View Full Version : Are you fine in where Vince Carter is at in his career now? #AppreciationThread

04-23-2016, 12:54 AM
What he has done in the last 3-5 years, I think I can live with that compared to T-Mac-Spurs, or Hakeem-Raptors, Sir Charles' last year in Houston, I think, nobody wanted to see that, probably except for T-Mac if they won it that year. He did good in Dallas, & I think he's enjoying himself in Memphis, although, he probably wanted something better than this, but he seems okay there.

VC is the last player I expected for someone to change or adjust their game when forced to due to injury/role after being so heavily reliant on athleticism alone. He looked so done in his last days w/ the Magic then from transitioning over to the Mavs where his first year there was just terrible, but I'm glad he was able to recover & reinvent his game to be a better fit for the team.

Again, he really does seem like he's enjoying it there in Memphis (unless I'm missing something), feeds off of the crowd when he has his moments. & so, VC was not so bad after all. I hope he retires a Raptor. Make it happen, Air Canada.

#Meltdown #EndOfAnEra #AtleastTheyStoleTheShow

04-23-2016, 12:57 AM
He will go down as an all-time great guard and maybe even Hall of Fame.

04-23-2016, 12:58 AM
He's a Hall of Famer for sure. No doubt.

04-23-2016, 01:05 AM
He's a Hall of Famer for sure. No doubt.


Legend. Playing good basketball. Could still play for a few more years if he stays healthy and wants to.

Respect to this whole Memphis team for the way they are playing despite the struggles they have had this year. Vince has and important role and is performing it well.

04-23-2016, 07:17 AM
VC was able to transition because I don't think he was ever as maniacally driven to be 'the man' as guys like Kobe and Iverson, who once they reached a certain level would never have ended their careers like VC is. Iverson's refusal to accept a lesser role is partly what led to him getting blackballed out of the league.

04-23-2016, 07:36 AM
One of the biggest wastes of talent in NBA history. Mentally weak.

Uncle Drew
04-23-2016, 07:43 AM
He will go down as an all-time great guard and maybe even Hall of Fame.
Maybe? :wtf:

04-23-2016, 08:00 AM
He's carved out a much.longer career than expected,hopefully he has a few more seasons.left. It would've been cool to see him turn back the clock a bit against the spurs though

04-23-2016, 09:58 AM
As a career-long Vince Carter fan, I've enjoyed it. I'd like for him to get out of this series with at least one more dunk though. I thought he was just about done with the above-the-rim stuff last year but he somehow managed to more than triple his dunk total in 2015-16 (16 dunks this year to 5 last year).

04-23-2016, 02:00 PM
VC was able to transition because I don't think he was ever as maniacally driven to be 'the man' as guys like Kobe and Iverson, who once they reached a certain level would never have ended their careers like VC is. Iverson's refusal to accept a lesser role is partly what led to him getting blackballed out of the league.

04-23-2016, 02:08 PM
VC was able to transition because I don't think he was ever as maniacally driven to be 'the man' as guys like Kobe and Iverson, who once they reached a certain level would never have ended their careers like VC is. Iverson's refusal to accept a lesser role is partly what led to him getting blackballed out of the league.
Which is why when certain guys like Kobe and Iverson diminish athletically, they become cancers to whatever team they're on, because they're only driven by individual success and glory. They're such insecure retards they can't accept that them shooting 20+ times a night is the worst possible thing for team chemistry... or maybe they don't care. ME ME ME. MY OWN TERMS. :facepalm

Glad Kobe's gone.

Im Still Ballin
04-23-2016, 02:10 PM
How's the life, coach?