View Full Version : Why Michael Jordan is not GOD.

03-15-2016, 10:32 PM
I found an article which goes into details on explaining why Michael Jordan is actually not God.

Is Michael Jordan God?

NBA's Greatest Moments
"God Disguised as Michael Jordan"

Jordan was able to play in only 18 regular-season games in his second year in the NBA, after breaking a small bone in his foot in Chicago's third game of the year. Although he was encouraged to sit out the end of the season in order to make sure he was fully healed for the next, he insisted on coming back late in the season and led the Bulls to the 1986 NBA Playoffs.

It was in Game 2 of Chicago's first round matchup against the eventual NBA champion Boston Celtics that Jordan showed just how thoroughly he had recovered. In the hallowed halls of the Boston Garden, he set a playoff record by scoring an amazing 63 points against what many considered to be one of the greatest NBA teams ever. The Celtics won the game, 135-131 in double-overtime, and went on to sweep the Bulls, but Jordan's playoff record still stands.

"Michael was doing so much and so well, I found myself just wanting to stop and watch him -- and I was playing," said teammate John Paxson.

"I didn't think anyone was capable of doing what Michael has done to us," marveled Celtics ace Larry Bird. "He is the most exciting, awesome player in the game today. I think it's just God disguised as Michael Jordan."

Comment from webmaster of Jesus-is-Savior.com...

Celtic's player, Larry Bird, stated ... "I think it's just God disguised as Michael Jordan." When I first heard this, I couldn't help but think of all the professional athletes who are IDOLIZED by the masses. Although few people would readily admit to recognizing their favorite athlete as a "god," the Biblical definition of idolatry goes far beyond simple statue worship. Ezekiel 14:3 states, "... these men have set up their idols IN THEIR HEART..." Jesus condemned adultery OF THE HEART (Matthew 5:28), and hatred OF THE HEART as being murder (Matthew 5:21,22). Clearly, idolatry of the heart is just as evil as bowing in worship to a pagan god. Whatever consumes most of your time, money, and devotion is your god. Professional sports is a god for many people. Some people worship their car, or their girlfriend, or their home, etc. Their mind is busy thinking about their god all day; BUT, Jesus Christ is forgotten.

Americans are guilty of worshipping professional athletes. The fact that the professional sports industry generates billions of dollars a year is proof. It is disturbing when talent is rewarded over character. It is wrong when a man who has no skills, others than his ability to play a game, makes millions of dollars per year; while a doctor who goes to school for 12 long years, makes a couple hundred thousand dollars a year. Michael Jordan, while playing basketball professionally, made more money in ONE game than the average American worker makes in a lifetime. It is crazy, and shows the extent to which Americans have the wrong priorities.

Michael Jordan is not God, he is a Hell-deserving sinner, just a man. I realize that Larry Bird probably didn't mean to say that Jordan is really God; BUT, the amount of praise, money, and attention given to Michael Jordan's talent is nothing less than IDOLATRY of the heart. Michael Jordan was worshipped as a god, by the world, for the several years that the Chicago Bulls were on top of the athletic world. Billboards promoted him. Companies sponsored him. Children idolized him. Women threw themselves at him. Yet, Jesus Christ didn't receive as much as an ounce of praise, money, or attention.

Christians need to make sure to maintain the correct priorities in their Christian life. Matthew 6:33 plainly directs us to seek God FIRST in everything. Professional sports, beer, nudity, and pornography all go together. Sports Illustrated proves my point. It is nothing less than a magazine promoting soft porn. NO Christian should read and support Sports Illustrated. I'm not against sports; BUT, I am against the elevating of ANY athlete to the place where we pay him millions of dollars a year, and idolize him. When people, like Larry Bird, start referring to their peers as a "god," then you know things have gone too far in the sports world.


03-15-2016, 10:39 PM
Did read, and I lol'd a little bit. Some religious people just take these things too seriously. That is one of the most iconic NBA quotes though, and gave you a glimpse into just how good MJ was, that an arguable top 5 goat would compare him to a deity

Edit: Favorite part was "Michael is not God, he is a hell-deserving sinner" :oldlol:

03-15-2016, 10:40 PM
I'm so glad I'm not religious

03-15-2016, 11:33 PM
Since start of last season, Stephen Curry has made 608 3-pointers. 27 more than Michael Jordan made in his career!

lol someone negged me
Shut up already

03-15-2016, 11:35 PM
It is true. Michael Jordan is not GOD, but the closest thing to him.

03-16-2016, 03:43 AM
Good find by OP

ISH typical responses above me though smh :facepalm

This message of the articls is true in a universal sense not just a Christian one

The things that you think about and idolize the most are your gods

Basketball is a game. Zero value other than a form of exercise.

People cry over it. Steal over it. Kill over it.

All because commercial marketing has brainwashed the masses from a young age through propaganda films such as "Spacejam" and the yearly NBA Finals DVD and other related content.

Their faces burn in our heads through the cinematic filmography in their slow mo'd highlights enough for young kids to kill over Michael Jordan sneakers and for ****** like Mr jabbar and I'm still ball in fuddadi kgriffin etc to devote their lives to typing about how well 5 different men in history throw a ball into a basket compared to each other

This even leads these men to go so far into pulling up pics of these guys shirtless/naked/in private/etc and usually bragging about the ***** size of their idol and how that makes them somehow more valuable in the grand scheme of things because they only worship strangers with commendable ***** sizes and you better not try to say your idol has a bigger one


03-16-2016, 03:48 AM
Good find by OP

ISH typical responses above me though smh :facepalm

This message of the articls is true in a universal sense not just a Christian one

The things that you think about and idolize the most are your gods

Basketball is a game. Zero value other than a form of exercise.

People cry over it. Steal over it. Kill over it.

All because commercial marketing has brainwashed the masses from a young age through propaganda films such as "Spacejam" and the yearly NBA Finals DVD and other related content.

Their faces burn in our heads through the cinematic filmography in their slow mo'd highlights enough for young kids to kill over Michael Jordan sneakers and for ****** like Mr jabbar and I'm still ball in fuddadi kgriffin etc to devote their lives to typing about how well 5 different men in history throw a ball into a basket compared to each other

This even leads these men to go so far into pulling up pics of these guys shirtless/naked/in private/etc and usually bragging about the ***** size of their idol and how that makes them somehow more valuable in the grand scheme of things because they only worship strangers with commendable ***** sizes and you better not try to say your idol has a bigger one

While I do like your post and agree on many points, the point still stands that this priest overreacted. Larry Bird obviously didn't think Jesus himself took to the hardwood, he just used that as an expression to how good Jordan was playing. You're right though about idiot posters worshipping players, that's a violation of the very first of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3), shameful stuff that goes on

03-16-2016, 04:49 AM
MJ getting Jesus Christ stans shook

03-16-2016, 06:47 AM
MJ getting Jesus Christ stans shook


But even though that was just a joke the Jesus Christ stans will be very uptight about that comment.

Also, if Kgriffin wants to worship Kobe, it's pathetic, but at the same time to see it as a disrespect of Jesus is so silly. Who cares.

On a different note.

I remember listening to sports radio back in like 1998, and listening to some caller, I think his name was Jerome, going bat shit over the Yankees or something. And I remember thinking thank god for sports. If people like that guy were not tied up into sports, and lived in one of those overly religious countries that has terrorist where they can't listen to sports, then that anger, energy, motivation would lead them into terrorism. That's more or less was my logic.

03-16-2016, 06:57 AM
Worshiping the statue of a man on a cross is not idol worshiping though, got to love religious rationalization.

03-16-2016, 07:17 AM
there can only be one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY9HjNWbJvA)

03-16-2016, 12:31 PM

03-16-2016, 02:29 PM
God of the playoffs

03-16-2016, 02:34 PM
God created two humans in seven days.

2/7 < 6/6

03-16-2016, 03:57 PM
While I do like your post and agree on many points, the point still stands that this priest overreacted. Larry Bird obviously didn't think Jesus himself took to the hardwood, he just used that as an expression to how good Jordan was playing. You're right though about idiot posters worshipping players, that's a violation of the very first of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:3), shameful stuff that goes on

Language is a powerful tool you should know this as a forum poster

Just the fact that larry decided to add religious context to how Michael plays a game is nothing but unjustifiable praise that will be used to feed the legend of Michael Jordan and not just to the mindless masses but more importantly to MJ as well. This idolization is what will ultimately hurt Jordan due to humans inability to keep a grounded perspective when everyone trays you as god. This is why the majority of celebrities are narcissists and have the mental maturity of a child. We spoil our athletes with godlike praise and an inability to see their own fans as equal and then we believe the lies on commercials about how our idols are just like us in order for us to continually and psychotically continue to lie to ourselves about how our worship of them somehow makes us valid since we aligned ourself with the success of a stranger.


We sheeping

03-16-2016, 05:59 PM
Language is a powerful tool you should know this as a forum poster

Just the fact that larry decided to add religious context to how Michael plays a game is nothing but unjustifiable praise that will be used to feed the legend of Michael Jordan and not just to the mindless masses but more importantly to MJ as well. This idolization is what will ultimately hurt Jordan due to humans inability to keep a grounded perspective when everyone trays you as god. This is why the majority of celebrities are narcissists and have the mental maturity of a child. We spoil our athletes with godlike praise and an inability to see their own fans as equal and then we believe the lies on commercials about how our idols are just like us in order for us to continually and psychotically continue to lie to ourselves about how our worship of them somehow makes us valid since we aligned ourself with the success of a stranger.


We sheeping

Shut up dumbass. He was just that good.

03-16-2016, 06:03 PM
MJ getting Jesus Christ stans shook

They shook. He came, he saw, he conquered. :bowdown:

03-16-2016, 10:30 PM
Shut up dumbass. He was just that good.

Keep slurping then my niggg

03-16-2016, 11:37 PM
Keep slurping then my niggg

I was just playing man. I thought your posts were a little funny because it was over analysis on this topic.

Stringer Bell
03-23-2016, 06:55 PM