View Full Version : Why do you hate LeBron?

01-28-2019, 10:15 AM
It seems almost every post on here is either a LeBron hate thread or a different thread that turns into a LeBron hate thread somehow.
I honestly don't get the hate so I honestly want to know why people hate him so much. Why do they hate LeBron for how few faults on and off the court but they'll like other players that also have faults. For example:
Mj- cheated on his wife numerous times, punched teammates in the face, was/is notorious for being a jerk. Game wise he was pretty flawless bit he did push off sometimes and would use his off arm constantly when dunking on cats.
Kobe- was also notorious for cheating on his wife. He was known to be a bad teammate early on in his career. He would constantly call players and refs fakkits during games. Game wise he was one of the worse chuckers ever. He could be selfish like no player ever.
Steph-all in all Steph seems like an awesome guy so not a whole lot to say there. He does dance and shimmy around alot which can be viewed as disrespectful and kinda bitch like tbh. Game wise he gets thousands of moving illegal screens to help him get open. What's the difference between that and lebrons stiff arms or travels?

So what is that makes you hate LeBron much for his faults but allows you to love your favorite player with faults that are equal in nature?

01-28-2019, 10:20 AM
I don't hate him now but I did for a long time because he surpassed Kobe.

01-28-2019, 10:33 AM
He is a narcisstic douchebag with piss poor fundamentals, who was so hyped (and paid) by Nike, that the NBA was forced to change rules to allow him to dominate (3 steps, relaxed carry). Not only that, we've been witness to a decade of outright corrupt reffing against Indiana multiple series and the worst, the fraudulent "win" over Golden State.

In short, Lebron is a living example of our corrupt consumerist society, driven not by meritocracy and honor, but by shady crooked capitalism.

01-28-2019, 10:44 AM
I used to really like him. Hell i admired him.

But after all his collusions and all those superstars he stacked his teams with and after all those shortcomings after all that, one day i was absolutely fed up.

After all his complaining and passive aggressive behaviour, throwing several teammates under the bus for his cancerous style of play and after all the help he got from the officials and the league. I simply had enough.

how can you defend a beta male like that after everything he's done?

I cannot justify all his choke jobs anymore.

01-28-2019, 10:58 AM
I don't hate Lebron. Top 15 GOAT. What's there to hate?

01-28-2019, 10:59 AM
Because he's wasting his talents playing bounceyball; that ridiculous American sport with the orange ball.

01-28-2019, 11:11 AM
I don't hate bron, but I'm tired of him. The NBA has been collectively sucking his cawk for fifteen f*cking years. He's just not that interesting.

He gets talked about as if it's just between him and MJ at the summit. Like he somehow leapfrogged all the best players in history. It's ignorant and disrespectful. It's not his fault, but it's bullshit.

On the court, he is not as fun to root for as others in his stratosphere. Kobe was far more fun to watch. Shaq was more fun to watch. I think Curry and KD are both more fun to watch.

Probably the number one reason I don't like him is his beta personality. I am not trying to be a parrot here - it's true. You just look at how he handles any personal challenge. He shies away from them instinctively. It's not his fault - it's his nature to not want confrontation. He's like a genuinely nice guy. But for all his posturing in the media, calling himself the greatest... he doesn't act like it on the court when someone steps to him and gets in his face. Players used to know... don't talk shit to MJ. You'll get him mad, which will turn him on, and he'll kill us. With Bron, it appears to be the exact opposite. I have seen so many role players take him out of games just by being really aggressive with him. He doesn't like it. He finds ways to win while avoiding the personal challenges. Good on him, but it makes him lame to root for.

There's still more tho. He seems like a diva with the way he handles his business. Passive aggressive with things he says about other players, seems happy undermining coaches and just doing whatever he wants with a team... plus he's cheesy AF in interviews with his corny PC personality.

Mainly tho it's just because he plays for the Lakers.

01-28-2019, 11:27 AM
I don't hate bron, but I'm tired of him. The NBA has been collectively sucking his cawk for fifteen f*cking years. He's just not that interesting.

He gets talked about as if it's just between him and MJ at the summit. Like he somehow leapfrogged all the best players in history. It's ignorant and disrespectful. It's not his fault, but it's bullshit.

On the court, he is not as fun to root for as others in his stratosphere. Kobe was far more fun to watch. Shaq was more fun to watch. I think Curry and KD are both more fun to watch.

Probably the number one reason I don't like him is his beta personality. I am not trying to be a parrot here - it's true. You just look at how he handles any personal challenge. He shies away from them instinctively. It's not his fault - it's his nature to not want confrontation. He's like a genuinely nice guy. But for all his posturing in the media, calling himself the greatest... he doesn't act like it on the court when someone steps to him and gets in his face. Players used to know... don't talk shit to MJ. You'll get him mad, which will turn him on, and he'll kill us. With Bron, it appears to be the exact opposite. I have seen so many role players take him out of games just by being really aggressive with him. He doesn't like it. He finds ways to win while avoiding the personal challenges. Good on him, but it makes him lame to root for.

There's still more tho. He seems like a diva with the way he handles his business. Passive aggressive with things he says about other players, seems happy undermining coaches and just doing whatever he wants with a team... plus he's cheesy AF in interviews with his corny PC personality.

Mainly tho it's just because he plays for the Lakers.
"The Chosen One"

"That play right there is what made me the GOAT"

- It kind of is his fault. Or, I suppose one could take the stance that it was media pushed and it went to his head. And so he just bought what they sold him hook line and sinker but that would be pretty weak minded I dunno which is worse. Either way that's a dangerous level of ego to be saying those things about yourself though.




plays his fiddle while the quality of play in the NBA burns behind him

01-28-2019, 11:38 AM
I don't hate bron, but I'm tired of him. The NBA has been collectively sucking his cawk for fifteen f*cking years. He's just not that interesting.

He gets talked about as if it's just between him and MJ at the summit. Like he somehow leapfrogged all the best players in history. It's ignorant and disrespectful. It's not his fault, but it's bullshit.

On the court, he is not as fun to root for as others in his stratosphere. Kobe was far more fun to watch. Shaq was more fun to watch. I think Curry and KD are both more fun to watch.

Probably the number one reason I don't like him is his beta personality. I am not trying to be a parrot here - it's true. You just look at how he handles any personal challenge. He shies away from them instinctively. It's not his fault - it's his nature to not want confrontation. He's like a genuinely nice guy. But for all his posturing in the media, calling himself the greatest... he doesn't act like it on the court when someone steps to him and gets in his face. Players used to know... don't talk shit to MJ. You'll get him mad, which will turn him on, and he'll kill us. With Bron, it appears to be the exact opposite. I have seen so many role players take him out of games just by being really aggressive with him. He doesn't like it. He finds ways to win while avoiding the personal challenges. Good on him, but it makes him lame to root for.

There's still more tho. He seems like a diva with the way he handles his business. Passive aggressive with things he says about other players, seems happy undermining coaches and just doing whatever he wants with a team... plus he's cheesy AF in interviews with his corny PC personality.

Mainly tho it's just because he plays for the Lakers.

I'm not a Lebron Hater, but THAT is a serious argument. One thing i would remind about him: him and Wade making fun of Dirk getting sick before G4 of 2011 NBA finals, before getting absolutely manhandled by the Wunderkind. Didn't feel like the guy embrace challenge. I won't talk about MJ cause i believe all these stories are totally blown out of proportion, but there are 3 kind of guys in this league:

1 those who when challenged will run away or deflect it as much as possible
2 those that will fight it again and again, sometimes too much for their own good
3 those facing and overcoming it hard.

Lebron has been a 1 most of his career, except during 2016 Finals
Kobe has definitely been a 2, Or Russel infamous 43 shot G5 against Utah
MJ was a 3

01-28-2019, 11:40 AM
People hate lebron because of

Media Fatigue


The fact he plays basketball and runs things like a CEO. The way he's been able to teeter between player and executive is unparalleled. He's found a way to take CEO enterprise principles and brought them as a player. People hate that but NBA players look up to him. Can't be beta if you've found a way to run things across all avenues.

01-28-2019, 12:11 PM
I think most people who hate Lebron, actually hate his stans and ESPECIALLY the MEDIA constantly circling the NBA discussion around him.

He's literally been in the spotlight for the last 17 years (even before the NBA).

I'm sure people are just tired of the extra attention he gets or just bored with his narrative.

I was 12 years old when Lebron was really getting hyped in high school...I'm 28 now...it's been a LONG fukin time.

01-28-2019, 12:32 PM
LeBron has no integrity.

01-28-2019, 12:33 PM
[QUOTE=Gileraracer]I used to really like him. Hell i admired him.

But after all his collusions and all those superstars he stacked his teams with and after all those shortcomings after all that, one day i was absolutely fed up.

After all his complaining and passive aggressive behaviour, throwing several teammates under the bus for his cancerous style of play and after all the help he got from the officials and the league. I simply had enough.

how can you defend a beta male like that after everything he's done?

I cannot justify all his choke jobs anymore.[/QUOTE I'm actually not defending him. I don't disagree with most of the criticism that is said about him. My point is that other atg that most people on here worship like mj, kobe or more recently steph, all have faults also that aren't much better than brons. Whats the difference between bron teaming up with Wade and bosh to win 2 chips and Steph and them beginning kd to team up and win 2 chips?
What's the difference between bron throwing teammates under the bus and Jordan punching teammates in the face?
It's fine if you wanna hold a player to a certain standard. My problem is that most Bron haters don't hold there favorite player to the same standard. It's hypothetical

01-28-2019, 12:35 PM
He is a narcisstic douchebag with piss poor fundamentals, who was so hyped (and paid) by Nike, that the NBA was forced to change rules to allow him to dominate (3 steps, relaxed carry). Not only that, we've been witness to a decade of outright corrupt reffing against Indiana multiple series and the worst, the fraudulent "win" over Golden State.

In short, Lebron is a living example of our corrupt consumerist society, driven not by meritocracy and honor, but by shady crooked capitalism.

Thats ridiculous man. Your being a little overdramatic dont you think

01-28-2019, 12:35 PM
I think most people who hate Lebron, actually hate his stans and ESPECIALLY the MEDIA constantly circling the NBA discussion around him.

He's literally been in the spotlight for the last 17 years (even before the NBA).

I'm sure people are just tired of the extra attention he gets or just bored with his narrative.

I was 12 years old when Lebron was really getting hyped in high school...I'm 28 now...it's been a LONG fukin time.
That's a fair criticism actually

01-28-2019, 12:50 PM
I'm not a Lebron Hater, but THAT is a serious argument. One thing i would remind about him: him and Wade making fun of Dirk getting sick before G4 of 2011 NBA finals, before getting absolutely manhandled by the Wunderkind. Didn't feel like the guy embrace challenge. I won't talk about MJ cause i believe all these stories are totally blown out of proportion, but there are 3 kind of guys in this league:

1 those who when challenged will run away or deflect it as much as possible
2 those that will fight it again and again, sometimes too much for their own good
3 those facing and overcoming it hard.

Lebron has been a 1 most of his career, except during 2016 Finals
Kobe has definitely been a 2, Or Russel infamous 43 shot G5 against Utah
MJ was a 3

It's absolutely real, and everyone can relate to it. We all strive to have the spine to strike down anyone who crosses us. Sometimes we stand up and sometimes we fall back. That's life.

Professional athletes are meant to inspire us. It's more inspiring to pull for the fighters who want to fight - or the scorers who want the ball with the game on the line - just anyone who hungers for that opportunity to make it THEIR moment, and put all their weight behind it. Bron is not that dude at his core. He's calculating, proud, and insecure. And transparent. It's not inspiring.

01-28-2019, 12:55 PM
It's absolutely real, and everyone can relate to it. We all strive to have the spine to strike down anyone who crosses us. Sometimes we stand up and sometimes we fall back. That's life.

Professional athletes are meant to inspire us. It's more inspiring to pull for the fighters who want to fight - or the scorers who want the ball with the game on the line - just anyone who hungers for that opportunity to make it THEIR moment, and put all their weight behind it. Bron is not that dude at his core. He's calculating, proud, and insecure. And transparent. It's not inspiring.
It's true. LeDrManhattan really has no desire to inspire mortals. He struggles to relate to us.

01-28-2019, 12:57 PM
I won't talk about MJ cause i believe all these stories are totally blown out of proportion

If the stories are blown out of proportion, then it serves the point at hand even more.

Those stories come from the opponents he faced. They legit talk about him like they're still scared.

When the other greats from his own heyday say shit like "oh everybody knew don't poke the bear, tell the rookies not to talk noise to Mike" it goes to show the mental edge he had.

Which... is exactly what we're talking about here. The part of the game that's all perception. With bron it's more like "damn a role player just hit a stepback in his face and was visibly talkin smart at him right after, what's bron gonna do about it? Hey his dribble looks sloppy rn what's goin on... he seems off... okay sure, I guess it's time to get Love some post touches?" I swear I have seen essentially that situation a thousand times.

01-28-2019, 01:13 PM
If the stories are blown out of proportion, then it serves the point at hand even more.

Those stories come from the opponents he faced. They legit talk about him like they're still scared.

When the other greats from his own heyday say shit like "oh everybody knew don't poke the bear, tell the rookies not to talk noise to Mike" it goes to show the mental edge he had.

Which... is exactly what we're talking about here. The part of the game that's all perception. With bron it's more like "damn a role player just hit a stepback in his face and was visibly talkin smart at him right after, what's bron gonna do about it? Hey his dribble looks sloppy rn what's goin on... he seems off... okay sure, I guess it's time to get Love some post touches?" I swear I have seen essentially that situation a thousand times.

It's all in their mindset. While magic is the best pure passer above 6'7, Bron has his mindset more. Magic made moves while playing in the league more so than Jordan but Lebron has taken the CEO mindset and brought it on the court.

01-28-2019, 09:53 PM
His massive man meat makes me feel insecure about myself

01-28-2019, 10:31 PM
I hate him for turning fans of other players into foaming at the mouth idiots. Other than that I've been a fan.

He is a narcisstic douchebag with piss poor fundamentals, who was so hyped (and paid) by Nike, that the NBA was forced to change rules to allow him to dominate (3 steps, relaxed carry). Not only that, we've been witness to a decade of outright corrupt reffing against Indiana multiple series and the worst, the fraudulent "win" over Golden State.

In short, Lebron is a living example of our corrupt consumerist society, driven not by meritocracy and honor, but by shady crooked capitalism.

I hope you know when your beloved Mj hit the league fans of the previous era complained that he got away with palming the ball. Any real 90s fan would remember that.

The National Basketball Association (NBA) established the flagrant foul in the 1980-81 season and enacted proper penalties for it in 1990-91,[1] to deter contact which, in addition to being against the rules, puts an opponent's safety or health at risk.
why and what teams would make this significant in the 90-91 season? :biggums:

01-28-2019, 10:36 PM
I think Lebron's biggest problem is that he sucks at PR. For a guy who was the chosen one in high school, actually lived up to the hype, and has kept his nose clean off the court, he isn't as iconic as Bird/Magic/Jordan to the general public.

Jordan in particular was very calculating about how he spoke/acted in a public setting. He would never walk around in a "Check my stats" t-shirt.

I was a big fan of Lebron during his first few years. I saw people criticizing him on here and didn't think much of it. Then one day (during his first stint with the Cavs) his 60 win team was playing a bad Bulls team that was missing key players. The Cavs blew them out and Lebron started dancing on the sidelines and i was like WTF. That is the kind of thing that shows a basic lack of awareness about appearances.

His flopping also didn't go over well. Some of that crap made me wonder, does he not realize that there are gifs of his flopping all over the net? It isn't a good look for a 260 pound megastar.

"the Decision" was a disaster, and could have been easily avoided by someone was a basic understanding of PR. It is almost like he has a blind spot.

I respect his game and his professionalism on and off the court, but i cant be all in on him like i was with MJ/Bird/Magic.

01-28-2019, 11:43 PM
because we are not watching nba to care about their personal lives. We dont care if these players cheated on their wives. LOL

What matters is what happens on the court. And lebron made nba unwatchatchable by starting the superteam era. And 2nd, hes a fraud. Hes masking his deficiencies through statpadding. And who doesnt hate fakes/frauds. Theyre the most unlikable and lebron is a fraud on and off the court.

01-28-2019, 11:57 PM
the only thing I hate about him is the way media constantly makes excuses for him when he fails.

01-28-2019, 11:58 PM
When Bron was the "next big thing" like Zion everyone liked him. As soon as he started challenging the legacy of peeps fav players they started hating him.

I got a bunch of friends like this.

*First few years in the L

"Oh hell yeah, LeBron is so good. This kid is amazing, he is going to be an amazing talent"

*Fast forward to After epic 2016 Finals

"Oh he isn't even that good, he is just stronger then everyone else he is just ok but not that good."

Uhhh...Just because Bron passed up all your fav players as the new GOAT now you feel threatened.


01-29-2019, 12:27 AM
When Bron was the "next big thing" like Zion everyone liked him. As soon as he started challenging the legacy of peeps fav players they started hating him.

I got a bunch of friends like this.

*First few years in the L

"Oh hell yeah, LeBron is so good. This kid is amazing, he is going to be an amazing talent"

*Fast forward to After epic 2016 Finals

"Oh he isn't even that good, he is just stronger then everyone else he is just ok but not that good."

Uhhh...Just because Bron passed up all your fav players as the new GOAT now you feel threatened.


Has challenged the legacy of anyone being at 33% winning in the finals and getting smoked by me multiple times in them by large amounts.

01-29-2019, 12:33 AM
I actually like Lebron. I just hate irrational fanboys, specially does who have been watching basketball for say five years, yet feel they are experts based on limited knowledge. Or who don't realize that what they know makes a lot of sense to them, seems like is an incredible amount, but it's only because they're not aware of what they don't know, and what they don't know out weights what they do by literally thousands of times. This is really people in general.

01-29-2019, 01:43 AM
Has challenged the legacy of anyone being at 33% winning in the finals and getting smoked by me multiple times in them by large amounts.

Surpassed Duncan as soon as he won a gold in the OLYMPICS for his country, something Duncan choked away in 2004

01-29-2019, 02:28 AM
I don't hate bron, but I'm tired of him. The NBA has been collectively sucking his cawk for fifteen f*cking years. He's just not that interesting.

He gets talked about as if it's just between him and MJ at the summit. Like he somehow leapfrogged all the best players in history. It's ignorant and disrespectful. It's not his fault, but it's bullshit.

On the court, he is not as fun to root for as others in his stratosphere. Kobe was far more fun to watch. Shaq was more fun to watch. I think Curry and KD are both more fun to watch.

Probably the number one reason I don't like him is his beta personality. I am not trying to be a parrot here - it's true. You just look at how he handles any personal challenge. He shies away from them instinctively. It's not his fault - it's his nature to not want confrontation. He's like a genuinely nice guy. But for all his posturing in the media, calling himself the greatest... he doesn't act like it on the court when someone steps to him and gets in his face. Players used to know... don't talk shit to MJ. You'll get him mad, which will turn him on, and he'll kill us. With Bron, it appears to be the exact opposite. I have seen so many role players take him out of games just by being really aggressive with him. He doesn't like it. He finds ways to win while avoiding the personal challenges. Good on him, but it makes him lame to root for.

There's still more tho. He seems like a diva with the way he handles his business. Passive aggressive with things he says about other players, seems happy undermining coaches and just doing whatever he wants with a team... plus he's cheesy AF in interviews with his corny PC personality.

Mainly tho it's just because he plays for the Lakers.

Pretty accurate post. I feel the same. I used to like LeBron with his first stint with the Cavs. His game was extremely entertaining. He was doing stuff that shouldn’t be possible, and doing it every night. Check out any highlight clips from his first Cavs stint. It’s pretty unreal. The decision was total bullshit. LeBron was getting close to doing it the right way and getting it done in Cleveland. He took the easy way out. The best player in the ****ing world shamelessly saying, “eh I’m over it, this has gotten too tough, I’m gonna go play with Dwyane Wade.” Ever since the decision he has gone into his hyper sensitive mode where he acts like a bitch all the time, on and off the court. His game has gotten painful to watch in advanced age, even if he is still productive.

Cliff notes: LeBron used to be fun to watch and not a total piece of shit, he gave up on his hometown team to take the easy way out, he constantly acts like a whiny bitch, and he’s not even entertaining to watch anymore

01-29-2019, 02:49 AM
People saying Lebron lacks fundamentals. Wrong. Everything he does is fundamentally sound. When he catches the ball, it's immediately down into the triple threat. If you know basketball, you know that's the first thing they teach you in basketball camp.

People saying KD or Curry are more fun to watch. It's a matter of opinion. Certainly isn't true to me. I'd much rather watch Lebron dominate inside and outside as opposed to seeing the other two chucking three's all game.

And the other comment about Lebron dancing. He was young at the time. I have a much bigger problem with Curry's punk ass dancing EVERY time he hits a couple three's. And lets be honest, the dance itself is gay and unnecessary.

Most of this criticism is unwarranted.

01-29-2019, 03:10 AM
When Bron was the "next big thing" like Zion everyone liked him. As soon as he started challenging the legacy of peeps fav players they started hating him.

I got a bunch of friends like this.

*First few years in the L

"Oh hell yeah, LeBron is so good. This kid is amazing, he is going to be an amazing talent"

*Fast forward to After epic 2016 Finals

"Oh he isn't even that good, he is just stronger then everyone else he is just ok but not that good."

Uhhh...Just because Bron passed up all your fav players as the new GOAT now you feel threatened.


/thread, indeed brother :cheers:

The Iron Fist
01-29-2019, 03:52 AM
It's absolutely real, and everyone can relate to it. We all strive to have the spine to strike down anyone who crosses us. Sometimes we stand up and sometimes we fall back. That's life.

Professional athletes are meant to inspire us. It's more inspiring to pull for the fighters who want to fight - or the scorers who want the ball with the game on the line - just anyone who hungers for that opportunity to make it THEIR moment, and put all their weight behind it. Bron is not that dude at his core. He's calculating, proud, and insecure. And transparent. It's not inspiring.
:roll: Says who?

The Iron Fist
01-29-2019, 03:54 AM
When Bron was the "next big thing" like Zion everyone liked him. As soon as he started challenging the legacy of peeps fav players they started hating him.

I got a bunch of friends like this.

*First few years in the L

"Oh hell yeah, LeBron is so good. This kid is amazing, he is going to be an amazing talent"

*Fast forward to After epic 2016 Finals

"Oh he isn't even that good, he is just stronger then everyone else he is just ok but not that good."

Uhhh...Just because Bron passed up all your fav players as the new GOAT now you feel threatened.

Whose legacy is challenged with six finals losses?

01-29-2019, 03:59 AM
Whose legacy is challenged with six finals losses?


01-29-2019, 04:00 AM
Whose legacy is challenged with six finals losses?

Oh dont get cute you know. If you have to say that you already know who...

The Iron Fist
01-29-2019, 04:07 AM
Oh dont get cute you know. If you have to say that you already know who...
You are correct. Silly me. I forgot for just a moment, Elgin and Jerry.

01-29-2019, 04:19 AM
Whose legacy is challenged with six finals losses?


01-29-2019, 04:53 AM
Whose legacy is challenged with six finals losses?


34-24 Footwork
01-29-2019, 05:21 AM
People saying Lebron lacks fundamentals. Wrong. Everything he does is fundamentally sound. When he catches the ball, it's immediately down into the triple threat. If you know basketball, you know that's the first thing they teach you in basketball camp.

People saying KD or Curry are more fun to watch. It's a matter of opinion. Certainly isn't true to me. I'd much rather watch Lebron dominate inside and outside as opposed to seeing the other two chucking three's all game.

And the other comment about Lebron dancing. He was young at the time. I have a much bigger problem with Curry's punk ass dancing EVERY time he hits a couple three's. And lets be honest, the dance itself is gay and unnecessary.

Most of this criticism is unwarranted.

:lol :lol

very fundamental indeed

01-29-2019, 05:25 AM
Whose legacy is challenged with six finals losses?

Shut it down:lol :lol :lol :cheers:

Night night wheels

01-29-2019, 09:17 AM
Whose legacy is challenged with six finals losses?

losers glorify losing so the more you lose the more you win for them. :lol

01-29-2019, 09:28 AM
Because I thought he was going to be the GOAT and he let me down as a fan

01-29-2019, 09:52 AM
I hate him simply because his presence somehow entices idiots to make 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, 000 threads about him either to the extreme of ridiculously riding his jock or hating him. I will be glad when he finally retires.

01-29-2019, 09:58 AM
LeBron is not hated, he just causes people to think that he's more than he really is. It's largely due to late millennials with no clue never having watched the GOAT MJ. Since they never saw MJ, they like to pretend that LeBron is the GOAT even if it means losing their own respect and integrity. The man is a 6 time finals loser and they have trouble letting that sink in. Him "showing up" is all they have. Then you add on the fact that 2 of his rings are due to Kyrie and Ray Allen shots which had nothing to do with Lebron even being in the play, and it just makes him a modern day 1/9 Jerry West. The end result is that they get trolled on constantly and live a life filled with anger and sorrow. Anything done in 2016 is negated by 2011. I eat that shit up. Delicious tears for days. :applause:

01-29-2019, 10:04 AM
LeBron is not hated, he just causes people to think that he's more than he really is. It's largely due to late millennials with no clue never having watched the GOAT MJ. Since they never saw MJ, they like to pretend that LeBron is the GOAT even if it means losing their own respect and integrity. The man is a 6 time finals loser and they have trouble letting that sink in. Him "showing up" is all they have. Then you add on the fact that 2 of his rings are due to Kyrie and Ray Allen shots which had nothing to do with Lebron even being in the play, and it just makes him a modern day 1/9 Jerry West. The end result is that they get trolled on constantly and live a life filled with anger and sorrow. Anything done in 2016 is negated by 2011. I eat that shit up. Delicious tears for days. :applause:
I saw MJ couldn't even take a stacked Wizards team to the playoffs :(

Celtics 1825
01-29-2019, 03:21 PM
I don't really hate LeBron. I mean I'm not a fan per say, but also not a hater. I've hated some of his antics and things he's done in the past, but after returning to Cleveland I've actually come to somewhat like the guy honestly. I mainly just hate his fanboys who act like he's a god and ride his dick 24/7.

01-29-2019, 08:28 PM
I don't really hate LeBron. I mean I'm not a fan per say, but also not a hater. I've hated some of his antics and things he's done in the past, but after returning to Cleveland I've actually come to somewhat like the guy honestly. I mainly just hate his fanboys who act like he's a god and ride his dick 24/7.
He's pretty close to a god tbh :confusedshrug:

01-29-2019, 09:08 PM
Whose legacy is challenged with six finals losses?

01-29-2019, 09:19 PM
The misconception here is that people on this site hate Lebron.

No, we don't hate Lebron. We're sick of the trolls on this board that keep creating new accounts every single day to regurgitate the same 5 hot takes made up by the media to satisfy their delusional fandom. They're allowed to roam free since they account for 90% of this site's traffic.

01-29-2019, 09:22 PM
The misconception here is that people on this site hate Lebron.

No, we don't hate Lebron. We're sick of the trolls on this board that keep creating new accounts every single day to regurgitate the same 5 hot takes made up by the media to satisfy their delusional fandom. They're allowed to roam free since they account for 90% of this site's traffic.

That's part of what I said earlier. Im a big Lebron fan and Manny98 and his army of alts need to be banned.

Also, sports media has become so much worse than it used to be and it's very tmz like. Also discussions rely almost solely on individual players instead of teams or x's and o's.

I haven't watched any sports shows at length in probably 5 years becaause it's all the same shit too often.

01-29-2019, 09:27 PM
The issue I have with LeBron is everything about him is completely manufactured.

The good thing is that 10-15 years from now, people are going to go to work on his basketball legacy.

It is going to make what they did to Wilt look like child's play.

01-29-2019, 10:43 PM
The misconception here is that people on this site hate Lebron.

No, we don't hate Lebron. We're sick of the trolls on this board that keep creating new accounts every single day to regurgitate the same 5 hot takes made up by the media to satisfy their delusional fandom. They're allowed to roam free since they account for 90% of this site's traffic.
That's fair but all players have these types of fans. Curry and harden fans are some of the worst. At least mj, Kobe and Bron have the resumes to warrant there fans to be annoying about there play. Curry and harden are crazy good but there resumes are nothing compared to those guys.

01-29-2019, 10:50 PM
When Bron was the "next big thing" like Zion everyone liked him. As soon as he started challenging the legacy of peeps fav players they started hating him.

I got a bunch of friends like this.

*First few years in the L

"Oh hell yeah, LeBron is so good. This kid is amazing, he is going to be an amazing talent"

*Fast forward to After epic 2016 Finals

"Oh he isn't even that good, he is just stronger then everyone else he is just ok but not that good."

Uhhh...Just because Bron passed up all your fav players as the new GOAT now you feel threatened.

:lol :lol :lol Spot on.

The Iron Fist
01-30-2019, 12:47 AM
That's fair but all players have these types of fans. Curry and harden fans are some of the worst. At least mj, Kobe and Bron have the resumes to warrant there fans to be annoying about there play. Curry and harden are crazy good but there resumes are nothing compared to those guys.
3x champ
2x mvp
Probably the greatest shooter of all time.

Curry is not far behind. The team was built around him.

Harden has a long way to go.