View Full Version : John Wall speaks on how Michael Jordan would do in the league today

05-18-2020, 03:27 PM
Wizards guard John Wall on what Michael Jordan would average in the NBA today:


05-18-2020, 03:33 PM
Wizards guard John Wall on what Michael Jordan would average in the NBA today:


he's 100% right.

any skilled scorer from the 90's would get a huge boost in their production.

I hate to say it but james harden is the best example at the shooting guard slot.

if a player with that disgusting and shameful game but admitted high-level of skill can produce like prime jordan, then we can only imagine what prime jordan would do to exploit the spacing and softness of the modern league.

unlike harden he wouldnt even need to abuse the ref's whistle - he'd just use his athleticism to get his shot off, and would start chucking midrange shots at a record volume. something like 45 points on kobe efficiency is absolutely possible for a season.

05-18-2020, 03:36 PM
So Wall thinks Mike would average 45.

Don't know about that BUT he would dominate in ways he didn't in his era (more freethrows, space and open lanes).

Even while retired, Mike stays winning. Just the perks with being the GOAT.

05-18-2020, 03:40 PM
So Wall thinks Mike would average 45.

Don't know about that BUT he'd dominate in ways he didn't in his era (more freethrows, space and open lanes).

Even when retired, Mike is still winning. Just the perks with being the GOAT. .

2006 kobe could average 35-40 in the league right now. if kd was an aggressive chucker he couldve done the same.

these numbers can definitely be inflated if a player is an aggressive scorer. there just aren't any in the league right now besides maybe harden.

05-18-2020, 04:46 PM
Only 1 guy averaged over 30 last season (18/19). MJ is not averaging 45. That is ridiculous.

Typically Jordan's average would be only a few points ahead of the guy in 2nd place. As far as i know the biggest gap between Jordan and the guy in 2nd place was 8 points in his 3rd season.

05-18-2020, 04:57 PM
Nobody is scoring 45 ppg if half their shots are midrange. Unless you think he's going to shoot at some ungodly level (over 60%) from midrange, which nobody has ever come close to.

Edit: I looked at the numbers and maybe it's possible. He scored 46 points per-100 possessions, with a 38% usage rate. 40 minutes a game.

If he had an efficiency bump, and played 40+ minutes a game on a fast-paced team....he could do it.

05-18-2020, 05:05 PM
People always overestimate this stuff.

MJ would likely be so dominant, he would never NEED to put up 45 ppg. You'd have to surround him with a high school squad for that to happen.

Jordan would be like chef in 2016... sitting out regular season 4th quarters because his team was so ahead.

He would never need to score 45, it would be wasted energy.

05-18-2020, 05:24 PM
he's 100% right.

any skilled scorer from the 90's would get a huge boost in their production.

I hate to say it but james harden is the best example at the shooting guard slot.

if a player with that disgusting and shameful game but admitted high-level of skill can produce like prime jordan, then we can only imagine what prime jordan would do to exploit the spacing and softness of the modern league.

unlike harden he wouldnt even need to abuse the ref's whistle - he'd just use his athleticism to get his shot off, and would start chucking midrange shots at a record volume. something like 45 points on kobe efficiency is absolutely possible for a season.

Why would he settle for mid range shots when he could get to the rim at will?

05-18-2020, 05:27 PM
Why would he settle for mid range shots when he could get to the rim at will?

because he's good at making them and because he'd get a ton of wide open shots?

05-18-2020, 05:28 PM
Scoring high ppg numbers mean absolutely anything today. Beal and Trae averaged 30 this year. And they are not even top 15 players. Doncic had 29/9/9, Harden is the scoring leader every year. They are not top 5 when every one is healthy. You are good if you can put your team in a good spot(which Jordan obviously could). So Jordan averaging 45 or 75 means nothing. Such a stupid discussion.

05-18-2020, 05:28 PM
because he's good at making them and because he'd get a ton of wide open shots?

A shot at the rim or ft's is still a higher percentage play. There is no reason to settle for a shot 15 feet away when you can get one at the rim or ft's practically any time you want.

05-18-2020, 05:35 PM
you take what you get, and he'd end up shooting a ton of midrange jumpers because he'd get a ton of those. and they'd still be easier shots than the shots he got originally in the 90's because even if the average defender is longer today its still far easier to get space because of the rules.

he'd set a new record for two-point makes and attempts. if kawhi and demar could do it in this league then jordan would do it 10x better.

05-18-2020, 05:42 PM
I mean yeah no doubt.

Today's scoring average is 110+ ppg ... in 97-98 it was 95 ppg ... even an old version of Jordan at age 35/36 would average 32-34 ppg comfortably I think.

05-18-2020, 05:44 PM
Jordan had pretty flawless form on his jumper with great elevation too ... if he really wanted to shoot more 3s and make more of them he could have improved that over a summer of work to boot.

This guy took himself from an OK shooter to an elite one and an OK defender to DPOY of the year because he worked to improve those areas of his game, improving the 3 point shot would've been fairly straight forward by comparison.

His shot mechanics are great to begin with.

05-18-2020, 05:50 PM
Wait a minute. In another thread we are hearing a 90's player would score less today but MJ would go from 31-33 PPG in the 90's to 45 today?

Personally 45 PPG is ridiculous but if Harden can score 36 Jordan can get to 40-41.

05-18-2020, 05:52 PM
Unless a player was trying to make a purposeful point, they would stop scoring after about 36-38 ppg.

45 ppg is overblown even in the modern NBA you don't need to score that many points or put your body in harm's way to do so by pushing it that hard.

In the modern NBA I think MJ would be content with the same 32-35 ppg but he would get them at a higher efficiency and then would probably boost his assist totals which were already pretty high for a SG to begin with.

Michael would score enough to win the scoring title, but then after that there's not much point unless a game absolutely requires you to score 45+ to win.

05-18-2020, 06:34 PM
Unless a player was trying to make a purposeful point, they would stop scoring after about 36-38 ppg.

45 ppg is overblown even in the modern NBA you don't need to score that many points or put your body in harm's way to do so by pushing it that hard.

In the modern NBA I think MJ would be content with the same 32-35 ppg but he would get them at a higher efficiency and then would probably boost his assist totals which were already pretty high for a SG to begin with.

First time I agreed with your posts. Beside the fact that contending teams right now are saving their best player in the playoffs.

05-18-2020, 06:55 PM
Could he score 45? Sure. Would he score 45? Hell no. He'd be trying to win and he learned early that playing in a system with movement may not be the best for his stats but its better for winning.

05-18-2020, 07:37 PM
It's not the ppg that matters but the efficiency. People have no idea how impressive it is that Jordan averaged 30 for his career while shooting essentially 50 % from the field. And this isn't a Center or Forward getting their shots like 5-10 feet from the rim. This is a guard taking mainly mid range shots 15-20 feet out while guarded by two guys in an era where everyone was clogging the lane.

With as much spacing as there is today and how many free throws superstars are getting, Jordan averaging 38-42 is certainly possible.