View Full Version : Who did this?

12-27-2014, 09:41 PM
Only player in NBA history to score at least 600 points in the postseason for three consecutive years.

Who? :confusedshrug:

12-27-2014, 09:42 PM
Probably Jordan and if its not him the stat is useless.

12-27-2014, 09:44 PM
Well, you don't sound like a **** sucker?

12-27-2014, 09:44 PM
this guy


12-27-2014, 09:47 PM
It would have to be someone recent...because there are way more playoff games now. You used to get a first round bye as the #1 seed...had best of 3 series....and best of 5....go back far enough you only played one round to make the finals. So making it totals...not per game? Clearly players before the four 7 game series days dont have the same chance.

Making it one of those records that includes "history" to add weight to it while its nature excludes most of history from a fair shot at it.

Im gonna guess its Kobe or Lebron. Nobody else has made 3 straight finals runs...which would be key to get enough games to get to 600 total points. Shaq on the first 3 peat still had a 5 game series to worry about.

12-27-2014, 09:47 PM
this guy



**** ya'll man, I'm fina make some Father Killer Jordan memes on that ass. :coleman:

12-27-2014, 09:51 PM
this guy


12-27-2014, 09:51 PM
Plus it would punish those who really dominate and put series away.

If you put up 35 a game and swept the playoffs you would only have 560 points....

12-27-2014, 09:58 PM
Plus it would punish those who really dominate and put series away.

If you put up 35 a game and swept the playoffs you would only have 560 points....

Who do you think it is?

12-27-2014, 10:02 PM
Nvm KBlaze read the rest of your first post.

12-27-2014, 10:31 PM
i cheated with stat muse "beta"

bj armstrong for the win alex

12-27-2014, 10:54 PM

Of course.

And of course people will try to diminish it.

Top 5 all time.

12-27-2014, 11:02 PM
If not Jordan.

Elgin Baylor
Jerry West
Rick Barry
Lew alcindor

12-27-2014, 11:03 PM
If not Jordan.

Elgin Baylor
Jerry West
Rick Barry
Lew alcindor

Kobe. Bean. Bryant.

Accept it and move on.

12-27-2014, 11:03 PM
If not Jordan.

Elgin Baylor
Jerry West
Rick Barry
Lew alcindor

Kobe Bryant is the answer we were looking for, thanks for playing. :cheers:

12-27-2014, 11:06 PM
If not Jordan.

Elgin Baylor
Jerry West
Rick Barry
Lew alcindor

Why the **** would it be guys who played with 3-2 rounds per post-season? :lol

12-27-2014, 11:09 PM
If not Jordan.

Elgin Baylor
Jerry West
Rick Barry
Lew alcindor

They couldnt do it.

They didnt have enough games. It isnt really a "In history" question. Its a "Last 10 years" or so question.

Baylor put up 39ppg one playoffs and went to game 7 of the finals. Only 502 points. Jerry West scored 41ppg in the playoffs...made the finals....447 points. But Kobe went over 600 scoring under 30 a game....more rounds/games.

And Kobe scored 600 one season scoring less than he did in 01...when he couldnt do it because they went 15-1. Like Jordan who went over 31 a game but didnt lose enough in the playoffs to play extended series. So they were too dominant to have high totals.

Its a record you need modern series...and not too much dominance...

Playing better...would make it more difficult not less.

12-27-2014, 11:14 PM
Why the **** would it be guys who played with 3-2 rounds per post-season? :lol
I just realized that right after I post.

Not only did they mostly just play two series, if they did play the first round it was only best of three, if I remember correctly.

12-27-2014, 11:15 PM
They couldnt do it.

They didnt have enough games. It isnt really a "In history" question. Its a "Last 10 years" or so question.

Baylor put up 39ppg one playoffs and went to game 7 of the finals. Only 502 points. Jerry West scored 41ppg in the playoffs...made the finals....447 points. But Kobe went over 600 scoring under 30 a game....more rounds/games.

And Kobe scored 600 one season scoring less than he did in 01...when he couldnt do it because they went 15-1. Like Jordan who went over 31 a game but didnt lose enough in the playoffs to play extended series. So they were too dominant to have high totals.

Its a record you need modern series...and not too much dominance...

Playing better...would make it more difficult not less.
Yeah, I was just thinking of the numbers because those guys had multiple huge scoring series. But then, I remember they didn't play as many games back then.

12-27-2014, 11:16 PM
Jordan was too busy efficiently beating opponents to ever need to score that many points in unnecessary games to do this.

Clearly a Kobe stat.

12-27-2014, 11:18 PM
Jordan was too busy efficiently beating opponents to ever need to score that many points in unnecessary games to do this.

Clearly a Kobe stat.

It's a post season stat. :confusedshrug:

12-27-2014, 11:18 PM
Yeah, I was just thinking of the numbers because those guys had multiple huge scoring series. But then, I remember they didn't play as many games back then.

Its one of those things I cant decide if people point out because they dont know history....or because they know and dont care how unfair it is to make the comparison. Its an ESPN stat. A sounds amazing if you dont know anything or think about it stat.

12-27-2014, 11:19 PM
I was gonna say Josh Howard. But Kobe Bryant sounds about right.

12-27-2014, 11:20 PM
kblaze is a Kobe hater and will try to diminish him at all costs.

He's way too biased to be taken seriously.

12-27-2014, 11:21 PM
Its one of those things I cant decide if people point out because they dont know history....or because they know and dont care how unfair it is to make the comparison. Its an ESPN stat. A sounds amazing if you dont know anything or think about it stat.
It's like when the do one of the "after the NBA/ABA merger" stats, or a "after 1979-1980" stats. Hell, I've even seen a "Since the year 2000" stat.

12-27-2014, 11:23 PM
I remember one of these stats being posted about Lebron. He was passing such and such on the all time playoff assist totals....and nobody even pointed out that the people hes compared to played half the games to get rings.

Its like...there is no way anyone looking into it fails to notice. Bill Russell went to 12 finals and Lebron will pass him in playoff games played this year.

You cant...not list something like that.

12-27-2014, 11:23 PM
Its one of those things I cant decide if people point out because they dont know history....or because they know and dont care how unfair it is to make the comparison. Its an ESPN stat. A sounds amazing if you dont know anything or think about it stat.


Anyone else but Kobe and you guys would be stroking it off.

12-27-2014, 11:25 PM
kblaze is a Kobe hater and will try to diminish him at all costs.

He's way too biased to be taken seriously.

Nobody is asking you to like the truth. Im just here to point it out as I see it. On this issue....most of history not being able to stack totals due to playing less games.....its fairly inarguable.

12-27-2014, 11:27 PM

Anyone else but Kobe and you guys would be stroking it off.

Disregarding that guys who scored more and had less games due to both dominance and their era cant have the same totals is just disrespectful of history.

As I said....Kobe scored more per game in 01...than when he did it in a later season. But he didnt score 600....because they won too easily.

This is fairly cut and dry shit here....

Total out of the ass stat meant to mislead people who dont know history.

If your chances of doing it...reduces with better play...what are we even talking about?

12-27-2014, 11:29 PM
Nobody is asking you to like the truth. Im just here to point it out as I see it. On this issue....most of history not being able to stack totals due to playing less games.....its fairly inarguable.

No one's trying to downplay the past, but to pretend something like this isn't impressive is pure salt.

It's almost as bad as saying Josh Howard was the most likely candidate...:facepalm

Also since when is shorter game series considered more difficult? The League decided to make this an endurance test a long time ago. IT shouldn't be held against the present stars anymore than the past stars competition compared to the modern era should be held against them.

12-27-2014, 11:33 PM
When you say....only player in history...when guys were scoring more and not doing it...how is it not downplaying the past?

A guy could have scored 72 points a game....led his team to the title...and not scored 600 total points in 1964.

How would we then exclude such a guy...when it was virtually impossible to have performed better?

As I said...its a stat that includes the word "History" while the nature of it makes most of history ineligible.

Its just misleading...unless...like me...you know off the top that it couldnt be done for much of the history in question.

12-27-2014, 11:39 PM
Please love my Kobe.

chazzy gave me this idea

12-27-2014, 11:40 PM
When you say....only player in history...when guys were scoring more and not doing it...how is it not downplaying the past?

A guy could have scored 72 points a game....led his team to the title...and not scored 600 total points in 1964.

How would we then exclude such a guy...when it was virtually impossible to have performed better?

As I said...its a stat that includes the word "History" while the nature of it makes most of history ineligible.

Its just misleading...unless...like me...you know off the top that it couldnt be done for much of the history in question.

Dude ... it's not even my choice in wording, it's a stat I saw and CnP'd to generate discussion.

The salt is real right now.

12-27-2014, 11:43 PM
I see that Lebron had 697 in 2013. Far as I can tell....the third most playoff points ever scored. Jordans 759...AI 723.. I think Kobes 695 is next. But Rick Barry puts up 35 a game...and only scores 554. Less than all of them....on a higher ppg.

You just know that eventually this BS stat is gonna get to an ESPN playoff post game and Elgin Baylor is gonna call into mike and mike and humble rant about it.

12-27-2014, 11:49 PM
Dude ... it's not even my choice in wording, it's a stat I saw and CnP'd to generate discussion.

The salt is real right now.

I believe you. As I said ive seen it before with playoff assists.

Networks do it and flat out miseducate the public who arent gonna look into it.

Its like...why mention "Of all time" or "IN history" when you know all those guys didnt have a fair shake?

Its disrespectful and it bothers me every time I see it.

Its even worse than the manufactured "records" which begin in 1983 to prop up Durant because George Gervin and Elvin Hayes would have them otherwise.....other than of course Wilt...who has them all.

Just feels to me like...when people say history...or record...it should be true. It should be fair.

If you have to screw someone over or pretend they dont exist....maybe just do without that stat for a segment?

That whole Durant "record" was just embarrassing to the history fan in me.

I think Spencer Haywood, Gervin, Hayes, and Wilt all topped versions of it(they altered the standard as they went)...but they cut it off at some random year in the 80s after Gervin did it....to make it look like a record to people who now....wont even know those dudes existed and give them their due respect?

Cant stand that shit.


I may be thinking of a 30 point game streak they mentioned on Durant. I'll have to find an old topic to see. Someone had a list espn was disregarding.

12-27-2014, 11:51 PM
Alright, cool.

12-28-2014, 12:01 AM
I see it was Moses I was remembering. 13 straight games over 30 points....but ESPN cut it off at 1982 so they didnt have to count him. Imagine that....you know you have at least the post merger record(A halfway reasonable point to cut it off if you must). But ESPN just decides to only count...after you did it. So they dont even need to put you in the graphic....

Id be somewhat pissed.

12-28-2014, 12:02 AM
I see it was Moses I was remembering. 13 straight games over 30 points....but ESPN cut it off at 1982 so they didnt have to count him. Imagine that....you know you have at least the post merger record(A halfway reasonable point to cut it off if you must). But ESPN just decides to only count...after you did it. So they dont even need to put you in the graphic....

Id be somewhat pissed.

Now that you mention it, they do this type of shit alot.