View Full Version : Kobe says Trade Bynum in Candid Vid

One of Shemps Kids
06-19-2007, 01:58 AM
[QUOTE]New York Times

It has been three weeks since Kobe Bryant has been seen on television or heard on the radio. But that has not kept the Bryant story out of the media. Between KB24.com and YouTube.com, the Internet is bringing the events surrounding Bryant's apparent trade demand to the boiling point.

The next chapter of this saga comes in the form of an amateur video, apparently taken several weeks ago, in which Bryant directs harsh statements at his teammate Andrew Bynum and Lakers GM Mitch Kupchak.

The video is set to be released later this week by a group of men who have chosen to remain anonymous. They plan to charge users $1.99 to see footage of Bryant venting anger toward his current -- but perhaps soon-to-be former -- organization.

06-19-2007, 02:08 AM
So these guys think people are going to play 1.99 for that. It'll be up on public sites like Youtube within minutes of them posting it

06-19-2007, 02:11 AM
yea no ****, they should just sell the tape to an LA newstation

06-19-2007, 02:28 AM
yea no ****, they should just sell the tape to an LA newstation

most news stations as rule won't purchase info like that... that's why they are going to try and charge for it on the net, last week they were on a LA radio trying to hype it up...

it would probably show up on a celebrity style site before it appears on a legit type news/sports program...

06-19-2007, 04:01 AM
Kobe has a point really. They committed to him as the man when they traded Shaq and set Jackson packing. Since then they have basically gone on a half assed youth movement. While it is hard to say that Kobe "has the right" to anything, they should be trying to win a title or they should trade him. Bynum and Kobe are basically polar opposites for what you are trying to achieve. Either you are relying on the young guy or winning now.

06-19-2007, 04:17 AM
Yeah, its almost looking like the Boston situation, except they're not bringing in any good prospects and they give their superstar the idea that they're trying to win now.

I don't blame Kobe one bit, but I also can't imagine him in a Bulls uni. Its gonna be so weird.

06-19-2007, 04:35 AM
Old news.

Of course he said trade Bynum for Kidd. What idiot wouldn't trade Bynum for Kidd?

06-19-2007, 04:36 AM
Old news.

Of course he said trade Bynum for Kidd. What idiot wouldn't trade Bynum for Kidd?


06-19-2007, 06:32 AM
Kobe has a point really. They committed to him as the man when they traded Shaq and set Jackson packing. Since then they have basically gone on a half assed youth movement. While it is hard to say that Kobe "has the right" to anything, they should be trying to win a title or they should trade him. Bynum and Kobe are basically polar opposites for what you are trying to achieve. Either you are relying on the young guy or winning now.


06-19-2007, 06:53 AM
Mitch is the GOAT!!!

Real Men Wear Green
06-19-2007, 08:57 AM
Which tactic for getting yourself off a team is worse, trashing the GM and teammates like Bryant is now or quitting like Carter? The way he's bashing Bynum is wrong, IMO. If I was an NBA player, I wouldn't want a teammate that I knew would be willing to talk about me like that. It's not Bynum's fault that he's an inexperienced player that LA has rated high.

06-19-2007, 12:11 PM
Which tactic for getting yourself off a team is worse, trashing the GM and teammates like Bryant is now or quitting like Carter? The way he's bashing Bynum is wrong, IMO. If I was an NBA player, I wouldn't want a teammate that I knew would be willing to talk about me like that. It's not Bynum's fault that he's an inexperienced player that LA has rated high.

did you hear the "bashing"?

06-19-2007, 12:21 PM
whats the big deal with the video.
I don't even need a video to believe Kobe said that, just give me a story and I'll believe it :oldlol:

Not surprising anyways, so he disses Bynum, so what?
Who the hell is Bynum? Who gives a damn about him?

06-19-2007, 12:28 PM
I just wonder what would have happened to Bryant if Shaq started pissing and moaning after a 19 year old Bryant was airballing jumpshots in the Utah series?

"hell yeah - get his azz out of here"....

Give me an f'n break - the kid is ONLY 19 years old and has a TON of potential. Does he have it now? No, but will he in a couple of years (hell even next season)? Who knows? Did you see how much he bulked up and improved his game in just one season?

It's easy to cast stones at other players, but the main person he needs to look at is himself. He made mistakes when he was 19, but he had people to mentor him. What kind of mentoring is he showing to Bynum now? He's throwing the kid under the f'n bus for God sakes! If I were Bynum, I'd look at Kobe square in the eyes and tell him to kiss my azz!!!


06-19-2007, 12:47 PM
No way they're making too much off of this. I say maybe about 50 purchases then it'll be on youtube or one of the others for free.

John Starks
06-19-2007, 03:25 PM
Of course he said trade Bynum for Kidd. What idiot wouldn't trade Bynum for Kidd?

I think Kidd is great and if I were the Cavs or the Rockets or Chi or Miami I'd pull the deal on a Kidd deal in a heartbeat. Those are all teams that you could argue are just a J.Kidd away from contending or even a title. Especially the Rockets. With Kidd, Rockets move into Dall/SA/Phx range and Chi passes Det and Cle.

Kidd is old and he is expensive and he does not have many miles left, so if you are going for Kidd, you better be ready to win and - because he is so expensive- he is your last substantial move for improvement. So with Kidd, that's your team for abut 3 years.

The Lakers are not that close. Assuming kidd fits perfectly, he gets them to 50 wins, past Rockets and Utah but stll below SA, Dallas, and Phx...and then Kidd will get progressively worse for the next 2 increasingly-expensive years you are locked into with him.

The only person who would make that deal is a guy who thinks that the Lakers are just a Kidd away from competing in the WCF. I don't think anyone beleives that - besides Kobe.

Kupchak hasn't done much to help - caught in the awkward want ot win and rebuild - phase of team management- but the Kidd non-move was well-reasoned.

John Starks
06-19-2007, 03:30 PM
...and even if best case scenario, Kidd comes in and is brilliant for 50+ games and somehow Odom-Kobe-Kidd upset the Spurs and win the title, Kidd is still getting worse in progressive years. All you've done is stave off re-building for a year and then two-years later, after kidd has lost it, Kobe will just opt-out while you are still paying Kidd (who you bought for the sole reason of appeasing Kobe)

06-19-2007, 03:36 PM
Lakers need a big man more than they need a point in the triangle offense which doesnt even use the pg like other offenses...

J.O would help, but even he wouldnt put the lakers over the top by himself...KG would be good, but I dont think he does it either(by himself)....

and unless kobe gives up the ball hogging and changes his demeanor as a teammate, it wont really matter...

part of the reason the lakers are this mediocre is because kobe is the leader and he isnt helping his teammates play together

06-19-2007, 03:38 PM
I can't wait for the full video.

Jerz Netz
06-19-2007, 03:40 PM
...and even if best case scenario, Kidd comes in and is brilliant for 50+ games and somehow Odom-Kobe-Kidd upset the Spurs and win the title, Kidd is still getting worse in progressive years. All you've done is stave off re-building for a year and then two-years later, after kidd has lost it, Kobe will just opt-out while you are still paying Kidd (who you bought for the sole reason of appeasing Kobe)

what? he had 1 the best seasons of his careere this past year. guy almost averaged a triple double. :no:

John Starks
06-19-2007, 03:44 PM
KG would be good, but I dont think he does it either(by himself)....

A KG-Odom-Kobe team would be good and would compete with anyone, but you watch these Spurs, you need a Bruce Bowen and a Brent Barry to make 3's to win titles. Those Lakers don't have the depth for that - because all the money is tied up in Kobe-KG-Lamar.

If only some of these 'IWANNAWIN" superstars would sacrifice some $ to allow the team room to build. They want to win, but only on their terms. (No blame, I'd take the money too, but complain less about winning - I don't care who CTC)

John Starks
06-19-2007, 03:46 PM
what? he had 1 the best seasons of his careere this past year. guy almost averaged a triple double.

You are right - Kidd is like a fine wine - getting better with age --

Which is why he didn't handle the ball in any 4th quarter;
Nets lost more games; and
Did not defend his position near the level we are used to...

C'mon, if you are a Nets fan, you know this is not the NBA Finals Kidd of 3 years back.

06-19-2007, 03:53 PM
You are right - Kidd is like a fine wine - getting better with age --

Which is why he didn't handle the ball in any 4th quarter;
Nets lost more games; and
Did not defend his position near the level we are used to...

C'mon, if you are a Nets fan, you know this is not the NBA Finals Kidd of 3 years back.

Kidd athleticism and speed has definitely declined... and you cannot say he is in his physical prime, but statistically, he is still in his prime bceause he has adapted his game to compensate for his loss in speed.

his perimeter defense may not be the way it was when he was younger, but he still makes up for it by outsmarting the opponent and using his size/strength. he still playmakes with the best of them and puts up triple doubles once every 8 games.

and the nets lost because they were without two starters for a long period of time.
i hate the nets because they keep beating the knicks, but i gotta give respect where it's due

06-19-2007, 03:57 PM
Kobe for number pick+ filler?

06-19-2007, 04:02 PM
You are right - Kidd is like a fine wine - getting better with age --

Which is why he didn't handle the ball in any 4th quarter;
Nets lost more games; and
Did not defend his position near the level we are used to...

C'mon, if you are a Nets fan, you know this is not the NBA Finals Kidd of 3 years back.

The NBA Finals Kidd of 3 years back actually had a backup PG and teammates who actually helped him. Kidd's age is being exploited because he does all the work.

Jerz Netz
06-19-2007, 04:03 PM
You are right - Kidd is like a fine wine - getting better with age --

Which is why he didn't handle the ball in any 4th quarter;
Nets lost more games; and
Did not defend his position near the level we are used to...

C'mon, if you are a Nets fan, you know this is not the NBA Finals Kidd of 3 years back.

well obviously hes not like he was 3 years ago. Hes getting older and has a totally new team. He still is one of the top PG's in the league (2nd behind Nash IMO, debatable) so of course i would be pissed if i were Kobe.

You dont know how long it is gonna take bynum to fully develop and by the time he does kobe will be getting old.

06-19-2007, 04:15 PM
Bynum should kick Kobe's ass.

John Starks
06-19-2007, 04:32 PM
well obviously hes not like he was 3 years ago. Hes getting older and has a totally new team. He still is one of the top PG's in the league (2nd behind Nash IMO, debatable) so of course i would be pissed if i were Kobe.

You dont know how long it is gonna take bynum to fully develop and by the time he does kobe will be getting old.

try to think like a gm for a sec and not a fantasy owner and you'll see why the Kidd deal made no sense - not from a "Lets keep Bynum" perspective, but a "Lets not take on Kidd"

06-19-2007, 04:45 PM
try to think like a gm for a sec and not a fantasy owner and you'll see why the Kidd deal made no sense - not from a "Lets keep Bynum" perspective, but a "Lets not take on Kidd"

yes Bynum is younger, in a few years could become a very good player.

but keep in mind in a few years, Kobe will be in the tail end of his prime and will possibly become less dominant.

overall, Cupcake was in a bind. either displease Kobe or ruin the future (Kidd + Kobe + Odom still would not have gotten past the Suns. Kidd may neutralize Nash but Amare would be too much)

06-19-2007, 04:58 PM
Man this country is getting sicker by the minute. People capturing a private conversation and selling on the internet. Wow... it's almost a disgrace to be an American nowadays.

06-19-2007, 05:13 PM
why exactly did the Lakers draft Bynum from the first place if they really wanted to build a contender team?
why didn't they trade away the 1st pick in a weak draft?
the Lakers caught themself in this bad position by themself
they didn't take advantage of FA market, didn't make any trade but sending away Butler
so ofcourse they are now in a bad position to build a contender
they've been making mistakes for the past 3 years.

John Starks
06-19-2007, 05:23 PM
The reason why the Lakers have no bench - if you want to be real - is that it is very hard ot get cheap talent when you are winning. You pay for the dynasty with years of poor play (ask the Bulls) because you just couldn't build. Team was too good to play young guys and draft picks too low to get young-cheap talent.

Its not the last 3 years, its 8 years of failing to re-stock young talent, some of that failure due to just the confines of the system

Unless you have a generational superstar to stem tides (like Duncan) it is darn near impossible to keep winning championships consistently.

06-19-2007, 05:39 PM
But the Lakers suck at player evaluation. They don't seem to have an eye for talent. They passed on drafting Barbosa. And for the life of me, I can't figure out why the signed Radmonovich -- he didn't fill any need on the Lakers.

1. LA needs a a REAL point guard
2. LA needs somone who can create shots off the dribble
3. LA needs someone who can score efficiently in the paint
4. LA needs an interior defensive presence

We need a front office who knows what it's doing. Look at how the Spurs keep bring in good talent and keep winning.

06-19-2007, 05:52 PM
This was a really fukced up thing to do by those guys. Not because they are "exposing" him or anything, but that is just a breach of trust between a guy who just thinks he is talking to some fans like he normally does, and it turning into an internet scandal throwing him under the bus. Even if he stays, how do you ever speak candidly with fans again? They said the guys he's talking to are regulars like he is to that deli they're standing outside and were on general speaking terms. Then they pull some crap like this and boom ,scandal. Unbelievable man. I'm not Kobe Bryant but if I was famous and someone I was acquainted with taped me on the low and played it to the media and net, i'd be pissed. Especially with people who you're supposed to be friendly with and are fans trying to get you to stay. What a backstabbing d!ick.

John Starks
06-19-2007, 06:14 PM
But the Lakers suck at player evaluation. They don't seem to have an eye for talent. They passed on drafting Barbosa. And for the life of me, I can't figure out why the signed Radmonovich -- he didn't fill any need on the Lakers.

1. LA needs a a REAL point guard
2. LA needs somone who can create shots off the dribble
3. LA needs someone who can score efficiently in the paint
4. LA needs an interior defensive presence

We need a front office who knows what it's doing. Look at how the Spurs keep bring in good talent and keep winning.

Spurs are different - they have a generational player - the last true franchise player in the sport. Duncan embodies the system and enforces for the coach on the floor both with words and with play. "This is how we do it, if you want to be part of it, you'll do it this way to, if there is anything I can do to help you, I will"

You say the LA front office has 0 idea what its doing, that may be true - I submit that it is unreasonable to ask any front office to break down a dynasty and turn it back into a contender in 3 years - absent a Duncan.

NO GM, NONE could have this team at the Phx/Dall level as of right now, NO GM could have this team even at the Utah/Hou level.

The dynastic years robbed it of free agents and high-draft choices.The dynastic years have caused high-salaries and older players. It is impossible and unreasonable for ANYONE to beleive that this team should be a contender already. All the fictional trades you want to beleive in Artest, Kidd, Boozer - all coming over for nothing (only one of which even remotely possible) - still the team has no bench, and no time together and is still not at the phx/Dall/SA level.

..unless you beleive that Kobe is a Duncan-esque style franchise player, which is plainly apparent he is not.

Jerz Netz
06-19-2007, 06:20 PM
try to think like a gm for a sec and not a fantasy owner and you'll see why the Kidd deal made no sense - not from a "Lets keep Bynum" perspective, but a "Lets not take on Kidd"

all good teams start with a good PG (Spurs, Suns, Pistons). Yes for the future this might not be a good trade but for the next few years itd give the lakers a great oppurtunity at taking the title.

If bynum turns out to be a bust i'll be laughing.

06-19-2007, 06:27 PM
It all depends on whether you want to win the title now or in the future. Kobe obviously doesn't want to wait any longer. It was bad communication between him and the organization. Anyway, I'm glad we kept Kidd. I don't want Bynum, he's all hype.

Samurai Swoosh
06-19-2007, 06:32 PM
I'm not supporting these little L.A. douche bags. I'm not paying to see this video. Hopefully it will be online sometime soon.

See Kobe? Everything in L.A. goes bad. It's full of rottend, back stabbing, manipulators. Come out to the mid-west charm of Chi-Town, where you will be met with open arms.

06-19-2007, 06:39 PM
I'm not supporting these little L.A. douche bags. I'm not paying to see this video. Hopefully it will be online sometime soon.

See Kobe? Everything in L.A. goes bad. It's full of rottend, back stabbing, manipulators. Come out to the mid-west charm of Chi-Town, where you will be met with open arms.

I hear ya, I mean how low can you go? These guys should be taken to Singapore and caned.

06-19-2007, 06:58 PM
What if there was a Shaq tape calling for Kobe to be traded after he shot all those airballs in the Jazz series?

Its funny to see Kobe take this stance because he once was the young teenager on a team that was trying to break through to championship level. How soon we forget......

06-19-2007, 07:14 PM
Kobe really is that guy you want on your team:roll: ..I mean who wouldn't want a ballhog who snitches on you and trashes you behind your back

06-19-2007, 07:20 PM
What if there was a Shaq tape calling for Kobe to be traded after he shot all those airballs in the Jazz series?

Its funny to see Kobe take this stance because he once was the young teenager on a team that was trying to break through to championship level. How soon we forget......

Cuz from day one, Kobe displayed great talent and everyone knew that it was just a matter of time. The thing that really bothers me about Bynum is his lack of athleticsm.

06-19-2007, 07:33 PM
Cuz from day one, Kobe displayed great talent and everyone knew that it was just a matter of time. The thing that really bothers me about Bynum is his lack of athleticsm.

As a Laker fan...its disheartening to know that Kobe would be able to talk about a teammate in that manner to a "fan" on the street. It makes me wonder if he will ever be a great team guy.

His talent & work ethic is undeniable, even though many on ISH like to do so. He is the best this league has to offer when it comes to those 2 attributes.

But as a teammate, I think that stinks, especially since he should have an idea of what Bynum is going through with his transition from high school to the NBA. It says a lot about him. Volumes in fact. If I were a Laker, I'd wonder what the heck he was saying about me behind my back.....This was the last straw...it is time for him to go.

Ray Allen is a prophet....

06-19-2007, 07:58 PM
Lakers need a big man more than they need a point in the triangle offense which doesnt even use the pg like other offenses...

J.O would help, but even he wouldnt put the lakers over the top by himself...KG would be good, but I dont think he does it either(by himself)....

and unless kobe gives up the ball hogging and changes his demeanor as a teammate, it wont really matter...

part of the reason the lakers are this mediocre is because kobe is the leader and he isnt helping his teammates play together

Bingo. Kobe does not know when to pass or shoot, really, just watch him play. he can't control his game, and his shot selection is horrible. and he just doesn't have the ability to bring teammates together. over 3 years have gone by, the chemistry of the team has been shaky at best.

06-20-2007, 12:29 AM
Bingo. Kobe does not know when to pass or shoot, really, just watch him play. he can't control his game, and his shot selection is horrible. and he just doesn't have the ability to bring teammates together. over 3 years have gone by, the chemistry of the team has been shaky at best.

You can't blame him for not making his teammates better. I mean, if doesn't score a lot o points, usually the Lakers don't win. The Lakers are starting guys who would be lucky to come off the bench for most teams in the league.

06-20-2007, 04:01 AM
all good teams start with a good PG (Spurs, Suns, Pistons). Yes for the future this might not be a good trade but for the next few years itd give the lakers a great oppurtunity at taking the title.

Not true. A PG helps, but Kobe is a lot like Jordan or Pippen. He needs the ball which basically reduces the effectiveness of any PG. Between Kobe and the Triangle the Lakers dont need a great PG. Sure Kidd helps, adding a great talent always will, but I dont think he puts them over the top. Basically both Kidd and Kobe would be of a reduced effectiveness together. Lakers would be better getting a guy like Chris Duhon off the Bulls. Perfect starter next to Kobe. Very good shooter and defender.

The issue is more about what are they trying to do? Are they rebuilding or trying to win now. Right now they are making the cardinal sin. Being an average team is the absolute worst thing. In the NBA you almost never get a franchise draft pick picking at 10-20 range. The Lakers are good enough right now that they wont get a good pick, bad enough they wont win a title. Need to either be awful or a contender, there is no middle ground and being in the middle ground just means that when Kobe is done or leaves the team falls to pieces. It is what the Knicks, Heat, Toronto, Milwaukee, Minnesota, Cleveland, Seattle, Portland and Sacramento have all done in the last 5 or so years. Sactown and Portland were legit contenders, but they both tried to hang on to long. Minny ****ed themselves with Joe Smith, but they havent done anything to change it since they have been getting picks, bar one year where they went damn close to a title. Toronto are finally looking up after lucking into Bosh, Miami lucked into Wade after finally becoming horrible, Seattle, Milwaukee and Utah all stayed average for ages before they finally have collapsed and are now looking up. Being average barely ever works unless you can add a star to get out of it.

06-20-2007, 08:04 AM
Kobe is a R.apist, team killing scum bag...which this current incident only serves to further highlight. That said, it's a pretty dick move to record a conversation with pro athlete who was decent enough to chat with you and basically blackmail him with it.

11-30-2009, 02:31 AM
Its incredible to see how much things have changed from 2 years ago

11-30-2009, 02:34 AM
Its incredible to see how much things have changed from 2 years ago

yeah bynum got a heck of a lot better the next season. kupchak was right all along

11-30-2009, 02:44 AM
Kobe is a R.apist, team killing scum bag...which this current incident only serves to further highlight.
#1 Kobe was never convicted of rape. The tests showed that the accuser had DNA from 3 people in her undergarments. This dirty chick was after money.

#2 "Team killing scumbag"? Opposing teams maybe, but he is reigning MVP of the NBA finals.

I figured your just trolling so I wont lay a beatdown on ya. :roll::roll:

This thread is old news.

11-30-2009, 03:17 AM
Old news.

Of course he said trade Bynum for Kidd. What idiot wouldn't trade Bynum for Kidd?

I suppose hindsight is 20/20:cheers:

11-30-2009, 03:41 AM
wait what?!? i thoght bynum and kobe were getting along fine...

edit: ooooh this was from 2007 ::roll eyes::

11-30-2009, 03:46 AM
It was 2007, and Kobe wanted to win in 2007, not wait 2 years for Bynum to develop into what he is now. Kobe said himself that Bynum would become a great player one day, but it would take time, and he didn't want to wait.

11-30-2009, 05:19 AM
Dude I think I'm going to go find a thread supporting the Suns trading Marion for Shaq and bust some peoples balls over it!! yah!!

08-18-2014, 10:50 AM
still cracks me up:oldlol:

Magic 32
08-18-2014, 02:25 PM
still cracks me up:oldlol:


08-18-2014, 02:45 PM
Damn those Laker teams were stacked

the 2nd best Center of the last 5 years was just another expendable piece on that Lakers team :eek:

and Kobe still whined for a trade smh :facepalm