View Full Version : Thinking about converting to Islam?

05-25-2019, 12:38 PM
Any tips, ISH muslim brothers?

05-25-2019, 01:33 PM
1. Do you know how to make bombs or do you know someone who does?
2. Do you have a backpack?
3. Are you willing to kill the infidels?

05-25-2019, 01:48 PM

05-25-2019, 02:10 PM
I thought you were already a gypsy aren't you all set?

05-25-2019, 02:14 PM
I thought you were already a gypsy aren't you all set?
75% of local gypsies follow the fake tenants of eastern orthodoxy, none of those kaffirs care about God. Im so sick and tired. This is a serious thread guys.

05-25-2019, 02:26 PM
[QUOTE=Objectivity]1. Do you know how to make bombs or do you know someone who does?

The US dropped atomic bombs in Hiro and Naga
Germany violently bombed UK.
US dropped several bombs in the ME.
Several nations use bombs.
IRA uses bombs.
Tim McVeigh uses bombs.
Japanese used bombs.
Soviets used bombs.
Where is your criticism for these groups/individuals--all of whom number well below 1.8 billion? Why is bomb making not the defining trait for the aforementioned? Not exactly Objective are you?

And Muslims existed and thrived before explosives were widely used.

2. Do you have a backpack?

What kind of question is that?

3. Are you willing to kill the infidels?

Muslims like Jews have encountered many aggressive factions be they the Quraysh attempting to massacre them many times, the Mongols/Tatars demolishing Iraq, the Crusaders invading with horses and armor, Spanish inquisition etc..in your unjust propaganda schemes have you once thought that the alternative to self defense is having ones own women and children butchered?

05-25-2019, 02:37 PM
Any tips, ISH muslim brothers?

Thanks for asking brother. I knew you had sense because you understood how evil the state of Israel and homosexuality is.

1) Start making lots and lots of dua. It's when you raise your hands in the air and ask Allah for your needs, re recognizing that only the One Allah The Most High has power to answer prayers. Especially astaghfirullah---seeking forgiveness. After doing this abundantly I PROMISE you will feel a light clean feeling in the heart as sins are forgiven.
Also ask for protection and security.
Anything you need----ask from Him

Contrary to what the evil media propagates against Islam --- it is really truly about the sacred relationship between man (creation) and Almighty Allah. (The Creator)

When you look outside at the trees the skies and all of nature ... you see they are under control and being managed--observing certain limits. Islam is about surrendering your will to the Will of Allah and experiencing pure peace just as every thing in nature is in submission to His Will

2) Learn more about Allah.
How He is One. One in Lordahip, the only One worthy of Worship, the One whom all Asmaa al Husna belong to.

How the other religions have corrupt incorrect ideas about Him.

What Allah likes and dislikes?
What gets one closer to Allah
Who Allah is?

3) Learn more about the Prophets (PBUH). What men they were. What they stood for.

4) Try to focus on building your faith by observing the commands and abstaining from prohibitions.
You will become spiritually strong inshallah after establishing prayer into your life.

I'm here for you. Take it easy and steady though. And welcome to the path of eternal peace

05-25-2019, 02:42 PM


Doors are still open !

No feeling on earth that comes close to the heart being connected to its Creator

05-25-2019, 02:52 PM
75% of local gypsies follow the fake tenants of eastern orthodoxy, none of those kaffirs care about God. Im so sick and tired. This is a serious thread guys.

Whether you are being sarcastic or not you are actually right on in your understanding.

It is indeed a fake creed concocted at the Council of Nicaea.

It was the definition of the council which the Emperor Constantine called in the city of Nicea in the year 325 which was ultimately accepted by the Orthodox Church as the proper Symbol of Faith. This council is now called the first ecumenical council, and this is what it said:

We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages. Light of Light; true God of true God; begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father, by whom all things were made; who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man. And He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; whose Kingdom shall have no end.

Following the controversy about the Son of God, the Divine Word, and essentially connected with it, was the dispute about the Holy Spirit. The following definition of the Council in Constantinople in 381, which has come to be known as the second ecumenical council was added to the Nicene statement:

And [we believe] in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeds from the Father; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets. In one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

From https://oca.org/orthodoxy/the-orthodox-faith/doctrine-scripture/the-symbol-of-faith/nicene-creed

Compare that to the Aqeedah of Ahlul Sunnah wa Jamaa.
Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet.
Muslims believe that God does not have children.
Muslims believe that God is One, separate from His Creation.
Muslims believe that each soul will be personally accountable before The Almighty on the Day of Judgment.
Muslims do not believe Jesus was crucified.
Muslims are forbidden from directing worship to any other than Allah---(they can't pray to Jesus or Mary or Shiva or Ganesh or idols or saints or Angel's or prophets or demons) which fits perfectly in line with the Old Testament First Commandment to Moses.
Muslims believe that Jesus and Moses were men of God and they had Scriptures sent to their communities--- and the Final Revelation was sent to Muhammad (PBUH), who is foreshadowed in the previous scriptures see Deut 18:18

05-25-2019, 02:53 PM

Doors are still open !

No feeling on earth that comes close to the heart being connected to its Creator

You are my favourite troll on here bro <3

05-25-2019, 03:19 PM
75% of local gypsies follow the fake tenants of eastern orthodoxy, none of those kaffirs care about God. Im so sick and tired. This is a serious thread guys.
sorry to hear my gypsy friend. :(

you should probably just kill yourself tbh. let me know if there's anything I can do to help you with that.

Patrick Chewing
05-25-2019, 03:32 PM
Thanks for asking brother. I knew you had sense because you understood how evil the state of Israel and homosexuality is.

1) Start making lots and lots of dua. It's when you raise your hands in the air and ask Allah for your needs, re recognizing that only the One Allah The Most High has power to answer prayers. Especially astaghfirullah---seeking forgiveness. After doing this abundantly I PROMISE you will feel a light clean feeling in the heart as sins are forgiven.
Also ask for protection and security.
Anything you need----ask from Him

Contrary to what the evil media propagates against Islam --- it is really truly about the sacred relationship between man (creation) and Almighty Allah. (The Creator)

When you look outside at the trees the skies and all of nature ... you see they are under control and being managed--observing certain limits. Islam is about surrendering your will to the Will of Allah and experiencing pure peace just as every thing in nature is in submission to His Will

2) Learn more about Allah.
How He is One. One in Lordahip, the only One worthy of Worship, the One whom all Asmaa al Husna belong to.

How the other religions have corrupt incorrect ideas about Him.

What Allah likes and dislikes?
What gets one closer to Allah
Who Allah is?

3) Learn more about the Prophets (PBUH). What men they were. What they stood for.

4) Try to focus on building your faith by observing the commands and abstaining from prohibitions.
You will become spiritually strong inshallah after establishing prayer into your life.

I'm here for you. Take it easy and steady though. And welcome to the path of eternal peace


05-25-2019, 05:19 PM
Whether you are being sarcastic or not you are actually right on in your understanding.

It is indeed a fake creed concocted at the Council of Nicaea.

From https://oca.org/orthodoxy/the-orthodox-faith/doctrine-scripture/the-symbol-of-faith/nicene-creed

Compare that to the Aqeedah of Ahlul Sunnah wa Jamaa.
Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet.
Muslims believe that God does not have children.
Muslims believe that God is One, separate from His Creation.
Muslims believe that each soul will be personally accountable before The Almighty on the Day of Judgment.
Muslims do not believe Jesus was crucified.
Muslims are forbidden from directing worship to any other than Allah---(they can't pray to Jesus or Mary or Shiva or Ganesh or idols or saints or Angel's or prophets or demons) which fits perfectly in line with the Old Testament First Commandment to Moses.
Muslims believe that Jesus and Moses were men of God and they had Scriptures sent to their communities--- and the Final Revelation was sent to Muhammad (PBUH), who is foreshadowed in the previous scriptures see Deut 18:18

Call out Jesus infront of Muslims, they won't care. Call out Muhammad and they'll atleast go into full rage mode. Muhammad is a quasi deity for Muslim and thus his worship is against the very book they worship, because of him.

No surprise though as countries like Afghanistan are almost fully illiterate.

05-25-2019, 05:23 PM
Any tips, ISH muslim brothers?

You have to get in the right spirit and mindset first... so you can blend in.

1. First hit yourself in the head with a hammer, 20 times should do it. Losing 40 IQ points is vital.

2. Beat up whatever your better half is, wife, girlfriend, husband. Get used to it, you are going to do this a lot.

3. Find out where your nearest welfare/benefits office is. Prepare to cry racism if they don't give everything you want

4. Get HIV and HEP C

Now you are ready to join :bowdown:

05-25-2019, 05:27 PM
You forgot the coke bottle to wash your poop hole.

05-25-2019, 06:12 PM









.. the list goes on and on.

05-25-2019, 06:28 PM
Call out Jesus infront of Muslims, they won't care.

What are you talking about? Insulting any Anbiya (Prophet) is a big big sin. They should care if Jesus (PBUH) gets insulted unless you are dealing with people without Gheerah.

It's part of the reason why Muslims reject the current Bible--because it contains fabricated tales and slander of righteous men (including that against Lot (AS). The Prophets (PBUH) had the highest moral character of any man in any nation--they were MADE that way by the Almighty Allah.

Call out Muhammad and they'll atleast go into full rage mode. Muhammad is a quasi deity for Muslim and thus his worship is against the very book they worship, because of him.

Uhh, no nobody is a quasi-deity to Muslims. Nobody prays to Muhammad (PBUH)--otherwise they are outside the fold of Islam, as Shirk is the unforgivable sin. Even Muhammad (PBUH) warned the Muslims not to love him to such an extreme degree as to which the Christians did with Jesus...

It's called GHEERAH. Protective Jealousy.
And the problem is not with the Muslims reaction...
.... the problem is the person shouting the insult. What the heck caused someone to become so lowly and disrespectful and uncouth in manners to the point where they are insulting perhaps the man who did the most for the welfare of mankind, ever.

Really, how about the people doing the insulting fix themselves up first.

No surprise though as countries like Afghanistan are almost fully illiterate.

Really? You actually, in your mind, connected the love of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of the Afghani people to illiteracy rates? Know how I know your judgment is messed up?

Never mind, war or invading Russians, or tribalism---you actually connected illteracy with their love for Muhammad (PBUH).

That is literally the most stupidest thing I've read since a Patrick Chewing post.

And with a Prophet (PBUH) whom the first Ayat he received was "Iqraa" to "Read"--a Prophet (PBUH) who allowed prisoners of war to be liberated if they taught people to read, a Prophet (PBUH) who encouraged the seeking of knowledge.

05-25-2019, 06:33 PM
You have to get in the right spirit and mindset first... so you can blend in.

1. First hit yourself in the head with a hammer, 20 times should do it. Losing 40 IQ points is vital.

2. Beat up whatever your better half is, wife, girlfriend, husband. Get used to it, you are going to do this a lot.

3. Find out where your nearest welfare/benefits office is. Prepare to cry racism if they don't give everything you want

4. Get HIV and HEP C

Now you are ready to join :bowdown:

1. I see where that's coming from.
Okay, so that festival is called Ashura, and it's done by a Shia sect.
That whipping is to commemorate the heroic acts of Muhammad (PBUH)'s grandson against a tyrant.
It's not part of mainstream Islam.
It's a bida (innovation)

2. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) never beat up a woman and warned strongly against oppression.

3. Vagabondry is highly frowned down upon. There's a hadith where Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught a poor man how to cut wood and sell it at a market, and there's a hadith that states giving is better than receiving. Actually, good action, productive livelihood, trade, and business are encouraged in the religion of Islam.

4. Considering that fornication and homosexuality are strictly forbidden, drugs are forbidden (I.e that includes heroine and the sharing of needles) and that the only way to have intercourse is through a halal marriage, the chances of that occuring are far slimmer than people with looser, alternative sexual lifestyles.

If you're going to criticize people, tom, you had better come up with truthful things.

05-25-2019, 07:18 PM
It's part of the reason why Muslims reject the current Bible--because it contains fabricated tales and slander of righteous men

Really? You actually, in your mind, connected the love of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of the Afghani people to illiteracy rates? Know how I know your judgment is messed up?

Never mind, war or invading Russians, or tribalism---you actually connected illteracy with their love for Muhammad (PBUH).

No, I connected the love for fabricated tales, just like the qu'ran is, to illiteracy. People who don't have an educated mind fall for others telling them what's written down in books. Anywere literacy is very low religiousness is pretty high.

Not Muhammad is to blame for the lack of education, the lack of education is to blame for people following moralistic stories from 1400 years ago.

Regarding your other points. Most religious people pick what they need out of their book and ignore the rest. Else no muslim would kill "infidels".

05-25-2019, 07:28 PM


05-25-2019, 07:41 PM








.. the list goes on and on.

A FETO member shares another FETO member terrorists photo. :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

Patrick Chewing
05-25-2019, 07:43 PM
You forgot the coke bottle to wash your poop hole.

Yo how can they clean themselves properly without toilet paper??

Oh that

05-25-2019, 08:26 PM
Yo how can they clean themselves properly without toilet paper??

Oh that’s right, they use their left hand to wipe and scoop out the rest.

What a culture!

I can't understand that you think cleaning with only paper is good. Ok, it is better than left hand thing.


1-Wash your ass with bidet
2- Use paper

It is much better.

05-25-2019, 10:37 PM
You have to get in the right spirit and mindset first... so you can blend in.

1. First hit yourself in the head with a hammer, 20 times should do it. Losing 40 IQ points is vital.

2. Beat up whatever your better half is, wife, girlfriend, husband. Get used to it, you are going to do this a lot.

3. Find out where your nearest welfare/benefits office is. Prepare to cry racism if they don't give everything you want

4. Get HIV and HEP C

Now you are ready to join :bowdown:
Finally, the first post to actually answer the OP without trolling :applause:

You did forget to add one thing though, fiddy needs to get with a relative of his, a female cousin will do...special brownie points if the sex is forced :rockon:

05-25-2019, 10:38 PM








.. the list goes on and on.
A much more impressive list could be done of Christians :confusedshrug:

05-26-2019, 10:23 AM
Finally, the first post to actually answer the OP without trolling :applause:

You did forget to add one thing though, fiddy needs to get with a relative of his, a female cousin will do...special brownie points if the sex is forced :rockon:
:rockon: :applause:

05-26-2019, 07:20 PM
You can tell how fat these dudes that troll online all day are :oldlol:

05-27-2019, 01:42 AM

WTF is that ashura festival? That is some barbaric nonsense.

05-27-2019, 06:03 AM

WTF is that ashura festival? That is some barbaric nonsense.

From reddit

This is a shia ritual practice called*Ma

05-27-2019, 08:50 AM
Btw is the month of starvation mandatory for anyone following Islam?

05-27-2019, 09:16 AM
Btw is the month of starvation mandatory for anyone following Islam?

They should be starving themselves of oxygen:oldlol:

05-27-2019, 10:34 AM
You can tell how fat these dudes that troll online all day are :oldlol:

these fat ****s have never had a salad in their lives :roll:

05-27-2019, 02:30 PM
They should be starving themselves of oxygen:oldlol:

So you are laughing about imagining people killing themselves?

How did you become like this coin24?

Ears are open here. Feel free to share any traumatic experiences. I deal with teaching people from broken homes. .
E-mail me at lifeisatest11@yahoo.com

05-27-2019, 02:39 PM
Btw is the month of starvation mandatory for anyone following Islam?

So the purpose of abstaining from food, drink, intercourse, cursing, and other things during these 30 days is primarily to train self-control and attaining TAQWA (consciousness of God). Saying no to our carnal selves and keeping our minds focused on our Creator and the Hereafter.

Consciousness of God can be analogized to--- If you were to wear fancy clothes and had to walk in a path filled with thorny plants, you'd want to avoid these things---likewise when we go through our paths of life we want to avoid that which is displeasing to God (idolatry, interest, greed, lies, misguidance, sexual immorality, rude manners, injustice, oppression, sin, backbiting, gossip, slander, silly talk, heedlessness, vanity, homosexuality, alcohol, cursing, drugs, harming others, being immersed in the material world etc.) and want to do our best to do what is pleasing to The Almighty (giving thanks, giving charity, caring for the poor, observing limits, good behavior, spreading peace, having good moral character, acts of worship, dutifulness to parents etc.)

While we give our stomachs a rest, we give our spirits the food it needs by doing more devout acts of worship.

Is it tough? Yes.
Does it reap great benefits? Yes.

So like all things in life worth attaining.. a little bit of struggle and effort.

And TAQWA is certainly worth attaining.

Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah was asked about that for which people are admitted into Paradise the most, so he said: “Taqwa of Allah, and good character.” And he was asked about that for which people are admitted into the Fire the most, and he said: “The mouth and the private parts.” (Tirmidhi)