View Full Version : If the lane is so open in the modern NBA...

10-19-2015, 04:42 AM
Why are we taking record amounts of 3 pointers?

10-19-2015, 04:56 AM
Because Curry is a god.

10-19-2015, 04:57 AM
Because 3pts > 2pts

10-19-2015, 08:07 AM
Why are we taking record amounts of 3 pointers?

Players are too rely to get easy shot because taking 3pts shot is still easier than penetrate to the lane.

10-19-2015, 08:10 AM
Players are too rely to get easy shot because taking 3pts shot is still easier than penetrate to the lane.
But if the lane is wide open then the better, more efficient shot is inside. And if it is supposedly wide open, it is easy

Or maybe these Elite NBA writers like Zach Lowe and Henry Abbott might just know a thing or two about the nba today?

Just maybe?

10-19-2015, 08:12 AM
The paint isn't wide open. Anyone with eyes knows this. There may have been more guys in the paint in other eras, but they were guarding an offensive player that was also in the paint, not keyed up and ready for the ballhandler like today.

10-19-2015, 08:27 AM
most of the high-octane offensive teams just drive hard to the paint and then dish it right out to the 3 point spot. some teams just run like a dozen versions of this strategy. sometimes you see guys getting within only 3 feet from the basket with a semi-contested 2-point layup in front of them, but they just send the ball to the corner instead.

10-19-2015, 09:57 AM
Very simplistic question. Surely you, being on ISH day and night must know that the game now is penetrating, and kicking out. No mid range, no posting up.

10-19-2015, 10:16 AM
The last two posters have nailed it right on the head! The lack of post game which in the old days use to open up not only the mid range game but also the opportunity for penetration. I can't remember how many layups Magic use to get off double and triple teams to Kareem!!! It was probably the easiest play!

In today's league since EVERYTHING is centered around the perimeter game and guards trying to break down defenses from 20+ feet away the mindset has become like the last two posters said, either get an open layup or kick out for a 3 pointer, nothing more nothing less! This has turned the NBA offenses into a predictable, uncreative, SLOW and boring spectacle!

I can't count how many times I've seen offensive players brake down defenders and have a WIDE open 15, 18 or 20 footer with 14 seconds less on the shot clock and decide to pull it back out to eventually take a 3 pointer with 2 seconds left on the shot clock!

If the "3 is better than 2" logic were really real then modern teams would have no problem scoring in the 110's league wide but as we all know that is not the case because manufacturing a 3 pointer takes LONGER than getting off a mid range jumper, that is something that the new stat geeks fail to throw in the equation. Teams still struggle to break 100 points consistently and the offenses are taking a long time to materialize.

The modern NBA has gotten in serous trouble because of the death of the inside and mid range games and in large part the fast break game as well since modern PG's are thinking scoring first instead of quaterbacking the offensive attack!

Compare the modern day Warriors offense to the 80's Celtics, Lakers or Sixers, hell compare it to the 80's Mavs, Sonics or Rockets and see which ones are quicker hitting, smoother, more efficient and A LOT more entertaining!

10-19-2015, 10:20 AM
I already know the answer morons

I've studied this more than anyone else on this forum

This thread was rhetorical

There's a reason why teams don't post up anymore


10-19-2015, 10:28 AM
Yep because true centers died around 1992 (the draft of Shaq and Mourning) 10+ years before the pathetic excuse for rule changes came your way!
Offenses went to the craper ever since and the LEAGUE has reacted with rule changes to try and help it ever since resulting in the pathetic "lay up or 3 pointer" league you see today.

The "I wanna be like Mike" syndrome turned even 7 footer into perimeter happy pansies instead of dominating like a true big would in earlier days!

The present NBA is basically a bastardized version of the REAL basketball we grew up watching created to increase profits and maximize revenue. Even with that help the present stars are still looking up at the SUPERSTARS from the 80's!

Like I say to a lot of young posters, sorry you missed real basketball!

10-19-2015, 10:30 AM
I already know the answer morons

I've studied this more than anyone else on this forum

You didn't even know Ewing was in the finals twice, before like 5 days ago.

10-19-2015, 10:34 AM
You didn't even know Ewing was in the finals twice, before like 5 days ago.
No because he didn't play you dummy

10-19-2015, 11:24 AM
The truth is today's zone defenses make penetrating so much tougher. The Celtics shading defense introduced in 2008, where 2-3 players are focusing on one player, make penetration harder

In previous eras, only 1 guy could guard you.

Ie MJ only had to beat 1 defender to reach the paint

10-19-2015, 11:38 AM
The last two posters have nailed it right on the head! The lack of post game which in the old days use to open up not only the mid range game but also the opportunity for penetration. I can't remember how many layups Magic use to get off double and triple teams to Kareem!!! It was probably the easiest play!

In today's league since EVERYTHING is centered around the perimeter game and guards trying to break down defenses from 20+ feet away the mindset has become like the last two posters said, either get an open layup or kick out for a 3 pointer, nothing more nothing less! This has turned the NBA offenses into a predictable, uncreative, SLOW and boring spectacle!

I can't count how many times I've seen offensive players brake down defenders and have a WIDE open 15, 18 or 20 footer with 14 seconds less on the shot clock and decide to pull it back out to eventually take a 3 pointer with 2 seconds left on the shot clock!

If the "3 is better than 2" logic were really real then modern teams would have no problem scoring in the 110's league wide but as we all know that is not the case because manufacturing a 3 pointer takes LONGER than getting off a mid range jumper, that is something that the new stat geeks fail to throw in the equation. Teams still struggle to break 100 points consistently and the offenses are taking a long time to materialize.

The modern NBA has gotten in serous trouble because of the death of the inside and mid range games and in large part the fast break game as well since modern PG's are thinking scoring first instead of quaterbacking the offensive attack!

Compare the modern day Warriors offense to the 80's Celtics, Lakers or Sixers, hell compare it to the 80's Mavs, Sonics or Rockets and see which ones are quicker hitting, smoother, more efficient and A LOT more entertaining!

raw points don't matter. It's all about offensive efficiency now. What matters is offensive and defensive points per possession. Teams weren't better on offense because they ran at a much higher pace. They scored a lot more because they had a lot more possessions.

I wrote this before I noticed who I was responding to. Weak troll.

10-19-2015, 11:41 AM

All I see are inferior players to Michael like Harden, Wesbrick and Wade before the injuries getting to the paint at WILL!!! Difference is MJ had to actually finish the play instead of getting bailed out by the refs and being sent to the line 15 times a game!

Players like Magic, Isiah, Jordan, Bird, Stockton etc... would all shred today's defenses just like they did before!!! Today's players just don't have the fundamentals or IQ to deal with that breed of player!

10-19-2015, 11:45 AM
The lane is open because of the 3 point shooting. Virtually every team has a stretch 4 nowadays. In previous eras the PF would always be near the rim with his defender there as well.

10-19-2015, 12:01 PM
raw points don't matter. It's all about offensive efficiency now. What matters is offensive and defensive points per possession. Teams weren't better on offense because they ran at a much higher pace. They scored a lot more because they had a lot more possessions.

I wrote this before I noticed who I was responding to. Weak troll.

Teams ran a higher pace in the past because a) they had to because the paint was crowded and getting a good half court shot was tough and b) because they were much better at hitting open 2s which is what fast pace gives you and c) because they didn't do as much steroids so had more slender builds which allowed them to run more without cramping (what a joke Lebron was when he cramped).

10-19-2015, 12:04 PM
As for OP, I don't know if you are slow or deliberately lying.

The paint is open today because of defensive 3 seconds rule. When a player penetrates by getting a high pick and roll, he has 4 steps or so to the hoop (including the gather-travel now legal), this means one of the weakside defenders usually have to step away from his man to rush to block/impede the penetrating player, which gives an open man in the corner for a 3.

This is so formulaic, that everyone knows what is going to happen, but still can't stop it completely because they are virtually handicapped by rules and refs. GOAT era for refs who get to wave their fat arms and whistle.

10-19-2015, 12:11 PM
The truth is today's zone defenses make penetrating so much tougher. The Celtics shading defense introduced in 2008, where 2-3 players are focusing on one player, make penetration harder

In previous eras, only 1 guy could guard you.

Ie MJ only had to beat 1 defender to reach the paint

Yeah, you might actually wanna watch some games:



Yeah, really looks like only one defender. :facepalm You'll never see stars today have to make that many moves and adjustments on one play because they don't need to - the paint is way more open today than in the 80's through the mid-90's.

10-19-2015, 12:50 PM
About 40% of Harden's shots are from 3, yet he still gets 10 FTA on an absurd FTr.

It's either the 3 or the basket, nothing in between. What does that tell you?

10-19-2015, 02:48 PM
About 40% of Harden's shots are from 3, yet he still gets 10 FTA on an absurd FTr.

It's either the 3 or the basket, nothing in between. What does that tell you?
That he plays for Morey, duh.:hammerhead:

10-19-2015, 02:52 PM
You know, all of this stupid spacing bs from gif and 3ball were made because of some stupid post someone made to try to own 3ball quote thibadeau, so 3ball got all mad and posted 100 threads about how spacing sucks, and now gif reaction is doing the same thing.

on a sidenote, people realize that the postgame everyone loved back then, other than barkely, wasnt really that effecient? the only people that were even somewhat effecient at it were people like hakeem, and even then, it wasnt as ridiculous as one would think.

10-19-2015, 02:54 PM
No because he didn't play you dummy

If you actually knew ANYTHING about basketball you would know that Ewing not playing would actually makes his 2nd Final appearance more memorable because that's where Bill Simmons got the "Ewing Theory" from.

Exposed... :lol

10-19-2015, 02:58 PM
If you actually knew ANYTHING about basketball you would know that Ewing not playing would actually makes his 2nd Final appearance more memorable because that's where Bill Simmons got the "Ewing Theory" from.

Exposed... :lol
What are you talking about moron

He was referencing a Carmelo v Ewing thread

And honestly, Ewing was playing like trash in the East playoffs

Dude didn't play 1 finals minute, so I ain't going to count shit in that thread

10-19-2015, 02:59 PM
Gif with the ether!

Beating 3ball in his own game

10-19-2015, 03:04 PM
What are you talking about moron

He was referencing a Carmelo v Ewing thread

And honestly, Ewing was playing like trash in the East playoffs

Dude didn't play 1 finals minute, so I ain't going to count shit in that thread

It has nothing to do with the argument in that thread you d*mbass. Another poster questioned your bball knowledge by referencing that you didn't know Ewing had been to 2 Finals until 5 days ago.

You made some lameass excuse about how its justifiable that you didn't remember because he didn't play.

I retorted with facts contradicting your bullshit excuse, because every true bball fans knows about the Ewing Theory and where it came from (Knicks making it to the Finals in 1999 with Ewing sitting out because of injury)

10-19-2015, 03:08 PM
It has nothing to do with the argument in that thread you d*mbass. Another poster questioned your bball knowledge by referencing that you didn't know Ewing had been to 2 Finals until 5 days ago.

You made some lameass excuse about how its justifiable that you didn't remember because he didn't play.

I retorted with facts contradicting your bullshit excuse, because every true bball fans knows about the Ewing Theory and where it came from (Knicks making it to the Finals in 1999 with Ewing sitting out because of injury)
He didn't play in the finals so I didn't consider him making the finals

simple as that moron

10-19-2015, 03:14 PM
Modern defensive rules make it infinitely easier to defend the post. Not only is it easier to double the post, but it's also easier to recover from the double. Even teams with efficient low-post scorers will only play through the post in spurts, because it's simply more efficient to spread the court, play high P&R, and shoot corner 3's.

10-19-2015, 03:26 PM
It's more efficient because THERE ARE NO TRUE DOMINANT LOW POST CENTERS!!! that can get you 30+ ppg while attracting double and triple teams.

People forget NCAA basketball ALWAYS HAD A TRUE ZONE and before the mid 80's without the 3 point line so you even had less spacing!!! Guess what? ALL of the great big men STILLL DOMINATED and would've dominated more if the game had a 24 second shot clock, 3 pointer and 48 minutes!!!

Teams don't post up today because THEY DON'T HAVE THE PERSONNEL TO DO IT CONSISTENTLY!!! Simple as that!

Put a prime Hakeem, Shaq or Kareem in today's league and they would wreck it just as they did before while making their teams instant contenders and probably winning 70 games in the present joke that is the Eastern conference!

10-19-2015, 03:39 PM
It's not just a personnel issue. The modern defensive rules both discourage post play and encourage perimeter player. Sure, Shaq and Hakeem would still be deadly on the post, but I guarantee both their FGA's and scoring efficiency would be lower... while both players APG would increase to around 5-6 per game. Shaq would be doubled before he even caught the ball (impossible under old rules), and a lot of his physical offensive moves would result in offensive fouls with modern refereeing.

10-19-2015, 03:45 PM

and PPG really can be anything, but it is more important when relative with success

If Durant or Lebron went all guns blazing they'd both average 30+, but they wouldn't be better off on their respective team success.

Shaq could still get 30 a game if he really tried

But he wouldn't be winning championships playing that way in the modern game

Drop that down to 27-28, few more assists, and that ball is moving more and shooters are hitting 3s and shaq has more space to work inside

Good example of the inside out game in the modern era was Dwight in Orlando

10-19-2015, 04:04 PM
No because he didn't play you dummy
No, because you're uneducated.

10-19-2015, 04:11 PM
In what universe do we consider making the finals when you didn't actually play an attribute in comparison of two elite players?

Do we attribute T-Mac making the finals in 2013?

And don't get me started on Ewing... Dude played like horse shit.... Only played 2 games in the ECF if I remember correctly

10-19-2015, 04:13 PM
But yeah lets say Kevin Love made the finals in 2015 like it reflects anything about him as an individual player


Get this dude an NBA manual

10-19-2015, 04:17 PM
2009 is a good example on how pathetically weak the present East is when a Center as limited and raw offensively as Dwight Howard can lead a bunch of scrubs to the Finals you know you have a weak league!

By the way, fat out shape Shaq at 36 was putting up 18 and 8 on 60% shooting playing just 30 minutes a game for God's sake!!! What the 92 to 2001 version would've done to the present soft NBA would've been ugly!

I'm glad you agree that the present rules have made the game softer and whistles are flying around like a friggin Brazilian carnavale! Put the present day pampered so called "stars" back when you could actually put a body on them and the outcome would be humiliating for the modern scrubs!

The 80's NBA was a MEN's SPORT, today it's basically a KID's GAME!

10-19-2015, 04:18 PM
OP needs to brush up on his NBA history

10-19-2015, 04:20 PM
You got a brush I could use?

magic chiongson
10-19-2015, 04:20 PM
because there are no 4 pointers
