View Full Version : How much could Houston pay Josh Smith

el gringos
04-23-2015, 03:48 PM
Does Houston have the ability, if they choose, to sign josh smith long term or at least to an above mle contract?

Without cap space is Houston limited?

If Enes, Greg Monroe, Middleton, Tobias Harris, b knight, and others are Max or near max contract players this offseason is it crazy to think there won't be teams throwing big offers Smiths direction?

04-23-2015, 04:09 PM
I think Smith would take a discount.

He's got his best man (literally) to play with. A star in Harden. An uptempo run and gun offense perfectly suited for him. And an established team to play on.

Why would he go anywhere else? Or better yet, after the Detroit disaster, who would want to pay him? The rockets offense allows him to be him. Nowhere else can he play like he's playing now.

04-23-2015, 04:10 PM
I don't think he will get more than MLE type of money.

04-23-2015, 04:20 PM
Only fans of a team think a player will take a discount to stay with their team.

04-23-2015, 04:24 PM
if he signs a deal with player options he can opt when the cap increases and get a bigger deal with the rockets.

04-23-2015, 04:37 PM
Only fans of a team think a player will take a discount to stay with their team.
Other than money, which he will surely make as a member of the Rockets, why would he leave?

Honestly, how much is a team willing to pay him? $5m? Maybe 6m if a team is desperate? Would you pay $5m for Josh Smith?

So instead of 5m, is it unreasonable for him to stay in a warm climate playing with his childhood friends in a brand new arena on a free flowing offense perfectly suited to his playing style for, say, 3m?

04-23-2015, 04:44 PM
Oh yeah...

And no taxes either.

04-23-2015, 05:12 PM
He won't be offered a max or near max deal

04-23-2015, 05:15 PM
People on LA radio are saying Lakers will offer a 3/40 type deal for Smith. Would be awful for my Lakers, he's not a legit NBA player anymore and he's a scumbag off the court. Had the pleasure to run into him a few times, was an asshole to my kid and his friends.

04-23-2015, 05:15 PM
Knicks won't go after him. End thread.

04-23-2015, 05:20 PM
If Enes, Greg Monroe, Middleton, Tobias Harris, b knight, and others are Max or near max contract players this offseason is it crazy to think there won't be teams throwing big offers Smiths direction?I think it depends upon one's definition of "big offers". From the looks of it, Smith has played some good ball in Houston more times than not (though his numbers - 43% shooting, 52% from the free throw line in particular, still aren't super stellar). Beyond the numbers, he's seemed to have given a lift to his team.

That said, after the debacle that was his entire tenure in Detroit, alongside the constant shot selection issues in Atlanta and whatnot, I feel it'd be an incredibly risky move for a team to hedge a significant amount of their bets to Smith as a free agent.

If his chemistry works with Dwight Howard, I say he needs to stay attached to the hip of Dwight Howard, because he was that awful during his time in Detroit. It's been a long time since I've seen a go-to player have as negative effect on a team as Smith did to start this season. So if he found something that works, he needs to ride that.

04-23-2015, 05:22 PM
Other than money, which he will surely make as a member of the Rockets, why would he leave?

Honestly, how much is a team willing to pay him? $5m? Maybe 6m if a team is desperate? Would you pay $5m for Josh Smith?

So instead of 5m, is it unreasonable for him to stay in a warm climate playing with his childhood friends in a brand new arena on a free flowing offense perfectly suited to his playing style for, say, 3m?

Other than money...

04-23-2015, 05:37 PM
Other than money...
So 5m before taxes or 3m after?

Is it that much of a difference when speaking in terms of that kind of money?

04-23-2015, 05:39 PM
People on LA radio are saying Lakers will offer a 3/40 type deal for Smith. Would be awful for my Lakers, he's not a legit NBA player anymore and he's a scumbag off the court. Had the pleasure to run into him a few times, was an asshole to my kid and his friends.
I can't imagine any team paying him close to that.

His game has been a product of Houston's offense and the players around him. The Lakers have neither.

04-23-2015, 05:42 PM
Smith is greedy but he isnt THIS greedy

The Rockets are a contender and he will be playing with his best friend, in a warm climate, and playing with the MVP

He already is making 14-15M, so another 5M would push him to 20M and make him one of the highest players in the league

He would a complete moron to go anywhere else UNLESS a team pays him 5M more over the course of 4-5 years (9-10M a year instead of 5M) then it may seem hard to leave an extra 20-25M on the table.

el gringos
04-23-2015, 05:59 PM
I don't think he will get more than MLE type of money.
You are wrong

el gringos
04-23-2015, 06:00 PM
Only fans of a team think a player will take a discount to stay with their team.
You're right

el gringos
04-23-2015, 06:02 PM
Smith is greedy but he isnt THIS greedy

The Rockets are a contender and he will be playing with his best friend, in a warm climate, and playing with the MVP

He already is making 14-15M, so another 5M would push him to 20M and make him one of the highest players in the league

He would a complete moron to go anywhere else UNLESS a team pays him 5M more over the course of 4-5 years (9-10M a year instead of 5M) then it may seem hard to leave an extra 20-25M on the table.
Great thought.

You don't believe that HE WOULD THINK he is a great fit other places too?

el gringos
04-23-2015, 06:05 PM
Oh yeah...

And no taxes either.
The state income tax differences is a huge card in the nba for certain teams. You are right.

The rest of the you in this thread has been TERRIBLE

Hey what range do you think booker goes? Am I way off to think he goes 7-12

04-23-2015, 06:17 PM
People on LA radio are saying Lakers will offer a 3/40 type deal for Smith. Would be awful for my Lakers, he's not a legit NBA player anymore and he's a scumbag off the court. Had the pleasure to run into him a few times, was an asshole to my kid and his friends.

Your kid sounds like a ******.

el gringos
04-23-2015, 06:29 PM
I could see a number like that LA number. At least 3 years 32-34

I know is rather have 3@ 11 per for smith than 16+ for Monroe

04-23-2015, 06:54 PM
The state income tax differences is a huge card in the nba for certain teams. You are right.

The rest of the you in this thread has been TERRIBLE

Hey what range do you think booker goes? Am I way off to think he goes 7-12

I still see him as at least a year away, if not two, from seriously contributing.

I could see him being drafted late lotto, although I certainly wouldn't draft him there. I'd pick up maybe 14-20. I think Lyles is a much better prospect.

04-23-2015, 06:59 PM
Great thought.

You don't believe that HE WOULD THINK he is a great fit other places too?
Name one other place he'd be a great fit.

Suns? Mavs? Nuggets maybe?

Honestly, where could he possibly go. You see this new Smith because of Houston's open offense. You heard McHale, he doesn't care if he shoots 3's in games as long as he makes 500 before he leaves practice. I think that's fair.

Where else will he get the freedom to step out and shoot 3s or bring the ball up the court?

Again, warm climate. Big city. Central city. New arena. Great GM. Good coach. His best man at his wedding is on the team. Harden is on the team. The offense is wide open. No taxes. Already a contender. No pressure. Big market.

I mean, there's really no good reason to leave.

el gringos
04-24-2015, 01:25 AM
Name one other place he'd be a great fit.

Suns? Mavs? Nuggets maybe?

Honestly, where could he possibly go. You see this new Smith because of Houston's open offense. You heard McHale, he doesn't care if he shoots 3's in games as long as he makes 500 before he leaves practice. I think that's fair.

Where else will he get the freedom to step out and shoot 3s or bring the ball up the court?

Again, warm climate. Big city. Central city. New arena. Great GM. Good coach. His best man at his wedding is on the team. Harden is on the team. The offense is wide open. No taxes. Already a contender. No pressure. Big market.

I mean, there's really no good reason to leave.thats great and all but i think other teams may be able to offer more money

04-24-2015, 08:06 AM
Smith is perfect for them in that Odom role

el gringos
04-24-2015, 10:23 AM
Smith is perfect for them in that Odom role
I agree. Could that odom role be used in the triangle in NY? My whole point was that there are more than one team smith could help. He prob knows Houston fits him well, but if they can't pay as much as the competition he will prob leave