View Full Version : Derrick Rose Shot Chart From Last Night

02-05-2015, 07:22 PM

Yikes. Barely getting to the rim. Reminds me of Kobe earlier this year. He actually had a solid game from mid-range but shot 9 freaking 3 pointers. Is it more physical or mental with him at this point?

02-05-2015, 07:23 PM
Since when did Derick Rose become a professional tic-tac-toe player:confusedshrug:

02-05-2015, 07:24 PM

02-05-2015, 07:30 PM
Kevin Anderson @CSNKevin
Troubling Rose stat: Last in NBA in 3pnt% (min 200 3PA). Last in NBA in Ast/TO ratio among PG's. (CC @ckamka) #BullsTalk

02-05-2015, 07:32 PM
If he can't start getting to the rim he'll have trouble contributing at an above average rate. I still don't think he was a deserving MVP in 2011 but he was at least an important component of the Bulls' success.

I ****ed up my knee playing basketball a few times, never hurt it as badly as he did, but ever since it happened I've had trouble making myself go the rim instead of settling for mid-range jumpers...could be the same thing in him. He's looked fast enough to get there without trouble, I think it's a mental limitation right now.

02-05-2015, 07:42 PM
Where you get those shot charts from?

02-05-2015, 07:43 PM
Kevin Anderson @CSNKevin
Troubling Rose stat: Last in NBA in 3pnt% (min 200 3PA). Last in NBA in Ast/TO ratio among PG's. (CC @ckamka) #BullsTalk

You are ignoring Rose's intangibles. His effect on the team doesn't show up in stats.


02-05-2015, 07:43 PM
derrick X Rose

02-05-2015, 07:46 PM
Where you get those shot charts from?

That particular one is from ESPN's box score, shot chart section.

02-05-2015, 07:47 PM
Didn't realize he was taking 6 threes a game on sub 30% shooting from deep. Yikes.

02-05-2015, 07:48 PM
Does Derrick Rose have a girlfriend/wife?
Is he getting his X's and O's in early for valentines day?

02-05-2015, 07:49 PM
He can still get to the rim but he can't finish. He must have missed 12 layups against the lakers..

02-05-2015, 07:54 PM
The best thing about the whole derrick situation, and one postive to take out of all this, albeit, not being many.. He's only like 24?? Some people don't even stop growing till 25.. This is also his first "real" season uninterrupted by any type of injury.. I mean he's shown glimpses but we have to just assume he's still rusty and needs at least till the end of this year to get back to elite status..get his body right .. get used to nba long season... He's got to much talent and that youth will help that knee fully repair.

02-05-2015, 07:57 PM
The best thing about the whole derrick situation, and one postive to take out of all this, albeit, not being many.. He's only like 24?? Some people don't even stop growing till 25.. This is also his first "real" season uninterrupted by any type of injury.. I mean he's shown glimpses but we have to just assume he's still rusty and needs at least till the end of this year to get back to elite status..get his body right .. get used to nba long season... He's got to much talent and that youth will help that knee fully repair.
He is 26, will be 27 in October this year. :(

02-05-2015, 07:58 PM
The best thing about the whole derrick situation, and one postive to take out of all this, albeit, not being many.. He's only like 24?? Some people don't even stop growing till 25.. This is also his first "real" season uninterrupted by any type of injury.. I mean he's shown glimpses but we have to just assume he's still rusty and needs at least till the end of this year to get back to elite status..get his body right .. get used to nba long season... He's got to much talent and that youth will help that knee fully repair.

lol stop with the first "real" season shit. he had 10 games last year to show us what he could do after over a year long break and he still played like shit, yet everyone ignored it and wrote it off as nothing, citing this year as his first "real year."

02-05-2015, 07:58 PM
i meant 26.

Hmm still got some years there..

02-05-2015, 08:07 PM
he had 10 games last year to show us what he could do after over a year long break and he still played like shit

When...in the history of basketball....has 10 games after being out a year been considered a lot of time?

I remember last year someone made a topic after like...game 2...asking when the "rust excuse" goes away.

Its hard at this point...after so many years...but ISH still manages to catch me off guard with the idiocy now and then.Of course this is his first "real" year of getting back his game.

Is 2 weeks a "real" year to you?

02-05-2015, 08:10 PM
When...in the history of basketball....has 10 games after being out a year been considered a lot of time?

I remember last year someone made a topic after like...game 2...asking when the "rust excuse" goes away.

Its hard at this point...after so many years...but ISH still manages to catch me off guard with the idiocy now and then.Of course this is his first "real" year of getting back his game.

Is 2 weeks a "real" year to you?

No, it's not a real year, but it's still something you can judge a player on moving forward. You watched Rose last year and nothing about him looked the same at all yet the guy had well over a year to prepare and get ready for the season.

So when everyone just happily ignored that 10 game stretch and how he looked when hyping up Rose for this year, I couldn't help but laugh. Just cause he got hurt after the 10 game stretch and missed the rest of the year doesn't mean he wasn't 100% and still played like shit... for those 10 games.

02-05-2015, 08:19 PM
No, it's not a real year, but it's still something you can judge a player on moving forward. You watched Rose last year and nothing about him looked the same at all yet the guy had well over a year to prepare and get ready for the season.

So when everyone just happily ignored that 10 game stretch and how he looked when hyping up Rose for this year, I couldn't help but laugh. Just cause he got hurt after the 10 game stretch and missed the rest of the year doesn't mean he wasn't 100% and still played like shit... for those 10 games.

Perhaps the mental side of the injury has affected rose way more than the injury itself.

If you get my drift.

He's still getting to The rack at will and has had lots of time to work on the jumpshot.

I say it's 90% mental right now. Maybe he is waiting to go full throttle in the playoffs and take risks then, who knows.

02-05-2015, 08:20 PM
I wasn't expecting rose to be good this year at all and the stats are certainly painting that picture. Alot of people are missing the fact that his return has been interrupted with an assortment of leg injuries; coming back and playing re-injuring himself a couple of times i think and an ACL injury is easily one of the worst injuries we all know that. Legs are your most important asset if you're an athetlic guard and Drose has been out of the game almost 2 years in my eyes. 1st year back he's never going to resemble that magical mvp year .. he's defs not going to be the same player(yet). He needs at least 1 more year injury free and then going forward from there i think will be the true indication.Now putting all that to one side you've got to factor in the huge mental weight this would have been on him wondering if he was ever going to be able to play out a season and be there for his team... He's overcome that first hurdle and has been playing mostly injury free this year so to me if i'm a bull fan i'm just extremely happy and feeling blessed that he is going out there every night on back 2 backs and giving us highlights like that game winner in golden state even if he did have 3000 turnovers.

02-05-2015, 08:22 PM
You are ignoring Rose's intangibles. His effect on the team doesn't show up in stats.



97 bulls
02-05-2015, 08:27 PM
Derrick Rose is killing the Bulls. Hes taking 6 threes a night and converting under 30% of them. His aggression is gone, his defense stinks.

02-05-2015, 08:29 PM
No, it's not a real year, but it's still something you can judge a player on moving forward. You watched Rose last year and nothing about him looked the same at all yet the guy had well over a year to prepare and get ready for the season.

So when everyone just happily ignored that 10 game stretch and how he looked when hyping up Rose for this year, I couldn't help but laugh. Just cause he got hurt after the 10 game stretch and missed the rest of the year doesn't mean he wasn't 100% and still played like shit... for those 10 games.

Im gonna go on and listen to the many many players who make it clear that nobody takes a year off and walks in the same. Ive heard players say they didnt feel like themselves for 3 years after a torn ACL. That among the most explosive guards of all time wouldnt be the same over a 10 game stretch after a year off...or now a 30 whatever game stretch after 2 years...shocking to nobody who is a long time fan.

As I pointed out once....Michael Jordan comes back 100% healthy..having suffered no injury...from less time off than Rose...and shoots 41% in the 17 games he played that season. Michael ****ing Jordan.

If we are all agreed on one thing...its that Rose is no Jordan. And hes even more reliant on his athletic ability than MJ was at the time(MJ was evolving into a skills first player who happened to be athletic..).

You dont miss 2 years...and be what you were quickly.

Better players than Rose make that obvious.

Aside from superhumans like Wilt(who missed a year and returned for the playoffs and played 47 minutes a game and put up 22/22/5)...

You expect it to take time.

But dudes were literally on here acting like game 3 should be the last time the time off should factor in.

You can find guys in history who recovered quicker and looked more like themselves....but it isnt to be expected. And few of them missed a year...returned...and missed another. And of those who may have....they were not nearly as reliant on athletic ability as Rose.

Expecting him to be the same out the gate is just a joke. All I hear from basketball people...coaches, players, and so on...is it takes time. The game passes you by while you sit and you have to get back to game speed. I was listening to Bruce Bowen discuss it on Mike and Mike today.

Im not terribly concerned at the moment about anything but the 3s. Which I said years ago...I didnt even want him to start shooting. But I was said to be behind the times....must shoot threes. Everyone MUST...shoot threes....

97 bulls
02-05-2015, 08:30 PM
I wasn't expecting rose to be good this year at all and the stats are certainly painting that picture. Alot of people are missing the fact that his return has been interrupted with an assortment of leg injuries; coming back and playing re-injuring himself a couple of times i think and an ACL injury is easily one of the worst injuries we all know that. Legs are your most important asset if you're an athetlic guard and Drose has been out of the game almost 2 years in my eyes. 1st year back he's never going to resemble that magical mvp year .. he's defs not going to be the same player(yet). He needs at least 1 more year injury free and then going forward from there i think will be the true indication.Now putting all that to one side you've got to factor in the huge mental weight this would have been on him wondering if he was ever going to be able to play out a season and be there for his team... He's overcome that first hurdle and has been playing mostly injury free this year so to me if i'm a bull fan i'm just extremely happy and feeling blessed that he is going out there every night on back 2 backs and giving us highlights like that game winner in golden state even if he did have 3000 turnovers.
I see your point. But thats no excuse for the abysmal three point shot at that high a rate. As well as the asts/to ratio.

02-05-2015, 08:36 PM
everytime i watch the bulls (and i normally catch the opening minutes) Drose always start his night off with a 3pt shot. Always off the dribble aswell.. its become his comfort thing.. its almost like if he hits he'll have a good night if he doesn't its one of those tic-tac-toe shot charts. Huge mental task for him going forward if he stays healthy i'm giving it till the end of this season for him to return to #elitestatus at upon which time the playoffs will begin and #windycityassasin will be in full effect.

02-05-2015, 08:40 PM
Those threes are killer.

02-05-2015, 08:56 PM
Didn't realize he was taking 6 threes a game on sub 30% shooting from deep. Yikes.
Guy thinks he's Steph Curry; what a bum.

02-05-2015, 08:57 PM
Perhaps the mental side of the injury has affected rose way more than the injury itself.

If you get my drift.

He's still getting to The rack at will and has had lots of time to work on the jumpshot.

I say it's 90% mental right now. Maybe he is waiting to go full throttle in the playoffs and take risks then, who knows.

This. He's out there playing like an idiot. Doesn't really seem to be physical. He still looks like quite easily one of the most athletic players in the league.

02-05-2015, 08:58 PM
Guy thinks he's Steph Curry; what a bum.

Derrick Rose 1mvp

Steph Curry 0mvp

02-05-2015, 09:33 PM
No, it's not a real year, but it's still something you can judge a player on moving forward. You watched Rose last year and nothing about him looked the same at all yet the guy had well over a year to prepare and get ready for the season.

So when everyone just happily ignored that 10 game stretch and how he looked when hyping up Rose for this year, I couldn't help but laugh. Just cause he got hurt after the 10 game stretch and missed the rest of the year doesn't mean he wasn't 100% and still played like shit... for those 10 games.
Is any body home???

For one, in those 10 games Rose knew something was wrong, when the many idiots were saying that the Doctors cleared him - so there could not possibly be anything wrong. Still til this day guys like you will never admit that Doctor's are not God and obviously WERE wrong.

Name me the guy that came back from the ACL and was himself the next year with the other knee giving out during the recuperate year. Their were several guys here, hyping RG3 as proof of modern medicine and the greatest athlete ever is now not even in the season tickets holders promotional pamphlet??? He's twenty four years old.

So RG3 didn't have two years to prepare? Grant Hill? Penny Hardaway? It took Bernar King four years. Everybody is the same and just not preparing themselves? Just name me the guys that were 100% within two years?

02-05-2015, 09:38 PM
That's what happens when you're game relies so much on athletic ability.

02-05-2015, 09:46 PM
Perhaps the mental side of the injury has affected rose way more than the injury itself.

If you get my drift.

He's still getting to The rack at will and has had lots of time to work on the jumpshot.

I say it's 90% mental right now. Maybe he is waiting to go full throttle in the playoffs and take risks then, who knows.

I do find it odd that its Thibe's plan to get Rose totally comfortable for the playoffs at a high cost and maybe its gone too far. Rose is told to take high number of threes I guess until the shooters get healthy??? I can't say. But Thibes is a commanding coach, not a passive one by any stretch of the imagination. And this isn't all on Rose.

02-05-2015, 09:50 PM
I think having a healthy Dunleavy should help the Bulls a lot. He's really underrated. Maybe open up some driving lanes for Rose.

02-05-2015, 10:01 PM
I think having a healthy Dunleavy should help the Bulls a lot. He's really underrated. Maybe open up some driving lanes for Rose.
Both him and Mcdermott will mean a lot, that along with Rose taking less threes. The spacing right now is horrible too.

02-06-2015, 05:38 AM
Im not terribly concerned at the moment about anything but the 3s. Which I said years ago...I didnt even want him to start shooting. But I was said to be behind the times....must shoot threes. Everyone MUST...shoot threes....

I don't think he's bad enough of a shooter for him to not shoot from 3 at all...If he's wide open and his feet are set he can probably make them at a 35ish percent rate...id be curious to know his catch and shoot percentage from out there....it's just the pull up 3s out of the flow of the offense that are hurting him.

02-06-2015, 06:24 AM
But wouldn`t you expect to see more of a high BBIQ, passing, setting people up etc, when his physical abilities are not before. Shooting a lot of treys, not playing good D, TO`s etc doesn`t help his case...

Im gonna go on and listen to the many many players who make it clear that nobody takes a year off and walks in the same. Ive heard players say they didnt feel like themselves for 3 years after a torn ACL. That among the most explosive guards of all time wouldnt be the same over a 10 game stretch after a year off...or now a 30 whatever game stretch after 2 years...shocking to nobody who is a long time fan.

As I pointed out once....Michael Jordan comes back 100% healthy..having suffered no injury...from less time off than Rose...and shoots 41% in the 17 games he played that season. Michael ****ing Jordan.

If we are all agreed on one thing...its that Rose is no Jordan. And hes even more reliant on his athletic ability than MJ was at the time(MJ was evolving into a skills first player who happened to be athletic..).

You dont miss 2 years...and be what you were quickly.

Better players than Rose make that obvious.

Aside from superhumans like Wilt(who missed a year and returned for the playoffs and played 47 minutes a game and put up 22/22/5)...

You expect it to take time.

But dudes were literally on here acting like game 3 should be the last time the time off should factor in.

You can find guys in history who recovered quicker and looked more like themselves....but it isnt to be expected. And few of them missed a year...returned...and missed another. And of those who may have....they were not nearly as reliant on athletic ability as Rose.

Expecting him to be the same out the gate is just a joke. All I hear from basketball people...coaches, players, and so on...is it takes time. The game passes you by while you sit and you have to get back to game speed. I was listening to Bruce Bowen discuss it on Mike and Mike today.

Im not terribly concerned at the moment about anything but the 3s. Which I said years ago...I didnt even want him to start shooting. But I was said to be behind the times....must shoot threes. Everyone MUST...shoot threes....

02-06-2015, 08:33 AM
Derrick Rose 1mvp

Steph Curry 0mvp

Rose is one of the worst players in the league this season, seriously. Also, why would i give a shit how many popularity (or 'nice season' story) awards a guy has won? But yeah, you keep worshipping some media award that hasn't come close to recognising the best player in the league for a loooong time.


02-06-2015, 09:43 AM
everytime i watch the bulls (and i normally catch the opening minutes) Drose always start his night off with a 3pt shot. Always off the dribble aswell.. its become his comfort thing.. its almost like if he hits he'll have a good night if he doesn't its one of those tic-tac-toe shot charts. Huge mental task for him going forward if he stays healthy i'm giving it till the end of this season for him to return to #elitestatus at upon which time the playoffs will begin and #windycityassasin will be in full effect.

:applause: :applause: :applause: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

amen bruthaaa ... I'm with ya on that one!