View Full Version : African Refugees Say Arab Muslims More Racist than Europeans (2012)

Nick Young
02-01-2016, 01:10 PM
African Refugees Say Arab Muslims More Racist than Europeans
The migrants are reluctant to believe that they might meet more racism in Europe than in Morocco. "Black and white people are good together," claims Aboubakr.

Under liberal dogma, the world is divided between the evil European colonialist exploiters of doom and the Oppressed masses of the Third World. In the real world, things are very different.

This is Morocco, one of the few moderate Arab countries, though not for long with the victory of an Islamist party. It's fairly tolerant by Muslim standards, which is still wildly intolerant by European standards.

"Be careful, those blacks might eat you," a Moroccan juice seller in the little border town of Fnideq warned us. They might what? "Yes, really," he replies. "They can do anything."

"Arabs hate black people. And that is not from today, it is in their blood," says Aboubakr, a young man from Senegal who is hoping eventually to cross over into Europe. He spent almost a year in Morocco's capital Rabat before coming to this forest camp near the Spanish border and his experiences there left him feeling bitter.

"Friends of mine were attacked with a knife. Bandits target us because they know we cannot go to the police, even if we are robbed and hurt. Having no papers, we will be caught instead. Blacks have no rights here."

American liberals like to compare the plight of Muslims to the segregation of black people in the United States, in fact it's Muslims who practice segregation of Africans.

Aboubakr is also insulted that Moroccans "cannot believe many of us are Muslims too". According to him, people are surprised when they see him kneeling for prayer. "They don't think a black can be Muslim."

The migrants are reluctant to believe that they might meet more racism in Europe than in Morocco. If they finally manage to cross the border "Black and white people are good together," claims Aboubakr. "In Holland, there are many blacks on the national soccer team. Moroccans are just jealous."

And that's part of why you have a flood of African refugees to Europe, not into the Muslim world. And here's a little view of life for Africans in Iraq.

click link for video (http://www.frontpagemag.com/point/148804/african-refugees-say-arab-muslims-more-racist-daniel-greenfield)


Long Duck Dong
02-01-2016, 01:15 PM
Pretty much everyone earth is more racist than Europeans except for Americans and Israelis

02-01-2016, 03:16 PM
Yes. The whites are by far the least racist people on earth. This is obvious to anyone who has their eyes open.

02-01-2016, 03:36 PM
Whites are the least racist but only whites get accused of it. Just how the cookie crumbles.

02-01-2016, 04:38 PM
White AMERICANS get accused of it because in America people need something to complain about.

02-01-2016, 04:42 PM

02-01-2016, 04:42 PM

02-01-2016, 04:45 PM

02-01-2016, 04:45 PM
Arabs themselves would tell you Europeans are less racist than arabs.

02-01-2016, 04:46 PM

02-01-2016, 06:07 PM
dondadda wants to band together with them.

But they dont wanna band with him.


02-01-2016, 06:09 PM
dondadda wants to band together with them.

But they dont wanna band with him.



02-01-2016, 06:09 PM
dondadda wants to band together with them.

But they dont wanna band with him.


02-01-2016, 08:05 PM

Daniel Greenfield is an conspiracy theorist, anti-Muslim wingnut piece of shit, and FrontPage Mag is to Muslims what American Renaissance is to Blacks.

No surprise to see a "my religious is better than yours" asshole like you lapping up its contents.

02-01-2016, 08:12 PM
There is a modern day Arab Slave Trade going on.

Arab world are very racist towards African nations.

08-18-2016, 12:21 PM



All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.

- Prophet Muhammad's Last Sermon

08-18-2016, 12:37 PM
No shit. White people are by far the least racist group on earth and have the most progressive countries.

08-18-2016, 12:48 PM
Not surprising at all

Long Duck Dong
08-18-2016, 12:49 PM

Why are you posting photos of ISIS sympathizers? You say ISIS isn't acting out in accordance with Islam. This Imam says they absolutely are. He was an Imam with Mecca's Grand Mosque for 9 months before he was kicked out. Was it Arab racism? Or because of his extremist views? Who knows...

BTW, is this Lebron's long lost father?

08-18-2016, 01:06 PM
- Prophet Muhammad's Last Sermon
Further proof, that fool had no idea what he's talking about

08-18-2016, 01:10 PM
Why are you posting photos of ISIS sympathizers? You say ISIS isn't acting out in accordance with Islam. This Imam says they absolutely are. He was an Imam with Mecca's Grand Mosque for 9 months before he was kicked out. Was it Arab racism? Or because of his extremist views? Who knows...

BTW, is this Lebron's long lost father?

Why do you think I posted a picture of an African man adorned in Arabian Dress leading Arab people in a thread about Arab people being racist to Africans?


Nick Young
08-18-2016, 01:30 PM

I know you are
08-18-2016, 01:40 PM
Nobody said that they can't be racist. It is also bad of cultures in the middle east that oppress women. But that is no excuse to be racist to Muslims and stop them from entering the country.

08-18-2016, 02:07 PM
OP just finding out about racist Arabs??? lets not ignore that Semites can come off as racist or are we going to ignore how the jewish state treats its African refugees???

Long Duck Dong
08-18-2016, 02:18 PM
OP just finding out about racist Arabs??? lets not ignore that Semites can come off as racist or are we going to ignore how the jewish state treats its African refugees???

Let's face it. No native peoples other than politicians or family members want to live with unskilled, uneducated people from another country. And when I say live, I mean as actual neighbors. It's funny that people complain about some Israeli resentment to refugees when they are running from African GENOCIDE AND SLAVERY.

Nick Young
08-18-2016, 02:24 PM
Nobody said that they can't be racist. It is also bad of cultures in the middle east that oppress women. But that is no excuse to be racist to Muslims and stop them from entering the country.
straw man argument. stop projecting.

Islam is not a race. Muslims aren't a race.

Islam is a religious ideology.
Muslims are followers of the religion Islam.

Islam is followed by people of all races all over the world.
Muslims aren't a race.

It is impossible to be racist towards Muslims, who are followers of a religious ideology followed by all races all over the world.

08-18-2016, 02:29 PM
Let's face it. No native peoples other than politicians or family members want to live with unskilled, uneducated people from another country. And when I say live, I mean as actual neighbors. It's funny that people complain about some Israeli resentment to refugees when they are running from African GENOCIDE AND SLAVERY.

don't get me wrong the genocide is a disgusting mark on humanity but i don't necessarily agree that these refuges are uneducated at least that isn't my experience when i was in the Horn. The problem is the corruption, economic exploration from the elites, and using terrorism or genocide denial to commit acts of genocide. Ethiopia for example looks like it might be headed for civil war due to years of land grabs by the government while people and civil leaders go missing while the government claims its cracking down on terrorist

08-18-2016, 02:43 PM
Arabs continue to enslave. You don't even want to compare what they did to Africans...horrible stuff. Europeans were in the slave trade for a relatively short time. They abolished slavery more than 150 years ago.

I know you are
08-18-2016, 02:55 PM
straw man argument. stop projecting.

Islam is not a race. Muslims aren't a race.

Islam is a religious ideology.
Muslims are followers of the religion Islam.

Islam is followed by people of all races all over the world.
Muslims aren't a race.

It is impossible to be racist towards Muslims, who are followers of a religious ideology followed by all races all over the world.
It isn't a straw man argument. It was a point that is consistent with your theme of hating on Muslims. The real straw man argument is you taking my incorrect use of racism instead of a more accurate word, such as bigoted or discriminatory, and running off with that while overlooking the obvious point.

Nick Young
08-18-2016, 02:58 PM
It isn't a straw man argument. It was a point that is consistent with your theme of hating on Muslims. The real straw man argument is you taking my incorrect use of racism instead of a more accurate word, such as bigoted or discriminatory, and running off with that while overlooking the obvious point.
More ad-hominem attacks and strawmanning.

I have no hatred of Muslims or "theme of hating on Muslims."

I "hate on" violent Islamist extremism.

Only a tiny but very vocal and active sect of Islam constitute as violent Islamist extremists.

Do not assume that all Muslims are violent Islamist extremists.
A majority of Muslims aren't.

You need to learn to not equate all Muslims with the acts of violent Islamist extremists, sport.

I know you are
08-18-2016, 03:04 PM
More ad-hominem attacks and strawmanning.

I have no hatred of Muslims or "theme of hating on Muslims."

I "hate on" violent Islamist extremism.

Only a tiny but very vocal and active sect of Islam constitute as violent Islamist extremists.

Do not assume that all Muslims are violent Islamist extremists.
A majority of Muslims aren't.

You need to learn to not equate all Muslims with the acts of violent Islamist extremists, sport.
When the heck did I equate all Muslims with acts of violent Islamist extremists? Your posts continue to be as dumb as possible.

And besides, you have been the one backing Trump on this site. Trump is the one who has asked for bans on Muslim people entering the US. Not just the violent ones, all of them. My point was just because you can find some bad things about Muslims, does not mean they should be banned. So let me ask you, are you against letting Muslims into the US? As you stated, only a tiny very vocal and active sect of Islam constitute as violent Islamist extremists.

Nick Young
08-18-2016, 04:04 PM
When the heck did I equate all Muslims with acts of violent Islamist extremists? Your posts continue to be as dumb as possible.

And besides, you have been the one backing Trump on this site. Trump is the one who has asked for bans on Muslim people entering the US. Not just the violent ones, all of them. My point was just because you can find some bad things about Muslims, does not mean they should be banned. So let me ask you, are you against letting Muslims into the US? As you stated, only a tiny very vocal and active sect of Islam constitute as violent Islamist extremists.

Please provide a quote and a source. That sounds like propaganda.
I am not against letting Muslims in to the US. Neither is Donald Trump. :hammerhead:

I have never been in favor of banning Muslims from entering America.

Stop strawmanning and projecting.

We both are against letting Islamist extremists who support religious violence in to America. In order to prevent these people from entering America, we need a stronger vetting process than what we currently have.

You are again projecting and strawmanning, by assuming you know my positions on things, and quoting mistruths about things Donald Trump has said out of context.

Long Duck Dong
08-18-2016, 04:52 PM
When the heck did I equate all Muslims with acts of violent Islamist extremists? Your posts continue to be as dumb as possible.

And besides, you have been the one backing Trump on this site. Trump is the one who has asked for bans on Muslim people entering the US. Not just the violent ones, all of them. My point was just because you can find some bad things about Muslims, does not mean they should be banned. So let me ask you, are you against letting Muslims into the US? As you stated, only a tiny very vocal and active sect of Islam constitute as violent Islamist extremists.

You have the violent ones, then you have the ones who support violence in the name of Islam. The percentage of Muslims from the middle east who admit they believe violence in the name of Islam is shockingly high. Especially among young males. IMO only non-radical highly educated, LGBT community, and single women muslims should be allowed in until a better screening process implemented.

Nick Young
08-18-2016, 04:58 PM
You have the violent ones, then you have the ones who support violence in the name of Islam. The percentage of Muslims from the middle east who admit they believe violence in the name of Islam is shockingly high. Especially among young males. IMO only non-radical highly educated, LGBT community, and single women muslims should be allowed in until a better screening process implemented.
It's funny how these posters always disappear after they accuse Trump of banning Muslims or banning Mexicans and you ask for quotes and sources to back up their claims.

Or when someone posts a more nuanced view on Islamist extremism, which you just did. They never respond to it.

Facts and reality are a libtard's two greatest enemies.

08-18-2016, 05:01 PM

Damn, india.