View Full Version : 6 rushed questions for no good reason.

02-08-2019, 08:25 AM
1. All these players are in unrestricted free agency this summer in order who do you make offers to first? All in their primes and about 5 years 160 million just to begin negotiations. Other teams are talking to them. Who do you make your best offer to first?

Rasheed Wallace
Baron Davis
Klay Thompson

Anyone there you arent willing to pay 160 million?

2. Better footwork than shown at any point of Lebrons NBA career?


3. Do you only know you love her once you've let her go? The song makes a compelling case and the hook is pretty great...but I disagree with its premise for the most part.



If you had that moment vs Jordan would you frame a still photo of it and hang it in your home or play it cool like its just another 2 points?

And now I must fulfill my obligations as a Bulls fan and also post:


For the record.


Which team would you rather have for a 7 game series vs the Bucks?

The Celtics with Kyrie Irving under the condition he cant dribble the ball....period.


The rockets with James Harden on the condition he cant pass....period?

The only people who know about the condition are you, your teams head coach, and the players on the team. The fans, announcers, and other team do not know....but presumably will figure out something is wrong pretty soon. Both must play 35 minutes or more and have 100% healthy rosters(so Capela is back). Which is a bigger obstacle to victory? Lets say you have 50,000 dollars on the win. You pick the team....they beat the Bucks in a 7 game series under these conditions...you get 50K.

Who you got?


Coach is Brad Stevens

Roster is

Mark Price
Ben Gordon
Bruce Bowen
Brandon Bass
Peak Dirk
Tim Thomas
Brook Lopez
Roy Hibbert
Nuggets Jr Smith
Seth Curry
Austin Rivers

In todays east. How do they do?

02-08-2019, 08:33 AM
2. Better footwork than shown at any point of Lebrons NBA career?


are you saying this was good footwork? because he did a 2 foot planted hop step off of a 1.5 step gather. then decided he'd start pivoting.. which is a travel

02-08-2019, 08:38 AM
My original question was "Is this a travel" which I decided was....probably not. And definitely not by todays standards. I had it left over from some old topic on officiating and didnt have anything else to do with it once I decided it was probably legalish enough not to argue about. I have SOOOOOOOO many traveling/carry clips I keep putting aside for complaining old hater topics ill probably never make. I decided this one wasnt egregious enough. And it falls into the "Too clean to call" pile with like 30 of Hakeems dreamshakes that technically had a moving pivot.

02-08-2019, 08:41 AM
My original question was "Is this a travel" which I decided was....probably not. And definitely not by todays standards. I had it left over from some old topic on officiating and didnt have anything else to do with it once I decided it was probably legalish enough not to argue about. I have SOOOOOOOO many traveling/carry clips I keep putting aside for complaining old hater topics ill probably never make. I decided this one wasnt egregious enough. And it falls into the "Too clean to call" pile with like 30 of Hakeems dreamshakes that technically had a moving pivot.

most of the time i go by fiba rules ( real basketball ) when discussing a rules issue. its a travel

just because the nba turns a blind eye doesn't mean its not clearly in the rule book that you can't start pivoting after a hop step

its still in the nba rule book whether or not the leagues protecting its stars

Dr Hawk
02-08-2019, 08:42 AM
1. Rasheed. Provides spacing, attitude (too much sometimes) and defense.

2. I hope he has had better footwork at some point in his career because all I see in that play is some clumsy moves by him exccept the last one and pathetic defense.

3. We don't appreciate what we have until it is gone. I think it is true in a big part. We don't realise that we might live better nowadays than in those "good old times".

4. If I'm an NBA player I think I should have more pride than that. But, if it was an special occasion, like my first game in the NBA or my first 2 points, I would probably do it.

5. The rockets with James Harden on the condition he cant pass. The other team would figure out earlier Irving not dribbling the ball, and he wouldn't be able to shoot with a defender on him. Harden would still be able to score and draw fouls.

6. Good shooting, good defense, good coaching and Dirk. NBA Finals.

02-08-2019, 08:42 AM
I remember having people arguing over this one:


Seemed 50/50 but both sides were SO sure it either is or isnt legal.

There are at least 2 things wrong with it but im not sure its ever called...today.

02-08-2019, 08:45 AM
most of the time i go by fiba rules ( real basketball ) when discussing a rules issue. its a travel

I have like 20 gifs ready on that issue ill never be bored enough to flesh out a topic on. I found damn near every travel called on team USA in international play.

I felt I was kinda running the issue into the ground so I left it alone.

They get you mostly on footwork out of the triple threat I noticed. Guys ALWAYS take that step before dribbling in the NBA and they shut it down internationally. Then guys looking all upset like they didnt learn you couldnt do that at age 7.

02-08-2019, 08:46 AM
I remember having people arguing over this one:


Seemed 50/50 but both sides were SO sure it either is or isnt legal.

There are at least 2 things wrong with it but im not sure its ever called...today.

thats clearly a travel. are you blind. and of course it wouldn't be called today. the nba's a joke

they may still call it depending on who does it though

btw i referee'd for about 5 years in a competitive league ( ages 10-14 or so )

02-08-2019, 08:54 AM
before the nba rule book said you could take 1.5 steps... a gather and a full step. they changed it to 2.5 steps. a gather and 2 full steps

right foot 0.5 step gather


left foot 1.0 step ( first full step )


right foot 2.0 step ( 2nd full step )


now kobe must go up with a shot with 2 feet


left foot 3.0 step ( 3rd full step )


02-08-2019, 08:55 AM
I said it was a travel. I believe Orlando Magic said it was. Warriorfan and others disagreed.

I believe there was a disagreement on this one as well but that topic was lost in the great purge so I can

02-08-2019, 08:58 AM
I remember having people arguing over this one:


Seemed 50/50 but both sides were SO sure it either is or isnt legal.

There are at least 2 things wrong with it but im not sure its ever called...today.

What is 50/50 here? It's a clear travel.

02-08-2019, 08:58 AM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]I said it was a travel. I believe Orlando Magic said it was. Warriorfan and others disagreed.

I believe there was a disagreement on this one as well but that topic was lost in the great purge so I can

02-08-2019, 09:08 AM
What is 50/50 here? It's a clear travel.

I don

Dr Hawk
02-08-2019, 09:08 AM
[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]I said it was a travel. I believe Orlando Magic said it was. Warriorfan and others disagreed.

I believe there was a disagreement on this one as well but that topic was lost in the great purge so I can

02-08-2019, 09:08 AM
Davis, who I wouldn't pay that much. Never liked how he always looked fat and out of shape.

Thompson is better on D than Peja, easy, but Peja on this league? Three after three after three...

02-08-2019, 09:10 AM
Baron Davis.

Loco 50
02-08-2019, 09:35 AM
My original question was "Is this a travel" which I decided was....probably not. And definitely not by todays standards. I had it left over from some old topic on officiating and didnt have anything else to do with it once I decided it was probably legalish enough not to argue about. I have SOOOOOOOO many traveling/carry clips I keep putting aside for complaining old hater topics ill probably never make. I decided this one wasnt egregious enough. And it falls into the "Too clean to call" pile with like 30 of Hakeems dreamshakes that technically had a moving pivot.
Used to get so frustrated with the refs about those travels while the announcers raved about his footwork and how he grew up playing soccer so by default had amazing footwork. Pack your f'n bags Hakeem. Guy got away with murder and was an absolute blackhole for most of his career, but now we have people that never watched guy play say he's top 10........

Answers to a few of the questions:
1.) Klay, Sheed, B. Diddy in that order. No contract for Stojakovic. Saw him choke up when it really mattered too many times.

3.) In my experience, false. Rejection just makes you think you want her more because now you know you can't have her. Mind****ery, because before the rejection you really didn't care all that much.

4.) Just another 2, even though in my mind I'm thinking it's awesome, don't want anyone else to find out it's more than just a bucket to me.

5.) I like the Celts team to pull through much more than the Rockets. More talent. Rozier can run point. I think Harden gets bottled up more easily when you start to notice he refuses to pass after a while. Don't like Harden's game at all though, so probably heavily biased.

02-08-2019, 10:51 AM

How's that not a travel? Kobe clearly moves his pivot foot before dribbling. Even though it's not called, it's a travel by the rules.

I realize today's fans don't know what a travel is since the NBA is so lax on calling it, but that was a travel.

And I'm not a fan of either team or Kobe.

02-08-2019, 11:49 AM
1: Klay and Peja: I would never sign a guy to the Max who would look so unconcerned like Rasheed, and Baron had too much of health issues

2: Well, still not the best footwork ever

3: It's over and Guys need to get over it

4: I am an NB A player i'm supposed to score thousand of thems during my career. If it was my first buzzer beater, it would be different, tho, but Jordan don't make it any more satisfying for me

5: Give me the Rockets. CP3 playing point. Harden playing mostly off-the-ball, mixing it with one-on-one situations on good matchups

6: Can't see them lose before playoff 2nd round. But this team shooting is insane.

02-08-2019, 12:32 PM
1. All these players are in unrestricted free agency this summer in order who do you make offers to first? All in their primes and about 5 years 160 million just to begin negotiations. Other teams are talking to them. Who do you make your best offer to first?

Rasheed Wallace
Baron Davis
Klay Thompson

Anyone there you arent willing to pay 160 million?

Sheed, not even close. He's got the full package, but at a lower level than let's say a David Robinson, Hakeem or something like that. Still enough to tip the scale from medium playoff squad to champ. The others aren't that kind of player. Klay is great in a system that fits his style, but you could put Sheed on any team and he'd help.

2. Better footwork than shown at any point of Lebrons NBA career?


He nearly tripped, when he did that backwards pivot, he's clumsy AF. the two footed jumper is nice though.

3. Do you only know you love her once you've let her go? The song makes a compelling case and the hook is pretty great...but I disagree with its premise for the most part.

BS. If you only know you love someone after that person is gone, it's just about possession, not about love.



If you had that moment vs Jordan would you frame a still photo of it and hang it in your home or play it cool like its just another 2 points?

I'd try to replicate it. I don't do fotos of concerts or record the music. I live in the moment. Trying to conserve the unconservable is stupid for me.


Which team would you rather have for a 7 game series vs the Bucks?

The Celtics with Kyrie Irving under the condition he cant dribble the ball....period.


The rockets with James Harden on the condition he cant pass....period?

Celtics. Kyrie could be still useful as a spot up shooter and they played well without him last season. Harden without passing would kill Houston, he ignitiates their offense. I think Harden without passing in a vacuum is better tha Kyrie without dribbling, but within their respectives team offense Harden's
passing is more important.


Coach is Brad Stevens

Roster is

Mark Price
Ben Gordon
Bruce Bowen
Brandon Bass
Peak Dirk
Tim Thomas
Brook Lopez
Roy Hibbert
Nuggets Jr Smith
Seth Curry
Austin Rivers

In todays east. How do they do?


are you saying this was good footwork? because he did a 2 foot planted hop step off of a 1.5 step gather. then decided he'd start pivoting.. which is a travel

It's close. If you do the gather while hoping and complete it when you land you can actually pivot, also by FIBA rules. If you do a true hop you can't. Lebron here is closer to doing the latter.

I remember having people arguing over this one:


Seemed 50/50 but both sides were SO sure it either is or isnt legal.

There are at least 2 things wrong with it but im not sure its ever called...today.

Back in that thread I said the beginning is a travel. Lifted his pivot foot before dribbling. The stepback + pivot is aswell. It's more obvious than Lebron's.

[QUOTE=Kblaze8855]I said it was a travel. I believe Orlando Magic said it was. Warriorfan and others disagreed.

I believe there was a disagreement on this one as well but that topic was lost in the great purge so I can

02-08-2019, 01:59 PM
I said it was a travel. I believe Orlando Magic said it was. Warriorfan and others disagreed.

I believe there was a disagreement on this one as well but that topic was lost in the great purge so I can’t go through it all:


Jordan has one that is 10 times worse in the Suns series. Very similar move too.

But as far as picking up both feet before the dribble...guys have been doing that since the beginning of time. It's so common that it's one I let slide unless it's insanely blatant like the one in the Suns series.

02-08-2019, 02:56 PM
1. I'd go

1. Klay
2. Peja
3. Rasheed
4. Davis

You could swap Klay or Peja, but they'd be my top 2 choices for today's game

2. Lol, it very well could be

3. You can definitely love someone before you break up with them, however, I do think a lot of the time you only truly appreciate them once they're gone. But that applies for anything really, girl, relative, friend, etc.

4. Depends. If I was Kobe's age at the time, I hang that shit on my wall. If I'm a a vet and I've already accumulated achievements & success, probably not

5. Think I gotta go with the Rockets on that one

6. That team could easily take the East

02-08-2019, 05:31 PM
Jordan has one that is 10 times worse in the Suns series. Very similar move too.

But as far as picking up both feet before the dribble...guys have been doing that since the beginning of time. It's so common that it's one I let slide unless it's insanely blatant like the one in the Suns series.



02-08-2019, 05:39 PM
Jordan teaching how to do it here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j_qSuvfrTr4. Btw kblaze have you seen this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q_SxYv-Rfzc

02-08-2019, 06:07 PM
1. All these players are in unrestricted free agency this summer in order who do you make offers to first? All in their primes and about 5 years 160 million just to begin negotiations. Other teams are talking to them. Who do you make your best offer to first?

Rasheed Wallace
Baron Davis
Klay Thompson

Anyone there you arent willing to pay 160 million?

2. Better footwork than shown at any point of Lebrons NBA career?


3. Do you only know you love her once you've let her go? The song makes a compelling case and the hook is pretty great...but I disagree with its premise for the most part.



If you had that moment vs Jordan would you frame a still photo of it and hang it in your home or play it cool like its just another 2 points?

And now I must fulfill my obligations as a Bulls fan and also post:


For the record.


Which team would you rather have for a 7 game series vs the Bucks?

The Celtics with Kyrie Irving under the condition he cant dribble the ball....period.


The rockets with James Harden on the condition he cant pass....period?

The only people who know about the condition are you, your teams head coach, and the players on the team. The fans, announcers, and other team do not know....but presumably will figure out something is wrong pretty soon. Both must play 35 minutes or more and have 100% healthy rosters(so Capela is back). Which is a bigger obstacle to victory? Lets say you have 50,000 dollars on the win. You pick the team....they beat the Bucks in a 7 game series under these conditions...you get 50K.

Who you got?


Coach is Brad Stevens

Roster is

Mark Price
Ben Gordon
Bruce Bowen
Brandon Bass
Peak Dirk
Tim Thomas
Brook Lopez
Roy Hibbert
Nuggets Jr Smith
Seth Curry
Austin Rivers

In todays east. How do they do?
1. I would pay them all. Peja would feast in today's NBA klay is already doing just that bdiddy was a beast and sheed is a mobile skilled bigman would need some strong personalities in the locker-room and on the sidelines to keep him in check otherwise that's the ideal bigman for today.

2. yes

3. we don't love these hoes

4. considering I never played in any pro leagues I would certainly frame it with the caption get wrecked fakkit above jordan's bald head

5. both teams would get annihilated I'll take the celtics in that scenario

6. top 3 seed legit contender