View Full Version : Just finished watching the 1983 Nba Finals G4

09-24-2015, 11:02 AM
Everything in that game sucked, mostly the players. Very limited individual skills. A team of 2015 Nba scrubs would destroy them.

Stop overrating those bums.

09-24-2015, 11:52 AM
Seen the same game about a million times with a little different take:

Two well oiled offensive machines with juggernauts in the middle with Moses and Kareem anchoring the inside game and Magic and Cheeks running dynamite fast breaks. You had offensive structure with superstar players blending as second, third or even fourth options. You had timely and EFFICIENT outside shooting, no wasting 20 to 22 seconds off the shot clock looking for a 3 pointer like the crap you constantly see today and the score of that game ended up being 115 to 108! Athletic demons like Michael Cooper, Dr J, Bobby Jones and Jamaal Wilkes filling the lanes. Haven't even gotten to Bob McAdoo, Norm Nixon or James Worthy who were all injured in this game!

Basically that game shows everything that is lacking in today's game, structured quick hitting offenses built on the inside, mid range and fast break game! Nothing more and nothing less, traditional beautiful baskeball!

And oh yeah, either one of those two teams would've RAPED last years Cavs or soft Warriors into oblivion, NO CONTEST!

09-24-2015, 04:35 PM
Right, because a bunch of NBA scrubs today are better than Magic, Kareem, Moses and Dr J. :facepalm

09-24-2015, 04:40 PM
This is a blatant troll post. Showtime80's blew him out of the water regardless.

09-24-2015, 04:46 PM
This is a blatant troll post. Showtime80's blew him out of the water regardless.

Probably a bait troll post responding to another bait troll post.

If serious, though... I'm not sure what game OP is talking about, Sixers rallied back from a big deficit and blew the Lakers out in the 4th to win the chip. :confusedshrug:

09-24-2015, 04:49 PM
Probably a bait troll post responding to another bait troll post.

If serious, though... I'm not sure what game OP is talking about, Sixers rallied back from a big deficit and blew the Lakers out in the 4th to win the chip. :confusedshrug:

:oldlol: for real. Knowing this place both accounts are probably the same person.

09-24-2015, 04:54 PM
Everything from the 80's and 90's is massively overrated by idiots that can't let go of their glory days.

I watched literally every finals series from 79 until now.. and I can say without a doubt or hesitation that todays NBA is leaps and bounds better than any other era. The talent is better than ever, the strategy's are more advanced, and the players are bigger, stronger, and faster.

There are people like me that adapt and there are also people like 'Showtime80' that never will.

Fear of the unknown and stuck in their ways. I pity these people.

09-24-2015, 04:59 PM
Everything from the 80's and 90's is massively overrated by idiots that can't let go of their glory days.

I watched literally every finals series from 79 until now.. and I can say without a doubt or hesitation that todays NBA is leaps and bounds better than any other era. The talent is better than ever, the strategy's are more advanced, and the players are bigger, stronger, and faster.

There are people like me that adapt and there are also people like 'Showtime80' that never will.

Fear of the unknown and stuck in their ways. I pity these people.

You are going to have to sit back down at the little kids table now.

09-24-2015, 05:04 PM
You are going to have to sit back down at the little kids table now.

honestly, you need to shut up.

I personally do think that the teams of today in general are more talented, and that these soft labels are made by fans who have no damn clue whats going on.

but obviously, the super teams from the 80s-90s are gonna still be super today.

I mean, the warriors arent "soft"

they arent "uneffecient" at the 3 point line. thats pure blasphemy.

Curry isnt "soft" he isnt "limitted" he isnt a "role player" he makes the whole goddamn system. his out of boxscore impact is beyond anything. you see people scoff at the idea that he can be meantioned in teh same breath as Durant, (insert legend here), etc, but he can.

09-24-2015, 05:08 PM
Seen the same game about a million times with a little different take:

Two well oiled offensive machines with juggernauts in the middle with Moses and Kareem anchoring the inside game and Magic and Cheeks running dynamite fast breaks. You had offensive structure with superstar players blending as second, third or even fourth options. You had timely and EFFICIENT outside shooting, no wasting 20 to 22 seconds off the shot clock looking for a 3 pointer like the crap you constantly see today and the score of that game ended up being 115 to 108! Athletic demons like Michael Cooper, Dr J, Bobby Jones and Jamaal Wilkes filling the lanes. Haven't even gotten to Bob McAdoo, Norm Nixon or James Worthy who were all injured in this game!

Basically that game shows everything that is lacking in today's game, structured quick hitting offenses built on the inside, mid range and fast break game! Nothing more and nothing less, traditional beautiful baskeball!

And oh yeah, either one of those two teams would've RAPED last years Cavs or soft Warriors into oblivion, NO CONTEST!

You should have simply defended your era. You are argueably being more disrespectful than the OP.

The super teams back then would beat some teams of today. that is true.

The thing is, offenses built on things like "the midrange game" are doomed to fail.

Basketball has evolved. take those superteams to the future, make them grow, learn in this era, put them back, and they dominate even more.

Effecient outside shooting?

You dont honestly think that outside shooting back then was more accurate than today right?

09-24-2015, 05:12 PM
You should have simply defended your era. You are argueably being more disrespectful than the OP.

The super teams back then would beat some teams of today. that is true.

The thing is, offenses built on things like "the midrange game" are doomed to fail.

Basketball has evolved. take those superteams to the future, make them grow, learn in this era, put them back, and they dominate even more.

Effecient outside shooting?

You dont honestly think that outside shooting back then was more accurate than today right?

You don't know ball.

09-24-2015, 05:14 PM
You don't know ball.

prove me wrong. lol. doomed to fail might have been too strong.
at a disadvantage.

so are you saying that the 3 point shot back then was more accurate than today.

Warrior fan?

ohh wait, you cant prove me wrong. and lol, if you try, ill embarass you, though you do it to yourself on a regular basis.

Its funny, your curry staning is counter productive. I honestly have seen arguements that really have made many people put Peak curry over Peak durant. the thing is, none come from you.

09-24-2015, 05:21 PM
prove me wrong. lol. doomed to fail might have been too strong.
at a disadvantage.

so are you saying that the 3 point shot back then was more accurate than today.

Warrior fan?

ohh wait, you cant prove me wrong. and lol, if you try, ill embarass you, though you do it to yourself on a regular basis.

Its funny, your curry staning is counter productive. I honestly have seen arguements that really have made many people put Peak curry over Peak durant. the thing is, none come from you.

What a meltdown.

09-24-2015, 05:38 PM
What a meltdown.

well, you have proven that you cannot refute me.
Honestly, The showtime guy probably could XD

09-24-2015, 05:39 PM
I watched literally every finals series from 79 until now.. and I can say without a doubt or hesitation that todays NBA is leaps and bounds better than any other era. The talent is better than ever, the strategy's are more advanced, and the players are bigger, stronger, and faster.

There are people like me that adapt and there are also people like 'Showtime80' that never will.

Fear of the unknown and stuck in their ways. I pity these people.
In this thread alone vs today. Kareem is taller than any player today, Its an absolute joke to insult to compare his inside game to any player today - a horrific joke. Malone plays bigger and stronger than any player today. Nor does any big have his motor. I've seen Doc leap farther from basket than Lebron ever has numerous times. There are no point guards on the level of Magic physically, mentally or basketball wise.

Bobby Jones is an all time great defensive pf. Cooper all time great defensive sg. At this time right now, Andrew Toney, s middle game is near equal to anybody's game in the league.

09-24-2015, 05:54 PM
In this thread alone vs today. Kareem is taller than any player today, Its an absolute joke to insult to compare his inside game to any player today - a horrific joke. Malone plays bigger and stronger than any player today. Nor does any big have his motor. I've seen Doc leap farther from basket than Lebron ever has numerous times. There are no point guards on the level of Magic physically, mentally or basketball wise.

Bobby Jones is an all time great defensive pf. Cooper all time great defensive sg. At this time right now, Andrew Toney, s middle game is near equal to anybody's game in the league.

Obviously, im not saying you are wrong, this is just a tbh, but TECHNICALLY, Kareem isnt taller than Sim Bhullar, lol, no, dont take this seriously.

Also, technically, I dont believe we can just look at aesthetics to determine how good a player is at certian areas.

I mean, looking at videos, Jordan and Baylor look like the best rim attackers of all time.

But in reality, while Jordan might have been, pure percentage wise, he shot something like 72%. Very good, but nothing otherworldly.

(volume would put him at the top of "rim attackers" for me though"

09-24-2015, 06:09 PM
You should have simply defended your era. You are argueably being more disrespectful than the OP.

The super teams back then would beat some teams of today. that is true.

The thing is, offenses built on things like "the midrange game" are doomed to fail.

Basketball has evolved. take those superteams to the future, make them grow, learn in this era, put them back, and they dominate even more.

Effecient outside shooting?

You dont honestly think that outside shooting back then was more accurate than today right?
96 bulls would dominate any era. So would the 95 and 96 magics.

09-24-2015, 06:12 PM
96 bulls would dominate any era. So would the 95 and 96 magics.

I said that in my reply to Showtime. I was defending myself against WarriorsFan.

the superteams of yesteryear will dominate the teams of today, but thats a talent thing, not a strategical thing.

09-24-2015, 06:25 PM
Jesus Christ has the NBA done a good job of selling the crappy product they currently have!!!

You want to know why those teams from the 80's would NEVER, not in any ERA shoot as many 3 pointers as today's soft teams?!? Because they didn't NEED to! They were actually built the RIGHT WAY, from the inside out, getting their spacing from the defense collapsing the paint from their excellent inside games. This is something that modern teams just DON'T HAVE since truly dominant post games are NOWHERE to be seen in the modern game, not because of any rules, players are just not developing those type of skills.

Why would the 80's Lakers with three dominant post scorers in Kareem, Worthy and Magic or the Celtics with their frontline WAIST 20 to 22 seconds of the shot clock looking for a low percentage 3 pointer while they can quick hit in the post taking only 14 to 16 seconds off the shot clock and getting a high percentage shot, a better chance to get fouled, a wide open look for another player or better position for a defensive rebound.

That's why the 80's teams scored and flowed like they did on offense, NO WASTED MOVEMENTS! The offenses were predicated on the inside game and EVERYTHING else stemmed from it.

The present NBA offenses STILL struggle to brake 100 points for God's sake! Not to mention looking absolutely horrible launching 3 pointer after 3 pointer without even attempting and inside or mid range game. Pathetic! Call me when modern teams start breaking 105 points consistently.

That's what the NBA gets for falling in love with the perimeter game after Michael Jordan and rendering their only minor league (NCAA) basically useless. A bunch of players trying to be guards! Post play takes YEARS to master and fundamentals that you don't learn overnight and players since the mid 90's (Kevin Garnett, Chris Webber) have fallen enamored with NOT BEING POWER INSIDE PLAYERS! Ti'll the NBA had no choice but to cater the rules to them like they did after 2004.

The 80's Lakers, Celtics, Sixers or 2000's Lakers would murder any of the present top teams with the present rules, put the old REAL NBA rules in place and it would be laughable trying to see the present teams deal with the physicality of that era.

09-24-2015, 06:54 PM
Jesus Christ has the NBA done a good job of selling the crappy product they currently have!!!

You want to know why those teams from the 80's would NEVER, not in any ERA shoot as many 3 pointers as today's soft teams?!? Because they didn't NEED to! They were actually built the RIGHT WAY, from the inside out, getting their spacing from the defense collapsing the paint from their excellent inside games. This is something that modern teams just DON'T HAVE since truly dominant post games are NOWHERE to be seen in the modern game, not because of any rules, players are just not developing those type of skills.

Why would the 80's Lakers with three dominant post scorers in Kareem, Worthy and Magic or the Celtics with their frontline WAIST 20 to 22 seconds of the shot clock looking for a low percentage 3 pointer while they can quick hit in the post taking only 14 to 16 seconds off the shot clock and getting a high percentage shot, a better chance to get fouled, a wide open look for another player or better position for a defensive rebound.

That's why the 80's teams scored and flowed like they did on offense, NO WASTED MOVEMENTS! The offenses were predicated on the inside game and EVERYTHING else stemmed from it.

The present NBA offenses STILL struggle to brake 100 points for God's sake! Not to mention looking absolutely horrible launching 3 pointer after 3 pointer without even attempting and inside or mid range game. Pathetic! Call me when modern teams start breaking 105 points consistently.

That's what the NBA gets for falling in love with the perimeter game after Michael Jordan and rendering their only minor league (NCAA) basically useless. A bunch of players trying to be guards! Post play takes YEARS to master and fundamentals that you don't learn overnight and players since the mid 90's (Kevin Garnett, Chris Webber) have fallen enamored with NOT BEING POWER INSIDE PLAYERS! Ti'll the NBA had no choice but to cater the rules to them like they did after 2004.

The 80's Lakers, Celtics, Sixers or 2000's Lakers would murder any of the present top teams with the present rules, put the old REAL NBA rules in place and it would be laughable trying to see the present teams deal with the physicality of that era.

Do the math...

Gonna go to sleep now, but seriously. you are only using strawman arguements at this point.

09-24-2015, 07:04 PM
Do the math...

Players can't create two pointers efficiently anymore because of lack of fundamentals so teams have to move the ball around for 20 seconds and launch a 3 pointer. Considering rules today allow easier scoring yet team scoring is down shows that players are not as skilled today as they were in the 80's and 90's.

09-25-2015, 12:08 AM
Also, technically, I dont believe we can just look at aesthetics to determine how good a player is at certian areas.

I mean, looking at videos, Jordan and Baylor look like the best rim attackers of all time.

But in reality, while Jordan might have been, pure percentage wise, he shot something like 72%. Very good, but nothing otherworldly.

(volume would put him at the top of "rim attackers" for me though"
I think you have to be a little bit more straight forward. You aren't making sense here.

Are you saying that Kareem isn't better in the post than every player now? Are you saying that there is a player that is playing big and strong right now? Who? Funny, you are the one who is focusing on aesthetics when I am talking about the practical use of size, strength and muscle. DH is a great combination of those qualities but hardly gets mileage out of it. I don't really get what you are saying.

09-25-2015, 12:35 AM
Jesus Christ has the NBA done a good job of selling the crappy product they currently have!!!

You want to know why those teams from the 80's would NEVER, not in any ERA shoot as many 3 pointers as today's soft teams?!? Because they didn't NEED to! They were actually built the RIGHT WAY, from the inside out, getting their spacing from the defense collapsing the paint from their excellent inside games. This is something that modern teams just DON'T HAVE since truly dominant post games are NOWHERE to be seen in the modern game, not because of any rules, players are just not developing those type of skills.

Why would the 80's Lakers with three dominant post scorers in Kareem, Worthy and Magic or the Celtics with their frontline WAIST 20 to 22 seconds of the shot clock looking for a low percentage 3 pointer while they can quick hit in the post taking only 14 to 16 seconds off the shot clock and getting a high percentage shot, a better chance to get fouled, a wide open look for another player or better position for a defensive rebound.

That's why the 80's teams scored and flowed like they did on offense, NO WASTED MOVEMENTS! The offenses were predicated on the inside game and EVERYTHING else stemmed from it.

The present NBA offenses STILL struggle to brake 100 points for God's sake! Not to mention looking absolutely horrible launching 3 pointer after 3 pointer without even attempting and inside or mid range game. Pathetic! Call me when modern teams start breaking 105 points consistently.

That's what the NBA gets for falling in love with the perimeter game after Michael Jordan and rendering their only minor league (NCAA) basically useless. A bunch of players trying to be guards! Post play takes YEARS to master and fundamentals that you don't learn overnight and players since the mid 90's (Kevin Garnett, Chris Webber) have fallen enamored with NOT BEING POWER INSIDE PLAYERS! Ti'll the NBA had no choice but to cater the rules to them like they did after 2004.

The 80's Lakers, Celtics, Sixers or 2000's Lakers would murder any of the present top teams with the present rules, put the old REAL NBA rules in place and it would be laughable trying to see the present teams deal with the physicality of that era.

Summed it all up.

09-25-2015, 12:50 AM
Players can't create two pointers efficiently anymore because of lack of fundamentals so teams have to move the ball around for 20 seconds and launch a 3 pointer. Considering rules today allow easier scoring yet team scoring is down shows that players are not as skilled today as they were in the 80's and 90's.

Teams shot ~49%-50% from the 2 in the '80's. It's at ~48%-49% today. A difference of 1%. That's like almost less than a shot a game.

09-25-2015, 12:57 AM
Players can't create two pointers efficiently anymore because of lack of fundamentals so teams have to move the ball around for 20 seconds and launch a 3 pointer. Considering rules today allow easier scoring yet team scoring is down shows that players are not as skilled today as they were in the 80's and 90's.

Yeah scoring has nothing to do with defense...

09-25-2015, 02:09 AM
Yeah scoring has nothing to do with defense...

Are you saying today's offense have it harder with no paint camping nor hand checking allowed? With the way the game is officiated now, teams should be scoring more points not less but that is not the case.