View Full Version : Stephen Curry getting exposed hard this season

10-27-2019, 05:28 PM
I guess we finally know what the real Curry looks like when hes not surrounded by the best shooter of all time and a former MVP. Thats tough

10-27-2019, 05:30 PM
He's been exposed forever now

This is what's expected

He's never been anything but a regular season stat stuffer on ridiculously stacked teams.

No leadership, no defense, no tough, no clutch, no IQ, nothing

complete scrub

10-27-2019, 05:31 PM
thought this was already known, curry was always a fraud that peaked in okc (fluke game).

10-27-2019, 05:34 PM
thought this was already known, curry was always a fraud that peaked in okc (fluke game).

Peaked in a meaningless February game :oldlol:

no notable playoff moments whatsoever (sans getting destroyed by LeBron in the finals every year and losing FMVP to role players :lol :lol )

10-27-2019, 05:41 PM
Exposed how?

Do you clowns not realize that Curry was drafted BEFORE Klay and Green? Do you not realize he won a MVP and a title before Durant?

Right now the game isn't over and he has 23/8/5. Not a great game by his standards but not bad considering the rest of the team is shooting under 30%.

10-27-2019, 05:45 PM
Exposed how?

Do you clowns not realize that Curry was drafted BEFORE Klay and Green? Do you not realize he won a MVP and a title before Durant?

Right now the game isn't over and he has 23/8/5. Not a great game by his standards but not bad considering the rest of the team is shooting under 30%.
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Wow man!

That ether.

and lol @ citing a championship where he lost FMVP to a 12ppg player because he got shutdown by a white aussie scrub.


literally nobody considers it a legit title anyways, meaningless just like Kawhit's last year

10-27-2019, 05:46 PM
Exposed how?

Do you clowns not realize that Curry was drafted BEFORE Klay and Green? Do you not realize he won a MVP and a title before Durant?

Right now the game isn't over and he has 23/8/5. Not a great game by his standards but not bad considering the rest of the team is shooting under 30%.
He has 23/8/5 and down 30, talk about empty stats and having no impact

10-27-2019, 05:49 PM
He has 23/8/5 and down 30, talk about empty stats and having no impact

It doesn't matter what his impact is when the rest of the team cant shoot.

He has more points than any 2 of his teammates.

10-27-2019, 05:52 PM
It doesn't matter what his impact is when the rest of the team cant shoot.

He has more points than any 2 of his teammates.
Guess thats what seperates Curry from guys like Lebron :banana:

10-27-2019, 05:54 PM
Today they started Robinson and Chriss, two guys who could barely get on the court with their previous teams. Green was garbage last year and he is playing with a bad elbow.

Their bench is a bunch if guys i have never heard of. Jordan couldn't win with this bunch.

10-27-2019, 05:55 PM
Guess thats what seperates Curry from guys like Lebron :banana:

How did Lebron do last year with a better roster? :banana:

10-27-2019, 05:56 PM

Dray is a fraud and is struggling mightily without the greatest shooters alive to pass to.

And Dray can't score consistently.

Give Curry LeBron's roster and see what happens.

10-27-2019, 06:13 PM
How did Lebron do last year with a better roster? :banana:
Had a playoff record before he got injured :banana:

10-27-2019, 06:21 PM
Had a playoff record before he got injured :banana:

And they were garbage after he came back and 'activated playoff mode'. :banana:

10-27-2019, 06:26 PM
literally the worst player ive ever seen

10-27-2019, 06:27 PM
If anything its showing how great he is...

Draymond green cant bear big responsibility he needed chef and klay's spacing to be a third option all star... where his scoring still sucked. and he split playmaking duties with iggy.

youre seing 2nd round talent here and d-russ who i admittedly thought would be better isnt even an all star guard in a loaded west.

He's got a team of straight bums to carry on his back in an alltime stacked conference.

10-27-2019, 06:27 PM
This current warriors roster is way worse than lebrons lakers of last season. If dingo somehow gets these guys into the playoffs, dingo >>> lebron CONFIRMED.

10-27-2019, 06:42 PM
curry is no lbj/durant/kobe/kawhi

he just isn't that tier of player.

hold this L
10-27-2019, 06:45 PM
Was worrying when the Clips won by a big lead what looked like without trying. Looks like an absolute disaster losing to OKC of all teams and being blown out. I'm trying not to overreact, but it's not looking good at all.

Defense looks in complete shambles right now. That's the biggest issue. Both teams scored at will, even worse when OKC is doing it to you. :facepalm

10-27-2019, 06:53 PM
They miss Looney more than people realize. Sounds like his problem could be pretty serious.

10-27-2019, 07:51 PM
Exposed how?

Do you clowns not realize that Curry was drafted BEFORE Klay and Green? Do you not realize he won a MVP and a title before Durant?

Right now the game isn't over and he has 23/8/5. Not a great game by his standards but not bad considering the rest of the team is shooting under 30%.

He'll always be more respected that LeBron who didn't allow his teams to form organically around him only to fail more than he succeeded. :applause:

10-27-2019, 08:33 PM
It's gonna be a tough season for Steph.

It's not so easy when the entire defense is keyed in on you with very few other offensive outlets.

I remember last year, Harden had a game with a starting line-up containing Gary Clark, Austin Rivers, and PJ Tucker. He dropped 58/10/6 facing double teams all game and even a box-in-one at one point. That shit ain't easy.

10-27-2019, 09:01 PM
Was worrying when the Clips won by a big lead what looked like without trying. Looks like an absolute disaster losing to OKC of all teams and being blown out. I'm trying not to overreact, but it's not looking good at all.

Defense looks in complete shambles right now. That's the biggest issue. Both teams scored at will, even worse when OKC is doing it to you. :facepalm
Mmmm I wonder why the defence is in complete shambles? Could it be because Klay isn't there to cover for Steph's terrible defence? This is why Steph dosnt belong in the convo with other past greats. He's one dimensional. He always has been.

Oh and his offence has been trash so far and it won't get much better. Without Klay or kd taking alot of the focus away from the defense curry will struggle. He can't create his own offence like other greats could

10-27-2019, 09:06 PM
Curry has nothing to prove. He's already the GOAT shooter and up there with Magic as the GOAT PG.

10-27-2019, 11:36 PM
maybe that "not yet HOF" comment is f*cking with his head right now

it should have an opposite effect to his psyche, time to prove MJ wrong

10-27-2019, 11:52 PM
and lol @ citing a championship where he lost FMVP to a 12ppg player because he got shutdown by a white aussie scrub.

Common misconception.

Curry scored an average of 27 pts/game in the Finals against that "aussie". This compares with 23.8 for Curry for the regular season that year (https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/c/curryst01.html). Any notion that Curry got "shut down" by whomever those Finals is incorrect.

10-28-2019, 12:02 AM
>surrounded by the best shooter of all time and a former MVP

You mean the guy that shot 35% from 3 point range? Not even good for top FIFTY (https://www.foxsports.com/nba/stats?season=2018&category=SCORING&group=1&sort=11&time=0&pos=0&team=0&qual=1&sortOrder=0&opp=0). I would think the "best shooter of all time" would at least be better than most of his contemporaries, but what do I know.

His EFG% was also substantially below Curry's; interesting considering guys who are 6'10" or whatever Durant actually is, tend to have much higher FG% than guards.

Appearing on highlight reels because of fancy moves doesn't make you the "greatest"; if it was, a guy like Jamal Crawford would be the "best ever" too. You have to look at the actual results.

More than that, read my post history if you actually want to know Durant's contribution to team defense, and team offense. It's not pretty. There's a reason OKC never won, Brooklyn will never win, GSW won without Durant, and GSW had a FAR better record without Durant than with him in the years he was on the team.

Durant is not the greatest anything ever honestly. He is the False God of the casual fan.

10-28-2019, 12:03 AM
curry was never a lebron or a kd.

he overachieved, so props to him.

10-28-2019, 12:04 AM
>surrounded by the best shooter of all time and a former MVP

You mean the guy that shot 35% from 3 point range? Not even good for top FIFTY (https://www.foxsports.com/nba/stats?season=2018&category=SCORING&group=1&sort=11&time=0&pos=0&team=0&qual=1&sortOrder=0&opp=0). I would think the "best shooter of all time" would at least be better than most of his contemporaries, but what do I know.

His EFG% was also substantially below Curry's; interesting considering guys who are 6'10" or whatever Durant actually is, tend to have much higher FG% than guards.

Appearing on highlight reels because of fancy moves doesn't make you the "greatest"; if it was, a guy like Jamal Crawford would be the "best ever" too. You have to look at the actual results.

More than that, read my post history if you actually want to know Durant's contribution to team defense, and team offense. It's not pretty. There's a reason OKC never won, Brooklyn will never win, GSW won without Durant, and GSW had a FAR better record without Durant than with him in the years he was on the team.

Durant is not the greatest anything ever honestly. He is the False God of the casual fan.
Best shooter is Klay and former mvp is KD :facepalm

10-28-2019, 12:23 AM
Best shooter is Klay and former mvp is KD :facepalm

your post still doesn't make any sense; Curry's 3 pt percentage was well ahead of Klay's: 44% to 40%. His EFG was 60% compared to Klay's 55%. And this even with Curry creating his own 3 whereas Klay's 3's were almost always spot-up. There's a massive difference in difficulty between the two. That's why the best players in the NBA aren't spot up 3 pt shooters but create their own shot like Harden's step-back. If you're the best player, they don't allow you to spot up. If you're able to spot-up and shoot a volume of 3's, you're usually role player that frees up because the defense's attention is elsewhere (ie: Joe Harris).

Not only that but one (creating your own 3) makes the entire team hard to guard, the other (spotting up) depends on the opposing team dwelling on some other focused on other offensive players (similar to Steve Kerr's shooting on the Bulls).

See Thinking Basketball's commentary on Curry's effectiveness off the ball- his global contribution:

Of course the Warriors aren't winning this year. Draymond has an elbow contusion and Russell by many accounts should never have been an all-star. The days of "strength in numbers" is over; the quality role players and deep bench is gone. Klay's departure is a real loss, the loss of basically the rest of the team matters; but as I pointed out, little of this has to do with KD (although I'm sure he's laughing his ass off watching these games).

10-28-2019, 12:36 AM
Their entire team is composed of literally random unknown scrubs.

It's not rocket science.

10-28-2019, 12:37 AM
Their entire team is composed of literally random unknown scrubs.

It's not rocket science.
that's a playoff team for lebron aka curry's idol :D

10-28-2019, 12:39 AM
that's a playoff team for lebron aka curry's idol :D

What's your definition of random unknown scrubs?

Is it players like:

Sun Yue
Sasha Vujacic
Luke Walton
Jordan Farmar
DJ Mbenga
Josh Powell


10-28-2019, 12:39 AM
What's your definition of random unknown scrubs?

Is it players like:

Sun Yue
Sasha Vujacic
Luke Walton
Jordan Farmar
DJ Mbenga
Josh Powell

nah it's what curry has this season.

that's a playoff team for prime lebron.

10-28-2019, 12:46 AM
If anything its showing how great he is...

Draymond green cant bear big responsibility he needed chef and klay's spacing to be a third option all star... where his scoring still sucked. and he split playmaking duties with iggy.

youre seing 2nd round talent here and d-russ who i admittedly thought would be better isnt even an all star guard in a loaded west.

He's got a team of straight bums to carry on his back in an alltime stacked conference.

He's still an mvp level player but he's definitely not the magical player everyone thought he was even when he was going off and winning. He has big flaws.

Like how Allen Iverson could get you 30 every night no matter what, the assumption is that curry could carry that sort of offensive load on good efficiency because he's so wet and dynamic. But he can't. He's still a superstar. Both sides are wrong here, mostly cuz they have something invested in hating or stanning.

He's gonna go down as a top player of all time ez. He's just not a transformative player like mj, bron, Larry etc. Dudes saying kawhi I dono. Kawhi can impact the game in a lot of ways but I can't imagine him carrying a dog shit team either. He's a winner and a leader tho. Curry is a bit of a front runner.


10-28-2019, 12:48 AM
He's still an mvp level player but he's definitely not the magical player everyone thought he was even when he was going off and winning. He has big flaws.

Like how Allen Iverson could get you 30 every night no matter what, the assumption is that curry could carry that sort of offensive load on good efficiency because he's so wet and dynamic. But he can't. He's still a superstar. Both sides are wrong here, mostly cuz they have something invested in hating or stanning.

He's gonna go down as a top player of all time ez. He's just not a transformative player like mj, bron, Larry etc. Dudes saying kawhi I dono. Kawhi can impact the game in a lot of ways but I can't imagine him carrying a dog shit team either. He's a winner and a leader tho. Curry is a bit of a front runner.


He almost has the opposite flaws as Giannis.

Best 3pt shooter of all time and insanely good handles but no dominating physical presence.

Except they both have no mid range ability which is a similar flaw.

10-28-2019, 12:49 AM
Curry has nothing to prove. He's already the GOAT shooter and up there with Magic as the GOAT PG.


A season of 2/10 three point performances will really eat away at goat shooting stats tho. So he needs to get his shit together.


10-28-2019, 12:53 AM
He almost has the opposite flaws as Giannis.

Best 3pt shooter of all time and insanely good handles but no dominating physical presence.

Except they both have no mid range ability which is a similar flaw.

I think curry is not unconscious, as a shooter. He gets in the zone but he's not always just like shoot, I'm da bess I'm gonna jack it. I've seen him shoot his team out of the game like gm 7 2016 but it didn't look like he was playing normal. It looked like he was shook.

I think if he gave less ****s about missing he'd shoot more mids. I think he's OK from mid and he has some good room. But if you know he's not gonna take it then you don't worry about it. He could shoot some rainbow mids, might actually improve his ability as a volume scorer. That's what they need now.


10-28-2019, 03:54 PM
I just think at 31, he's played A LOT Of basketball the last 5 years. those runs will wear you down.

Warriors built this team very weird. Someone like curry needs athletic bigs and SF's that can fill a lane and open him up to do his thing.

10-28-2019, 04:02 PM

Dray is a fraud and is struggling mightily without the greatest shooters alive to pass to.

And Dray can't score consistently.

Give Curry LeBron's roster and see what happens.
You mean LeBron's early mid Cleveland roster that he took to the playoffs multiple seasons? That's what Steph has right now and he looks terrible. He won't sniff the playoffs.

10-28-2019, 04:23 PM
I just think at 31, he's played A LOT Of basketball the last 5 years. those runs will wear you down.

Warriors built this team very weird. Someone like curry needs athletic bigs and SF's that can fill a lane and open him up to do his thing.

He needs to play like Iverson. Picking your spots is cool for guys like Kawhi and Curry when their team is a championship level team, but sometimes you just gotta be aggressive. 3 point shots can be aggressive, but it'd be cooler to see him really get into the teeth of the defense. He hit some pretty cool mids in that last game, and that pass out of a mid was really good, too. He is really good at bball. I think he has the talent to carry a team, but he needs to stop being a bitch. His stats aren't gonna look sexy, but sometimes you gotta get wins. Dray needs someone to spoon feed him and get him hype. Then Dray can push it and actually make some lay ups or hit Curry for some curl shots.

IMO, but yknow I don't watch bball much anymore. haha.


10-28-2019, 04:53 PM
He's still an mvp level player but he's definitely not the magical player everyone thought he was even when he was going off and winning. He has big flaws.

Like how Allen Iverson could get you 30 every night no matter what, the assumption is that curry could carry that sort of offensive load on good efficiency because he's so wet and dynamic. But he can't. He's still a superstar. Both sides are wrong here, mostly cuz they have something invested in hating or stanning.

He's gonna go down as a top player of all time ez. He's just not a transformative player like mj, bron, Larry etc. Dudes saying kawhi I dono. Kawhi can impact the game in a lot of ways but I can't imagine him carrying a dog shit team either. He's a winner and a leader tho. Curry is a bit of a front runner.


yea great athlete types can generally carry poorer teams further in a long regular season, but a lot of them dont have the skill to be big difference makers on quality ones.

The man led a 73 win team with klay thompson as his second option... think about that.

shaq couldnt do that with kobe.
magic couldnt do that with kareem.
West couldnt do that with wilt.
Bron couldnt do that with wade.

and so on...

Chef is a big time GOAT player.

10-28-2019, 05:02 PM
curry is 31 coming off his 5th straight NBA Finals. Players do get worn the f*ck out.

That and considering the more than ever double teams he's getting now should be a legitimate reason for his struggles as of late

10-28-2019, 05:21 PM
curry is 31 coming off his 5th straight NBA Finals. Players do get worn the f*ck out.

That and considering the more than ever double teams he's getting now should be a legitimate reason for his struggles as of late

It's not like he's played 82 games every year or more than 33 mpg in the RS. He missed 31 games in 2018 and 13 last season, you add the two last Playoff runs and it adds up to less than two Regular Seasons. It's not like he's played that many minutes and he doesn't take a lot of punishment as a 3-point shooter.

He's had much worse 2-game stretches during the last 5 years but we love to overreact.

Hey Yo
10-28-2019, 05:26 PM
Today they started Robinson and Chriss, two guys who could barely get on the court with their previous teams. Green was garbage last year and he is playing with a bad elbow.

Their bench is a bunch if guys i have never heard of. Jordan couldn't win with this bunch.
Garbage players make All-Defense first team like Green did last year?

10-28-2019, 05:36 PM
It's not like he's played 82 games every year or more than 33 mpg in the RS. He missed 31 games in 2018 and 13 last season, you add the two last Playoff runs and it adds up to less than two Regular Seasons. It's not like he's played that many minutes and he doesn't take a lot of punishment as a 3-point shooter.

He's had much worse 2-game stretches during the last 5 years but we love to overreact.

13 games isn't a lot of games missed.

still he's constantly playing until mid June for 5 straight summer and here's a man with ankle problems prior to all that :confusedshrug:

10-29-2019, 12:05 PM
I can't believe you clowns were writing this dude off after two regular season games when he spearheaded one of the best basketball dynasties ever for years. :facepalm

*honks nose*

10-29-2019, 12:06 PM
The only people getting hard exposed this year are:


10-29-2019, 01:17 PM
13 games isn't a lot of games missed.

still he's constantly playing until mid June for 5 straight summer and here's a man with ankle problems prior to all that :confusedshrug:

He's had injuries yes, but those injuries have also allowed him to sit out for long stretches. He looks good on the court physically, he was attacking the rim all night against the Pels.

Curry's 31, he's got at least a couple great years left in the tank.

You are right though, I would be more worried about him having a random ankle injury and missing a long stretch of the season. He had ankle injuries early in his career but that was only one season when he missed signifcant time, he's played 74+ games 7 out of his 10 seasons so far. As far as his production when he's on the court? He'll be a top 5 player. He came into the league at 21 years old, this is only his 11th season.

09-27-2020, 01:17 AM
Without klay, the warriors got the bottom seed in this season. Curry didn't change things at all, despite his best chances to do so.