View Full Version : Becky Hammond the first female coach?

07-21-2015, 09:06 AM
They brought this up on Mike and Mike on my way into work. Becky Hammond coached the Spurs SL team, who won the championship.

Although I don't see an issue with hiring a female coach, big Mike brought up the same thought that was going through my head, which was:

What happens when it comes time to fire her?

Let's say she doesn't work out, and in two seasons she's done nothing to improve the team. Then what? You now have to fire the FIRST female head coach in two seasons, and whether it was deserved or not, the backlash from the feminist crowd would be unreal.

I feel like as an owner, that would have been the first thing that crossed my mind.

07-21-2015, 09:14 AM
it's a decent point. but if the backlash is counterbalanced by the support from the same crowd, indirect or w/e, just for hiring that first female coach... scales probably balance out at the end of the day

07-21-2015, 09:17 AM
it's a decent point. but if the backlash is counterbalanced by the support from the same crowd, indirect or w/e, just for hiring that first female coach... scales probably balance out at the end of the day

Its the vocal minority that tends to get their way.

07-21-2015, 09:31 AM
There'd be no problem. Feminists don't just go wild on every individual issue. Especially when the female has been given two seasons and there are male coaches that has not even given that.

07-21-2015, 09:42 AM
There'd be no problem. Feminists don't just go wild on every individual issue. Especially when the female has been given two seasons and there are male coaches that has not even given that.
oh yes they very well ****ing do

07-21-2015, 09:43 AM
There'd be no problem. Feminists don't just go wild on every individual issue. Especially when the female has been given two seasons and there are male coaches that has not even given that.

You must not get out a whole lot

07-21-2015, 09:46 AM
And if she's garbage, it will pretty much ruin any chance for another female coach for a while.

07-21-2015, 09:47 AM
There'd be no problem. Feminists don't just go wild on every individual issue. Especially when the female has been given two seasons and there are male coaches that has not even given that.



Jameer where you at?

07-21-2015, 09:50 AM
As long as it ain't my Spurs, yes. Good luck Becky :applause:

07-21-2015, 09:52 AM
I wonder if any Spur has tapped that yet.

07-21-2015, 09:53 AM
spurs went from nba champs to 1st round chumps the minute she joined them

if they lose again this year with that stacked roster i'd fire he immediately

07-21-2015, 09:54 AM
I wonder if any Spur has tapped that yet.

Probably Tony, he has a rep for being a p.ussy hound

07-21-2015, 09:54 AM
I wonder if any Spur has tapped that yet.

female athlete v*ginas arent pretty

all that grinding/stretching/pulling on the muscles/skin down there causes shotgun vaj syndrome

like that soccer player from the fappening... hope solo

look it up

07-21-2015, 09:55 AM
spurs went from nba champs to 1st round chumps the minute she joined them

if they lose again this year with that stacked roster i'd fire he immediately


07-21-2015, 09:55 AM
OP always whining and worried about the vocal minority.

07-21-2015, 09:56 AM
female athlete v*ginas arent pretty

all that grinding/stretching/pulling on the muscles/skin down there causes shotgun vaj syndrome

like that soccer player from the fappening... hope solo

look it up
Hope Solo's p*ssy was so ****ing nasty.

07-21-2015, 10:26 AM
OP always whining and worried about the vocal minority.

It was Mike Golic's opinion...

Mike Golic always whining and worried about the vocal minority.

07-21-2015, 10:48 AM
she probably motivated them to win it all by at least giving them blowjobs. I guarantee it:D

07-21-2015, 10:49 AM
Hope Solo's p*ssy was so ****ing nasty.
I bet it don't feel nasty... not nasty at all:D :pimp:

07-21-2015, 11:00 AM
she probably motivated them to win it all by at least giving them blowjobs. I guarantee it:D

She's not all that now.

She used to be, but the pic I saw of her with the trophy... 6/10. After a few.

07-21-2015, 11:35 AM
female athlete v*ginas arent pretty

all that grinding/stretching/pulling on the muscles/skin down there causes shotgun vaj syndrome

like that soccer player from the fappening... hope solo

look it up

I don't know what Hope Solo's cooch looks like and I'm not looking it up...but I've borne witness to a few college athlete v*ginas in my day (one hockey player, one volleyball player, one soccer player) and I can't say I echo your sentiment at all. Those were some sweet, sweet coochies.

07-21-2015, 12:36 PM
It was Mike Golic's opinion...

Mike Golic always whining and worried about the vocal minority.
My bad then :cheers:

07-21-2015, 01:26 PM
I don't get who would hire her, when there are hundreds of better, more respected options. I rather hire any ex-NBA player before her, most NCAA mens coaches over her, most NBA assistant coaches too.

07-21-2015, 01:33 PM
She's hot.

And honestly, if Pop recommends her then that is all the info I need l. Whatever Pop says should be treated as NBA gospel.

07-21-2015, 01:40 PM
If the Spurs see her fit to be their head coach, why not? Groom her into Pops replacement.
She couldn't possibly do worse than some of her male predecessors

The feminist victory of her being a head coach would be greater than the backlash when/if she gets fired.

07-21-2015, 01:41 PM
I don't get who would hire her, when there are hundreds of better, more respected options. I rather hire any ex-NBA player before her, most NCAA mens coaches over her, most NBA assistant coaches too.
Lol, such blatant and shameless sexism.:facepalm

07-21-2015, 01:44 PM
Lol, such blatant and shameless sexism.:facepalm

To be fair, probably every coach he mentioned has more than one season as an assistant coach (minus the former players).

So while you may call it sexism, in reality so would everybody else hiring based strictly off coaching experience.

07-21-2015, 01:48 PM
You can't deny that she did a good job in Summer League, and her team really seemed to like and respect her.

Hopefully Pop will groom her as his replacement and not come calling in Atlanta when he retires :eek:

07-21-2015, 02:20 PM
To be fair, probably every coach he mentioned has more than one season as an assistant coach (minus the former players).

So while you may call it sexism, in reality so would everybody else hiring based strictly off coaching experience.
Basketball knowledge is how I would evaluate potential coaching candidates. She probably knows Pop's system inside and out. But to say that there are hunDreds more options that he would choose over Hammon? That is just ignorance and afraid of a woman succeeding in a 100% male dominated workplace. Might as well say that you would never hire a black coach since they cannot win championships

07-21-2015, 02:31 PM
I'm sure in about 5 years or so when she hasn't been given a chance by anyone, we'll hear about it.

07-21-2015, 02:35 PM
Lakers should hire her

07-21-2015, 02:45 PM
as a owner i wouldnt hire her - not as an HC nor as an AC. she is obviously attractive and it wont last long until she is fvcked by one of the players/shared by the players and that will just grow disturbances in the whole team.

07-21-2015, 02:50 PM
You can't deny that she did a good job in Summer League, and her team really seemed to like and respect her.

Hopefully Pop will groom her as his replacement and not come calling in Atlanta when he retires :eek:

Messina is Pop's replacement, assuming another team doesn't nab him.

07-21-2015, 03:03 PM
female athlete v*ginas arent pretty

all that grinding/stretching/pulling on the muscles/skin down there causes shotgun vaj syndrome

like that soccer player from the fappening... hope solo

look it up
:biggums: :eek: .......thanks for getting me kicked out of the library.......:cry:

07-21-2015, 03:39 PM
OP, why would anyone care about what feminists have to say if she's fired? For the most part, they aren't the source of NBA revenues so what they think doesn't really matter and would have little/no effect on the league.

Feminists are powerless in a situation like this as the NBA is ran by men, predominately watched by men, and supported mostly by men. Only way the feminist voice would matter is if thousands/millions of male NBA supporters decided to boycott the league or something (which wouldn't happen).

07-21-2015, 03:44 PM
female athlete v*ginas arent pretty

all that grinding/stretching/pulling on the muscles/skin down there causes shotgun vaj syndrome

like that soccer player from the fappening... hope solo
look it up
lol hes not entirely wrong https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_athlete_triad

07-21-2015, 04:12 PM
as a owner i wouldnt hire her - not as an HC nor as an AC. she is obviously attractive and it wont last long until she is fvcked by one of the players/shared by the players and that will just grow disturbances in the whole team.
Isn't she a lesbian? Not making a joke - I thought I had heard she was.

Nobody has a problem with men coaching women's teams... at the high school, college, and professional level. She will get older and older as the players get younger and younger. I don't think that will happen. If anyone had that type of read on her, an organization like the Spurs would not have put her in that position.

I know nothing about her. But if Popovich vouches for her, that carries weight. Maybe she has a tremendous talent for coaching, and an uncommon amount of presence. Maybe she effortlessly commands respect. There are women like that, y'know, and many of them are also beautiful.

I tend to think professional basketball is a stretch, though. I have had female bosses who I thought were great. But in pro ball... it would take a heck of a lot of personal presence to pull it off, while only an average amount would be needed for a man. And that's not because of sexism, that's because of the way the sexes naturally interact.

07-21-2015, 04:14 PM

07-21-2015, 04:19 PM
OP, why would anyone care about what feminists have to say if she's fired? For the most part, they aren't the source of NBA revenues so what they think doesn't really matter and would have little/no effect on the league.

Feminists are powerless in a situation like this as the NBA is ran by men, predominately watched by men, and supported mostly by men. Only way the feminist voice would matter is if thousands/millions of male NBA supporters decided to boycott the league or something (which wouldn't happen).

Its not just feminists, its feminists and men who support feminists.

Just like it wasn't only blacks who protested Sterling, it was blacks and whites. And I guess Hispanics watch the NBA sometimes too and maybe they protested as well.

Illegal immigrants make up less than 5% of this country, but Trump says one thing about illegals and everyone with a Twitter account either bitches about it, or supports him.

07-21-2015, 04:20 PM
Isn't she a lesbian? Not making a joke - I thought I had heard she was.

Nobody has a problem with men coaching women's teams... at the high school, college, and professional level. She will get older and older as the players get younger and younger. I don't think that will happen. If anyone had that type of read on her, an organization like the Spurs would not have put her in that position.

I know nothing about her. But if Popovich vouches for her, that carries weight. Maybe she has a tremendous talent for coaching, and an uncommon amount of presence. Maybe she effortlessly commands respect. There are women like that, y'know, and many of them are also beautiful.

I tend to think professional basketball is a stretch, though. I have had female bosses who I thought were great. But in pro ball... it would take a heck of a lot of personal presence to pull it off, while only an average amount would be needed for a man. And that's not because of sexism, that's because of the way the sexes naturally interact.
Yep well said.. if a female has control of hiring, firing, promoting and demoting you then your damn sure men are going to respect her. I've been part of the workforce for about 10 years now starting with an internship at 15 and all of my bosses have always been men.. sure I've had supervisors that have been women but it's just too much of a boys club for any females to join the upper management like that.. at least from what i've seen of the corporate environment which discrimination is still worse than in any other sector because of corporate privilege/privacy laws and things like that... it's changed a lot in the last few years but yea it's called the glass ceiling and it makes getting promoted to any upper eschelon position (director, CEO, executive, tenure at a University, etc) that much more difficult for females..

I'm in the PT/Kinesiology field in which there are a ton of women and a common thing that i hear from my female colleagues is that "girls have to work twice as hard as a guy to get the same position".. twice is maybe a stretch but generally there is some truth to that statement.

Also.. as a guy i definitely have to say theres a big difference between feminist and "feminazi"

Lakers Legend#32
07-21-2015, 04:25 PM
You guys know she's a lezbo, right?

07-21-2015, 04:30 PM
why ruin things... GTFO if you dont think getting with some control-freak broad at work isn't hawt.

07-21-2015, 04:38 PM
Yep well said.. if a female has control of hiring, firing, promoting and demoting you then your damn sure men are going to respect her. I've been part of the workforce for about 10 years now starting with an internship at 15 and all of my bosses have always been men.. sure I've had supervisors that have been women but it's just too much of a boys club for any females to join the upper management like that.. at least from what i've seen of the corporate environment which discrimination is still worse than in any other sector because of corporate privilege/privacy laws and things like that... it's changed a lot in the last few years but yea it's called the glass ceiling and it makes getting promoted to any upper eschelon position (director, CEO, executive, tenure at a University, etc) that much more difficult for females..

I'm in the PT/Kinesiology field in which there are a ton of women and a common thing that i hear from my female colleagues is that "girls have to work twice as hard as a guy to get the same position".. twice is maybe a stretch but generally there is some truth to that statement.

Also.. as a guy i definitely have to say theres a big difference between feminist and "feminazi"

Yeah ****ing right.

I knew of a female Corporal in the Marine Corps who, and I kid you not, SHOT SOMEONE IN THE NECK ON THE PISTOL RANGE before my first deployment.

She was super dope though, looked like a model.

She was meritoriously promoted within the month.

The fat ugly ones may have to work twice as hard. If you throw fat and ugly in there, I could see it being plausible.

07-21-2015, 04:43 PM
they call her becky handcock

07-21-2015, 05:04 PM
You guys know she's a lezbo, right?

really? wasnt there something with Parker?
but if she is into girls...damn finally an attractive one:applause:

07-21-2015, 05:25 PM
Yeah ****ing right.

I knew of a female Corporal in the Marine Corps who, and I kid you not, SHOT SOMEONE IN THE NECK ON THE PISTOL RANGE before my first deployment.

She was super dope though, looked like a model.

She was meritoriously promoted within the month.

The fat ugly ones may have to work twice as hard. If you throw fat and ugly in there, I could see it being plausible.

That's an outlier my friend (and a crazy one at that)

Triangle is right though. Any statistical analysis in North America will show you that women in the corporate world are far less likely to land an executive position. In many instances men will earn a larger income for doing the exact same job in the exact same organization as his female counterpart. Patriarchal ideologies still carry a healthy (or unhealthy) heart beat in the West my dude.

07-21-2015, 05:27 PM
Heaven forbid you're a female minority. The cards are really stacked against you in that case.

07-21-2015, 05:34 PM
Its not just feminists, its feminists and men who support feminists.

Just like it wasn't only blacks who protested Sterling, it was blacks and whites. And I guess Hispanics watch the NBA sometimes too and maybe they protested as well.

Illegal immigrants make up less than 5% of this country, but Trump says one thing about illegals and everyone with a Twitter account either bitches about it, or supports him.

To be fair, the majority of male NBA watchers/supporters are most likely NOT feminist supporters. Therefore, I highly doubt you'll have to worry about something like that happening. In my experience, men who support the feminist agenda aren't exactly the most masculine and typically don't even follow men's sports.

Note that there's a huge difference between men who are in favor of women having equal rights versus men who support the feminist agenda. In case you aren't aware, the feminist agenda is no longer about equal rights, it's about obtaining SUPERIOR rights. A prime example of this occurs when there's a discussion about male birth control and the right for men to take control of their reproduction capabilities. Every time such a discussion occurs, feminists are the first one's to oppose such a thing. Why? Because they want superior rights (not equal rights) in that they want to ensure that women are 100% in control of reproduction despite the fact that men are 50% of the equation and would be making a decision pertaining to their own bodies.

07-21-2015, 05:56 PM
You guys know she's a lezbo, right?

I've concluded that there's a strong possibility that no such thing truly exists. I've dealt with some pretty masculine chicks who I thought only rolled that way before finding out that was absolutely not the case behind closed doors.

07-21-2015, 06:03 PM
it's a decent point. but if the backlash is counterbalanced by the support from the same crowd, indirect or w/e, just for hiring that first female coach... scales probably balance out at the end of the day

Not to mention if she's getting fired she's probably failing as a coach which would make it understandable to the basketball crowd which would than silence the feminism crowd. If she treads water/average she'll probably get a solid stint.

Coaches come and go. I doubt there'd be any backlash unless there was actual reason for backlash, which happens with male coaches too.

07-21-2015, 06:14 PM
Heaven forbid you're a female minority. The cards are really stacked against you in that case.
The lawsuit cites a 2009 study by Princeton sociologists that concluded that while the average Asian American applicant needed a much higher 1460 SAT score to be admitted, a white student with similar GPA and other qualifications only needed a score of 1320, while blacks needed 1010 and Hispanics 1190.

If anything, a black female just has to be mediocre in life.

Get admitted with a score 300 points lower. With that, I'd have gotten into Princeton.

I will give you its harder in the business world as a female (unless your attractive, I saw it in the military, and I see it now in the civilian world). To be fair less women desire to be executives, engineers, scientists, etc. How many women do you know that work in the oil industry? Or the shipping industry? Or the construction industry?

07-21-2015, 06:18 PM
Not to mention if she's getting fired she's probably failing as a coach which would make it understandable to the basketball crowd which would than silence the feminism crowd. If she treads water/average she'll probably get a solid stint.

Coaches come and go. I doubt there'd be any backlash unless there was actual reason for backlash, which happens with male coaches too.
Lots of coaches start off mediocre.

Someone made a good point, that if she knows Pops X's and O's well enough to coach it, she deserves the right to coach.

The real question is whether she'd have the respect of the players. Look at the way Lebron treated Blatt. Can you imagine JR Smith playing for her if she said no to his advances?

07-21-2015, 09:21 PM
I wonder if any Spur has tapped that yet.
Hopefully some of the summer league guys,kyle Anderson

longtime lurker
07-21-2015, 09:57 PM
Yeah ****ing right.

I knew of a female Corporal in the Marine Corps who, and I kid you not, SHOT SOMEONE IN THE NECK ON THE PISTOL RANGE before my first deployment.

She was super dope though, looked like a model.

She was meritoriously promoted within the month.

The fat ugly ones may have to work twice as hard. If you throw fat and ugly in there, I could see it being plausible.

Oh wow your one anecdotal experience overrides all the years of research and data that support the idea of woman having a harder time rising through the corporate ranks than men.

07-21-2015, 10:36 PM
Oh wow your one anecdotal experience overrides all the years of research and data that support the idea of woman having a harder time rising through the corporate ranks than men.

07-21-2015, 10:47 PM
female athlete v*ginas arent pretty

all that grinding/stretching/pulling on the muscles/skin down there causes shotgun vaj syndrome

like that soccer player from the fappening... hope solo

look it up


:roll: :roll: