View Full Version : Best two way player in the league: Curry or Leonard?

03-03-2016, 10:32 PM
Curry is the best two way player in the league.

Leonard has better defense obviously but the offensive gap between the two are greater than their difference defensively.

A question to ask is which player would more teams want for one season? Leonard or Curry? (Answer is Curry as well)

Black and White
03-03-2016, 10:33 PM
If you get hidden on defense from time to time, you're not a two way player.

Your mum is good for two ways though.

03-03-2016, 10:33 PM
If Curry was the best two player in the league the warriors wouldn't hide him on the weakest offensive player on the opposing team. That's just good coaching

03-03-2016, 10:35 PM
Curry is a two way player

he is a top 5 defender at his position

and he is the best offensive player in the league

he plays both ends well, and the sum of his offense and defensive impact is greater than Leonard's

Even though Leonard is a fantastic player, Curry is the best two way player in the league

03-03-2016, 10:36 PM
Kawhi due to the system he plays in.

03-03-2016, 10:37 PM
Curry is a two way player

he is a top 5 defender at his position

and he is the best offensive player in the league

he plays both ends well, and the sum of his offense and defensive impact is greater than Leonard's

Even though Leonard is a fantastic player, Curry is the best two way player in the league

03-03-2016, 10:38 PM
Leonard has better defense obviously but the offensive gap between the two are greater than their difference defensively.

At their respective positions, Curry ranks in the middle of the pack defensively, whereas Kawhi ranks at or near the top on BOTH sides of the ball.

So Kawhi is the superior two-way player and it's not even close - Popovich said Kawhi was trying to reach JORDAN'S standard as a two-way player.. No mention of Curry:

"(Kawhi) has the ability to do what a Michael Jordan did at both ends, and I don’t mean he’s Michael Jordan,” Popovich said. “But you think about the best players in the league, they’re not two-way players. He wants to do that.”


Nick Young
03-03-2016, 10:38 PM
Leonard is the best two way player.

Curry is such a dominant offensive force that overall he is the better player than Leonard and also overall the best in the NBA.

03-03-2016, 10:39 PM
[QUOTE=3ball]At his position, Curry ranks in the middle of the pack defensively, and on top offensively.

At Kawhi's position, he ranks at the top defensively, and near the top offensively.

It's Kawhi, and it's not even close - Popovich said Kawhi was trying to reach JORDAN'S standard as a two-way player.. No mention of Curry:

[INDENT]"[I](Kawhi) has the ability to do what a Michael Jordan did at both ends, and I don

03-03-2016, 10:42 PM
You can't list 5 point guards that are better than Curry defensively. That isn't middle of the pack.
I can list at least 10..

At his position, he's middle of the pack defensively... The notion that he's one of the better defending PG's is ridiculous.

At their respective positions, Curry ranks in the middle of the pack defensively, whereas Kawhi ranks at or near the top on BOTH sides of the ball.

Hey Yo
03-03-2016, 10:43 PM
Curry is the best two way player in the league.

Leonard has better defense obviously but the offensive gap between the two are greater than their difference defensively.

A question to ask is which player would more teams want for one season? Leonard or Curry? (Answer is Curry as well)
Jig's up, brah.

Your weak attention seeking troll threads have reached Stretch Armstrong level


Mike smith
03-03-2016, 10:44 PM
Curry is a two way player

he is a top 5 defender at his position

and he is the best offensive player in the league

he plays both ends well, and the sum of his offense and defensive impact is greater than Leonard's

Even though Leonard is a fantastic player, Curry is the best two way player in the league
As far as best offensive player I give Durant slight nod over curry

Spurs m8
03-03-2016, 10:45 PM
Curry is the best two way player in the league.

Leonard has better defense obviously but the offensive gap between the two are greater than their difference defensively.

A question to ask is which player would more teams want for one season? Leonard or Curry? (Answer is Curry as well)

You are a very very stupid person, you have no shame because you've posted so much retarded shit in your life.

Full blown dumb cnt

03-03-2016, 10:46 PM
Curry is the best two way player in the league.

Leonard has better defense obviously but the offensive gap between the two are greater than their difference defensively.

A question to ask is which player would more teams want for one season? Leonard or Curry? (Answer is Curry as well)
People really take this dude seriously? :oldlol:

03-03-2016, 10:47 PM
Saying Curry isn't a good defensive player wont make it true guys

It's ok, let it sink in

Black and White
03-03-2016, 10:48 PM
Saying Curry isn't a good defensive player wont make it true guys

It's ok, let it sink in

Maybe you should take this advice on board when you try defend Kobe on your Jabbar account.

03-03-2016, 10:50 PM
At their respective positions, Curry ranks in the middle of the pack defensively, whereas Kawhi ranks at/near the top on BOTH sides of the ball.

Popovich said Kawhi aspires to a goat standard for two-way play:

"(Kawhi) has the ability to do what a Michael Jordan did at both ends, and I don’t mean he’s Michael Jordan,” Popovich said. “But you think about the best players in the league, they’re not two-way players. He wants to do that.”


03-03-2016, 11:18 PM
Curry is the best two way player in the league.

Leonard has better defense obviously but the offensive gap between the two are greater than their difference defensively.

A question to ask is which player would more teams want for one season? Leonard or Curry? (Answer is Curry as well)

I may have to agree.. Cuz Curry offensively is just head and shoulders above everyone else..

03-03-2016, 11:25 PM
Curry is a phenomenal defender, he should be in the running for DPOY

03-03-2016, 11:34 PM
curry isn't even a top 5 defender in his team.

:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

03-03-2016, 11:35 PM
I think Kawhi might surpass Durant soon as the second best player in the league. I hope Durant can pull himself together

03-03-2016, 11:38 PM
Leonard is the best two way player.

Curry is such a dominant offensive force that overall he is the better player than Leonard and also overall the best in the NBA.
Probably the best comment in this entire thread so far

03-04-2016, 01:26 AM
OP, please give your top 10 defensive PGs

03-04-2016, 01:27 AM
1. Lebron
2. Davis
3. Kawhi
4. Green
5. George

Curry is not even anywhere close to being the best two way player in his own team... Green... Klay... Iguodala... Barnes perhaps... hard to be a two way player of that magnitude as a PG anyways, it starts with Chris Paul...