View Full Version : New NBA Rules Regarding "Hack-A-Shaq"

07-12-2016, 09:47 PM

Didn't see this posted:

Basically the last 2 minute rule where you can't do Hack-A-Shaq in the fourth quarter with under 2 minutes left is now effective in all 4 quarters. You also are no longer to intentionally foul during a free throw or inbound or else it is viewed as flagrant.

It's progress, I suppose. What do you guys think?

07-12-2016, 09:56 PM
I think they should learn to shoot FTs but good timing now hat Dwight is a hawk

07-12-2016, 10:24 PM
So teams will just hack-a-shaq before the 2 minute mark. At least it will help the flow of the game towards the end of quarters.

07-12-2016, 10:27 PM
Absolutely pathetic that men getting paid millions of dollars to put a ball in a hoop are getting bailed out from putting a ball in a hoop from a further distance.

07-12-2016, 10:33 PM
So teams will just hack-a-shaq before the 2 minute mark. At least it will help the flow of the game towards the end of quarters.
That's what I thought. I feel like it will still need revision but it's a step forward.

I understand those saying that you should be able to hit your f*cking free throws (the only time in basketball where nobody is attempting to stop you) so that this isn't an issue.

But at the same time, I'm not tuning into an NBA game to watch someone brick 20/30 free throws. The league's revenue is largely based on entertaining their audience and free throws (especially ugly looking, missed ones) are not entertaining.

07-13-2016, 01:31 AM
So would fouling the ball handler late in the game still put him on the line, or would they just inbound again?

07-13-2016, 01:33 AM
Absolutely pathetic that men getting paid millions of dollars to put a ball in a hoop are getting bailed out from putting a ball in a hoop from a further distance.
This, it honestly doesn't make any muhf.uckin since that you cant shoot ATLEAST 70% from the free throw line :facepalm

07-13-2016, 01:41 AM
intentional fouling the ball handler is still good...

deja vu
07-13-2016, 01:59 AM
Absolutely pathetic that men getting paid millions of dollars to put a ball in a hoop are getting bailed out from putting a ball in a hoop from a further distance.
If somebody paid you a billion dollars to be able to shoot as good as Curry would you be able to do it?

Of course, you can't, because of your physical limitations.

07-13-2016, 07:26 AM
So teams will just hack-a-shaq before the 2 minute mark. At least it will help the flow of the game towards the end of quarters.

Exactly and the thing that I hated about Hack a Shaq is that it killed the momentum of the other team. And it slowed down the game in the 4th quarter.

TheReal Kendall
07-13-2016, 09:10 AM
If somebody paid you a billion dollars to be able to shoot as good as Curry would you be able to do it?

Of course, you can't, because of your physical limitations.

You could through tons of practice.

Why do high school coaches make kids put up a bunch of shots each practice?

I feel like most of these guys that can't shoot fts it's a mental thing.

07-13-2016, 10:07 AM
As much as I thought it was completely fair to take advantage of the rules, and thought it was strategically sound to do so, who really wants to watch players shooting free throws? I don't mind them fine tuning these rules for the sake of continuity

07-13-2016, 12:18 PM
You could through tons of practice.

Why do high school coaches make kids put up a bunch of shots each practice?

I feel like most of these guys that can't shoot fts it's a mental thing.

Sorry sir, but no you couldn't.

Klay 3D
07-13-2016, 01:17 PM
Keyword: intentionally


TheReal Kendall
07-13-2016, 01:26 PM
Sorry sir, but no you couldn't.

Have you ever played ball bruh?

How do you think Curry got so good at shooting? Practice.

07-13-2016, 01:31 PM
Free throws should be shot only once, worth 2 or 3 points depending on where you're fouled. Boom suddenly it's cut in half.