View Full Version : Is the Finals MVP the ULTIMATE accolade?

Im Still Ballin
06-25-2016, 11:21 PM
The heralded FMVP

The Holy Grail of Superstar accolades

To me, it goes in value to an individual's ranking/legacy

2. MVP
3. Championship

But in the end it's never a straight mathematical analysis... Context is always taken into account

For LeBron

3 FMVPs + 4 MVPs + 3 Championships = 10 non-scaled score


3 FMVPs + 2 MVPs + 5 Championships = 10 non-scaled score


6 FMVPs + 5 MVPs + 6 Championships = 17 non-scaled score


3 FMVPs + 3 MVPs + 5 Championships = 11 non-scaled score


2 FMVPs + 6 MVPs + 6 Championships = 14 non-scaled score


3 FMVPs + 1 MVP + 4 Championships = 8 non-scaled score


2 FMVPs + 3 MVPs + 3 Championships = 8 non-scaled score


1 FMVP + 4 MVPs + 2 Championships = 7 non-scaled score


0 FMVPs + 5 MVPs + 11 Championships = 16 non-scaled score

Im Still Ballin
06-25-2016, 11:24 PM
Those who have a higher percentage of their non-scaled score coming from the individual accolades (FMVP/MVP), those people's scores would go up after proper scaling

This is where LeBron beats out guys like Shaq and Duncan... They all have 3 FMVPs which are the most valuable accolade, but LeBron ousts them in MVPs

06-25-2016, 11:24 PM
MVPs and FMVPs show individual dominance. Rings are earned from great teams. I mean if we did Rings + fmvps + mvps, Robert Horry would be high ranked.

06-25-2016, 11:26 PM
Counting accolades isn't how basketball works

Dray n Klay
06-25-2016, 11:26 PM
I think simply, being the best performer in the Finals is better than using FMVP

For example, LeBron has been the best player in the Finals for 5 straight Finals, but only received FMVP 3 times.

Being the best player in the Finals is the ultimate achievement

LeBron - 5 times

Jordan - 5 times

Magic- 6 times

Bird - 4 times

Kobe- once (2009)

Im Still Ballin
06-25-2016, 11:26 PM
MVPs and FMVPs show individual dominance. Rings are earned from great teams. I mean if we did Rings + fmvps + mvps, Robert Horry would be high ranked.
The scaling should be something like

FMVP = 1.5
MVP = 1.25
Ring = 1

People underrate the MVP award

06-25-2016, 11:26 PM
Counting accolades isn't how basketball works
Lets count votes then.


Im Still Ballin
06-25-2016, 11:29 PM
I think simply, being the best performer in the Finals is better than using FMVP

For example, LeBron has been the best player in the Finals for 5 straight Finals, but only received FMVP 3 times.

Being the best player in the Finals is the ultimate achievement

LeBron - 5 times

Jordan - 5 times

Magic- 6 times

Bird - 4 times

Kobe- once (2009)
Of course

This is a basic accolade analysis

Context is always key

It's not really an issue because by default LeBron's context factor is a lot bigger than pretty much anyone else... For years people have used straight accolade total against him, damning context... It's just funny now seeing as though you can't hold him down on an accolade total basis anymore.. It speaks top 5 on pure accolade total

06-25-2016, 11:35 PM
FMVP's weren't around during 10/11 Russell's championships, if they were he'd rank at the top of OP's list. What about adding DPOY as well?

06-25-2016, 11:38 PM
FMVP's weren't around during 10/11 Russell's championships, if they were he'd rank at the top of OP's list. What about adding DPOY as well?

Well, Russell would have swept DPOY award too. And what about the shame that Duncan has never won a DPOY award?

06-25-2016, 11:39 PM
Well, Russell would have swept DPOY award too. And what about the shame that Duncan has never won a DPOY award?

Which year specifically do you think Duncan should have won DPOY?

06-25-2016, 11:44 PM
Regular season MVP's might be a bit more prestgious, but FMVP is arguably the more coveted award. Not only does it generally mean you've also won a title, but you were the best player in the biggest series, on the biggest stage, and against (theoretically) the toughest competition. As OP mentioned, context is obviously important as well. Iggy and Maxwell's FMVPs probably don't carry the same weight as Lebron, Jordan, Wade, Dirk, etc......

Im Still Ballin
06-25-2016, 11:45 PM
That's true about Russell but he'd get hit majorly on context

With regards to era, amount of teams, talent pool, etc etc

06-25-2016, 11:48 PM

06-26-2016, 12:02 AM
How about back-to-back titles and 3 peats adding more value? Its definitely harder to do.

06-26-2016, 12:34 AM
Regular season MVP's might be a bit more prestgious, but FMVP is arguably the more coveted award. Not only does it generally mean you've also won a title, but you were the best player in the biggest series, on the biggest stage, and against (theoretically) the toughest competition. As OP mentioned, context is obviously important as well. Iggy and Maxwell's FMVPs probably don't carry the same weight as Lebron, Jordan, Wade, Dirk, etc......

To be honest, even tho I am a Kobe stan, I definitely respect Iggy's FMVP a lot more than either of Bean's. Sure, it was actually Lebron who deserved the award, but Iguodala did play his ass off and had a heck of a series. I think you have to do more than just hog the glory shots to deserve an FMVP. I think that's why Kobe/Curry together have a combined 2 FMVP in 9 attempts.

Kind of a big L for our family, but at least we're used to it :(

06-26-2016, 12:42 AM
Which year specifically do you think Duncan should have won DPOY?

2007 - voters dazzled by Camby's swats off the court - not his overall defensive impact. Duncan is one of the greatest defensive players ever on a team known for their defense for so long - to have never won a DPOY is ridiculous.

06-26-2016, 12:45 AM
Which year specifically do you think Duncan should have won DPOY?

Duncan and LeBron are two guys who were elite defenders so many years in their careers, but will retire DPOY-less. :( You could've absolutely given Bron the award the year he finished 2nd to Gasol, but realistically the truly great defenders are able to sustain it long-term like both of them were able to.

They were always near the top at their position, but I don't think either has a single season where you would think "damn, Timmy got robbed this season". Losing that award to guys like Ben and Mutombo (two guys who were mainly on the court for their defense) is nothing to be ashamed of, but it still feels crazy he never got ONE when you look back.

06-26-2016, 12:46 AM

06-26-2016, 12:48 AM
Duncan and LeBron are two guys who were elite defenders so many years in their careers, but will retire DPOY-less. :( You could've absolutely given Bron the award the year he finished 2nd to Gasol, but realistically the truly great defenders are able to sustain it long-term like both of them were able to.

They were always near the top at their position, but I don't think either has a single season where you would think "damn, Timmy got robbed this season". Losing that award to guys like Ben and Mutombo (two guys who were mainly on the court for their defense) is nothing to be ashamed of, but it still feels crazy he never got ONE when you look back.

I'd say the same thing about Pippen as well

06-26-2016, 12:48 AM
2007 - voters dazzled by Camby's swats off the court - not his overall defensive impact. Duncan is one of the greatest defensive players ever on a team known for their defense for so long - to have never won a DPOY is ridiculous.

It's also interesting how with an award that seemingly ALWAYS goes to a big, Duncan actually finished 2nd that year on the Spurs behind Bowen in DPOY voting, with Camby beating both out. But yeah, another instance of a defensive specialist beating out a guy who has to carry a big load on both ends. Not taking ANYTHING away from those guys, but two-way superstars winning that type of award is a very rare thing.