View Full Version : Are Love and Kyrie Secretly Happy The Cavs Lost?

06-17-2015, 12:57 PM
I can almost imagine these guys watching the Cavs get bounced in 6 games and thinking, "Glad they didn't win without me."

LeBron is this so called leader of the team. He always says they're his guys and play hard for him. Lol. I think Kyrie and Love get tired of this act and secretly are happy he lost the NBA Finals to somewhat bring him back down to Earth. I bet they will stick their chest out a little more next year when he's making his demands and barking orders while bossing them around. Like hey, "I'm freaking LeBron James. The best player on the Earth. Listen to what I say."

They will be like, "Dude, if you were that good you could have won against the Warriors. You lost without us. You need us just as much as we need you."

However true that statement may be, it will hold some weight since LeBron, clearly, couldn't win without their help or some other high caliber talent.

06-17-2015, 12:58 PM
LeBron seems polarizing even to his teammates. Some love him, others clearly don't like how he makes it all about him.

Dion and Love are two clear examples of teammates who weren't/aren't a fan of his ways, while Kyrie seems like the type of dude who can get along with anyone.

Not sure about the rest of the squad outside of the LeBron groupies

06-17-2015, 12:58 PM
Nobody who plays basketball at this level cares about the petty shit you people on ISH do. They'd rather be wearing a ring and celebrating right now.

06-17-2015, 12:59 PM
I dunno why....but I lol'd

06-17-2015, 01:00 PM
Nobody who plays basketball at this level cares about the petty shit you people on ISH do. They'd rather be wearing a ring and celebrating right now.

I think you'd be surprised how varying peoples agendas are in the NBA.

I remember after the Bulls dynasty broke up and Pippen tried to contend with Barkley and ended up hating Barkley and everything he stood for, saying the guy just didn't know what it takes to win a championship or seem to care.

06-17-2015, 01:02 PM
if cavs win without Love, how the f--ck do they convince themselves that offering Love the max is the right thing to do?

06-17-2015, 01:02 PM
lebron was so pissed that wade was in line to win FMVP that he quit in 2011

ofcourse love and kyrie are happy. neither guy wanted to be insignificant to their teams first nba title

most great players can't even sacrifice their pride to be the 2nd or 3rd man while playing

so you know for a fact a great player doesnt wanna win an adam morrison DNP ring

06-17-2015, 01:05 PM
A BIG F**CKIN YES. They have prides too ya know.

06-17-2015, 01:05 PM
if cavs win without Love, how the f--ck do they convince themselves that offering Love the max is the right thing to do?

the best part is... if the cavs won they give thompson the max deal and beg love to take less

because the cavs lost theyel give love the max deal and beg thompson to take less

which is great for everyone else around the league that understands thompsons true value

i hope lakers offer him a max deal