View Full Version : Overreation Thread: Pistons Taking That Next Step

12-29-2015, 11:16 PM
Thought this team was supposed to take that next step

Still like RJ and Drummond especially in the PnR
Stanley will continue to progress
Morris has been a surprise

With all that being said it seems the Pistons aren't great at any one thing and are trending towards middle of the road in most areas. The bench is terrible and the shooting is inconsistent thus the Pistons varying wildly in performance. While they might not be as streaky as a season ago consistency remains an issue. Fortunately for Detroit Jackson is carrying this team but he needs more help an i'm concerned with his ability of holding up throughout the season. While Drummond needs to do more than grab his own misses and genuinely dominate games because it seems like the Pistons tend to lose in Dre's 20/20 game.

Just want to note I still feel the Pistons can be successful.