View Full Version : Calling out lazarus

Mr Feeny
06-04-2016, 02:35 AM
You claimed that Curry would be even worse than Kobe was in 2004.

Here's the bet, Kobe stan:

If Curry shoots better than 38%, you leave this forum forever.
if you're right, on the otherhand, and he stinks up the place, I will gladly admit that I was wrong - that Kobe in fact is better than Curry, and I will leave, forever.

I don't expect a Kobe stan to have the cajones to accept my bet because deep down he knows Curry is simply a better player than his idol and under no circumstances can he have a Finals series as bad as Kobe did.

But let's see if I'm wrong. Show some cajones. Accept my challenge you pathetic Kobe stan:lol whether you do or not, I guarantee Curry leave your idols legacy in dust within 3 more games:applause:

Born Sinner
06-04-2016, 02:47 AM
Youre to invested in this forum :lol

06-04-2016, 03:07 AM
Honestly, as a die hard Kobe fan, I LOVE CHEF CURRY! Well deserved torch passed from the Mamba

So stop being a fken instigator and tryna break this Curry Kobe Fam. GTFO

Btw, Lazarus is not a Kobe fan, AT ALL :facepalm

06-04-2016, 03:17 AM
You and all your alts bitch boy

06-04-2016, 04:28 AM
Mr feeble losing hope on bran already.:lol

"Once a loser always a loser."

And btw, bran and wilt are cut on the same cloth. You guys should be supporting each other coz kobe/curry fam just too damn dominant even with the multiple alts from its opponents.

06-04-2016, 05:01 AM
You claimed that Curry would be even worse than Kobe was in 2004.

Here's the bet, Kobe stan:

If Curry shoots better than 38%, you leave this forum forever.
if you're right, on the otherhand, and he stinks up the place, I will gladly admit that I was wrong - that Kobe in fact is better than Curry, and I will leave, forever.

I don't expect a Kobe stan to have the cajones to accept my bet because deep down he knows Curry is simply a better player than his idol and under no circumstances can he have a Finals series as bad as Kobe did.

But let's see if I'm wrong. Show some cajones. Accept my challenge you pathetic Kobe stan:lol whether you do or not, I guarantee Curry leave your idols legacy in dust within 3 more games:applause:

Feeble, please show us all here where I ever made that claim.

Let's get the facts straight...


He was especially pathetic that series. 37% from the field and kept hogging the ball while sabotaging the Lakers chances of winning the championship in his pursuit of getting the finals mvp.

Phil Jackson immediately wrote a book trashing him and his play that entire season. "Uncoachable". Selfish. Demanded that he be traded. But we digress.

As bad as Curry was last night, he's nowhere near as bad as Kobe was in 2004, or in 2000. It's only been 1 game. Let's come back to this after the series. No way Curry shoots or plays as badly as Kobe did. He's just a better player.

And here was MY response...


And get back to me when Glass puts up back-to-back playoff series like a 22 year old Kobe...



And with games like these...



BTW, the Spurs were the best defensive team in the league that season...

Oh, and you can actually watch that 48-16 game by Kobe, as well...



How about comparing just one of Kobe's against GAC's last season Finals...



Kobe's was better across the board, and ESPECIALLY in EFFICIENCY... .623 to .585!

Oh, and while Kobe was losing out on the FMVP to SHAQ...your boy Glass was losing out to a role player off the bench.

So, again... get back to me when NIC accomplishes something like that in his post-season career...

So, here's the real bet...

Since YOU are claiming that Curry is "He's just a better player", here is what NIC MUST do in this FINALS. ALL of the following:

He has to exceed Kobe's highest scoring Finals... 32.4 ppg.
He has to exceed Kobe's most efficient Finals... .623 TS%
He has to exceed Kobe's highest scoring Finals game... 40 points.

And, sorry, we are going to include Chokurry's first game of this of this Finals, as well. After all, two of the above criteria are based on a SERIES.

I will be waiting...but only up until game time tomorrow night.

Mr Feeny
06-04-2016, 05:39 AM
Feeble, please show us all here where I ever made that claim.

Let's get the facts straight...


And here was MY response...


So, here's the real bet...

Since YOU are claiming that Curry is "He's just a better player", here is what NIC MUST do in this FINALS. ALL of the following:

He has to exceed Kobe's highest scoring Finals... 32.4 ppg.
He has to exceed Kobe's most efficient Finals... .623 TS%
He has to exceed Kobe's highest scoring Finals game... 40 points.

And, sorry, we are going to include Chokurry's first game of this of this Finals, as well. After all, two of the above criteria are based on a SERIES.

I will be waiting...but only up until game time tomorrow night.

Let's make the bet.

06-04-2016, 07:32 AM
Let's make the bet.

Just to confirm...

Starting with the already played game one...

If Curry exceeds Kobe in these three areas in this Finals...

32.4 ppg
.623 TS%
40 point high game

Then, I will admit Curry is greater than Kobe, and leave this forum forever.

If, however, he fails on ANY of those, you will admit that Kobe was indeed the greater player, and you will leave this forum forever.

If we are agreeing on that...

Accepted, and book-marked.

06-04-2016, 08:00 AM
Just to confirm...

Starting with the already played game one...

If Curry exceeds Kobe in these three areas in this Finals...

32.4 ppg
.623 TS%
40 point high game

Then, I will admit Curry is greater than Kobe, and leave this forum forever.

If, however, he fails on ANY of those, you will admit that Kobe was indeed the greater player, and you will leave this forum forever.

If we are agreeing on that...

Accepted, and book-marked.
Cherry picking your favorites best stats - AS USUAL :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

hold this L
06-04-2016, 08:26 AM
Laz is a Kobe stan, I thought he only liked Final losers like Ilt? :biggums:

So he has to exceed 3 things Kobe has done well in 6 attempts on his second attempt? :coleman:

06-04-2016, 10:41 AM
Cherry picking your favorites best stats - AS USUAL :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I'm cherrypicking????

This idiot brings up Kobe's WORST Finals, and tries to make an argument that if Glass doesn't play as poorly as Kobe did in '04, then he is the better player.

Mr. Jabbar
06-04-2016, 10:46 AM
Calling out op:

There is no way around the huge L you are getting this finals. No1 believes you find comfort in these small, fictional victories. Stop shifting attention from 2/7, you massive pffagot.

06-04-2016, 10:50 AM
Laz is a Kobe stan, I thought he only liked Final losers like Ilt? :biggums:

So he has to exceed 3 things Kobe has done well in 6 attempts on his second attempt? :coleman:

Feeble claimed that No Impact Curry "is the better player."

I merely pointed out that Kobe's best Finals are MILES better than what GAC has accomplished so far. Same with Kobe's best playoff runs. Hell, a 22 year old Kobe put up back-to-back playoff series which are considerably better than the best that Glass has produced.

And a 23 year old Kobe's Finals were better across the board than what a 26 year old peak Fragile put up (and better, so far at least, than what NIC has done in THIS Finals.)

Anyone can find a poor game, or series, and say that their player would have done more. But to be the best, you have to beat the best.

06-04-2016, 10:51 AM
Laz laying down the LAW though.

06-04-2016, 03:07 PM
Laz is not a Kobe stan :lol he just doesn't like Curry because the Curry slurpin has become nauseating on here :oldlol:

06-04-2016, 03:19 PM
Calling out op:

There is no way around the huge L you are getting this finals. No1 believes you find comfort in these small, fictional victories. Stop shifting attention from 2/7, you massive pffagot.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Mr Feeny
06-04-2016, 04:28 PM
Curry about to take a massive dump on these Kobetards :lebronamazed:

Top 10 guaranteed after 3 games. Meanwhile their idol sits at 12be :lol :roll:

06-10-2016, 12:13 AM
Just checking in...

Unfortunately, I have missed the Finals so far.

Can someone let me know how this is going?

Is Glass on his way to beating Kobe's best Finals of 32.2 ppg?

And Kobe's best Finals of a .623 TS%?

And Kobe's Finals high game of 40 points?

If he exceeds Kobe in ALL THREE of them...I'm outta here.

06-10-2016, 12:25 AM
:oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol: :oldlol:

06-10-2016, 12:27 AM
OP is such a bitch:roll: :roll: :roll:
Take this L fat c*nt

06-10-2016, 12:32 AM
I just did some research...and I could be in trouble.

If Chokurry averages 44 ppg in the last four Finals games

Or...if he averages 48 ppg in the last three games...

Or...if he averages 57 ppg in the last two Finals games...

He will surpass Kobe's best Finals performance of 32.2 ppg.

Luckily for Glass, the Warriors lost game three. Otherwise he might only have had one more game...and would have needed an 81 point game to surpass Kobe's 32.2 ppg average. Hmmm, 81 points. Where have I seen that number before? Must have been GAC's high game...since Feeble has claimed that Mild Knee Sprain Curry is the greater player.

06-10-2016, 12:40 AM
Calling out op:

There is no way around the huge L you are getting this finals. No1 believes you find comfort in these small, fictional victories. Stop shifting attention from 2/7, you massive pffagot.

Slay. :lol

06-10-2016, 12:41 AM
Curry could never choke as hard as Wilt.

06-10-2016, 12:51 AM
Curry could never choke as hard as Wilt.
This :oldlol: Ilt is the biggest choker in finals history

06-10-2016, 01:01 AM
Curry could never choke as hard as Wilt.


After all, No Impact Curry has had a Finals series of 29.2 ppg, right? Or a 23-24 .625 FG% Finals, right? Or a FMVP series of 19-23- .600 FG% right? Or what would have been a FMVP series of 18-29-7 .560 FG% had the award existed, right?

And surely you can fine me the Finals games in Chokurry's career in which he scored 32 points with 25 rebounds; or 35 points, with 25 rebounds, on 15-22 from the floor. Or clinching Finals games of 23-21; 21-24; 24-29-8; 23-22; or 30-27. Or even a must win Finals game of 45 points, on 20-27 shooting, with 27 rebounds.

And that is just their Finals.

How about playoffs scoring as Warriors?

Let's see... Curry's Warrior career... 25.5 ppg...Chamberlain... 34.6 ppg.

How about their career playoff seasons? Curry's best... 28.8 ppg. Wilt? Runs of 29.3 ppg, 33.2 ppg, 34.7 ppg, 35.0 ppg, and 37.0 ppg.

How about best playoff series? Glass did have a 34.5 ppg series...but in only two games (yes, he was "injured.") Wilt? 37.0 ppg, 37.0 ppg, 38.6 ppg, and 38.7 ppg.

How about playoff games?

No Impact Curry... three games of 40. Wilt? 40, 40, 41, 42, 42, 45, 46, 50, 50, 53, and 56.

How about "must win" or "series clinching" playoff games?

GAC...39 points. Wilt? 40, 45, 46, 50, 53, and 56 points.

How about rebounding and defense?

Do we need to even bother?

Yep... Chokurry was more "clutch" than Chamberlain alright.

06-10-2016, 01:10 AM
Calling out op:

There is no way around the huge L you are getting this finals. No1 believes you find comfort in these small, fictional victories. Stop shifting attention from 2/7, you massive pffagot.


06-10-2016, 01:39 AM

After all, No Impact Curry has had a Finals series of 29.2 ppg, right? Or a 23-24 .625 FG% Finals, right? Or a FMVP series of 19-23- .600 FG% right? Or what would have been a FMVP series of 18-29-7 .560 FG% had the award existed, right?

And surely you can fine me the Finals games in Chokurry's career in which he scored 32 points with 25 rebounds; or 35 points, with 25 rebounds, on 15-22 from the floor. Or clinching Finals games of 23-21; 21-24; 24-29-8; 23-22; or 30-27. Or even a must win Finals game of 45 points, on 20-27 shooting, with 27 rebounds.

And that is just their Finals.

How about playoffs scoring as Warriors?

Let's see... Curry's Warrior career... 25.5 ppg...Chamberlain... 34.6 ppg.

How about their career playoff seasons? Curry's best... 28.8 ppg. Wilt? Runs of 29.3 ppg, 33.2 ppg, 34.7 ppg, 35.0 ppg, and 37.0 ppg.

How about best playoff series? Glass did have a 34.5 ppg series...but in only two games (yes, he was "injured.") Wilt? 37.0 ppg, 37.0 ppg, 38.6 ppg, and 38.7 ppg.

How about playoff games?

No Impact Curry... three games of 40. Wilt? 40, 40, 41, 42, 42, 45, 46, 50, 50, 53, and 56.

How about "must win" or "series clinching" playoff games?

GAC...39 points. Wilt? 40, 45, 46, 50, 53, and 56 points.

How about rebounding and defense?

Do we need to even bother?

Yep... Chokurry was more "clutch" than Chamberlain alright.
This is too easy:oldlol:

06-10-2016, 02:29 AM
Laz just took a dump on OPs pimply virgin face:lol

Stay losing fgt

Mr Feeny
06-10-2016, 04:12 AM
I want y'al hating mother fos to come back in 3 days.

Talk smack now and enjoy this:coleman:

Let's see if Curry turns things around and I GUARANTEE he does, upon which he surpasses Kobrick all time and knocks him to 13th.

All he has to do is surpass Kobe's career finals numbers of 25 ppg on 41%. He does that and he's gold.
Next year he'll go for the jugular and start aiming for a 3 peat and MJ finals numbers.

Mark my words branvestites and kobrick lovers. Curry will have both of you crying in tears the entire summer by the time he wraps this up in a week:applause:

Mr Feeny
06-10-2016, 04:13 AM
This :oldlol: Ilt is the biggest choker in finals history


34-24 Footwork
06-10-2016, 04:30 AM
I want y'al hating mother fos to come back in 3 days.

Talk smack now and enjoy this:coleman:

Let's see if Curry turns things around and I GUARANTEE he does, upon which he surpasses Kobrick all time and knocks him to 13th.

All he has to do is surpass Kobe's career finals numbers of 25 ppg on 41%. He does that and he's gold.
Next year he'll go for the jugular and start aiming for a 3 peat and MJ finals numbers.

Mark my words branvestites and kobrick lovers. Curry will have both of you crying in tears the entire summer by the time he wraps this up in a week:applause:

This faggut trying to convince us that he won't slit his wrist when Lebron goes 2/7 in the finals :lol

Mr Feeny
06-10-2016, 06:46 AM
This is too easy:oldlol:

Now you see why I have fun doing it :lebronamazed:

Here's to Curry dropping Kobrick on the all time spot:rockon:

Mr Feeny
06-10-2016, 06:48 AM
This faggut trying to convince us that he won't slit his wrist when Lebron goes 2/7 in the finals :lol

Au contraire, that's when Curry mucks up your idol's legacy :D

06-10-2016, 11:24 AM
Curry about to take a massive dump on these Kobetards :lebronamazed:

Top 10 guaranteed after 3 games. Meanwhile their idol sits at 12be :lol :roll:how can a player enter top ten after winning two sidekick rings?

06-10-2016, 11:27 AM
op wants everyone to forget about 2/7. :roll:

06-10-2016, 11:56 AM
Let's make the bet.

Face palming. The distraction move for just getting owned :lol

Mr Feeny
06-10-2016, 03:58 PM
Face palming. The distraction move for just getting owned :lol

Watch Curry make you cry little boy:lol

Mr Feeny
06-10-2016, 03:59 PM
how can a player enter top ten after winning two sidekick rings?

Because he's simply better than any version of your hero :D

Stay crying. 2 more games little boy and he surpasses your idol :applause:

Can't be stopped!

06-11-2016, 09:24 AM
Just checking in...

Let's see... with his FT-padded game four... 38 points.

Let's see where we are in this bet, shall we?

Remember, No Impact Curry has to EXCEED Kobe in ALL THREE of these...

High Finals game: Kobe with 40 (GAC just posted that 38 point game)

Series TS%: Mild Bruise Curry... .611 (21.5 ppg)...Kobe .623 (26.8 ppg)

Series PPG. GAC... 21.5 ppg (last year at 26.0 ppg)...Kobe... 32.2 ppg

Just looking at those scoring numbers, and your boy Fragile will need to average 46 ppg if the series goes seven games; 54 ppg if it goes six; or else put up a 74 point game if it is done in five. If he can do that, yes, I will admit that he is a greater player than Kobe ever was...and be glad to leave here. If not...well, it's been nice beating you like a drum on this forum.

06-11-2016, 09:27 AM
two mom basement living children fighting it out over who's favorite player's shortcomings can be hidden in the wake of these finals.
Both LeBron and Wilt are notorious chokers and Curry/Kobe are not.
That's the end of today's lesson.

06-11-2016, 11:43 AM
BTW, GAC now has TWO 30+ point Finals games in the 11 he has played in.

Kobe had FOUR in his 5 game '09 run alone, including a 40 point game.

Kobe >>>>>> Bruised Knee.

06-11-2016, 12:25 PM
This is so bizarre. A Lebron Stan who hates and fears Kobe so much that he wants Curry to play well and beat Lebron in the finals. Like wtf :oldlol:

06-11-2016, 12:33 PM
Damn nice knowing ya Mr Feeny

06-11-2016, 01:16 PM
This is so bizarre. A Lebron Stan who hates and fears Kobe so much that he wants Curry to play well and beat Lebron in the finals. Like wtf :oldlol:
He's pretending to never have been a Lebron stan in the first place. He jumped off lebron's dick and latched right onto curry's, the minute people started saying curry was the best in the world. Calling people branvestites, like everyone here didn't just see him suck off Lebron constantly a few short months ago. :facepalm

06-11-2016, 01:22 PM
Youre to invested in this forum :lol

this. OP is taking this forum way too seriously. Needs to get out and make some friends.

06-11-2016, 01:55 PM
Feeny stop it. This is very embarrassing.

Mr Feeny
06-11-2016, 02:03 PM
What does that ph@ggot lazarus have to say now? :lebronamazed:
38 HUGE points to spike up.his averages and all but guarantee a Finals mvp and b2b titles along with his b2b mvps.

I warned all ya'll mothetfarkers that Curry doesn't mess around. He's coming for the top. And on the way you will see many men drop. Just shut up and stop. Curry's coming to the top.

Mr Feeny
06-11-2016, 02:05 PM
**** Curry. Klay ****ing Thompson is better and you know it.F off klay:biggums:

06-11-2016, 02:05 PM
Continue melting down, baby boy.

This is one for the ISH archives.

:banana: :roll: :yaohappy: :hammertime: :djparty

Mr Feeny
06-11-2016, 02:18 PM
I warned all y'al Mother canuckers. The beast that is curry will slay all.
Double Kobe's entire careers worth of mvps in just 2 years:oldlol:
And surpasses him all time officially now :D

On to the 3peat you got bigger fish to fry my Nucca curry:applause:

06-11-2016, 02:20 PM
What does that ph@ggot lazarus have to say now? :lebronamazed:
38 HUGE points to spike up.his averages and all but guarantee a Finals mvp and b2b titles along with his b2b mvps.

I warned all ya'll mothetfarkers that Curry doesn't mess around. He's coming for the top. And on the way you will see many men drop. Just shut up and stop. Curry's coming to the top.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

TWO 30+ point games in his entire Finals career, and needed 8 gifted FTs in the last minute-and-a-half to get that.

How about the REAL Chokurry in this series...

21.5 ppg and nearly as many TOs as assists.

Has played ONE good game, and three awful one's in this year's Finals.

Been carried by his teammates in the last two Finals, and the reality has been, his teammates have played better withOUT Fragile.

You are cooked Feeble.

But thanks for playing.

Kobe >>>>>>>>>> Chokurry.

Mr Feeny
06-11-2016, 02:22 PM
I'm sorry lazarus but the beast Curry just doubled Kobe's entire 20 years career worth of mvps in just two seasons.

Lettuce not trip. Curry has pushed Kobrick out of the top 12.
12be is now 13 be :lebronamazed:

06-11-2016, 02:24 PM
I'm sorry lazarus but the beast Curry just doubled Kobe's entire 20 years career worth of mvps in just two seasons.

Lettuce not trip. Curry has pushed Kobrick out of the top 12.
12be is now 13 be :lebronamazed:

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Chokurry MAY be in the Top-40 now, but not much higher. Never will come close to Kobe.

Mr Feeny
06-11-2016, 02:25 PM
:roll: :roll: :roll:

Chokurry MAY be in the Top-40 now, but not much higher. Never will come close to Kobe.

Already passed him :D

06-11-2016, 02:31 PM
Already passed him :D

Kobe was voted the player of the decade of the 00's, has five rings, two FMVPs, and actually played well in three of his Finals.

Chokurry has been carried to two rings, including one by a role player, puked all over the floor in his two Finals, and is light years away from Kobe's best Finals.

And given his fragile state.... Glass will be pedaling away on a Dominos bike in the forseeable future.

Hell, on the night Chokurry's Warriors won their record-breaking 73rd game....guess who led off Sports Center? Yep... Kobe, with his 60 point game. ALWAYS upstaged Mild Bruised Curry.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

06-11-2016, 02:38 PM
This is the list of players every gm in the world would take before they would take Curry.
Lebron Even though he is a beta B***h.

wait I'm getting tired of typing just add about 30 or 40 more.

06-11-2016, 02:44 PM
This is the list of players every gm in the world would take before they would take Curry.
Lebron Even though he is a beta B***h.

wait I'm getting tired of typing just add about 30 or 40 more.

BIRD as well.

And then you can get into the next level... Hondo, Barry, D-Rob, Dr. J, West, Moses, Hakeem, Barry, and probably down to around Willis Reed, wherever he is ranked.

Old Man River
06-11-2016, 02:54 PM
3 of kobe's rings belong to shaq :)

06-11-2016, 02:58 PM
3 of kobe's rings belong to shaq :)

Not without Kobe's play in the Western Conference playoffs and WCF's in '01 and '02.

06-13-2016, 11:58 PM

MrFeeny's exit is coming

06-19-2016, 11:55 PM

Mr Feeny
06-20-2016, 12:00 AM
Did you NEED to bump this. Just let it die:coleman:

Ain't no need to dig out skeletons:coleman:

06-20-2016, 12:14 AM
Curry family sinking. The true Kobe fam knew not to back such a meme player.

08-09-2016, 09:18 AM
Is there a reason that Feeble is still posting his nonsense here?

He lost a bet in which Chokurry never approached ANY of Kobe's Finals milestones. NONE. NADA.

08-09-2016, 10:14 AM

08-09-2016, 06:26 PM
Did you NEED to bump this. Just let it die:coleman:

Ain't no need to dig out skeletons:coleman:


Damn Mr Feeny show some dignity.

SportsJames kept his word.

At least retire your account and get a new alt.

08-14-2016, 06:03 PM

08-14-2016, 06:39 PM

08-15-2016, 09:16 AM
haha Feeeny .. makes thread calling other poster out, loses bet, and goes back on his word. loud mouth little punk smh.

oh yea i almost forgot.


08-15-2016, 09:28 AM
What does that ph@ggot lazarus have to say now? :lebronamazed:
38 HUGE points to spike up.his averages and all but guarantee a Finals mvp and b2b titles along with his b2b mvps.

I warned all ya'll mothetfarkers that Curry doesn't mess around. He's coming for the top. And on the way you will see many men drop. Just shut up and stop. Curry's coming to the top.


Mr Feeny
08-15-2016, 09:36 AM
Feeny stays winning because lebron cemented his legacy as top 3 ever :lebronamazed:

Mr Feeny
08-15-2016, 09:38 AM
Is there a reason that Feeble is still posting his nonsense here?

He lost a bet in which Chokurry never approached ANY of Kobe's Finals milestones. NONE. NADA.

What the heck are you talking about?
I made a bet that Curry would surpass Kobe's awful 2004 mark of 38% shooting and he did.
You should have left the forum but you're still here.

Stay mad that your 2 idols are several tiers below lethick :lebronamazed:

08-15-2016, 11:45 AM
Is there a reason that Feeble is still posting his nonsense here?

He lost a bet in which Chokurry never approached ANY of Kobe's Finals milestones. NONE. NADA.

He was clearly hurt, even Kerr said so recently, and it was throughout the playoffs, he was getting his knee taped post game. Yes he finished well against the thunder but when you're primary ability is shooting a loss in athleticism doesn't mean you simply can't do anything, but in the finals the problems the injury caused were clear, he couldn't drive past Tristan Thompson. While one could blame this on thompsons good defense, curry pretty much can drive by nearly anyone DUE to his three point threat.

Unlike most shooters, he uses his knee on longer shots much more than his flutes (bend angle) so the injury explains why those shots fell short.

Now, he did have a lot of dumb plays, and I think it would be a substandard series regardless of health, but if he was healthy I believe he would have had a better series than some of kobe's for sure.

Waiting for next season to start, if he does bad while healthy I'll concede. But in terms of choking under pressure, pretty much nothing has shown he has a "choking mentality" other than a finals series where he was clearly at 80% or less, to the point Kerr himself had to make adjustments. Typically he is quick enough to get a second of separation off of a off ball screen regardless of who is guarding him. The ability to shoot so quickly and so accurately off the catch and off the dribble means this one second is enough time. But he was a step slower, and his average mph was only slightly higher than the RS, despite playing at a fast pace and it being a playoff game, which makes players typically play harder and run more than RS games, usually by a lot. He simply didn't have the speed off ball to get off shots.

The effects of an injury can last weeks after the pain goes away.

08-15-2016, 11:47 AM
I will say feeny seems like a douche and that if he did lose the bet that he should honor it and leave like a man, which means he will just go to his alts but whatever

08-15-2016, 11:51 AM
Also to anyone trying to troll/piss him off by reminding him of a bet he lost that he doesn't actually have to acknowledge, you realize this bet was on a finals series where his favorite player basically soearheaded one of the most epic finals comebacks ever, beat a 73 win team, had the best defensive play in finals history, arguably had one of the best storylines ever, etc? It's not gonna annoynhim at all.

08-15-2016, 12:30 PM
What the heck are you talking about?
I made a bet that Curry would surpass Kobe's awful 2004 mark of 38% shooting and he did.
You should have left the forum but you're still here.

Stay mad that your 2 idols are several tiers below lethick :lebronamazed:




Now, please leave and take your trash with you...

Mr Feeny
08-15-2016, 12:46 PM
Didn't read your drivel. Was talking about my original bet.

The only bet I cared about was Curry shooting better than Kobe's 38%. He did.
Now go cry about it.

08-15-2016, 01:53 PM
Also to anyone trying to troll/piss him off by reminding him of a bet he lost that he doesn't actually have to acknowledge, you realize this bet was on a finals series where his favorite player basically soearheaded one of the most epic finals comebacks ever, beat a 73 win team, had the best defensive play in finals history, arguably had one of the best storylines ever, etc? It's not gonna annoynhim at all.

the fact that feeny was hedging his bet on bran losing in the finals again with curry winning doesnt make it better.. in fact it makes it worse. it shows he's a coward who cant admit when hes wrong. And on top of that somebody who cant keep his word. and despite all that, he might be the one of the bran fams finest.. lol

08-15-2016, 01:56 PM
I will say feeny seems like a douche and that if he did lose the bet that he should honor it and leave like a man, which means he will just go to his alts but whatever

haha.. fat chance.

Laz holdin this Win.

Hey Yo
08-15-2016, 04:39 PM
Typically he is quick enough to get a second of separation off of a off ball screen regardless of who is guarding him. The ability to shoot so quickly and so accurately off the catch and off the dribble means this one second is enough time. But he was a step slower, and his average mph was only slightly higher than the RS, despite playing at a fast pace and it being a playoff game, which makes players typically play harder and run more than RS games, usually by a lot. He simply didn't have the speed off ball to get off shots.

The effects of an injury can last weeks after the pain goes away.
What was his average MPH clocked at during the RS compared to the Finals?

08-15-2016, 05:07 PM
Feeney is a fragile boy.

Mr Feeny
08-15-2016, 05:41 PM
What was his average MPH clocked at during the RS compared to the Finals?

They've got everything excuse lined up :oldlol:

I love Curry and thought they'd win and would have been happy for him.
But there's one thing I didn't account for.
A top 3 BEAST laying havoc on everyone and everything after getting pissed off :biggums:
A GREAT who made history by leading both finalists in every single statistical category en route to making the most historic comeback in finals history against the team with the most wins in nba history.

I thought LeBron had a case for top to before that. After the finals, there was nothing anyone could say. Lebron is well and truly top 3 at worst.

Barring also catastrophe, he's going to leave kareem in dust by next June and soon it'll be him and air jordan battling it out for GOAT.

Swish, portmeus, and several Chicago fans all came to the realisation that Lebron was a top 3 player after this finals and so have I.

We are watching arguably the greatest player of all time. At worst, he's going to end up 2 behind MJ.

08-17-2016, 12:55 AM



Round Mound
08-17-2016, 01:06 AM
Kobe > Curry . Get real one dude is just a pure long distance shooter. Kobe had more moves, better defender, as good a passer and better rebounder. I dont even like Kobe btw.

08-18-2016, 05:25 AM
I want y'al hating mother fos to come back in 3 days.

Talk smack now and enjoy this:coleman:

Let's see if Curry turns things around and I GUARANTEE he does, upon which he surpasses Kobrick all time and knocks him to 13th.

All he has to do is surpass Kobe's career finals numbers of 25 ppg on 41%. He does that and he's gold.
Next year he'll go for the jugular and start aiming for a 3 peat and MJ finals numbers.

Mark my words branvestites and kobrick lovers. Curry will have both of you crying in tears the entire summer by the time he wraps this up in a week:applause:

:roll: :roll: :roll:

This idiot not only loses a bet by backing a player that put up the worst Finals in NBA history, but he even warned the TRUE Lebron fans that it was coming, too.

Funny how a Kyrie shot SUDDENLY switched his allegiance, isn't it?

And back to this...

So, here's the real bet...

Since YOU are claiming that Curry is "He's just a better player", here is what NIC MUST do in this FINALS. ALL of the following:

He has to exceed Kobe's highest scoring Finals... 32.4 ppg.
He has to exceed Kobe's most efficient Finals... .623 TS%
He has to exceed Kobe's highest scoring Finals game... 40 points.

And, sorry, we are going to include Chokurry's first game of this of this Finals, as well. After all, two of the above criteria are based on a SERIES.

I will be waiting...but only up until game time tomorrow night

Let's make the bet.

Just to confirm...

Starting with the already played game one...

If Curry exceeds Kobe in these three areas in this Finals...

32.4 ppg
.623 TS%
40 point high game

Then, I will admit Curry is greater than Kobe, and leave this forum forever.

If, however, he fails on ANY of those, you will admit that Kobe was indeed the greater player, and you will leave this forum forever.

If we are agreeing on that...

Accepted, and book-marked.

Mr Feeny
08-18-2016, 05:35 AM
This idiot not only loses a bet by backing a player that put up the worst Finals in NBA history, but he even warned the TRUE Lebron fans that it was coming, too.

Funny how a Kyrie shot SUDDENLY switched his allegiance, isn't it?

And back to this...

I'm assuming you have reading compression.

I'm a Lebron fan. I don't consider myself a stan. Never have. When I feel he struggles, I'll call him out on it. Most of the time it's unwarranted because he's a top 3 goat and has had one of be s careers of all time.

At no point did I ever or would ever "backtrack" "or "turn" on a player. Before the plauoff s I tried to educate you by teaching you that Lebron was a top 3 goat and better than any version of Kobe. During and after, I'd repeat the same thing.

Had Lebron been unable to win,sure I would have liked another great player, Curry, to drop your idol even further down the all time list. Why wouldn't i?:D

Fortunately for me, something even beyond my wildest dreams happened and lebron put on the greatest performance in nba finals history to achieve the impossible and seal his legacy.

Nothing else matters now. :It's Jordan jabbar and lebron all by themselves.

You next June, it's lebron and MJ:rockon:

Even if the Cavs don't win next year, the just means that Curry will and HE would then knockdown your idol Kobe further down he all time list :lebronamazed

It's win win all the way here :banana: :banana:

08-18-2016, 05:47 AM
I'm assuming you have reading compression.

I'm a Lebron fan. I don't consider myself a stan. Never have. When I feel he struggles, I'll call him out on it. Most of the time it's unwarranted because he's a top 3 goat and has had one of be s careers of all time.

At no point did I ever or would ever "backtrack" "or "turn" on a player. Before the plauoff s I tried to educate you by teaching you that Lebron was a top 3 goat and better than any version of Kobe. During and after, I'd repeat the same thing.

Had Lebron been unable to win,sure I would have liked another great player, Curry, to drop your idol even further down the all time list. Why wouldn't i?:D

Fortunately for me, something even beyond my wildest dreams happened and lebron put on the greatest performance in nba finals history to achieve the impossible and seal his legacy.

Nothing else matters now. :It's Jordan jabbar and lebron all by themselves.

You next June, it's lebron and MJ:rockon:

Even if the Cavs don't win next year, the just means that Curry will and HE would then knockdown your idol Kobe further down he all time list :lebronamazed

It's win win all the way here :banana: :banana:

I can't wait for next June...when "Fence-Jumping Feeble" will be proclaiming KD as the next GOAT.

Mr Feeny
08-18-2016, 05:48 AM
I can't wait for next June...when "Fence-Jumping Feeble" will be proclaiming KD as the next GOAT.

Lebron is 10 spots ahead of your idol Kobe. Carry on melting down :banana:

08-18-2016, 05:53 AM
Lebron is 10 spots ahead of your idol Kobe. Carry on melting down :banana:

BTW...is there a reason you are still posting your garbage here...

You lost a bet.

Of course, I guess that is to be expected by a "Fence-Jumper."

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Mr Feeny
08-18-2016, 05:54 AM
BTW...is there a reason you are still posting your garbage here...

You lost a bet.

Of course, I guess that is to be expected by a "Fence-Jumper."

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Keep melting down :sleeping

08-18-2016, 06:05 AM
Keep melting down :sleeping

:roll: :roll: :roll:


I want y'al hating mother fos to come back in 3 days.

Talk smack now and enjoy this

Let's see if Curry turns things around and I GUARANTEE he does, upon which he surpasses Kobrick all time and knocks him to 13th.

All he has to do is surpass Kobe's career finals numbers of 25 ppg on 41%. He does that and he's gold.
Next year he'll go for the jugular and start aiming for a 3 peat and MJ finals numbers.

Mark my words branvestites and kobrick lovers. Curry will have both of you crying in tears the entire summer by the time he wraps this up in a week

This idiot not only loses a bet by backing a player that put up the worst Finals in NBA history, but he even warned the TRUE Lebron fans that it was coming, too.

Funny how a Kyrie shot SUDDENLY switched his allegiance, isn't it?

And back to this...

So, here's the real bet...

Since YOU are claiming that Curry is "He's just a better player", here is what NIC MUST do in this FINALS. ALL of the following:

He has to exceed Kobe's highest scoring Finals... 32.4 ppg.
He has to exceed Kobe's most efficient Finals... .623 TS%
He has to exceed Kobe's highest scoring Finals game... 40 points.

And, sorry, we are going to include Chokurry's first game of this of this Finals, as well. After all, two of the above criteria are based on a SERIES.

I will be waiting...but only up until game time tomorrow night

Let's make the bet.

Just to confirm...

Starting with the already played game one...

If Curry exceeds Kobe in these three areas in this Finals...

32.4 ppg
.623 TS%
40 point high game

Then, I will admit Curry is greater than Kobe, and leave this forum forever.

If, however, he fails on ANY of those, you will admit that Kobe was indeed the greater player, and you will leave this forum forever.

If we are agreeing on that...

Accepted, and book-marked.

"Fence-Jumpin Feeble"

:roll: :roll:

Mr Feeny
08-18-2016, 06:06 AM
:roll: :roll: :roll:


This idiot not only loses a bet by backing a player that put up the worst Finals in NBA history, but he even warned the TRUE Lebron fans that it was coming, too.

Funny how a Kyrie shot SUDDENLY switched his allegiance, isn't it?

And back to this...

"Fence-Jumpin Feeble"

:roll: :roll:

URL="http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=12451301&postcount=29"]http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=12451301&postcount=29[/URL] I said that if he achieves the impossible and brings them back from 3-1 down. He's goat. He did just that. He's probably the GOAT.
Stay cruing

My Guy is a top 3 goat while yours is 12 the at best :banana:

08-18-2016, 06:19 AM
URL="http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=12451301&postcount=29"]http://www.insidehoops.com/forum/showpost.php?p=12451301&postcount=29[/URL] I said that if he achieves the impossible and brings them back from 3-1 down. He's goat. He did just that. He's probably the GOAT.
Stay cruing

My Guy is a top 3 goat while yours is 12 the at best :banana:

My Guy?

You mean Chokurry? The "guy" who you backed over 3" until Kyrie destroyed him?

He will NEVER surpass Kobe.

As for LeChoke...

sorry, but without Clutch Ray and Clutch Kyrie...


08-18-2016, 06:34 AM
My Guy?

You mean Chokurry? The "guy" who you backed over 3" until Kyrie destroyed him?

He will NEVER surpass Kobe.

As for LeChoke...

sorry, but without Clutch Ray and Clutch Kyrie...

Well, that's still better than Wilt without West saving his mental midget ass.

08-18-2016, 06:37 AM
Well, that's still better than Wilt without West saving his mental midget ass.

Except... West couldn't do it. The coach threw his eggs in West's basket, and they lost.

In '72, the new coach had WILT carry the Lakers to a title...while "Mr. Clutch" shot .325 in the Finals.

Lesson learned.

08-18-2016, 06:45 AM
Except... West couldn't do it. The coach threw his eggs in West's basket, and they lost.

In '72, the new coach had WILT carry the Lakers to a title...while "Mr. Clutch" shot .325 in the Finals.

Lesson learned.
It was Goodrich who carried Ilt in the '72 Finals.

Chokerlain would be ringless without them saving the mental midget.

08-18-2016, 02:24 PM
It was Goodrich who carried Ilt in the '72 Finals.

Chokerlain would be ringless without them saving the mental midget.

That's right...I completely forgot about Goodrich winning the FMVP that year. Not only that, but the 6-1 Stumpy outplayed a PEAK Kareem in the WCF's, as well.

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

That pretty much moves Kareem way down the list, then, doesn't it?

Goodrich > KAJ

09-10-2016, 10:20 AM

09-11-2016, 04:49 AM
.511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

:cheers: :cheers:

09-11-2016, 11:16 AM
Gotta love the Ajackoffs of this site. CONTEXT. He has no clue what that means.

Scoring? How about post-season runs of 28, 29, 33, 35, 35, and 37 ppg? How about post-season series of 37, 37, 39, and 39 ppg? How about post-season series of 28-30, 29-28, 30-31, 31-27, and 34-27 against RUSSELL? How about 13 playoff games of 40+...11 of which came in his 52 playoff games in his "scoring" seasons (21% for those keeping track.) How about MUST WIN games of 45-27 (Finals BTW), 46-34 (against RUSSELL BTW), 50-22, 50-35 (against RUSSELL BTW), and even a 56-35-12 game? As well as another 50 point game in the '64 WDF's. Or series clinching games of 30-32, 30-26, 38-26, and 39-26-10?

How about his MUST WIN playoff games? In his 23 must win playoff games...

31.1 ppg, 26.4 rpg, 4.2 apg, and on a .540 FG% (in post-seasons that shot .435 in the same span.)

How about his 37 MUST WIN, and SERIES CLINCHING playoff games?

29.5 ppg, 26.1 rpg, 4.0 apg, and on a .546 FG% (again, in post-seasons that shot .435 in that span...or nearly TWELVE percentage points above the league average.)

Rebounding? Simply...the GOAT post-season rebounder in NBA history. Yes, Russell had a slightly higher average... 24.9 rpg to 24.5 rpg...BUT, in their eight playoff series H2H's, Chamberlain outrebounded Russell in EVERY one of them. Including margins of 5, 6, and even 9 rpg! Oh, Chamberlain is also the all-time FINALS leading rebounder with a career average of 24.6 rpg.

He played in 13 post-seasons, and his LOW was 20.2 rpg. He also had post-seasons of 28, 29, and even 30 rpg. And he had series of 30 and 31 rpg (both against RUSSELL BTW.) In his LAST post-season, at age 36, and covering 17 games... 22.5 rpg, in a post-season that averaged 50.6 rpg per team (just this last season the NBA averaged 42.0 rpg.) That translates to 19 rpg in the '16 playoffs. In his LAST season.

He played in 29 post-season series, and was never outrebounded by an opposing center in ANY of them. He was outrebounded by PF Jerry Lucas in ONE...and by a 21.0 to 20.0 rpg margin/ However, when the two faced each other as CENTERS, a 35 year old Wilt, playing 47 mpg, outrebounded the 31 year old Lacas, playing 46 mpg, by a 23.2 rpg to 9.8 rpg margin.

Wilt was outrebounding Reed by 14 rpg, Thurmond by 7 rpg, and Russell by 9 rpg.

Playoff RECORDS? Surely this "declining" Wilt would not have any post-season records, right? How about, and by far, the most 20-20 games, the most 30-20 games, the most 20-30 games, the most 30-30 games, the most 40-20 games, the most 40-30 games, the most 50-20 games, and the most 50-30 games? How about the most post-seasons of 20-20, 30-20, 30-25, 35-20?

Blocked shots? Tim Duncan just retired with the "official" post-season blocked shot record of 568 in his 251 playoff games. Well nbastats.net contributor, Julizaver found blocked shot data for 81 of Wilt's 160 post-season games...or roughly half (and almost all of it from the mid-60's on)...and... 590 blocked shots...in 81 games! Hell, an old Wilt blocked 33 shots in his '72 WCF's in the four known games of that series, and 15 of those were on KAJ!

Defense? Wilt held Russell to playoff series FG%'s of .399, .397, .386, and .358 (in a season in which Russell shot .454 against the NBA.) He held Thurmond to playoff series of .392, .373, and .343 (a PEAK Nate BTW...and in a season in which Thurmond shot .437 against the NBA.) He held Bellamy to .450 in a season in which Bellamy shot .521 against the NBA, and then to .421 in a season in which Bellamy had shot .541 against the NBA. Oh, can't forget Kareem, either. KAJ shot .577 and .574 against the NBA in '71 and '72. Against Wilt in those two post-seasons? .481 and .457 (including .414 in the last four games of that series.)

How about Wilt's FG% in his six Finals? .559...all while holding his opposing centers (all in the HOF BTW)...to a combined .439. Or how about his two game seven's of the Finals? He outshot Reed and Russell by a combined .708 to .333 margin (all while averaging 19.5 ppg and 25.5 rpg.)

Passing? Find me a CENTER who averaged 9.0 apg in an entire playoff run (which, BTW, led the post-season that year.) Or a center who had two straight triple-double series (28-27-11, and 22-32-10)?

Of course, had a PRIME Wilt faced the likes of a washed Smits, or a 35 year old Mutombo (whom Shaq was allowed to beat to a bloody pulp in some of the most disgraceful offciating in Finals history), or a never-was in the career 6 ppg scoring MacCulloch, or the complete bust in Eric Dampier... in his Finals...no doubt he would have been putting up 30-40-and 50 point playoff games against them.


:cheers: :cheers:

09-11-2016, 12:08 PM
.511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5


:cheers: :cheers:

Agreed! :cheers:

09-11-2016, 12:33 PM
Chamberlain GOAT. Agreed! :cheers:


And just to reiterate for the other's who MIGHT have questioned Wilt's dominance...

As for "choker"...

even if we were to take his playoff stats at face value (and not using CONTEXT)... a CAREER 23-25 player, who outshot the post-season NBA by nearly ten percentage points above the league average.

Of course, using CONTEXT, and they suddenly become GOAT-like.

For instance,... gotta love the "30 ppg RS, 18 (actually 19 BTW) PO" Wilt.

How about this?

What's the difference between Wilt's post-season H2H's with Russell's Celtics in '60, '62, '65, '66, '67, '68, and his post-season H2H's with Russell's Celtics in '64 and '69?

NONE. Those H2H's basically decided the NBA championship. Plain-and-simple. BUT, in '60, '62, '65, '66, '67, and '68...they were the EDF's. And NOT the Finals.

What were Wilt's numbers in those EDF's? 22-25-7; 22-32-10 .556; 28-30 .509; 30-31 .555; and 34-27.

Compare that with Lebron's seven trips to the Finals. Give me a list of a great Eastern team that James beat en route to the Finals. NONE. The ONE team that was great, the '08 Celtics... held Lebron to .355 shooting...and that came in ECSF's.

Not only that, but how take a look at Russell's Finals in his career. SIX of them came against the Lakers. Throw out the '69 Finals, when he faced Wilt, and did nothing offensively...and he was putting up Finals of 23-27-6 on .543 FG%; 20-26-5 on .467; 18-25-6 on get this... a .702 FG%; 24-24-4 .538; and 17-22-6 on .430. That's a combined average of 21-25-5 on a .515 FG%.

Now, how many times did Wilt face those Laker teams in the decade of the 60's? NONE. And how did Wilt fare against those Laker teams in the decade of the 60's... 86 H2H's, and 42 games of 40+, including 19 of 50+, 7 of 60+, and even 2 of 70+!

Prior to 1969, Chamberlain played exactly ONE playoff series against a Western Division team. How did he do? 39 ppg, 23 rpg, and on a .560 FG% (in a post-season NBA that shot .420.)

Think about that. Had Wilt played in the Western Conference in his prime, he likely would have been going to the Finals nearly every year, and probably hanging 40+ ppg playoff series in several of them.

Furthermore, how about Shaq's Finals? In his wins... against a washed-up Smits in his last season; a 35 year old Mutombo, whom Shaq was allowed to bloody to a pulp by some of the worst Finals officiating in NBA history..only the '06 debacle was worse); a career 6 ppg stumblebum in MacCoulloch; and the career bust Dampier. Had a PRIME Chamberlain faced those inept clods, and who knows how many Finals scoring, rebounding, and efficiency records Wilt would hold today.


09-11-2016, 12:44 PM

And just to reiterate for the other's who MIGHT have questioned Ilt's statpadding and choking...

.511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

I'm convinced, dude.

09-11-2016, 12:55 PM



Chamberlain's Rebounding+ INCREASE from the RS to the PO's:

'60: -1.2
'61: -4.2
'62: +.9
'63: Had stamina to nail 14 chicks in one night , in addition to averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8% in the NBA
'64: +2.9
'65: +4.3
'66: +5.6
'67: +4.9
'68: +.9
'69: +3.6
'70: +3.8 (Wilt was fornicating 30 women per week, so not really gonna count this year)
'71: +2
'72: +1.8
'73: +3.9

24.6 rpg in NBA Finals, highest in history.

09-11-2016, 10:38 PM

09-12-2016, 03:05 AM
.511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5


Mr Feeny
09-12-2016, 09:58 AM
Mods, lock this savage AJ for pwning the Wilt lover that many times:lol

09-12-2016, 12:57 PM
Mods, lock this savage AJ for pwning the Wilt lover that many times:lol

Gotta love Fraud "Fence-Jumpin" Feeble...



:roll: :roll: :roll:

Mr Feeny
09-12-2016, 03:05 PM
Gotta love Fraud "Fence-Jumpin" Feeble...



:roll: :roll: :roll:

I'm sorry you didn't answer me question:

511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

Are these legit?

09-12-2016, 03:09 PM
I'm sorry you didn't answer me question:

511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

Are these legit?

is this correct?


You were ripping the "Branvestites" and claiming that Chokurry was going to make his place in history.

Oh, and how did that bet go, as well?

Surely your boy Chokurry easily passed Kobe's best Finals performances, right?

Mr Feeny
09-12-2016, 03:10 PM
is this correct?


You were ripping the "Branvestites" and claiming that Chokurry was going to make his place in history.

Oh, and how did that bet go, as well?

Surely your boy Chokurry easily passed Kobe's best Finals performances, right?I'm sorry you still didn't answer me question though:(

511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

Are these correct? :lebronamazed:

09-12-2016, 03:17 PM
I'm sorry you still didn't answer me question though:(

511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

Are these correct? :lebronamazed:

I'm sorry, but what are doing here posting any more?


You lost a stupid bet, and vowed to never show your ass on this forum again.

What happened?

Oh, and how about "switching horses in mid-stream" as well?

Mr Feeny
09-12-2016, 03:17 PM
I'm sorry, but what are doing here posting any more?

You lost a stupid bet, and vowed to never show your ass on this forum again.

What happened?

Oh, and how about "switching horses in mid-stream" as well?

Oh I'm a Kobe fan who thinks lebron is goat.but you didn't answer my question.

511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

Is this true?

09-12-2016, 03:18 PM
Oh I'm a Kobe fan who thinks lebron is goat.but you didn't answer my question.

511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

Is this true?

I'm sorry, but what are doing here posting any more?


You lost a stupid bet, and vowed to never show your ass on this forum again.

What happened?

Oh, and how about "switching horses in mid-stream" as well?

Mr Feeny
09-12-2016, 03:19 PM

:roll: :roll: :roll:

The "Fraud Fence-Jumpin Feeble"

:roll: :roll: :roll:
511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

09-12-2016, 03:20 PM
I'm sorry, but what are doing here posting any more?


You lost a stupid bet, and vowed to never show your ass on this forum again.

What happened?

Oh, and how about "switching horses in mid-stream" as well?

Mr Feeny
09-12-2016, 03:21 PM
I'm sorry but someone keeps avoiding the following:511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

AJ sent these. Are they legit:(

09-12-2016, 03:22 PM
I'm sorry but someone keeps avoiding the following:511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

AJ sent these. Are they legit:(

I'm sorry, but what are doing here posting any more?


You lost a stupid bet, and vowed to never show your ass on this forum again.

What happened?

Oh, and how about "switching horses in mid-stream" as well?

Mr Feeny
09-12-2016, 03:23 PM
Sorry folks but:
511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

09-12-2016, 03:23 PM
Sorry folks but:
511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

I'm sorry, but what are doing here posting any more?


You lost a stupid bet, and vowed to never show your ass on this forum again.

What happened?

Oh, and how about "switching horses in mid-stream" as well?

Mr Feeny
09-12-2016, 03:24 PM
Sorry folks but someone is avoiding :

511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

09-12-2016, 03:26 PM
Sorry folks but someone is avoiding :

511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5


I want y'al hating mother fos to come back in 3 days.

Talk smack now and enjoy this

Let's see if Curry turns things around and I GUARANTEE he does, upon which he surpasses Kobrick all time and knocks him to 13th.

All he has to do is surpass Kobe's career finals numbers of 25 ppg on 41%. He does that and he's gold.
Next year he'll go for the jugular and start aiming for a 3 peat and MJ finals numbers.

Mark my words branvestites and kobrick lovers. Curry will have both of you crying in tears the entire summer by the time he wraps this up in a week

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Mr Feeny
09-12-2016, 03:27 PM
Sorry folks but a certain Kobe and Wilt stan is avoiding this like the plague:

511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

09-12-2016, 03:29 PM
Sorry folks but a certain Kobe and Wilt stan is avoiding this like the plague:

511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5


Mr Feeny
09-12-2016, 03:30 PM
Sorry folks but a certain Kobe and Wilt stan is avoiding this like the plague:

511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5


09-12-2016, 03:30 PM
Sorry folks but a certain Kobe and Wilt stan is avoiding this like the plague:

511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5



:roll: :roll: :roll:

Fence-Jumpin Feeble

Mr Feeny
09-12-2016, 03:31 PM
Sorry folks but a certain Kobe and Wilt stan is avoiding this like the plague:

511 FT% shooter in the regular season
.465 in the playoffs
.375 in the finals

Chamberlains ppg in regular season: 30.1
Chamberlains ppg in playoffs: 22.5
Chamberlain's ppg in the Finals: 18

Default NBA choking rating

Advanced Formula: Losses with HCA + playoff ppg drop + finals ppg drop + playoff rpg drop + finals rpg drop + playoff apg drop + finals apg drop + playoff fg% drop + finals fg% drop + playoff ft% drop + finals ft% drop - rings

Wilt Chamberlain: 5 + (30.1-22.5) + (30.1-18.6) + (22.9-24.9) + (22.9-24.6) + (4.4-4.2) + (4.4-3.8) + (54.0-52.2) + (54.0-55.9) + (51.1-46.5) + (51.1-37.5) - 2 = 37.3

Ilt's scoring drop off from the RS to the PO's:

'60 - -4.4
'61 - -1.4
'62 - -15.4
'63 - Missed the PO's despite averaging 44.8/24.3/3.4 on 52.8%
'64 - -2.2
'65 - -5.4
'66 - -5.5
'67 - -2.4
'68 - -0.6
'69 - -6.6
'70 - -5.2 (Injured his knee, so not really gonna count this year)
'71 - -2.4
'72 - -0.1
'73 - -2.8

Those numbers would translate to ~15 PPG in the '90's, BTW. Playing in a weak ass era definitely helped boost his stats.

Ilt's FG% from the RS to the PO's:

1960 - +3.5
1961 - -4.0
1962 - -3.9
1964 - +1.8
1965 - +2.0
1966 - -3.1
1967 - -10.4
1968 - -6.1
1979 - -3.8
1970 - -1.9
1971 - -9.0
1972 - -8.6
1973 - -17.5

09-12-2016, 04:07 PM
Probably worth mentioning that in Wilt's defense 48 out of 160 of his games in the playoffs came against the Russell dynasty Celtics (not sure if I counted right was just going quickly off b-ref and adding in my head. Also not sure if Wilt and Russell played each and every one of those games because I'm too lazy to look). Still, that means that about a third of Wilt's playoff games came while going up against a dynasty team and being guarded by the GOAT defender. I'm sure Russell was a reason for Wilt's less frequent offensive outbursts, right?

09-12-2016, 04:30 PM
Probably worth mentioning that in Wilt's defense 48 out of 160 of his games in the playoffs came against the Russell dynasty Celtics (not sure if I counted right was just going quickly off b-ref and adding in my head. Also not sure if Wilt and Russell played each and every one of those games because I'm too lazy to look). Still, that means that about a third of Wilt's playoff games came while going up against a dynasty team and being guarded by the GOAT defender. I'm sure Russell was a reason for Wilt's less frequent offensive outbursts, right?

Well, first of all, this is the wrong topic to even bring Wilt up.

Feeble is trying to divert this thread because he has proven to be a complete liar and as well as fence-jumper. He was writing LeBron off after game four, and claiming that Curry was going to become an all-time great.

As for Wilt... 49 of his playoff games came against Russell...with eight separate series...six series of which were in the EDF's.

Those EDF matchups were actually Finals. Why? Because the Celtics had a more difficult time in the majority of those Finals (even '60...because Wilt badly injured his hand at the end of game two and was worthless in game three.)

Think about this...these series should all be FINALS...

22-25-7; 22-32-10; 28-30; 29-28; 30-31; 31-27; and 34-27.

BTW, Chamberlain shot a higher FG% against Russell in the post-season, than he did against him in his regular season H2H's.

And as Psileas has pointed out...

Chamberlain UPPED his PPG from his regular season H2H's with Russell in '64, '65, '67, and '68. And his '66 numbers were nearly identical (28.3 with 30.7 rpg in the regular season H2H's, and then 28.0 ppg and 30.2 rpg in the EDF's.)

09-12-2016, 09:57 PM
Probably worth mentioning that in Wilt's defense 48 out of 160 of his games in the playoffs came against the Russell dynasty Celtics (not sure if I counted right was just going quickly off b-ref and adding in my head. Also not sure if Wilt and Russell played each and every one of those games because I'm too lazy to look). Still, that means that about a third of Wilt's playoff games came while going up against a dynasty team and being guarded by the GOAT defender. I'm sure Russell was a reason for Wilt's less frequent offensive outbursts, right?
Meh, the whole era was complete horseshit. Bob Cousy was All-NBA First Team and he wouldn't make ANY NBA roster right now. Dude wouldn't even be in the D-League.

09-12-2016, 11:42 PM
Meh, the whole era was complete horseshit. Bob Cousy was All-NBA First Team and he wouldn't make ANY NBA roster right now. Dude wouldn't even be in the D-League.
I get that you don't like Laz, but you're overdoing it with the Wilt stuff. Dude was amazing on defense too, and in a lot of his playoff career his role wasn't to score in the first place, so citing his scoring output doesn't really prove a ton. It's like criticizing DeAndre Jordan for not putting up more points in the playoffs (yes, I'm aware Wilt was a far better player, before any Wilt fan bites my head off).

09-13-2016, 06:19 AM
I get that you don't like Laz, but you're overdoing it with the Wilt stuff. Dude was amazing on defense too, and in a lot of his playoff career his role wasn't to score in the first place, so citing his scoring output doesn't really prove a ton. It's like criticizing DeAndre Jordan for not putting up more points in the playoffs (yes, I'm aware Wilt was a far better player, before any Wilt fan bites my head off).
Watch footage from that era. Defensive schemes were just laughable. Also, Chokerlain stans like to post gifs of his "blocks", but the majority of them are blatant uncalled goaltends.

There's a reason why the dude never fouled out in his career. He just gave up on the defensive end, whenever he was in foul trouble, so that he could pad his stats on the other end.

Mr Feeny
09-13-2016, 07:39 AM
I get that you don't like Laz, but you're overdoing it with the Wilt stuff. Dude was amazing on defense too, and in a lot of his playoff career his role wasn't to score in the first place, so citing his scoring output doesn't really prove a ton. It's like criticizing DeAndre Jordan for not putting up more points in the playoffs (yes, I'm aware Wilt was a far better player, before any Wilt fan bites my head off).

It's not that he dislikes the kobe/Ilt loving troll. It's that the game evolved so much over the past 60 years that it hardly resembles the same sport. Most elite point guards in that era were dribbling with their heads down, with one hand. Even amateurs of primary school kids these days should have better ball handling.

Now transport a Lebron james back to the 60's. Or bring a man (Wilt) who was racking up his stats against these 1 handed dribbles to today's game? What happens?

09-13-2016, 08:46 AM
It's not that he dislikes the kobe/Ilt loving troll. It's that the game evolved so much over the past 60 years that it hardly resembles the same sport. Most elite point guards in that era were dribbling with their heads down, with one hand. Even amateurs of primary school kids these days should have better ball handling.

Now transport a Lebron james back to the 60's. Or bring a man (Wilt) who was racking up his stats against these 1 handed dribbles to today's game? What happens?

Well bron wouldn't be allowed to elbow people out of his way and wouldn't be allowed to carry the ball, so that might hurt his game a little. Wilt however was still able to adjust his game during his prime so I guess he would be able to adjust it now.

Mr Feeny
09-13-2016, 09:27 AM
Well bron wouldn't be allowed to elbow people out of his way and wouldn't be allowed to carry the ball, so that might hurt his game a little. Wilt however was still able to adjust his game during his prime so I guess he would be able to adjust it now.

No. Lebron would average a 60 point triple double and Wilt would get shut down worse than he did in the playoffs and finals against one handed dribbles. He'd average 12 ppg.

There's no adjusting for the fact that you're just not that good. Certainly tiers behind a Lebron james :lebronamazed: :applause:

09-13-2016, 12:19 PM
No. Lebron would average a 60 point triple double and Wilt would get shut down worse than he did in the playoffs and finals against one handed dribbles. He'd average 12 ppg.

There's no adjusting for the fact that you're just not that good. Certainly tiers behind a Lebron james :lebronamazed: :applause:

How in the hell would you know that. You do realize that Wilt played against KAJ and held his own even though Wilt was past his scoring prime. So he could play well against KAJ who is considered !st or 2nd GOAT, but he couldn't play against these scrub centers today. You people are so busy trying to win the argument, that you just say stupid shit, that makes you look even dumber than you are.

09-13-2016, 09:31 PM
No. Lebron would average a 60 point triple double and Wilt would get shut down worse than he did in the playoffs and finals against one handed dribbles. He'd average 12 ppg.

There's no adjusting for the fact that you're just not that good. Certainly tiers behind a Lebron james

:roll: :roll:

Sure Lebron would...

:roll: :roll:



[QUOTE]Just wanted to commemorate this moment: Miami down three, gets a rebound and gets the ball to LeBron on the right side of the key, with J.J. Barea defending him one-on-one

09-14-2016, 03:25 AM
Watch footage from that era. Defensive schemes were just laughable. Also, Chokerlain stans like to post gifs of his "blocks", but the majority of them are blatant uncalled goaltends.

There's a reason why the dude never fouled out in his career. He just gave up on the defensive end, whenever he was in foul trouble, so that he could pad his stats on the other end.

As always...you are full shit.


Give us all here a breakdown on the "majority of them are blatant uncalled goaltends."

BTW, those two blocks on a peak Kareem...at the APEX of the shot.

BTW, in their very first meeting a much more athletic Chamberlain blocked TWO of KAJ's "unblockable" sky-hooks.

October 24, 1969
Chamberlain Edges Lew, Guides Lakers' Victory
LOS ANGELES (AP)-The individual battle might be termed a draw with each man praising the other, but in the end it was the over-all firepower of the Los Angeles Lakers that beat an inexperienced Milwaukee Buck team.

Lew Alcindor. the million dollar rookie of the Bucks, lost his third game since high school Friday night when Wilt Chamberlain, the greatest scorer in NBA history, led the Lakers to a 123-112 victory. Chamberlain scored 25 points and grabbed 25 rebounds but Alcindor. the 7-foot-1 3/4 rookie, made his presence felt with 23 points and 20 rebounds.
It was a game of muscle under the boards.

"I thought he was more physical against me than I was against him." Chamberlain said after the game. "He's very strong, very quick and moves very well with the ball. I don't really think he surprised me at all."

"It was more physical than It was in our first three games," Lew said. "It was the first time I've played against Wilt for real and he taught me a few things."

But Lew taught a few things to Wilt, too. Using his flat hook shot and leaning toward the basket. Alcindor scored 12 first-half points and Chamberlain, facing a man taller than himself for the first time in a while, had a bit of trouble blocking shots.

After Wilt finally did block a couple of Lew's attempts, the Buck rookie began
faking the hook shot. When Wilt went up to block them. Alcindor would
turn the other way and score an easy layup.

But in the second half. Chamberlain scored 18 points and using a balanced attack, with Elgin Baylor. Jerry West and rookie guard Willie McCarter scoring freely, the Lakers broke the game open in the fourth period.

"I thought Wilt played one of his really fine games," said Larry Costello. the Buck rookie coach. "Our offense let us down tonight because they (the Lakers) were sagging on Lew. Somebody had to be open but we weren't hitting the open man."

Milwaukee held a 60-54 halftime lead, but the Lakers rallied for an 11-point margin in the fourth quarter. When the Bucks closed to 105-102, Elgin Baylor got hot and hit for six straight baskets to put the game out of reach. Baylor's 26 points was high for Los Angeles. Flynn Robinson of Milwaukee led all scorers with 33 points.

BTW, Wilt wiped the floor with Kareem in that game. Outscored him, 25-23; outrebounded him, 25-20; outassisted him, 5-2; outblocked him, 3-2 (including those two skyhooks); and outshot him from the floor by a 9-14 to 9-21 margin.

Too bad that Wilt shredded his knee a few days later.

Back to that footage... there are a handful of blocks that were called goal-tending in the middle of that video...which were NOT goal-tends. Wilt probably had more legitimate blocks that were called goal-tends than Shaq had blocks in his entire career. In the last minute of game seven of the '62 EDF's, Wilt CLEARLY blocked a Sam Jones shot, that was called a goal-tend...which likely cost the Warriors a championship.

Back to KAJ. Wilt ROUTINELY knocked the "unblockable" sky-hook all over the gym. In the '72 WCF's, Wilt recorded a known 15 blocks on Kareem shots, and you can be sure that the majority of them were sky-hooks. The two met in 28 career H2H's, and I would contend that Chamberlain conservatively blocked the sky-hook between 25+ times (and probably many more than that.)

Interesting too, that we only have about 2% of Wilt's playing career on video, and yet he was blocking a TON of shots in that very limited footage.


09-14-2016, 03:26 AM

As for Chamberlain not playing defense when in foul trouble...

:roll: :roll: :roll:

The man averaged 45.8 mpg in his regular season career, and only averaged 2.0 PF's per game in his career. How about the post-season? 47.1 mpg, and 2.5 PF's per game. You would be hard-pressed to find very many games in his entire career in which he even had four fouls in game, and much less with five.

Not playing defense with five fouls?


In the 1972 NBA Finals, the Lakers again met the New York Knicks; the Knicks were shorthanded after losing 6'9" Willis Reed to injury, and so, undersized 6'8" Jerry Lucas had the task to defend against the 7'1" Chamberlain.[95] However, prolific outside shooter Lucas helped New York to win Game 1, hitting nine of his 11 shots in the first half alone; in Game 2, which the Lakers won 106–92, Chamberlain put Lucas into foul trouble, and the Knicks lost defensive power forward Dave DeBusschere to injury.[95] In Game 3, Chamberlain scored 26 points and grabbed 20 rebounds for another Lakers win, and in a fiercely battled Game 4, the Lakers center was playing with five fouls late in the game. Having never fouled out in his career – a feat that he was very proud of – he played aggressive defense despite the risk of fouling out, and blocked two of Lucas' shots in overtime, proving those wrong who said he only played for his own stats; he ended scoring a game-high 27 points.[95] But in that game, he fell on his right hand, and was said to have "sprained" it; it was actually broken. For Game 5, Chamberlain's hands were packed into thick pads normally destined for defensive linesmen in American Football; he was offered a painkilling shot, but refused because he feared he would lose his shooting touch if his hands became numb.[95] In Game 5, Chamberlain recorded 24 points, 29 rebounds, eight assists and eight blocked shots. (While blocked shots were not an official NBA stat at that time, announcer Keith Jackson counted the blocks during the broadcast.[citation needed]) Chamberlain's outstanding all-around performance helped the Lakers win their first championship in Los Angeles with a decisive 114–100 win.[95] Chamberlain was named Finals MVP,[41] and was admired for dominating the Knicks in Game 5 while playing injured

Furthermore, if Wilt were not playing defense, evidently his opposing centers couldn't shoot for shit. Players like Walt Bellamy, who BTW, was actually a legitimate seven-footer (just ask Marty Blake)...whom Chamberlain held to a .421 FG% in their '68 playoff H2H...in a season in which he had shot .541 against the NBA. (Incidently, Wilt led BOTH teams in that series in ppg, rpg, apg, and FG%...outshooting Bellamy by that .584 to .421 margin.) BTW, in their regular season H2H's, it was much the same. In their '67 regular season H2H's, and in a season in which Bellamy had shot .521 against the NBA... Wilt outshot him from the floor by a .709 to .450 margin. BTW, in his regular season H2H's with Nate Thurmond in that '67 season... a .633 to .308 margin... in Nate's peak season, and in a season in which he shot .437 against the NBA. Of course, Wilt declined in the Finals against Nate, only outshooting him by a .560 to .343 margin.

Then there was the 6-11 HOF center Bob Lanier. In his 72-73 season, Lanier shot .490 against the NBA. In his six H2H's with a 36 year old Wilt that season... .374 (BTW, Chamberlain averaged 20 ppg in those six H2H's and on a .750 FG%.)

Oh, and how about a PEAK Kareem? In their 28 career H2H's, 27 of which occurred after Wilt's knee surgery, and at age 34+...in seasons in which KAJ shot .563 against the NBA... .464. Not only that, but in the '71 season, Kareem shot .577 against the NBA. In the '71 WCF's, and against Wilt... .481. Then, in his '72 regular season, Kareem shot .574 against the NBA. In the '72 WCF's, and against Wilt... .457, including .414 in the last four games of that series. In fact, in their last 10 straight career H2H's... a peak Kareem shot... .434 against Chamberlain. And, in their very last H2H, Kareem shot 12-31 from the floor against Wilt (.387.)

Oh, and how about in their two series' clinching games in the '71 and '72 WCF's? Wilt outshot Kareem by a .545 (18-33) to .383 (23-60) margin.

And this...


In the post-season, the Lakers swept the Chicago Bulls,[92] then went on to face the Milwaukee Bucks of young superstar center and regular-season MVP Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (formerly Lew Alcindor). The matchup between Chamberlain and Abdul-Jabbar was hailed by LIFE magazine as the greatest matchup in all of sports. Chamberlain would help lead the Lakers past Abdul-Jabbar and the Bucks in six games.[92] Particularly, Chamberlain was lauded for his performance in Game 6, which the Lakers won 104–100 after trailing by 10 points in the fourth quarter: he scored 24 points and 22 rebounds, played all 48 minutes and outsprinted the younger Bucks center on several late Lakers fast breaks.[93] Jerry West called it "the greatest ball-busting performance I have ever seen."[93] Chamberlain performed so well in the series that TIME magazine stated, "In the N.B.A.'s western division title series with Milwaukee, he (Chamberlain) decisively outplayed basketball's newest giant superstar, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, eleven years his junior


:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

09-14-2016, 06:45 AM
As always...you are full shit.


Give us all here a breakdown on the "majority of them are blatant uncalled goaltends."

BTW, those two blocks on a peak Kareem...at the APEX of the shot.

BTW, in their very first meeting a much more athletic Chamberlain blocked TWO of KAJ's "unblockable" sky-hooks.
I really don't care about trying to help you understand basketball anymore. You've never watched any basketball outside those shitty and grainy games from the '60's.

If you actually think this was a block at the "apex", then it pretty much proves your delusions.


Chokerlain was a horrendous choker and admittedly a statpadder. I remember AirFederer posting quotes from the mental midget himself and you just brushed them aside.

Beyond delusional.

09-14-2016, 12:06 PM
I really don't care about trying to help you understand basketball anymore. You've never watched any basketball outside those shitty and grainy games from the '60's.

If you actually think this was a block at the "apex", then it pretty much proves your delusions.


Chokerlain was a horrendous choker and admittedly a statpadder. I remember AirFederer posting quotes from the mental midget himself and you just brushed them aside.

Beyond delusional.

YOU are delusional. APEX baby...APEX.

Furthermore, Wilt blocking the skyhook was so common that no one even mentioned it. Hell, he blocked two in their very first encounter. Throughout their 28 career H2H's he was knocking it all over the gym. And 27 of those 28 games came after his knee surgery, as well.

It wasn't until Wilt retired, and the years went by, that the myth began that no one could block the "sky-hook." Sure, there were those that could get it while it was still in KAJ's hand, but none after the release.

And again, your NONSENSE that the MAJORITY of Wilt's blocks were goaltends is pure bullshit. The man played in 1200 career NBA games, and conservatively blocked about 7-8 shots per game...or around 10,000 in his career (and likely 25-50 of Kareem's unblockable" skyhook.) And he probably had more illegitimate goal-tends, than actual goaltends, as well.

Incidently, for those that dismiss his rebounding numbers...the man was blocking shots, and going for blocks, probably 20 times a game...which would have naturally taken him out of rebounds in many instances...and yet he STILL was putting playoff series of 24+ TRB%'s.

09-14-2016, 12:35 PM
Laz absolutely FURIOUS LeBron is a better big game player than Wilt was

Mr Feeny
09-14-2016, 03:18 PM
YOU are delusional. APEX baby...APEX.

Furthermore, Wilt blocking the skyhook was so common that no one even mentioned it. Hell, he blocked two in their very first encounter. Throughout their 28 career H2H's he was knocking it all over the gym. And 27 of those 28 games came after his knee surgery, as well.

It wasn't until Wilt retired, and the years went by, that the myth began that no one could block the "sky-hook." Sure, there were those that could get it while it was still in KAJ's hand, but none after the release.

And again, your NONSENSE that the MAJORITY of Wilt's blocks were goaltends is pure bullshit. The man played in 1200 career NBA games, and conservatively blocked about 7-8 shots per game...or around 10,000 in his career (and likely 25-50 of Kareem's unblockable" skyhook.) And he probably had more illegitimate goal-tends, than actual goaltends, as well.

Incidently, for those that dismiss his rebounding numbers...the man was blocking shots, and going for blocks, probably 20 times a game...which would have naturally taken him out of rebounds in many instances...and yet he STILL was putting playoff series of 24+ TRB%'s.

We're sorry. We're not convinced. An 18 ppg, 37%FT scorer in the finals wouldn't make it in today's game :lebronamazed:

Mr Feeny
09-14-2016, 03:21 PM
Laz absolutely FURIOUS LeBron is a better big game player than Wilt was

No doubt. This moron actually said that Kyrie won the 2016 title for lebron and that Lebron has an epic choke job in this year's finals. Yes,the same finals in which lebron became the only man in the history of the sport to lead both teams in every category, all the while making the 1st 3-1 comeback in finals history, with 2 games at the Oracle against the only 73 win team in history:lol

He's shook that Lebron is tiers above his heros - Kobe and Ilt.

09-14-2016, 10:55 PM
Lebron begging Adam Silver to suspend Dray in an elimination game is the most pathetic shish i ever saw in a Final series. Who can honestly take Lebald seriously after that? Then his stans wanna celebrate him blocking a 6'5 injured sf playing Center....a 6'5 injured sf playing Center :facepalm

Lebron is relevant because centers no longer exist.

09-17-2016, 02:11 AM
YOU are delusional. APEX baby...APEX.
I really don't care about trying to help you understand basketball anymore. You've never watched any basketball outside those shitty and grainy games from the '60's.

If you actually think this was a block at the "apex", then it pretty much proves your delusions.

Chokerlain was a horrendous choker and admittedly a statpadder. I remember AirFederer posting quotes from the mental midget himself and you just brushed them aside.

Beyond delusional.

09-17-2016, 03:47 AM
We're sorry. We're not convinced. An 18 ppg, 37%FT scorer in the finals wouldn't make it in today's game :lebronamazed:

I know YOU can't be convinced, but for everyone else...

In the '72 WCF's, a 35 year old Chamberlain, and playing on a surgically repaired knee, put up one of the lowest scoring playoff series of his career (12 ppg.) And he did so against a PEAK Kareem, who was coming off of the greatest regular season of his entire 20 year career...


In the post-season, the Lakers swept the Chicago Bulls,[92] then went on to face the Milwaukee Bucks of young superstar center and regular-season MVP Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (formerly Lew Alcindor). The matchup between Chamberlain and Abdul-Jabbar was hailed by LIFE magazine as the greatest matchup in all of sports. Chamberlain would help lead the Lakers past Abdul-Jabbar and the Bucks in six games.[92] Particularly, Chamberlain was lauded for his performance in Game 6, which the Lakers won 104–100 after trailing by 10 points in the fourth quarter: he scored 24 points and 22 rebounds, played all 48 minutes and outsprinted the younger Bucks center on several late Lakers fast breaks.[93] Jerry West called it "the greatest ball-busting performance I have ever seen."[93] Chamberlain performed so well in the series that TIME magazine stated, "In the N.B.A.'s western division title series with Milwaukee, he (Chamberlain) decisively outplayed basketball's newest giant superstar, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, eleven years his junior

In that series, Chamberlain held a peak Kareem, who had shot .574 against the NBA in the regular season, to a .457 FG%. Not only that, in the last four games of that series, KAJ shot...get this... .414 from the floor. And Chamberlain was knocking the "unblockable skyhook" all over the gym.

12 ppg.

Compare that with LeChoke's highest scoring Finals of his career...



That’s sort of like giving World Series MVP to a pitcher who went 2-0 but in games that finished 11-9, right? Not really. Andre Iguodala was the rightful recipient of the Finals MVP and certainly deserved to win it by more than the 7-4 margin he had over LeBron. Why? Despite LeBron’s prodigious numbers, his offensive efficiency was garbage — and that’s being kind. Iggy was like a wall, holding LeBron to just eight uncontested shots prior to Game 6 and forcing The King into an 11-46 shooting performance when he was D’ing him up.


That’s the stat of a desperate man. A man who has no answers with the loss of teammates Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love. Why did LeBron 35.8 points per game in the NBA Finals? Because he took so many shots that it’d have been impossible not to. His shooting nights, with Iguodala draped all over him: 18-38, 11-35, 14-34, 7-22, 15-34 and 13-33. That’s a .398 shooting percentage from the floor. Did LeBron try to do too much?


His overall shooting percentage from the regular season was .488, which was .090 worse than what he shot in the Finals. For the entire month of January, LeBron never had a single-game shooting percentage lower than .400. There are dozens of stats that basically say the same thing: LeBron shot really, really poorly in the Finals.

After a surprising lead of 2-1 games after 3, everyone knew Game 4 was the tipping point in the NBA Finals. James needed to win the game to put the Warriors away. So what did LeBron do with the series on the line? He put up 20 points on 7-22 shooting, a .314 shooting percentage, a 5-10 night from the free-throw line, with 12 rebounds and eight assists thrown in to make for what could have been one of the worst triple-doubles in Finals history. From January 1st through that night, LeBron had only scored fewer than 20 points in 10 games, many of which came in blowouts in which LeBron left the game early.

I wrote a post earlier this week saying LeBron should be the MVP of the NBA Finals. I was proven wrong. After his 13-33 performance in the series-clinching game, most of that due to Iguodala, there was no doubt who the actual winner should be especially when you consider that Iguodala — who didn’t start a game this season until the Finals — scored 22 points in that crucial Game 5 and 27 in the clincher. Those were his two highest point totals of the entire year.

So good on the media for making the right call and especially for not giving Steph Curry any votes. Curry deserved none, but his lack of support was a surprise only because you’d figure the regular-season MVP would just get some votes due to inertia. And though Curry was fine in the Warriors final three-game winning streak, he was awful in the first three games. Thus, there was only one man who deserved to be named most valuable.

In a Finals in which the Court Jester averaged 35.8 ppg...

09-17-2016, 03:50 AM