View Full Version : April 2007 Shooting rampage at Virginia Tech. 21 dead and 21 injured...

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04-16-2007, 12:41 PM


04-16-2007, 12:42 PM
The world just keeps getting better and better...

04-16-2007, 12:43 PM
The world just keeps getting better and better...

hahaha that ****ed up.... right there.... when this happen today at VT???

04-16-2007, 12:44 PM
thats why i didnt go to college. whos stupid now. pwned

04-16-2007, 12:46 PM
i thought that only happened at HS....

04-16-2007, 12:46 PM
wonder why he was poppin all dem??

04-16-2007, 12:46 PM
In the past 10 years...

Timeline: US school shootings
The BBC News website charts the history of gun violence in US schools.

April 2007: A gunman shoots dead at least 20 people at the campus of Virginia Tech university in Virginia.

October 2006: A 32-year-old gunman shoots dead at least three girls at an Amish school in Pennsylvania, before killing himself

September 2006: Gunman in Colorado shoots and fatally wounds a teenage schoolgirl, then kills himself; two days later a teenager kills the headteacher of a school in Cazenovia, Wisconsin

November 2005: Student in Tennessee shoots dead an assistant principal and wounds two other administrators

March 2005: Minnesota schoolboy kills nine, then shoots himself

May 2004: Four people injured in shooting at a school in Maryland

April 2003: Teenager shoots dead head-teacher at a Pennsylvania school, then kills himself

March 2001: Pupil opens fire at a school in California, killing two students

February 2000: Six-year-old girl shot dead by classmate in Michigan

November 1999: Thirteen-year-old girl shot dead by a classmate in New Mexico

May 1999: Student injures six pupils in shoot-out in Georgia

April 1999: Two teenagers shoot dead 12 students and a teacher before killing themselves at Columbine School in Colorado

June 1998: Two adults hurt in shooting by teenage student at high school in Virginia

May 1998: Fifteen-year-old boy shoots himself in the head after taking a girl hostage

May 1998: Fifteen-year-old shoots dead two students in school cafeteria in Oregon

April 1998: Fourteen-year-old shoots dead a teacher and wounds two students in Pennsylvania

March 1998: Two boys, 11 and 13, kill four girls and a teacher in Arkansas

December 1997: Fourteen-year-old boy kills three students in Kentucky

October 1997: Sixteen-year-old boy stabs mother, then shoots dead two students at school in Mississippi, injuring several others

My thoughts go out to all those harmed in these shootings, it's just horrific that this stuff happens.

04-16-2007, 12:49 PM
what a terrible tragedy that has happened. my condolences goes to all the victims and their families.

i dont want to make judgments, but this kind of thing is undoubtedly an offshoot of the Hollywood culture. No I am not saying that Hollywood makes movies to tell people to shoot others. but no doubt the image and standards of beauty and social acceptance in America are set by Hollywood and those who cannot conform resort to this kind of violence....

Hollywood: The Source of all of America's social problems. :cheers:

04-16-2007, 12:49 PM
I just heard online there might be 50+ dead. Dunno if it's true but if so.. wow. That's ****ed up.

i dont want to make judgments, but this kind of thing is undoubtedly an offshoot of the Hollywood culture. No I am not saying that Hollywood makes movies to tell people to shoot others. but no doubt the image and standards of beauty and social acceptance in America are set by Hollywood and those who cannot conform resort to this kind of violence....

I'm just glad you would never use a tragedy to win political points.

As a side note.. are you ****ing retarded? Seriously. You consistently say some of the dumbest **** that has ever graced this message board. It's unfortunate because I assume you're paying money for education. If so, I would demand a refund.

04-16-2007, 12:49 PM
this is sad

isn' t this the middle of exams too?

04-16-2007, 12:50 PM
what a terrible tragedy that has happened. my condolences goes to all the victims and their families.

i dont want to make judgments, but this kind of thing is undoubtedly an offshoot of the Hollywood culture. No I am not saying that Hollywood makes movies to tell people to shoot others. but no doubt the image and standards of beauty and social acceptance in America are set by Hollywood and those who cannot conform resort to this kind of violence....

Hollywood: The Source of all of America's social problems. :cheers:

how about gun rights there rightwing boy?

let start with the direct link before you start blaming Hollywood

04-16-2007, 12:55 PM
^ He's right! To kill that many people, he must have had some sort of automatic weapon. Can we please get some ****in gun control in this country? :(

04-16-2007, 12:55 PM
Wow, this really puts things in perspective when we argue about crap here...



04-16-2007, 12:55 PM
I wonder if Bush had not started an illegal war that has lead to hundreds of thousands of lives lost, we might have had more money and resources to help the unfortunate gunman with his psychological problems and possibly avert this situation.

04-16-2007, 12:56 PM
^ He's right! To kill that many people, he must have had some sort of automatic weapon. Can we please get some ****in gun control in this country? :(

No, he killed that many people because of Hollywood. Are you stupid or something? Hollywood also caused global warming, don'tcha know?

04-16-2007, 12:57 PM
how come these kind of stuffs usually happen in united states?

04-16-2007, 12:58 PM
In "To Kill A Mockingbird" there is a particularly strong line:

"People see what they are looking for, and hear what they are looking for."

and how many times must I reiterate I am not pro-Bush/pro-Republican? Just because I bash certain liberal elements you typecast me as the Right? If you Lefters do not wish for me to umbrella all of you under one common banner, I pray you hear how hypocritical you sound now and learn from your mistakes not to do the same.

w/e, the important part of all of this is that innocent lives were taken and the culprits, if any are still alive, must be brought to justice.

04-16-2007, 12:58 PM
i just wonder why he did it...

04-16-2007, 12:58 PM

Here we go again with all the discussions about rap, videos, videogames etc again. I hope some smart person steps up this tim and puts the responsibility with the parents. People don't have time for their kids anymore. World's going crazy....

04-16-2007, 12:58 PM
how come these kind of stuffs usually happen in united states?

This happens every day in Iraq, despite what McCain wants you to believe.

04-16-2007, 12:59 PM
how come these kind of stuffs usually happen in united states?

Because anywhere but the United States is open minded and tolerant, and thus peaceful. Americans are backwards ignorant violent c&nts who can't do anything except kill people.

04-16-2007, 01:00 PM
i just wonder why he did it...

Attention & losing touch with reality.

Just thinking, all these people who lost their sons/daughters who were actually trying to work for their futures. I hate this.

04-16-2007, 01:01 PM
(CNN) -- The Virginia Tech police chief said at least 20 people were killed in twin shootings on the Blacksburg campus Monday morning.

"Some victims were shot in a classroom," Chief Wendell Flinchum said, adding that the gunman was dead.

"Today the university was struck with a tragedy that we consider of monumental proportions," said university President Charles Steger. "The university is shocked and indeed horrified." (Map of Blacksburg)

The attacks mark the worst school shooting incident since 1999 when Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed 12 students and a teacher before killing themselves at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado.

A hospital spokeswoman told The Associated Press that 17 Virginia Tech students were being treated for gunshot wounds and other injuries.

Sharon Honaker at the Carilion New River Valley Medical Center told CNN that four patients had been transported there, one in critical condition.

One person was killed and others were wounded at multiple locations inside a dormitory about 7:15 a.m., Flinchum said. Two hours later, another shooting at Norris Hall, the engineering science and mechanics building, resulted in multiple casualties, the university reported. (Watch police, ambulances hustle to the scene )

The first reported shooting occurred at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a co-ed dormitory that houses 895 students. The dormitory, one of the largest residence halls on the 2,600-acre campus, is located near the drill field and stadium.

Amie Steele, editor-in-chief of the campus newspaper, said one of her reporters at the dormitory reported "mass chaos."

The reporter said there were "lots of students running around, going crazy, and the police officers were trying to settle everyone down and keep everything under control," according to Steele.

Kristyn Heiser said she was in class about 9:30 a.m. when she and her classmates saw about six gun-wielding police officers run by a window.

"We were like, 'What's going on?' Because this definitely is a quaint town where stuff doesn't really happen. It's pretty boring here," said Heiser during a phone interview as she sat on her classroom floor.

Student Matt Waldron said he did not hear the gunshots because he was listening to music, but he heard police sirens and saw officers hiding behind trees with their guns drawn.

"They told us to get out of there so we ran across the drill field as quick as we could," he said.

Waldron described the scene on campus as "mayhem." (Watch a student's recording of police responding to loud bangs )

"It was kind of scary," he said. "These two kids I guess had panicked and jumped out of the top story window and the one kid broke his ankle and the other girl was not in good shape just lying on the ground."

Madison Van Duyne said she and her classmates in a media writing class were on "lockdown" in their classrooms. They were huddled in the middle of the classroom, writing stories about the shootings and posting them online.

The university is updating its 26,000 students through e-mails, and an Internet webcam is broadcasting live pictures of the campus.

The shootings came three days after a bomb threat Friday forced the cancellation of classes in three buildings, WDBJ in Roanoke reported. Also, the 100,000-square-foot Torgersen Hall was evacuated April 2 after police received a written bomb threat, The Roanoke Times reported.

After the Monday shootings, students were instructed to stay indoors and away from windows, police at the university said.

"A gunman is loose on campus. Stay in buildings until further notice. Stay away from all windows," read a warning from the university.

"Virginia Tech has canceled all classes. Those on campus are asked to remain where they are, lock their doors and stay away from windows. Persons off campus are asked not to come to campus," a statement on the university Web site said.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/04/16/vtech.shooting/index.html

04-16-2007, 01:01 PM
white people............

04-16-2007, 01:01 PM
Since they talk about guns and killing people, should we blame rap for this, too? :confusedshrug:

04-16-2007, 01:02 PM
Because anywhere but the United States is open minded and tolerant, and thus peaceful. Americans are backwards ignorant violent c&nts who can't do anything except kill people.

It happened in Germany. Dutch kids have been stabbing each other like it doesn't matter for a while, some student shot his teacher in the head last year too.

Maybe it's America's influence on the rest of the world. Guns are easy to get in the US. There's loads and loads of people who are actually totally supporting the fireweapon industry. It sucks.

04-16-2007, 01:03 PM
This happens every day in Iraq, despite what McCain wants you to believe.

proof, evidence, research.

i watch the news all the time (and I do not watch FoxNews btw) and I hear of all the killings of civilians, or US troops, of Iraqi police forces, everyday.

Every day some life is lost and it is truly tragic.

so if I am hearing it, how is McCain censoring this? proof? evidence? got any? if not, i'll just attribute your last post along with much of what else you say to hot air.

04-16-2007, 01:03 PM
blame grand theft auto. lol

04-16-2007, 01:03 PM
how come these kind of stuffs usually happen in united states?

Because it is a lot easier to get guns here. Try getting a gun or assault rifle in western Europe or NE Asia, IE Japan, South Korea.

04-16-2007, 01:04 PM
may I know whos mccain?

04-16-2007, 01:04 PM
It happened in Germany. Dutch kids have been stabbing each other like it doesn't matter for a while, some student shot his teacher in the head last year too.


In Europe, guns are banned. In addition, I don't see modern day Europe worshipping the culture of violence that Americans are.

04-16-2007, 01:06 PM
white people............
No, this just a random act. C'mon, things like this are not reflective of an entire race of people......atleast that's the case when they're white, I guess. :confusedshrug:

04-16-2007, 01:06 PM
Because it is a lot easier to get guns here. Try getting a gun or assault rifle in western Europe or NE Asia, IE Japan, South Korea.
Well it's not that difficult to get a firearm in Western Europe. But I think the society is a lot less supportive of owning firearms. That's a huge difference. How many American citizens are proud of their handgun, and how many shooting ranges are there?

04-16-2007, 01:07 PM
22 people have died so far, and many of you are arguing? wow....


04-16-2007, 01:07 PM
No, this just a random act. C'mon, things like this are not reflective of an entire race of people......atleast that's the case when they're white, I guess. :confusedshrug:
have these school shooters ever been anything BUT:confusedshrug:

04-16-2007, 01:07 PM
Any news on who the shooter was, why he did it?

04-16-2007, 01:07 PM
I wonder if Bush had not started an illegal war that has lead to hundreds of thousands of lives lost, we might have had more money and resources to help the unfortunate gunman with his psychological problems and possibly avert this situation.

:roll: We still have plenty of money..

So lets say bush didn't go to war.
Pros- Less soldiers die. 20 less people die because some guy at VT got help because had more money.

Using your logic

Cons-Thousands of Americans die from terror attacks all over the nation.

04-16-2007, 01:08 PM
:roll: We still have plenty of money..

So lets say bush didn't go to war.
Pros- Less soldiers die. 20 less people die because some guy at VT got help because had more money.

Using your logic

Cons-Thousands of Americans die from terror attacks all over the nation.

No, considering Bush is sucking it all away on his little war, we don't have much money for social programs.

04-16-2007, 01:09 PM
Any news on who the shooter was, why he did it?

I am watching CNN now... the shooter is dead, and there seems to be a lot of chaos going on. Facts are being gatherred.


04-16-2007, 01:09 PM
white people............

hahha thats what i was thinkin ni66a....

04-16-2007, 01:10 PM

In Europe, guns are banned. In addition, I don't see modern day Europe worshipping the culture of violence that Americans are.

It isn't bullsh

04-16-2007, 01:10 PM
Man this is sad. Isn't this the University that Geewiz wanted to go but got rejected? Just wondering, not trying to take a shot at him.

Anyways, this sucks. :(

04-16-2007, 01:11 PM
^ He's right! To kill that many people, he must have had some sort of automatic weapon. Can we please get some ****in gun control in this country? :(
Automatic weapons are illegal. You can not just buy one. You have to get approved by the government and they know everything. Like taking guns away from people is going to prevent killing anyway.

Just a side note, but how much has school violence increased since they banned prayer and the bible?

04-16-2007, 01:12 PM
thats why i didnt go to college. whos stupid now. pwned


04-16-2007, 01:12 PM
proof, evidence, research.

i watch the news all the time (and I do not watch FoxNews btw) and I hear of all the killings of civilians, or US troops, of Iraqi police forces, everyday.

Every day some life is lost and it is truly tragic.

so if I am hearing it, how is McCain censoring this? proof? evidence? got any? if not, i'll just attribute your last post along with much of what else you say to hot air.

On the March 27 edition of CNN's The Situation Room, host Wolf Blitzer asked McCain about comments he had made to conservative radio host William Bennett that "[t]here are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through those neighborhoods today. The U.S. is beginning to succeed in Iraq." While McCain did not directly address the quote Blitzer mentioned, he responded: "You know, that's where you ought to catch up on things, Wolf," adding that "General Petraeus goes out there almost every day in a non-armed Humvee. I think you ought to catch up."

Later in the program, Blitzer asked CNN Baghdad correspondent Michael Ware to reconcile McCain's comments. Ware told Blitzer that "[t]o suggest that there's any neighborhood in this city where an American can walk freely is beyond ludicrous," adding: "I'd love Senator McCain to tell me where that neighborhood is, and he and I can go for a stroll." Regarding McCain's claim that Gen. Petraeus travels "almost ever day in a non-armed Humvee," Ware said that McCain "is way off base on this one":


McCain is pushing the line that the surge is "working"; it's not working.

To prove Baghdad was safe.. McCain went for a walk through a market in Baghdad.

Sen. John McCain strolled briefly through an open-air market in Baghdad today in an effort to prove that Americans are “not getting the full picture” of what’s going on in Iraq.

NBC’s Nightly News provided further details about McCain’s one-hour guided tour. He was accompanied by “100 American soldiers, with three Blackhawk helicopters, and two Apache gunships overhead.” Still photographs provided by the military to NBC News seemed to show McCain wearing a bulletproof vest during his visit. Watch it:


I don't know about you, but when I go to the market, I always bring along 100 soldiers, some helicopters, snipers and make sure to wear my trusty bullet proof vest. Even though I know it's entirely safe, I just like to.

After being caught in a lie, McCain had this to say:

“Of course I’m gonna misspeak,” McCain said. “I’ve done it on numerous occasions. And I probably will in the future. I regret that when I divert attention to something that I’ve said from my message. But that’s just life. And I’m happy, frankly, with the way I operate. Otherwise it’d be a lot less fun.”


Yes, because war, and especially when you're dead wrong about it, is "fun".

“The crack of shots fired by unseen snipers echoed on Monday through Baghdad’s wholesale Shorja market, a day after U.S. Senator John McCain held up his visit there as one sign of improving security in Baghdad.”


I guess things aren't so peachy keen when you don't have all that security..

I used to actually like McCain.. not anymore. And it's ironic you used your "proof, research evidence" line on me when 98% of your political posts are just rant-filled diatribes, rarely with a source. And generally it's something you can't really "prove", like Hollywood makes people feel bad about themselves (are you projecting?) so they go on killing rampages. Yeah, makes sense..

04-16-2007, 01:14 PM
White? (Doesnt look very dead either.)

btw it doesnt matter if it was automatic or not. probably the american way of thinking but all fire arms are made to kill with. there should not be a discussion about which type of firearm should be banned.

04-16-2007, 01:15 PM
I don't know about you, but when I go to the market, I always bring along 100 soldiers, some helicopters, snipers and make sure to wear my trusty bullet proof vest. Even though I know it's entirely safe, I just like to.

OMG, that's freakin ridiculous. McCain is an idiot.

04-16-2007, 01:15 PM
Any news on who the shooter was, why he did it?

There are actually 2 incidents and 2 shooters. one's in the dorm; the other one's in VT's Engineering Building. the shooter in the engineering commit sucide and the one in dorm is still unknown.

Edit: the other one get caught...I hope they beat his ass HARD!!!! and smash his head agains the wall....**** human right...that piece of **** doesn't deserve it.

04-16-2007, 01:15 PM
a sane person does not murder 21 people. charles manson listened to the beatles remember helter skelter so the beatles are to blame for his killings correct since hollywood is to blame for these? not the mental disorder they had or the enviromental factors or the access to firearms.

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 01:15 PM
Man this is sad. Isn't this the University that Geewiz wanted to go but got rejected? Just wondering, not trying to take a shot at him.

Where is Geewiz?

Anyways, sad event. I'll put it to the back of my mind though so there's enough room for the next one...which is inevitable as the sun rising each morning.

04-16-2007, 01:16 PM
white people............

They are actually reporting that the shooter was Asian.

04-16-2007, 01:17 PM
An Asian???? They should be smart enough to kno not ta do that kinda shyt..... watch the white boys were tryin ta fail him and he knew it..he had to show them...ASIAN POWER hahahaha

04-16-2007, 01:18 PM
White? (Doesnt look very dead either.)

btw it doesnt matter if it was automatic or not. probably the american way of thinking but all fire arms are made to kill with. there should not be a discussion about which type of firearm should be banned.

I don't think that is the shooter, but I do not know for sure. On the news, they just had a briefing, and the chancellor of VT said that the shooter was killed. But who knows... facts tend to change during the chaos stage of an event like this.


04-16-2007, 01:18 PM
Sick ****s, why do thay go and do things like this thay only not kill people but **** up 21 familys. So thay got one of the shooters?

04-16-2007, 01:22 PM
americans have weird thinking. damn

04-16-2007, 01:23 PM
I don't think that is the shooter, but I do not know for sure. On the news, they just had a briefing, and the chancellor of VT said that the shooter was killed. But who knows... facts tend to change during the chaos stage of an event like this.


cops are useless.huge police force on a campus like that, they patrol yet they can't stop 22 people from being shot. i'll let you know when a cop does something good for me or someone i know.

04-16-2007, 01:25 PM
americans have weird thinking. damn
Its an Asian. Looks chinese or Korean.

04-16-2007, 01:26 PM
What is up with white people shooting at schools? I'm white and we have very defined social groups. i.e. I was talking to some kid i didn't know to well but he seemed cool so I asked him to meet up at lunch. I go to my usual spot and all the people I sit with seem him come and sit down and they were like what is he doing here. And started flippin out. The kid just left and they were all mad at me. Is it the same way with black people? It would make sense that black people may see themselves as more a group but idk. You tell me.

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 01:27 PM
All the fools that said "white people" are praying this Asian was just delivering pizza at the wrong place and time.:roll:

What is up with white people shooting at schools? I'm white and we have very defined social groups. i.e. I was talking to some kid i didn't know to well but he seemed cool so I asked him to meet up at lunch. I go to my usual spot and all the people I sit with seem him come and sit down and they were like what is he doing here. And started flippin out. The kid just left and they were all mad at me. Is it the same way with black people? It would make sense that black people may see themselves as more a group but idk. You tell me.

Only in America...and the Balkans.

04-16-2007, 01:30 PM
This is terrible, killing all these people. The world has some SICk people in it.

04-16-2007, 01:31 PM
its a tragedy man...

access to guns in some states are too lenient...

04-16-2007, 01:32 PM
This is terrible, killing all these people. The world has some SICk people in it.
Very sick indeed.

04-16-2007, 01:33 PM
All the fools that said "white people" are praying this Asian was just delivering pizza at the wrong place and time.:roll:

Only in America...and the Balkans.


04-16-2007, 01:34 PM
This happens every day in Iraq, despite what McCain wants you to believe.

Without trying to go too deep into America's problem, seriously though, these kind of "random violence killings" DO happen more in America than any other civilzed country, don't throw Iraq in there, why not compare America to other normal countries like Canada, England, Japan, etc?

We really need gun control in this country, well it's too late now, but seriously all this so called "freedom" is killing the country, it's safer to be somewhere where any schmuck DON'T have the freedom to buy guns.

04-16-2007, 01:35 PM
you can get a rifle at 18 but not a beer pretty retarded

04-16-2007, 01:35 PM
Damn this feels like a scene from "Higher Learning" that I was just watching yesterday. Tragic news, has me kinda not even wanting to go to class and I go to ECU a whole state south down in North Carolina.

04-16-2007, 01:35 PM
its a tragedy man...

access to guns in some states are too lenient...

Access to guns?

From the sounds of it the killer had access to an army! He had a bullet proof vest on had some hand guns and some semi autos. The amo he had aswell was ment to be hundreds of rounds and he had gun belts on with guns tucked into his belt.

04-16-2007, 01:35 PM
white ppl do public shootings like schools and shyt.....we 'blacks' shoot in the streets.......

don't kno whites shootin up places.....they must want to feel needed

04-16-2007, 01:36 PM
dude looks like kim il jong

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 01:36 PM

Yugo's love shooting up ****.

dude looks like kim il jong

His son was sent on a secret mission of mass destruction.

04-16-2007, 01:37 PM
Makes you think, do you still want to put kids on this world?

04-16-2007, 01:38 PM
don't kno...some other thread had the world ending in like 2012...... not bad..... live it up

04-16-2007, 01:39 PM
Does anyone think it is people trying to imitate the Columbine School shootings in Colorado?

We are 4 days away from the 8 year point.

Rumours are there was a 3rd gunman and he is on the lose.

30 other universitys have been put on lock-down.

04-16-2007, 01:39 PM
white ppl do public shootings like schools and shyt.....we 'blacks' shoot in the streets.......

don't kno whites shootin up places.....they must want to feel needed
any shooting in the streets is a product of the war on drugs or urban communties would be peaceful

04-16-2007, 01:40 PM
On bbc they showed police carrying away a body. On cnn they only show crappy -irporter nokia pics... strange.

also its said there's a lot of int. students there. not sure if its an american kid.

04-16-2007, 01:41 PM
On bbc they showed police carrying away a body. On cnn they only show crappy -irporter nokia pics... strange.

also its said there's a lot of int. students there. not sure if its an american kid.

BBC? CNN is crap, Fox News the place to be.

04-16-2007, 01:41 PM
i thought the gunman was dead?

04-16-2007, 01:42 PM
FOX now says its 32 dead!

04-16-2007, 01:42 PM
On bbc they showed police carrying away a body. On cnn they only show crappy -irporter nokia pics... strange.

also its said there's a lot of int. students there. not sure if its an american kid.

CNN is trash. They're too ***** to show any real footage when it comes to anything grim. Their reporting also consists of purely "authorities said...", "the sherrif said...", "bush said...." There's hardly any real investigating behind their journalism.

04-16-2007, 01:44 PM
ppl gettin shot in the street no one cares about but someone shoots up a university its blown up....the University is more important i kno....but like Columbine and them that shyt happens other places and it ain't on TV

04-16-2007, 01:45 PM
Damn I hate this kind of news. Not much to say, except that I hope it does get people moving towards gun control. It's a problem you can't eliminate, but you've got to try.

04-16-2007, 01:46 PM
BBC? CNN is crap, Fox News the place to be.

04-16-2007, 01:47 PM
CNN is trash. They're too ***** to show any real footage when it comes to anything grim. Their reporting also consists of purely "authorities said...", "the sherrif said...", "bush said...." There's hardly any real investigating behind their journalism.

i believe most organizations quote people those are called facts which are reported through a news channel ie cnn. what type of hard hitting investigative piece were you looking for this isn't 60 minutes its a up to the date news channel? two completely different things

04-16-2007, 01:48 PM
the picture of the Asian was of a reporter that upset the cops

04-16-2007, 01:48 PM
BBC? CNN is crap, Fox News the place to be.

but what if you want to know what actually happened?

Fox is opinion, more talk radio than actual raw news

Look for them to sign Imus in the next year

book it

04-16-2007, 01:51 PM
you can't drink alcohol or get in clubs until you're 21, but you can buy a submachine gun and armored vest?
way to go really:rolleyes:

04-16-2007, 01:51 PM
ppl gettin shot in the street no one cares about but someone shoots up a university its blown up....the University is more important i kno....but like Columbine and them that shyt happens other places and it ain't on TV

i know atleast 6 people that have been shot

04-16-2007, 01:54 PM
Wow, they're saying 32 dead now :cry:

04-16-2007, 01:54 PM
Both Fox News and CNN suck. I'd rather read about the news.

04-16-2007, 01:56 PM
Not just school shooting but teachers getting beat up by students has been happening a lot. Also bomb threats along with arsonist (West Philly high got hit with 2-3 fires within a 2 week span).



04-16-2007, 01:56 PM
Fox fan aswell? :cheers:

So the chinese dude wasnt a shooter?

04-16-2007, 01:57 PM
ppl gettin shot in the street no one cares about but someone shoots up a university its blown up....the University is more important i kno....but like Columbine and them that shyt happens other places and it ain't on TV

That's a bad comparison.

This gets more press because the big question on everyone's mind is "WHY????" Now if a shooting happens in Compton, chances are 9 times out of 10 it's those ignorant gangsters fighting over their typical greed/stupid pride/money/drugs, it's not as "shocking" as this type of news.

04-16-2007, 01:57 PM
ppl gettin shot in the street no one cares about but someone shoots up a university its blown up....the University is more important i kno....but like Columbine and them that shyt happens other places and it ain't on TV


A University or High School is often a government institution that is suppose to be a safe haven for children. When people get killed there it IS a bigger deal. Dont compare it to the street you simpleton.

04-16-2007, 01:58 PM
Fox fan aswell? :cheers:

So the chinese dude wasnt a shooter?

No the shooter took the cowardly way out and killed himself. My heart goes out to the families of all those that where killed or wounded, even his.

04-16-2007, 01:59 PM
Not just school shooting but teachers getting beat up by students has been happening a lot. Also bomb threats along with arsonist (West Philly high got hit with 2-3 fires within a 2 week span).



That picture doesnt do me justice.


But on a more serious note, this is tragic news. I'm glad none of my friends go to VT.

04-16-2007, 01:59 PM
Absolutely crazy.

My condolences to the families of those killed as well as those injured. Problem seems to be that people haven't really been identified.

22 dead, 28 injured.

04-16-2007, 02:00 PM
atleast 32 confirmed dead and 22 injured with 6 critically so.

New facts

Gunman use two 9MM handguns

Two shootings (assumed to be related), one at 7:15 and the other 10:15

Police confirmed the gunman is dead, shot by police

04-16-2007, 02:01 PM
For those looking to make jokes, this is no joking matter. Please try to remain solemn for once.

04-16-2007, 02:02 PM
ppl gettin shot in the street no one cares about but someone shoots up a university its blown up....the University is more important i kno....but like Columbine and them that shyt happens other places and it ain't on TV

Dude STFU, here in Philly the murder rate has increased the last 2yrs and this year so far we are on pace to top last years high in terms of murders. Its a BIG story here and has been for awhile. To assume people getting shot in the street has no one caring is ignorant as hell. The reason this is major news is because it happened on a college campus and a large number are killed and injured. When has 22 people killed, 29 hurt in 1 day happened in the street? Most of the killings in Philly have been drug related...big drug problem with rivals trying to occupy and take over turf to sell. Vtech killings? Some psycho unloads on a bunch of kids trying to learn. If you cant see the difference then you're just a moron. And again to think no news, no media attention is happening in every city where people are murdered is ridiculous.

04-16-2007, 02:04 PM
Dude STFU, here in Philly the murder rate has increased the last 2yrs and this year so far we are on pace to top last years high in terms of murders. Its a BIG story here and has been for awhile. To assume people getting shot in the street has no one caring is ignorant as hell. The reason this is major news is because it happened on a college campus and a large number are killed and injured. When has 22 people killed, 29 hurt in 1 day happened in the street? Most of the killings in Philly have been drug related...big drug problem with rivals trying to occupy and take over turf to sell. Vtech killings? Some psycho unloads on a bunch of kids trying to learn. If you cant see the difference then you're just a moron. And again to think no news, no media attention is happening in every city where people are murdered is ridiculous.


04-16-2007, 02:04 PM
Some psycho unloads on a bunch of kids trying to learn.
That's the worst part. These kids were there to build up their future. Gone.

04-16-2007, 02:05 PM
Stratch that, I totally forgot. One of my friends goes to VT. I just called him up and he's doing ok. They're all locked down in the dorms at the moment. Its pretty chaotic over there.

04-16-2007, 02:05 PM
This is disgusting.

04-16-2007, 02:10 PM
No the shooter took the cowardly way out and killed himself. My heart goes out to the families of all those that where killed or wounded, even his.

Thats one thing that gets to me more. The people have been killed thay dont feel no pain now but there families are the ones left hurt and get somthing taken away from them that thay will never get back.

04-16-2007, 02:11 PM
Condolence to the family of the victims.

04-16-2007, 02:12 PM
Dude STFU, here in Philly the murder rate has increased the last 2yrs and this year so far we are on pace to top last years high in terms of murders. Its a BIG story here and has been for awhile. To assume people getting shot in the street has no one caring is ignorant as hell. The reason this is major news is because it happened on a college campus and a large number are killed and injured. When has 22 people killed, 29 hurt in 1 day happened in the street? Most of the killings in Philly have been drug related...big drug problem with rivals trying to occupy and take over turf to sell. Vtech killings? Some psycho unloads on a bunch of kids trying to learn. If you cant see the difference then you're just a moron. And again to think no news, no media attention is happening in every city where people are murdered is ridiculous.
I read somewhere the other day that the goverment and the FBI was seriously considerings letting the Mafia work in Philly (Only protection rackets and Money Laundering) if thay could guarentee thay would cut the crime rate in Philly.

I will try find the bit i read now.

04-16-2007, 02:16 PM
This info is from another site

This is just ****in crazy

these comments are from a kid who goes to V tech (don't know the validity of his claims)

Originally Posted by v tech student
From what Ive heard being at VT. Kid walked in to dorms to kill his Girlfriend. Bound her up killed her then killed the RA who came to help. 2 kids jumped out the 4th story window and broke their legs. Kid went into Norris later and lit up a class room. Killiing at least 30 more lining kids up against the wall execution style and shooting them in the back of the head. Before shooting himself. Just called it the worst shootig in american history.

Samurai Swoosh
04-16-2007, 02:20 PM
This is horrible...

Samurai Swoosh
04-16-2007, 02:21 PM
white people............
The largest mass murder in America of all-time is a black man from Houston, who preys on innocent women.

The largest singular killer in history is latin.

04-16-2007, 02:22 PM
The largest mass murder in America of all-time is a black man from Houston, who preys on innocent women.

The largest singular killer in history is latin.


04-16-2007, 02:22 PM
This info is from another site

This is just ****in crazy

these comments are from a kid who goes to V tech (don't know the validity of his claims)

Originally Posted by v tech student
From what Ive heard being at VT. Kid walked in to dorms to kill his Girlfriend. Bound her up killed her then killed the RA who came to help. 2 kids jumped out the 4th story window and broke their legs. Kid went into Norris later and lit up a class room. Killiing at least 30 more lining kids up against the wall execution style and shooting them in the back of the head. Before shooting himself. Just called it the worst shootig in american history.

If they didnt die, that was def clutch...almost Kobe-like

32 dead so far on Fox News. My thing is the RA....wtf was he thinking. If I see an Asian dude with a gun im going either out the window, staying in my run locking the door, running away to the nearest place an asian wouldnt go(weight room). The last thing Im going to do is try to defuse the situation. They def dont pay me enough for that.

04-16-2007, 02:23 PM
The largest mass murder in America of all-time is a black man from Houston, who preys on innocent women.

The largest singular killer in history is latin.

People kill. Rwanda, VOC slavery...

04-16-2007, 02:25 PM
Damn two kids were just asking about the RA from that building...they said they didnt see her exit. And listening to that story the RA is most likely dead. :ohwell:

04-16-2007, 02:25 PM
Damn......Now after columbine this **** is in the minds of crazy kids. I bet more and more **** like this is gonna happen because of how much its heard about. Its like giving a crackhead a new way to get high. Now depressed kids are gonna buck at people when they feel like crap. ****ed up.

But still go to southern Africa and see whats really up. This kinda **** happens every dam day. Dont hear about it that much on CNN though.

04-16-2007, 02:26 PM
If they didnt die, that was def clutch...almost Kobe-like

32 dead so far on Fox News. My thing is the RA....wtf was he thinking. If I see an Asian dude with a gun im going either out the window, staying in my run locking the door, running away to the nearest place an asian wouldnt go(weight room). The last thing Im going to do is try to defuse the situation. They def dont pay me enough for that.

You're disgusting.

04-16-2007, 02:27 PM
Damn......Now after columbine this **** is in the minds of crazy kids. I bet more and more **** like this is gonna happen because of how much its heard about. Its like giving a crackhead a new way to get high. Now depressed kids are gonna buck at people when they feel like crap. ****ed up.

Im gonna have to get a gun for my room now...I cant have some Asian dude thinking he he can come down my hall actin crazy.

04-16-2007, 02:27 PM
Im gonna have to get a gun for my room now...I cant have some Asian dude thinking he he can come down my hall actin crazy.


04-16-2007, 02:28 PM
32 dead...

300,000,000+ people in America.

Do the math.

04-16-2007, 02:29 PM

Why do you say it was an asian dude? We don't know that for sure, do we?

Also, lets not turn this into a racist thing. Something really horrible happened today and we should keep our eye on the ball.

Can you imagine if one of those killed was a friend, brother, sister or family member?


04-16-2007, 02:29 PM
Im gonna have to get a gun for my room now...I cant have some Asian dude thinking he he can come down my hall actin crazy.

That is very uncalled for :banghead:

04-16-2007, 02:29 PM
This country is a screwed up place. You got to love a place where you slave away for 4 years in college only to be offered a job paying just enough of a wage to keep you teetering above the poverty line, then at the same time paying off student loans for the next 10-20 years.

04-16-2007, 02:29 PM
You're disgusting.

why its the truth...if i was in the situation that some people are speculating. I wouldnt try to help...they dont pay me enough to put my life on the line. Just not worth it. My main goal is to survive... I would rather i live and my whole dorm die than vice versa. I mean I dont know them dudes like that.

I'll just tell the reporters them dudes should have came with me to the weight room

04-16-2007, 02:29 PM

Why do you say it was an asian dude? We don't know that for sure, do we?

Also, lets not turn this into a racist thing. Something really horrible happened today and we should keep our eye on the ball.

Can you imagine if one of those killed was a friend, brother, sister or family member?


Its reported that it was an asian. Blame the media dont blame us.

04-16-2007, 02:31 PM
Its reported that it was an asian. Blame the media dont blame us.

That is fine... but that does not make it a racist thing, I am sure you would agree.


04-16-2007, 02:32 PM
Its reported that it was an asian. Blame the media dont blame us.

While we're on this subject. Why is it that you have to enter your enthinicty on about every form, wether it be digital or on paper, in the States? What's this about?

04-16-2007, 02:32 PM
Its reported that it was an asian. Blame the media dont blame us.

Blame Counter Strike.

that games wack idunno why all these nerds play it so damn much. Dudes be going to internet cafes 24/7 just to play some counterstrike.

04-16-2007, 02:33 PM
That is fine... but that does not make it a racist thing, I am sure you would agree.


I dont see how its racist for someone to kill 31 people and injure 29. I dont think the gunman cared about race moreso killing folks randomly. :confusedshrug:

04-16-2007, 02:33 PM
what happenin now wit this??

04-16-2007, 02:33 PM
I have reported the racist posts. Younggrease, I hope you are banned, you are less than nothing.

This is horrible news. I'm looking out my window at the people walking by and just thinking that they don't even know. Maybe this is why I saw the security car driving around.

04-16-2007, 02:34 PM
This country is a screwed up place. You got to love a place where you slave away for 4 years in college only to be offered a job paying just enough of a wage to keep you teetering above the poverty line, then at the same time paying off student loans for the next 10-20 years.

Poverty line? College grads in the US average a salary in the top 1% of the world. And the college life can hardly be called slaving away. It's at least 50% partying. Most foreigners would kill for that opportunity.

04-16-2007, 02:34 PM
The largest mass murder in America of all-time is a black man from Houston, who preys on innocent women.

The largest singular killer in history is latin.


04-16-2007, 02:34 PM
I dont see how its racist for someone to kill 31 people and injure 29. I dont think the gunman cared about race moreso killing folks randomly. :confusedshrug:

I was talking about some of the comments made by people here in the ISH forum.


04-16-2007, 02:34 PM
While we're on this subject. Why is it that you have to enter your enthinicty on about every form, wether it be digital or on paper, in the States? What's this about?

Census. Keep tabs on the demographics of the country.

04-16-2007, 02:35 PM
I dont see how its racist for someone to kill 31 people and injure 29. I dont think the gunman cared about race moreso killing folks randomly. :confusedshrug:

He's refering to Younggrease's racism with his completely distasteful and disgraceful attempt at comedy.

04-16-2007, 02:35 PM
what is happenin now wit this??

04-16-2007, 02:36 PM
While we're on this subject. Why is it that you have to enter your enthinicty on about every form, wether it be digital or on paper, in the States? What's this about?
Because people love to stereotype and classify, to justify their racism and prejudices both in belief and in practices. However, using the murder of 32 innocent people to push any sort of political agenda or sprend propaganda of any sort is beyond assholish

04-16-2007, 02:36 PM
they said he was asian and he was desperately looking for his girlfreind.

he probably had a small d!ck and got mad that his girl was messing around with dudes living in that dorm.

04-16-2007, 02:36 PM
I have reported the racist posts. Younggrease, I hope you are banned, you are less than nothing.

This is horrible news. I'm looking out my window at the people walking by and just thinking that they don't even know. Maybe this is why I saw the security car driving around.

wow they werent even meant to be racist. I dont even know any racist names etc. about asians. If it was a white guy or black guy i would have said the same.

04-16-2007, 02:37 PM
Census. Keep tabs on the demographics of the country.

Hm. It strikes me as fairly strange. Even with job apliances? In the Netherlands you even have certain job apliances at which the companies won't see the pictures, names and place of birth.

You're sure it just that, or is it how they back it up?

04-16-2007, 02:37 PM
Sad state of affairs. The commodifications of life makes acts such as these unsuprising.

04-16-2007, 02:37 PM
He's refering to Younggrease's racism with his completely distasteful and disgraceful attempt at comedy.

Oh, i didnt notice/read his posts.

Nothing racial about someone packing 2 guns and clips.

04-16-2007, 02:38 PM
Because people love to stereotype and classify, to justify their racism and prejudices both in belief and in practices. However, using the murder of 32 innocent people to push any sort of political agenda or sprend propaganda of any sort is beyond assholish

Not trying to do that (not sure if you meant thatt). Just something I've been wondering for a while now.

04-16-2007, 02:40 PM
Repeat Post.
you do know you can delete posts?

04-16-2007, 02:40 PM
Not trying to do that (not sure if you meant thatt). Just something I've been wondering for a while now.
No I'm not talking about you, but there's alot of it going on.

04-16-2007, 02:42 PM
Ok. Sad thing is, these shooting can happen every few years, there'll be discussions and still there won't be any changes.

04-16-2007, 02:42 PM
you do know you can delete posts?

Cheers big ears.

04-16-2007, 02:45 PM
wow they werent even meant to be racist. I dont even know any racist names etc. about asians. If it was a white guy or black guy i would have said the same.

And you don't see any problem with that. You stupid f

04-16-2007, 02:46 PM
I have a bunch of friends going to tech, and I would have too had I gotten in..I wonder if they will change their minds. (highly doubt it)

04-16-2007, 02:48 PM
they said he was asian and he was desperately looking for his girlfreind.

he probably had a small d!ck and got mad that his girl was messing around with dudes living in that dorm.
get the FUKC out of here

04-16-2007, 02:49 PM
32 dead...

300,000,000+ people in America.

Do the math.


It's all well and good til it's someone you know.

04-16-2007, 02:51 PM
Why are so many people turning this into Def Comedy Jam.

Theres always a time to laugh but when a man kills 32 and injures 29, nothing is funny about that.

04-16-2007, 02:51 PM
Dudes these days are retarded. Dudes GF was probably a lesbian and with "men" like him it's not hard to understand why.

04-16-2007, 02:55 PM
I wonder if Bush had not started an illegal war that has lead to hundreds of thousands of lives lost, we might have had more money and resources to help the unfortunate gunman with his psychological problems and possibly avert this situation.If we did not have so many ignorant, godless liberals teaching at universities, we could have possibly averted this situation.

HaNdLe ThE RoCk
04-16-2007, 02:57 PM
Death Toll Rises To 31.

This Is Horrible, Can't Believe It. I Come home from school to this news and it's just scary.

04-16-2007, 02:57 PM
jealous insecure dude with a small d!ck gone postal.

04-16-2007, 03:00 PM
If we did not have so many ignorant, godless liberals teaching at universities, we could have possibly averted this situation.
Wow, you think liberal professors caused this? You're a ****ing moron. It's sad that you would be sink low just to push you conservative beliefs.

04-16-2007, 03:01 PM
If we did not have so many ignorant, godless liberals teaching at universities, we could have possibly averted this situation.

Lol. Seriously dude get an education. Maybe tighter gun control would have averted this tragedy

04-16-2007, 03:02 PM
Lol. Seriously dude get an education.So, we can blame this on Bush, but not the University?

04-16-2007, 03:03 PM
Americans are animals. That's about all you can say.

04-16-2007, 03:04 PM
If they didnt die, that was def clutch...almost Kobe-like

32 dead so far on Fox News. My thing is the RA....wtf was he thinking. If I see an Asian dude with a gun im going either out the window, staying in my run locking the door, running away to the nearest place an asian wouldnt go(weight room). The last thing Im going to do is try to defuse the situation. They def dont pay me enough for that.

30+ people are dead... Chill with the jokes?

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 03:06 PM
I see a lot of up and coming politicians here.

Instead of trying to fix the problem, they see this as an opportunity to blame whites, Asians, blacks, liberals, conservatives....yep, just like on Capital Hill.

Nice to see things won't change when our generation comes into power. lol

LiL Stevie
04-16-2007, 03:07 PM
31 deaths that's unbelievable. Crazy people :(

04-16-2007, 03:10 PM
So, we can blame this on Bush, but not the University?

Nope I never once mentioned Bush. Shows how you cant see the real drama and view it purely from the perspective of the characters. Also if the US had half decent gun laws and didnt take the second amendment as some sort of god send then tragedies like this would never happen.

04-16-2007, 03:11 PM
Is he dead yet?

04-16-2007, 03:13 PM
crackers are evil. a black man wont just kill 21 ppl becasue he got a B-

04-16-2007, 03:13 PM
I see a lot of up and coming politicians here.

Instead of trying to fix the problem, they see this as an opportunity to blame whites, Asians, blacks, liberals, conservatives....yep, just like on Capital Hill.

Nice to see things won't change when our generation comes into power. lol
Couldn't agree with you more. There was a comment on the first page that if Bush had not gone to war illegally, we could have possibly averted this. I posted an equally idiotic response saying that maybe we could have avoided this if we did not have so many liberal university professors. Two people immediately responded to my response telling me that I am an idiot, missing the point of my post completely - Blaming this on Bush is just as dumb as blaming it on the liberal professors.

04-16-2007, 03:14 PM
Nope I never once mentioned Bush. Shows how you cant see the real drama and view it purely from the perspective of the characters. Also if the US had half decent gun laws and didnt take the second amendment as some sort of god send then tragedies like this would never happen.Take a look at my post, it was in response to nader, not you. He blames the shooting on Bush, which is just as stupid as blaming it on liberal professors.

04-16-2007, 03:15 PM
A lot of blame has to be placed on the university and university police. How do you allow the two shootings to be 2 HOURS APART?

04-16-2007, 03:15 PM
Ban Billybadass

04-16-2007, 03:16 PM
crackers are evil. a black man wont just kill 21 ppl becasue he got a B-

black men killed thousands of people because their nosebridges weren't wide enough.

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 03:17 PM
crackers are evil.

You obviously never tried animal crackers.

04-16-2007, 03:17 PM
This guy could have used his obvious skills to be a top commando. What a waste.

04-16-2007, 03:18 PM
wow so it wasnt a white guy..it was an aabinilla :(

LiL Stevie
04-16-2007, 03:18 PM
Yeah, what a waste. What a waste his parents didn't abort.

04-16-2007, 03:18 PM
here they go blaming it on video games..

04-16-2007, 03:19 PM
black men killed thousands of people because their nosebridges weren't wide enough.

EXPLAIN/link/What are you describing?

Let's not get on the subject of men killing thousands of innocent people.

Why don't you research an underreported American history EPIC tragedy...


04-16-2007, 03:20 PM
maybe they'll lower my tuition rates.

man the fun never ends at VA tech. competitive in both major college sports, all kinds of parties, and once every few months your life will be in serious danger.

I think I'm actually excited about going there now. it's a school with a history. when the dates are all muddled up in the future I can claim to have been there when it happened.

I got off school at 11 today because of, I kid you not, FAST WIND. basically spent from then till now watching the coverage. and I gotta say I think there's something wrong with me. I know people at VA tech and really any one of them could be dead right now. and even if I don't know them, they're other peoples friends, siblings, sons and daughters, and people with a great future ahead of them who were robbed of that by some bitter **** stressing over exams and girl trouble.

yet I don't feel anything.. at all. it's not like I'm fearless. I just don't feel a connection with these events at all. same thing with 9/11. same thing with the DC sniper. none of these things evoked any fear, concern, emotion in me whatsoever. if anything it just reminds me that my **** can get ruined at any minute so I shouldn't waste any time..

04-16-2007, 03:20 PM
here they go blaming it on video games..
predictable. blame parents (how can youths be brought up by games and videos?) and government.

04-16-2007, 03:20 PM
crackers are evil. a black man wont just kill 21 ppl becasue he got a B-
Somalia, Rwanda, Ethiopia?

04-16-2007, 03:21 PM
My heart felt condolences go out to all people and their families. Our hopes and thoughts are with you in this time of crisis.

Why does this keep happening are people stupid retarded or dumb. Why logical explanation or line of thinking does anyone of those shooters have. What in your life could be so terrible you would have to do something like this that affects so many people that had nothing to do with the situation in the shooters life. Crazy man! this guy should be executed on the spot instant death penalty. Things like this make me fume!:mad:

04-16-2007, 03:21 PM
A lot of blame has to be placed on the university and university police. How do you allow the two shootings to be 2 HOURS APART?

Ok what would you havfe done police chief? I'm not gonna say police did a perfect job but we dont even know the details. For all we know the shooter probably was never identified, given a description from witnesses or they had no clue of his whereabouts on a large campus. Its said the shooter went to class incognito. So how would you know where to look? Police probably have proper procedure/protocol for a situation like this but i have no knowledge of it or its details...and i doubt you do.

Hold off on the blame. University probably deserves blame since they didnt get out the info to students until 2hrs later. Classes should have been shut down tho, security guards on alert.

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 03:21 PM
maybe they'll lower my tuition rates.

Spoken from the mouth of a true nerd. lol

04-16-2007, 03:22 PM
EXPLAIN/link/What are you describing?

Let's not get on the subject of men killing thousands of innocent people.

Why don't you research an underreported American history EPIC tragedy...

Rwanda genocide.

It's not black/white/asian whatever. It's men.

Where are the women shooting up schools? Genocide? It's always (mostly) men.

04-16-2007, 03:26 PM
Rwanda genocide was pretty crazy....i couldnt fathom living in that situation. I rather live in a drug infested neighborhood than deal with that.

04-16-2007, 03:27 PM
Ok what would you havfe done police chief? I'm not gonna say police did a perfect job but we dont even know the details. For all we know the shooter probably was never identified, given a description from witnesses or they had no clue of his whereabouts on a large campus. Its said the shooter went to class incognito. So how would you know where to look? Police probably have proper procedure/protocol for a situation like this but i have no knowledge of it or its details...and i doubt you do.

Hold off on the blame. University probably deserves blame since they didnt get out the info to students until 2hrs later. Classes should have been shut down tho, security guards on alert.

Dude, he went all the way across campus. Started shooting 2 hours later. Campus should have been locked down immediately after the first shooting. He shouldn't have even been able to get in to the engineering building. At my university, there is a loud siren that rings all across campus if something like this were to happen, and a dude on a PA explains what's going on. Every university should have something like that.

They were interviewing some girl, and she had no idea what was going on after the first round of shootings. She was about to leave her room, but then was notified by her friend what was happening.

04-16-2007, 03:27 PM
Ok what would you havfe done police chief? I'm not gonna say police did a perfect job but we dont even know the details. For all we know the shooter probably was never identified, given a description from witnesses or they had no clue of his whereabouts on a large campus. Its said the shooter went to class incognito. So how would you know where to look? Police probably have proper procedure/protocol for a situation like this but i have no knowledge of it or its details...and i doubt you do.

Hold off on the blame. University probably deserves blame since they didnt get out the info to students until 2hrs later. Classes should have been shut down tho, security guards on alert.

I agree with this... it had to be chaos there for quite a bit...

The facts will come out over time.


04-16-2007, 03:29 PM
I got off school at 11 today because of, I kid you not, FAST WIND.
Same here. Gota love Fairfax County.

04-16-2007, 03:29 PM
Rwanda genocide.

It's not black/white/asian whatever. It's men.

Where are the women shooting up schools? Genocide? It's always (mostly) men.After women or religion has screwed with their minds. :)

04-16-2007, 03:29 PM
white people............

Says this little cream puff.


Know your roll, you dolt.

04-16-2007, 03:30 PM
Rwanda genocide was pretty crazy....i couldnt fathom living in that situation. I rather live in a drug infested neighborhood than deal with that.

Yup. Rwanda is gun infested, drug infested, hiv infested. Hate infested (largely thanks to the Colonial regime who created a huge gap between tutsi and huti people, who are basically only divided by how wide their noses were.)

It's sick. The evil that men do. I think there's just too many people on earth. Lemmings and us.

04-16-2007, 03:31 PM
Dude, he went all the way across campus. Started shooting 2 hours later. Campus should have been locked down immediately after the first shooting. He shouldn't have even been able to get in to the engineering building. At my university, there is a loud siren that rings all across campus if something like this were to happen, and a dude on a PA explains what's going on. Every university should have something like that.

They were interviewing some girl, and she had no idea what was going on after the first round of shootings. She was about to leave her room, but then was notified by her friend what was happening.There are going to be a lot of lawsuits. VaTech will end up paying out 100 million+ for this.

04-16-2007, 03:31 PM
TMOGE has pictures of everyone don't he?

04-16-2007, 03:31 PM
I know this is a tragedy, but seriously the 'civilized' and 'developed' countries turn a blind eye to genocide every day and don't bring it to the limelight because then they would be responsible for their negligence. The genocide in Rawanda was ignored, and the death toll is estimated in the hundreds of millions (more than WW2), and even the situation in korea is ignred, but the US and GB invade Iraq? Strange? There's no oil in Rawanda or Korea. People that think this is the greatest nation on earth and think people are doing good in the world need to wake the F up.

04-16-2007, 03:32 PM
Couldn't agree with you more. There was a comment on the first page that if Bush had not gone to war illegally, we could have possibly averted this. I posted an equally idiotic response saying that maybe we could have avoided this if we did not have so many liberal university professors. Two people immediately responded to my response telling me that I am an idiot, missing the point of my post completely - Blaming this on Bush is just as dumb as blaming it on the liberal professors.
Maybe if you had quoted the original post, people would have understood that you were being sarcastic.

04-16-2007, 03:32 PM
Says this little cream puff.


Know your roll, you dolt.
who is that handsome man? i would go homo for him

04-16-2007, 03:33 PM
my condolences to all them and their family

04-16-2007, 03:33 PM
New reports have 31 dead

04-16-2007, 03:34 PM
TMOGE has pictures of everyone don't he?
yeah pretty SUSPECT isn't it?

04-16-2007, 03:35 PM
who is that handsome man? i would go homo for him

Here he is again.


Looks like a privileged kid from the burbs who goes to the bad side of town to buy his face moisturizers just to say he shops in the ghetto.

04-16-2007, 03:35 PM
Maybe if you had quoted the original post, people would have understood that you were being sarcastic.
Wow, you need to learn to read. My post does quote the original post.

04-16-2007, 03:37 PM
Here he is again.


Looks like a privileged kid from the burbs who goes to the bad side of town to buy his face moisturizers just to say he shops in the ghetto.
yeah keep postin my pics u suspect f@ggot.

you just mad cuz i have personality to go with my good looks and dont have to google pics of models and pass myself off as them and say i was in romania doing a shoot.

LiL Stevie
04-16-2007, 03:37 PM
Yup VA Tech didn't handle this too well. Campus should've been locked down ASAP.

04-16-2007, 03:38 PM
Yes and you knew this ahead of time right police officer??? No one KNEW the guy was still on campus or where on campus. That campus is HUGE. He could have been anywhere. How do you find a someone when first you have no idea what they look like (again we are assuming they didnt, maybe they did? who knows, but YOU seem to huh?!) or where to look. For all they know he could have left the campus and fled after the initial shooting.

I never said he should have been caught immediately. You just assumed I said that. The reason I reiterated the point about the 2 hours was because the campus should have been locked down in that time. Locking down the campus could have prevented more deaths. They shouldn't have waited until 2 hours to do so.

04-16-2007, 03:38 PM
yeah keep postin my pics u suspect f@ggot.

you just mad cuz i have personality to go with my good looks and dont have to google pics of models and pass myself off as them and say i was in romania doing a shoot.

Personality? Post those pics of you posing with that **** eating poodle you creampuff.

Lucky I gotta get back to work.

04-16-2007, 03:40 PM
Personality? Post those pics of you posing with that **** eating poodle you creampuff.

Lucky I gotta get back to work.
that was 3/4 years ago f uck boy.

i was ****in 17.

get over it.

04-16-2007, 03:41 PM
I never said he should have been caught immediately. You just assumed I said that. The reason I reiterated the point about the 2 hours was because the campus should have been locked down in that time. Locking down the campus could have prevented more deaths. They shouldn't have waited until 2 hours to do so.

No you're right...after i read the bottom of your post I pretty much agreed. Thats why i deleted my reply. School should have been shut down after the first incident. Classes cancelled...no kids allowed in the school...entire campus notified instantly.

04-16-2007, 03:42 PM
I just heard online there might be 50+ dead. Dunno if it's true but if so.. wow. That's ****ed up.

I'm just glad you would never use a tragedy to win political points.

As a side note.. are you ****ing retarded? Seriously. You consistently say some of the dumbest **** that has ever graced this message board. It's unfortunate because I assume you're paying money for education. If so, I would demand a refund.

he definately sounds like a private school kid.

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 03:42 PM
Odds of Bence's tongue ever touching Bracer's schlong


very high at this point.

04-16-2007, 03:44 PM
T.. give it a rest. nobody cares what bence looks like. 32 teenagers with great futures were just murdered.

even freaking GOBB is on topic today..

04-16-2007, 03:45 PM
have these school shooters ever been anything BUT:confusedshrug:

yes. there have been both black and white school shooters.

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 03:45 PM
T.. give it a rest. nobody cares what bence looks like. 32 teenagers with great futures were just murdered.

even freaking GOBB is on topic today..

School tuition was on topic?

04-16-2007, 03:46 PM
T.. give it a rest. nobody cares what bence looks like. 32 teenagers with great futures were just murdered.

even freaking GOBB is on topic today..
thank you.

the man's fixation with me is quite disturbing

04-16-2007, 03:46 PM
Why wasn't the school shut down after the first shooting? (haven't turned on news yet)

This is just awful. I haven't been this shook up by a news story for a while.

04-16-2007, 03:49 PM
yes. there have been both black and white school shooters.
not that it MATTERS, but this kid was ASIAN.

I don't get how people can put race into this. no race is blameless. no major religion is blameless. there is no pattern you can derive from these isolated incidents.

"oh, dumb white people." mother****er VA tech is 75% white, possibly as high as 80 and the gunman was NOT WHITE.

04-16-2007, 03:51 PM
Why wasn't the school shut down after the first shooting? (haven't turned on news yet)
its unprecedented. did you see the news coverage? the campus police were all fat lardasses who haven't probably moved in their entire careers before. college shootings do not happen, haven't since texas 40 years ago. nobody could have forseen this. for sure if this happens again anywhere everything will be locked down. after 9/11 airports got smarter, after columbine high schools got insane about security.. I wouldn't worry about this happening again.

04-16-2007, 03:51 PM
asians white whatever its close enough. it sure as hell aint black. we dont seperate yall into differnt colors. cracker ass *****es

04-16-2007, 03:51 PM
not that it MATTERS, but this kid was ASIAN.

I don't get how people can put race into this. no race is blameless. no major religion is blameless. there is no pattern you can derive from these isolated incidents.

"oh, dumb white people." mother****er VA tech is 75% white, possibly as high as 80 and the gunman was NOT WHITE.
did they say if he actually went to the school? fam looked old

04-16-2007, 03:53 PM
did they say if he actually went to the school? fam looked old
no its not confirmed but.. come on. and as for looking old.. VT's engineering program is responsible for more than a few grey hairs.

asians white whatever its close enough. it sure as hell aint black.
what? are you celebrating the fact that a murder happened and a black guy DIDNT do it? what is your point?

04-16-2007, 03:54 PM
Only in America...and the Balkans.

Umm not really. There have been incidents of Serbian armies shooting at civilians and school children, but it's not like a civilians just go on a shooting rampages.

Yugo's love shooting up ****.

You know Yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore. Fawking dumb Soviets.

Damn this feels like a scene from "Higher Learning" that I was just watching yesterday. Tragic news, has me kinda not even wanting to go to class and I go to ECU a whole state south down in North Carolina.

What a shytty movie btw.

As for the victims, I just couldn't fathom what I would do. I basically feel free from danger in my university because I feel that most of the student body is just trying to have a good time and study. And you would think that this type of shyt only happens in some ghetto highschool, but damm this happened at a respectable college university.

I just want to say that kid is retarted and I hope he goes to hell. I don't want to hear some liberal bs that he has psychological problems or blame it on Counterstrike or Hollywood. I'm assuming this kid went to the university, so he had to be somewhat intelligent, and he should have the mental capacity to differentiate between fantasy and reality. And the kid is also a dirtbag because he just disgraced his family and media will try to blame even though they probably did there best to raise the kid.

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 04:01 PM
You know Yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore. Fawking dumb Soviets.

I know that. I was just grouping them all....and I wasn't being serious. I added the Balkans for jokes.

Did you call me a Soviet?.....or did you just want to tell me you think Soviets are dumb? lol

04-16-2007, 04:03 PM
I know that. I was just grouping them all....and I wasn't being serious. I added the Balkans for jokes.

Did you call me a Soviet?.....or did you just want to tell me you think Soviets are dumb? lol

Aren't you Ukranian?

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 04:08 PM
Just making sure you didnt' just come up with some random insult.:roll:

Ukraine was always a nation, before, during and after Soviet rule.

Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, etc. weren't. Maybe considered nations because of their ethnicity, but that's like saying Quebec is a nation.

So you calling me a Soviet makes no sense. I might as well be called a Nazi too since I'm part Polish and it was conquered by Germany in WW2.:roll:

04-16-2007, 04:09 PM
Odds of Bence's tongue ever touching Bracer's schlong


very high at this point.
u suspect son?

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 04:10 PM
Am I a suspect in the V.Tech shootings? no.

You talking slang that no respectable human being understands? Probable.

04-16-2007, 04:12 PM
A guy I worked with, who I'd call "a good associate" goes to Va. Tech and I think he's an engineering major. I think. May have been marketing but I think it was engineering. I gotta find out what's going on with him.

20 Dimes A Game
04-16-2007, 04:15 PM
What is the world coming to?

04-16-2007, 04:15 PM
Just making sure you didnt' just come up with some random insult.:roll:

Ukraine was always a nation, before, during and after Soviet rule.

Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, etc. weren't. Maybe considered nations because of their ethnicity, but that's like saying Quebec is a nation.

So you calling me a Soviet makes no sense. I might as well be called a Nazi too since I'm part Polish and it was conquered by Germany in WW2.:roll:

It was a joke numbnut, I was grouping Ukraines as Soviets, even though there not and even though USSR doesn't exist, hence, the balkans.

04-16-2007, 04:16 PM
Am I a suspect in the V.Tech shootings? no.

You talking slang that no respectable human being understands? Probable.
a big no homo to worrying about another man's tongue son.

and your statement becomes even more ironic when one looks at your location.


even more suspect than your initial comment about me is your n*t hugging of TMOGE. worse than a pair of low rise bootcut jeans with a 9.5" rise.

just do me a favor and keep my name out your mouth before I come and slap the taste out of it.

04-16-2007, 04:16 PM
Couple of my old high school buddies go there. I haven't been able to reach them, I pray they are ok.

I also think Illinifan goes there, I don't know if he's in this thread, but hopefully he's ok too..

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 04:18 PM
even more suspect than your initial comment about me is your n*t hugging of TMOGE. worse than a pair of low rise bootcut jeans with a 9.5" rise.

Nut hugging?...I'm pretty sure until recently I though TMOGE was a 12 year girl who cried to mommy 24/7 (based on evidence I compiled).

It was a joke numbnut, I was grouping Ukraines as Soviets, even though there not and even though USSR doesn't exist, hence, the balkans.

I'm joking too....what's your problem? lol

04-16-2007, 04:20 PM
How the hell do you let 31 people die? Especially when it is just one gunmen AND the police were already on campus. I really want to see how much time elapsed since the police were first informed of the second shooting. Not only this, but the school didn't shut down after the police were trying to search for an armed convict on campus. I think the investigation will really put some blame on V-tech and the police.

04-16-2007, 04:23 PM
How the hell do you let 31 people die? Especially when it is just one gunmen AND the police were already on campus. I really want to see how much time elapsed since the police were first informed of the second shooting. Not only this, but the school didn't shut down after the police were trying to search for an armed convict on campus. I think the investigation will really put some blame on V-tech and the police.

I was thinking the same thing. I hope they give more info soon enough.

04-16-2007, 04:24 PM
I'm joking too....what's your problem? lol

In my country you would be dead by now.........

04-16-2007, 04:24 PM
Thoughts and prayers from Clemson Nation

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 04:24 PM
In my country you would be dead by now.........

In my country you'd have three testicles thanks to nuclear mishaps.

04-16-2007, 04:26 PM
peace and blessings from texas state. damn this is a horrible day.

04-16-2007, 04:27 PM
In my country you'd have three testicles thanks to nuclear mishaps.

Very nicccccccce.

I could make better love to my goat.

i seen hippos
04-16-2007, 04:31 PM
But Ukranians would **** you up anyways. We been through enough sh!t to **** us up forever. lol

You're little skirmishes don't count.:)

04-16-2007, 05:04 PM
How did this happen? 32 people so far, why wasn't there a quicker response? I just came from work, so I really don't know too many details, anybody care to fill me in?

04-16-2007, 05:06 PM
Body count is now at 33.

04-16-2007, 05:08 PM
Are the "injured" dying or are they recovering more bodies?

04-16-2007, 05:09 PM
Are the "injured" dying or are they recovering more bodies?
good question young son

04-16-2007, 05:09 PM
Couple of my old high school buddies go there. I haven't been able to reach them, I pray they are ok.

I also think Illinifan goes there, I don't know if he's in this thread, but hopefully he's ok too..

He is fine thank god. And I hope your friends are alright as well.

04-16-2007, 05:10 PM
Are the "injured" dying or are they recovering more bodies?

It almost seems to sound like there are more bodies that have yet to be "officially" recovreed. If you think about it, thats a lot of coroner work, preserving and documenting the crime scenes.


04-16-2007, 05:11 PM
Yeah I think its ridiculous 2 hours elapsed between the shootings yet they failed to lock down or evacuate in time.

04-16-2007, 05:11 PM
Death count now at 33 people.... (cnn.com)


04-16-2007, 05:14 PM
How did V-Tech staff or officers not tell about the furst shooting. I just saw on the news teachers were getting the first e-mail about the events as the seconds shoots were taking place.

This goes back to 911. I (like most students) was in class that day and we didn't hear about 911 untill arounf lunch time (noon) as the attacks happened earlier that moring. The cafateria was so quit that day.

04-16-2007, 05:18 PM
Where is Geewiz?

Anyways, sad event. I'll put it to the back of my mind though so there's enough room for the next one...which is inevitable as the sun rising each morning.


04-16-2007, 05:37 PM
Thats f*cked up

Just yesterday I found out someone I know daughter died. She just collapsed, was only 14. She was a straight A student, and started for her Varsity at High School and was just a freshman. Its sad to see people just die. Especially some people who were actually special

04-16-2007, 05:39 PM
Death count now at 33 people.... (cnn.com)


tat's really crazy... is it gang related???