View Full Version : Honestly, what do you think a early 90s Jordan would average today?

02-22-2015, 03:42 PM
My prediction: 33 ppg 6 rbs 5 asts 2 stls close to 1 blk

02-22-2015, 03:47 PM
In before humans have evolved so much...

Young X
02-22-2015, 03:47 PM
Depends on what kinda team he's on.

Good offensive team:
31/6/6/2.5 stls on 62 TS%

Bad offensive team:
34/7/6/2.8 stls on 60 TS%

02-22-2015, 03:49 PM
So prime Jordan ...

Championship level team?

30 ppg, 6 rpg, 6 apg, 3 spg

On Bad Team ala Kobe 2006, Wade 2009?

35 ppg, 7 rpg, 7 apg, 3 spg

02-22-2015, 03:54 PM
:roll: at 35 ppg in a league where the top scorer is at 27 ppg. The real life historical Jordan was at 37 ppg (along with 5 boards and 5 assists) on a bad team in the run and gun, weak defense 80's yet he would approach that in 2015?

02-22-2015, 03:54 PM
So prime Jordan ...

Championship level team?

30 ppg, 6 rpg, 6 apg, 3 spg

On Bad Team ala Kobe 2006, Wade 2009?

35 ppg, 7 rpg, 7 apg, 3 spg
Looks about right. His assist numbers might depend on the team he plays with though.

02-22-2015, 03:54 PM
He'd average an NBA championship a year.

02-22-2015, 03:55 PM
500 ppg

Young X
02-22-2015, 03:59 PM
:roll: at 35 ppg in a league where the top scorer is at 27 ppg. The real life historical Jordan was at 37 ppg (along with 5 boards and 5 assists) on a bad team in the run and gun, weak defense 80's yet he would approach that in 2015?That's because all of the best scorers are currently on good teams, fool.

KD just averaged 32 last season and he's not even close to being as aggressive as MJ and he plays with a PG that has one of the highest usage rates in NBA history. On one of the top teams in the league as well. I don't see why MJ can't average 35+ on a bad team. Stop posting dumb sh!t.

02-22-2015, 03:59 PM
Jordan's not better than this 2015 league's best scorer?

:roll: :roll: :roll:

'87 Jordan is better than prime '90 - '93 Jordan now? You're saying 1987 Jordan is his peak?

:roll: :roll: :roll:

You don't even make sense. And this myth you're a Bulls fan, or even really watched Jordan needs to stop. It's becoming more increasingly obvious, as well as your agenda in every MJ / LeBron related thread.

If peak Kobe on a bad, offensively inept team could put up 35 ppg. And if Wade on a bad, offensively inept team could put up 30 ppg. And if James Harden is scoring 27 ppg right now?

The best player ever, '90 - '93 Jordan ... who is like a peak mixture of prime Kobe, and Wade wouldn't be lighting up the league well over 30 ppg? Yea, ok RR. Live in your delusion.

Sprinkle in some prime Dr. J too

02-22-2015, 04:01 PM
:roll: at 35 ppg in a league where the top scorer is at 27 ppg. The real life historical Jordan was at 37 ppg on a bad team in the run and gun, no defense 80's yet he would approach that in 2015?
Jordan's not better than this 2015 league's best scorer?

:roll: :roll: :roll:

'87 Jordan is better than prime '90 - '93 Jordan now? You're saying 1987 Jordan is his peak? It was only his 3rd season in the league ... and he didn't even have close to the jumper both mid-range, and outside or post game he later developed starting from '88 onward.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

You don't even make sense. And this myth you're a Bulls fan, or even really watched Jordan needs to stop. It's becoming more increasingly obvious, as well as your agenda in every MJ / LeBron related thread.

If peak Kobe on a bad, offensively inept team could put up 35 ppg. And if Wade on a bad, offensively inept team could put up 30 ppg in this era's free flowing, ample spacing, can't breathe on perimeter players climate. And if James Harden is scoring 27 ppg right now?

The best player ever, '90 - '93 Jordan ... who is like a peak mixture of prime Kobe, and Wade wouldn't be lighting up the league well over 30 ppg? Yea, ok RR. Live in your delusion.

02-22-2015, 04:01 PM
So prime Jordan ...

Championship level team?

30 ppg, 6 rpg, 6 apg, 3 spg

On Bad Team ala Kobe 2006, Wade 2009?

35 ppg, 7 rpg, 7 apg, 3 spg

I think I'm good with these numbers, though I could see assists going down if he's the only real scoring option on a bad team.

02-22-2015, 04:03 PM
:roll: at 35 ppg in a league where the top scorer is at 27 ppg. The real life historical Jordan was at 37 ppg (along with 5 boards and 5 assists) on a bad team in the run and gun, weak defense 80's yet he would approach that in 2015?

80s no defense??? :rolleyes:. Defense in the 80s was rougher than the 90s which is still way more physical defense than today.

02-22-2015, 04:05 PM
Depends on fga to me. I'd guess around 30 to 32, 5 and 5 though. This era is more team oriented for the most part. Stars aren't averaging 27 or 30 attempts a game any more. So this is based off a 18 to 20 shots per game assumption.

02-22-2015, 04:05 PM
I think I'm good with these numbers, though I could see assists going down if he's the only real scoring option on a bad team.
1989 Bulls

2nd best scorer: Scottie Pippen 14 ppg
MJ: 8 apg

Pretty impressive. When MJ had to play PG, create, and dish ... he could with the best of them. That's with his 2nd best scorer only being a 14 ppg caliber player.

02-22-2015, 04:06 PM
Pretty much Kobe's numbers this season, but with a slightly higher FG%.

02-22-2015, 04:08 PM
The constant mythology is comical. :roll:

1) It is ludicrous to think MJ would be averaging 30% more than anyone else in the league. He never had that kind of supremacy in real life. Only Wilt, the BOAT, did.

2) Did you even watch basketball in 2006 (Space Jam does not count)? That was a year where half a dozen players were scoring 28+. Kobe scored 35 but AI was right behind and then behind AI were LeBron, Wade, Arenas, Carmelo and co. In contrast, this year the league leader is at 27 ppg. How can you attempt to compare scoring in 2015 to 2006? You must not have watched basketball in 2006.

Elite scoring this year is down dramatically relative to historical levels. Harden's 27 ppg this year would be at the bottom of the top 10 in 06'. Yet Mike would be scoring 35 ppg in today's league?

3) Jordan averaged 37 ppg on a bad team where the league average was 110 ppg scored; today it is 100 ppg.

02-22-2015, 04:16 PM
The constant mythology is comical. :roll:
No what's comical is this ...

MJ proved his abilities time and time again to basically be the best scorer the league has ever seen. Prime / Peak Jordan especially.

He can drive off the bounce. He can shoot. He can post up. He can beat you off the ball, with slashing or catch and shoot (which negates pseudo zones), can hit the 3 ball if you sag. Can finish at the rim about as good as anyone. With power or grace. Hits his free throws above 80% clip.

And he isn't reliant on excessive soft foul calls, because he played in an era with actual physicality. For post season? He has elite mid range game, which is what beat teams when refs swallow whistles, game slows down and the 3 point line is actually defended. Thus Harden going in ghost mode every post season. The league's current best scorer ???

The only mythology in this thread is from your finger tips:

a) 1987 Jordan is his peak as a player (would be like saying 2002 Kobe, 2006 Wade, or 2006 LeBron)

b) James Harden, the league leader in PPG isn't quite inferior to MJ as a scorer.

It's fairy dust. It doesn't exist. You're delusional.

MJ, the GOAT, who in a more physical, slow, low scoring, bump and grind, congested lane era in the late 90s ... past his prime was putting up 30 ppg, 29 ppg, 28 ppg between the ages of 33 - 35 ... wouldn't in his prime / peak, with all the athleticism in the world to accompany his intelligence and skills be easily putting up over 30 ppg is absurdity on your behalf.

Log off ISH, now. You'll do us all a favor.

02-22-2015, 04:17 PM
Probably slightly less PPG on better efficiency (Drop in PPG less relatively than increase in %)

02-22-2015, 04:20 PM
:roll: at this guy who just called Harden the best player in the league. Do you watch any games today?

Wilt is the only player who has ever shown the ability to outscore the next best scorer by that kind of margin.

Meanwhile scoring in the real world among the elite is, outside of what we saw around the turn of the century, at the lowest levels since the 50's yet MJ would easily score 35 in a league like this. This is more about the reality of the defensive play of 2015 than about Jordan.

Young X
02-22-2015, 04:20 PM
The constant mythology is comical. :roll:

1) It is ludicrous to think MJ would be averaging 30% more than anyone else in the league. He never had that kind of supremacy in real life. Only Wilt, the BOAT, did.

2) Did you even watch basketball in 2006 (Space Jam does not count)? That was a year where half a dozen players were scoring 28+. Kobe scored 35 but AI was right behind and then behind AI were LeBron, Wade, Arenas, Carmelo and co. In contrast, this year the league leader is at 27 ppg. How can you attempt to compare scoring in 2015 to 2006? You must not have watched basketball in 2006.

Elite scoring this year is down dramatically relative to historical levels. Harden's 27 ppg this year would be at the bottom of the top 10 in 06'. Yet Mike would be scoring 35 ppg in today's league?

3) Jordan averaged 37 ppg on a bad team where the league average was 110 ppg scored; today it is 100 ppg.In 1987 he averaged 37 and Wilkins averaged 29 as the next highest scorer.

And in 1987 the Bulls played at the lowest pace in the league (96, same pace as some of the teams today) only scoring 104 PPG (10 teams score more than this today).

KD just averaged 32 last year while being a less aggressive player than Jordan, playing alongside a PG with one of the highest usage rates in league history and while being on a good team.

Are you just gonna keep ignoring this or?

02-22-2015, 04:21 PM
I know ive trolled on Jordan posts a lot in the past, but I am being completely realistic here.

Today's game makes you need a jump shot with range.

I don't know if Jordan can average 30ppg for his career.

25 ppg+ surely, but if he is trying to win championship in today's league, he will need to be able to utilize his teammates correctly rather than going on a scoring rampage.

People will think I am undercutting Jordan, but I'm not, I assume as competitive Jordan was, he will be dominating and winning rings, and that's why I think he adapts to today's game with the sophisticated defenses.

02-22-2015, 04:23 PM
44 PPG

It's so much easier scoring these days because of all the rule changes. Your fingernail touches MJ, foul. Before, you can grab his neck and pull him down and it's play on (see: Knicks vs Jordan). You do that kind of thing today and you're suspended minimum two games. In the 80s/90s, you won't even get called for a foul sometimes...

02-22-2015, 04:24 PM
I think's it's wrong to say Jordan couldnt do it, but the question is would he? I mean if he nothing to play for other than a scoring title, 35 isnt out of the question.

02-22-2015, 04:25 PM
:roll: at this guy who just called Harden the best player in the league. Do you watch any games today?

Wilt is the only player who has ever shown the ability to outscore the next best scorer by that kind of margin.

Meanwhile scoring in the real world among the elite is, outside of what we saw around the turn of the century, at the lowest levels since the 50's yet MJ would easily score 35 in a league like this. This is more about the reality of the defensive play of 2015 than about Jordan.

So you don't think a prime Jordan on a terrible team could put up 3 more ppg than 2014 Durant? Durant missed that figure by 3 ppg on a good team. Kobe averaged that just 9 years ago, and Kobe isn't the scorer that prime Jordan was. A much worse version of Jordan put up 37 ppg on a bad team. I don't see how 35 ppg is unrealistic at all for the best scorer ever, in his prime, on a bad team.

J Shuttlesworth
02-22-2015, 04:27 PM
In 1987 he averaged 37 and Wilkins averaged 29 as the next highest scorer.

And in 1987 the Bulls played at the lowest pace in the league (96, same pace as some of the teams today) only scoring 104 PPG (10 teams score more than this today).

KD just averaged 32 last year while being a less aggressive player than Jordan, playing alongside a PG with one of the highest usage rates in league history and while being on a good team.

Are you just gonna keep ignoring this or?
KD had a usage rate or 33%, which is the same as MJ's career average.

For comparison, MJ put up 32.5/8/8 on 53.8% shooting in 89 with a slightly lower usage rate than KD (32.1)

So the idea that his usage/aggressiveness was lower is simply a myth

02-22-2015, 04:28 PM
Consider this:

#5 scorer in the league

2015: Cousins 23.9
2014: Harden 25.4 (note the sharp drop from 2014 to 2015)
2010: Wade 26.6
2006: Wade 27.2 (and AI was #2 at 33 ppg and LeBron at 31 ppg)
2005: Amare 26.0
2000: Malone 25.6
1995: Jackson 25.7
1990: Wilkins 26.7
1985: English 27.9
1980: M. Malone 25.8
1975: Barry 25.1
1970: Huden 25.4
1965: Jones 25.9
1960: Hagan 24.8

What does this data suggest to you? It was between 25-27 ppg consistently since the 50's.

I could see MJ scoring 37 ppg in 06' but not in 15'.

Young, correct on 87'. What happened then, though? The gap went from 37-29 ppg to 35-31 ppg from MJ to Wilkins the following year and closed thereafter.

Here are MJ's scoring title margins (starting with 87'):

3 1/2
2 1/2
2 1/2
3 1/2

Yet he easily would be scoring 30% more, that is 8 ppg more, than Harden, LeBron, Westbrook, Durant today? It is possible but unlikely based on the available evidence.

Wilt scored 50 when 32 ppg was #2...Only Wilt can credibly be projected to outscore the rest of the league by such a massive margin.

02-22-2015, 04:29 PM
Today's game makes you need a jump shot with range.


Since when is that ^^^ no longer categorized as a "jump shot with range"?

02-22-2015, 04:33 PM
Consider this:

#5 scorer in the league

2015: Cousins 23.9
2014: Harden 25.4 (note the sharp drop from 2014 to 2015)
2010: Wade 26.6
2006: Wade 27.2 (and AI was #2 at 33 ppg and LeBron at 31 ppg)
2005: Amare 26.0
2000: Malone 25.6
1995: Jackson 25.7
1990: Wilkins 26.7
1985: English 27.9
1980: M. Malone 25.8
1975: Barry 25.1
1970: Huden 25.4
1965: Jones 25.9
1960: Hagan 24.8

What does this data suggest to you? It was between 25-27 ppg consistently since the 50's.

I could see MJ scoring 37 ppg in 06' but not in 15'.

Young, correct on 87'. What happened then, though? The gap went from 37-29 ppg to 35-31 ppg from MJ to Wilkins the following year and closed thereafter.

Here are MJ's scoring title margins (starting with 87'):

3 1/2
2 1/2
2 1/2
3 1/2

Yet he easily would be scoring 30% more, that is 8 ppg more, than Harden, LeBron, Westbrook, Durant today? It is possible but unlikely based on the available evidence.

Wilt scored 50 when 32 ppg was #2...

Who do you think would score more, prime Jordan on a bad team, or 2014 Durant on a good team?

02-22-2015, 04:34 PM

Since when is that ^^^ no longer categorized as a "jump shot with range"?

you are telling me he shot a volume of jump shots at range over multiple defenders consistently?

that's what he would be getting if he tried to average 30ppg for a career in today's game.

he would get doubled before the ball consistently. he would be forced to play from the perimeter rather than the low post and mid range.

if he wants to win rings, he would be smart enough to utilize his tough shots when they are needed, and make sure his teammates are the best they can be and position them in places where they need to be.

for a second, stop getting butt hurt about what i said, nothing i said was insulting or a knock on jordan. it's a shame that you sincerely think jordan would average 30ppg and think he would still win 4 + rings like that.

Knoe Itawl
02-22-2015, 04:40 PM
Consider this:

#5 scorer in the league

2015: Cousins 23.9
2014: Harden 25.4 (note the sharp drop from 2014 to 2015)
2010: Wade 26.6
2006: Wade 27.2 (and AI was #2 at 33 ppg and LeBron at 31 ppg)
2005: Amare 26.0
2000: Malone 25.6
1995: Jackson 25.7
1990: Wilkins 26.7
1985: English 27.9
1980: M. Malone 25.8
1975: Barry 25.1
1970: Huden 25.4
1965: Jones 25.9
1960: Hagan 24.8

What does this data suggest to you? It was between 25-27 ppg consistently since the 50's.

I could see MJ scoring 37 ppg in 06' but not in 15'.

Young, correct on 87'. What happened then, though? The gap went from 37-29 ppg to 35-31 ppg from MJ to Wilkins the following year and closed thereafter.

Here are MJ's scoring title margins (starting with 87'):

3 1/2
2 1/2
2 1/2
3 1/2

Yet he easily would be scoring 30% more, that is 8 ppg more, than Harden, LeBron, Westbrook, Durant today? It is possible but unlikely based on the available evidence.

Wilt scored 50 when 32 ppg was #2...Only Wilt can credibly be projected to outscore the rest of the league by such a massive margin.

You can type as many long winded, bullshyt essays as you like, but no one that isn't a fellow Jordan detractor with an obvious agenda doesn't believe that prime Jordan couldn't score 3ppg more than Durant did last year. It's that simple.

02-22-2015, 04:45 PM
Who do you think would score more, prime Jordan on a bad team, or 2014 Durant on a good team?

There is a dramatic decline from 2014 to 2015. 2014 is listed first.

1) Durant 32.0, Harden 27.2
2) Anthony 27.4, Westbrook 26.2
3) James 27.1, James 26.0
4) Love 26.1, Davis 23.9
5) Harden 25.4, Cousins 23.9

Here are the top 5 from 2006: Kobe 35.4, Iverson 33.0, LeBron 31.4, Arenas 29.3, Wade 27.2. Westbrook's 26.2 would be 9th in 2006.

It is clear elite scoring has declined this year. The question is whether it is a fluke or due to improved defensive scheming.

To your question, in theory Jordan would but Durant was an outlier even last year and he was taking 6 three's a game at almost 40% and show almost 90% from the FT line. His scoring portfolio is different than Jordan's. My contention is Durant in 15', even if healthy, would not be scoring as much as Durant did in 14'.

Young X
02-22-2015, 04:45 PM
KD had a usage rate or 33%, which is the same as MJ's career average.

For comparison, MJ put up 32.5/8/8 on 53.8% shooting in 89 with a slightly lower usage rate than KD (32.1)

So the idea that his usage/aggressiveness was lower is simply a mythWhy look at career average when we're talking about Jordan's best scoring seasons?

When I'm comparing their aggressiveness I'm talking about MJ when he was on bad teams with little offensive help. He's had like 8-9 seasons with a higher usage rate than KD's best.

If KD can average 32 while being on a very good offensive team and playing alongside an extremely aggressive PG like Westbrook for more than half of the season, I don't see why MJ can't average 35 on a bad offensive team.

02-22-2015, 04:55 PM
I don't see why MJ can't average 35 on a bad offensive team.
If pre-prime MJ put up

37 ppg in '87
35 ppg in '88 w/ elite defense

In 1989 and 1990 he put up 33 ppg, and 34 ppg on a team that was beginning to ask of him to pull his individual game back to accomadate the development of Pippen, and Grant to true championship caliber supporting cast.

Jordan restrained himself even more and more the next 2x seasons, which were PEAK Jordan. Telling me '91 or '92 Jordan on a bad team isn't putting up 35 ppg or more? Jesus these trolls.

Young X
02-22-2015, 04:57 PM
It is clear elite scoring has declined this year. The question is whether it is a fluke or due to improved defensive schemingYou can't be this dumb. Elite scoring is down because the best scorers are on good teams that don't need them to chuck 20+ shot attempts a night for them to be competitive. It's not a "fluke" you fool. :facepalm

Can you explain why MJ couldn't score +8 more than the highest scorer this season when he already did it in his 2nd full season in '87? (37 to Wilkins' 29)

02-22-2015, 04:58 PM
Pace? Defenses?

Peak MJ took 26 FGA on a championship team in 93' in a league where the scoring average was 105. How many more shots could he have taken??? :lol

02-22-2015, 04:59 PM
You can't be this dumb. Elite scoring is down because the best scorers are on good teams that don't need them to chuck 20+ shot attempts a night for them to be competitive. It's not a "fluke" you fool. :facepalm

02-22-2015, 05:02 PM
Pace? Defenses?

Peak MJ took 26 FGA on a championship team in 93' in a league where the scoring average was 105. How many more shots could he have taken??? :lol
The Bulls were the slowest paced team in the league in 1993 ... they usually were a half court team, especially once the triangle was introduced in 1990. The Bulls were even a slow paced team in the run and gun late 80's.

Which proves even more why MJ is the GOAT scorer.

No easy transition buckets left and right padding PPG or efficiency. Guy was doing it in ISOs almost exclusively besides the 3 spg fast break opportunities.

In the 2nd three peat he scored damn near all his points off mid range jumpers, on ISOs from the pinch post.


02-22-2015, 05:02 PM
You can't be this dumb. Elite scoring is down because the best scorers are on good teams that don't need them to chuck 20+ shot attempts a night for them to be competitive. It's not a "fluke" you fool. :facepalm

Can you explain why MJ couldn't score +8 more than the highest scorer this season when he already did it in his 2nd full season in '87? (37 to Wilkins' 29)

1) What top scorers changed teams? LeBron and Love are the only top 10 scorers from 2014 to do so and the former is scoring only 1 ppg less this year--on substantially worse efficiency. Houston does not need Harden to score with Josh Smith as the #2 option with Howard out??? :wtf:

2) Do you realize what the league scoring average was in 1987? An 8 ppg difference in 87' is not the same as 8 ppg in 15'.

02-22-2015, 05:04 PM
32-33 ppg

Young X
02-22-2015, 05:14 PM
Do you realize what the league scoring average was in 1987? An 8 ppg difference in 87' is not the same as 8 ppg in 15'.Who cares about league average? Jordan's team that year played at a slower pace than 8 teams in 2015 and scored less PPG than 5 teams in 2015, yet he still averaged 37. You know why? Because he's the ****ing GOAT that's why.

Don't know what's so unbelievable about Michael ****ing Jordan on a bad offensive team averaging 3 more points than 2014 KD who played on a good offensive team.

02-22-2015, 05:24 PM
Let's put it another way, could KD on a bad team score 35 ppg in 2015? Not 2014. 2015, the current season and what the OP asked about.

Young X
02-22-2015, 05:38 PM
Let's put it another way, could KD on a bad team score 35 ppg in 2015? Not 2014. 2015, the current season and what the OP asked about.LOL @ acting like there's been some monumental change between 2014 and 2015. :oldlol: Is this what you have to resort to for you to discredit MJ?

KD this season has bean dealing with injuries and in and out his team's lineup. If he was healthy and on a bad team idk if he would average 35, but I could easily see him averaging 33+. He averaged 35 when Westbrook was out with injury last year on an OKC team that played at the same exact pace as MJ's late 80's teams.

MJ is a better scorer than KD and more aggressive/selfish. If you don't think it's possible for him to average 35 on a bad team then...

02-22-2015, 05:43 PM

02-22-2015, 05:45 PM
The constant mythology is comical. :roll:

1) It is ludicrous to think MJ would be averaging 30% more than anyone else in the league. He never had that kind of supremacy in real life. Only Wilt, the BOAT, did.

2) Did you even watch basketball in 2006 (Space Jam does not count)? That was a year where half a dozen players were scoring 28+. Kobe scored 35 but AI was right behind and then behind AI were LeBron, Wade, Arenas, Carmelo and co. In contrast, this year the league leader is at 27 ppg. How can you attempt to compare scoring in 2015 to 2006? You must not have watched basketball in 2006.

Elite scoring this year is down dramatically relative to historical levels. Harden's 27 ppg this year would be at the bottom of the top 10 in 06'. Yet Mike would be scoring 35 ppg in today's league?

3) Jordan averaged 37 ppg on a bad team where the league average was 110 ppg scored; today it is 100 ppg.
KD averaged 32 ppg just last season. Wtf are you going on about and what was the Bulls pace in 1987. Mj was the only one averaging that much in Go sit your bias ads sown 87. No didn't care what others were averaging in 87 I think the closest person to him was like 29 ppg.

02-22-2015, 05:50 PM
LOL @ acting like there's been some monumental change between 2014 and 2015. :oldlol: Is this what you have to resort to for you to discredit MJ?

KD this season has bean dealing with injuries and in and out his team's lineup. If he was healthy and on a bad team idk if he would average 35, but I could easily see him averaging 33+. He averaged 35 when Westbrook was out with injury last year on an OKC team that played at the same exact pace as MJ's late 80's teams.

MJ is a better scorer than KD and more aggressive/selfish. If you don't think it's possible for him to average 35 on a bad team then...
He acting like the league is way different then just last year. Roundball has gone full retard hating on Mj.

Angel Face
02-22-2015, 06:50 PM
Easily 35+ ppg. This year is a weak year for scorers. If KD put up 32ppg last year on a championship contender team, what makes you think the GOAT scorer won't. It's easier for perimeters today than before when MJ was putting up 30+ppg every year. Lane is more open today and the league has gone softer.

To quote:

Phil Jackson "Michael would average 45 with these rules";

Scottie Pippen "The defensive rules, the hand checking, the ability to make contact on a guy in certain areas .... [have] all been taken away from the game. If Kobe could get 81, I think Michael could get 100 in today's game."

02-22-2015, 06:56 PM
There is a dramatic decline from 2014 to 2015. 2014 is listed first.

1) Durant 32.0, Harden 27.2
2) Anthony 27.4, Westbrook 26.2
3) James 27.1, James 26.0
4) Love 26.1, Davis 23.9
5) Harden 25.4, Cousins 23.9

Here are the top 5 from 2006: Kobe 35.4, Iverson 33.0, LeBron 31.4, Arenas 29.3, Wade 27.2. Westbrook's 26.2 would be 9th in 2006.

It is clear elite scoring has declined this year. The question is whether it is a fluke or due to improved defensive scheming.

To your question, in theory Jordan would but Durant was an outlier even last year and he was taking 6 three's a game at almost 40% and show almost 90% from the FT line. His scoring portfolio is different than Jordan's. My contention is Durant in 15', even if healthy, would not be scoring as much as Durant did in 14'.

You and your data... "dramatic decline", aha, so you really think shit changed from this year to last year? What, exactly?!

Stop dodging questions.

Angel Face
02-22-2015, 06:56 PM
Let's put it another way, could KD on a bad team score 35 ppg in 2015? Not 2014. 2015, the current season and what the OP asked about.

KD put up 32ppg on a "championship contender" team just last season. 1 year isn't that much of a difference. If KD is healthy this year it could be another 30 ppg season.

James Harden being the league's top scorer shows how weak this year's scorers are. Carmelo Anthony on a bad team is only putting up 24ppg.

02-22-2015, 06:58 PM
28/8/8 on a transition based offensive team.

26/7/5 on a standard offensive team.

30/7/7 on a team with him as the offense.

02-22-2015, 07:01 PM
There is a dramatic decline from 2014 to 2015. 2014 is listed first.

1) Durant 32.0, Harden 27.2
2) Anthony 27.4, Westbrook 26.2
3) James 27.1, James 26.0
4) Love 26.1, Davis 23.9
5) Harden 25.4, Cousins 23.9

Here are the top 5 from 2006: Kobe 35.4, Iverson 33.0, LeBron 31.4, Arenas 29.3, Wade 27.2. Westbrook's 26.2 would be 9th in 2006.

It is clear elite scoring has declined this year. The question is whether it is a fluke or due to improved defensive scheming.

To your question, in theory Jordan would but Durant was an outlier even last year and he was taking 6 three's a game at almost 40% and show almost 90% from the FT line. His scoring portfolio is different than Jordan's. My contention is Durant in 15', even if healthy, would not be scoring as much as Durant did in 14'.

So you're saying that Jordan could possibly do it in 2014, but there's no way he could do it in 2015?

02-22-2015, 07:33 PM
On a terrible team: 33-35 pts/6-7 reb/6+ ast/2.5 stl/1+ blk/52% FG/60% TS

On a championship level team: 31-33 pts/6-7 reb/7 ast/2.5 stl/1+ blk/53+% FG/61+% TS

02-22-2015, 07:38 PM
Isn't Harden averaging 27ppg?

MJ would get 35ppg 'minimum'

02-22-2015, 07:43 PM
lol @ this jackass Roundball showing up in every Jordan thread and saying dumb shit. Here he doesn't understand the concept of CIRCUMSTANCE. if the top scorers from '06, '08, or '14 were IN THE SAME TEAM SITUATIONS in 2015, they would score roughly the same.

This jackass wants you to think there was some quantum leap defensively in half a season. :roll:

02-22-2015, 07:46 PM
Isn't Harden averaging 27ppg?

MJ would get 35ppg 'minimum'

You can argue that Harden is a more versatile scorer than Jordan was.

Also, we are in a era where defense is everything for the last 3 years.

deja vu
02-22-2015, 07:48 PM
About the same stats he had before.

02-22-2015, 07:54 PM
You can argue that Harden is a more versatile scorer than Jordan was.

Also, we are in a era where defense is everything for the last 3 years.
Suck my d*ck

02-22-2015, 07:56 PM
You can argue that Harden is a more versatile scorer than Jordan was.
Um, how exactly? You're too young to have seen Jordan. In a nutshell, their offensive games.

Harden: Reckless Drive off dribble, Pray for Foul, Open 3 Pointer or Step Back 3

Jordan: Fearless Drive off dribble / triple threat, Poster Dunk, Reverse Layup, GOAT Mid Range Jumper, GOAT guard Post Up, Great Slasher, Open 3's all day ...

Thus why Harden's game falls of a cliff in the playoffs.

02-22-2015, 07:56 PM
He'd average whatever he wanted in this era with no hand checking. I would figure he would be happy with about 40-45 ppg or so. Probably on 60-65%.

02-22-2015, 08:04 PM
25 points 6 rebounds 4 assists on 46%

02-22-2015, 08:13 PM
25 points 6 rebounds 4 assists on 46%

I have more red bars than you now? Oh lordy :lol

02-22-2015, 08:17 PM
You can argue that Harden is a more versatile scorer than Jordan was.

Also, we are in a era where defense is everything for the last 3 years.

rotfl as overrated i think jordan is, harden isn't even a fraction of jordan.

harden's whole game is structured off petty foul calls.

his playoff performance is equivalent of the wastes that ooze from a horse's ass

02-22-2015, 08:23 PM
How had Jordan EVER been overrated? LOL jesus the things kids say. Bill Russell? I get. He wasn't an offensive player. Wilt? Was a loser. LeBron? Chokes. Kobe? Piggy backed Shaq. Magic? Couldn't play defense. But how has Mike ever been overrated? If you watched him in context he always met, and exceeded hype.

02-22-2015, 08:27 PM
Defensive rating has improved from 106.7 to 105.7.

Durant is an outlier and an odd comparison. Durant averaged 32.0 when the next highest scored was at 27.4. No one had scored as much since Kobe in 06'. Durant took 6 three's a game and has sublime efficiency via his three point accuracy and his nearly 90% FT rate. How does that compare to MJ's game? Durant had an all-time great scoring season based on his efficiency and relative to the league he was in.

A major factor here could be a shift to more balanced offenses. If you look at the top teams today how many of them have a conventional scoring hierarchy? The traditional model of a high scoring #1 option, a 18-21 ppg second option, a 14-16 ppg third option seems to be extinct. How many top teams today employ that? Houston is the only one that comes to mind. Even OKC went away from that traditional approach in the playoffs last year, despite Durant's historic regular season. Sophisticated modern defenses can simply key in and limit even superstars today. You protect against that by spreading the wealth.

Teams are more stacked today at the top. A good percentage of the top 10-15 players in the league play with at least one other such player. This isn't the 90's where teams would have one superstar (except Chicago--and briefly Orlando), a second all-star and a few solid role players and be a contender with that model.

Jordan once averaged 26 FGA on a championship team. Can anyone envision that occurring in today's league?

Jordan is a historical figure used to diminish the players of today's era. It is funny. With MJ it is always assumed--and this happens in every "MJ today" thread I have seen in the past 6 years--that he would be light years better than whatever was on tap today but you don't see the same assumption made toward, say, Wilt, who was far more dominant in his era than MJ was in his. Wilt scored 50 ppg when the next guy was at 38 ppg and third scorer at 32 ppg.

Going away from Jordan being used for an agenda against today's players, regarding the OP there is not much of a difference. I can see MJ scoring 32-33 ppg today. It is revealing that is viewed as heresy versus 35 ppg--or even claims of 45 ppg on 65%.

How much do people think prime Wilt would score today?

02-22-2015, 08:36 PM
25 points 6 rebounds 4 assists on 46%

:roll: :roll:

02-22-2015, 08:42 PM
About 30 ppg/6 rpg/4 apg

02-22-2015, 08:43 PM
02-03 McGrady numbers

Young X
02-22-2015, 08:43 PM
Defensive rating has improved from 106.7 to 105.7.

Durant is an outlier and an odd comparison. Durant averaged 32.0 when the next highest scored was at 27.4. No one had scored as much since Kobe in 06'. Durant took 6 three's a game and has sublime efficiency via his three point accuracy and his nearly 90% FT rate. How does that compare to MJ's game? Durant had an all-time great scoring season based on his efficiency and relative to the league he was in.
Durant isn't an odd comparison at all. His "outlier" scoring last season happened because he was an all time great scorer forced to shoot alot more/carry a heavier load with his star PG out for nearly half the season (averaged 35 in that span) - the same way MJ would have been forced to shoot alot more if he was on a bad team. Difference is MJ is a better scorer and more aggressive/selfish than KD.

02-22-2015, 08:48 PM
Durant took 20.8 FGA per game. The keys were that 6 of them were three pointers and he made them at a high rate and that he shot nearly 90% from the FT line. It wasn't that he was gunning--he averaged 20.3 in 10' and 19.7 in 11' and 12'. Durant averaged 1.54 points per shot in 14'. To put that in perspective, peak Jordan at that efficiency (93' Jordan) would have averaged 39.5 points per game.

02-22-2015, 08:57 PM
Isn't Harden averaging 27ppg?

MJ would get 35ppg 'minimum'

You can argue that Harden is a more versatile scorer than Jordan was.

Also, we are in a era where defense is everything for the last 3 years.

Yall also have to consider things acceptable in that era are no longer ok. Mj would be called a chucker for having too many 30 fga games. Would be called a stat padder for routinely going back in games to get his number. Not even accounting for how some defenses would just do anything to get the ball out of his hands with these new school schemes. Many things to consider.

02-22-2015, 09:00 PM
Durant took 20.8 FGA per game. The keys were that 6 of them were three pointers and he made them at a high rate and that he shot nearly 90% from the FT line. It wasn't that he was gunning--he averaged 20.3 in 10' and 19.7 in 11' and 12'. Durant averaged 1.54 points per shot in 14'. To put that in perspective, peak Jordan at that efficiency (93' Jordan) would have averaged 39.5 points per game.

So you think Durant would outscore Jordan?

02-22-2015, 09:00 PM
Durant took 20.8 FGA per game. The keys were that 6 of them were three pointers and he made them at a high rate and that he shot nearly 90% from the FT line. It wasn't that he was gunning--he averaged 20.3 in 10' and 19.7 in 11' and 12'. Durant averaged 1.54 points per shot in 14'. To put that in perspective, peak Jordan at that efficiency (93' Jordan) would have averaged 39.5 points per game.
Mj and Durant scored in completely different ways. The Bulls in 87 was playing at the slowest pace and Mj was still putting up those stats. You put 09 or 10 LJ he still would be averaging 30 ppg. Kobe averaged 29 ppg and 30 ppg in the toughest defensive era 98-05. A raw LJ averaged 27 ppg in that era. Stop with the BS. This is the same league where two years ago LJ put up 26 ppg on 55%. This league not stopping prime Mj. Harden is currently averaging 27 ppg, but Mj can't outscored him like he did Wilkins and others.

King Jane
02-22-2015, 09:06 PM
honestly not good

maybe a serviceable bench player today if he conditioned himself better

not to mention he must improve his jumper which was wack

in his era most players just tried to wrestle the ball inside with crude moves and basic skill

refs call games better now he wouldnt get away with nothin today

the xs and 0s game is too advanced today theres too many metrics that expose his weaknesses

players watch tape now

plus everyone knows how he played unlike his day when it was new and revolutioneray

not to mention hes malnourished and skinny compared to todays horses

just look




mj would get slammed on his ass if he tried to play that hero ball shit today with that weak body

ray allen is twice as ripped as he is an look at ray

all he is is a spot up shooter which mj cant even do so

bench player

02-22-2015, 09:08 PM


Yall also have to consider things acceptable in that era are no longer ok. Mj would be called a chucker for having too many 30 fga games. Would be called a stat padder for routinely going back in games to get his number. Not even accounting for how some defenses would just do anything to get the ball out of his hands with these new school schemes. Many things to consider.

You think MJ would give a f*cks?

But here's something some of you don't get...

MJ was NOT a chucker.

A chucker is a player that takes bad shots, forces shots and misses. A player that doesn't think about passing and is in one mode with a tunnel vision.

MJ never chucked.

Even if he took 35 shots, they were almost all reasonable shots, and he passed when the option was available for a better shot. He didn't force shots he didn't have to take. Which is why his fg% was always good (as a Bull) and he still managed to get half a dozen assists and win games.

People can't compare him to chuckers like Kobe, JR Smith, Harden, Westbrook etc.etc.

MJ would make a mockery of today's rules and defense. There would be no player or defense that could stop him.

02-22-2015, 09:15 PM
Scott, good points. Other than Kobe no one from this era comes close to taking as many FGA as MJ did--year after year. Even in 02' MJ averaged over 22 shots a game. Harden is averaging 18 and even Durant last year, with Westbrook out for chunks, averaged 21. Peak LeBron was a 18-19 FGA guy. Yet MJ is going to show up and take 26 FGA like he did in 93' or 28 FGA like he did in 87'?

So you think Durant would outscore Jordan?

They would likely be close with MJ ahead at 32-33 ppg. Jordan would not have nearly as many points from 3 and MJ was not a 90% FT shooter. Last year Durant scored half his points from 3 or the FT line.

All this is not to take away from MJ. Peak MJ (1991-1993) would obviously be the best player in the game. I just don't see him putting up video game numbers.

Mj and Durant scored in completely different ways.

Yes, which is why what Durant did is not particularly relevant to MJ. Durant did it via extreme efficiency, not by taking 26 or 28 FGA.

Young X
02-22-2015, 09:25 PM
Durant took 20.8 FGA per game. The keys were that 6 of them were three pointers and he made them at a high rate and that he shot nearly 90% from the FT line. It wasn't that he was gunning--he averaged 20.3 in 10' and 19.7 in 11' and 12'. Durant averaged 1.54 points per shot in 14'. To put that in perspective, peak Jordan at that efficiency (93' Jordan) would have averaged 39.5 points per game.Westbrook who's an extremely aggressive player just like MJ is currently averaging 20.5 shots and 8.9 FT's in 33 MPG on a team with a 95 pace this season.

This translates to 24 shots and 10.5 FT's in 39 MPG.

Jordan at his scoring peak averaged 24 shots and 8.5 FTs in 39 MPG on a team with a 97 pace.

If Westbrook who's a PG can use that many possessions, you don't think MJ could?

02-22-2015, 09:31 PM
Assists go up, Points go down (significantly), along with FG%. IMO


02-22-2015, 09:53 PM
You think MJ would give a f*cks?

But here's something some of you don't get...

MJ was NOT a chucker.

A chucker is a player that takes bad shots, forces shots and misses. A player that doesn't think about passing and is in one mode with a tunnel vision.

MJ never chucked.

Even if he took 35 shots, they were almost all reasonable shots, and he passed when the option was available for a better shot. He didn't force shots he didn't have to take. Which is why his fg% was always good (as a Bull) and he still managed to get half a dozen assists and win games.

People can't compare him to chuckers like Kobe, JR Smith, Harden, Westbrook etc.etc.

MJ would make a mockery of today's rules and defense. There would be no player or defense that could stop him.
You're partially right but at the same time making my point for me. Today's defenses won't allow the same sort of shots on the regular and the fact that he won't take bad shots basically means he won't maintain his efficiency at that high a volume. If he did otherwise he'd basically become a "chucker". And you're dead wrong about him giving a fvck how the media portrays him, that's what this unflappable legacy was built on.....

02-22-2015, 09:59 PM
Scott, good points. Other than Kobe no one from this era comes close to taking as many FGA as MJ did--year after year. Even in 02' MJ averaged over 22 shots a game. Harden is averaging 18 and even Durant last year, with Westbrook out for chunks, averaged 21. Peak LeBron was a 18-19 FGA guy. Yet MJ is going to show up and take 26 FGA like he did in 93' or 28 FGA like he did in 87'?

No, jackass, he'd take 22-24 FGA like he did from '90'92. You know, THE EARLY 90's, which is what the topic specifies. Jordan only took 25.7 FGA in 1993 because Pippen and Grant both didn't carry their weight offensively that year.

King Jane
02-22-2015, 10:01 PM
aint no way any team would even start him til he learn how to shoot

an til he adjust to modern rules

he would be lost in todays game agains todays bigger faster stronger horses

02-22-2015, 10:03 PM
You're partially right but at the same time making my point for me. Today's defenses won't allow the same sort of shots on the regular and the fact that he won't take bad shots basically means he won't maintain his efficiency at that high a volume. If he did otherwise he'd basically become a "chucker". And you're dead wrong about him giving a fvck how the media portrays him, that's what this unflappable legacy was built on.....

Dude, today's defense caters to MJ's preference. The lanes are wide open, he could take mid range shots and attack the basket at will, he could post up without having any issues with 3pt shooters flanked around him and big men late to switch since they're on the perimeter.

He'd be in the paint for most of his shots, honestly there is nobody that would be able to stay in front of him that's 6'4 or taller. And he'd just shoot over or over power smaller players.

Kobe at an older age the closest to MJ's post game, was getting many good looks in the mid and post his last 3 seasons. Wade also doesn't have MJ's post game and he gets good looks in the paint as well and neither are as good as MJ in the post, specially not prime MJ. MJ could split any possible double with ease in today's era, or get a FTA.

Honestly, stanning aside, MJ would BEAST in today's era.

He doesn't need to chuck because his shots would come easier and his efficiency would be high.

deja vu
02-23-2015, 12:35 AM
He's better than Harden for sure.

So approx. 32 ppg, 6 rpg, 6 apg, 2.5 spg

02-23-2015, 12:52 AM
Um, how exactly? You're too young to have seen Jordan. In a nutshell, their offensive games.

Harden: Reckless Drive off dribble, Pray for Foul, Open 3 Pointer or Step Back 3

Jordan: Fearless Drive off dribble / triple threat, Poster Dunk, Reverse Layup, GOAT Mid Range Jumper, GOAT guard Post Up, Great Slasher, Open 3's all day ...

Thus why Harden's game falls of a cliff in the playoffs.

*****, the ****? I was born in 1988, started watching basketball in 1994 right when Danny Manning came to the hawks. I remember everything from those days. I watched Jordan in his prime from 6 years old to 10 years old.

Don't ****ing assume I was too young to watch Jordan, little boy.

02-23-2015, 12:53 AM
They would likely be close with MJ ahead at 32-33 ppg. Jordan would not have nearly as many points from 3 and MJ was not a 90% FT shooter. Last year Durant scored half his points from 3 or the FT line.

I just don't understand why you'd laugh at people and call them ridiculous for thinking Jordan could put up 35 ppg on a team like the Sixers when Durant put up 32 ppg on a title contender.

You even - reluctantly, and with a lot of buts - say that Jordan would probably outscore Durant. Your estimate is 32-33 ppg, yet 35 ppg is completely ridiculous and you laugh in people's faces for suggesting it. I mean, we're talking about 1 extra made basket here. How does it go from rational to ridiculous with just 1 extra shot?

On another note, Durant is terribly underrated as a scorer. What he did last year was one of the best regular seasons ever. I've said before that if he can stay healthy, he could possibly go down as the greatest scorer ever.

02-23-2015, 12:54 AM
Durant isn't an odd comparison at all. His "outlier" scoring last season happened because he was an all time great scorer forced to shoot alot more/carry a heavier load with his star PG out for nearly half the season (averaged 35 in that span) - the same way MJ would have been forced to shoot alot more if he was on a bad team. Difference is MJ is a better scorer and more aggressive/selfish than KD.

This dude RR is going crazy :oldlol:

02-23-2015, 01:03 AM
I just don't understand why you'd laugh at people and call them ridiculous for thinking Jordan could put up 35 ppg on a team like the Sixers when Durant put up 32 ppg on a title contender.

I don't think that is ridiculous (if I said anything to that effect I apologize as I likely did so while drunk during the 500 :oldlol: ). We are splitting hairs over 2-3 ppg. What I find absurd is talk of him averaging video game numbers like 45 ppg on 65%. This happens in every "MJ today" thread--but amusingly the same logic is not applied to other legends from older eras like Wilt. My beef in these contexts is MJ constantly being used as a hammer to diminish today's players.

Agreed on Durant. Hopefully he can remain healthy and not became another Penny, Hill or T-Mac. Durant and Westbrook should, in theory, own the league for years to come.

02-23-2015, 01:10 AM
If he was on a contending team like pre-decision Lebron's Cavs, or like OKC last year when KD had them on top of the West w/o Westbrook...I'd say he could put up something like 34/6/5 ~58-59% TS. If it was a truly talented championship-level team like the 09 Lakers, 12 Heat, etc....maybe 31/6/6 on 60%+ TS? If it was a garbage ass team like some of T-Mac's awful squads or Kobe's 06 team, 36/5/5?

Though I think all that stat crunching nonsense is pointless though, all that really matters is that he'd be the best player in the world without question.

02-23-2015, 01:26 AM
I don't think that is ridiculous (if I said anything to that effect I apologize as I likely did so while drunk during the 500 :oldlol: ). We are splitting hairs over 2-3 ppg. What I find absurd is talk of him averaging video game numbers like 45 ppg on 65%. This happens in every "MJ today" thread--but amusingly the same logic is not applied to other legends from older eras like Wilt. My beef in these contexts is MJ constantly being used as a hammer to diminish today's players.

Agreed on Durant. Hopefully he can remain healthy and not became another Penny, Hill or T-Mac. Durant and Westbrook should, in theory, own the league for years to come.

Only one obvious troll said that, its funny how you are backtracking after everyone called you out on your stupidity :coleman:

Young X
02-23-2015, 01:28 AM
I don't think that is ridiculous (if I said anything to that effect I apologize as I likely did so while drunk during the 500 :oldlol: ). We are splitting hairs over 2-3 ppg. What I find absurd is talk of him averaging video game numbers like 45 ppg on 65%. This happens in every "MJ today" thread--but amusingly the same logic is not applied to other legends from older eras like Wilt. My beef in these contexts is MJ constantly being used as a hammer to diminish today's players.

Agreed on Durant. Hopefully he can remain healthy and not became another Penny, Hill or T-Mac. Durant and Westbrook should, in theory, own the league for years to come.LOL @ "I was drunk". :oldlol:

Just admit you lost the argument dude. :oldlol:

02-23-2015, 01:32 AM
Dude, today's defense caters to MJ's preference. The lanes are wide open, he could take mid range shots and attack the basket at will, he could post up without having any issues with 3pt shooters flanked around him and big men late to switch since they're on the perimeter.

He'd be in the paint for most of his shots, honestly there is nobody that would be able to stay in front of him that's 6'4 or taller. And he'd just shoot over or over power smaller players.

Kobe at an older age the closest to MJ's post game, was getting many good looks in the mid and post his last 3 seasons. Wade also doesn't have MJ's post game and he gets good looks in the paint as well and neither are as good as MJ in the post, specially not prime MJ. MJ could split any possible double with ease in today's era, or get a FTA.

Honestly, stanning aside, MJ would BEAST in today's era.

He doesn't need to chuck because his shots would come easier and his efficiency would be high.


02-23-2015, 01:33 AM

my boy is in green finally. good to see.

02-23-2015, 01:44 AM
Agreed on Durant. Hopefully he can remain healthy and not became another Penny, Hill or T-Mac. Durant and Westbrook should, in theory, own the league for years to come.

I agree. After Jordan, there was Shaq and Duncan, then Kobe, and then Lebron. The future of the NBA's popularity likely rests in the hands of guys like Durant/Davis. Durant and Davis seem to be having trouble staying healthy, which worries me. I don't see another transcendent talent that can really replace Lebron other than Durant and maybe Davis(too early to tell). Back when Shaq and Duncan were starting to slow down - and Kobe a bit later - it was different, as we all knew Lebron was there to take over the league.

02-23-2015, 01:51 AM
Agreed. Davis and Durant's woes are concerning. Maybe Curry, Harden, Westbrook could carry the league in their absence but I doubt it.

The NBA needs to get beyond a reliance on 1-2 mega stars, though. When those guys are gone the league takes a hit to a degree no other sport does.

Being optimistic, LeBron should be able to keep the reins for another 3-4 years at which point hopefully a worthy successor, whether a current star or a new star, emerges.

02-23-2015, 02:23 AM
:roll: at 35 ppg in a league where the top scorer is at 27 ppg. The real life historical Jordan was at 37 ppg (along with 5 boards and 5 assists) on a bad team in the run and gun, weak defense 80's yet he would approach that in 2015?

Why is that relevant? A healthy Durant put up 32 PPG on 50%+ FG last season and the next closest guy was at 27 PPG. That was on a championship contender too. In Jordan's 37 PPG season, Dominique was the runner up at 29 PPG. When he put up 35 PPG, Dominique again was number 2 at 31 PPG.

There's guy who are just faces in the crowd (even at the all star/superstar level) and then there's the truly special, unique players.

But yeah, Jordan would be just another player in the James Harden era :roll:

02-23-2015, 02:33 AM
So prime Jordan ...

Championship level team?

30 ppg, 6 rpg, 6 apg, 3 spg

On Bad Team ala Kobe 2006, Wade 2009?

35 ppg, 7 rpg, 7 apg, 3 spg

This is about what'd I say, although I don't think he would average 3 steals a game (more like 2-2.5)

02-23-2015, 02:35 AM
Considering Jordan was a massive shot hoister i think he will be averaging around 30 ppg, at least.... Efficient, nothing wrong with chucking if the shots are mostly going in as they did for him... so dont get me wrong... i just mean he will chuck/hoist shots up no matter what (even if he shoots bad in a game), taking the most FGA, he will be taking somewhere 22-30 FGA and ~10 FTA.... so logically he will be getting his PPG no matter what....

02-23-2015, 02:45 AM
It depends on his fga. I can see MJ averaging 28-30. He would definitely be the best scorer today.

02-23-2015, 02:47 AM
I don't think that is ridiculous (if I said anything to that effect I apologize
This troll ... a "Bulls fan" who is consistently trying to throw shade at both his franchise's greatest player ... and the game itself's best player ever.


He doesn't think it's ridiculous, but 1st post in the thread:

:roll: at 35 ppg in a league where the top scorer is at 27 ppg. The real life historical Jordan was at 37 ppg (along with 5 boards and 5 assists) on a bad team in the run and gun, weak defense 80's yet he would approach that in 2015?

In essence Harden is same quality scorer as Jordan. And 3rd year, 1987 Jordan is peak MJ according to RR.

as I likely did so while drunk during the 500 :oldlol:
AKA a cowardly LeBron esque excuse for your own stupidity. You have to be self aware enough that your crude attempts at Jordan trolling were ass raped like Kate Faber.

02-23-2015, 02:53 AM
MJ could average the same 32-33 PPG in any era from the 80s/90s/2010s+

I don't think he'd push much further past 32 PPG just because it takes away a bit from the team concept and by the early 90s he had shifted his approach a bit.

But scoring 32/night according to him was easy. Just 8/8/8/8 per quarter, getting 8 a quarter was simple.

It'd be a little easier for him too, yes while there are more abundant athletic wing players today and more zone defence, there is less rim protectors and players are not allowed to get away with the abuse the Pistons, Knicks and other teams would get away with back then.


There's no one in the NBA today who could legitimately stay in front of a prime Jordan, nor is there anyone who do a damn thing about him getting his shot off, so you basically just have to hope he misses. Nothing else you can do. And your bigs -- they gonna get dunked on. No stopping that either.

02-23-2015, 02:55 AM
On a championship level team? 32/7/6/3 on 54/85% with 10+ FTA's per game.

On a non-contender where he can chuck? 38/6/5/3 on 50/85% with 10+ FTA's per game.

02-23-2015, 03:03 AM
On the same Bulls team? Similar #s likely.

02-23-2015, 03:58 AM
Championship level squad? About 31/7/6/2.5/1 in ~39min, on 52/33.

Bottom barrel playoff team or worse, where he has to do more and run the show? 35/6/5 on like 50% from the floor, 10+ FTA's on over 83% from there...

(give or take a few)

02-23-2015, 04:02 AM
On a championship level team? 32/7/6/3 on 54/85% with 10+ FTA's per game.

On a non-contender where he can chuck? 38/6/5/3 on 50/85% with 10+ FTA's per game.


I wouldn't put it past him to average 40 in today's league, provided he has high enough usage and relied on for most of the offense.

Round Mound
02-23-2015, 04:34 AM
Bad Team: 38-40 PPG on 49% FG, 6.0 RPG, 4.5 APG, 2.5 SPG and 1.0 BPG

Good Team: 30-32 PPG on 51% FG, 5.5 RPG, 5.5 APG, 2.0 SPG and 0.8 BPG

02-23-2015, 09:35 AM
You can argue that Harden is a more versatile scorer than Jordan was.

Also, we are in a era where defense is everything for the last 3 years.

02-23-2015, 09:55 AM
aint no way any team would even start him til he learn how to shoot

an til he adjust to modern rules

he would be lost in todays game agains todays bigger faster stronger horses
You're so retarded no one is even bothering to respond to your wack ass posts, get out of here kid.

02-23-2015, 10:08 AM
You can argue that Harden is a more versatile scorer than Jordan was.

Also, we are in a era where defense is everything for the last 3 years.

:biggums: :biggums: :biggums:

Nobody can take you seriously after that one...

02-23-2015, 10:20 AM



mj would get slammed on his ass if he tried to play that hero ball shit today with that weak body

ray allen is twice as ripped as he is an look at ray

all he is is a spot up shooter which mj cant even do so

bench player








Slammed on his ass, right :rolleyes: Soft-ass rules too.

GTFOH you worthless troll...

02-23-2015, 11:22 AM
There were a ton of huge tanks back then and MJ had no problem with them, Anthony Mason was a truck and could ball you up.
King Jane is a retard that thinks lifting weights started in 2002 :facepalm

By the way, with his logic, how did skinny twiggy armed Durant win a scoring title and MVP last year?

02-23-2015, 11:27 AM
It may seem like some people are over hyping Jordan, however the guy was unreal at scoring. I watched this guy play in the 90s. I've never seen anything like it since. Prime Jordan, with today's rules, would be unstoppable.

02-23-2015, 11:53 AM
Jordan is great and probably the greatest. The mythology that some attach to him is hilarious though. If he's a better player than Lebron or a better scorer than Durant, its by a hair and not a bit more.

02-23-2015, 12:39 PM
Jordan is great and probably the greatest. The mythology that some attach to him is hilarious though. If he's a better player than Lebron or a better scorer than Durant, its by a hair and not a bit more.

lol @ "by a hair." As if its basically a "pick 'em". No. Jordan was not on a completely different level than Lebron, but he was CLEARLY better. And he was clearly a better and more versatile scorer than Durant.

02-23-2015, 12:43 PM
You can argue that Harden is a more versatile scorer than Jordan was.

Also, we are in a era where defense is everything for the last 3 years.

How did I miss this foolishness? :facepalm

Nigguh, no. Just no.

02-23-2015, 02:38 PM
honestly not good

maybe a serviceable bench player today if he conditioned himself better

not to mention he must improve his jumper which was wack

in his era most players just tried to wrestle the ball inside with crude moves and basic skill

refs call games better now he wouldnt get away with nothin today

the xs and 0s game is too advanced today theres too many metrics that expose his weaknesses

players watch tape now

plus everyone knows how he played unlike his day when it was new and revolutioneray

not to mention hes malnourished and skinny compared to todays horses

just look




mj would get slammed on his ass if he tried to play that hero ball shit today with that weak body

ray allen is twice as ripped as he is an look at ray

all he is is a spot up shooter which mj cant even do so

bench player

I don't want to be the guy who infringes on another's right to troll, but just felt I needed to point this out...


According to the newspaper, the report said Durant was ranked 78th out of 80 NBA prospects who worked out at Orlando, while Ohio State center Greg Oden had an impressive workout.


According to the Times, Durant was the only prospect at camp who failed to bench press 185 pounds, and finished behind Oden in some key drills, including the vertical leap, agility drill and three-quarter court sprint.


^That's the best scorer of this generation. That guy scored 5 PPG more than anyone else last season and that was on a championship contender with a chucking 'point guard'.

02-23-2015, 03:34 PM
I don't want to be the guy who infringes on another's right to troll, but just felt I needed to point this out...


According to the newspaper, the report said Durant was ranked 78th out of 80 NBA prospects who worked out at Orlando, while Ohio State center Greg Oden had an impressive workout.


According to the Times, Durant was the only prospect at camp who failed to bench press 185 pounds, and finished behind Oden in some key drills, including the vertical leap, agility drill and three-quarter court sprint.


^That's the best scorer of this generation. That guy scored 5 PPG more than anyone else last season and that was on a championship contender with a chucking 'point guard'.

:biggums: Bench pressing 185 as a pro athlete should be a piece of cake.

02-23-2015, 06:39 PM
:biggums: Bench pressing 185 as a pro athlete should be a piece of cake.

Couldn't even do ONE rep... but he has 4 scoring titles in this era. :oldlol:

Imagine if he had played in the 70s or 80s and did the same? The knuckleheads here would make 5 threads a day about how a twig who couldn't do a single rep of 185 on the bench leading the league in scoring shows how weak that era was. But now it's a sign of exaggerated human evolution. Can't make this shit up. #WeakEraShit :applause:

02-23-2015, 07:28 PM
Couldn't even do ONE rep... but he has 4 scoring titles in this era. :oldlol:

Imagine if he had played in the 70s or 80s and did the same? The knuckleheads here would make 5 threads a day about how a twig who couldn't do a single rep of 185 on the bench leading the league in scoring shows how weak that era was. But now it's a sign of exaggerated human evolution. Can't make this shit up. #WeakEraShit :applause:


Manute came into the league benching, get this, FOURTY FIVE POUNDS.

Avg 4.5Bl. Was a huge defensive presence. While benching 45 (and squatting 55).

02-23-2015, 07:34 PM
@ King Jane and his faggatron avatar



02-23-2015, 07:38 PM
Nikkas goin all in on King Jane! :oldlol:

02-23-2015, 07:50 PM
24/6/4. on 46% shooting

He would be forced to be defended by guys taller than 6'2.

King Jane
02-23-2015, 08:25 PM
durant is 7 foot 240 guard the size of david robinson

who was so monstrous back then they make him play center cause its the weak jordan era

jordan is a ****ing midget are yall kidding me? :oldlol:

jordan is smaller and weaker than modern point guards

westbrook and rose would bully him in the paint and they would be lights out from 3 against him

he should be called ordan cause he had no J

02-23-2015, 08:39 PM
durant is 7 foot 240 guard the size of david robinson

who was so monstrous back then they make him play center cause its the weak jordan era

jordan is a ****ing midget are yall kidding me? :oldlol:

jordan is smaller and weaker than modern point guards

westbrook and rose would bully him in the paint and they would be lights out from 3 against him

he should be called ordan cause he had no J

Kevin Durant = Bob McAdoo if Bob McAdoo had the physique of a boiled noodle and the strength of a newborn kitten... but he's the best scorer of this era :roll:

02-23-2015, 08:43 PM
@ King Jane and his faggatron avatar



No PEDs in the 90s here, nothing to see, move along. :coleman:

MJ GOAT scorer, would best KD for scoring titles on the regular.