View Full Version : the Lakers f*cked up

08-03-2021, 06:21 PM
I just realized they lost Alex Caruso. he was the heart and soul of that team. and KCP was the 2nd most impactful hustle guy

and then they lost Kuzma who was their 3rd biggest hustle guy

and they're replaced with these slackers in their late 30s.. Westbrook is now the only guy on the Lakers that can make something out of nothing with pure effort.. everyone else is an entitled Nancy boy or fat/over the hill

I was sold on Westbrook but every other addition has been just awful aside from Dwight Howard and I dunno if he still has the motivation since he already won a fake title

I say the warriors blow this team out easily and take the west with klay back

leGM failed all of you

08-03-2021, 06:26 PM

Kuzma is a bum

Caruso might give you energy, but he got lit up in the playoffs. Couldn't shoot either.

08-03-2021, 06:28 PM

Kuzma is a bum

Caruso might give you energy, but he got lit up in the playoffs. Couldn't shoot either.

you gotta watch the games to understand. every time the Lakers are struggling it was Caruso, kuzma or kcp to the rescue

its their timing for key shit. they just make something out of nothing

08-03-2021, 06:29 PM
you gotta watch the games to understand. every time the Lakers are struggling it was Caruso, kuzma or kcp to the rescue


08-03-2021, 06:29 PM
you gotta watch the games to understand. every time the Lakers are struggling it was Caruso, kuzma or kcp to the rescue

its their timing for key shit. they just make something out of nothing

You need glasses.

I live in LA and watch most their games. Kuzma ****ing sucks.

08-03-2021, 06:31 PM
Kuzma sucks. Caruso is just an average player he might get exposed like Matthew Delavedova.

08-03-2021, 06:31 PM

I've lost count how many times he's hit a bail out 3

08-03-2021, 06:33 PM
OP you've been wrong all your life so what makes you think anything has changed?

08-03-2021, 06:33 PM
Kuzma sucks. Caruso is just an average player he might get exposed like Matthew Delavedova.

you just don't get it. Carusos value isn't his shooting. it's his hustle. there's tons of 50/50 plays he gives the Lakers just by going all out

this Lakers team is full of entitlement

it won't work vs hungrier teams

08-03-2021, 06:37 PM
OP you've been wrong all your life so what makes you think anything has changed?

well think of it like this Steve. every year you predict lebron will win. and every year I predict he will lose.. who's been right more often

and I would be right 100% of the time if not for bail outs/suspensions and the usual collusions

08-03-2021, 06:38 PM
well think of it like this Steve. every year you predict lebron will win. and every year I predict he will lose.. who's been right more often

You'e been hopelessly pulling for Kobe in 2011 to 2016. How'd that work out?

08-03-2021, 06:40 PM
You'e been hopelessly pulling for Kobe in 2011 to 2016. How'd that work out?

He is a very delusional poster.

08-03-2021, 06:40 PM
I just realized they lost Alex Caruso. he was the heart and soul of that team. and KCP was the 2nd most impactful hustle guy

and then they lost Kuzma who was their 3rd biggest hustle guy

and they're replaced with these slackers in their late 30s.. Westbrook is now the only guy on the Lakers that can make something out of nothing with pure effort.. everyone else is an entitled Nancy boy or fat/over the hill

I was sold on Westbrook but every other addition has been just awful aside from Dwight Howard and I dunno if he still has the motivation since he already won a fake title

I say the warriors blow this team out easily and take the west with klay back

leGM failed all of you

Caruso is a dime a dozen around the league he's not special just a nice roll player.

08-03-2021, 06:41 PM
You'e been hopelessly pulling for Kobe in 2011 to 2016. How'd that work out?

and if David stern didn't veto Paul to the Lakers to help lebron and Miami then kobe never rips his Achilles and he probly wins a 6th title assuming they still trade for Howard. then he has Paul to keep him from leaving

sadly though the league office only rigs things in favor of lebron like the draymond suspension

08-03-2021, 06:47 PM
He is a very delusional poster.

lebron is 37 and has been injured 2 of the past 3 seasons. his diet is atrocious, he smokes cigars and gets drunk every day. he spends his summers doing projects instead of getting better. he's washed up and steroids have finally come back to haunt him. it's over. there's basically a 70% chance lebron has nagging injuries again this year. he will wanna average his usual stats to catch Kareem and it will bite him in the a** again

he better do a ton of load management this year. but I bet he won't cause he wants a 5th mvp. you dont understand any of this shit though so I dunno why I'm bothering.

this team is a mess. they will need half a year just to learn how to play with each other. nobody even knows their roles. it's q shit show. Westbrook will be gunning for triple doubles again stealing rebounds from Davis and assists from lebron. he won't have it. and when the Lakers start losing lebrons gonna pout and quit to get his way again

08-03-2021, 06:49 PM
sadly though the league office only rigs things in favor of lebron like the draymond suspension

08-03-2021, 06:50 PM

Never forget. 1 of Kobe's rings was literally gifted to him in that infamous Sac game.

08-03-2021, 06:52 PM
Yea 2002 officiating was mighty suspect. Kings very easily could’ve won that series.

08-03-2021, 06:54 PM
LeBron threw everybody under the bus again. they are gone

08-03-2021, 06:59 PM
you gotta watch the games to understand. every time the Lakers are struggling it was Caruso, kuzma or kcp to the rescue

its their timing for key shit. they just make something out of nothing

What have they rescued? Here acting like you watch Laker games.

08-03-2021, 07:04 PM
He is a very delusional poster.

08-03-2021, 07:05 PM

game 5 was rigged for Sacramento

series was made to go 7 and kings should have won but they choked from 3 and at the line ... kings actually shot more free throws than LA in the series

makes no sense if the refs were rigging just to make the Lakers win

the league knew the finals vs the nets wouldn't make money so they needed to squeeze the WCF

the kings shot 2 for 20 from 3 and like 15 for 30 from the free throw line. that's why they lost the series

sorry. the league has never gifted kobe anything. they've only ever made it harder like taking away isolation 1 on 1s that jordan had... then implementing the revenue sharing and luxury tax to handicap the Lakers. then robbing Paul.. and the softer rules made guys weak mentally so it destroyed kobes lead by example tough love style

the league was turned into everything that benefits lebron

08-03-2021, 07:08 PM
game 5 was rigged for Sacramento

series was made to go 7 and kings should have won but they choked from 3 and at the line ... kings actually shot more free throws than LA in the series

makes no sense if the refs were rigging just to make the Lakers win

the league knew the finals vs the nets wouldn't make money so they needed to squeeze the WCF

the kings shot 2 for 20 from 3 and like 15 for 30 from the free throw line. that's why they lost the series

sorry. the league has never gifted kobe anything. they've only ever made it harder like taking away isolation 1 on 1s that jordan had... then implementing the revenue sharing and luxury tax to handicap the Lakers. then robbing Paul.. and the softer rules made guys weak mentally so it destroyed kobes lead by example tough love style

the league was turned into everything that benefits lebron

Aww poor Kobe. No wonder he never shot above 47% for a single season and only has one MVP in 20 year.

08-03-2021, 07:10 PM
Aww poor Kobe. No wonder he never shot above 47% for a single season and only has one MVP in 20 year.

pretty sure that's due to the rape trial. 8 voters left kobe off their entire ballot during his best season

and the shooting percentage wasn't even that bad. his point per shot was the same as Jordan's up till the Achilles injury

he just took tougher shots than most guys to show off cause he could. and he was the late clock bail out guy

08-03-2021, 07:16 PM
sorry. the league has never gifted kobe anything




08-03-2021, 07:20 PM
You'e been hopelessly pulling for Kobe in 2011 to 2016. How'd that work out?

Kobe did win 5 titles its not like he can win every year

08-03-2021, 07:21 PM




the Lakers kept hitting big 3s and the blazers kept missing shots. that's why they lost. and kobe led the Lakers in almost every category that game

neither team could hit a shot in game 7 2010 and those plays that were called for fouls WERE fouls.. saying that because stuff was let go early on with both teams doesn't change the fact that the correct calls were made down the stretch. in fact quite a few of kobes misses early were due to him being fouled with no call

and the 2013 sh*t is bogus. kobe literally had one of his best offensive seasons ever and hit 10 game winners that year just to get them in position yo make the post season. if anything lebron should give him his mvp trophy since a colluded big 4 in Miami is hardly worthy of such an award.. nash, Howard and gasol were all dog shit and injured that year. it was basically another 2006 type carry job to the post season.

08-03-2021, 07:25 PM
Imagine op’s mental state when LeBron wins another title in purple and gold

08-03-2021, 07:28 PM
Imagine op’s mental state when LeBron wins another title in purple and gold

what if they win with lebron injured

I mean if this team clicks then it's all good. and losing lebron probly wouldn't even derail their season. if anything it would give Westbrook more freedom

08-03-2021, 07:45 PM
who's alt is this now?

08-03-2021, 07:46 PM
who's alt is this now?

sound it out. Jesus lol

08-03-2021, 08:40 PM
Not sure if OP is on drugs, Lakers got crazy better

08-03-2021, 08:42 PM
Not sure if OP is on drugs, Lakers got crazy better

Op is having a huge melt down

08-03-2021, 08:51 PM
LeOptimusPrime a.k.a LePrime, Autobots Assemble!


Cold soul
08-03-2021, 09:07 PM
Lakers have had a crazy off season they got much better than last year.

08-03-2021, 09:25 PM
lebron is 37 and has been injured 2 of the past 3 seasons. his diet is atrocious, he smokes cigars and gets drunk every day. he spends his summers doing projects instead of getting better. he's washed up and steroids have finally come back to haunt him. it's over. there's basically a 70% chance lebron has nagging injuries again this year. he will wanna average his usual stats to catch Kareem and it will bite him in the a** again

he better do a ton of load management this year. but I bet he won't cause he wants a 5th mvp. you dont understand any of this shit though so I dunno why I'm bothering.

this team is a mess. they will need half a year just to learn how to play with each other. nobody even knows their roles. it's q shit show. Westbrook will be gunning for triple doubles again stealing rebounds from Davis and assists from lebron. he won't have it. and when the Lakers start losing lebrons gonna pout and quit to get his way again

Obviously youy mom pushed you off the counter as a baby.

08-03-2021, 09:45 PM
you gotta watch the games to understand. every time the Lakers are struggling it was Caruso, kuzma or kcp to the rescue

its their timing for key shit. they just make something out of nothing

you're an ultra clown

08-03-2021, 09:46 PM
Slackers??? You think these guys are gonna slack with maybe their only chance, or last chance, to win a title??

08-03-2021, 10:09 PM
:roll: :roll:

mans really just said caruso and kuzma when westbrook is the replacement?

kenny you are so ****ing funny.

08-03-2021, 10:10 PM
you gotta watch the games to understand. every time the Lakers are struggling it was Caruso, kuzma or kcp to the rescue

its their timing for key shit. they just make something out of nothing

that's cause they have an anchor called James

08-03-2021, 10:31 PM
who's alt is this now?

kenneth are you that dense

08-03-2021, 10:37 PM
I just realized they lost Alex Caruso. he was the heart and soul of that team. and KCP was the 2nd most impactful hustle guy

and then they lost Kuzma who was their 3rd biggest hustle guy

and they're replaced with these slackers in their late 30s.. Westbrook is now the only guy on the Lakers that can make something out of nothing with pure effort.. everyone else is an entitled Nancy boy or fat/over the hill

I was sold on Westbrook but every other addition has been just awful aside from Dwight Howard and I dunno if he still has the motivation since he already won a fake title

I say the warriors blow this team out easily and take the west with klay back

leGM failed all of you
You are an insecure little b!tch. You love LeBron stop cappin. You guys talk about him more than his own stans. Take a great look at yourself in the mirror. You are pathetic.

Ne 1
08-04-2021, 04:05 AM

Probably the most controversial "missed foul" of this game but Bibby actually fouled Kobe first. If you look closely, Bibby had his arms around Kobe's waist, holding him down. Kobe was just trying to get free and winds up elbowing him. One blatant missed call in a game doesn’t prove the series was rigged though.

08-04-2021, 04:07 AM
Poor op got himself banned again. :confusedshrug:

08-04-2021, 04:35 AM
I just realized they lost Alex Caruso. he was the heart and soul of that team. and KCP was the 2nd most impactful hustle guy

and then they lost Kuzma who was their 3rd biggest hustle guy

and they're replaced with these slackers in their late 30s.. Westbrook is now the only guy on the Lakers that can make something out of nothing with pure effort.. everyone else is an entitled Nancy boy or fat/over the hill

I was sold on Westbrook but every other addition has been just awful aside from Dwight Howard and I dunno if he still has the motivation since he already won a fake title

I say the warriors blow this team out easily and take the west with klay back

leGM failed all of you

Lakeshow fans lost them under the bus Kong threw them all under :lol


08-04-2021, 05:25 AM
and if David stern didn't veto Paul to the Lakers to help lebron and Miami then kobe never rips his Achilles and he probly wins a 6th title assuming they still trade for Howard. then he has Paul to keep him from leaving

sadly though the league office only rigs things in favor of lebron like the draymond suspension

I never looked at it like that

lebronze and wade? Fair and okay

kobe and paul? Hell no

08-04-2021, 05:52 AM
sound it out. Jesus lol
https://i.ibb.co/YDBBjBs/1628052728372.jpg (https://ibb.co/pWjjXjF)

08-04-2021, 09:02 AM
If losing Carusso is the make or breaker to a finals run then you have a slew of other issues my friend.

08-04-2021, 09:06 AM
The Lakers got rid of their young, organic core in favor of the all-star team route - Lebron's skillset simply prevents teammate and brand deveopment, so he needs ready-made stars to win (and still mostly loses).. I hope the Lakers fail drastically, whether it's due to injuries, chemistry issues or age.

08-04-2021, 09:37 AM
This Lakers team might be the weirdest "contender" team I've ever seen.

They could be a first round exit or a finals team...honestly they are just so ****ing old and mismatched as a team lol.

The only way I see things working well is if Lebron becomes the secondary playmaker/plays the 4 in the playoffs and Westbrook tailors his game to be a true PG (like Stockton/Rondo type) and only takes about ten shots a game...but this will never happen.

08-04-2021, 02:15 PM
https://i.ibb.co/YDBBjBs/1628052728372.jpg (https://ibb.co/pWjjXjF)
