View Full Version : Kostas Papanikolaou Says European Basketball Has Better Defense Than NBA

09-02-2015, 02:38 PM
Ricky Rubio, Mike Fratello, Chris Kaman, Rick Pitino, Larry Bird, Kobe Bryant, Joakim Noah .....

Have all said that European/internmational basketball has better/more physical defense than the NBA, and of course threads have been started in this forum in all of those cases.....

Now, Kostas Papanikolaou has said the same thing:


Of course, the trolls in this forum all claim the exact opposite is true.

Fallen Angel
09-02-2015, 02:47 PM
Kostas is also a shit defender and shit scorer, so any decent defense that would come at him would seem amazing in his eyes.

Dr Seuss
09-02-2015, 02:51 PM
"It's very different piece of basketball in Europe and America. In Europe there are more closed defenses pay more based on strategy. It decreases the rate case. In America there is confidence in the player's talent, more freedom, do not put players into molds and specific style."

this the quote you're referring to?

09-02-2015, 02:53 PM
Kostas is also a shit defender and shit scorer, so any decent defense that would come at him would seem amazing in his eyes.

He was once a promising minor league prospect until he went to the pros .:sleeping

Anyways their defense could not stop our C Team tearing new holes and obliterating by 30 points.:oldlol:

09-02-2015, 03:04 PM
kostas actually is decent defender.. hou fans will agree with me

09-02-2015, 03:05 PM
Well, in order to rate NBA defense, he has to get a substantial amount of playing time first, doesn't he?

09-02-2015, 03:32 PM
Dude is a career 35% FG shooter and he says defenses are worse here? I shudder to think what he must have shot in Europe.

The big difference is that there is no Def 3 seconds in Euro ball. It makes a BIG difference.

09-02-2015, 03:38 PM
Easier defensive rules. Inferior defensive players.

We see it at every International competition. The U.S. players, regardless of their offensive output, are able to dominate International competition defensively.

09-02-2015, 03:45 PM

No where in the link does he say europe has better defense. Blatant troll thread lol.

Some players you mentioned have said thed is more physical but physical does not mean better it just means refs allow more contact

09-02-2015, 03:51 PM
The 60s Knicks would own.

09-02-2015, 04:02 PM
u guys dont even watch euro ball but know everythink right?

09-02-2015, 04:04 PM
u guys dont even watch euro ball but know everythink right?


We used Lamar Odom as our center and still annihilated the competition by 30 points:oldlol:

09-02-2015, 04:06 PM
kobe didnt say euro league was tougher. he said the international/Olympic games were more physical

kobe also said European players have better fundamentals

thats about it

stop making shit up OP

09-02-2015, 04:08 PM

We used Lamar Odom as our center and still annihilated the competition by 30 points:oldlol:
dude cmon.. im not trying to say that euro ball ir better than nba.. not even close!

09-02-2015, 04:14 PM
Euroleague and NBA changed places around 2005.

Back in the 90s we used to laugh at Euroball and think they were soft and didn't play D. Because back then good D was man to man.

We also laughed at how a Euroleague player would drive and pass up the layup to kick it out to the 3 point line. You did that back then and the coach would scream to take it right to the basket instead.

NBA = 1990s Euroleague

Weak sauce.

09-02-2015, 04:24 PM
Stu Jackson:

"However, there are distinct differences in the international game vs. the NBA game. The international game utilizes a pure zone defense (as opposed to the defensive three-second rule), which allows frontcourt players to stand in the middle of the lane and discourage cutting, passing and dribble penetration."

(2nd last question) http://www.nba.com/2009/news/features/04/09/stujackson/index.html

^^^ Stu just said that today's defensive 3 seconds rule prevents the pure zones seen in international play, where frontcourt players are allowed "stand in the middle of the lane and discourage cutting, passing and dribble-penetration"

Btw, when Stu made these comments, he was making them in an official capacity as the NBA's VP of Basketball Operations - so this is FROM the nba itself, which makes his comments indisputable, just like Bill Gates' vision for Microsoft wasn't disputable.. In that interview, Stu said that the rule changes were MEANT to increase dribble-penetration:

Stu Jackson: A special committee of basketball experts was formed in the early part of the decade to study the game and make recommendations as to how to make it more exciting to watch. In 2001, that committee made a rules package recommendation to the Board of Governors, which was ultimately passed for implementation during the 2001-02 season. The Board voted to eliminate our old illegal defense guidelines, to implement a new defensive three-second call, reduce the time allowable to get the ball across half-court from 10 seconds to eight seconds, and allow less contact. All changes were passed with the idea of trying to encourage more free flowing five-man offenses, open up the lanes for cutting and passing and speed up the game by encouraging teams to get into their offenses quicker.

NBA.com: Since the hand-checking rule was interpreted differently beginning in the 2004-05 season, the game has opened up. Players are penetrating and the floor is spread. As a result, scoring has risen every season. Was this anticipated back in 2004?

Stu Jackson: No. The scoring increase was not our goal. Our objective was to allow for more offensive freedom by not allowing defenders to hand-, forearm- or body-check ball handlers. By doing so, we encouraged more dribble penetration. As players penetrated more, it produced higher quality shots for the ball handler as well as shots for teammates on passes back out to perimeter. When NBA players get higher quality shots -- having more time to shoot -- they tend to make more of them.

NBA.com: Shooting percentages have risen since 2004-05 regardless of location -- at-the-rim shots, short- and deep-mid range and 3-pointers. Does this surprise you, especially the higher percentages from 3-point range?

Stu Jackson: It doesn't. With the rule and interpretation changes, it has become more difficult for defenders to defend penetration, cover the entire floor on defensive rotations and recover to shooters. This has provided more time for shooters to ready themselves for quality shots. With more dribble penetration, ball handlers are getting more opportunities at the rim. Additionally, teams now realize the 3-point shot is a great competitive equalizer, so they are taking more; they have improved their skill level on threes and are making them at a higher rate.

09-02-2015, 04:25 PM
kobe didnt say euro league was tougher. he said the international/Olympic games were more physical

kobe also said European players have better fundamentals

thats about it

stop making shit up OP

Ref letting those big guys play physical is true but not our big guys. Everytime our bigs fight for position or make power moves, those Euros flopped and they will call charged. They basically penalized us for being stronger. Well a lot of them Euros get exposed by the time they get to NBA. FIBA type of game is more suited for them.

09-02-2015, 04:34 PM
OP is like that crazy grandpa that tells his grandchildren tall tales and then berates them when they dont believe him

"In my day, ice cream sundays were only a penny, and our teachers would serve them to us on fridays before school so we could have some brain food before our tests"

"grandpa, that's not true... is it?"

"are you some sort of fcking retard?!?!? i just told you thats what happened. what the fck are your parents teaching you?? I knew my daughter shouldnt have married that schmuck you call your father"

09-02-2015, 05:20 PM
The only way to really know would be a Team USA vs Team Europe game, not Team USA vs smaller European Countries. With all the best European players, we'd really whether or not their defense is tougher/better than USA defense

09-02-2015, 11:13 PM
The only way to really know would be a Team USA vs Team Europe game, not Team USA vs smaller European Countries. With all the best European players, we'd really whether or not their defense is tougher/better than USA defense

Team USA against the rest of the world MINUS their NBA players.

Cakewalk for Team USA.

The NBA...where the best basketball is played in the entire world.

09-02-2015, 11:20 PM

Where Anthony Parker was considered a god...



09-02-2015, 11:40 PM

Euroleague: where they never gave out any MVP awards before 2005 and they NEVER had an award for regular season MVP (and anyone who cites one of these in someones resume flat out made it up)

Oh wait the euroleague official website says all this is true but the poster euroleague says it isn't and won't acknowledge my link?

Also I've been told Anthony Parker never won a euroleague MVP award but his photo in that link has final four MVP underneath it, maybe the official site is lying?

09-03-2015, 08:27 AM
Well if Kosher Pumpernickel said it, it must be true.

09-03-2015, 09:17 AM

Oh shit, some dude that gets garbage minutes? Well, damn.

09-03-2015, 12:02 PM
To be honest, I see tougher and more physical defense played on driveways and gym class pick up games than in the NBA. In the nba, when a dude is driving to the rim, his defenders has to have both his hands up because if you even lay an arm on a driving superstar he will flop, yell ayyyyyyy (ala kobe) and get freethrows.

09-03-2015, 12:30 PM
This Anthony Parker myth is getting out of control… yes he was a two time MVP, but he wasn't this dominant, unstoppable force even in the Euroleague. Individual awards aren't quite as important in Europe compared to team results...

In fact, I personally thought that in the seasons they were together, Jasikevicius was the better player. Vujcic was also a key contributor… Maccabi was a deep team, and Anthony Parker happened to be one of its engines, but it was the overall talent in their roster that made the difference.

09-03-2015, 02:10 PM
[QUOTE=BoutPractice]This Anthony Parker myth is getting out of control

09-03-2015, 02:19 PM
I actually watched him at the time. It was an ensemble cast, not a one man show is all I'm saying.

09-03-2015, 02:20 PM
:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

He only played 5 years

Euroleague All Decade Team
Euroleague 35 Greatest Players
3 Euroleague Titles
2 Euroleague MVPs
Euroleague Final Four MVP
Euroleague All Time Highest Index

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

And Saras was a decent college player and got rejected in the NBA so what difference does it make:confusedshrug:
and ricky rubio was 3ppg player, and ty lawson was 20%fg shooters, and jannings was trash, and now benson get ****ing contract in nba.. he was trash in LITHUANIA league.. whos is about 7th league in europe at best..

09-03-2015, 02:29 PM
and ricky rubio was 3ppg player, and ty lawson was 20%fg shooters, and jannings was trash, and now benson get ****ing contract in nba.. he was trash in LITHUANIA league.. whos is about 7th league in europe at best..

Thats lower minor league level:facepalm

A Lot of UCLA players look average in college.:rolleyes: :confusedshrug:

09-03-2015, 04:19 PM
[QUOTE=BoutPractice]This Anthony Parker myth is getting out of control

09-04-2015, 02:53 PM
:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm

He only played 5 years

Euroleague All Decade Team
Euroleague 35 Greatest Players
3 Euroleague Titles
2 Euroleague MVPs
Euroleague Final Four MVP
Euroleague All Time Highest Index

:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

And Saras was a decent college player and got rejected in the NBA so what difference does it make:confusedshrug:

2 Euroleague titles. You have told that same lie here hundreds of times. You have been proven to have lied about it hundreds of times give it up.

Also, Jasikevicius was voted the European player of the year both of the years that Maccabi won the Euroleague titles when Parker was in the same team. So all of Europe thought Jasikevicius was the better player.

The fans that voted online for Euroleague MVP (it's voted online by fans) thought it was Parker.

But the entire sports media award "the European player of the year", the one the whole European sports media votes on, went to Jasikevicius.

American fans voting online (like people in this forum) = chose Parker
European sports media = chose Jasikevicius

So yes, it is a myth that Parker was even the best player on his own team at the time he played there, let alone the "greatest player in the history of Europe" like the trolls here claim.

09-04-2015, 02:56 PM
I agree with this but euroleagues stated he didn't win awards that he clearly won according to the euroleague official website.

Why do you keep LYING?

There was no regular season Euroleague MVP award before 2005? When did I ever say that he did not win that award before 2005?

Newsflash troll, you just earned a permanent ignore list and now you never come off it.

I count this is the 100th time you made up a lie and false accusation about be. That's it.


09-04-2015, 03:36 PM
Newsflash troll, you just earned a permanent ignore list and now you never come off it.

I count this is the 100th time you made up a lie and false accusation about be. That's it.

Yeah! You showed him!

And is that an exact 100? Have you been keeping count? Are you sure it's not the 98th or 99th time?

09-04-2015, 03:42 PM
Yeah! You showed him!

And is that an exact 100? Have you been keeping count? Are you sure it's not the 98th or 99th time?

Yes. At the 100th time he made up a lie and false accusation, I have decided that is enough. I have been keeping tabs.

09-04-2015, 03:44 PM
Why do you keep LYING?

There was no regular season Euroleague MVP award before 2005? When did I ever say that he did not win that award before 2005?

Newsflash troll, you just earned a permanent ignore list and now you never come off it.

I count this is the 100th time you made up a lie and false accusation about be. That's it.


Explain why the official site lists awards that never existed?

09-04-2015, 03:45 PM
Yes. At the 100th time he made up a lie and false accusation, I have decided that is enough. I have been keeping tabs.
Can you show me your list or however it is you've been keeping tabs?

09-04-2015, 03:54 PM
Yes. At the 100th time he made up a lie and false accusation, I have decided that is enough. I have been keeping tabs.

How am I making it up? Numerous times you called people liars and trolls for listing the regular season MVP award on players resumes and saying they made that up but it's clearly shown on the official euroleague site? This is like 4 times I've asked you to explain this link now and you can't so you ignore it and say i'm lying when every poster here can click the link and see the award exists.


Just admit you were wrong, say sorry for calling people liars when they quoted this award and move on.

09-04-2015, 03:59 PM
How am I making it up? Numerous times you called people liars and trolls for listing the regular season MVP award on players resumes and saying they made that up but it's clearly shown on the official euroleague site? This is like 4 times I've asked you to explain this link now and you can't so you ignore it and say i'm lying when every poster here can click the link and see the award exists.


Just admit you were wrong, say sorry for calling people liars when they quoted this award and move on.

Euroleague, answer this,

09-04-2015, 04:08 PM
Euroleague, answer this,
his original argument was they gave out NO mvp awards before 2005, then it was just no regular season MVP. Yet the awards are shown on the official site. The regular season is short sure but the award existed and if an ISH poster posts a players resume and it includes a euro league regular season mvp award they didn't make that up as the award existed at the time. If someone says a player was an MVP winner and they won an award that has MVP in it's name then they won an MVP! Just because it's not the combined award they give out now doesn't make the old award disappear.

He also made a thread saying if anyone proved he lied he would leave for 6 months, i posted his quotes and the link proving him wrong yet im still the liar and he's still here. ....

01-10-2021, 11:44 AM
What happened to that guy???

01-10-2021, 06:00 PM
He was once a promising minor league prospect until he went to the pros .:sleeping

Anyways their defense could not stop our C Team tearing new holes and obliterating by 30 points.:oldlol:

Team USA isn't really blowing out anybody these days under FIBA rules, because it's so much tougher to guard the paint without 3 second rule.

People forget that in the rest of the world you can basically just plant a guy in the paint on D.

theballerFKA Ace
01-10-2021, 06:28 PM
Dude is a career 35% FG shooter and he says defenses are worse here?

I realize this is an old post buuuut

Exactly THIS. Facts vs story time. :oldlol:

His fg% in the NBA 35%
His fg% in the Euroleage 48%

But defenses are better in the Euroleage :oldlol:

Take a look at Luka. He shot a higher percentage in the Euroleage as a boy than he does in the NBA as a man