View Full Version : List of current players that could lead a team to a championship today

02-17-2015, 03:27 PM
Kobe Bryant
Tim Duncan
LeBron James
Dwyane Wade
Dirk Nowitzki

Proven winners and more than capable to do so again, if given the proper roster, system and coach.

The rest. The league clearly is not in good hands :facepalm

Key word: LEAD a team.

02-17-2015, 03:31 PM
James Harden

02-17-2015, 03:39 PM
Do this same thread in 2004 and you'd get the sane result.

Stupid thread is stupid.

Wade's Rings
02-17-2015, 03:41 PM
Do this same thread in 2004 and you'd get the sane result.

Stupid thread is stupid.

:oldlol: Someone mad Harden a Playoff Choker.

02-17-2015, 03:43 PM
thats pretty much it

02-17-2015, 03:44 PM
James Harden

Excellent choice, Harden will certainly lead you to a first round exit

edit: oh wrong thread

02-17-2015, 03:47 PM
Lebron James
Russel Westbrook

02-17-2015, 03:50 PM
Russel Westbrook
Paul Gasol
Marc Gasol
Manu Ginobili
Kawaii Leonard
Chris Paul
Blake Griffin
Damian Lillard
Lamarcus Aldridge

I'd add them, since I can see each of these guys leading a team to the promised land and standing next to Bill Russel

Mass Debator
02-17-2015, 04:17 PM
Kobe Bryant
Tim Duncan
LeBron James
Dwyane Wade
Dirk Nowitzki


2007 - Shook as fck

2011 - See above

2012 - vs young/inexperienced Thunder and still had prime Wade going 23/6/5 + Harden choked

2013 - Wade stepped up in key moments against the Spurs when Lebron was trapped in a funk (bullied by Diaw). Ray Allen/Bosh also saved his legacy

2014 - The decline of Wade (injured too). Lebron couldn't get the job done with his 2nd and 3rd option combining for 29 points PPG (49%) while Wade in 2006 led his 2nd and 3rd option averaging 28 PPG on (48%) to the title while already down 2-0. Wade averaged 39/8/4 the last 4 games like an assassin should.

2015 - I'm sure with a cast of prime Lebron, Love, Kyrie, Mozgov, JR, and Shumpert will win the title...or will they?

2016 - 31 year old Lebron is not going to be pretty

02-17-2015, 04:19 PM
Russel Westbrook
Paul Gasol
Marc Gasol
Manu Ginobili
Kawaii Leonard
Chris Paul
Blake Griffin
Damian Lillard
Lamarcus Aldridge

I'd add them, since I can see each of these guys leading a team to the promised land and standing next to Bill Russel

I would disagree with the majority of that list. except Aldridge and Paul. How have you seen enough of the rest of the people to possibly say they're capable of leading a team to winning a TITLE?

Demon Lizard
02-17-2015, 04:19 PM
The answer is none. The Finals are in June bro.

02-17-2015, 05:01 PM

2007 - Shook as fck

2011 - See above

2012 - vs young/inexperienced Thunder and still had prime Wade going 23/6/5 + Harden choked

2013 - Wade stepped up in key moments against the Spurs when Lebron was trapped in a funk (bullied by Diaw). Ray Allen/Bosh also saved his legacy

2014 - The decline of Wade (injured too). Lebron couldn't get the job done with his 2nd and 3rd option combining for 29 points PPG (49%) while Wade in 2006 led his 2nd and 3rd option averaging 28 PPG on (48%) to the title while already down 2-0. Wade averaged 39/8/4 the last 4 games like an assassin should.

2015 - I'm sure with a cast of prime Lebron, Love, Kyrie, Mozgov, JR, and Shumpert will win the title...or will they?

2016 - 31 year old Lebron is not going to be pretty

Kobetards, clueless as their idol. :lol

02-17-2015, 05:13 PM
Kobetards, clueless as their idol. :lol
He's a bitter Wade stan who is clearly shook by the fact that Lebron is the greatest player in Miami Heat history. :banana:

02-17-2015, 05:16 PM
James Harden


02-17-2015, 05:23 PM
Kobe Bryant
Tim Duncan
LeBron James
Dwyane Wade
Dirk Nowitzki

Proven winners and more than capable to do so again, if given the proper roster, system and coach.

The rest. The league clearly is not in good hands :facepalm

Key word: LEAD a team.
Its a dynasty sport. There's always only going to be a very few players on the list. Do this list in 1998 and its only Jordan and Hakeem which is a lot less than five. KG should be on that list as well.

02-17-2015, 05:27 PM

2007 - Shook as fck

2011 - See above

2012 - vs young/inexperienced Thunder and still had prime Wade going 23/6/5 + Harden choked

2013 - Wade stepped up in key moments against the Spurs when Lebron was trapped in a funk (bullied by Diaw). Ray Allen/Bosh also saved his legacy

2014 - The decline of Wade (injured too). Lebron couldn't get the job done with his 2nd and 3rd option combining for 29 points PPG (49%) while Wade in 2006 led his 2nd and 3rd option averaging 28 PPG on (48%) to the title while already down 2-0. Wade averaged 39/8/4 the last 4 games like an assassin should.

2015 - I'm sure with a cast of prime Lebron, Love, Kyrie, Mozgov, JR, and Shumpert will win the title...or will they?

2016 - 31 year old Lebron is not going to be pretty

This is insane. I wonder if I am legally obligated to call the authorities after seeing someone so clearly mentally unstable. I probably should be.

02-17-2015, 05:29 PM
List of current players that could lead a team to a championship THIS season:

Not Kobe Bryant.

Dude can't stay healthy anymore, his lift is gone which has caused his shot to disappear (evidenced by his terrible FG%), and he turns the ball over too damn much for a non-PG.

Now if Kobe was a coach? Then I'd say he could do something. Not as a player though.

02-17-2015, 05:34 PM
Well, technically a lot of players could lead a team to a title if the team is well balanced enough.

I will say the following are capable of doing it with elite MVP like production:


Demon Lizard
02-17-2015, 05:34 PM
Now if Kobe was a coach? Then I'd say he could do something. Not as a player though.

I don't think he would ever make a good coach. Kobe never trusts his teammates. Why would he suddenly trust role players as a coach?

02-17-2015, 05:47 PM
I don't think he would ever make a good coach. Kobe never trusts his teammates. Why would he suddenly trust role players as a coach?

Kobe's nut huggers will tell you he's an excellent motivator due to his work ethic.

02-17-2015, 06:38 PM

Only Durant.

02-17-2015, 08:08 PM
Kevin Durant.

02-17-2015, 08:09 PM

Only Durant.