View Full Version : Accept it - this year's Finals proved Lebron screwed up last year

06-29-2015, 08:47 PM
Even he knows it.. I think we can all agree that if Lebron had taken 17 shots per game in these 2015 Finals like he did in 2014, he would've broken the record for blowout loss again.

But we saw how DOUBLING that shot total to 34 shots per game worked to keep an even better team like the Warriors at bay, and changed the dynamic of the entire series.

If Lebron's high volume approach found success controlling the game against the Warriors, why wouldn't it have better success against the inferior Spurs with a vastly superior Heat supporting cast?

06-29-2015, 08:48 PM
LeBron trusted his 'superstar' team mates in helping him in 2014, he didnt even have an All-Star with him this year, so he shot more.

The blame is with 'superstars' Wade and Bosh

06-29-2015, 08:49 PM

Every topic you make is a barely even reworded copy. Stop.

06-29-2015, 08:50 PM
If lebron stayed the heat do a sign and trade bosh to houston

Cause lebron wanted the max. Heat couldnt afford both

So they avoid he whole blood clot thing

06-29-2015, 09:01 PM
Even he knows it.. I think we can all agree that if Lebron had taken 17 shots per game in these 2015 Finals like he did in 2014, he would've broken the record for blowout loss again.

But we saw how DOUBLING that shot total to 34 shots per game worked to keep an even better team like the Warriors at bay, and changed the dynamic of the entire series.

If Lebron's high volume approach found success controlling the game against the Warriors, why wouldn't it have better success against the inferior Spurs with a vastly superior Heat supporting cast?

Heats supporting cast was ranked just 6spots ahead of this years Cavs on the listing...they WERE NOT vastly superior. So to indicate the Lebron led heat last year would do much more different this is pretty stupid, especially considering last years Spurs are one if the all time great teams to ever win a title.

Then you factor in that the Cavs threw the Warriors off their game by slowing the pace down...and for about 3 games it worked. The spurs also like to slow the pace down and run half court sets, so Lebrons approach this year wouldn't have been that much beneficial either as you played exactly the game the Spurs wanted.

You really need to stop with these useless rhetorical of yours... It's complete non-sense