View Full Version : Reggie jackson to sign 5-year, $80 million.

07-05-2015, 11:05 PM

Get 'em!!! Detroit Bad Boys in the hooouuusssseeeee!!!

Aussie Dunker
07-06-2015, 01:19 AM
I think it's about the price tag we all thought he would get, 5 years 80 mill.

The contract is not for what he has done, but for what we think he is going to do - and we obviously think he is not going to be a top 3 or 4 PG, but I think he has the tools to be a top 8 PG in this league,

Had to be done, happy it's done, now let's sign Dre and get some structure in place for the next 5 years!

07-06-2015, 08:26 AM
Yup! Im happy with the deal. And he turned in quite a show at the end of the season. The team seems to get along and have fun with each other. I think our turning point begins now!!!

Aussie Dunker
07-06-2015, 08:44 AM
Wonder if any other team offered / were going to try and offer him something?... hrmmm,

07-06-2015, 08:52 AM
Wonder if any other team offered / were going to try and offer him something?... hrmmm,

That is something I'm a little curious about. Could we have spent a little less? At least it's not an awful deal like J.Smooth. it kind of seems we preemptively rhrow money at people, though. (Smith, Jennings, Meeks)

Maybe Detroit wants to avoid a bidding war because, honestly, it's Detroit.

07-06-2015, 11:13 AM
Glad to have him. Glad its 5 years.

Aussie Dunker
07-06-2015, 06:46 PM
Yup ^^ Means we should really be looking to move Jennings, otherwise I feel a) his value will significantly decrease because he will be playing a lot less minutes, he is the type of player that will get heavily disgruntled, and will effect his game in a negative way..

I still think Lakers and Rockets could be potential teams to facilitate this trade...

07-06-2015, 08:09 PM
Maybe Jennings won't be moved....

I was glancing at the Pistons salaries and without exercising any team options or extensions made after this year, we have roughly $29-30 mil in cap space...about as much to make a superstar signing.....

We can sign KCP and Drummond after we sign a superstar and our core could be...

PG -Jackson
SF - Johnson
C - Drummond

Ok....i get that this is a longshot, but why have we put ourselves in such a position to have that much money? And why were the contracts we made to have team options? So we can make a splash in 2016!!!

I remember jackson and Durant were buddy buddy before a little bit of the fallout of Jackson mouthing off, so could he be talking Durant on the low?

Wouldn't this team be purpose built for LeBron, with a defensive anchor he craves so much?

SVG, if this was your plan, praise be to you.

07-06-2015, 08:20 PM
Maybe we could even straight salary dump Jennings for a mid-late 1st round and a 2nd round draft pick. I wish I had my laptop in Vietnam. Id be doing all sorts of numbers!!

07-07-2015, 12:07 AM
Maybe we could even straight salary dump Jennings for a mid-late 1st round and a 2nd round draft pick. I wish I had my laptop in Vietnam. Id be doing all sorts of numbers!!

We'd likely be giving the pick in that deal

07-07-2015, 12:29 AM
We'd likely be giving the pick in that deal

I'd just let his contract expire then. If the market knows they can get a talented pg with some type of sign and trade, why would we also give a pick? Jennings might be a bonehead, but he is a very talented bonehead. Its a pg driven league. That makes no sense.

07-07-2015, 09:54 AM
We'd likely be giving the pick in that deal

I highly doubt they give a pick to get rid of an expiring contract. Expiring contracts are highly coveted in this league (Ben Gordon trade...:facepalm )

07-07-2015, 10:25 AM
I'd just let his contract expire then. If the market knows they can get a talented pg with some type of sign and trade, why would we also give a pick? Jennings might be a bonehead, but he is a very talented bonehead. Its a pg driven league. That makes no sense.

Thik of it like this. Dinwiddie is unproven and we aren't likely to make another FA move with any cap space. So all we'd be looking for is a backup PG. If you believe Jennings can recover and fill that role, then you keep him. If yo't, why would anyone else? So they'd just be eating 9 mil for you for no reason.

Aussie Dunker
07-07-2015, 06:59 PM
I am a huge fan of Dinwiddie ^^ But he has been pretty dissapointing for what I was expecting out of him this summer league, maybe needs another year under his belt to be able to become a solid option as a back up PG,

If I were choosing between say, Jennings and someone like Augustin to be my starter - it's Jennings EASILY!

But if we are talking about a back up role, someone who knows where they stand on a team and is comfortable and buys into their role - then players such as Augustin / J.Jack / Mills to me are more desirable than a disgruntled, unmotivated, selfish Jennings off the bench (Yes, he will be extremely selfish and shot hungry if he were to come off the bench).

If Thunder are honestly considering playing Russ at the 2-guard, then Jennings for Augustin might work for both sides...

07-07-2015, 07:09 PM
Thik of it like this. Dinwiddie is unproven and we aren't likely to make another FA move with any cap space. So all we'd be looking for is a backup PG. If you believe Jennings can recover and fill that role, then you keep him. If yo't, why would anyone else? So they'd just be eating 9 mil for you for no reason.

What you say makes sense for someone that is on the books for 2+ seasons. But he expires after this season. So if we are trying to salary dump, why would we give away a pick when we can just wait?

I don't think you are understanding that part.

We'd stupidly lose assets for no reason when we can just let him walk instead. Thr salary dump is to gain an asset if he plays well and becomes diagruntled. Otherwise, do what Dallas did with Lamar Odom and let him sit at home.

Aussie Dunker
07-07-2015, 08:18 PM
Letting him sit is not ideal - and let's be honest, half way through last year Jennings was playing in my opinion the best basketball of his career. He actually looked like a floor general and not just a gun slinger / rucker park player...

I just have a hard time believing Jennings is going to be "OK" as being a back up at this stage in his career, and can see him creating more problems than it's worth.

If we have learnt anything, SVG is not afraid to make ballsy moves i.e Josh Smith,

I'd be happy to sacrifice talent (jennings) for a better fit (role playing back up PG), addition by subtraction in my eyes,

07-07-2015, 08:44 PM
I'm in total agreeance. He surprised the crap out of me, the waybhe played once Josh Smith was cut.

But my situation was purely a hypothetical to gagain assets. Hell, i was very disappointed when we got rid od Augustine. He was playing VERY well until Jennings came back and took his minutes.

I'm stating it makes no sense for my hypothetical to give a pick away and get ririd of Jennings when we can just let him sit & keep our pick. His contract is up after this year.

I'd be more than happy to get Augustine back. He's a fellow Longhorn.

Aussie Dunker
07-07-2015, 09:30 PM
There are teams out there that still need starting calibre point guards, and we have one (Jennings) that is available - i'm sure we will be able to sort something out and get at-least something back in return.

Mavs / Rockets / Pacers / Knicks are all teams that Jennings would slide straight into a starting slot.

Mavs and Rockets are both title contenders with huge holes at PG, Jennings would be a great fit (especially in Dallas)

Pacers are probably slightly rebuilding now that West and Hibs are leaving, so maybe not the most sense, but pairing Jennings and Ellis would be fun,

Hibbert / West / George / Ellis / Jennings would have made some SERIOUS noise in the East this year one would think...

Robin Lopez

In a weak East that team would also be on the rise, make the playoffs (one would think) and add some excitement back to such a disappointing few years.

07-08-2015, 12:10 AM
There are teams out there that still need starting calibre point guards, and we have one (Jennings) that is available - i'm sure we will be able to sort something out and get at-least something back in return.

Mavs / Rockets / Pacers / Knicks are all teams that Jennings would slide straight into a starting slot.

Mavs and Rockets are both title contenders with huge holes at PG, Jennings would be a great fit (especially in Dallas)

Pacers are probably slightly rebuilding now that West and Hibs are leaving, so maybe not the most sense, but pairing Jennings and Ellis would be fun,

Hibbert / West / George / Ellis / Jennings would have made some SERIOUS noise in the East this year one would think...

Robin Lopez

In a weak East that team would also be on the rise, make the playoffs (one would think) and add some excitement back to such a disappointing few years.

I would love for Jennings to go to the Pacers. But for the opposite reason. There would be 3 ball dominant players starting in Indiana at that point. George, imo, is one of the best high tier SF playing off the ball, but still needs the ball. I never saw Jennings as a floor general that could pace the game. He can run a play. But does he make the best decisions? And Ellis, who did a great job taking a smaller role in Dallas, would have to slide back even more.

That sounds like a disaster to me.

Him in NY would be similar in that Melo is the second most ball dominant player in the league.

Basically, Jennings either needs to get a coach to get through to him or go to a team that has athleticism and let him do his thing. Otherwise, i don't feel it will work.

The 50+ pt game when he was a rookie is probably the worst thing that could have happened to him.

07-08-2015, 12:46 AM
I'd probably trade Jennings for Calderon fwiw.

07-08-2015, 12:48 AM
There are teams out there that still need starting calibre point guards, and we have one (Jennings) that is available - i'm sure we will be able to sort something out and get at-least something back in return.

Mavs / Rockets / Pacers / Knicks are all teams that Jennings would slide straight into a starting slot.

Mavs and Rockets are both title contenders with huge holes at PG, Jennings would be a great fit (especially in Dallas)

Pacers are probably slightly rebuilding now that West and Hibs are leaving, so maybe not the most sense, but pairing Jennings and Ellis would be fun,

Hibbert / West / George / Ellis / Jennings would have made some SERIOUS noise in the East this year one would think...

Robin Lopez

In a weak East that team would also be on the rise, make the playoffs (one would think) and add some excitement back to such a disappointing few years.


Aussie Dunker
07-08-2015, 01:06 AM
^^ Yup, exactly why we should look to move him on, too...

Dallas have taken a huge risk with Wes with the amount they have given him, geez, maybe pair him in the backcourt and they can rehab together ;)

07-21-2015, 02:44 AM
The Pistons have really been taking some heat from the press for the Jackson deal. Here's one I just read.

Aussie Dunker
07-21-2015, 05:48 PM
Yeah was bound to happen, he is an easy target for the media just because all contracts appear insanely inflated (which they are) due to the incoming new cap -

I think we would all rather Reggie than Knight, and Knight is 5 years 70 mill, compared to Reggie 5 year 80 mill...

Not surprised by the backlash, and it could be true Pistons were bidding against themselves in the end - we probably could have got him cheaper - but I think SVG would see's much more value in a happy Reggie than a disgruntled Reggie,

Only one way to prove the haters wrong - make or break season for him (and us, really). If this works then we work, if it doesn't, then hrmmm....

Aussie Dunker
10-21-2015, 10:03 PM
0-8 threes today by Reggie, unacceptable...

Not the fact that he missed 8 threes, but the fact he put 8 threes up is unacceptable.

Know your strengths and play to them - I don't mind 4 or 5 three attempts by Reggie if he is open, but 8 - No