View Full Version : If Jordan made Pippen into a good player why couldn't he make Kwame one?

01-03-2016, 11:56 AM
Got any ideas.

01-03-2016, 12:06 PM
It's called Basketball IQ. Kwame has none.
Same goes for star players. Why can't Dwight ever be better than Ewing? Why Stephen Curry is so damn good?

01-03-2016, 12:11 PM
lol @ questioning MJ's ability to do anything basketball related.

01-03-2016, 12:15 PM
lol @ questioning MJ's ability to do anything basketball related.
Got any ideas. Kwame was the number one pick hand picked by Jordan to lead his franchise.

01-03-2016, 12:17 PM
Because Kwame was a flaming ******.

01-03-2016, 12:28 PM
jordan is terible gm, one of the worst in the league

01-03-2016, 12:29 PM
Because Kwame was a flaming ******.

Jordan could of been Kwame's Pippen.
I think he needed Phil Jackson to aid him in making a player good.

01-03-2016, 12:44 PM
Got any ideas. Kwame was the number one pick hand picked by Jordan to lead his franchise.

And what is your point? I see hiring managers select people all the time based on their resume and they wind up being not trainable, worthless employees.

After molding someone like Pippen, the bar was set very high so as soon as Kwame started saying shit like "you reach I teach" to the GOAT, MJ viewed him as a lost cause. He was use to Pippen being so mold able that Kwame at that point was an afterthought.

You know you suck at the NBA level when someone like MJ who can't stand to lose gives up on wanting to make you better.

01-03-2016, 12:50 PM
And what is your point? I see hiring managers select people all the time based on their resume and they wind up being not trainable, worthless employees.

After molding someone like Pippen, the bar was set very high so as soon as Kwame started saying shit like "you reach I teach" to the GOAT, MJ viewed him as a lost cause. He was use to Pippen being so mold able that Kwame at that point was an afterthought.

You know you suck at the NBA level when someone like MJ who can't stand to lose gives up on wanting to make you better.

So Pippen's work ethic and talent is why he became a good player not Jordan.
Kwame didn't have any work ethic.

01-03-2016, 01:50 PM
This is lacking context on self-developmental concepts. :facepalm

There's externalities with any self-development; the external help gives them the seeds to develop, but the individual still needs to cultivate them in the end. In the NBA, every individual better have a work ethic in their own right to subsist in this premier league, but how they harness external help can make a profound difference.

With Scottie Pippen and Kwame Brown, the fundamentally biggest difference is how they responded to Michael Jordan's demanding criticism. When Jordan berated them to push them to their betterment, Pippen had the self-determination to respond whereas the hyper-sensitive Brown only had his confidence rattled further.

Jordan's means of bettering his teammates were notoriously harsh--sometimes rubbing them the wrong way in doing so--but it isn't unreasonable to expect professional players to be receptive of the harshest of criticism and to respond to it effectively; Brown was just an outlier to that mentality, which is well-documented.

Cali Syndicate
01-03-2016, 01:54 PM
Because Kwame was a flaming ******.

With small hands and weak mentality. Gotta be able to takes mj shit and roll with it, otherwise I'm sure it could shatter you especially if you're still impressionable like I'm assuming kwame was

01-03-2016, 01:57 PM
I've never met an Alpha that has small hands.

01-03-2016, 02:08 PM
Kwame had no COORDINATION.

You can't teach coordination.

He was ridiculous - every time he would catch a pass, he would stutter-step and shuffle his feet..

He was as coordinated as...... well, I don't want to insult the disabled.

01-03-2016, 02:10 PM
This is lacking context on self-developmental concepts. :facepalm

There's externalities with any self-development; the external help gives them the seeds to develop, but the individual still needs to cultivate them in the end. In the NBA, every individual better have a work ethic in their own right to subsist in this premier league, but how they harness external help can make a profound difference.

With Scottie Pippen and Kwame Brown, the fundamentally biggest difference is how they responded to Michael Jordan's demanding criticism. When Jordan berated them to push them to their betterment, Pippen had the self-determination to respond whereas the hyper-sensitive Brown only had his confidence rattled further.

Jordan's means of bettering his teammates were notoriously harsh--sometimes rubbing them the wrong way in doing so--but it isn't unreasonable to expect professional players to be receptive of the harshest of criticism and to respond to it effectively; Brown was just an outlier to that mentality, which is well-documented.

Pretty much sums it up. I mean who knows what was going on at the Wizard's practice sessions when Kwame was with them, same with the Lakers and Kobe. Some players have that inner motivation to want to get better and become great. And then there are players who are cool with just being average and staying in their comfort zone. Kwame was the comfort zone dude.