View Full Version : Embiid rebroke the same bone

Uncle Drew
07-20-2015, 11:12 AM
The 76ers recently announced that Joel Embiid, the No. 3 overall pick in the 2014 NBA Draft, will miss the entire 2015-16 season due to another injury to his right foot. It turns out Embiid broke the same right navicular bone that caused him to sit out his rookie year, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer's Bob Cooney.

That initial injury was first discovered by the Cavaliers during a physical a week before the 2014 NBA Draft. Philadelphia general manager Sam Hinkie still elected to draft Embiid, who also missed the final month of his lone season at Kansas due to a stress fracture in his back. Embiid then had two screws inserted into his right navicular bone, which is located in the inner-top half of the foot, and spent the entire 2014-15 rehabbing the injury. Now it appears he will be going through that same process again.

"A collective decision has been made that the best approach to promote full healing would be to proceed with a bone graft of the fracture site," Hinkie said in a statement last week. "We anticipate the procedure will take place in the next seven to 10 days and result in Joel missing the upcoming season."

The Sixers are "concerned that this setback is career-threatening," according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.

It's unclear how Embiid, 21, re-injured his foot. The injury was discovered in June during a "routine checkup in San Francisco which revealed that Embiid's foot was in worse condition than it had been in his previous evaluation," according to the Inquirer.

Embiid is due to make a guaranteed $4.63 million. The Sixers have the option to pick up the third year of his contract for $4.83 million and the fourth year for $6.1 million.

Philadelphia does have insurance. The Sixers selected center Jahlil Okafor with the No. 3 overall pick of the Draft in June. The team also has the 6'11 Nerlens Noel, the sixth overall pick in the 2013 NBA Draft. He averaged 9.9 points and 8.1 rebounds per game last season. "Sam Hinkie and co. do not put all their eggs in one basket, so neither should we," wrote SB Nation's Sixers site Liberty Ballers in an open letter to fans.

Per SBNation

07-20-2015, 11:14 AM
Yeah I'll wait until I hear an official source but if so there's little chance he'll ever be more then a bench guy.

07-20-2015, 11:17 AM
Greg Oden can rest easy he is no longer the most injury prone player ever.

07-20-2015, 11:18 AM
Hopefully he has the drive to still play... a skilled 7 footer can ride the pine for many years. Look at guys like McDyss or Hill...

07-20-2015, 11:33 AM

Hamtaro CP3KDKG
07-20-2015, 11:34 AM
He's done RIP
No NBA games played, sucks

oh the horror
07-20-2015, 11:46 AM
IMO I don't think he has much of a career at this point.

Injury prone in college. Can't even see the court in the pros. Simply not meant to play ball

07-20-2015, 11:50 AM
"From 1998 to 2001, Ilgauskas missed 202 games and underwent three surgeries on his fractured navicular. The final surgery included a bone graft and a reshaping of his calcaneus and first metatarsal to alleviate the stress placed on the area. Only then was the Big Z able to continue what would become a 15-year career."

-found this on some sixers forum

07-20-2015, 11:53 AM
"From 1998 to 2001, Ilgauskas missed 202 games and underwent three surgeries on his fractured navicular. The final surgery included a bone graft and a reshaping of his calcaneus and first metatarsal to alleviate the stress placed on the area. Only then was the Big Z able to continue what would become a 15-year career."

-found this on some sixers forum
the issue is he can't even last a college season, and a rebreak in a different area would be... career changing to say the absolute least.

longtime lurker
07-20-2015, 11:59 AM
Wow this is horrible. Hope his career isn't done.

07-20-2015, 12:11 PM
At first i thought the Okafor draft was dumb because the team needed a star offensive ball handling guard but after the Embiid issues it was a solid plan. I still believe in the 5 year plan Sixers!

07-20-2015, 12:19 PM
hope he saved his money, greg oden type of career incoming

07-20-2015, 12:20 PM
The part that I don't get is that he felt no pain, apparently, the last couple months. I wonder if he felt any pain, or chose not to disclose anything, when the Cavs found the injury to begin with in 2014. Hinkie said in a press conference some weeks ago that Embiid feels great, which is why this injury confused him.

He was a very high risk/high reward type of guy, so I guess it made sense at the time since he had legit superstar potential. Several teams tried to trade up for him, so other teams wanted him.

07-20-2015, 12:23 PM
The part that I don't get is that he felt no pain, apparently, the last couple months. I wonder if he felt any pain, or chose not to disclose anything, when the Cavs found the injury to begin with in 2014. Hinkie said in a press conference some weeks ago that Embiid feels great, which is why this injury confused him.

He was a very high risk/high reward type of guy, so I guess it made sense at the time since he had legit superstar potential. Several teams tried to trade up for him, so other teams wanted him.

:( we eulogizing this boy already, not undeserdly either

07-20-2015, 01:40 PM
At least he still has his twitter career. I hear he is pretty funny.

07-20-2015, 02:19 PM
Unfortunately, it seems like such a devastating injury to have for a guy of his size.


Such a crucial part of the foot. I wish him the best, but shieeet. :(

07-20-2015, 02:23 PM
Hopefully he has the drive to still play... a skilled 7 footer can ride the pine for many years. Look at guys like McDyss or Hill...


That was a different era man, like two decades ago

Current bigs need to be more nimble which is why they're not as big and if they are, they're lanky.

Hibbert is the closest thing to the big men era of 90s

07-20-2015, 02:27 PM
Oh well. At least Embiid still could have potentially saved the franchise. Had Embiid been healthy we may have selected Porzingis or Mudiay. Not bad choices by any means, but I'm really seeing Okafor as a top 2-3 center in this league and a bonafide franchise player.
So this foot fracture may be a blessing in disguise....

07-20-2015, 02:41 PM
Embiid, Oden, Roy, such a waste...

07-20-2015, 02:41 PM

07-20-2015, 03:08 PM
Yeah he's done. Is he eligible to be traded? Sixers could still probably get a late first or another piece hopefully a SG.