View Full Version : NBA vs Hollywood: Should black people be entertaining us or not?

06-14-2020, 05:18 PM
For the last few years Ive heard how mainstream entertainment isnt diverse enough - and by diverse I dont mean inclusive of asians, arabs, and latinos, because Spike Lee doesnt care about any of those groups.

We dont have enough BLACK PEOPLE to watch while we eat our popcorn. Or so says the twitter, and the Hollywoke, and the blacktivists.

But now Kyrie and Dwert are telling me it’s racially offensive to pay young blaq men millions to entertain the massas, like it’s some kind of luxury slave plantation.

Which do you guys think it is?

Im not really a good thinker for myself, so I need to know which woke celeb I should believe what to think.

I know many of you are the same way, so share your thoughts.

Cheers :cheers:

Im Still Ballin
06-14-2020, 05:36 PM
Warmest regards,

Ayotunde Ndiaye

06-14-2020, 05:37 PM
Warmest regards,

Ayotunde Ndiaye
Lol that was the only funny thing OP ever did.

Im Still Ballin
06-14-2020, 05:41 PM
Lol that was the only funny thing OP ever did.

I'm not sure that was him. Maybe it was Jstern, but he has also been accused of being OP.

06-14-2020, 05:43 PM
I'm not sure that was him. Maybe it was Jstern, but he has also been accused of being OP.
I don't think Jstern has ever made a humorous post in his ISH career. I don't think he's capable of being funny. Too awkward. OP is capable of humor, at least, he just usually bungles it by melting down and rehashing the same insults.

06-14-2020, 06:02 PM
Just took a look in the OTC and saw RRRetard made some cringe-woke thread asking who would be in the confederacy :facepalm

Then I see his name and hidden posts responding to virtually every other post being made today in every topic.

Cme back to this thread and he’s already replied twice.

Guy STINKS of loneliness. Must really crave human interaction in any possible way today.

RRRetard, honestly... nobody likes you. Nobody respects you and nobody wants anything to do with you. Youre lame. Youre a loser.

Picking cornball political fights you dont even care about, just to get attention from guys on ISH. Guys who dont like you and dont even want you here.

Youre ugly, dumb, weak, and pathetic. And I mean that. We’re not friends and nobody here wants to be your friend. Youre completely unwanted by everyone.

Yet you desperately cling to the rest of us like a lonely dog.


06-14-2020, 06:02 PM
Warmest regards,

Ayotunde Ndiaye


06-14-2020, 06:05 PM
Just took a look in the OTC and saw RRRetard made some cringe-woke thread asking who would be in the confederacy :facepalm

Then I see his name and hidden posts responding to virtually every other post being made today in every topic.

Cme back to this thread and he’s already replied twice.

Guy STINKS of loneliness. Must really crave human interaction in any possible way today.

RRRetard, honestly... nobody likes you. Nobody respects you and nobody wants anything to do with you. Youre lame. Youre a loser.

Picking cornball political fights you dont even care about, just to get attention from guys on ISH. Guys who dont like you and dont even want you here.

Youre ugly, dumb, weak, and pathetic. And I mean that. We’re not friends and nobody here wants to be your friend. Youre completely unwanted by everyone.

Yet you desperately cling to the rest of us like a lonely dog.


From the outside looking in, you guys actually come off as all the same, so I don't think any of you can point fingers.

06-14-2020, 06:06 PM
How's that career going, starface?

06-14-2020, 06:07 PM
From the outside looking in, you guys actually come off as all the same, so I don't think any of you can point fingers.
He's too dumb to realize I'm trolling him and his ilk with that confederacy thread :lol

06-14-2020, 06:21 PM
Le-WHOA-ke is not looking to entertain the audience, he's just an exhibitionist who gets off performing in front of a crowd

Im Still Ballin
06-14-2020, 06:39 PM
Le-WHOA-ke is not looking to entertain the audience, he's just an exhibitionist who gets off performing in front of a crowd
