View Full Version : NBA 2K16 - Official Trailer

08-24-2015, 02:47 PM

Rest assured, we can all breathe a sigh of relief, for Anthony Davis' teeth are finally in the game.


Also, there's this:


Bully Allen
08-24-2015, 02:54 PM
Shit looks the same every year.

I do like the little touches they added though. The game winning celebrations, video bomb post game interviews, etc.

Might look to get Live this year and check it out before buying 2K.

08-24-2015, 02:56 PM
New Clippers home unis:


08-24-2015, 03:04 PM
Shit looks the same every year.

I do like the little touches they added though. The game winning celebrations, video bomb post game interviews, etc.

Might look to get Live this year and check it out before buying 2K.

This, everyone's all like bruuuh 2K stepped it up graphically but the faces honestly looks the same as last years, the body scans kinda nice tho

Also Live having a free demo Sept 15th. Check it out before you buy, get to test out the Pro-Am as well as 6 teams in quick match

08-24-2015, 04:34 PM
Looks the same, but graphics never bothered me anyway. lol at Rose showing more than one emotion tho. Unrealistic crap.

Better fix their cheesing animations.

08-24-2015, 04:35 PM
New Clippers home unis:

Blake with the stiff arm poster :roll: nice details

08-24-2015, 06:28 PM
I just wish that menus contained a more appealing sports theme music, instead of rap that's more appealing to people who listen to rap.

08-24-2015, 06:35 PM
2k is too easy online. They need to fix the corner threes and mid range shots.

Spurs m8
08-24-2015, 06:44 PM
Man that is a shit song tho hahah

08-24-2015, 06:58 PM
An unfortunately timed screen grab of Kobe Bryant:


Uncle Drew
08-24-2015, 07:08 PM
Did they fix the animations though?

08-24-2015, 08:30 PM
Shit looks the same every year.

I do like the little touches they added though. The game winning celebrations, video bomb post game interviews, etc.

Might look to get Live this year and check it out before buying 2K.

I love how all of you guys are acting like you're professional videogame critics. It's obvious that 2K put in a lot of work to lock in each players mannerisms and the graphics look even more polished.

As for Live, that game gets s*** on every year by reviews and 2k has yet to disappoint.

The only thing I can guess is that you guys don't play a lot of videogames...

08-24-2015, 10:59 PM
Dirk looks atrocious.

08-24-2015, 11:23 PM
Dirk looks atrocious.Probably doesn't help they have him glowing, haha.


08-25-2015, 07:49 AM
I love how all of you guys are acting like you're professional videogame critics. It's obvious that 2K put in a lot of work to lock in each players mannerisms and the graphics look even more polished.

As for Live, that game gets s*** on every year by reviews and 2k has yet to disappoint.

The only thing I can guess is that you guys don't play a lot of videogames...

Or maybe you're just a 2K fanboy and think everything they do is great. To many damn animations. Feels like I'm barely playing the game. Will most likely give Live a try for the first time in 10 years.

08-25-2015, 07:55 AM
Blake with the stiff arm poster :roll: nice details

And the lakers haven't been the same since. Enjoying trying to win 30 games.

08-25-2015, 08:02 AM
I see people hyping up the fact that your teammates video bomb your interviews, like that sh*t matters :roll:

Like if it wasn't added nikkas gonna be like yoooo we need to be able to video bomb these interviews

If it's the same old bs gameplay then they ain't moved forward much

08-25-2015, 09:08 AM
Did they even show a single gameplay video? It looks like most of these are shots using the replay camera where everything is more detailed and magnified.

That said, I haven't played or even seen next-gen 2K, so I may be completely off.

I hate myself for buying 2k15 on the PS3

08-25-2015, 09:44 AM
Or maybe you're just a 2K fanboy and think everything they do is great. To many damn animations. Feels like I'm barely playing the game. Will most likely give Live a try for the first time in 10 years.Respectfully, what do you mean by too many animations? As in, some take too long to play out? I did not own NBA 2K15 or NBA 2K14 but before that, I do not recall having an issue in that regard.

In fact, I believe 2K tried to remove two-man dunk animations for 2K13 and the results sucked for me. I think it's okay to have animations happen if they're the result of one's timing (or lack thereof). In 2k12, if a defender was late to challenge on a dunk, they'd get jammed on (while your controlled player may duck or come up short). In 2K13, without those animations, the player would still get dunked on, only he'd be standing straight up in the air in a totally unnatural fashion and would sometimes levitate backward via awful person-to-person interaction.

Also, ten years ago in NBA 2K5, a player could often induce a "ride past" animation on drives that more or less gifted an open lane to the hole. In the limited time I did spend with 2K15, I don't recall seeing many issues like that, but you could be referring to something else.

I hate myself for buying 2k15 on the PS3That's actually pretty impressive. Even going 2K14 for PS3 and 360 was a gutsy move. I remember buying 2K7 on PS2 and it was similar results (virtually same game as the year or two prior). I'm looking into possibly moving into next-gen myself.

Also, no gameplay videos have been released yet. 2K's been historically stingy on releasing those clips (yes, even when the gameplay is new and interesting).

08-25-2015, 11:24 AM
Game looks amazing.

Live, hold this L.

08-25-2015, 12:47 PM
Have to play it to tell if it's good, no other way.

08-25-2015, 12:47 PM
That's actually pretty impressive. Even going 2K14 for PS3 and 360 was a gutsy move. I remember buying 2K7 on PS2 and it was similar results (virtually same game as the year or two prior). I'm looking into possibly moving into next-gen myself.

Also, no gameplay videos have been released yet. 2K's been historically stingy on releasing those clips (yes, even when the gameplay is new and interesting).
I also did the same for Live 2001 on the PS1 (the one with the KG cover?)

I was in target that day and they had a closing out sale, so 2K15 was like for $30. I quickly googled a review on my phone and didn't read the part it was only for next-gen.

Seriously, it's shameful that companies put out crap like this in the first place. My patched out 2k14 looked better since they actually had halftime commentary. The "2k15 work" they done for the PS3, they could've just released in a patch for 2k14, and I would gladly pay some money even just to get official rookies.

But to sell it as an actual game? :facepalm

Still find no reason to get a PS4 now, maybe when the new mass effect game comes out.

Taller than CP3
08-25-2015, 02:19 PM
An unfortunately timed screen grab of Kobe Bryant:


Kobe looks like Maurice Speights, wtf

08-25-2015, 02:58 PM
I also did the same for Live 2001 on the PS1 (the one with the KG cover?)

I was in target that day and they had a closing out sale, so 2K15 was like for $30. I quickly googled a review on my phone and didn't read the part it was only for next-gen.

Seriously, it's shameful that companies put out crap like this in the first place. My patched out 2k14 looked better since they actually had halftime commentary. The "2k15 work" they done for the PS3, they could've just released in a patch for 2k14, and I would gladly pay some money even just to get official rookies.

But to sell it as an actual game? :facepalm

Still find no reason to get a PS4 now, maybe when the new mass effect game comes out.

I did the same with one of the last Maddens I bought. I think the first Madden for the Xbox 360/PS3 generation (I bought it for the PS2). Regretted it so much. ****ing cheap companies, man

08-25-2015, 05:28 PM
So nobody actually watched till the very end?

That college decision was pretty cool.

Still probably won't buy it. Sports games don't entertain me anymore.

08-25-2015, 08:29 PM
Still rockin the 2k11!

08-25-2015, 09:08 PM
I really hate the mouth guard chewing and drooling. It's disgusting.

Bully Allen
08-25-2015, 11:05 PM
I love how all of you guys are acting like you're professional videogame critics. It's obvious that 2K put in a lot of work to lock in each players mannerisms and the graphics look even more polished.

As for Live, that game gets s*** on every year by reviews and 2k has yet to disappoint.

The only thing I can guess is that you guys don't play a lot of videogames...
You're ****ing clueless.

08-25-2015, 11:05 PM
For a yearly game that has slight changes every year they should drop the price to 40. It's more like a DLC. I'll probably buy it but 2k15 was the real next gen 2k that they'll build off of until a new system is released. 2k14 was a rushed product and bare-bones.

I expect 2k18 to be 2k15 with more features but still the same core gameplay. I'd need to see a lot more improvement to want this game. Improve dunk physics. Give the players more weight so that a dunk feels like a dunk. Enough of the stupid arcade animations.

J Shuttlesworth
08-25-2015, 11:12 PM
2k15 was fun, but MyCareer mode can kinda suck. Cool concept, poor execution. Playing against a friend though in the regular mode is a lot of fun though

08-25-2015, 11:27 PM
2k15 was fun, but MyCareer mode can kinda suck. Cool concept, poor execution. Playing against a friend though in the regular mode is a lot of fun thoughMy enthusiasm for MyPlayer/MyCareer has dwindled each year since 2K11. The more they made it play out like a forced, linear, awful B-movie, all while removing realistic elements left and right (Summer League - which is returning this year, D-League, Draft Combine, etc.), the less interested I became.

Spike Lee is on board to "direct" MyCareer this year, which means to me the formerly realistic MyPlayer is still going to be an awful mini-movie. Perhaps it could be a better mini-movie, but still a mini-movie, and with this type of stuff happening (from the ESRB review):

Rating Summary: This is a basketball simulation game in which players can select teams from real NBA rosters, compete in tournaments, and play through regular seasons. Players can also manage individual franchises and control the careers of their customized athletes. Accompanying cutscenes include occasional references to violence: accidental deaths of characters are briefly discussed; one character mentions “open[ing] my wrists or jump[ing] in front of an A train.” Dialogue also contains some suggestive material: discussion of 'thirsty hotties,” a car described as an “aphrodisiac for hotties,” a man singing, 'Love it how the bunnies bounce when they're on top.' Characters also make fleeting references to alcohol: “[W]hen he wasn't trashed. . .”; “[Y]ou see that's my new mouth wash. Hmm…distilled?' The word “damn” appears in dialogue.

.... thirsty hotties.

08-25-2015, 11:46 PM
My enthusiasm for MyPlayer/MyCareer has dwindled each year since 2K11. The more they made it play out like a forced, linear, awful B-movie, all while removing realistic elements left and right (Summer League - which is returning this year, D-League, Draft Combine, etc.), the less interested I became.

Spike Lee is on board to "direct" MyCareer this year, which means to me the formerly realistic MyPlayer is still going to be an awful mini-movie. Perhaps it could be a better mini-movie, but still a mini-movie, and with this type of stuff happening (from the ESRB review):

.... thirsty hotties.


08-26-2015, 02:13 AM
Respectfully, what do you mean by too many animations? As in, some take too long to play out? I did not own NBA 2K15 or NBA 2K14 but before that, I do not recall having an issue in that regard.

In fact, I believe 2K tried to remove two-man dunk animations for 2K13 and the results sucked for me. I think it's okay to have animations happen if they're the result of one's timing (or lack thereof). In 2k12, if a defender was late to challenge on a dunk, they'd get jammed on (while your controlled player may duck or come up short). In 2K13, without those animations, the player would still get dunked on, only he'd be standing straight up in the air in a totally unnatural fashion and would sometimes levitate backward via awful person-to-person interaction.

Also, ten years ago in NBA 2K5, a player could often induce a "ride past" animation on drives that more or less gifted an open lane to the hole. In the limited time I did spend with 2K15, I don't recall seeing many issues like that, but you could be referring to something else.

That's actually pretty impressive. Even going 2K14 for PS3 and 360 was a gutsy move. I remember buying 2K7 on PS2 and it was similar results (virtually same game as the year or two prior). I'm looking into possibly moving into next-gen myself.

Also, no gameplay videos have been released yet. 2K's been historically stingy on releasing those clips (yes, even when the gameplay is new and interesting).

Well if you haven't played 2K15 you didn't suffer like the rest of us. You can be dribbling the ball up court and try to stop only for you player to keep moving all the way to the paint or out of bounds. Doesn't happen all the time but it happens enough. Just a lot of weird crap like the. The defense is horrible since your CPU teammates will pick up their big at the 3pt line when he can't even shoot a damn 3 which causes back doors.

Also there's a crap load of unnecessary switches that happen that also ruins D or see your players falling on the ground after getting bumped by the CPU. Let's not forget CPU moving your player out of the way just so they can score or even making your controller not respond to inputs. 2K15 has a horrible input delay. As for your "ride past" that's still in the game. If you or CPU go baseline with turbo with certain players the animation will kick in and you'll get a auto dunk or an and 1.

08-26-2015, 04:40 AM
if 2k16 doesnt fix the stupid obvious fouls/hacks that leads to your player spiraling out of control but no calls and the long standing shot clock cheese then its just the same shiet every year.

Might just torrent 2k16 instead of buying it.

08-26-2015, 07:55 AM
NBA 2k8 before patches was the best game they released imo...best mix of offense and defense and the animations weren't too heavy. Every since people complained about that it's been downhill

08-26-2015, 09:51 AM
Well if you haven't played 2K15 you didn't suffer like the rest of us. You can be dribbling the ball up court and try to stop only for you player to keep moving all the way to the paint or out of bounds. Doesn't happen all the time but it happens enough. Just a lot of weird crap like the. The defense is horrible since your CPU teammates will pick up their big at the 3pt line when he can't even shoot a damn 3 which causes back doors.

Also there's a crap load of unnecessary switches that happen that also ruins D or see your players falling on the ground after getting bumped by the CPU. Let's not forget CPU moving your player out of the way just so they can score or even making your controller not respond to inputs. 2K15 has a horrible input delay. As for your "ride past" that's still in the game. If you or CPU go baseline with turbo with certain players the animation will kick in and you'll get a auto dunk or an and 1.Ah, my brother owned the game so I played about 10 hours worth and now that you mention it, a few of those examples do indeed ring a bell.

The baseline thing in particular was a trip to me. I recall going baseline with LeBron James and initiating a reverse dunk animation outside the paint on the right side of the rim. There were two players in his way - he literally plowed over one of them, then picked up speed and still completed his reverse dunk on the left side of the rim with authority. I don't know if I'm describing it well but it was awful, haha.

08-26-2015, 10:44 AM
The defense is horrible since your CPU teammates will pick up their big at the 3pt line when he can't even shoot a damn 3 which causes back doors.
This bugs the hell out of me too. You can't do Chicago's ICE pick and roll D because ****ing Noah goes up to the 3pt line. It was fine in previous years when you could "sag off" on his man during the P&R D settings. Now if you try that then Noah picks up the ball handler which is a guaranteed blow by. :facepalm

Also there's a crap load of unnecessary switches that happen that also ruins D or see your players falling on the ground after getting bumped by the CPU.
Again a lot to do with canned animations

As for your "ride past" that's still in the game. If you or CPU go baseline with turbo with certain players the animation will kick in and you'll get a auto dunk or an and 1
Hence the cheesing.

I wish they'd bump up the game speed though. They all just look too slow even if you use Turbo. Guards should be able to generally move a lot quicker (crossovers, step backs, spins).

Live did a pretty good job in this I think in 2002-2003 where the moves where a lot explosive. Unfortunately they can never get rid of the ice skates defense

08-26-2015, 12:57 PM
Meh, I'll stick with 2K15.

08-26-2015, 01:28 PM
Meh, I'll stick with 2K15.
I'll stick with 2k12.

Fallen Angel
08-26-2015, 01:29 PM
I'll stick with 2k12.
I'll stick with 2K11.

08-26-2015, 01:43 PM
I'll stick with 2K11.
:yaohappy:Meh, I'll stick with 2K4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7lZOGWTsww

08-26-2015, 02:05 PM
Meh, I'll stick with 2K4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7lZOGWTsww

2K4 is the black sheep of the 2K series. What an atrocity.