View Full Version : State of Union

01-20-2015, 02:49 PM
Who will be watching State of Union Tonight?

01-20-2015, 02:52 PM
I will, though obama's plans have zero chance of passing.

Its funny how he waits until the GOP controls both houses of congress to propose tax raises on the upper 1%

01-20-2015, 03:06 PM
Who will be watching State of Union Tonight?

Chumps who believe the things the President talks about in this address are actually the real issues, rather than calculated talking points to provoke certain reactions and behaviors from each party's blindly loyal sheep.

01-20-2015, 03:07 PM
I will, though obama's plans have zero chance of passing.

Its funny how he waits until the GOP controls both houses of congress to propose tax raises on the upper 1%
Easy way to rile up the non-1% voters for 2016. Pretty smart actually.

01-20-2015, 03:10 PM
Easy way to rile up the non-1% voters for 2016. Pretty smart actually.

Youre basically pointing out the idiocy of his voting block .... Which you are an ardent member of.

01-20-2015, 03:13 PM
Youre basically pointing out the idiocy of his voting block .... Which you are an ardent member of.
I guess idiots will be running this country for a long time coming... because of gay marriage. :lol

01-20-2015, 03:15 PM
Chumps who believe the things the President talks about in this address are actually the real issues, rather than calculated talking points to provoke certain reactions and behaviors from each party's blindly loyal sheep.
goddamn obama, why wont he talk shit about black people :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

01-20-2015, 03:15 PM
I ****ing hate the State of the Union. Watching people strategically clap, not clap, and rise from their seats is ridiculous.

01-20-2015, 03:15 PM
I guess idiots will be running this country for a long time coming... because of gay marriage. :lol

Yeah, youre probably right. The fact youre actually excited about that is profoundly pathetic.

01-20-2015, 03:16 PM
Easy way to rile up the non-1% voters for 2016. Pretty smart actually.
Yeah it is good politics, just funny he waits until his "plans" have zero chance.

01-20-2015, 03:17 PM
Only reason to watch is to imagine the inner dialogue going on in John Boehner's head in the background.

01-20-2015, 03:22 PM
Yeah, youre probably right. The fact youre actually excited about that is profoundly pathetic.
You know what is actually profoundly pathetic? People screaming "LIBSLIBSLIBS" and getting into a frothy rage, but not actually contributing what they think would actually improve the country. Well, other than "OBAMA BAD!!"


01-20-2015, 03:26 PM
goddamn obama, why wont he talk shit about black people :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


You are seriously so dense you might rip open a wormhole

They Won
01-20-2015, 03:27 PM
I don't know how people sit through this? Wait till later in the night and an article will summarize it for you in a few minutes.

01-20-2015, 03:27 PM

You are seriously so dense you might rip open a wormhole

01-20-2015, 03:32 PM
You know what is actually profoundly pathetic? People screaming "LIBSLIBSLIBS" and getting into a frothy rage, but not actually contributing what they think would actually improve the country. Well, other than "OBAMA BAD!!"


People learning more and saving more would contribute to the economy. Not the gubt shifting money around so that people can earn more than they produce. This leads to complacency and ignorance, which leads to increasing reliance on government, which leads to power abuses.

Its like givin change to the homeless when you know theyll spend it on booze, if you actually wanted to help in a meaningful way your just send money a shelter each month and force the homeless to go get trained professional assistance. But in that scenario nobody sees you handing out money, nobody thinks youre mr awesome compassion, you dont get a tenporary emotional satisfaction of playing immediate hero. So you enable people to sleep passed out drunk on sidewalks while everyone has to walk around them because you think youll look really cool being the great benefactor to some poor guy, and youre desperate to have everyone see you do it. Thats what libs do with the economy.

Youre an emotionally needy bitch, your only sense of identity comes from playing the role of societys mother who spoils her children in exchange for their love and approval and popularity., bc you arent suited to take a cood, rational, longterm approach bc youre too estrogenic and emotional. Youre a f@g

01-20-2015, 03:50 PM

You are seriously so dense you might rip open a wormhole

fine enlighten me on the real issues/problems of this country. Based on your previous posts I still feel that translation was accurate.

01-20-2015, 04:06 PM

fine enlighten me on the real issues/problems of this country. Based on your previous posts I still feel that translation was accurate.

There is a fundamental gap in intelligence/accountability. The masses dont want to learn and read and think, so they dont, and then they complain they dont have enough and they need the government to help them and they want everything now now now.

There are highly motivated, intelligent, responsible people who do the things that enable them to be highly successful. And then in the middle is you. Think of the NBA union. Lebron cant make his worth bc the union wants to make sure lazy Eddy Curry can get a fully gauranteed deal. Your approach is to hold people back, to make sure the complacent and unaccountable can get a little something, because taking rich peoples money is easier than spending your own time trying to help other people improve. Youre hypocritical and selfish and you have a short-sighted, knee-jerk emotional mechanism that dictates your views. Youre very average, and you want to stand out in some way, but you cant do it with brains or work, so you use emotional soapboxing. To sum up: You do things the wrong way for your own self interest. And there are millions like you across the country.

Is that simple enough?

01-20-2015, 04:12 PM
Youre hypocritical and selfish and you have a short-sighted, knee-jerk emotional mechanism that dictates your views.

01-20-2015, 04:20 PM


01-20-2015, 04:33 PM
Oh, and what's even funnier? There IS an ability gap that some people simply can't overcome. They'll never be high achievers. For many of them, you know what the ONE saving grace is? Religion. They don't fret over their inability to compete in the materialistic world because they believe there is a place for them later on.

And big Mr "I care more about the little people, Im all about the 99%, liberals are for the people mannnn!!!" Mavssuperfan is constantly shitting on people for being religious. He'd rather they be depressed, saddled with debt and hooked on pills trying desperately to keep a jealous watchful eye on Mitt Romney and Bill Gates.... just as long as they don't believe the silly fairytale!!!!

Mavsuperfan and Droid are the PROTOTYPE of average intelligence with a backward understanding and an identity void to fill. They're running around like proverbial chickens with their heads cut off espousing flimsy liberal talking points which they dont UNDERSTAND, but it sounds better than the polar opposite option, and they aren't able to actually analyze things for themselves and reach some middle/independent conclusion. It's just this or that. Republican or Democrat. And they don't know how or why any of this shit works, but they need a team behind them for emotional/intellectual support since they're scared to just put untested, unapproved ideas out there on their own. THey're little foot soldiers in teh game. Little pawns. And that's their lot. Sure they could maybe promote to a knight or a bishop, but they would have to travel all the way across the board on their own, and dat shit is dangeous son!!! People might label you!! Someone might make fun of you! You might get something wrong and be laughed at!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Shit's way too scary for pawns.

01-20-2015, 06:16 PM
Mavsuperfan and Droid are the PROTOTYPE of average intelligence with a backward understanding and an identity void to fill..
I'm smarter than you and I make more money than you.

01-20-2015, 07:01 PM
I'm smarter than you and I make more money than you.

my dick is bigger

01-20-2015, 07:03 PM
my dick is bigger
I'm 6'9", so I doubt it.

Keep reaching for that rainbow brother.

01-20-2015, 07:12 PM
Anyway you probably do make more money than me, you're definitely not smarter than me, but none of that is really here nor there. I shouldn't have resorted to that, I'd honestly rather not create animosity and separation between us as citizens who should be working together. It's just that I feel like you, mavsfan, and typical liberals don't listen to appeals to reason. And that's really frustrating. So to try and hammer my fukking message through to you I end up resorting to polemic which I probably shouldn't do and wish I didn't have to but unfortunately nothing else seems to work. Your views are fundamentally flawed IMO and I don't think you even realize how/why. I'm trying to explain it but it makes me frustrated that I even have to and the result is a very caustic reproach.

Anyway I retract the insults but I hope you'll just think about the fact that the best solution isn't always the most sensitive and popular one. And if you always find yourself gravitating to the sensitive/popular solution, maybe there are reasons for that which could use some examining. I mean I could probably write very persuasively in support of the far-left liberal viewpoint and it would make me a lot more popular around here than I am, and I could probably do it pretty convincingly. But I'd know I wouldn't be putting forth the most actually substantive contribution I could be, and even if nobody else could tell, it would still bother me. I don't have an agenda. I have no personal/business/social ties to a particular party or social agenda. I just try figure out what the best possible result of any realistic choices is, and then try to reason out the most efficient and plausible way to get there. And when people try to argue with me using stiff, party-approved doctrine they can't even defend against simple scrutiny, it makes me like this: :mad:

01-20-2015, 07:21 PM
Yeah, listen to a bunch of lies. Politicians parading and applauding each other. What about locking all of these politicians in a room and lighting it on fire. President Fraud..:facepalm

01-20-2015, 07:26 PM
Yeah, listen to a bunch of lies. Politicians parading and applauding each other. What about locking all of these politicians in a room and lighting it on fire. President Fraud..:facepalm

Honestly that's really all it is. There is zero reason to watch it. It's posturing, pomp and circumstance, and ultimately bold-faced pandering and deception. They're playing people like puppets and disguising it as some meaningful disclosure of the nations political concerns.

01-20-2015, 09:49 PM
There is a fundamental gap in intelligence/accountability. The masses dont want to learn and read and think, so they dont, and then they complain they dont have enough and they need the government to help them and they want everything now now now.

There are highly motivated, intelligent, responsible people who do the things that enable them to be highly successful. And then in the middle is you. Think of the NBA union. Lebron cant make his worth bc the union wants to make sure lazy Eddy Curry can get a fully gauranteed deal. Your approach is to hold people back, to make sure the complacent and unaccountable can get a little something, because taking rich peoples money is easier than spending your own time trying to help other people improve. Youre hypocritical and selfish and you have a short-sighted, knee-jerk emotional mechanism that dictates your views. Youre very average, and you want to stand out in some way, but you cant do it with brains or work, so you use emotional soapboxing. To sum up: You do things the wrong way for your own self interest. And there are millions like you across the country.

Is that simple enough?
Propose a solution. People like you just like to bitch all day, but never make an actual argument.

Youre hypocritical and selfish and you have a short-sighted, knee-jerk emotional mechanism that dictates your views.
How so? examples?

Your approach is to hold people back, to make sure the complacent and unaccountable can get a little something, because taking rich peoples money is easier than spending your own time trying to help other people improve.

I feel taking rich peoples money and investing it in infrastructure, healthcare, education, and other government project will help the poor. So yes.

Government has a function and needs money to operate. A social safety net helps provide stability and confidence necessary for economic growth. You have to get that money from some where. People like my parents are a better option than any others.

Lebron cant make his worth bc the union wants to make sure lazy Eddy Curry can get a fully gauranteed deal.
Without the masses of eddy currys the league wouldnt exist.

Youre very average, and you want to stand out in some way, but you cant do it with brains or work, so you use emotional soapboxing. To sum up: You do things the wrong way for your own self interest. And there are millions like you across the country.

:lol you care too much about ISH

01-20-2015, 09:59 PM
Honestly that's really all it is. There is zero reason to watch it. It's posturing, pomp and circumstance, and ultimately bold-faced pandering and deception. They're playing people like puppets and disguising it as some meaningful disclosure of the nations political concerns.
Actually Obama is going to try to paint the GOP as the party of the 1% by making proposals he knows has zero chance of passing. Its actually decent politics

01-20-2015, 10:03 PM
Anyway you probably do make more money than me, you're definitely not smarter than me, but none of that is really here nor there. I shouldn't have resorted to that, I'd honestly rather not create animosity and separation between us as citizens who should be working together. It's just that I feel like you, mavsfan, and typical liberals don't listen to appeals to reason. And that's really frustrating. So to try and hammer my fukking message through to you I end up resorting to polemic which I probably shouldn't do and wish I didn't have to but unfortunately nothing else seems to work. Your views are fundamentally flawed IMO and I don't think you even realize how/why. I'm trying to explain it but it makes me frustrated that I even have to and the result is a very caustic reproach.

Anyway I retract the insults but I hope you'll just think about the fact that the best solution isn't always the most sensitive and popular one. And if you always find yourself gravitating to the sensitive/popular solution, maybe there are reasons for that which could use some examining. I mean I could probably write very persuasively in support of the far-left liberal viewpoint and it would make me a lot more popular around here than I am, and I could probably do it pretty convincingly. But I'd know I wouldn't be putting forth the most actually substantive contribution I could be, and even if nobody else could tell, it would still bother me. I don't have an agenda. I have no personal/business/social ties to a particular party or social agenda. I just try figure out what the best possible result of any realistic choices is, and then try to reason out the most efficient and plausible way to get there. And when people try to argue with me using stiff, party-approved doctrine they can't even defend against simple scrutiny, it makes me like this: :mad:
Bro, for once actually make an argument, with a solution.

I get you are a **** the poor lazy people kind of guy. I have many in my family like you.

What is your solution to poverty in this country? to the lack of healthcare coverage, pre obama care, etc.

People like you were the ones against social security and medicare when it was introduced.

What are your actual preferred solutions?

e fact that the best solution isn't always the most sensitive and popular one.
So what are your solutions?

01-20-2015, 10:26 PM
Hold on the economy is doing good and unemployment is down. That can't be right. When I watch Fox news they make it seem Obama is about to destroy us.

01-20-2015, 11:14 PM
Bro, for once actually make an argument, with a solution.

I get you are a **** the poor lazy people kind of guy. I have many in my family like you.

What is your solution to poverty in this country? to the lack of healthcare coverage, pre obama care, etc.

People like you were the ones against social security and medicare when it was introduced.

What are your actual preferred solutions?

So what are your solutions?

Funny thing is that he's everything he rails against: poor, lazy, uneducated, career less, and not self sufficient. In general just a leach on society.

Patrick Chewing
01-20-2015, 11:31 PM
I'm 6'9", so I doubt it.

Keep reaching for that rainbow brother.

What a waste of space.

01-20-2015, 11:33 PM
I'm 6'9", so I doubt it.

Keep reaching for that rainbow brother.

Mandingo is 5'7" :lol

01-20-2015, 11:36 PM
"Middle class economics"

Wow, wonder how many retards they polled to come up with that one.

01-20-2015, 11:37 PM
Oh boy, the republican propaganda response..

Keystone will create thousands of jobs and have limited environment impact? :biggums: This lady is still going on about how Obama has hurt job creation? Unemployment is lowest it has been since 2008.. They want to improve the economy and get america back on the right track? I thought the economy was mending..

My goodness. What was that? :facepalm

Patrick Chewing
01-20-2015, 11:39 PM
Ruth Bader Ginsburg falling asleep during President's speech:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1421782837&v=2AvdtzuDANI&x-yt-cl=84359240



Don't worry, Ruth. So did I.

01-20-2015, 11:41 PM
Ruth Bader Ginsburg falling asleep during President's speech:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1421782837&v=2AvdtzuDANI&x-yt-cl=84359240

Don't worry, Ruth. So did I.

And you're calling other people a waste of space? You sound like a butthurt little boy :oldlol:

01-20-2015, 11:42 PM
Funny thing is that he's everything he rails against: poor, lazy, uneducated, career less, and not self sufficient. In general just a leach on society.

Nope. I got some shit together the last couple years, moved to Texas and made/saved up some money, moved back to Cali recently to start anew on some things. Not ballin by any stretch yet but quite honestly I'm probably worth more than you are right now considering your student debt and what you do for a living.

Patrick Chewing
01-20-2015, 11:44 PM
And you're calling other people a waste of space? You sound like a butthurt little boy :oldlol:

Go smoke your joint, hippie.

01-20-2015, 11:52 PM
Oh boy, the republican propaganda response..

Keystone will create thousands of jobs and have limited environment impact? :biggums: This lady is still going on about how Obama has hurt job creation? Unemployment is lowest it has been since 2008.. They want to improve the economy and get america back on the right track? I thought the economy was mending..

My goodness. What was that? :facepalm
That really confused me too. How is Obama destroying the economy when it's getting back to levels of when Clinton was in office? Republicans just don't know how to run a country in terms of economics.

01-20-2015, 11:55 PM
Go smoke your joint, hippie.
Go sip your beer?

Joints about to be legal nationwide, thanks to "liberals."

Enjoy! :cheers:

01-20-2015, 11:57 PM
Go smoke your joint, hippie.
Go drink Alcohol dummy. Let's see which one of us can drive straight.

01-20-2015, 11:59 PM
Bro, for once actually make an argument, with a solution.

I get you are a **** the poor lazy people kind of guy. I have many in my family like you.

What is your solution to poverty in this country? to the lack of healthcare coverage, pre obama care, etc.

People like you were the ones against social security and medicare when it was introduced.

What are your actual preferred solutions?

So what are your solutions?

My solution to poverty??

Da fuq :biggums: ....

There is no solution to poverty. Poverty is relative. Poor people today have access to cleaner water, better education, more government assistance than ever before. They still seem "poor" because middle class and the upper class are also doing better than they respectively ever have before.

There's always going to be a socioeconomic heirarchy. People have varying abilities and varying motivations. This is compounded by the fact that in Meltin Pot 'Murica, you have cultures that emphasize different values. This contributes to an achievement gap. Oh, but here's the kicker: If you criticize another culture's values? Then you're racist! So you have no choice but to allow them to wallow in their own systematic failure.

Seriously, the **** you talkin bout solution to poverty. The only way to even TRY to close the gap is if lower socioeconomic parents did right by their children and kept an eye on them, encouraged them, sacrificed for them, but there are a ton who don't. And you can't MAKE them do it. Some people are addicts, depressives, rage-a-holics, and their kids suffer for it. Couple that with intellectual variability and tons of people don't stand a chance. There is nothing the government can do. People choose their own shit. That Chappelle sketch about reparations was funny and resonated for a reason. That shit is true as ****. You just give people money who have no idea how to use it, they're not gonna actually improve anything. They'll just lose it quickly. You wanna make a change, get your ass in the ghetto and tutor some kids who don't have fathers. Write your local officials and say those kids fathers who bolt and dont take responsibility need to be locked up in an outsourced prison in mexico. If you want to really get SERIOUS about fighting real problems, you need to be prepared to enforce SERIOUS solutions, not pansy ass bullshit where you sit at your computer and cry about how tyrawndrelle cant get to the middle class because mitt romney didnt release his 2009 tax returns. Tyrawndrelle can't do shit because he never learned shit, he was never taught shit, he can't even communicate effectively with others in his socioeconomic class to figure out how they can work together for group improvement. Dude you know what I do when I'm at a convenience store or a fast food joint and I see a mexican woman buying fries and chips and soda for the 5 obese children trailing behind her? I straight up give her the business right there. I tell her she's basically abusing her children who don't know any better, and she needs to be more responsible. I say it right there openly in public to her face. Because people have to POLICE EACH OTHER. If you think you can just rely on the government to take care of everyone, YOU'RE A FOOL. You have to have balls and sometimes do shit yourself. Nobody's perfect. I'm not perfect. That doesn't mean I can't reprimand a neighbor when they **** up. And a neighbor can reprimand me when I **** up. Liberals are ****ing social awkward fraidy cats who snivel and cowher at the idea of having to stand up and be seen and heard doing something that isn't approved by their clan's consensus ideology (of only criticizing rich people/white people/christians).

If you want a solution to poverty, go be the solution yourself. Stop crying because some guy with a corner office isn't doing enough about it. What are you doing?

Patrick Chewing
01-21-2015, 12:04 AM
Go drink Alcohol dummy. Let's see which one of us can drive straight.

Thanks for admitting you're a pothead. And no, I do not drink alcohol.

Do you have a job? And are you on welfare? I want to know where my tax dollars are going. Do you smoke for your low sperm levels? Or is it your achy back?

01-21-2015, 12:05 AM
Thanks for admitting you're a pothead. And no, I do not drink alcohol.

Do you have a job? And are you on welfare? I want to know where my tax dollars are going. Do you smoke for your low sperm levels? Or is it your achy back?
Plenty of people who make way more money than you'll ever see smoke pot.

Care to make a point now?

Patrick Chewing
01-21-2015, 12:12 AM
Plenty of people who make way more money than you'll ever see smoke pot.

Care to make a point now?

And those that don't have this "way more money" will never acquire it by smoking pot all day. You dare to disagree?

01-21-2015, 12:14 AM
And those that don't have this "way more money" will never acquire it by smoking pot all day. You dare to disagree?

Are you saying that people who smoke pot cannot make money? Is this the argument you're going with?


Really, you need to stop, you're making a fool of yourself.

Patrick Chewing
01-21-2015, 12:16 AM

Are you saying that people who smoke pot cannot make money? Is this the argument you're going with?


Really, you need to stop, you're making a fool of yourself.

Your McDonald's minimum wage doesn't count as making money. C'mon now.

01-21-2015, 12:16 AM
hilarious that you would say all this bullshit about financial responsibility from up on your high horse, considering that you had to declare bankruptcy to escape your own financial problems.


Declare bankruptcy??? LOL, wtf??? You have to be in debt to declare bankruptcy. I've never been in debt, except maybe behind a couple months on a credit card temporarily or something. Remember, my mommy and daddy helped me out when I needed a few hundred bucks here or there to stay afloat. They did things the right way, so they were prepared and able to help me get through some thin times when I needed it. And I'm utterly grateful. And I've been able to learn from my experiences so that when I have children I can do the same for them.

LOL... that's embarrassing even for you to completely make something up that random to try and change the course of the discussion. Ofc I can always count on you to do that since you lose arguments so frequently, I just don't know where on Earth you got 'declare bankruptcy' from. I've never had any reason to even consider bankruptcy. Your desperation is incredible, which I guess I take as a compliment.

01-21-2015, 12:16 AM
And those that don't have this "way more money" will never acquire it by smoking pot all day. You dare to disagree?

:roll: :roll: What the **** are you arguing? You think anyone in this topic denied the existence of lazy useless stoners? No one did.

So those that don't have "way more money" will never acquire it by drinking alcohol all day. You dare to disagree?

01-21-2015, 12:19 AM
Your McDonald's minimum wage doesn't count as making money. C'mon now.
I make more than you, also don't smoke pot.

Both are irrelevant to your useless assertions.

01-21-2015, 12:19 AM

Declare bankruptcy??? LOL, wtf??? You have to be in debt to declare bankruptcy. I've never been in debt. Remember, my mommy and daddy helped me out when I needed a few hundred bucks here or there to stay afloat. They did things the right way, so they were prepared and able to help me get through some thin times when I needed it. And I'm utterly grateful. And I've been able to learn from my experiences so that when I have children I can do the same for them.

LOL... that's embarrassing even for you to completely make something up that random to try and change the course of the discussion. I mean I can always count on you to do that bc you lose arguments so frequently, I just don't know where on Earth you got 'declare bankruptcy' from. I've never had any reason to even consider bankruptcy. Your desperation is incredible, which I guess I take as a compliment.

i learned about your bankruptcy when i stumbled across your plenty of fish profile a few months back.

On an honest note things havent always been hunky dory for me. For a little while I was in and out of jail, struggling to pay rent, filed for bankruptcy etc. Eventually I decided that Monopoly just isnt my game.

why would you lie about declaring bankruptcy on a dating website? :oldlol:

Patrick Chewing
01-21-2015, 12:20 AM
:roll: :roll: What the **** are you arguing?

So those that don't have "way more money" will never acquire it by drinking alcohol all day. You dare to disagree?

What's with you and alcohol? You keep bringing up alcohol. Alcohol is just as bad and many single men spend a lot of money on it for no good reason.

Ladies drink free? What's up with that?

But I've never seen a pothead with more money and more common sense than me.

Look at these people:



Patrick Chewing
01-21-2015, 12:21 AM
I make more than you, also don't smoke pot.

Both are irrelevant to your useless assertions.

Keep telling yourself that, sport.


01-21-2015, 12:21 AM
But I've never seen a pothead with more money and more common sense than me.

I guarantee you there are actual billionaires who smoke pot all day, every day.

Anything else?

01-21-2015, 12:21 AM
In a STEM major in college in a degree that will get me at least 90000 a year when I graduate

I also smoke pot everyday

fck you chewing

01-21-2015, 12:22 AM
What's with you and alcohol? You keep bringing up alcohol. Alcohol is just as bad and many single men spend a lot of money on it for no good reason.

Ladies drink free? What's up with that?

But I've never seen a pothead with more money and more common sense than me.

Look at these people:



What do you mean what's with me and alcohol? This is the first time I've mentioned it in this topic. Are you SURE you don't smoke or drink?

Since you seem to be unable to grasp the point, it's utterly hypocritical for you to singularly conduct your vendetta against marijuana when alcohol is destructive and causes (or its users, rather) all the same problems you accuse of marijuana.

01-21-2015, 12:23 AM
In a STEM major in college in a degree that will get me at least 90000 a year when I graduate

I also smoke pot everyday

fck you chewing

Obama talking on national TV has sent him off the deep end.

Good luck in your career. Electrical Engineer here.

01-21-2015, 12:31 AM
i learned about your bankruptcy when i stumbled across your plenty of fish profile a few months back.

why would you lie about declaring bankruptcy on a dating website? :oldlol:


More like you know I use POF becuase you remember the thread here about it, and you're making up a semi-believable story to try and make me look bad since you always end up making me look good in debates.

LOL. Luckily you're terrible at trolling and can't come up with something at all supportable. BUT just so everyone's sure, because I know you save alllll my pictures, and there is absolutely no way you would see a dating site profile of mine talking about bankruptcy and not take a screen shot. Why don't you go ahead and post it?

01-21-2015, 12:35 AM
More like you know I use POF becuase you remember the thread here about it, and you're making up a semi-believable story to try and make me look bad since you always end up making me look good in debates.
You got wrecked. Give it up.

Having him post it now is meaningless, you most likely changed it since he found your embarrassing secret.

What a moocher you've turned out to be. Typical, most people who argue against things like that are secretly that way themselves (see: anti-gay marriage politicians turning out to be gay (http://www.ranker.com/list/top-10-anti-gay-activists-caught-being-gay/joanne)).

01-21-2015, 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by starfaces pof profile
On an honest note things havent always been hunky dory for me. For a little while I was in and out of jail, struggling to pay rent, filed for bankruptcy etc. Eventually I decided that Monopoly just isnt my game.

:roll: :applause:

Holy shit, the stalking is real, and so is that quote!

LOLLLL I forgot all about that profile and that monopoly joke. I get banned from that site all the time and have to keep making new profiles. That's incredible. Also I think that's from when I was living in San Antonio, which I never even mentioned here on this board.

I'm tickled you actually saw that. You're a first class loser/creep but that's still funny nonetheless. Just the fact that I made that joke on a dating site like 5 months ago, then here we are and you're talking about bankruptcy and I'm like WTF are you talking about, and then you actually pull that out of your archives.

You made my night with that shit Nanners. You're still a severely disturbed loser, but that was awesome. :cheers:

01-21-2015, 12:37 AM
You got wrecked. Give it up.

Having him post it now is meaningless, you most likely changed it since he found your embarrassing secret.

What a moocher you've turned out to be. Typical, most people who argue against things like that are secretly that way themselves (see: anti-gay marriage politicians turning out to be gay (http://www.ranker.com/list/top-10-anti-gay-activists-caught-being-gay/joanne)).

Dude. You don't even know what you're talking about. Get out of the joke. :facepalm

01-21-2015, 12:39 AM

More like you know I use POF becuase you remember the thread here about it, and you're making up a semi-believable story to try and make me look bad since you can't do it in a debate.

LOL. Luckily you're terrible at trolling and can't come up with something at all supportable. BUT just so everyone's sure, because I know you save alllll my pictures, and there is absolutely no way you would see a dating site profile of mine talking about bankruptcy and not take a screen shot. Why don't you go ahead and post it?

i didnt take a screenshot or save anything, it was all cached by google.

wasnt gonna post this, but if you insist... (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:f8W8fwF4Fj0J:pof.comwww.pof.de/de_viewprofile.aspx%3Fprofile_id%3D84176800+&cd=18&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

funny profile. you come off like the most narcissistic person on the planet. no wonder you like it in hollywood. :oldlol:

01-21-2015, 12:40 AM
:roll: :applause:

Holy shit, the stalking is real, and so is that quote!

LOLLLL I forgot all about that profile and that monopoly joke. I get banned from that site all the time and have to keep making new profiles. That's incredible. Also I think that's from when I was living in San Antonio, which I never even mentioned here on this board.

I'm tickled you actually saw that. You're a first class loser/creep but that's still funny nonetheless. Just the fact that I made that joke on a dating site like 5 months ago, then here we are and you're talking about bankruptcy and I'm like WTF are you talking about, and then you actually pull that out of your archives.

You made my night with that shit Nanners. You're still a severely disturbed loser, but that was awesome. :cheers:
LOLOL! I was just JOKING with that Nanners! Duh! JOKES!

You're a fraud. Own it.

01-21-2015, 12:41 AM
i didnt take a screenshot or save anything, it was all cached by google.

but if you insist... (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:f8W8fwF4Fj0J:pof.comwww.pof.de/de_viewprofile.aspx%3Fprofile_id%3D84176800+&cd=18&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)
Same writing style and everything. What a fraud (ugly one at that).

Ouch. If he can still show his face on this website anymore, I'd be surprised.


:roll: :roll: :roll:

Edit: Even does that stupid thing he does ending words with z for no reason.

" televitz."

OMG, this shit is super embarrassing.

01-21-2015, 12:47 AM
I'm an avid enthusiast of astronomy, atomic physics, ecology, philosophy, and all the natural wonderment of the world! I'm not even trying to be arrogant or humorous when I make fun of the idiots that spend all their time on facebook and twitter and instragram and posting selfies. I'm just being completely honest about how I feel in that regard. I don't understand how their simple minds work. I can't compute how an intellect could be so shallow as to function that way. Life is so fascinating in so many ways, it's really remarkable how few people actually care. I suppose those people who spend time on social media are just yet another layer of fascination . They remind me of ants. Dumb and compulsively following the crowd, no apparent depth of consciousness or salience of mind. They're like little robots who live and think within the tiniest of spectra. It's amazing to study them. Sometimes I walk up to them with a magnifying glass, and when they say hey what the hell are you doing, I just say shut up, keep behaving like the natural ignoramus you are while I observe you intently. Usually the interaction doesn't end well, but I persist nonetheless.

its shocking that the women arent lining up around the block for this young aristotle :oldlol: :oldlol:

seriously some of the most cringeworthy shit i have ever read

01-21-2015, 12:48 AM
Same writing style and everything. What a fraud (ugly one at that).

Ouch. If he can still show his face on this website anymore, I'd be surprised.


:roll: :roll: :roll:

Edit: Even does that stupid thing he does ending words with z for no reason.

" televitz."

OMG, this shit is super embarrassing.

Are you kidding????

I'm funny AND good looking. That was one of my better profiles. I'm glad he posted that, now I can copy that text into the next one I make.

This dude literally searches for me all over the internet. Like spends his time trying to track me and find out about me. Why do you think that is?? Because I'm a stud and I'm interesting. Chumps like you don't have creepy internet stalkers. Only dynamic button pushers like me get dem shitzz.

Look at me. I got a real, honest to goodness obsessive stalker. This dude could be stalking anyone on the internet, and he picked me. Boss. :pimp:

01-21-2015, 12:49 AM
I'm funny AND good looking.
Decent recovery.

Still super-embarrassing. :roll:

01-21-2015, 12:50 AM
Are you kidding????

I'm funny AND good looking. That was one of my better profiles. I'm glad he posted that, now I can copy that text into the next one I make.

This dude literally searches for me all over the internet. Like spends his time trying to track me and find out about me. Why do you think that is?? Because I'm a stud and I'm interesting. Chumps like you don't have creepy internet stalkers. Only dynamic button pushers like me get dem shitzz.

Look at me. I got a real, honest to goodness obsessive stalker. This dude could be stalking anyone on the internet, and he picked me. Boss. :pimp:

lol get real clown.

i plugged your youtube account name into google and this plenty of fish profile was the first thing that popped up. took a grand total of about 2 minutes to find. :oldlol:

01-21-2015, 12:52 AM
i didnt take a screenshot or save anything, it was all cached by google.

wasnt gonna post this, but if you insist... (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:f8W8fwF4Fj0J:pof.comwww.pof.de/de_viewprofile.aspx%3Fprofile_id%3D84176800+&cd=18&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

funny profile. you come off like the most narcissistic person on the planet. no wonder you like it in hollywood. :oldlol:

Why does the POF text show up in German tho? My profile was on the English version of the site.

01-21-2015, 12:53 AM
Why does the POF text show up in German tho? My profile was on the English version of the site.
I love how it went from "You lie!" to "Yep it's mine lolo."

How did that bankruptcy treat you? Was it tough to navigate? I've heard mixed stories from different sources on how hard it is to get through.

01-21-2015, 12:54 AM
lol get real clown.

i plugged your youtube account name into google and this plenty of fish profile was the first thing that popped up. took a grand total of about 2 minutes to find. :oldlol:

And you saved the screen shot, and even memorized the text to the point of recalling that monopoly joke in a thread about finances some 4-5 months later.

Dude, it's ok. You're my stalker. It's mildly concerning, but also flattering. Overall I'm ok with it.

01-21-2015, 12:55 AM
I love how it went from "You lie!" to "Yep it's mine lolo."

How did that bankruptcy treat you? Was it tough to navigate? I've heard mixed stories from different sources on how hard it is to get through.

It was a bitch because my buddy always gets to be the banker and he refuses to recognize my Section 8 vouchers whenever I land on Park Place :mad:

01-21-2015, 12:57 AM
It was a bitch because my buddy always gets to be the banker and he refuses to recognize my Section 8 vouchers whenever I land on Park Place :mad:
Well, he's cheating. Give me a call if you want me to educate him on the real rules.

"Any player may place Section 8 vouchers on his or her property at any time. When done, rent decreases by 90%, but government (the bank) must reimburse you 120% the rent amount."

Next time, take him to the cleaners.

01-21-2015, 12:59 AM
And you saved the screen shot, and even memorized the text to the point of recalling that monopoly joke in a thread about finances some 4-5 months later.

Dude, it's ok. You're my stalker. It's mildly concerning, but also flattering. Overall I'm ok with it.

no i didnt save anything. you really have no clue how google works do you?

if i was a stalker i would have a lot more than just a cached version of your plenty of fish profile :oldlol:

01-21-2015, 01:00 AM
Thanks for admitting you're a pothead. And no, I do not drink alcohol.

Do you have a job? And are you on welfare? I want to know where my tax dollars are going. Do you smoke for your low sperm levels? Or is it your achy back?
I don't smoke pot dumbass. My point was Alcohol is way more dangerous then Pot yet it's legal. I'm not on welfare and your tax going to the right place it seems cause the economy is improving.

01-21-2015, 01:00 AM
i didnt take a screenshot or save anything, it was all cached by google.

wasnt gonna post this, but if you insist... (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:f8W8fwF4Fj0J:pof.comwww.pof.de/de_viewprofile.aspx%3Fprofile_id%3D84176800+&cd=18&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

funny profile. you come off like the most narcissistic person on the planet. no wonder you like it in hollywood. :oldlol:

Btw, did you get the zombie joke?

Because zombies eat brains, so if you're worried about a zombie apocalypse you don't really need to be worried about a zombie apocalypse.

You get it?? Do ya??

I thought it was kinda funny.

01-21-2015, 01:01 AM
no i didnt save anything. you really have no clue how google works do you?

if i was a stalker i would have a lot more than just a cached version of your plenty of fish profile :oldlol:

Well I know you've got every picture I've ever posted here saved, because you break them out at random times with different alts.

01-21-2015, 01:05 AM
Btw, did you get the zombie joke?

Because zombies eat brains, so if you're worried about a zombie apocalypse you don't really need to be worried about a zombie apocalypse.

You get it?? Do ya??

I thought it was kinda funny.

yeah the jokes are too much. you come off like someone who is trying way too hard. one or two subtle jokes is fine but you are taking things to a very cringey level.

Well I know you've got every picture I've ever posted here saved, because you break them out at random times with different alts.

the only picture of you that i have saved is the one where you have your face busted up "by some cholo".

01-21-2015, 01:12 AM
no i didnt save anything. you really have no clue how google works do you?

if i was a stalker i would have a lot more than just a cached version of your plenty of fish profile :oldlol:

Evidently I don't. That profile doesn't exist anymore, why is an old version of it cached in google? Does google cache every single page from every single moment or something? What if I had changed a few words on the profile a few days after you had found that, would there be a cached version of the new page, too?

I legitimately don't understand why that's still there. I certainly don't mind, but it just surprises me that google would archive something that random. Does it literally archive everything? Even deleted ISH threads? Seems like so much used storage for so little purpose. Obv stalkers like you find it handy but what purpose does it otherwise serve??

01-21-2015, 01:14 AM
yeah the jokes are too much. you come off like someone who is trying way too hard. one or two subtle jokes is fine but you are taking things to a very cringey level.

That's the thing, that was my first copy of that profile that I just wrote off the top of my head when I sat down and created it. I eventually edited it to add in some more serious content, and I'm curious if there's a cached page of that, too? Like how did that particular page get cached at that particular moment? Is every version of that profile cached or what?

How does the shit work, nannerz?

01-21-2015, 01:16 AM
How does the shit work, nannerz?

google it :oldlol:

01-21-2015, 01:21 AM
People learning more and saving more would contribute to the economy. Not the gubt shifting money around so that people can earn more than they produce. This leads to complacency and ignorance, which leads to increasing reliance on government, which leads to power abuses.

Its like givin change to the homeless when you know theyll spend it on booze, if you actually wanted to help in a meaningful way your just send money a shelter each month and force the homeless to go get trained professional assistance. But in that scenario nobody sees you handing out money, nobody thinks youre mr awesome compassion, you dont get a tenporary emotional satisfaction of playing immediate hero. So you enable people to sleep passed out drunk on sidewalks while everyone has to walk around them because you think youll look really cool being the great benefactor to some poor guy, and youre desperate to have everyone see you do it. Thats what libs do with the economy.

Youre an emotionally needy bitch, your only sense of identity comes from playing the role of societys mother who spoils her children in exchange for their love and approval and popularity., bc you arent suited to take a cood, rational, longterm approach bc youre too estrogenic and emotional. Youre a f@g

This folks, is why the wealth gap continues to grow every year--GOP voters are simply the dumbest f**ks on the planet. Go suck a Koch brother's dick, dimwit. That's all you're good for.

01-21-2015, 01:24 AM
This folks, is why the wealth gap continues to grow every year--GOP voters are simply the dumbest f**ks on the planet. Go suck a Koch brother's dick, dimwit. That's all you're good for.

Weak bait/failed attempt.

01-21-2015, 01:25 AM
google it :oldlol:

01-21-2015, 01:28 AM
Thanks for admitting you're a pothead. And no, I do not drink alcohol.

Do you have a job? And are you on welfare? I want to know where my tax dollars are going. Do you smoke for your low sperm levels? Or is it your achy back?

If your median household income is over $50k, $6000 of your tax dollars go to corporate subsidies, and covering the lost tax revenues that come from them. While you bitch about social programs (that cost you $30 a year), the Walmarts of the world are taking your hard earned dollars... and wiping their collective asses with them. They probably have a good laugh about it too.

Goon Time
01-21-2015, 02:35 AM
wasnt gonna post this, but if you insist... (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:f8W8fwF4Fj0J:pof.comwww.pof.de/de_viewprofile.aspx%3Fprofile_id%3D84176800+&cd=18&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us)

gottdam! that's an L of epic magnitude. rofl forever

01-21-2015, 03:18 AM
If your median household income is over $50k, $6000 of your tax dollars go to corporate subsidies, and covering the lost tax revenues that come from them. While you bitch about social programs (that cost you $30 a year), the Walmarts of the world are taking your hard earned dollars... and wiping their collective asses with them. They probably have a good laugh about it too.

That figure is based on a 72k a year household income. And counting the money that coorporations "should" be paying isn't really fair. Plus, how much of those subsidies are for things like green energy and other things liberals typically support?

I do agree with the overall point though. There should be absolutely no coorporate subsidies/manipulating winners and losers.

Oh, BTW the average cost of Federal Welfare programs per tax payer is about $9,000 per year. not $30

01-21-2015, 12:28 PM
Ruth Bader Ginsburg falling asleep during President's speech:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1421782837&v=2AvdtzuDANI&x-yt-cl=84359240



Don't worry, Ruth. So did I.

Tired she is. Sleep she must.

01-21-2015, 12:35 PM
I wish Obama was more REAL. Malcolm X and 2pac must be rollin' in their graves right now:facepalm

Patrick Chewing
01-21-2015, 05:30 PM
Oh boy, Obama deceived us again.



Woman showcased by Obama in State of the Union is a former Democratic campaign staffer

The woman whose story of economic recovery was showcased by President Barack Obama in his State of the Union address is a former Democratic campaign staffer and has been used by Obama for political events in the past.

Rebekah Erler has been presented by the White House as a woman who was discovered by the president after she wrote to him last March about her economic hardships. She was showcased in the speech as proof that middle class Americans are coming forward to say that Obama’s policies are working.

Unmentioned in the White House bio of Erler is that she is a former Democratic campaign operative, working as a field organizer for Sen. Patty Murray (D., Wash.).

This also wasn’t the first time the White House used the former Democratic campaign staffer as a political prop. Obama spent a “day in the life” of Erler in June so that he could have “an opportunity to communicate directly with the people he’s working for every day.”

Reuters revealed Erler’s Democratic affiliations following that June event, and the Minnesota Republican Party attacked Obama for being “so out of touch with reality that he thinks a former Democrat campaign staffer speaks for every Minnesotan.”

01-21-2015, 06:07 PM
I wish Obama was more REAL. Malcolm X and 2pac must be rollin' in their graves right now:facepalm
Because those two know all obtaining real power.

01-22-2015, 06:47 AM
Tired she is. Sleep she must.

LOL! You'd think they'd wake her up.

01-22-2015, 02:49 PM
Oh boy, Obama deceived us again.



Note the crickets brought on by this post.

01-22-2015, 03:44 PM
Note the crickets brought on by this post.

note that you have not yet told us about your bankruptcy.

id also love to hear about why you were "in and out of jail"

01-22-2015, 04:43 PM
Bro, for once actually make an argument, with a solution.

I get you are a **** the poor lazy people kind of guy. I have many in my family like you.

What is your solution to poverty in this country? to the lack of healthcare coverage, pre obama care, etc.

People like you were the ones against social security and medicare when it was introduced.

What are your actual preferred solutions?

So what are your solutions?
And rightly so considering almost everyone else would also have been against them too, if they'd had the slightest inkling about the gargantuan costs those programs would eventually drum up. These were first sold to the populace as small programs (social security was even called social insurance at first).

One black hole social welfare project after another and people like you still don't get it. :facepalm

01-22-2015, 04:48 PM
note that you have not yet told us about your bankruptcy.

id also love to hear about why you were "in and out of jail"

Oh. Youre still doing this trolling bit? I thought it kinda had run its course and had its moment.

It was funny at the time. Kind of awkward that youre still doing it tho I have tbh.

01-22-2015, 04:57 PM
Oh. Youre still doing this trolling bit? I thought it kinda had run its course and had its moment.

It was funny at the time. Kind of awkward that youre still doing it tho I have tbh.

whats funny is how you are always in here preaching about how all of our social problems can be solved libruls stop giving away handouts and the poor people are more bootstrappy and take responsibility for their actions.

seems like a hypocritical point of view for a bankrupt convict.

and LOL at you calling me a troll.... pot meet kettle etc :oldlol:

01-22-2015, 05:05 PM
whats funny is how you are always in here preaching about how all of our social problems can be solved libruls stop giving away handouts and the poor people are more bootstrappy and take responsibility for their actions.

seems like a hypocritical point of view for a bankrupt convict.

and LOL at you calling me a troll.... pot meet kettle etc :oldlol:

Yeah, we get it. You sought out all the information you could about me online and found a dating site profile where I joked about not paying rent, going bankrupt, and being in and out of jail. And then added the punchline that Monopoly must not be my game. Youre pretending to take it serious to get me upset. Good job. Very crafty and precise trolling. Im so angry with you right now. Grr.

You should bump the thread I made titled "Im being evicted" which was about living rent free in Bandito's head. :lol Thatll really show me.

01-22-2015, 05:25 PM
whats funny is how you are always in here preaching about how all of our social problems can be solved libruls stop giving away handouts and the poor people are more bootstrappy and take responsibility for their actions.

seems like a hypocritical point of view for a bankrupt convict.

and LOL at you calling me a troll.... pot meet kettle etc :oldlol:
Strange, seems to me it would further justify the argument you crudely outline above. As in, the librul handout culture that destroys concepts such as personal responsibility and industriousness, produced an irresponsible and lazy young man, who through his entitlement, took loans he couldn't pay back, and ended up bankrupt. He became a convict for whatever reason as well, a further sign of his irresponsibility.

LEARNING from this experience, perhaps he saw the need to change his ways, blamed contemporary culture for his formerly warped perceptions, and sought to bring this to the attention of all the many responsibility deprived fools who populate ISHs.

That's IF any of this is even true, and that being a pretty big if. Either way I don't give a shit, and it isn't relevant to the thread either. If you want to troll someone childishly perhaps you ought to start a new thread for it?

Patrick Chewing
01-22-2015, 05:27 PM
Note the crickets brought on by this post.

Because Libs can do no wrong. If the shoe were on the other foot, they'd be protesting outside the White House right now demanding impeachment. But when they do it, they dig deep in the depths of Google to find another President that did it (hopefully from the opposing party), and justify the actions to us.

It is the party of no accountability. Their theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otCpCn0l4Wo


01-22-2015, 11:26 PM
Ruth Bader Ginsburg falling asleep during President's speech:

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?x-yt-ts=1421782837&v=2AvdtzuDANI&x-yt-cl=84359240



Don't worry, Ruth. So did I.
Ginsberg should have retired before the DNC lost control of the senate, and allowed obama to chose a younger replacement, with her same values. Very selfish of her.

01-23-2015, 08:36 AM
You're counting just food stamps and referring to them as "social programs". I included all social programs. Once again, I don't want to come off as supporting coorporate welfare (because I'm not and I don't), but a lot (or at least some) of those subsidies are for things liberals/democrats support like green energy etc.

And "lost" revenue shouldn't be counted since you're essentially just making up a number you think that they should be paying and then counting the difference as costs to the tax payers. You're also assuming that each corporation would make just as much taxable income despite the fact that they're being taxed more and thus probably wouldn't be growing at the same rate.

Same is true for counting the "1 trillion" Bush's tax cuts added to the deficit... would the economy really have grown at the same rate with higher taxes? probably not. It's unclear how much damage, if any at all, those tax cuts did do.

And I would legitimately be interested in a link to the article (or whatever it is) that says Obama is the most frugal president since Eisenhower.

Absolutely. Some of our best years economically peak years featured significantly higher effective tax rates than we currently have. In contrast, the economy under Bush, which featured two massive tax cuts and heavy public-sector job growth, was pretty anemic even in the best of years. Annual GDP growth grew at a weak sauce 2.5% under Bush. Under Eisenhower (who had a top tax rate of 90%) it grew at 4% annually. Under George W. Bush, total jobs grew only 0.8 percent during his term, while under Bill Clinton they grew by 20.7 percent, and under Dwight Eisenhower, 7.1 percent.

If there was any doubt that trickle-down polices do not work, the Bush years erased them.


[QUOTE]So, using inflation-adjusted dollars, Obama had the second-lowest increase -- in fact, he actually presided over a decrease once inflation is taken into account. Bottom line: The Facebook post

01-23-2015, 10:17 AM
Absolutely. Some of our best years economically peak years featured significantly higher effective tax rates than we currently have. In contrast, the economy under Bush, which featured two massive tax cuts and heavy public-sector job growth, was pretty anemic even in the best of years. Annual GDP growth grew at a weak sauce 2.5% under Bush. Under Eisenhower (who had a top tax rate of 90%) it grew at 4% annually. Under George W. Bush, total jobs grew only 0.8 percent during his term, while under Bill Clinton they grew by 20.7 percent, and under Dwight Eisenhower, 7.1 percent.

If there was any doubt that trickle-down polices do not work, the Bush years erased them.

Such a foolish post, on so many levels. Comparing GDP growth statistics during presidencies as if this is somehow determined by the President in office, and not a multitude of other circumstances, makes no sense at all. How can you not understand this? How are you not aware that America in the 50s reaped the rewards of being the only large industrial economy not decimated by war? How don't you know that pretty much no one payed anything close to 90% tax, and that the proportion of tax revenue paid by the top 3% is actually higher now then it was then? The rich and middle classes bear the entirety of the tax burden right now, the poor are contributing less than ever, are given the most entitlements, and yet unsurprisingly, they're still poor, but now just poor and dependent on the state.

Rising inequality has little to do with taxation levels, and far more to do with the economic policies pursued by the Fed, who are printing money and handing it straight to the wealthy (in a more indirect way of course) at the expense of everyone else. You think stocks would be this high without incessant QE? Who do you think is getting rich off this? Meanwhile, those without enough money to invest in assets or stocks, who live off their paychecks, and try to save what they can, get ****ed by rising prices (when consumer prices should be going down, helping the poor).

A lot of the growth under Clinton was the result of the dotcom bubble as well, the consequences of which had to be dealt with by Bush, and which affected the GDP numbers at the beginning of his presidency - though he just replaced one deflating bubble with a new one, and now Obama is doing the same again. He'll probably stave off contraction until he's out of office, and then people like you will blame the next guy, because GDP growth was low when he was Prez!!

Also, taxcuts make sense if you are going to reduce government expenditure, and Bush never did this: he increased it. Look at this fool pontificating about trickle down economics being proven not to work, while using a computer he would not even have if not for trickle down economics. Why do you think you can afford a laptop, an lcd tv, and various other formerly very expensive pieces of technological equipment? Because frivolous rich people were willing to buy them when they weren't worth the money, and were little more than a novelty. This has 'trickled down' to the point where almost any schmo can afford a laptop or nice tv. So to deny that this kind of economics works is to deny what is right in front of your eyes, and the things you benefit from on a daily basis. Only a mindless envy of the rich could produce such blindness.

01-23-2015, 10:29 AM
Ginsberg should have retired before the DNC lost control of the senate, and allowed obama to chose a younger replacement, with her same values. Very selfish of her.
Given the current judicial nomination process, I must strongly dissent from this line of thinking. I must counsel hesitation to this very young man whose judgement I feel is misguided. Were I to resign this august body, I stipulate that the court would move rightward, despite the wishes of this very young man.

If the Democrats lose control of the Senate in November, there will be expressions of despair: Doesn’t she know that she could die at any minute? Why isn’t it her priority to make sure the Court house is tidy before she leaves? Ginsburg’s dissent, to Weisberg, is a strong one: (http://www.newyorker.com/news/amy-davidson/ruth-bader-ginsburgs-retirement-dissent)

Who do you think President Obama could appoint at this very day, given the boundaries that we have? If I resign any time this year, he could not successfully appoint anyone I would like to see in the court. [The Senate Republicans] took off the filibuster for lower federal court appointments, but it remains for this court. So anybody who thinks that if I step down, Obama could appoint someone like me, they’re misguided.


01-23-2015, 10:33 AM

01-23-2015, 06:10 PM
Such a foolish post, on so many levels. Comparing GDP growth statistics during presidencies as if this is somehow determined by the President in office, and not a multitude of other circumstances, makes no sense at all. How can you not understand this? How are you not aware that America in the 50s reaped the rewards of being the only large industrial economy not decimated by war? How don't you know that pretty much no one payed anything close to 90% tax, and that the proportion of tax revenue paid by the top 3% is actually higher now then it was then? The rich and middle classes bear the entirety of the tax burden right now, the poor are contributing less than ever, are given the most entitlements, and yet unsurprisingly, they're still poor, but now just poor and dependent on the state.

Rising inequality has little to do with taxation levels, and far more to do with the economic policies pursued by the Fed, who are printing money and handing it straight to the wealthy (in a more indirect way of course) at the expense of everyone else. You think stocks would be this high without incessant QE? Who do you think is getting rich off this? Meanwhile, those without enough money to invest in assets or stocks, who live off their paychecks, and try to save what they can, get ****ed by rising prices (when consumer prices should be going down, helping the poor).

A lot of the growth under Clinton was the result of the dotcom bubble as well, the consequences of which had to be dealt with by Bush, and which affected the GDP numbers at the beginning of his presidency - though he just replaced one deflating bubble with a new one, and now Obama is doing the same again. He'll probably stave off contraction until he's out of office, and then people like you will blame the next guy, because GDP growth was low when he was Prez!!

Also, taxcuts make sense if you are going to reduce government expenditure, and Bush never did this: he increased it. Look at this fool pontificating about trickle down economics being proven not to work, while using a computer he would not even have if not for trickle down economics. Why do you think you can afford a laptop, an lcd tv, and various other formerly very expensive pieces of technological equipment? Because frivolous rich people were willing to buy them when they weren't worth the money, and were little more than a novelty. This has 'trickled down' to the point where almost any schmo can afford a laptop or nice tv. So to deny that this kind of economics works is to deny what is right in front of your eyes, and the things you benefit from on a daily basis. Only a mindless envy of the rich could produce such blindness.

Another shill for the 1%. It is fact that low tax rates for the rich stall the economy. Unless you're massively expanding government (as Reagan did, tripling the debt in the process) you're going to get anemic returns from low tax rates.

Did you seriously compare the Dotcom bubble to the 2004-2006 Housing Bubble? That's like comparing Greneda to the Vietnam War.

Look at this fool pontificating about trickle down economics being proven not to work, while using a computer he would not even have if not for trickle down economics. Middle class wages haven't budged since the late 90's, while the rich are richer than ever, and we're supposed to be ok with it because we can afford computers? Are you mentally deficient?

01-24-2015, 01:01 AM
Absolutely. Some of our best years economically peak years featured significantly higher effective tax rates than we currently have. In contrast, the economy under Bush, which featured two massive tax cuts and heavy public-sector job growth, was pretty anemic even in the best of years. Annual GDP growth grew at a weak sauce 2.5% under Bush. Under Eisenhower (who had a top tax rate of 90%) it grew at 4% annually. Under George W. Bush, total jobs grew only 0.8 percent during his term, while under Bill Clinton they grew by 20.7 percent, and under Dwight Eisenhower, 7.1 percent.

lol this is a terrible way to look at the stats. As if comparing the GDP growth rate during presidencies means something. There are an infinite number of variables to look at.

It's like saying whoever was in charge of making basketball decisions for the knicks has a better basketball mind than Phil because the team had a higher win % before he got there.

If there was any doubt that trickle-down polices do not work, the Bush years erased them.

If they don't work then why not just tax 90% or 100%? It doesn't matter right? Fact is they do work. The degree to which they work is certainly debatable. Even Obama is on record saying he wouldn't raise taxes on the rich during the recession because the economy wouldn't grow.


Once again this is heavily dictated by circumstance. He is dealing with the highest debt and deficits in US history, of course he has less leeway to increase spending. Fact is a vast majority of discretionary spending comes from the democrats. What are some of the highest spending bills in recent memory? Bailout - Supported much more heavily by democrats than republicans, Obamacare, and the stimulus.

01-24-2015, 12:08 PM
Another shill for the 1%. It is fact that low tax rates for the rich stall the economy. Unless you're massively expanding government (as Reagan did, tripling the debt in the process) you're going to get anemic returns from low tax rates.

Did you seriously compare the Dotcom bubble to the 2004-2006 Housing Bubble? That's like comparing Greneda to the Vietnam War.

Middle class wages haven't budged since the late 90's, while the rich are richer than ever, and we're supposed to be ok with it because we can afford computers? Are you mentally deficient?
Congrats on not actually answering a single one of the points i made. What are you even saying here? Nothing.

How exactly can something that has been heavily refuted by 100s of years of evidence be a 'fact'? The American economy grew at its fastest rates when it had no income tax rate at all. The Russian economy had been growing while others flailed with its 13% flat tax rate. Eastern European nations recovered from years of Soviet oppression with low tax rates and limited government (see Czech Republic and policies of Vaclav Klaus in early 90s, Slovakia's flat tax rate in late 90s, and many other examples).

See this?:

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-MKp5Gxth1Ts/TXagbflY1oI/AAAAAAAAAEY/TnlmtGXwxkg/s1600/U.S._Federal_Tax_Receipts_as_a_Percentage_of_GDP_1 945%25E2%2580%25932015.jpg

Tax revenue has not changed, only spending has escalated dramatically, and that's where the problem lies. Nor has the proportion of tax paid by the top 3% changed. Absurdly high levels of debt are not conducive to economic growth. You idiotically call me a 'shill for the 1%' (childish and empty rhetoric, employed by a clueless ass with no idea what he's talking about), and yet Obama's supposed recovery is built on increasing the riches of the wealthy, through the inflating of stock and asset bubbles. Meanwhile, the poor, who have not the wealth to invest in these things, are also prevented from saving by outrageous and inflationary fed policy (which amounts to little more than theft).

And yes, i did compare the two because they are pretty much the same in principle, and both caused by an alarming lack of awareness among economists and politicians regarding the laws of economics. Of course the first bubble was smaller, what does that have to do with anything? The one we are currently inflating will make the previous depression look like Grenada, i assure you.

Yes, you should be happy with the many, many advantages you have been afforded by trickle-down economics, and not throw it all away because you're an envious and ignorant douchebag, with no understanding of economic fundamentals. Real Wages haven't increased since the early 70s, just happening to coincide with the vast federal government expansion of the 1960s, and which has continued to today.


This is the exact time Federal programs underwent massive expansion, when the 'war on poverty' was declared and 'the war on drugs' also declared. Unsurprisingly, despite 40 years of 'war' we are not closer to alleviating these things than we were in the 60s. Just goes to show how wasteful the government has proven to be.

Shit, a flat tax in the US would be highly beneficial simply for the legions of IRS bureaucrats it would put out of work. The real shills for the 1% are politicians, and the idiots who support their power-grabbing rhetoric of 'justice' and 'fairness' - yet you want to grant them more arbitrary power over the individual? Real smart, that is :rolleyes:.

If you reply to this try to actually address some of the points i made rather than inanely screeching 'the 1%' and pretending things that are demonstrably not facts become factual simply because you place your ignorance on their side.

01-26-2015, 04:43 PM
Even Obama is on record saying he wouldn't raise taxes on the rich during the recession because the economy wouldn't grow.

Is that supposed to be a ringing endorsement of low taxes for the rich? You're not supposed to raise taxes during a recession, unless you want to turn into Greece.

If they don't work then why not just tax 90% or 100%? It doesn't matter right? Fact is they do work. The degree to which they work is certainly debatable.Anemic job growth, massive debt, lower than necessary tax revenues. Yeah, they work fantastic. :facepalm Besides, didn't you say there are infinite variables to look at? Bush's economy was heavily propped up by a massive housing bubble that eventually destroyed the economy. There's no evidence the tax cuts in themselves were successful. In fact, there's more evidence they failed, as evidenced by our soaring debt.

Once again this is heavily dictated by circumstance. He is dealing with the highest debt and deficits in US history, of course he has less leeway to increase spending.Excuses. You didn't even believe me until I posted that link. Had I been wrong your reply would have been along the lines of "see? I told you Obama spends like a drunken sailor".
Fact is a vast majority of discretionary spending comes from the democrats. What are some of the highest spending bills in recent memory?Good one:
