View Full Version : whos ring is worth more. Kobes 2000 ring or shaqs 2006 ring

07-22-2021, 05:36 PM

Kobe 2000 finals average = 15.6ppg, 4.6rpg, 4.2apg, 1.0spg, 1.4bpg

Real average = 19.0ppg, 5.5rpg, 4.2apg, 1.2spg, 1.5bpg *minus 2 point game injured after 3 minutes played in game 2

Lakers #1 scorer = shaq 38.0ppg
Lakers #3 scorer = Rice 11.5ppg


Shaq 2006 finals average = 13.7ppg, 10.2rpg, 2.8apg, 0.8bpg

Real average = 13.7ppg, 10.2rpg, 2.8apg, 0.8bpg ... sorry no fluke stats

Heats #1 scorer = Wade 34.7ppg
Heats #3 scorer = ... wait.. thats shaq
Heats #2 scorer = Toine 13.8ppg

additional factors:

Lakers = legit reffed series
Miami = rigged series

Kobe = saved game 4, shut down reggie game 1, clinching free throws game 6, clutch 4th quarters
Shaq = benched every game in the 4th quarter for alonzo due to hackashaq

lakers best guard highlights


heats best big man highlights


07-22-2021, 05:46 PM
wheres #1 shaq fan 1987_lakers at

07-22-2021, 06:18 PM



07-22-2021, 06:24 PM
Shaq 2006 1000%.

Not even close.

07-22-2021, 06:25 PM
Eh, both sidekicks who were outscored by 20 ppg in the Finals, neither ring moves the needle for them all time

07-22-2021, 06:29 PM
Eh, both sidekicks who were outscored by 20 ppg in the Finals, neither ring moves the needle for them all time

this isn't for you. i'm asking a shaq fan

07-22-2021, 06:29 PM
Shaq 2006 1000%.

Not even close.

not this 1000% ^

Not even close.

07-22-2021, 06:30 PM
Shaq had to carry 12thbe to rings three times in a row when they were a lot younger, when the latter was still an immature spoiled brat who always finds a way to make his own.

07-22-2021, 06:33 PM
I remember watching those finals.

The only thing my friends and I said was "Give the ball to Shaq!"

Nobody even mentioned Kobe's name back then. He was like a Middleton in those finals.

07-22-2021, 06:33 PM
Shaq had to carry 12thbe to rings three times in a row when they were a lot younger, when the latter was still an immature spoiled brat who always finds a way to make his own.

i'm not a big believer in analytics. and i'm not even going to say this makes kobe the best. but i think it disqualifies the whole "carried" argument


07-22-2021, 06:35 PM
I remember watching those finals.

The only thing my friends and I said was "Give the ball to Shaq!"

Nobody even mentioned Kobe's name back then. He was like a Middleton in those finals.

this isn't 2000 kobe vs 2000 shaq dummy lol

read the post again

Hey Yo
07-22-2021, 06:39 PM

07-22-2021, 06:42 PM
this isn't 2000 kobe vs 2000 shaq dummy lol

read the post again

2000 Kobe had no impact compared to 2006 Shaq.

07-22-2021, 06:47 PM
That averages out to 6/24, pretty prophetic. Let's not ignore Shaq shot 14/48 from the FT in the '06 Finals, that's worse than Ben Simmons :lol

07-22-2021, 06:47 PM
2000 Kobe had no impact compared to 2006 Shaq.

well thats totally inaccurate

07-22-2021, 06:52 PM
That averages out to 6/24, pretty prophetic. Let's not ignore Shaq shot 14/48 from the FT in the '06 Finals, that's worse than Ben Simmons :lol

i think thats why alonzo had to play the 4th instead of shaq.

i'm not gonna try and say kobe shot the lights out. i usually just say he saved shaq in game 4 and in game 7 vs portland. his numbers were just ok overall due to a bad injury and shaq hogging the ball vs weak finals opponents

all i'm doing here is pointing out to a moronic shaq fan thats still missing from this thread that kobes worst title is still better than his idol shaqs worst title. so its very hypocritical for him to continuously rip on a 21 year old injured kobe when a 33 year old shaq shit the bed in the 2006 finals and alonzo came to the rescue

07-22-2021, 07:26 PM
i'm not a big believer in analytics. and i'm not even going to say this makes kobe the best. but i think it disqualifies the whole "carried" argument

In his first season without shaq and the zenmaster, the lakers missed the playoffs in 2005.

07-22-2021, 07:34 PM
In his first season without shaq and the zenmaster, the lakers missed the playoffs in 2005.

well this is where we come into a dilemma for lebron fans because they say their guy missed the playoffs in 2019 because of injuries

well in 2005 kobe and odom both missed 20 games each and their coach rudy T also had health problems and he stepped down after 43 games into the season with a 24-19 record. at the time the lakers were in the playoffs

sound familiar? so what do we do here. do we use injuries and misfortunes as an excuse or are lebron and kobe both incapable of making it to the playoffs out west on their own

but wait. theres more

the next 2 years kobe made the playoffs with an even WORSE lineup missing caron butler and brian grant and replacing them with smush parker and kwame brown


07-22-2021, 07:37 PM
well this is where we come into a dilemma for lebron fans because they say their guy missed the playoffs in 2019 because of injuries

well in 2005 kobe and odom both missed 20 games each and their coach rudy T also had health problems and he stepped down after 43 games into the season with a 24-19 record. at the time the lakers were in the playoffs

sound familiar? so what do we do here. do we use injuries and misfortunes as an excuse or are lebron and kobe both incapable of making it to the playoffs out west on their own

but wait. theres more

the next 2 years kobe made the playoffs with an even WORSE lineup missing caron butler and brian grant and replacing them with smush parker and kwame brown

Yup, that time when Be still has zero finals mvps too. :pimp:

07-22-2021, 07:41 PM
Yup, that time when Be still has zero finals mvps too. :pimp:

well he had a 2001 playoff mvp if it were hockey. he carried peak shaq for 3 out of 4 rounds. still impressive for a 22 year old

07-22-2021, 07:43 PM
well he had a 2001 playoff mvp if it were hockey. he carried peak shaq for 3 out of 4 rounds. still impressive for a 22 year old
Maybe but it doesn't change the fact that he got his first when he was around 30 years old, unlike the other atgs who got them when they were younger than that.

07-22-2021, 07:45 PM
Not a bad post OP.

Honestly they both don't do anything for their legacies...this is where the "rangz" argument really shows it's weaknesses.

A random season in Shaq and Kobe's prime where they lost in the first round of the playoffs is more important to their all time rankings than these two rings.

07-22-2021, 07:45 PM
LeBron stans squirming

07-22-2021, 07:51 PM
Maybe but it doesn't change the fact that he got his first when he was around 30 years old, unlike the other atgs who got them when they were younger than that.

wrong.. it took kobe only 3 years to make the finals and only 4 years to win finals mvp when he finally got his own team ( not counting 05 due to injuries/coach step downs/tanking )

anything kobe does with shaq is void to you remember. that or kobes at least a "sidekick"

don't flip flop like lebron after a light foul

07-22-2021, 07:53 PM
Not a bad post OP.

Honestly they both don't do anything for their legacies...this is where the "rangz" argument really shows it's weaknesses.

A random season in Shaq and Kobe's prime where they lost in the first round of the playoffs is more important to their all time rankings than these two rings.

I agree with this, both were unremarkable performances, although Shaq was double teamed constantly in that series which opened things up for his teammates, Kobe on the other hand shot a putrid 37% from the floor.

07-22-2021, 07:56 PM
Not a bad post OP.

Honestly they both don't do anything for their legacies...this is where the "rangz" argument really shows it's weaknesses.

A random season in Shaq and Kobe's prime where they lost in the first round of the playoffs is more important to their all time rankings than these two rings.


i beg to differ

a 21 year old being a sidekick to a title team averaging almost 20ppg as his teams top ball handler/playmaker and saving a pivotal game 4 does do something for kobes legacy. because at that age you're not expected to do anything. in fact most guys that age can barely get off the bench

however a 33 year old all time great should have performed better for his 4th title. shaq was way out of his element by 2006 and declining rapidly. he was carried to a 4th ring by the league and its corrupt officiating

I agree with this, both were unremarkable performances, although Shaq was double teamed constantly in that series which opened things up for his teammates, Kobe on the other hand shot a putrid 37% from the floor.

nice of you to finally show up racoon boy

07-22-2021, 08:01 PM
racoon boy 1987 seems to always forget that back before he started watching basketball players routinely shot worse in the finals because refs would completely swallow their whistle unless someone went to the floor

reggies 2000 finals = 41%fgs
M Jackson 2000 finals = 41% fg's
iversons 2001 finals = 40%fgs
snow 2001 finals = 40%fgs
mckie 2001 finals = 31%fg's
bell 2001 finals = 30%fg's
kidds 2002 finals = 43%fg's
Hamilton 2004 finals = 40%fg's
prince 2004 finals = 38%fg's
pierce 2008 finals = 43%fg's ( finals MVP )
Rondo 2008 finals = 37%fg's
Alston 2009 finals = 36%fg's
lee 2009 finals = 37%fg's
reddick 2009 finals = 40%fg's
nelson 2009 finals = 34%fg's
pierce 2010 finals = 43%fg's
ray 2010 finals = 36%fg's
tony allen 2010 finals = 33%fg's

its not like it is since 2011 where everyone and their dog shoots over 50% like the guys lebron guarded

Terry - 50%
Marion - 48%
Dirk - 42% ( finals MVP )
Durant - 55%
Kawhi - 51% 2013
Diaw - 50%
Kawhi - 61% 2014 ( finals MVP )
Manu - 50%
Iguodala - 52% ( finals MVP )
Green - 49% ( should be finals MVP. thanks silver ) 2016
Durant - 56% ( finals MVP ) 2017
Iguodala - 53%
Durant - 53% ( finals MVP ) 2018
Green - 52% 2018
Iguodala - 58% 2018
Butler - 55%

07-22-2021, 08:06 PM
where did racoon boy go. i wish he would show us his picture again. i miss his dark eyes and patchy beard. hes so small too. like a little boy with advanced puberty

it looked something like this


07-22-2021, 08:14 PM
Nice to see I'm living rent free in your head.

Even if you compare Kobe's TS% in the Finals to the average TS% in the NBA from 2000-2010, he still shot below league average.

Nice job nitpicking stats, D-Wade averaged 47 fg% in the '06 Finals, which is higher than 6 of Kobe's finals appearances, hell Wade in '06 averaged close to 35 ppg in the Finals, Kobe never did that.

Manu shot 49% in the '05 Finals, Tony Paker shot 57% in the '07 Finals. Kobe was outplayed by Billups in '04 who shot 51%.

07-22-2021, 08:16 PM
where did racoon boy go. i wish he would show us his picture again. i miss his dark eyes and patchy beard. hes so small too. like a little boy with advanced puberty

it looked something like this


Lets be real here, I'm 100x more attractive than you. You are balding, can't even grow facial hair, & have no lips. I have a thick head of hair, always get compliments on my eyes, can grow a full beard and have a nice set of lips.

07-22-2021, 08:20 PM
Nice to see I'm living rent free in your head.

Even if you compare Kobe's TS% in the Finals to the average TS% in the NBA from 2000-2010, he still shot below league average.

Nice job nitpicking stats, D-Wade averaged 47 fg% in the '06 Finals, which is higher than 6 of Kobe's finals appearances, hell Wade in '06 averaged close to 35 ppg in the Finals, Kobe never did that.

Manu shot 49% in the '05 Finals, Tony Paker shot 57% in the '07 Finals. Kobe was outplayed by Billups in '04 who shot 51%.

every time wade missed a shot in the 2006 finals he got a foul call and went to the line

parker is mostly a layup guy or shoots wide open. and whos fault is it that he dominated the 2007 finals... woops. shot yourself in the d*ck again i see

kobe didn't guard billups and payton was washed up letting him go by every time. i think GP shot like 20% for the series lol

sorry pal. your 2-3 examples don't trump my 40+ examples

07-22-2021, 08:23 PM

i beg to differ

a 21 year old being a sidekick to a title team averaging almost 20ppg as his teams top ball handler/playmaker and saving a pivotal game 4 does do something for kobes legacy. because at that age you're not expected to do anything. in fact most guys that age can barely get off the bench

however a 33 year old all time great should have performed better for his 4th title. shaq was way out of his element by 2006 and declining rapidly. he was carried to a 4th ring by the league and its corrupt officiating

nice of you to finally show up racoon boy

They were both just outside of their primes though - Kobe before his and Shaq just after his.

Kobe in 2006 >>> Literally anything 2000 Kobe did, including winning a ring.

Again it's a good thread comparison. Shaq and Kobe were both very solid in the regular season and in the first three rounds of the playoffs, but then both of them played their worst bball of the year in the finals.

Picking one or the other ends us coming down to personal bias, but they are definitely the same "tier" of rings.

07-22-2021, 08:25 PM
Shaq was much better thorough the first three rounds. Also, outside that atrocious G2, Shaq was much better than Kobe as well.

Shaq shits on Kobe as a player and it's not particularly close.

07-22-2021, 08:26 PM
every time wade missed a shot in the 2006 finals he got a foul call and went to the line

parker is mostly a layup guy or shoots wide open. and whos fault is it that he dominated the 2007 finals... woops. shot yourself in the d*ck again i see

kobe didn't guard billups and payton was washed up letting him go by every time. i think GP shot like 20% for the series lol

sorry pal. your 2-3 examples don't trump my 40+ examples

Wade shot 47% from the field without the free throws, still shot better than Kobe. Parker shot like 57%, I thought everyone was shooting 42% back then? :oldlol:

And it's a damn shame a prime Kobe got outplayed by Billups, a guy who wasn't even a superstar, shit Rip Hamilton shot better than Kobe in that series as well. Kobe was outplayed by 2 borderline All-Stars at the time in the Finals. :oldlol:

07-22-2021, 08:31 PM
every time wade missed a shot in the 2006 finals he got a foul call and went to the line

parker is mostly a layup guy or shoots wide open. and whos fault is it that he dominated the 2007 finals... woops. shot yourself in the d*ck again i see

kobe didn't guard billups and payton was washed up letting him go by every time. i think GP shot like 20% for the series lol

sorry pal. your 2-3 examples don't trump my 40+ examples

LMAO! Prime Wade is tiers above Brick as a player, retard.

Wade went to the line because he was fouled. Try watching the games.

07-22-2021, 08:33 PM
Lets be real here, I'm 100x more attractive than you. You are balding, can't even grow facial hair, & have no lips. I have a thick head of hair, always get compliments on my eyes, can grow a full beard and have a nice set of lips.

personally i can't tell if you're attractive to women because i'm not a homo. but i do know that racoons are cute so who knows

what i do however know for a fact is that i've posted a dozen pictures with women on this forum over the years with proof of a child and i've even said at my current age i'm no longer in my prime and don't really care to impress people anymore. but if you had any confidence whatsoever you would post that little racoon mug of yours just one more time for everyone

07-22-2021, 08:35 PM
They were both just outside of their primes though - Kobe before his and Shaq just after his.

Kobe in 2006 >>> Literally anything 2000 Kobe did, including winning a ring.

Again it's a good thread comparison. Shaq and Kobe were both very solid in the regular season and in the first three rounds of the playoffs, but then both of them played their worst bball of the year in the finals.

Picking one or the other ends us coming down to personal bias, but they are definitely the same "tier" of rings.

21 year old kobe wasn't anywhere near his prime. 2003-2009 was his prime.. 4 years away. just because he was dominant at 22 doesn't mean he was under any kind of standard like a 33 year old should be held to

07-22-2021, 08:36 PM
LMAO! Prime Wade is tiers above Brick as a player, retard.

Wade went to the line because he was fouled. Try watching the games.

cool... lets ask wade

07-22-2021, 08:48 PM
personally i can't tell if you're attractive to women because i'm not a homo. but i do know that racoons are cute so who knows

what i do however know for a fact is that i've posted a dozen pictures with women on this forum over the years with proof of a child and i've even said at my current age i'm no longer in my prime and don't really care to impress people anymore. but if you had any confidence whatsoever you would post that little racoon mug of yours just one more time for everyone

You've confessed that most of those women were "dirty", so I'm guessing any homeless, dirty looking man could have pulled those same women.

07-22-2021, 08:55 PM
I miss Shaq and Kobe playing, teammates or not.

07-22-2021, 08:56 PM
You've confessed that most of those women were "dirty", so I'm guessing any homeless, dirty looking man could have pulled those same women.

the fact that you think any woman over the age of 18 isn't most likely dirty leads me to believe you're a virgin

by the time a woman turns 20 you're likely her 20th.. women start having sex at 14 usually... and when they start out they can't keep a boyfriend for more than a few months.. do the math

the best smelling v*ginas i ever got were a muslim and a 40 year old ... the rest smelled like socks and fish

oh yeah and when they say they're on the rag or don't like being eaten out its really because they smell

07-22-2021, 09:03 PM
21 year old kobe wasn't anywhere near his prime. 2003-2009 was his prime.. 4 years away. just because he was dominant at 22 doesn't mean he was under any kind of standard like a 33 year old should be held to

Lol Kobe's prime definitely started in 2001, that's when he became a superstar.

07-22-2021, 09:03 PM
the fact that you think any woman over the age of 18 isn't most likely dirty leads me to believe you're a virgin

by the time a woman turns 20 you're likely her 20th.. women start having sex at 14 usually... and when they start out they can't keep a boyfriend for more than a few months.. do the math

the best smelling v*ginas i ever got were a muslim and a 40 year old ... the rest smelled like socks and fish

oh yeah and when they say they're on the rag or don't like being eaten out its really because they smell

Well yea, we are all animals so we all have that desire to have sex, last month I finger banged a woman at a bar who I just met, but are you gonna tell me every women is like that? Nah, some require some effort, so by definition not every woman is dirty.

07-22-2021, 09:10 PM
Well yea, we are all animals so we all have that desire to have sex, last month I finger banged a woman at a bar who I just met, but are you gonna tell me every women is like that? Nah, some require some effort, so by definition not every woman is dirty.

the only women over 20 that aren't dirty are either extremely religious. extremely retarded or are extremely unattainable like looks+intelligence and settle down early

sorry but the only women that are still out there and available to guys like us past the age of 20 are dirty. thats why they're single

especially today too since the invention of dating apps. women can be whores without their inner circle even noticing. and the only thing stopping a woman from banging a new guy every week is being labeled a slut. and even slut shaming has been made obsolete by todays liberals. now having short hair with blue highlights and every std in the book is considered empowering

07-22-2021, 09:58 PM
where did racoon boy go. i wish he would show us his picture again. i miss his dark eyes and patchy beard. hes so small too. like a little boy with advanced puberty

it looked something like this


:roll: raccoon manlet

07-22-2021, 11:09 PM
the only women over 20 that aren't dirty are either extremely religious. extremely retarded or are extremely unattainable like looks+intelligence and settle down early

sorry but the only women that are still out there and available to guys like us past the age of 20 are dirty. thats why they're single

especially today too since the invention of dating apps. women can be whores without their inner circle even noticing. and the only thing stopping a woman from banging a new guy every week is being labeled a slut. and even slut shaming has been made obsolete by todays liberals. now having short hair with blue highlights and every std in the book is considered empowering

This is what you have become:


You just aren't a desirable male. Truthfully speaking, why should a desirable female in her late 20s and early 30s be with you? You have too many holes in your thinking that are unattractive to women.

07-22-2021, 11:09 PM
Kobe literally won a game by himself WITHOUT Shaq.

His superstar coming out party of sorts.

His Finals averages are skewed heavily.

Due to an intentional injury by one, ghetto salty ass Jalen Rose. Who hated any black athlete without tats, clean cut, who was smart, articulate, crossover appeal and grew up with a father figure. IE: Grant Hill and then pre rape case Kobe Bryant. Duke type guys.

07-22-2021, 11:17 PM
Kobe literally won a game by himself WITHOUT Shaq.

His superstar coming out party of sorts.

His Finals averages are skewed heavily.

Due to an intentional injury by one, ghetto salty ass Jalen Rose. Who hated any black athlete without tats, clean cut, who was smart, articulate, crossover appeal and grew up with a father figure. IE: Grant Hill and then pre rape case Kobe Bryant. Duke type guys.
MAGA meltdown.

07-22-2021, 11:18 PM
This is what you have become:


You just aren't a desirable male. Truthfully speaking, why should a desirable female in her late 20s and early 30s be with you? You have too many holes in your thinking that are unattractive to women.
Poooooooooor Kenny :lol

07-22-2021, 11:25 PM
Kenny doesn't realize that highly desirable females don't just latch on to random males that do nothing to advance their lives.

It requires way too much work in his mind to improve himself as a person so that he drifts through life having more and more negative thoughts about women over time.

It's extremely telling when he says "guys like us". What does he mean "guys like us"?

I know a dude in his late 30s that is very highly educated, makes 6 figures, has his shit together, and gets highly desirable women whenever he wants.

07-23-2021, 12:09 AM
Kenny doesn't realize that highly desirable females don't just latch on to random males that do nothing to advance their lives.

It requires way too much work in his mind to improve himself as a person so that he drifts through life having more and more negative thoughts about women over time.

It's extremely telling when he says "guys like us". What does he mean "guys like us"?

I know a dude in his late 30s that is very highly educated, makes 6 figures, has his shit together, and gets highly desirable women whenever he wants.

what are highly desirable women to you. and if that guy is getting these "highly desirable women" all the time switching them up for new ones constantly then guess what. those woman are likely doing the exact same thing with other highly educated successful men blah blah blah.... like i said. they're used and abused. pretty on the outside but when you open that thing up it smells like stink dick and smegma