View Full Version : Which Cavs player will benefit most from the championship swagger?

08-08-2016, 02:46 PM


Or maybe Love stops playing like a *****?

08-08-2016, 03:01 PM
Either TT or JR.

TT's stock went up because he was a consistent role player all the way through the Finals.
JR in the sense that he seems to have gotten his life and off the court antics straight.

Kyrie already knows he's a stud and all the Finals did was ruin Love's confidence.

08-08-2016, 03:04 PM
Either TT or JR.

TT's stock went up because he was a consistent role player all the way through the Finals.
JR in the sense that he seems to have gotten his life and off the court antics straight.

Kyrie already knows he's a stud and all the Finals did was ruin Love's confidence.

I think Love's game 7 performance, at least should boost his confidence.

08-08-2016, 03:05 PM
Kyrie had swag out of the womb. I'd say probably Tristan or KLove.

08-08-2016, 03:10 PM
Either TT or JR.

TT's stock went up because he was a consistent role player all the way through the Finals.
JR in the sense that he seems to have gotten his life and off the court antics straight.

Kyrie already knows he's a stud and all the Finals did was ruin Love's confidence.
Love had a good playoff run up until the Finals and he knew and openly talked about how the Warriors weren't an ideal matchup for his skillset... then he went out and had a terrific all around Game 7 anyway.

I think this will definitely be his best season as a Cavalier. Hell, it's really the first time they'll be fully healthy and together with this core for an offseason, assuming Kyrie makes it through the Olympics OK.

08-08-2016, 03:14 PM
Kyrie had swag out of the womb. I'd say probably Tristan or KLove.

Kyrie can still take his game to the next level. He's got what it takes to be a superstar player.

08-08-2016, 03:15 PM
Kyrie can still take his game to the next level. He's got what it takes to be a superstar player.

His game was at that level, and he was already a superstar as a rookie.

08-08-2016, 03:16 PM
His game was at that level, and he was already a superstar as a rookie.
lol no.

He'll be a superstar when he unleashes his full playmaking abilities and turns up the defensive intensity.

08-08-2016, 03:16 PM
Either TT or JR.

TT's stock went up because he was a consistent role player all the way through the Finals.
JR in the sense that he seems to have gotten his life and off the court antics straight.

Kyrie already knows he's a stud and all the Finals did was ruin Love's confidence.

...JR is more likely to not give a shit and revert back to his lazy stupidity now that he won a championship. He's not exactly one of the most dedicated basketball players.

08-08-2016, 03:18 PM
Kyrie can still take his game to the next level. He's got what it takes to be a superstar player.
It's just a matter of time. I've always thought that. I just don't think the championship changes much for Kyrie. His destiny was always to be a superstar.

08-08-2016, 03:46 PM
Kyrie wants the keys to the offense. Having Lebron is pushing him to the point they have to feature him more. Most PG's monster peak play is from 25-29. Kyrie in 2017-2018 is going to be amazing.

Love will play more loose and that helps him because of all the pressure to win a title coming to Cleveland.

Tristan is who he is- A very good playoff grind out big that maximizes touches. He's never going to be a 17-18 PPG post player though.

JR Smith is a wild card. I tend to agree you will see a lazy JR Smith in the regular season and then watch him turn it up in the playoffs.

Papaya Petee
08-08-2016, 03:50 PM
His game was at that level, and he was already a superstar as a rookie.
:roll: Not even close

Kyrie has been all-star level, but this finals was the first time he's been superstar level.

08-08-2016, 04:00 PM
Kyrie and JR already had the swagger. Their issues have had more to do with shot selection.

TT is a great grinder, but no amount of confidence is going to make him a scoring threat.

Love (sorry) will never really have that championship instinct and should focus on being a good role player.

Shumpert maybe will benefit, but who cares? Role player.

Truthfully, I'm curious to see the change in LBJ's game. He got that monkey off his back, and can maybe stop pressing like he so obviously does. For the first time in a while, he's playing with house money, and I'd like to see him play looser and be even more of a facilitator.

08-08-2016, 04:07 PM
Kyrie and JR already had the swagger. Their issues have had more to do with shot selection.

TT is a great grinder, but no amount of confidence is going to make him a scoring threat.

Love (sorry) will never really have that championship instinct and should focus on being a good role player.

Shumpert maybe will benefit, but who cares? Role player.

Truthfully, I'm curious to see the change in LBJ's game. He got that monkey off his back, and can maybe stop pressing like he so obviously does. For the first time in a while, he's playing with house money, and I'd like to see him play looser and be even more of a facilitator.

I want to see Lebron be just reckless with the shot-taking now lol

08-08-2016, 04:13 PM
Kyrie and JR already had the swagger. Their issues have had more to do with shot selection.

TT is a great grinder, but no amount of confidence is going to make him a scoring threat.

Love (sorry) will never really have that championship instinct and should focus on being a good role player.

Shumpert maybe will benefit, but who cares? Role player.

Truthfully, I'm curious to see the change in LBJ's game. He got that monkey off his back, and can maybe stop pressing like he so obviously does. For the first time in a while, he's playing with house money, and I'd like to see him play looser and be even more of a facilitator.

I believe Lebron is on cruise control. Kyrie will be the leading scorer this season. It's hard to call with lebron. On the low end I feel like you can pencil him in for 23-24ppg 7-8 rpg and 6-7 apg for the next 2 years.

08-08-2016, 04:17 PM
I want to see Lebron be just reckless with the shot-taking now lol

Ha... Would be cool to see him go full Westbrook, but really that's not his game.

Early on in his career people talked about him having a shot at being the first since Oscar to average a triple-double. That's mostly died down, since he's never really gotten that close. But man, the past 2 Finals he's shown that he can really beast on the boards when he wants to. Maybe Kyrie is ready to relieve him of the scoring burden to the degree that he could go for it.

Almost no one has 2 good bigs, so he can really get away with playing the 4 most of the time.

IDK... pipe dream, probably, but I'd love to see him go for it.

08-08-2016, 04:24 PM
:roll: Not even close

Kyrie has been all-star level, but this finals was the first time he's been superstar level.
I would say it was all playoffs long, not just The Finals. However, because of preconceived notions about how good the Cavs actually were and how good their competition was, his extremely high level of play was written off as a byproduct of circumstance.

Now we can look back with some perspective and appreciate his playoff run as a whole.

08-08-2016, 05:29 PM
Love had a good playoff run up until the Finals and he knew and openly talked about how the Warriors weren't an ideal matchup for his skillset... then he went out and had a terrific all around Game 7 anyway.

I think this will definitely be his best season as a Cavalier. Hell, it's really the first time they'll be fully healthy and together with this core for an offseason, assuming Kyrie makes it through the Olympics OK.
Love's biggest asset was his scoring. The GSW front court shut him down for the most part.

I do agree with your 2nd part though. Lebron/Kyrie have seemed to understand how play off each other, and that took time.
Now all they have to focus on is getting Love implemented effectively. And with Lebron most likely taking the entire RS off they'll have plenty of time to work out the kinks.

08-08-2016, 05:43 PM
I would say it was all playoffs long, not just The Finals. However, because of preconceived notions about how good the Cavs actually were and how good their competition was, his extremely high level of play was written off as a byproduct of circumstance.

Now we can look back with some perspective and appreciate his playoff run as a whole.

IMO, if LMA is a superstar, so is Kyrie.

08-08-2016, 05:59 PM
Kyrie a superstar...:facepalm No team would ever do anything with Kyrie Irving as its top player. He can't play defense, he doesn't make players around him better, he has mediocre pg skills...how the **** is that a superstar? He's a scorer...a great one, but he's still a one-dimensional scorer. If you guys actually think he could have a superstar level impact as the best player on a team...then you guys are idiots. Maybe you guys define superstars differently than I do because he's not even close to a superstar to me. He's not even a top 5 pg in the league.

08-08-2016, 07:35 PM
Lebron and JR

Then Kyrie

Lebron's confidence and swag is thru the roof after what was one of the greatest finals ever. Now he knows the worst case scenario he's top 5 all time, top 3 to most. From here and on he's playing with house money for lack of a better term. But this will make him an assassin compared to his old self.

JR had swag but not champions swag, he doesn't always show up on the big stage. Hope this changes his mentality.

Coach Lue is validated and can just coach.

08-08-2016, 07:51 PM
I think this chip does the most for JR actually. Now he'll go down in history as a winner, and I think he'll be motivated to play really well next year.

08-08-2016, 07:57 PM
Kyrie a superstar...:facepalm No team would ever do anything with Kyrie Irving as its top player. He can't play defense, he doesn't make players around him better, he has mediocre pg skills...how the **** is that a superstar? He's a scorer...a great one, but he's still a one-dimensional scorer. If you guys actually think he could have a superstar level impact as the best player on a team...then you guys are idiots. Maybe you guys define superstars differently than I do because he's not even close to a superstar to me. He's not even a top 5 pg in the league.
Let's take everything we saw from him when he was 19-21 with horrendous teams (openly tanking for 2 of his first 3 years) and apply it to his entire career. Smart.