View Full Version : Andrew Yang NEEDS To Be The Next President

07-10-2019, 09:21 AM
This guy could be the smartest guy to ever run for president. His numbers just make sense. Unlike other candidates who just BS their way in, this guy actually has a calculated plan.

What he claims is correct. Politicians can say they can bs their speeches about more jobs, but the future is A.I. and robotics. Unless you're in IT, jobs WILL be lost. That's just the reality of the future.

I cant believe so many dumbasses actually think Joe Biden would be a great president. That guy is just creepy as fk.



07-10-2019, 09:27 AM
I hope you are not saying this due to his universal base income plan. That results from that plan would not turn out the way you think they would.

07-10-2019, 09:28 AM
Me Chinese

Me play joke

Patrick Chewing
07-10-2019, 09:34 AM
So what's his solution to AI? I'm not watching a two-hour Joe Rogan Podcast for his answer if he even gives one.

Trump 2020. #MAGA

Real Men Wear Green
07-10-2019, 09:58 AM
He would want it to come from billionaires but by the time Congress got through with the budgeting the money would be coming from the middle and upper middle class. The donors are not handing our representatives all that money to pay more taxes.

07-10-2019, 10:02 AM
I hope you are not saying this due to his universal base income plan. That results from that plan would not turn out the way you think they would.

Care to explain? I don't see another solution. You look at companies like Amazon & their fulfillment centers are all automated. This is just the beginning. You think self driven cars are far away? Technology is already in place. Soon deliveries will also be automated.

How else are people going to survive in America? Is everyone going to have upper management or IT jobs?

07-10-2019, 10:06 AM
So what's his solution to AI? I'm not watching a two-hour Joe Rogan Podcast for his answer if he even gives one.

Trump 2020. #MAGA

His basic plan is try give every adult in the U.S. a basic income of $1,000 a month. That's pretty much going to come from companies like Amazon, who pay 0 taxes.

That 1K will be dumped back into the economy. With A.I. coming along, jobs will be lost. That's the reality.. but how is the economy going to stay afloat once people start losing their jobs? People argue that if everyone received 1k a month, they'd get lazy and not find jobs. Really? I can't imagine anyone being satisfied with 1k a month, but it would definitely help pay the bills in the event that you do lose your job.

07-10-2019, 10:09 AM
a tax on automated machines. as automation grows the more revenue would come in. As automation gets more efficient, the cost of products and services goes down as well.

The key point is to replace human labor with machines so that humans have less of a burden on doing the time wasting labor that is required and essential to a functioning economy. You have to look at it as one functioning unit. if theres 1 human tasked to do a job that makes them money, that 1 human can have a machine do that work, still make that money but have the time to do what that person wants with his or her time. If this is the case, then it would liberate most americans from jobs that they only do to survive, like taking fast food orders, operating a repetitive machine, driving a truck ect.

Its a long shot to get andrew yang in office then get UBI implemented. The good thing is we are headed in a direction where the only solution is a Fixed Income. So if it doesnt happen now, it eventually will have to happen.

07-10-2019, 10:11 AM
He thinks too big for most people. There are still people out there who want to keep coal for jobs.

07-10-2019, 10:15 AM
a tax on automated machines. as automation grows the more revenue would come in. As automation gets more efficient, the cost of products and services goes down as well.

The key point is to replace human labor with machines so that humans have less of a burden on doing the time wasting labor that is required and essential to a functioning economy. You have to look at it as one functioning unit. if theres 1 human tasked to do a job that makes them money, that 1 human can have a machine do that work, still make that money but have the time to do what that person wants with his or her time. If this is the case, then it would liberate most americans from jobs that they only do to survive, like taking fast food orders, operating a repetitive machine, driving a truck ect.

Its a long shot to get andrew yang in office then get UBI implemented. The good thing is we are headed in a direction where the only solution is a Fixed Income. So if it doesnt happen now, it eventually will have to happen.

That's exactly it, but it's sad that most Americans don't see what's coming. Instead they get blinded by Trump & his entertaining twitter posts.

Trump's argument for his tariffs, which increase prices on products for consumers, are to get more manufacturing jobs in the U.S.. which will disappear in a decade because of automation. :facepalm

07-10-2019, 10:19 AM
That's exactly it, but it's sad that most Americans don't see what's coming. Instead they get blinded by Trump & his entertaining twitter posts.

Trump's argument for his tariffs, which increase prices on products for consumers, are to get more manufacturing jobs in the U.S.. which will disappear in a decade because of automation. :facepalm

Yup, Trump is either stupid for believing he could bring back manufacturing jobs or he just bold face lied to the American people. I still don't get how older people who spent most of their lives working be against ubi. I guess they want to retain their integrity of having worked so hard and sacrifice so much time for money. But I am sure that they will look back and wonder where the time went and why they didn't do much more with their lives.

Patrick Chewing
07-10-2019, 10:24 AM
His basic plan is try give every adult in the U.S. a basic income of $1,000 a month. That's pretty much going to come from companies like Amazon, who pay 0 taxes.

That 1K will be dumped back into the economy. With A.I. coming along, jobs will be lost. That's the reality.. but how is the economy going to stay afloat once people start losing their jobs? People argue that if everyone received 1k a month, they'd get lazy and not find jobs. Really? I can't imagine anyone being satisfied with 1k a month, but it would definitely help pay the bills in the event that you do lose your job.

Yeah he's been campaigning on that since he announced he was running, but that idea is not to combat AI, that idea is just to stimulate the economy and give folks a little extra money.

The idea is to regulate AI so that more jobs aren't lost. No one is going to survive on 12 thousand a year. That's just a stimulus package. A band-aid. The talk should be of regulation and of bringing more jobs back to America. At some point, manufacturing has to make a comeback here in the United States. As our population continues to explode with immigration the way it is, we are going to have to do something drastic and alarming to be able to survive.

07-10-2019, 10:28 AM
Yeah he's been campaigning on that since he announced he was running, but that idea is not to combat AI, that idea is just to stimulate the economy and give folks a little extra money.

The idea is to regulate AI so that more jobs aren't lost. No one is going to survive on 12 thousand a year. That's just a stimulus package. A band-aid. The talk should be of regulation and of bringing more jobs back to America. At some point, manufacturing has to make a comeback here in the United States. As our population continues to explode with immigration the way it is, we are going to have to do something drastic and alarming to be able to survive.

Sorry to say but manufacturing will not be making a come back. Everything is getting automated. Companies like Amazon are the future.. and that's just the beginning. There will be no more delivery jobs, truck drivers, taxis, Uber, etc.

Customer service jobs are also going away. You notice banks have less and less tellers? You walk into a Mcdonalds recently? They only have 1 or 2 tills opened now. What about supermarkets? People would rather go to self checkouts than cashiers.

The 1k is a band-aid.. but it may 1 day become the basic means to survive.

07-10-2019, 10:29 AM
Yeah he's been campaigning on that since he announced he was running, but that idea is not to combat AI, that idea is just to stimulate the economy and give folks a little extra money.

The idea is to regulate AI so that more jobs aren't lost. No one is going to survive on 12 thousand a year. That's just a stimulus package. A band-aid. The talk should be of regulation and of bringing more jobs back to America. At some point, manufacturing has to make a comeback here in the United States. As our population continues to explode with immigration the way it is, we are going to have to do something drastic and alarming to be able to survive.

this is the wrong idea.

Patrick Chewing
07-10-2019, 10:42 AM
this is the wrong idea.

I'm open to other ideas that still have Americans working a minimum of 40 hours a week for many years to come without having to sacrifice salary, position, and the ability to grow and expand.

07-10-2019, 11:00 AM
I'm open to other ideas that still have Americans working a minimum of 40 hours a week for many years to come without having to sacrifice salary, position, and the ability to grow and expand.

It doesn

Patrick Chewing
07-10-2019, 11:04 AM
LOL AI only goes as far as we want it to go. I'll vote for whoever wants to regulate it and tax those companies higher who use it.

You guys sound like the sky is falling.

We are the RESISTANCE.


07-10-2019, 11:05 AM
Yeah he's been campaigning on that since he announced he was running, but that idea is not to combat AI, that idea is just to stimulate the economy and give folks a little extra money.

The idea is to regulate AI so that more jobs aren't lost. No one is going to survive on 12 thousand a year. That's just a stimulus package. A band-aid. The talk should be of regulation and of bringing more jobs back to America. At some point, manufacturing has to make a comeback here in the United States. As our population continues to explode with immigration the way it is, we are going to have to do something drastic and alarming to be able to survive.

Immigration has to be totally curtailed.

No mas.

07-10-2019, 11:09 AM
When the great depression happened in the wake of a huge industrial revolution, and concentration of wealth at the top, do you know how USA solved it?

Socialism. New deal. They gave people jobs that added nothing, like digging holes and filling them basically, just to have people back at work and earning a living. Huge taxes on the rich and redistrilbution through job programs.

That's the only way to fix it.

You let the capitalists continue to run free, the next huge collapse is coming from their wealth hoarding, and cheating the system.

07-10-2019, 11:45 AM
LOL AI only goes as far as we want it to go. I'll vote for whoever wants to regulate it and tax those companies higher who use it.

Dumb. Tax companies that are more productive so that they are incentivized not to be as productive and keep inefficient workers? Why not just reap the extra productivity, tax that and give it to people who can use the down time to find something more useful to do.

07-10-2019, 11:46 AM
Here's the deal with Yang... he would be a terrible president for multiple reasons.

And his current primary reason for running isn't an over the top dramatic issue... yet.

But it will be... and sooner than most people think. So for that reason, I hope he goes as far as he can in the debates.

Unfortunately, nobody has proposed a better solution than UBI to the automation problem.

One of two things will have to happen in the future... we will either need some form of UBI so people can live, or... there will need to be a drastic population reduction.

I do not for one second buy into the idea that as the robots replace more and more of our jobs, new jobs will pop up in their place. No, those jobs won't be replaced by new things... not at the same rate or quantity. This is fantasy land. Most of you severely underestimate the amount of jobs that are going to evaporate from the market because of robots and AI.

07-10-2019, 11:50 AM
One thing is for sure... if you never want to be replaced by a robot, go be a police officer in a black area. Robots would be called racist and immediately decommissioned.

Real life flesh and blood is extremely far away from being removed for policing poor blacks.

And if you drive for a living... now would be the time to start prepping for an exit from that field.

Patrick Chewing
07-10-2019, 11:54 AM
Dumb. Tax companies that are more productive so that they are incentivized not to be as productive and keep inefficient workers? Why not just reap the extra productivity, tax that and give it to people who can use the down time to find something more useful to do.

How does that work? Just give people money for doing nothing??

Americans truly are lazy. No work ethic whatsoever.

07-10-2019, 12:11 PM
How does that work? Just give people money for doing nothing??

Americans truly are lazy. No work ethic whatsoever.

lets establish that money isn't being given for free. work is still being done to account for that money, and that work comes from the robots. Giving people a fixed income wont make them automatically lazy, especially if were only talking about 12k a year. People will still work, a lot of people will go into micro business sectors that weren't available before. That's because before UBI, any person operating a business would have to meet a certain income in order to live in society, but since UBI supplements that, the threshold for survivable income from a business becomes significantly lower allowing more people to be self employed doing things that wernt survivable before.

Look, there will always be lazy people that want to be taken care of. These people we do know exist before UBI and will exists after. We also know that theres people that value success, accomplishment and their lifes work more than money, and those people wont be deterred because of 12k a year either.

07-10-2019, 12:29 PM
I'd vote for him or Trump.

07-10-2019, 03:03 PM
How does that work? Just give people money for doing nothing??

Americans truly are lazy. No work ethic whatsoever.

I dont think you get it. It's not about being lazy or not. It's about automation that is coming. Unemployment is going to be huge. Yang sees this and is trying to tackle the issue before it becomes a huge issue. I dont think you realize just how many jobs are going to be lost in the next decade.

Patrick Chewing
07-10-2019, 03:19 PM
I dont think you get it. It's not about being lazy or not. It's about automation that is coming. Unemployment is going to be huge. Yang sees this and is trying to tackle the issue before it becomes a huge issue. I dont think you realize just how many jobs are going to be lost in the next decade.

Automation is here already in some industries. Just look at Amazon. To allow automation to get to the point where millions upon millions get put out of work should never be allowed to happen.

Yang isn't the only one that sees this, but I don't see how giving people $1000 a month alleviates any type of job loss you may suffer as a result. No one can survive on $12,000 a year, unless the cost of goods and living goes down by 75% at least.

07-10-2019, 03:33 PM
Automation is here already in some industries. Just look at Amazon. To allow automation to get to the point where millions upon millions get put out of work should never be allowed to happen.

Yang isn't the only one that sees this, but I don't see how giving people $1000 a month alleviates any type of job loss you may suffer as a result. No one can survive on $12,000 a year, unless the cost of goods and living goes down by 75% at least.

It's here for Amazon.. but not at full capacity. They didn't fully utilize drone technology, or self driving cars yet. And this is just ONE company. Automation is nowhere close to being "here already". Give it 10 years and you'll see what automation really is.

$1,000 isn't going to let people survive but will it help? Hell yeah. If you can't find a full time job so you work part-time at minimum wage & make an extra 1k, maybe that will help. I think the 1K is just the start. if that ever gets implemented, the 1K a month will definitely be more as jobs become harder to find.

This isn't just for manual labour / warhouse jobs. We're also talking about Truck Drivers, Taxi Drivers, Cashiers, Customer Service / Call Centers, Administrators, Receptionists, Middle / Senior Management. Down the road, people even professional jobs like Accountants & Lawyers won't be needed. We already have sophisticated software that can easily help us do our taxes. Lawyers can easily be replaced by software as well. (There's exemptions of course)

I mean.. the list goes on & on. How do you recommend we tackle this without UBI? Population control?

"Yang isn't the only one that sees this" yet he's the only politician that has addressed this issue.

07-10-2019, 04:05 PM
Automation is here already in some industries. Just look at Amazon. To allow automation to get to the point where millions upon millions get put out of work should never be allowed to happen.

Yang isn't the only one that sees this, but I don't see how giving people $1000 a month alleviates any type of job loss you may suffer as a result. No one can survive on $12,000 a year, unless the cost of goods and living goes down by 75% at least.They literally told you that earlier in the thread, are you even reading? Yang has repeatedly said it's not meant to replace a livable wage ffs. In regards to automation, it's happening because businesses are becoming more efficient at bringing in revenue. So which is it, punish the business for being successful or let automation replace jobs that won't be necessary in the next couple of decades?

Patrick Chewing
07-10-2019, 05:16 PM
They literally told you that earlier in the thread, are you even reading? Yang has repeatedly said it's not meant to replace a livable wage ffs. In regards to automation, it's happening because businesses are becoming more efficient at bringing in revenue. So which is it, punish the business for being successful or let automation replace jobs that won't be necessary in the next couple of decades?

So answer me this. What jobs do these people work then once they are replaced by automation?

The point I'm trying to make is that while automation in manufacturing has been around for a while, I think that's where we need to leave it, and not allow it to keep replacing actual people for the job. So yes, the government will have to step and pass a few laws.

07-10-2019, 05:19 PM
How does that work? Just give people money for doing nothing??

Americans truly are lazy. No work ethic whatsoever.


It's not about laziness. Industry 4.0 will make manual labor a thing of the past. You want people to work 40hrs/week even if they don't have to?

People buy automated lawn mowers. Not long ago people paid kids or immigrants to do that for them. It's the same thing. Doesn't make the neighbour kid anymore lazy than the guys 30 years ago, but the opportunity just isn't there anymore.

There will be definately more people than jobs in the future - there already are anyway. The further automatization goes the more specialized the workers have to be.

Maintaince, engineering and science are future fields. Not manual labor. Any industry that can will automatize their plants.

The only way to make ubi be a possibility is to raise the income for specialists and thus the income tax and introduce a machine-tax, analogous to income tax.

So answer me this. What jobs do these people work then once they are replaced by automation?

The point I'm trying to make is that while automation in manufacturing has been around for a while, I think that's where we need to leave it, and not allow it to keep replacing actual people for the job. So yes, the government will have to step and pass a few laws.

Why do you keep insisting in people having to work for their livelyhood if there are other possibilities? Any human that doesn't have to sacrifice his life for a company will lead a better life aslong as he can pass his time productively.

If I didn't have to waste 40hrs/week I'd do totally different stuff. People having money and time to spend are a strong stimulus for economy.

Automatization doesn't have to be stopped. We should just have a bullet proof plan for how to generate money when the paradigm shift happens.

Patrick Chewing
07-10-2019, 05:28 PM
Why do you keep insisting in people having to work for their livelyhood if there are other possibilities? Any human that doesn't have to sacrifice his life for a company will lead a better life aslong as he can pass his time productively.

If I didn't have to waste 40hrs/week I'd do totally different stuff. People having money and time to spend are a strong stimulus for economy.

Automatization doesn't have to be stopped. We should just have a bullet proof plan for how to generate money when the paradigm shift happens.

LOL this will never work. I had to look up UBI to understand what the hell you guys are talking about. I'm just perplexed as to how you guys think this is even feasible. It sounds like everyone will be making the same amount of money, and then take a vacation for the rest of the year as they spend that money they didn't have to work for.

How does this help someone who earns more today based on experience and work ethic? How does one become rich under UBI?

This is lunacy.

07-10-2019, 05:44 PM
LOL this will never work. I had to look up UBI to understand what the hell you guys are talking about. I'm just perplexed as to how you guys think this is even feasible. It sounds like everyone will be making the same amount of money, and then take a vacation for the rest of the year as they spend that money they didn't have to work for.

How does this help someone who earns more today based on experience and work ethic? How does one become rich under UBI?

This is lunacy.

Maintaince, engineering and science are future fields. Not manual labor. Any industry that can will automatize their plants.

If you aren't specialized you won't get a job. It's hard already anyway.
As said: You don't need people to lawn mow anymore.
Those kind of people won't get jobs anymore. They'll live from ubi, which will be generated by the industry and higher paying specialist jobs.

Someone who maintains robots that build cars will still be needed for the foreseeable future for example.
Scientists and engineers aswell.

Managements positions aswell, but I think they'll get substituted sooner than the other 3.

Inventions make you rich. Inheritance and property aswell.

Most of the ubi will directly flow into the economy anyway.

As shogon said. There are only two options:

Generate income from automatization or reduce population - either by force or passively.

07-10-2019, 06:08 PM
If you aren't specialized you won't get a job. It's hard already anyway.
As said: You don't need people to lawn mow anymore.
Those kind of people won't get jobs anymore. They'll live from ubi, which will be generated by the industry and higher paying specialist jobs.

Someone who maintains robots that build cars will still be needed for the foreseeable future for example.
Scientists and engineers aswell.

Managements positions aswell, but I think they'll get substituted sooner than the other 3.

Inventions make you rich. Inheritance and property aswell.

Most of the ubi will directly flow into the economy anyway.

As shogon said. There are only two options:

Generate income from automatization or reduce population - either by force or passively.We're already doing one of them, birth rates are record lows because of stuff like lower marriage rates and education. Although immigration is gonna work against that w/ the looneys in charge.

07-10-2019, 08:40 PM
So answer me this. What jobs do these people work then once they are replaced by automation?

The point I'm trying to make is that while automation in manufacturing has been around for a while, I think that's where we need to leave it, and not allow it to keep replacing actual people for the job. So yes, the government will have to step and pass a few laws.

what??? socialism!

07-10-2019, 09:53 PM
Unfortunately, the American people will not vote anyone in named Andrew fcking Yang

07-10-2019, 10:49 PM
It's easy to imagine the current jobs disappearing. It's always difficult to imagine the new jobs that would appear in the future.

But the transition period could be rough. Were talking tens of millions of jobs being replaced at a rapid rate over a short period of time, and many of the replaced will be in their 40s and 50s with outdated work skills.

Just a reminder to people: UBI is universal, meaning everyone would get it. Yang's caveat is that certain benefits from the gov't would count towards the $1000, so people already on gov't assistance aren't going to get the full $1k/mo. Honestly that might be a big solution to all the people who feel "trapped" in welfare, since they'll receive less in benefits once they hit key income levels.

Also... the "tax on robots" sounds nice, but in reality it would be extremely difficult in practice.

07-11-2019, 12:41 AM
I don't think people really understand how the economy works when they say, "that money will go into the economy."

Where do you think the UBI money comes from the first place...? How does the government get it...? From the economy...

07-11-2019, 01:01 AM
Those who understand UBI, how do they fund the ~$4 Trillion needed/yr?

07-11-2019, 04:34 AM
I don't think people really understand how the economy works when they say, "that money will go into the economy."

Where do you think the UBI money comes from the first place...? How does the government get it...? From the economy...

Of course it has to be taken from corps and people who still work, but what's wrong about "will go into the economy".

Poor people usually don't safe money. They consume. Actually they consume the most goods across society.

Those who understand UBI, how do they fund the ~$4 Trillion needed/yr?

That's why I said specialists will have to earn way more money and thus also pay more taxes and not be dependent on ubi. Machinery tax. Stricter law against tax evasion. etcetc. I'm no accountant, but it should be manageable.

There are already lots of jobless people around most industrial countries and they atleast have enough money to buy food and housing in most cases.

Also... the "tax on robots" sounds nice, but in reality it would be extremely difficult in practice.

Don't know how it's in the US, but when you buy a car here you have to register it to get a license plate. At that very moment you start to pay tax and insurance on the car. There are returning inspections you have to do every year else the car isn't allowed to be used on public roads anymore.

You could do the same for machines(actually that's already done in alot of cases over here).

07-11-2019, 06:08 AM
Those who understand UBI, how do they fund the ~$4 Trillion needed/yr?

From the productivity gains the automation will provide duh. In the macro sense money is just a number. 4 trillion could just as well be 40 trillion. The difference is a decimal place. The Fed can and does create money out of nothing. Americans can just start looking at the dollar the way Japanese look at the yen or Italians the lira. Wealth for a nation is not paper money. Wealth is the goods and services it can produce.

07-11-2019, 06:22 AM
As I said in my other thread DNC is trying to silence this dude for whatever reason; ordinary Democrats should not let it happen.

07-11-2019, 06:31 AM
I don't think people really understand how the economy works when they say, "that money will go into the economy."

Where do you think the UBI money comes from the first place...? How does the government get it...? From the economy...

thats the whole point.

the money will be placed back in the hands of people who need to spend it instead of being hoarded by the wealthy.

Circulation is ultimate key to healthy economy. your libertarian fantasies havent worked.

07-11-2019, 06:34 AM
So what would be the impact of this? Will price increase/decrease dramatically? US Dollar weakening/strengthening?

07-11-2019, 07:52 AM
As I said in my other thread DNC is trying to silence this dude for whatever reason; ordinary Democrats should not let it happen.

there's nothing to silence tho - dude is polling @ 1-2 percent. they know he'll get nowhere. their focus is on sanders. if he were polling well though, ya - i agree they'd put up the cockblock.

07-11-2019, 09:30 AM
there's nothing to silence tho - dude is polling @ 1-2 percent. they know he'll get nowhere. their focus is on sanders. if he were polling well though, ya - i agree they'd put up the cockblock.

that doesnt matter. yang is gaining steam harder than anyother candidate besides kamala. he poled a 3 percent yesterday with the lowest name recognition.

07-11-2019, 09:42 AM
that doesnt matter. yang is gaining steam harder than anyother candidate besides kamala. he poled a 3 percent yesterday with the lowest name recognition.


07-11-2019, 10:26 AM

whats wrong with that? he gained the most twitter followers after the debate just under kamala harris. he has also poled 50% greater than where he was just before the debates.

07-11-2019, 11:15 AM
whats wrong with that? he gained the most twitter followers after the debate just under kamala harris. he has also poled 50% greater than where he was just before the debates.

Hes gaining support with the younger generation.. which is why he has more supporters online. Issue is the general public feels more comfortable with someone who has more experience as a "politician"

07-11-2019, 11:41 AM
whats wrong with that? he gained the most twitter followers after the debate just under kamala harris. he has also poled 50% greater than where he was just before the debates.

the establishment is not worried about yang. there is no anti-yang campaign.

07-11-2019, 11:45 AM
Hes gaining support with the younger generation.. which is why he has more supporters online. Issue is the general public feels more comfortable with someone who has more experience as a "politician"

The current president had zero experience as a politician.

Patrick Chewing
07-11-2019, 12:20 PM
UBI is Socialism. Don’t let these posters fool you.

Notice how they didn’t answer the question of how does this new method creates new business and new wealth.

07-11-2019, 12:48 PM
The current president had zero experience as a politician.this.

07-11-2019, 02:00 PM
Bernie polled at 3% when he started his campaign.

It is entirely possible that Yang becomes a legit candidate for the Democratic presidential candidacy.

07-11-2019, 02:11 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]UBI is Socialism. Don

07-11-2019, 02:21 PM
UBI is Socialism. Don’t let these posters fool you.

Notice how they didn’t answer the question of how does this new method creates new business and new wealth.

I gave you an example about how it would create new business and wealth but you didn't want to hear it.

having UBI opens up the individual microbusiness sector because it allows people to meet the income threshold for living where otherwise the income from that business wouldn't be viable as a means for income and survival.

07-11-2019, 02:25 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]UBI is Socialism. Don

Patrick Chewing
07-11-2019, 02:58 PM
I haven't read all of the thread so I have to ask, why does it need to create new business? Or am I getting too hung up on that word?

I think that in general with basic income, you have to imagine a different kind of world where a lot more functions are paid for - a lot of which we now consider charity work or the like. This will help making it possible for people to keep jobs even if they aren't needed to produce things, e.g youth basketball coaches could all be paid and have that as a job next to the basic income.

So we still don't know where this money is coming from. That hasn't been explained I don't think.

And second, if I want to open up a small business and make it rich, how in the hell am I able to do this in this bleak Utopian one world, one income existence you people are talking about? How can I make more money than the next guy? And if one of you replies to me again with this "microbusiness sector" nonsense, I'm slapping you silly.

Competition creates new business and competition creates new wealth.

Edit: Let's use rufus as an example. He's a dentist. So if automation takes over the dentist field and machines will clean teeth and perform root canals, then how does rufus make money? Does he own the machines and just sits back at home looking at birds from his window? Who is paying rufus at that point? The customer? Or the UBI overlords?

07-11-2019, 03:15 PM
how is ubi socialism? so then was trump's billion $ farmer aid package socialistic? were trump's tax cuts 'socialism for the rich'? shit - by this logic, conservatives across the country practice socialism everyday by receiving ss benefits & medicare, or going to a public school. the word is thrown around so loosely in a propagandic manner now it no longer holds any water, lol. liz warren's plan for universal child c- SOCIALISM!

better not call the fire department if your house is burning for fear of being labeled a socialist. :facepalm

07-11-2019, 03:17 PM
So we still don't know where this money is coming from. That hasn't been explained I don't think.

And second, if I want to open up a small business and make it rich, how in the hell am I able to do this in this bleak Utopian one world, one income existence you people are talking about? How can I make more money than the next guy? And if one of you replies to me again with this "microbusiness sector" nonsense, I'm slapping you silly.

Competition creates new business and competition creates new wealth.

Edit: Let's use rufus as an example. He's a dentist. So if automation takes over the dentist field and machines will clean teeth and perform root canals, then how does rufus make money? Does he own the machines and just sits back at home looking at birds from his window? Who is paying rufus at that point? The customer? Or the UBI overlords?
I do think in the future there will be no need for businesses other than a few exceptions, like sports or arts. Businesses only exists to fulfill needs. If everyone's needs are already largely fulfilled, then there is no need for businesses.

07-11-2019, 03:26 PM
here's yang's brief pitch as to how ubi would be paid for. skip to the five minute mark:


Patrick Chewing
07-11-2019, 03:30 PM
I do think in the future there will be no need for businesses other than a few exceptions, like sports or arts. Businesses only exists to fulfill needs. If everyone's needs are already largely fulfilled, then there is no need for businesses.


07-11-2019, 03:35 PM
So we still don't know where this money is coming from. That hasn't been explained I don't think.

And second, if I want to open up a small business and make it rich, how in the hell am I able to do this in this bleak Utopian one world, one income existence you people are talking about? How can I make more money than the next guy? And if one of you replies to me again with this "microbusiness sector" nonsense, I'm slapping you silly.

Competition creates new business and competition creates new wealth.

Edit: Let's use rufus as an example. He's a dentist. So if automation takes over the dentist field and machines will clean teeth and perform root canals, then how does rufus make money? Does he own the machines and just sits back at home looking at birds from his window? Who is paying rufus at that point? The customer? Or the UBI overlords?

Just curious, did you even watch the video? I know it's a long video.. but it really takes that long for him to explain his strategy.

Patrick Chewing
07-11-2019, 03:38 PM
Just curious, did you even watch the video? I know it's a long video.. but it really takes that long for him to explain his strategy.

I will when I get home. I promise. I still think this is kooky talk, but I

07-11-2019, 03:40 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]I will when I get home. I promise. I still think this is kooky talk, but I

07-11-2019, 03:42 PM
[QUOTE=Patrick Chewing]UBI is Socialism. Don

07-11-2019, 03:48 PM
So we still don't know where this money is coming from. That hasn't been explained I don't think.

And second, if I want to open up a small business and make it rich, how in the hell am I able to do this in this bleak Utopian one world, one income existence you people are talking about? How can I make more money than the next guy? And if one of you replies to me again with this "microbusiness sector" nonsense, I'm slapping you silly.

Competition creates new business and competition creates new wealth.

Edit: Let's use rufus as an example. He's a dentist. So if automation takes over the dentist field and machines will clean teeth and perform root canals, then how does rufus make money? Does he own the machines and just sits back at home looking at birds from his window? Who is paying rufus at that point? The customer? Or the UBI overlords?

It would be higher taxation of companies, especially the ones pulling billions in profit and pocketing it for the owners/investors at very high rates.

For the second part, I don't see why you cannot create a business better than someone else just because everyone gets $1000 in basic income every month. You are talking as if everyone will only have the $1000, but that's not the case as it comes in extra to any job you have. So to answer your question, you'd can make more money than the next guy by creating a better business than what he's capable of.

The way I see it is that there's plenty of wealth in the world, it's just divided between people in a horrible way with very few having a lot(too much). You can argue that that is how capitalism and business works, but all I can say is that companies have just gotten too big and create too much profit mostly for too few people.
In my opinion, all workers should be paid much more, and owners in general should be able to make maybe millions in the hundreds, but definitely not in the thousands (billions). Since this isn't possible in the current system we have, I think universal income is a pretty good idea to divide some of the wealth to where most of it should be to maintain a balanced world - with the people.

07-11-2019, 05:37 PM

Celtics 1825
07-12-2019, 05:44 PM
Unfortunately, the American people will not vote anyone in named Andrew fcking Yang
If they voted in Barack Hussein Obama I don't think they'd have a problem with Andrew Yang.

07-12-2019, 06:19 PM
If they voted in Barack Hussein Obama I don't think they'd have a problem with Andrew Yang.

Asians are on the wrong end of affirmative action.

07-12-2019, 06:23 PM
I like Yang better than Bernie at this point. The rest can just go screw themselves.

07-13-2019, 02:59 AM
thats the whole point.

the money will be placed back in the hands of people who need to spend it instead of being hoarded by the wealthy.

Circulation is ultimate key to healthy economy. your libertarian fantasies havent worked.

The wealthy don't hoard money. They save it and invest it or it's being held in stocks. It's not millions sitting in a bank account. Where do you think capital maintenance and production come from? They aint swimming in vaults of coins like scrooge mcduck. What are angel investors? What is an injection of capital? All money saved up by people put to work.

That money being taken out is already being productive in the economy and all you're doing is creating a fake economy/stimulation. More consumerist and materialistic bullshit chasing GDP numbers and encouraging debt.

07-13-2019, 05:21 PM
The wealthy don't hoard money. They save it and invest it or it's being held in stocks. It's not millions sitting in a bank account. Where do you think capital maintenance and production come from? They aint swimming in vaults of coins like scrooge mcduck. What are angel investors? What is an injection of capital? All money saved up by people put to work.

That money being taken out is already being productive in the economy and all you're doing is creating a fake economy/stimulation. More consumerist and materialistic bullshit chasing GDP numbers and encouraging debt.Shitty companies keep it stashed overseas and move it through several countries before taking out a no interest loan that never gets paid back because it's under their own name.

07-15-2019, 01:18 AM
Andrew Yang very well may be the only candidate with any plan (good or bad) for what is coming.

But are we all living in reality? That's the point of this thread right? We want to take an honest look at the future we are facing and figure out what to do about it.

If we are... then why are we talking about Yang getting elected? That isn't going to happen. For superficial, racist reasons - but also simply because most of the country has no clue about any of this. How many people do you think are looking for the best plan for dealing with automatization when they go to the polls next year? Nothing is even going to begin happening until it's already an epidemic. That's reality.

07-15-2019, 01:23 AM
I hope Tulsi/Yang people (at least the ones whose next choice is Bernie) vote for Bernie in the primaries if your candidate is still at 2-3%... we can't screw around with this nomination.

If you support Yang and otherwise wouldn't vote Dem that's one thing, but if it's like 1a/1b Yang/Bernie in your mind, you gotta bite the bullet at the polls for Bernie.

07-15-2019, 01:25 AM
I hope Tulsi/Yang people (at least the ones whose next choice is Bernie) vote for Bernie in the primaries if your candidate is still at 2-3%... we can't screw around with this nomination.

If you support Yang and otherwise wouldn't vote Dem that's one thing, but if it's like 1a/1b Yang/Bernie in your mind, you gotta bite the bullet at the polls for Bernie.

The perpetual corrupting dilemma of the two-party system in a nutshell.

He's right though. Until there's a new United States political revolution, he's completely right. Bernie might be the only one who can beat Trump.

07-15-2019, 02:24 AM
The perpetual corrupting dilemma of the two-party system in a nutshell.

He's right though. Until there's a new United States political revolution, he's completely right. Bernie might be the only one who can beat Trump.

Believe me, I want ranked-choice voting and more viable parties more than anything. I'm biased when I say this, because aside from being anti-establishment, I don't think there's anything comparable about Yang and Bernie. :lol

07-15-2019, 04:39 AM
I'd really like to know from Bernie, and Bernie supporters, why Bernie no longer touts the governments of Nicaragua, Venezeual and Russia anymore like he did in the 80s.

Did he ever admit he was wrong? How come he never said, "Venezuela isn't real socialism" back then?

The guy literally said lining up for food was a good thing. And charity was wrong. And called for the means of production.


07-15-2019, 04:40 AM
Andrew Yang very well may be the only candidate with any plan (good or bad) for what is coming.

But are we all living in reality? That's the point of this thread right? We want to take an honest look at the future we are facing and figure out what to do about it.

If we are... then why are we talking about Yang getting elected? That isn't going to happen. For superficial, racist reasons - but also simply because most of the country has no clue about any of this. How many people do you think are looking for the best plan for dealing with automatization when they go to the polls next year? Nothing is even going to begin happening until it's already an epidemic. That's reality.

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy. One thing that was good about Trump back in the 2016 election is I can't ever remember him attacking third party candidates like democrats and Hillary did.

07-15-2019, 04:44 AM
Believe me, I want ranked-choice voting and more viable parties more than anything. I'm biased when I say this, because aside from being anti-establishment, I don't think there's anything comparable about Yang and Bernie. :lol

Andrew Yang has had actual success outside of politics - despite his UBI at the very least he believes in some value of capitalism.

07-15-2019, 06:10 AM
Hawker we both know the only reason Trump never attacked third-party candidates is because (much like with Bernie, whose supporters he was trying to pull over) I guess he thought them being in the race would benefit him. It was hilarious watching him cite Bernie's talking points in the debates with Hillary as if they were on the same team. That's not to say I'm anti-3rd party though; if Biden or Pete get the nom I'm def voting 3rd party in a safe state.

Andrew Yang has had actual success outside of politics - despite his UBI at the very least he believes in some value of capitalism.

Bernie believes in capitalism too, even if he won't use the word. There's a reason we have to go back decades to find anything that would put that into question, and so much of it has been exaggerated. A lot of things sound worse when next to no context is provided for each "damning" quote. But tbh I'm surprised this one doesn't get more play from you guys on the right:


7 minute mark. I even disagree with that one; I think the profit motive and competition are like... inextricably tied to human nature. :lol I don't see that changing.

But I don't think any of those old quotes will hurt him. That essay could once it's more widely seen, but in the age of Trump who gaf.

07-15-2019, 07:10 AM
I'd really like to know from Bernie, and Bernie supporters, why Bernie no longer touts the governments of Nicaragua, Venezeual and Russia anymore like he did in the 80s.

Did he ever admit he was wrong? How come he never said, "Venezuela isn't real socialism" back then?

The guy literally said lining up for food was a good thing. And charity was wrong. And called for the means of production.


i don't think bernie supporters are concerned with all of that in the same way that trump supporters aren't concerned with his rhetoric or legal battles. they all just want major change in washington.

07-15-2019, 07:25 AM
This guy could be the smartest guy to ever run for president. His numbers just make sense. Unlike other candidates who just BS their way in, this guy actually has a calculated plan.

His numbers actually make little sense at all and his "plans" are meaningless as he has no strategy to get his proposals through Congress. He isn't alone in this, though. This field of Democrats have a bunch of far flung plans, especially Sanders and Warren, that have next to no chance of becoming law. The rhetoric is fine, but people are losing their farms and struggling to buy insulin. Time to start proposing more concrete and executable ideas.

07-15-2019, 08:04 AM
His numbers actually make little sense at all and his "plans" are meaningless as he has no strategy to get his proposals through Congress. He isn't alone in this, though. This field of Democrats have a bunch of far flung plans, especially Sanders and Warren, that have next to no chance of becoming law. The rhetoric is fine, but people are losing their farms and struggling to buy insulin. Time to start proposing more concrete and executable ideas.

if it isn't progressive ideas, then what is it? centrist ideas? i'm sure status quo joe or mayor 'we shouldn't talk policy' pete has a plan for that. conservative ideas? where do u stand, breh?

07-15-2019, 08:59 AM
His numbers actually make little sense at all and his "plans" are meaningless as he has no strategy to get his proposals through Congress. He isn't alone in this, though. This field of Democrats have a bunch of far flung plans, especially Sanders and Warren, that have next to no chance of becoming law. The rhetoric is fine, but people are losing their farms and struggling to buy insulin. Time to start proposing more concrete and executable ideas.

Which other candidate has a concrete and executable idea? All I hear is the same BS that comes out of their mouths year after year.

"Losing their farms and struggling to buy insulin"? That's nothing compared to huge scale of job losses coming in the near future. When everyone starts losing their jobs to automation & A.I., you think people will have money to buy insulin then? I'd love to see any of these old timers running for President get into a debate of how to combat automation.

07-15-2019, 08:59 AM
His numbers actually make little sense at all and his "plans" are meaningless as he has no strategy to get his proposals through Congress. He isn't alone in this, though. This field of Democrats have a bunch of far flung plans, especially Sanders and Warren, that have next to no chance of becoming law. The rhetoric is fine, but people are losing their farms and struggling to buy insulin. Time to start proposing more concrete and executable ideas.

Universal health care. The US is the richest economy in the world. You could afford it. But it's a big talking point for conservatives and gets them votes so it will never happen.

07-15-2019, 12:37 PM
if it isn't progressive ideas, then what is it? centrist ideas? i'm sure status quo joe or mayor 'we shouldn't talk policy' pete has a plan for that. conservative ideas? where do u stand, breh?

My issue is not so much the ideas, but the lack of focus on a strategy to pass almost any of them. There has been a dearth of discussion as to what is actually feasible in our current political climate, and how we cultivate consensus around ideas that can get a groundswell of active support... support strong enough to compel members of Congress to act. Winning an election by promising to wipe out college debt will mean little when, from January 2021 to August 2021, a Democrat wastes political capital trying to get it done with nothing to show for it at the end because there was no strategy to get it passed. It really doesn't help when candidates pretend that there aren't obstacles they'll need to deal with.

07-15-2019, 01:29 PM
Which other candidate has a concrete and executable idea? All I hear is the same BS that comes out of their mouths year after year.

I think that's the problem. It doesn't matter how great anyone's plan is if there's no plan to get it passed and to get it implemented.

"Losing their farms and struggling to buy insulin"? That's nothing compared to huge scale of job losses coming in the near future. When everyone starts losing their jobs to automation & A.I., you think people will have money to buy insulin then? I'd love to see any of these old timers running for President get into a debate of how to combat automation.

I'd actually like to see all of these candidates have a serious discussion about automation, job retraining, future industries and the responsibilities that corporations have in taking care of the employees that have heavily contributed to their success and expansions. I'd also like to see a discussion of how we get some of these plans passed with the margins in the House and the even tighter potential margins in the Senate.

People losing their farms and not being able to buy insulin may seem negligible compared to some of our challenges down the line, but these candidates cannot forget to address the seemingly "small" challenges, though I don't consider either of those small, even in comparison. Those small challenges that affect people presently and intimately are what people most readily vote on. Where's the plan for dealing with the drug prices for the older gentleman I saw standing in line at the pharmacy last week who could only pay for some of his meds? What's the plan to pass that plan through Republican opposition?

07-15-2019, 02:48 PM
Universal health care. The US is the richest economy in the world. You could afford it. But it's a big talking point for conservatives and gets them votes so it will never happen.

I'm fully supportive of a Universal Health Care plan with private options that expand care for those who want or need it. However, even our public option now requires Medicare Part D to properly cover the cost of medications.

Here's the thing... it's not about how rich the economy is. Health Care constitutes about 1/6th of our economy. There are a bunch of logistical issues around moving people off of private plans and onto a public plan.

It doesn't help that Democrats are talking as if they want to move everyone to a Universal plan right away and burn private insurance to the ground without a lengthy transition period to ensure a smooth transition. Even with all it's benefits, and even with people driving to Canada to buy cheaper insulin, Dems are not selling Universal Health Care well. They're really terrible at creating good narratives.

11-26-2019, 12:37 AM
andrew yang boycotts msnbc (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=axjSQ4Sxb7c). :applause:

11-26-2019, 01:26 PM
andrew yang boycotts msnbc (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=axjSQ4Sxb7c). :applause:

Great! Thanks for the link!

11-26-2019, 02:01 PM
andrew yang boycotts msnbc (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=axjSQ4Sxb7c). :applause:That journalist tho

06-04-2020, 07:14 PM
I hope he runs in the US Senate. 2024, or 2028 he might be ready to run as President.