View Full Version : Boston Celtics and Los Angeles Clippers Trade Proposal

01-30-2016, 10:09 AM

Blake Griffin for Avery Bradley, Jae Crawder, and Jared Sullinger + future draft picks (Nets and Dallas)

01-30-2016, 10:15 AM
Love these explanations from Jesus Gomez.

The Clippers are doing fine without Griffin, so they might not be looking to replace him with another star. Instead, they could get multiple players back, as well as draft picks, to finally build some quality depth. As Lowe writes, a deal including pieces such as Avery Bradley, Jae Crowder and Jared Sullinger, along with the Nets' unprotected pick and the Mavericks' top seven protected selection would allow the Clippers to continue to compete now while setting them up for the future.

The Celtics have been looking for a star ever since they started their rebuilding process and Griffin is among the best players in the league. Losing three rotation pieces and two valuable picks is a steep price, but one they would surely be willing to pay if it gets them the cornerstone they have been lacking. Then, in the offseason they could use their cap space to land a co-star, shore up their front line and add another wing player. They will take a step back this year as Griffin recovers from injury, but they would have to be a prohibitive favorite in the East next year.

The Clippers may lose the best player in the deal, but gain the quality role players they've lacked in the Paul/Griffin/Jordan era. Crowder immediately becomes the starting small forward and can slide up to power forward in small lineups. Bradley slots in as a super sub and can play with J.J. Redick and Crowder on the wing. Both will help the Clippers defend Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson should the Clippers meet the Warriors in the playoffs. The draft picks are an added bonus, allowing L.A. the assets to rebuild after Paul declines.


01-30-2016, 10:19 AM
I really like those 3 players alot. I feel like this deal in particular would require a pick from Boston though.

01-30-2016, 10:29 AM
i dont think that the clippers really intend to trade griffin. he is just too good, a top10 player when healthy. that they are winnng games without him should not lead to the assumption, the clipps are better without him. clipps won several games without cp3 as he was injured. it just shows that the clipps are deep. they need griffin for a deep playoffrun.

but all in all this trade would look good, for both, Boston and Clipps. Boston is just one real star away to become really relevant again.

01-30-2016, 10:33 AM
Boston won't part with Crowder

01-30-2016, 11:00 AM
Boston won't part with Crowder
If Griffin was on the table they'd easily split with Crowder.

01-30-2016, 11:03 AM
If Griffin was on the table they'd easily split with Crowder.
I disagree

01-30-2016, 11:05 AM
Why? He's a roleplayer at best.

01-30-2016, 11:11 AM
Why? He's a roleplayer at best.
Just repeating what our lord and saviour Zach Lowe said

01-30-2016, 11:20 AM
Which Nets pick? I'll give up 17 or 18 but not 16 in this deal.

I'd rather not lose Crowder but for Blake you'd have to give him up. He's on a great contract ($7m/year for 5 years is an absolute steal for 14.5ppg, 36% on 3s and top quality defense). He wouldn't be as productive for LAC probably based on available shots but they'd have better chance with GSW I think.

I'm not sure on it for Boston. Blake is clearly a great, great player, and I love a 3 man big rotation with Olynyk and Amir. But there's then a huuuuuuuuge hole at SF and at least short term, you're either accepting Evan Turner as a massive part of your team, or throwing Young or Hunter or both in for big minutes. I'm accepting of allowing a step back this year (which trading for an injured Griffin would be) for long-term growth, but I'm not convinced any of the wings are ready for that kind of responsibility. Rotation (when healthy) would be something like:

Thomas 32/Smart 16
Smart 16/Hunter 24/Young 8
Turner 32/Young 16
Griffin 36/Jerebko 12
Johnson 24/Olynyk 24

The dream is keeping this years' Nets pick and it being Ingram or Simmons, but that's the case even without this trade.

01-30-2016, 11:22 AM
Why? He's a roleplayer at best.

Outplayed Tobias Harris last night...

01-30-2016, 11:25 AM
There's a lot of "if's" in that scenario from Boston's side. Is Blake enough to land another marquee free agent? I'd wonder about that. Personally, I question if he has the stuff to do what Brad Stevens tells him to do. To be a part of the system. His situation in LA, even with DJ, Paul and Doc there...has been very "Blake is the center of the universe." Is he the guy who drops that act and suborns himself to the bigger picture because THAT is the team that fights for championships? Again, I wonder about that. I'd rather have a guy who buys in over just any 20/10 guy.

On the other hand, I know that even with the room we'll have next season for TWO max signings, Danny Ainge trying to pitch "This team...plus you and this guy and Brad Stevens" isn't going to be enough to lure championship talent like that. Maybe its worth taking a shot.

I don't mind giving up Sully and Avery at all...I reeeeally don't like giving up Jae Crowder.

01-30-2016, 11:28 AM
Outplayed Tobias Harris last night...
yes, tobias harris is a roleplayer at best

01-30-2016, 12:25 PM
Not a fan of giving that much up.

01-30-2016, 01:19 PM
yes, tobias harris is a roleplayer at best

Yeah, and I don't want to be spending $15m/year to replace Crowder unless I absolutely have to.

01-30-2016, 01:24 PM
Yeah, and I don't want to be spending $15m/year to replace Crowder unless I absolutely have to.
i have no idea what tobias harris has to do with this trade scenario and jae crowder but ok

Fire Colangelo
01-30-2016, 01:56 PM
Unless Boston is willing to give up this year's Net's pick, I don't see the Clippers trading Griffin.

Chris Paul is 30 years old and isn't getting any younger, he'll be able to carry the Clippers for maybe 2-4 more years, and then what? Rebuild?

Dude's only 26 years old, and will likely stick around with the Clippers, you don't trade that for role players. This is a star's league, and Chris Paul is only going to be a super star for so long before he declines (he's already shown signs of declining this season). If they keep Blake, you'd have Blake entering his prime as CP3 declines and you're still able to contend if you put together the right pieces. If you trade Blake, you're banking on guys like DJ and Jae Crowder, and JJ Reddick to carry the team once CP3 declines.

If you trade Blake, AT LEAST get back equal value in terms of good players + young assets/good picks. Boston's gonna be real good real quick, they're already a playoff team this year with a SHITLOAD of capspace and a potential #1 pick. Their 2017/18 pick are probably gonna be in the 15-18's, you don't trade a top 10 player for that shit.

Maybe trade him to someone like the Knicks that has a history of overpaying for stars (probably won't happen with PJax). If I were a GM for any team, I'd stay away from Danny fking Ainge because that man will rape you hard in any trade he does with you.

01-30-2016, 03:05 PM
Lmao :oldlol:

Griffin is a top 10 player put up damn near triple doubles in playoffs. For a bunch of nothing from Boston? No thanks.

01-30-2016, 03:57 PM
It would require Bradley, Crowder, Boston's own pick, and the unprotected Brooklyn pick. Need to get a 3rd team involved in order for the Clippers to add a little more to their roster. Doc would easily trade the BOS pick + Brooklyn pick for 2 more immediate-impact players. He cares 0 about draft picks.

Also, Boston would be worse this season, but don't they have loads of cap space this summer? They could potentially lure Batum and Bazemore given Griffin's status around the league.


They'd need to work on their backup wing situation since it'd be relying way too much on young guys, but that starting 5 could be really, really good in the East.

01-30-2016, 04:09 PM
No thanks. That doesn't put the Clippers in any better position to compete for a championship in the short term (as in while CP is still CP)...you don't trade Blake unless it does.

Black and White
01-30-2016, 08:07 PM
I would rather hang on to Crowder, unless Danny has an immediate plan for a SF replacement.

This type of trade will require a 3rd team

01-30-2016, 08:50 PM
Fair return, but neither team would like their situation much when it is done