View Full Version : 1970's style BIG 3 action

08-10-2021, 03:19 PM

Round Mound
08-10-2021, 07:10 PM
Nice clip.

08-10-2021, 07:39 PM
Nice clip.

This is when two ref's ran the floor , no replay , and no bitching from the players. ..
Wilt look good then .

08-11-2021, 07:24 AM
I’m more convinced every time I see him that given time to adjust to today’s fundamentally illegal handles Jerry would be a problem. That pull-up jumper in traffic goes in regardless of the era. And he was quick as hell too. You can see why Kobe studied him. Elgin always looks glued to the ground in most footage because pretty much anything in color is past his prime. You can tell he had a wide variety of circus shots but he does then like 18 inches off the ground in most of his footage because it’s usually after his knee injury when he was his teams 3rd best player.

08-11-2021, 07:28 AM
Wilt translating goes without saying. Especially considering he’d want to rebound and defend. Wilt was a lover of that end who scored because he was asked to. Left alone he’d have been Philly and Laker 18-25 a game Wilt his whole career I suspect. If he was moving like this at over 300 pounds, post injury, at the end of his career:


…..and playing 46 minutes a game?

I’d love to see him at 25 unleashed to run the floor, block every shot, get every rebound, and finish lobs going all out for 30-34 minutes. He’d probably be playing as hard as Chris Anderson role player types but able to maintain it full games with god tier athletic ability and a reliable fadeaway.

08-11-2021, 11:32 AM
They should show that angle, it feels faster and more exciting. On normal angle NBA used, the plays seems significantly slower.

Mr. Woke
08-11-2021, 03:00 PM
One of the OG super-duper teams.