View Full Version : There will NEVER be another Michael Jordan

10-15-2015, 01:51 PM
These fools don't understand it's likely there will NEVER be another Michael Jordan.

There might be someone like Shaq, someone very dominant, but a player like MJ who had a career like that probably not.

Jordan is the Beatles, Muhammed Ali, Shigeru Miyamoto, Mozart, Bobby Fisher.

He transcends his niche, everyone knows who Michael Jordan is. Everyone. And in the 90s he was a huge pop idol, not just a basketball player.

That's because humans fall in awe when they see genius, that most rare of human qualities, which we are lucky to witness and appreciate once in a generation.

Make no mistake Michael Jordan is a genius in his field. A once in a lifetime. There was no second Muhammed Ali and there will be no second Michael Jordan.

10-15-2015, 01:58 PM
Wish Tyson would have stayed hungry. He could have been the GOAT.

10-15-2015, 01:59 PM
smack slurp MJ smack slurp

10-15-2015, 02:18 PM
Wish Tyson would have stayed hungry. He could have been the GOAT.

Too short arms, but otherwise yeah. I met Tyson once, nice guy.

10-15-2015, 02:20 PM
considering not more than half a decade since jordan we saw prime shaq, kobe, duncan, lebron

4 presumably top 10 players all time by the time theyre all finished

when every other decade had 1-2 guys

its more than likely within the next 40-50 years someone passes jordan

someone will get 7 modern day titles and have a crazy average.

kobe and duncan got 5 titles each and theyre the very next generation after jordan

someone will do this with 30ppg career and win all the fmvps... trust me

10-15-2015, 02:22 PM
There will be another. But it's all matter of personality. Perhaps soul if reincarnation is real. If Michael Jordan reincarnated into another tall human. Then that human is going to have that insane will to win and will to be the GOAT.

I did like the mention Miyamoto.

10-15-2015, 02:27 PM
Would MJ have been MJ without Dean Smith of North Carolina forcing him to play second fiddle? Without forcing him to play a structured offense?

I honestly think we will see fewer and fewer top ten players because they spend too long learning the necessary fundamentals they should have learnt in high school.

Lebron barely has a post game and still doesn't know how to do a straight up jumpshot (look he jumps leaning left,right, back, forward).

Anthony Davis the same, doesn't have back to basket moves.

The lack of college means these players have to focus on their strenghts only while neglecting their weaknesses because there isn't time to work on them in the NBA season.

Unless you're like Jimmy Butler and really kill it in the off season then you won't improve as fast.

And then there's the contracts. A first pick today makes more money than MJ made as a champion. Where's the hunger? Why not waste your time on hoes and hip hop?

GIF Reaction asked why are the GOATs from the 80-90s in all sports (Gretzky, Rice, Jordan, Bonds).

It's because they're not spoilt millenials. They have had grandfathers who fought in the war. The millenials have boomer grandparents and we all know boomers are the worst generation ever.

10-15-2015, 02:38 PM
The Beatles weren't even that great. Yeah, I said it.

10-15-2015, 02:42 PM
The Beatles weren't even that great. Yeah, I said it.

I agree they are overrated but most people seem to think they are the greatest band ever. Too me honestly they're just the first boyband.

10-15-2015, 02:44 PM
The next undisputed goat is in the league is in the league right now

10-15-2015, 02:57 PM
Yes there will, he just won't be as hyped due to Jordan knob slobbers like yourself trying to diminish their accomplishments by claiming it's a weaker era or some shit. :rolleyes:
We've already seen these idiots claim that 5 straight Finals appearances means nothing due to supposed weak competition, so even if someone wins 5 or 6 straight rings they will claim the same thing. It's honestly really sad how these 45 year old men have dedicated their lives to stanning a retired player who doesn't give 2 shits about them. :lol

10-15-2015, 02:58 PM
But there can be 2 3balls on insidehoops

10-15-2015, 03:01 PM
Kobe is almost the same exact player as Jordan

So calm down, f@ggot

10-15-2015, 03:01 PM
But there can be 2 3balls on insidehoops
:oldlol: Watch 3ball come into this thread any minute now to validate his alts OP. It's hilarious how nearly every Jordan stan here has at least 1 alt.

10-15-2015, 03:29 PM
Kobe is almost the same exact player as Jordan

So calm down, f@ggot

In some ways perhaps, but "almost" makes all the difference in the world. There's very little that separates the all time greats, and every finite difference becomes magnified the higher up the rankings you go. We have seen and will continue to see players with comparable abilities to Jordan, but it's doubtful we'll ever see the same kind of perfect storm in terms of individual accolades, team success, name recognition, marketability, etc...

His name has even become synonymous with being the greatest at something. Someone who is regarded as the greatest at a particular activity is often referred to as "the Michael Jordan" of that activity. It's highly unlikely that another athlete will ever come close to having that kind of social impact.

10-15-2015, 03:34 PM
Kobe is almost the same exact player as Jordan

Sure he is.

10-15-2015, 03:36 PM
Only man in sports to get his pop killed over unpaid gambling fees

One of a kind, we'll never see another like him

Wade's Rings
10-15-2015, 04:00 PM
:oldlol: Watch 3ball come into this thread any minute now to validate his alts OP. It's hilarious how nearly every Jordan stan here has at least 1 alt.

You have more Alts than all the Jordan guys on this board combined.

10-15-2015, 04:43 PM
considering not more than half a decade since jordan we saw prime shaq, kobe, duncan, lebron

4 presumably top 10 players all time by the time theyre all finished

when every other decade had 1-2 guys

its more than likely within the next 40-50 years someone passes jordan

someone will get 7 modern day titles and have a crazy average.

kobe and duncan got 5 titles each and theyre the very next generation after jordan

someone will do this with 30ppg career and win all the fmvps... trust me
This is the best post you've ever made.

10-15-2015, 05:31 PM
i was fortunate enough watch nearly all of jordan's career('87 and on) and it probably spoiled me like it did everyone else during that era. his career played out like a fairy tale. it had it all. getting beat down, then finally overcoming his biggest obstacle. someone talks *hit to him, then he precedes to rape their *ss on the court. his tenacious approach to the game. his will to win. the ultimate showmanship. epic playoff performances. how he rarely faltered in big moments in big games. clutch performances. one three-peat, retires, then three-peats again. game winning shot in his last title clinching finals game. the stats, the records.

all this *hit is legendary. its not hyperbole. its real. it happened and we were lucky to experience it live. we dont have to twist facts around like kobe and bron stans do. we dont have to make excuses for his failures and flaws because they were few and far between and certainly not as major. from '91 and on, he was a master of the game and never faltered.

he was the biggest cultural icon at the time. and it wasnt due to all the marketing. it was because even with all the marketing, he always rose up and was better than it.

i wish someone would come around and be the next jordan or better because that was something special. id love to experience that again someday. but that day is not today. so when i see some idiot stan blindly compare their boy to the GOAT, i just feel its an insult. we who grew up in that era know what true worthiness looks like, and noone from today has it.

10-15-2015, 06:00 PM
Yes there will, he just won't be as hyped due to Jordan knob slobbers like yourself trying to diminish their accomplishments by claiming it's a weaker era or some shit. :rolleyes:
We've already seen these idiots claim that 5 straight Finals appearances means nothing due to supposed weak competition, so even if someone wins 5 or 6 straight rings they will claim the same thing. It's honestly really sad how these 45 year old men have dedicated their lives to stanning a retired player who doesn't give 2 shits about them. :lol

Please seek mental help and stop being so insecure.

10-15-2015, 06:06 PM

Kobe >> MJ.

Wade > MJ.

10-15-2015, 06:15 PM

Kobe >> MJ.

Wade > MJ.


10-15-2015, 06:18 PM
The rules in that age were meant to prop up the stars of the league. Now defenses are allowed to defend offensive players with whatever defense suits them. So yeah, advantage MJ.

And I think we are primarily talking about the advent of sports marketing where he is STILL king of the castle.

AND he was a damn fine player. But no one will match his impact because the rules don't allow for it; and no one will ever become the marketing king he is because we have seen it all too much.

10-15-2015, 06:21 PM
The rules in that age were meant to prop up the stars of the league. Now defenses are allowed to defend offensive players with whatever defense suits them. So yeah, advantage MJ.

And I think we are primarily talking about the advent of sports marketing where he is STILL king of the castle.

AND he was a damn fine player. But no one will match his impact because the rules don't allow for it; and no one will ever become the marketing king he is because we have seen it all too much.

Players like Lebron would never be loved no matter what era. He is not Magic, Larry, Dr. J or MJ, more like Moses Malone.

He is the Sonny Liston to Muhammed Ali.

10-15-2015, 06:24 PM
Players like Lebron would never be loved no matter what era. He is not Magic, Larry, Dr. J or MJ, more like Moses Malone.

He is the Sonny Liston to Muhammed Ali.

WTF does LBJ have to do with this?

I'm agreeing. Even if there is a player every bit as good as MJ, the rules won't be in his favor the way they were for MJ and he won't have the marketing might of the world behind him.

10-15-2015, 06:28 PM
WTF does LBJ have to do with this?

I'm agreeing. Even if there is a player every bit as good as MJ, the rules won't be in his favor the way they were for MJ and he won't have the marketing might of the world behind him.
For 3ball EVERYTHING has to do with Lebron. :lol

Hey Yo
10-15-2015, 06:30 PM
Yeah....it will be hard to imagine seeing the best player in the world "in his prime" quit in the middle of his contract and then quit on his team again after a second 3peat.

No chance that ever happens again.

10-15-2015, 06:33 PM
Players like Lebron would never be loved no matter what era. He is not Magic, Larry, Dr. J or MJ, more like Moses Malone.

He is the Sonny Liston to Muhammed Ali.
You're right, he's way more polarizing than those guys... he's a much bigger deal.

None of those guys can say they're the greatest high school player ever, or the greatest athlete ever, or the greatest basketball player. LeBron can.

I can see why you guys are so jealous and insecure over him. There's literally no other instance of a guy being the best of his generation at a certain sport while being the best all-around athletic specimen in the history of mankind. Well duh! Because there can only be one of those.....



This is the GOD of sports. He's the one.

Jordan was ordinary in comparison.

So when you say "there will never be another Michael Jordan" ........ that isn't the case. There are gonna be plenty of guys who surpass him as a basketball player.

No one will ever dethrone LeBron for greatest athlete of all time honors. So he's the only one of a kind worth talking about. Period.

10-15-2015, 06:37 PM
I think MJ is the GOAT but he's also had arguably the biggest media push of All-Time for an athlete. It's like a blockbuster movie vs a independent movie, somebody like Taylor Swift or Beiber vs some indie musician when you look at M.J vs guys like Kareem, Wilt, Russell.

Dude's who idolize Jordan are for some serious shock eventually. Just like guys who were obsessed with Wilt and Kareem. Eventually somebody else is going to come along and steal the spotlight. They tried to give it to LeBron and he could have had it if he didn't fck up in the finals.

LeBron, Kobe, Duncan. KG, Wade, Durant. League has been producing some serious talent post Jordan. Right now things look a little shaky. You have Anthony Davis. Maybe Wiggins. Westbrook is an All-Time freak at the PG position.

MJ gets passed within the next 10-20 years. He's not Gretzky. There will another GOAT. Look at how close LeBron came as a mental midget. If he doesn't collapse vs Dallas, if he pulls an upset against the Spurs/Warriors? Totally different conversation right now. MJ would still be better but LeBron would be closing in.

10-15-2015, 06:41 PM
WTF does LBJ have to do with this?

I'm agreeing. Even if there is a player every bit as good as MJ, the rules won't be in his favor the way they were for MJ and he won't have the marketing might of the world behind him.

LBJ represents perceived greatness in current era. Instead of just accepting the fact that MJ is GOAT and LBJ failed at his opportunity to become the GOAT, these kids just post negativity about Jordan to give their pathetic, sad, miserable lives meaning knowing that the best player of their current era came up short. Sorry kids but 2/6 isn't getting it done, and now Bron is just fading away while players like KD and AD start to emerge.

kid in 80's -----> watches Jordan, wants to be better so he picks up a basketball and goes outside everyday and actually plays basketball

kid in current era -----> watches Lebron and then comes on a message board to post about it 70,000+ times a year on 5+ different accounts.

Jordan actually made you want to play basketball.
Lebron doesn't make any kid want to go out and play because the kid's father informs them of what a beta mindset player Lebron is.

Do you really think that if a kid is being raised properly and being properly educated and their father is around to actually play ball with them that they are going to post 70,000+ times a year on a message board? :lol

10-15-2015, 06:41 PM
One more ring for LeBron and he surpasses Jordan, idiots.

10-15-2015, 06:41 PM
I think MJ is the GOAT but he's also had arguably the biggest media push of All-Time for an athlete. It's like a blockbuster movie vs a independent movie, somebody like Taylor Swift or Beiber vs some indie musician when you look at M.J vs guys like Kareem, Wilt, Russell.

Dude's who idolize Jordan are for some serious shock eventually. Just like guys who were obsessed with Wilt and Kareem. Eventually somebody else is going to come along and steal the spotlight. They tried to give it to LeBron and he could have had it if he didn't fck up in the finals.

LeBron, Kobe, Duncan. KG, Wade, Durant. League has been producing some serious talent post Jordan. Right now things look a little shaky. You have Anthony Davis. Maybe Wiggins. Westbrook is an All-Time freak at the PG position.

MJ gets passed within the next 10-20 years. He's not Gretzky. There will another GOAT. Look at how close LeBron came as a mental midget. If he doesn't collapse vs Dallas, if he pulls an upset against the Spurs/Warriors? Totally different conversation right now. MJ would still be better but LeBron would be closing in.


The media didn't create the MJ hype, MJ did. He was that good and that exciting that all the hype was warranted. Real recognize real. The world recognized MJ was the real deal. And he is still remembered accordingly. The medai can try to hype a lesser player and it wouldn't stick because people know what's up.

10-15-2015, 06:45 PM

The media didn't create the MJ hype, MJ did. He was that good and that exciting that all the hype was warranted. Real recognize real. The world recognized MJ was the real deal. And he is still remembered accordingly. The medai can try to hype a lesser player and it wouldn't stick because people know what's up.

What else do they have to reach for? Now it's the media's fault that MJ was as good as he is. :lol

A precedent was set, and Lebron and no one else hasn't met that precedent.

It's that simple. If a guy was as good as Jordan was today, the impact from the media and the marketing that follows it would be no different.

10-15-2015, 06:45 PM
LBJ represents perceived greatness in current era. Instead of just accepting the fact that MJ is GOAT and LBJ failed at his opportunity to become the GOAT, these kids just post negativity about Jordan to give their pathetic, sad, miserable lives meaning knowing that the best player of their current era came up short. Sorry kids but 2/6 isn't getting it done, and now Bron is just fading away while players like KD and AD start to emerge.

kid in 80's -----> watches Jordan, want's to be better so he picks up a basketball and goes outside everyday and actually plays basketball

kid in current era -----> watches Lebron and then comes on a message board to post about it 70,000+ times a year on 5+ different accounts.

Jordan actually made you want to play basketball.
Lebron doesn't make any kid want to go out and play because the kid's father informs them of what a beta mindset player Lebron is.

Do you really think that if a kid is being raised properly and being properly educated and their father is around to actually play ball with them that they are going to post 70,000+ times a year on a message board? :lol

10-15-2015, 06:47 PM

The media didn't create the MJ hype, MJ did. He was that good and that exciting that all the hype was warranted. Real recognize real. The world recognized MJ was the real deal. And he is still remembered accordingly. The medai can try to hype a lesser player and it wouldn't stick because people know what's up.
Based on your avatar I'd say your opinion has no bias whatsoever :sleeping

10-15-2015, 06:48 PM

Why are you so insecure?

You do realize that it's not your fault that you weren't blessed to watch the GOAT.

You didn't have a choice in the matter.

10-15-2015, 06:54 PM

The media didn't create the MJ hype, MJ did. He was that good and that exciting that all the hype was warranted. Real recognize real. The world recognized MJ was the real deal. And he is still remembered accordingly. The medai can try to hype a lesser player and it wouldn't stick because people know what's up.

I have MJ as the GOAT. I realize the reason the media push was because of his talent and how exciting he was. Still doesn't mean the media push didn't take place. His Jordan's shoes, Space Jam, cereal boxes, commercials. Dude's been retired how long and he's still appearing on video game covers.

Kareem, Wilt, Russell never got that. Jordan came in at the right time and benefited from it. You can watch a large chunk of his career on DVD where as somebody like Wilt you can't find shit.

Jordan has a MASSIVE media push. You were told to think he was the GOAT regardless of how big a basketball fan you were. It's ok. He deserved it because of his talent, but don't deny it :confusedshrug:

10-15-2015, 07:48 PM
I have MJ as the GOAT. I realize the reason the media push was because of his talent and how exciting he was. Still doesn't mean the media push didn't take place. His Jordan's shoes, Space Jam, cereal boxes, commercials. Dude's been retired how long and he's still appearing on video game covers.

Kareem, Wilt, Russell never got that. Jordan came in at the right time and benefited from it. You can watch a large chunk of his career on DVD where as somebody like Wilt you can't find shit.

Jordan has a MASSIVE media push. You were told to think he was the GOAT regardless of how big a basketball fan you were. It's ok. He deserved it because of his talent, but don't deny it :confusedshrug:
And that's mainly due to his style of play.

Let's face it, big men aren't nearly as marketable or exciting to the masses as perimeter players. What kid wants to do a sky hook or score 12 points on 40%(Russell)?

People confuse his exciting style for being the GOAT. LeBron has more impact than Jordan, but Jordan was skinnier and could relate to the common man a little more. That story about Jordan not making his high school basketball team really took off and inspired people. It added to the Jordan mythology.

With LeBron he's always been the best, and with that comes different expectations and perceptions.

Jordan wasn't even the number 1 pick after spending 3 years in High School under the greatest college coach ever... LeBron was astronomically ahead of every other prospect in the world as a 16 year old.

For whatever reason we like it when people come out of nowhere. What a story!

LeBron by being the most psychically adept specimen man has ever produced gets treated like a zoo animal instead of a human. Everybody wants him to do impossible stuff like lead Matthew Dellavadova and JR Smith to a championship against the best, and most healthy team in the league. Que? Meanwhile Jordan's Bulls were winning 60 games while he was embarrassing himself on a minor league baseball field. . . aha.

Jordan is a man. LeBron is a GOD.

That's the way we should perceive them. Because LeBron would beat Jordan in a fight to death, beat him in a marathon race, and be more skilled behind a weapon. (LeBrons dexterity is better than Jordans too, he'd be a better bow shooter, knife thrower, and a more reliable gunmen)

Everything about LeBron is better than Jordan. He's bigger, moves more efficiently, stronger, more hung, and is a way better team player with much more natural passing ability. Not only is he up there with Jordan in scoring, but he's up there with Magic in passing. While being the best and most versatile defender at his position.

LeBron's approach to the game, again, has Jordan beat. He approaches it the same way every single day. Eats a balanced diet, consumes little to no alcohol, no drugs, and does yoga, meditates, and treats his teammates with a fair and uplifting attitude and leads by example by showing up to practice every single day ready to work. Jordan was inconsistent, didn't eat the greatest diet, and wasn't as emotionally consistent as LeBron. Therefore leadership goes to LeBron.

Everything but team accomplishments are in LeBron's favor. Therefore, LeBron is GOAT.

10-15-2015, 07:53 PM
And that's mainly due to his style of play.

Let's face it, big men aren't nearly as marketable or exciting to the masses as perimeter players. What kid wants to do a sky hook or score 12 points on 40%(Russell)?

People confuse his exciting style for being the GOAT. LeBron has more impact than Jordan, but Jordan was skinnier and could relate to the common man a little more. That story about Jordan not making his high school basketball team really took off and inspired people. It added to the Jordan mythology.

With LeBron he's always been the best, and with that comes different expectations and perceptions.

Jordan wasn't even the number 1 pick after spending 3 years in High School under the greatest college coach ever... LeBron was astronomically ahead of every other prospect in the world as a 16 year old.

For whatever reason we like it when people come out of nowhere. What a story!

LeBron by being the most psychically adept specimen man has ever produced gets treated like a zoo animal instead of a human. Everybody wants him to do impossible stuff like lead Matthew Dellavadova and JR Smith to a championship against the best, and most healthy team in the league. Que? Meanwhile Jordan's Bulls were winning 60 games while he was embarrassing himself on a minor league baseball field. . . aha.

Jordan is a man. LeBron is a GOD.

That's the way we should perceive them. Because LeBron would beat Jordan in a fight to death, beat him in a marathon race, and be more skilled behind a weapon. (LeBrons dexterity is better than Jordans too, he'd be a better bow shooter, knife thrower, and a more reliable gunmen)

Everything about LeBron is better than Jordan. He's bigger, moves more efficiently, stronger, more hung, and is a way better team player with much more natural passing ability. Not only is he up there with Jordan in scoring, but he's up there with Magic in passing. While being the best and most versatile defender at his position.

LeBron's approach to the game, again, has Jordan beat. He approaches it the same way every single day. Eats a balanced diet, consumes little to no alcohol, no drugs, and does yoga, meditates, and treats his teammates with a fair and uplifting attitude and leads by example by showing up to practice every single day ready to work. Jordan was inconsistent, didn't eat the greatest diet, and wasn't as emotionally consistent as LeBron. Therefore leadership goes to LeBron.

Everything but team accomplishments are in LeBron's favor. Therefore, LeBron is GOAT.
Greatest post in ISH history :bowdown:

10-15-2015, 07:55 PM
Greatest post in ISH history :bowdown:

Talking to yourself again?

Lebron is a beta who tried to chase rings and could only muster up 2/6 despite all the collusion.

10-15-2015, 08:01 PM
If you really think Jordan will be the goat forever you got another thing coming.
Seeing that the goat shooter got drafted 6 years ago. Some freak of nature will show up in the next 10 years.

10-15-2015, 08:19 PM
If you really think Jordan will be the goat forever you got another thing coming.
Seeing that the goat shooter got drafted 6 years ago. Some freak of nature will show up in the next 10 years.

I hope so. It's not fun watching sub par players the last 17 years struggle to be GOAT and come up short.

Hey Yo
10-15-2015, 09:21 PM
What else do they have to reach for? Now it's the media's fault that MJ was as good as he is. :lol

A precedent was set, and Lebron and no one else hasn't met that precedent.

It's that simple. If a guy was as good as Jordan was today, the impact from the media and the marketing that follows it would be no different.
Correct.....LeBron, or no other greatest player in the league at the time, quit the league (in their prime while under contract) after winning a championship.........twice

10-15-2015, 09:30 PM
I can't think of any player in history there is an exact replica of.
Pretty sure there will be someone very similar but better than Jordan in the future, Kobe basically is the same player and they played against each other, let alone in another 10-20 years.

10-16-2015, 05:09 AM
I would imagine one of those Durant-style freaks (6'10+ who can shoot like Curry but also do everything else on offense and defense) eventually goes all the way and gets himself enough accolades and titles to be considered better. There are more and more of those "guard in a center's body" types nowadays.

A particularly great one could achieve dominance in today's game that compares to what the great centers used to be able to do in yesterday's. Unlike centers however, their game will be made for highlights and so they will be much more popular. They won't be Jordan, but many will think of them as the greatest.

Alternatively it could be one of those Westbrook types but with better shooting and decision making.

...Come to think of it, OKC got really lucky with their draft picks.

10-16-2015, 06:34 AM
The post highlight video below shows MJ getting double-teamed on roughly half of the plays - this includes the times the double-team is on it's way, but MJ scores before it gets there.. That's what made MJ so much better than these guys - he's the goat at scoring QUICKLY - he learned to do it from being doubled so much.


No player got doubled as much as MJ - there are plenty of instances where he was doubled literally 10+ possessions in a row - here's one where he's doubled 12 of 13 straight possessions, shown in rapid succession:


Here's a thread showing more instances where the Pistons and other teams doubled him 10+ times in a row - literally every time he touched it:


10-16-2015, 07:01 AM
If anybody ever surpasses Jordan, it will be using a different style or with much greater superior athleticism. Maybe someday we'll see a player with LeBron's athleticism, Jordan's mindset, and be 6'10.

10-16-2015, 07:06 AM
Won't be easy.

Jordan had an insane combination of athleticism, fundamentals, mental strength and killer instinct.

trying to get all those in the one player is very rare obviously.

I honestly don't know if there will be someone better, but the new generation players always seem to lack elite fundamentals and focus too much on their strengths.

10-16-2015, 07:12 AM
Correct.....LeBron, or no other greatest player in the league at the time, quit the league (in their prime while under contract) after winning a championship.........twice

No other player could leave the league, come back and dominate like Jordan did. I don't think you realise how difficult that is to leave a top level sport and come back years later and continue to dominate.

He didn't leave the league to gain some type of "edge" but to fulfil a father's dream and he lost passion for the game in which he had nothing left to prove.

I know you're trolling, but it's always fun to make a mockery of your stupidity :oldlol:

10-16-2015, 07:21 AM

Paul George 24
10-16-2015, 08:36 AM
Greatest post in ISH history :bowdown:
lebron has very poor fundamental. skills,rely his athlectism more than anyone,travelled and flopping all day,his game is boring and unwatchable,when he getting older,he will be done

10-16-2015, 08:47 AM
Yeah....it will be hard to imagine seeing the best player in the world "in his prime" quit in the middle of his contract and then quit on his team again after a second 3peat.

No chance that ever happens again.

Yeah, it's more probable to see the "best player" in the world promise a ring, lose with HCA, collude with superstars to another team, lose, win 2x(1 by a miracle shot), lose, collude again, lose and go 2/6 while giving away FMVPs to the guys guarding him. :oldlol:

10-16-2015, 08:49 AM


10-16-2015, 03:35 PM
I would imagine one of those Durant-style freaks (6'10+ who can shoot like Curry but also do everything else on offense and defense) eventually goes all the way and gets himself enough accolades and titles to be considered better. There are more and more of those "guard in a center's body" types nowadays.

A particularly great one could achieve dominance in today's game that compares to what the great centers used to be able to do in yesterday's. Unlike centers however, their game will be made for highlights and so they will be much more popular. They won't be Jordan, but many will think of them as the greatest.

Alternatively it could be one of those Westbrook types but with better shooting and decision making.

...Come to think of it, OKC got really lucky with their draft picks.
The great thing about Westbrook and Durant is that they both are in the process of becoming what you described.

Come to think of it, OKC stays winning.

10-16-2015, 04:19 PM
Someone will come along who will be better but it'll be hard to match MJ's presence in basketball simply from a marketing perspective. MJ was almost bigger than the NBA around the world. It's less likely that'll happen again.

I agree they are overrated but most people seem to think they are the greatest band ever. Too me honestly they're just the first boyband.

You can call them overrated but you can't really call them a boyband. There's a reason no one from any boy band is considered the next John Lennon or Paul McCartney even if they sold millions of records.

Hey Yo
10-16-2015, 04:34 PM
No other player could leave the league, come back and dominate like Jordan did. I don't think you realise how difficult that is to leave a top level sport and come back years later and continue to dominate.

He didn't leave the league to gain some type of "edge" but to fulfil a father's dream and he lost passion for the game in which he had nothing left to prove.

I know you're trolling, but it's always fun to make a mockery of your stupidity :oldlol:
He quit the league and came back at the end of the season (2yrs later) trying to win a backdoor ring. Missing almost the whole reg season to be nice and fresh for the playoffs. Then it backfired in his face and the Bulls got bounced by Shaq and the Magic.

"He lost his passion"....haha. How about he wasn't mentally tough enough to try to defend his title again. Instead he quit on his team and the fans in the middle of his contract.

It's not trolling when it's the truth, Chico.

Hey Yo
10-16-2015, 04:50 PM
Yeah, it's more probable to see the "best player" in the world promise a ring, lose with HCA, collude with superstars to another team, lose, win 2x(1 by a miracle shot), lose, collude again, lose and go 2/6 while giving away FMVPs to the guys guarding him. :oldlol:
Let me know when James quit the league in the middle of his contract while in his prime.

10-16-2015, 04:50 PM
I expect MJ to be surpassed in the next 15 or so years. It might not happen THAT soon, but saying it'll never happen is extremely narrow-minded.

We've seen freakier athletes like Lebron, Lavine, Gerald Green. We've seen guys like AI and Kobe who are just relentless and so mentally tough. Then Durant and AD, perhaps the most coordinated 6'10" guys ever. Someone's going to be able to put all of that together and become the next GOAT, only to be usurped eventually(assuming the NBA remains as profitable as it is now).

10-16-2015, 05:02 PM
I expect MJ to be surpassed in the next 15 or so years. It might not happen THAT soon, but saying it'll never happen is extremely narrow-minded.

We've seen freakier athletes like Lebron, Lavine, Gerald Green. We've seen guys like AI and Kobe who are just relentless and so mentally tough. Then Durant and AD, perhaps the most coordinated 6'10" guys ever. Someone's going to be able to put all of that together and become the next GOAT, only to be usurped eventually(assuming the NBA remains as profitable as it is now).

dat dere genetic lab designer baby. Gonna be like the Hulk with Flash's speed.

Max Vert = escape velocity.

10-16-2015, 05:23 PM
Let me know when James quit the league in the middle of his contract while in his prime.

LBJ goes about it differently
he quits in the middle of games

see the 2010 ECSF game 5
or the whole 2011 finals

hey yo, your boy isnt the goat, im sorry

10-16-2015, 05:26 PM
"He lost his passion"....haha. How about he wasn't mentally tough enough to try to defend his title again. Instead he quit on his team and the fans in the middle of his contract.

It's not trolling when it's the truth, Chico.

You do know he three-peated before retiring???!

Hey Yo
10-16-2015, 05:43 PM
LBJ goes about it differently
he quits in the middle of games

see the 2010 ECSF game 5
or the whole 2011 finals

hey yo, your boy isnt the goat, im sorry
Had a bad game in game 5 2010, cameback with a 27-19-10 performance in game 6.

avg. 18-7-7 while leading 2 games in scoring and had a trip-dub.....yeah he really quit :rolleyes:

Never said he was the goat.

Hey Yo
10-16-2015, 05:45 PM
You do know he three-peated before retiring???!
Of course I know. But why quit the league twice instead of defending your title?

10-16-2015, 06:02 PM
Had a bad game in game 5 2010, cameback with a 27-19-10 performance in game 6.

avg. 18-7-7 while leading 2 games in scoring and had a trip-dub.....yeah he really quit :rolleyes:

Never said he was the goat.
Either he quit/choked or he wasn't good enough to average better against them.

I'd go with the quit/choke angle if I were you.

10-16-2015, 06:54 PM
LBJ goes about it differently
he quits in the middle of games

see the 2010 ECSF game 5
or the whole 2011 finals

hey yo, your boy isnt the goat, im sorry

Takes vacations during the year too :D

10-16-2015, 06:58 PM
And I don't care if there ever is. He was one of the biggest pricks to ever lace up a pair of nike's. That there will never be a bigger asshole in the NBA is a good thing.

10-16-2015, 07:04 PM
He quit the league and came back at the end of the season (2yrs later) trying to win a backdoor ring. Missing almost the whole reg season to be nice and fresh for the playoffs. Then it backfired in his face and the Bulls got bounced by Shaq and the Magic.

"He lost his passion"....haha. How about he wasn't mentally tough enough to try to defend his title again. Instead he quit on his team and the fans in the middle of his contract.

It's not trolling when it's the truth, Chico.

Trolling like this is why I can't take you seriously.

You fail to understand again that coming back to a high level sport after considerable time off and dominate like he used to is extremely difficult. Think about all the players who have attempted a comeback in this league? How have they faired? Many of them couldn't even make a roster.

"Lost his passion" translates to dominated, won 3 rings and bitchslapped the league into submission. What left did he have to prove when he decided to go play baseball?

Jordan wasn't weak minded bro. That crap won't wash here :oldlol:

You are trying to find something that just isn't there. Maybe you should look at your hero Lebron who likes to take vacations during the season.


10-16-2015, 07:05 PM
In some ways perhaps, but "almost" makes all the difference in the world. There's very little that separates the all time greats, and every finite difference becomes magnified the higher up the rankings you go. We have seen and will continue to see players with comparable abilities to Jordan, but it's doubtful we'll ever see the same kind of perfect storm in terms of individual accolades, team success, name recognition, marketability, etc...

His name has even become synonymous with being the greatest at something. Someone who is regarded as the greatest at a particular activity is often referred to as "the Michael Jordan" of that activity. It's highly unlikely that another athlete will ever come close to having that kind of social impact.

Michael Jordan is the Babe Ruth of basketball.

Stu Jackson
10-17-2015, 10:05 PM
Michael Jordan is the Babe Ruth of basketball.
its not even about true or false with you. all you do is parrot popular opinion. youve been here for quite a long time. doesnt it kill you that you cant argue anything?

3ball and warriorfan have been here a fraction of the time you have, and they can debate circles around you

are you an autist, mayhaps?

Paul George 24
10-18-2015, 01:08 AM
I expect MJ to be surpassed in the next 15 or so years. It might not happen THAT soon, but saying it'll never happen is extremely narrow-minded.

We've seen freakier athletes like Lebron, Lavine, Gerald Green. We've seen guys like AI and Kobe who are just relentless and so mentally tough. Then Durant and AD, perhaps the most coordinated 6'10" guys ever. Someone's going to be able to put all of that together and become the next GOAT, only to be usurped eventually(assuming the NBA remains as profitable as it is now).

no chance,none of them can avg 41ppg in a series,none of them has capable scores 63 against a champion team

10-18-2015, 01:20 AM
These fools don't understand it's likely there will NEVER be another Michael Jordan.

There might be someone like Shaq, someone very dominant, but a player like MJ who had a career like that probably not.

Jordan is the Beatles, Muhammed Ali, Shigeru Miyamoto, Mozart, Bobby Fisher.

He transcends his niche, everyone knows who Michael Jordan is. Everyone. And in the 90s he was a huge pop idol, not just a basketball player.

That's because humans fall in awe when they see genius, that most rare of human qualities, which we are lucky to witness and appreciate once in a generation.

Make no mistake Michael Jordan is a genius in his field. A once in a lifetime. There was no second Muhammed Ali and there will be no second Michael Jordan.

Fisher? Really? He was creative and interesting, but he's not considered the GOAT in chess by anyone. He's kinda the Boxer of starcraft if you want to get into things most people don't think of as sports. Creative but certainly not the best. I'd go into the other guys listed but music and boxing aren't things I follow that closely.

There will be another MJ before another Manu. I'll leave you with that to think about. BTW THINK about it before you post some silly comment.

10-18-2015, 01:24 AM
Would MJ have been MJ without Dean Smith of North Carolina forcing him to play second fiddle? Without forcing him to play a structured offense?

I honestly think we will see fewer and fewer top ten players because they spend too long learning the necessary fundamentals they should have learnt in high school.

Lebron barely has a post game and still doesn't know how to do a straight up jumpshot (look he jumps leaning left,right, back, forward).

Anthony Davis the same, doesn't have back to basket moves.

The lack of college means these players have to focus on their strenghts only while neglecting their weaknesses because there isn't time to work on them in the NBA season.

Unless you're like Jimmy Butler and really kill it in the off season then you won't improve as fast.

And then there's the contracts. A first pick today makes more money than MJ made as a champion. Where's the hunger? Why not waste your time on hoes and hip hop?

GIF Reaction asked why are the GOATs from the 80-90s in all sports (Gretzky, Rice, Jordan, Bonds).

It's because they're not spoilt millenials. They have had grandfathers who fought in the war. The millenials have boomer grandparents and we all know boomers are the worst generation ever.

David was a point guard/shooting guard in high school. You really think he should have been working on his post up game? Also post ups in 2015? That's not really a must have skill for a guy like him. He's already changing how the pick and roll works for big guys...who at his age was changing the game already? Wilt perhaps...and who else?

10-18-2015, 01:29 AM
i was fortunate enough watch nearly all of jordan's career('87 and on) and it probably spoiled me like it did everyone else during that era. his career played out like a fairy tale. it had it all. getting beat down, then finally overcoming his biggest obstacle. someone talks *hit to him, then he precedes to rape their *ss on the court. his tenacious approach to the game. his will to win. the ultimate showmanship. epic playoff performances. how he rarely faltered in big moments in big games. clutch performances. one three-peat, retires, then three-peats again. game winning shot in his last title clinching finals game. the stats, the records.

all this *hit is legendary. its not hyperbole. its real. it happened and we were lucky to experience it live. we dont have to twist facts around like kobe and bron stans do. we dont have to make excuses for his failures and flaws because they were few and far between and certainly not as major. from '91 and on, he was a master of the game and never faltered.

he was the biggest cultural icon at the time. and it wasnt due to all the marketing. it was because even with all the marketing, he always rose up and was better than it.

i wish someone would come around and be the next jordan or better because that was something special. id love to experience that again someday. but that day is not today. so when i see some idiot stan blindly compare their boy to the GOAT, i just feel its an insult. we who grew up in that era know what true worthiness looks like, and noone from today has it.

The problem is to also have a coach at jackson's level AND a player like Pippon on your team. To have the fairy tale you have to be gifted with absurd talent around you and today you'd need a way to turn the social media shit off. How do you do that? He did play a fairy tail career but he had to be hit my lightening more or less for all of those cards to fall just perfectly.

10-18-2015, 01:30 AM

Kobe >> MJ.

Wade > MJ.

wow that's a grate pic, how did you find such a spoiled looking little jerk of a girl doing that? It's hard to not want to slap her. Gotta love the internet finding these idiotic girls doing stupid things!

10-18-2015, 01:39 AM

The media didn't create the MJ hype, MJ did. He was that good and that exciting that all the hype was warranted. Real recognize real. The world recognized MJ was the real deal. And he is still remembered accordingly. The medai can try to hype a lesser player and it wouldn't stick because people know what's up.

Yes and no. That was an era where it was ideal TO hype a player. Today there's more money being negative. It's a cultural change that's skewing reality. MJ was the greatest but good lord you couldn't not think MJ was the greatest anything ever when he was playing in the 90's. The hype was beyond even his greatness (which was absurd).

10-18-2015, 01:43 AM
And that's mainly due to his style of play.

Let's face it, big men aren't nearly as marketable or exciting to the masses as perimeter players. What kid wants to do a sky hook or score 12 points on 40%(Russell)?

People confuse his exciting style for being the GOAT. LeBron has more impact than Jordan, but Jordan was skinnier and could relate to the common man a little more. That story about Jordan not making his high school basketball team really took off and inspired people. It added to the Jordan mythology.

With LeBron he's always been the best, and with that comes different expectations and perceptions.

Jordan wasn't even the number 1 pick after spending 3 years in High School under the greatest college coach ever... LeBron was astronomically ahead of every other prospect in the world as a 16 year old.

For whatever reason we like it when people come out of nowhere. What a story!

LeBron by being the most psychically adept specimen man has ever produced gets treated like a zoo animal instead of a human. Everybody wants him to do impossible stuff like lead Matthew Dellavadova and JR Smith to a championship against the best, and most healthy team in the league. Que? Meanwhile Jordan's Bulls were winning 60 games while he was embarrassing himself on a minor league baseball field. . . aha.

Jordan is a man. LeBron is a GOD.

That's the way we should perceive them. Because LeBron would beat Jordan in a fight to death, beat him in a marathon race, and be more skilled behind a weapon. (LeBrons dexterity is better than Jordans too, he'd be a better bow shooter, knife thrower, and a more reliable gunmen)

Everything about LeBron is better than Jordan. He's bigger, moves more efficiently, stronger, more hung, and is a way better team player with much more natural passing ability. Not only is he up there with Jordan in scoring, but he's up there with Magic in passing. While being the best and most versatile defender at his position.

LeBron's approach to the game, again, has Jordan beat. He approaches it the same way every single day. Eats a balanced diet, consumes little to no alcohol, no drugs, and does yoga, meditates, and treats his teammates with a fair and uplifting attitude and leads by example by showing up to practice every single day ready to work. Jordan was inconsistent, didn't eat the greatest diet, and wasn't as emotionally consistent as LeBron. Therefore leadership goes to LeBron.

Everything but team accomplishments are in LeBron's favor. Therefore, LeBron is GOAT.

Bartender, I'll have what he's having!

10-18-2015, 01:47 AM
Trolling like this is why I can't take you seriously.

You fail to understand again that coming back to a high level sport after considerable time off and dominate like he used to is extremely difficult. Think about all the players who have attempted a comeback in this league? How have they faired? Many of them couldn't even make a roster.

"Lost his passion" translates to dominated, won 3 rings and bitchslapped the league into submission. What left did he have to prove when he decided to go play baseball?

Jordan wasn't weak minded bro. That crap won't wash here :oldlol:

You are trying to find something that just isn't there. Maybe you should look at your hero Lebron who likes to take vacations during the season.


Has anyone under 35 and coming off an all nba and all star season ever left before and then come back?

10-18-2015, 01:48 AM
Michael Jordan is the Babe Ruth of basketball.

Nah he's barry bonds!. Mikan or Wilt or Russel would be Ruth. Jordan is way head of the Ruth's and is much more a Bonds guy!