bird, seemingly slower, can't jump more than 4 or 5 inches. Apparently, Bird had something Dominique doesn't have.

The league is full of those guys. But my favourites in recent years have been Bird, Magic, Jordan and Sir Charles (Barkley).

They could play in any era and rebound, pass, score, run, the complete game.

"Too many guys have become specialists. We've limited some of them to doing just the part they can do."

09-06-2021, 10:29 AM
I always found it curious how high Wilt always rated Charles Barkley. I think he saw him as Jordan's equal a lot of the time, which is going way too far, but I like that his opinions are his own.

I have always had Bird ahead of Magic, and Barkley ahead of Malone and Garnett. Nice to know that at least one former player agreed.

Chick Stern
09-06-2021, 11:36 AM
I always found it curious how high Wilt always rated Charles Barkley. I think he saw him as Jordan's equal a lot of the time, which is going way too far, but I like that his opinions are his own.

I have always had Bird ahead of Magic, and Barkley ahead of Malone and Garnett. Nice to know that at least one former player agreed.
But the reality is, Bird was not ahead of Magic.
In head to head Finals competition, Bird only won ONCE.

09-06-2021, 11:42 AM
If I had to pick a guy who could play in any era, right up there with anybody, it would be Larry Bird. I don't know if Magic could have done the same.

When he looks one way and passes another way... well how long does it take to realize that when he's looking that way, he's passing the other way?

He was so much bigger than most guards he was playing against. But he was great in his era, I just don't know how great he would have been in other eras.

While I believe Bird would have been just incredible as he epitomizes what a forward is supposed to do, especially in the game he played because he was technically correct.

He was a correct type of basketball player, and most people today don’t play the game correctly, and he did.”

He did that his entire career and nobody figured it out, sooooo....? :confusedshrug:

09-06-2021, 11:43 AM
But the reality is, Bird was not ahead of Magic.
In head to head Finals competition, Bird only won ONCE.

Swap the two. Is Magic leading the Celtics to 2 finals wins over a Bird/Kareem/Worthy Lakers squad? Bird on the perimeter in a 2 man game with Kareem is practically illegal.

09-06-2021, 12:11 PM
But the reality is, Bird was not ahead of Magic.
In head to head Finals competition, Bird only won ONCE.

So is Kevin Durant ahead of LeBron based on this logic?

09-06-2021, 12:24 PM
But the reality is, Bird was not ahead of Magic.
In head to head Finals competition, Bird only won ONCE.

Ask those who were in the 80s who was considered the best player of the 1980s....most will say Bird. Not to mention, while Magic was clearly the better passer than Bird, that's literally all that he has. Bird has everything else...shooting, scoring, rebounding, help defense, man defense, toughness, skill, etc.

09-06-2021, 07:36 PM
But the reality is, Bird was not ahead of Magic.
In head to head Finals competition, Bird only won ONCE.
If that is your only measuring stick ( more of a team accomplishment) and too narrow in my opinion, that is your view. But I and many others will disagree. Here is a look at the MVP voting for the first 9 years of each of their careers. Remember Bird also won the ROY award. Bird's first 9 years was 4, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, and 2. Magic's first 9 years was , not on the list, 11, 8, 3, 3, 2, 3, 1, and 3. Bird finished higher than Magic for 8 of these first 9 years and during a 3 year stretch won 3 in a row. Bird missed the 89 season for heel surgeries and from then on had back issues, But Bird was clearly ahead of Magic for the majority of their careers.

09-06-2021, 09:27 PM
I think Wilts opinion on the no look pass, and the thing about Magics size is a bit ignorant...But otherwise what he said about players relying on talent rather than knowledge has truth to it. Gil said something about that not too long ago when discussing Luka. I could only imagine how good Bird would be if given Len Bias body AFTER he learned how to play. Or if LeBron was taught to play more like Bird first, using his athleticism second if that makes sense. Whether or not that translates to a better player, or just an amazing player that's different idk.

09-07-2021, 08:03 AM
I always found it curious how high Wilt always rated Charles Barkley. I think he saw him as Jordan's equal a lot of the time, which is going way too far

Yes, in terms of what actually materialized on the floor and as a career, but if you look at the sheer talent and athleticism, then Barkley is probably the one from MJ's generation who was closest to him.

Barkley obviously wasn't as good a shooter as MJ, but he was probably the most efficient from the low block and to the midrange - ever.

Add to that, he was a top 5 rebounder of all time, and he could run and move like a guard.

So yes, Sir Charles was a once in a generation type player, like MJ, Bird, Magic, Wilt, Kareem etc

09-07-2021, 09:58 AM
Bird was certainly better than Magic when looking at individual stats. So why did Magic's team win more? I don't buy Magic having better support. The Celtics were also an all star team. Magic had two things going for him. On a talented team, which both teams were, he can blend in because he doesn't have to score that much to win. He sets up others to score which in turn gets them more involved in other areas. Secondly, he is uniquely the best player in history at coordinating the fast break. This is dependent on a GM being smart enough to put the right players on the team, but once there, Magic can do the rest. So, he runs an excellent half court offense because of his size, vision and natural talent. Then he also runs the greatest transition offense in history.

09-07-2021, 11:45 AM
If I had to pick a guy who could play in any era, right up there with anybody, it would be Larry Bird. I don't know if Magic could have done the same.

When he looks one way and passes another way... well how long does it take to realize that when he's looking that way, he's passing the other way?

He was so much bigger than most guards he was playing against. But he was great in his era, I just don't know how great he would have been in other eras.

While I believe Bird would have been just incredible as he epitomizes what a forward is supposed to do, especially in the game he played because he was technically correct.

He was a correct type of basketball player, and most people today don’t play the game correctly, and he did.”

The Bold part, are you quoting Wilt or yourself? There is no beginning quote. Was that intentional.

09-07-2021, 11:58 AM
Ask those who were in the 80s who was considered the best player of the 1980s....most will say Bird. Not to mention, while Magic was clearly the better passer than Bird, that's literally all that he has. Bird has everything else...shooting, scoring, rebounding, help defense, man defense, toughness, skill, etc.
Magic had better judgement (to the point where his shooting was factually better.) He was better in the clutch to the point he was tougher, He ran his team better, He had the best defense to offense play in the game. Magic was better at winning. etc.

09-07-2021, 06:52 PM
The Bold part, are you quoting Wilt or yourself? There is no beginning quote. Was that intentional.

I am quoting Wilt in the bold part you highlighted.

09-08-2021, 10:22 PM
I am quoting Wilt in the bold part you highlighted.

"When he looks one way and passes another way... well how long does it take to realize that when he's looking that way, he's passing the other way?'

Its not something an athlete would say. Wilt knows, as Tom Brady, MJ, and Magic know, its all about a millisecond. Athletes don't say I need a half a second more on that fast ball, a half second more to anticipate a Barry Sanders juke, a half second to catch Bolt on the turn: An athlete knows better: You got a sweet moment and that's all you have. Wilt knows Magic defenders don't have time to second guess. Wilt had one of the best reflexes ever in the sport and was duped all the time. And he played pick up games against Magic. Sure he might have said it but he was likely high if he did. If you ever seen Magic play live, you immediately know that he's making super quick decisions a lot faster than other players. You try to instantly react to his body language but you barely have time for that.