View Full Version : A glimpse of David Robinson playing like a modern bigman...

07-31-2021, 03:13 AM

07-31-2021, 05:47 AM
I think the lowest hanging fruit comparison( as in who immediately comes to mind) is he'd be a more fundamentally sound Giannis.

07-31-2021, 08:48 AM

Im Still Ballin
07-31-2021, 09:14 AM
I think the lowest hanging fruit comparison( as in who immediately comes to mind) is he'd be a more fundamentally sound Giannis.

Cosign. He -- David -- would be better in today's league: less post-up, more face-up, dribble penetration, open court.

07-31-2021, 09:29 AM
If only david robinson had played earlier and for longer in the nba

08-01-2021, 10:13 PM
Would have been fun to see those 90s guys play out of position and play a different style.

08-01-2021, 10:19 PM

great find

08-01-2021, 10:21 PM

great find

08-01-2021, 10:22 PM
Problem was he didn't do that very often. That is a routine drive for Giannis. You probably had to search a long time to find that clip.

DRob liked those midrange jumpers a lot and didn't play with his back to the basket much.

Fastest 7 footer I ever saw end to end though. In a full court sprint I am sure he was faster than Giannis. Just not as crafty taking it to the basket.

In that clip ( against Deke) he is only beating one defender who wasn't noted for his perimeter defense lol.

08-01-2021, 10:24 PM
Robinson in today's NBA, would destroy these slow centers 7 ft 1 with Giannis quickness with better handles and a jumper, Barbecue Chicken, with sides.

08-01-2021, 10:25 PM
Problem was he didn't do that very often. That is a routine drive for Giannis. You probably had to search a long time to find that clip.

DRob liked those midrange jumpers a lot and didn't play with his back to the basket much.

Fastest 7 footer I ever saw end to end though. In a full court sprint I am sure he was faster than Giannis. Just not as crafty taking it to the basket.

In that clip ( against Deke) he is only beating one defender who wasn't noted for his perimeter defense lol.

Show me where Giannis shot fakes like that out of the triple-threat before beginning his move like DR does in the clip

I'll wait..

08-01-2021, 10:27 PM
Problem was he didn't do that very often. That is a routine drive for Giannis. You probably had to search a long time to find that clip.

DRob liked those midrange jumpers a lot and didn't play with his back to the basket much.

Fastest 7 footer I ever saw end to end though. In a full court sprint I am sure he was faster than Giannis. Just not as crafty taking it to the basket.

In that clip ( against Deke) he is only beating one defender who wasn't noted for his perimeter defense lol.

Because Giannis doesn't have a jumper so he has to attack the basket David had everything handles a Jay and post up, plus slashing to the rim, Giannis just has your bullying basketball move then little hook or get fouled.

08-01-2021, 10:29 PM
Problem was he didn't do that very often. That is a routine drive for Giannis. You probably had to search a long time to find that clip.

DRob liked those midrange jumpers a lot and didn't play with his back to the basket much.

Fastest 7 footer I ever saw end to end though. In a full court sprint I am sure he was faster than Giannis. Just not as crafty taking it to the basket.

In that clip ( against Deke) he is only beating one defender who wasn't noted for his perimeter defense lol.

Actually posted it the day it was uploaded. The only thing I wanted is to show a unique play.

Im not saying that Drob could have easily played that way full time.

08-01-2021, 10:31 PM
Because Giannis doesn't have a jumper so he has to attack the basket David had everything handles a Jay and post up, plus slashing to the rim, Giannis just has your bullying basketball move then little hook or get fouled.


And regarding today's perimeter player in general - they don't drive if players are in the lane.. If someone is posting up - that's a bad driving opportunity in today's game, so the pure scoring ability, contested shot-making ability, go-to moves, and scoring instinct is far inferior in today's players.. It shows when they go overseas and our all-nba players lose to regular role players.

08-01-2021, 10:46 PM
Because Giannis doesn't have a jumper so he has to attack the basket David had everything handles a Jay and post up, plus slashing to the rim, Giannis just has your bullying basketball move then little hook or get fouled.

The key difference between the two isn't the jumper, although that is a big difference. The big difference is that Giannis is relentless attacking the rim in a way that DRob wasn't. That is why Giannis is a more efficient scorer in spite of being a worse shooter.

No DRob didn't have much of a post up game. I would say Giannis this year was better in the post than DRob ever was. He wasn't a back to the basket player.

It takes a lot of defensive effort to keep Giannis away from the basket. Frequently with DRob that wasn't the case.

08-01-2021, 10:51 PM
He wouldn't be better than Giannis.

08-01-2021, 10:59 PM
He wouldn't be better than Giannis.

I agree, but I would live to have DRob playing center in today's game. Having that size and speed would be huge on the defensive end.

I think Giannis would be more effective playing center but they don't play him there much for whatever reason.

08-01-2021, 11:00 PM
Robinson might not have attack the rim as relentlessly back then as Giannis does today...but does anyone doubt that David Robinson in today's league is going to feast on a spaced out floor in a similar way to Giannis? Robinson is the closest physical comparison to Giannis, who is otherwise incomparable.

08-01-2021, 11:08 PM
I agree, but I would live to have DRob playing center in today's game. Having that size and speed would be huge on the defensive end.

I think Giannis would be more effective playing center but they don't play him there much for whatever reason.

He's better as a forward than a C. Giannis is not at his best when he's establishing deep position. He's at his best when he's away from the basket and can take his one dribble, gather, 2 steps and be right at the rim. In that sense he's a bit like a young Hakeem.

08-01-2021, 11:19 PM
He's better as a forward than a C. Giannis is not at his best when he's establishing deep position. He's at his best when he's away from the basket and can take his one dribble, gather, 2 steps and be right at the rim. In that sense he's a bit like a young Hakeem.

I am not so sure. I think part of his problem in past postseasons has been handling the ball too much on the perimeter. He was off the ball more this year. Out away from the basket the defense has time to " build a wall".

Defensively I think he would have a greater impact playing closer to the rim, as evidenced by that impressive block on Ayton.

08-01-2021, 11:43 PM
I am not so sure. I think part of his problem in past postseasons has been handling the ball too much on the perimeter. He was off the ball more this year. Out away from the basket the defense has time to " build a wall".

Defensively I think he would have a greater impact playing closer to the rim, as evidenced by that impressive block on Ayton.

tbh I didn't watch much basketball at all this year. So my take is dated.

08-01-2021, 11:58 PM
The key difference between the two isn't the jumper, although that is a big difference. The big difference is that Giannis is relentless attacking the rim in a way that DRob wasn't. That is why Giannis is a more efficient scorer in spite of being a worse shooter.

No DRob didn't have much of a post up game. I would say Giannis this year was better in the post than DRob ever was. He wasn't a back to the basket player.

It takes a lot of defensive effort to keep Giannis away from the basket. Frequently with DRob that wasn't the case.

Just watch teams study film how to stop Giannis, mark my words, Giannis will be slowed down if he doesn't develop a jumper teams will have a game plan on stopping his constant move because he's only got one, they will take it away, so that incredible playoff scoring run will be taken away, they do this to everyone, they study film on how to stop everyone, with no jumper his playoff numbers will drop.

08-02-2021, 01:35 AM
Problem was he didn't do that very often. That is a routine drive for Giannis. You probably had to search a long time to find that clip.

DRob liked those midrange jumpers a lot and didn't play with his back to the basket much.

Fastest 7 footer I ever saw end to end though. In a full court sprint I am sure he was faster than Giannis. Just not as crafty taking it to the basket.

In that clip ( against Deke) he is only beating one defender who wasn't noted for his perimeter defense lol.

The lanes weren't wide open for Robinson to drive like Giannis back then. The mid range shot in his arsenal was pretty much what the defense was going to give you more often than not.

08-02-2021, 08:57 AM
Just watch teams study film how to stop Giannis, mark my words, Giannis will be slowed down if he doesn't develop a jumper teams will have a game plan on stopping his constant move because he's only got one, they will take it away, so that incredible playoff scoring run will be taken away, they do this to everyone, they study film on how to stop everyone, with no jumper his playoff numbers will drop.

Giannis shot 48% from 3-16 feet in the postseason, pretty good for a guy with "no jumper".

09-04-2021, 04:06 AM
something new...


09-04-2021, 10:10 AM
Just watch teams study film how to stop Giannis, mark my words, Giannis will be slowed down if he doesn't develop a jumper teams will have a game plan on stopping his constant move because he's only got one, they will take it away, so that incredible playoff scoring run will be taken away, they do this to everyone, they study film on how to stop everyone, with no jumper his playoff numbers will drop.

How people keep believing it’s that simple when he’s been doing 25+ a game in the playoffs for like 5 years is beyond me. They waited till he was a 2 time mvp and now a finals mvp to start watching film?

Hes gonna have up and down runs and games and series just like everyone always has. When he has a 22ppg series it doesn’t mean he was “figured out” any more than when people nothing like him have a down series. Bird had 18ppg 40% shooting series….doesn’t mean he was figured out. Nobody truly figures out the greats. You do your best and at times it works better than others due to personnel, circumstances, and luck.

If just watching film would let you stop someone like him on a regular basis he wouldn’t be what he is. Everyone would have watched it by now.

09-04-2021, 11:12 AM
The key difference between the two isn't the jumper, although that is a big difference. The big difference is that Giannis is relentless attacking the rim in a way that DRob wasn't. That is why Giannis is a more efficient scorer in spite of being a worse shooter.

No DRob didn't have much of a post up game. I would say Giannis this year was better in the post than DRob ever was. He wasn't a back to the basket player.

It takes a lot of defensive effort to keep Giannis away from the basket. Frequently with DRob that wasn't the case.

Sorry man drob was much better post player and a thousand times better mid range. Drob has more back to the basket post up/mids in his 71 point game than greek did all of last year. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=24NLqvKER1c&t=156s greek is better at attacking for sure. Part of that is because he's more aggressive and part of that is the easier defensive era. Drob kills him in the post though. Also notice the amount of attention and double teams robinson faces on the block or elbow in the half-court. Defenses don't worry about greek in the half-court. They play him man to man because they know he's not a serious threat in the half-court.

theballerFKA Ace
09-04-2021, 03:02 PM
If only david robinson had played earlier and for longer in the nba

Yep. I haven't seen it mentioned but his 4 years in a military academy hurt his career IMO. Because of his military service I think he probably followed the coaching staff's instruction above all else instead of creatively thinking on how to improve his own game.

His skills, athleticism and hand eye coordination were off the charts for a player of his length.

09-05-2021, 08:55 AM
He wouldn't be better than Giannis.

Why not?

09-10-2021, 10:15 PM
Cosign. He -- David -- would be better in today's league: less post-up, more face-up, dribble penetration, open court.

Not really...Robinson couldn't shoot, and he wasn't a good ball handler. I disagree.

09-11-2021, 03:02 PM
Not really...Robinson couldn't shoot, and he wasn't a good ball handler. I disagree.

Robinson had a decent shot around the elbow. As far as ball handling, he was one of the better ball handling bigs of the era and the point of saying he'd be better in todays league is to say he'd be developing under 2020 ball and not 1980s/90s ball so his skillset inclusive of handles would express that.

12-05-2021, 08:29 PM

12-05-2021, 08:31 PM
If David Robinson had a legit nasty streak, holy shiiiit.....

12-06-2021, 05:40 AM
D-Rob is truly a very nice man and wonderful cook from what I hear

12-06-2021, 07:50 AM


12-30-2022, 02:29 AM

Round Mound
12-30-2022, 02:35 AM
Problem was he didn't do that very often. That is a routine drive for Giannis. You probably had to search a long time to find that clip.

DRob liked those midrange jumpers a lot and didn't play with his back to the basket much.

Fastest 7 footer I ever saw end to end though. In a full court sprint I am sure he was faster than Giannis. Just not as crafty taking it to the basket.

In that clip ( against Deke) he is only beating one defender who wasn't noted for his perimeter defense lol.

I think only young Wilt might battle for fastest end to end 7'0 fter. Grea post btw :applause:

Round Mound
12-30-2022, 02:44 AM
D-Rob is truly a very nice man and wonderful cook from what I hear

One of the most humble players ever. A great man. I think Wilt, Shaq and him are the most gifted 7'0 footers centers i've seen (maybe Ralph Sampson but he played more like a PF). D-Rob and Moutombo where the best rim protecors of the 90's also.

05-22-2023, 06:51 PM

05-22-2023, 07:01 PM
Robinson's career is tainted by a fan created narrative that stuck. Hakeem dusting him in one series has made him seem like he was a level below Hakeem and the rest of the great centres from that time.

Reality was - he often outplayed Hakeem, but just fumbled at the worst time. Then you had the playoff choker narrative build from that as well.

Some things in sports are circumstantial, and the way the cookie crumbles at the time. For as much as it is preparation and building yourself to be great, there is always luck involved too.

05-23-2023, 07:39 AM

05-23-2023, 08:44 AM
A guy like Ja could really benefit from having a all-around good person like D-Rob as a mentor

11-12-2023, 11:54 PM