View Full Version : Is Steve Kerr the reason why the Warriors are doing so well?

12-14-2014, 12:07 AM
Haven't had the chance of catching their games yet. What's the deal with them? Why are they doing so well? Are there any changes in the system? or it's just a hot run for them?

12-14-2014, 12:09 AM
yea, kerr took a book out of pops book, and it worked loads. Hes been a genius and made 0 mistakes over the course. He also has that pop aura into making his role players look like all stars. Just like pop with duncan parker and ginobili, kerrs system makes curry and klay stars.

12-14-2014, 12:10 AM
better ball movement, less iso and draygod :lol

Smook A.
12-14-2014, 12:13 AM
He's not the only reason. The guys on the team have improved. Most noticeably Draymond Green. He's really stepped up in Lee's absense and has probably been the 3rd best player for the Warriors this year. Not to mention, Klay has looked like a new dude and Speights is playing well. Steph is just being Steph.

12-14-2014, 12:15 AM
Kerr kind of exposes how little Jackson got out of that team on offense.

Especially bogut.

Its not all Kerr but at least he had the good sense to spend money on great assistants. Supposedly Jackson for some reason refused to spend money on assistants.

12-14-2014, 12:44 AM
better ball movement, less iso and draygod :lol

The shots that they are getting are easy ones (like Spurs) or tough ones (kinda of like OKC)? Curry and Thompson can make tough shots, but you can't rely too on those during the playoffs.

12-14-2014, 12:52 AM
Looks to me like easier shots overall but especially for the role players. Hell of a lot more extra passes to create wide open shots. The offense flows so much better now which is likely the reason for Green and Barnes having breakout seasons.

Curry and Thompson get some of those shots and still take their contested jumpers. They still make those shots, tho.

Curious to see if they stay in the system when the times go bad, or if they resort to Curry chucking 40 footers. That's when Kerr's value will be determined, imo. Easy to look good when everything goes your way. When you watch the Spurs play, even if the other team is kicking their ass they stick to Pop's plan. Starters, bench guys, stars. This finger isn't strong, this finger isn't that strong, all five together is powerful type shit.

12-14-2014, 12:53 AM
Looks to me like easier shots overall but especially for the role players. Hell of a lot more extra passes to create wide open shots. The offense flows so much better now which is likely the reason for Green and Barnes having breakout seasons.

Curry and Thompson get some of those shots and still take their contested jumpers. They still make those shots, tho.

Their defense?

12-14-2014, 12:55 AM
Their defense?

Their defense is pretty much the same as last year...just a tad bit better.

12-14-2014, 12:59 AM
The shots that they are getting are easy ones (like Spurs) or tough ones (kinda of like OKC)? Curry and Thompson can make tough shots, but you can't rely too on those during the playoffs.
Pretty much. Not exactly like the Spurs, but the spacing, ball movement, off-ball movement, variation in how they utilize players (putting Curry in a lot of catch and shoot situations), etc is opening things up for everyone. This type of strategic improvement is big for any team, but exponential when you have insane shooters like Curry and Thompson who were already torching teams back when they had to take tough shots.

Defensively their versatility is crazy. Bogut is one of the best rim protectors in the game, Green can guard like 3 spots, Iggy and Klay can both guard all perimeter positions, Livingston can guard 2s, etc. They can do so many different things and throw so many different schemes at you with their defense.

Natural player development also has something to do with it. Curry, Thompson, Draymond, Barnes, etc are all still constantly improving. The latter 3 might not even be in their primes, at most might be in the beginning stage of it.

12-14-2014, 01:05 AM
Defensively their versatility is crazy. Bogut is one of the best rim protectors in the game, Green can guard like 3 spots, Iggy and Klay can both guard all perimeter positions, Livingston can guard 2s, etc. They can do so many different things and throw so many different schemes at you with their defense.

Yeah they can switch pretty much everything, so screens are rendered useless against them. It's a nightmare for opposing offenses.

12-14-2014, 01:35 AM
I've got OKC beating them in 6 games. So that means technically they will have gone farther last year when they went to 7 games in the 1st round. Bogut is the key to that team.

12-14-2014, 01:40 AM
I call BS on this and every intelligent fan should too

- Steph is somehow playing better than last year
- Green and Thompson are making "the leap"
- Barnes is improving (okay maybe Kerr deserves some credit here for starting the better player over Iggy)
- Bogut has been healthy
- Livingston signing gives them a legit backup for Steph
- Mo Speights and a deep bench

Mark Jackson would be having the same results and that's why the owner fired him after 2 straight trips to the playoffs to hire his golfing buddy. Would have been tough to push him out after this kind of start

PS: I don't think Mark Jackson was a particularly good coach. I think coaching is highly overrated in fact

12-14-2014, 01:47 AM
I call BS on this and every intelligent fan should too

- Steph is somehow playing better than last year
- Green and Thompson are making "the leap"
- Barnes is improving
- Bogut has been healthy
- Livingston signing gives them a legit backup for Steph
- Mo Speights and a deep bench

Mark Jackson would be having the same results and that's why the owner fired him after 2 straight trips to the playoffs to hire his golfing buddy. Would have been tough to push him out after this kind of start

Look at the passes per game this year compared to last. HUGE difference. That's not a coincidence.

I don't know why you're in such denial. Kerr is noticeably better in every area. The fact that players are flourishing under Kerr just proves my point. Why do you think Barnes regressed last year? Because Jackson put him in a role he wasn't comfortable in. Fast forward to this year and he's one of the most efficient wing players in the league because Kerr has him playing off the other starters. Also, Bogut was phased out of the offense last year despite being a great passer in the high post. Now Kerr runs the offense through him at times to get Curry and Thompson good looks.

Leroy Jetson
12-14-2014, 01:54 AM
I call BS on this and every intelligent fan should too

- Steph is somehow playing better than last year
- Green and Thompson are making "the leap"
- Barnes is improving (okay maybe Kerr deserves some credit here for starting the better player over Iggy)
- Bogut has been healthy
- Livingston signing gives them a legit backup for Steph
- Mo Speights and a deep bench

Mark Jackson would be having the same results and that's why the owner fired him after 2 straight trips to the playoffs to hire his golfing buddy. Would have been tough to push him out after this kind of start

PS: I don't think Mark Jackson was a particularly good coach. I think coaching is highly overrated in fact

So you're saying everyone on the team is just magically improving, but this has nothing to do with a new coach and a new system, hmmm.....

12-14-2014, 01:57 AM
Look at the passes per game this year compared to last. HUGE difference. That's not a coincidence.

It seems obvious to me that guys would pass more when they feel the next guy is playing great too

If Kerr was coaching the Knicks as planned, do you think they'd be much better than the currently are? If the answer is no, you've just proved my point.

12-14-2014, 01:59 AM
So you're saying everyone on the team is just magically improving, but this has nothing to do with a new coach and a new system, hmmm.....

I don't think coaches, systems or other players make guys better. Talent around you makes it easier to produce but actual improvement is an individual thing.

For example, Klay was on this trajectory with or without Kerr and that's why the Wolves wanted him for Love...

12-14-2014, 02:06 AM
It seems obvious to me that guys would pass more when they feel the next guy is playing great too

If Kerr was coaching the Knicks as planned, do you think they'd be much better than the currently are? If the answer is no, you've just proved my point.

lol come on dude. They're not moving the ball more "just because". Kerr clearly emphasizes ball and player movement more than Jackson. Players on the Warriors have actually said this themselves. It's undeniable.

As for your second point, the Knicks would be better with Kerr. They would still be mediocre at best, but their talent is shit. Nobody's saying coaching is more important than talent, but Kerr clearly maximizes the Warriors talent in ways Mark Jackson simply didn't.

Sorry, but your argument has way too many coincidences. Nope, Kerr had absolutely nothing to do with their far superior ball movement this year. Hell, Kerr just took one Mark Jackson's playbooks that he forgot in his office. Yep, just Kerr doing the same shit Mark Jackson did, but somehow getting better results because reasons.

12-14-2014, 02:06 AM
It seems obvious to me that guys would pass more when they feel the next guy is playing great too

If Kerr was coaching the Knicks as planned, do you think they'd be much better than the currently are? If the answer is no, you've just proved my point.
Yes, I actually do think the Knicks would be much better. They wouldn't be good or anything, but they wouldn't be on pace for 16 wins..

And this is where ego management and the locker room stuff with coaching comes into play..but this discussion is about Kerr's strategic philosophies, so if we assume the Knicks retards buy into his system and trust him...yes, I absolutely think Kerr could coach the Knicks to a 30-35 win team, which is vastly better than what they are right now.

12-14-2014, 02:11 AM
It seems obvious to me that guys would pass more when they feel the next guy is playing great too

If Kerr was coaching the Knicks as planned, do you think they'd be much better than the currently are? If the answer is no, you've just proved my point.

Are you asking if Kerr is a better coach than DFish?

If you swapped Dfish for Kerr the Warriors aren't on this streak and the Knicks aren't 4-20, does that answer your question?

Kerr has made big changes. Draymond stepping up bigtime, Barnes playing well, and Klay stepping up are a big part of it as well.

12-14-2014, 02:14 AM
yes, I absolutely think Kerr could coach the Knicks to a 30-35 win team, which is vastly better than what they are right now.

The Knicks are in the East. They will win 30-35 when it's all said and done

If you swapped Dfish for Kerr the Warriors aren't on this streak and the Knicks aren't 4-20, does that answer your question?

I don't believe this for one second. The Warriors aren't winning with any particular strategy. It's totally talent-driven and I don't get how any serious NBA fan can't see that

12-14-2014, 02:21 AM
I don't believe this for one second. The Warriors aren't winning with any particular strategy. It's totally talent-driven and I don't get how any serious NBA fan can't see that

The Warriors were 12-10 at this point last year. Now they're 20-2, even though Shaun Livingston was their only notable offseason addition. Sorry, but I don't think Livingston is the difference between 12-10 and 20-2.

It's just so asinine for you to act like Kerr hasn't changed ANYTHING. Just watch them and it's blatantly obvious that they play differently now. They run much more, they pass more, and they move more.

12-14-2014, 02:26 AM
The Warriors were 12-10 at this point last year. Now they're 20-2, even though Shaun Livingston was their only notable offseason addition. Sorry, but I don't think Livingston is the difference between 12-10 and 20-2.

Thompson and Green this year are MUCH better than they were last year. I refuse to give Kerr credit for that when we all saw it coming in the playoffs last year.

It's just so asinine for you to act like Kerr hasn't changed ANYTHING. Just watch them and it's blatantly obvious that they play differently now. They run much more, they pass more, and they move more.

I just don't believe that's why they're 20-2 though. They have such a good record because they have had MUCH more available talent than pretty much every team they have played. That was not the case last year. Just look at the rosters of the 22 games, There aren't more than 5 (if that many) where you'd expect them to lose based on who played...

12-14-2014, 02:28 AM
I just don't believe that's why they're 20-2 though. They have such a good record because they have had MUCH more available talent than pretty much every team they have played. That was not the case last year

Talent that is fully maximized, unlike last year.

12-14-2014, 02:32 AM
The Knicks are in the East. They will win 30-35 when it's all said and done
..They're on pace to win 16. We can't just assume they'll win 35. You understand that to win that many, they'd have to play at a 43 win pace the rest of the year, right? Unless Melo somehow magically becomes 100% healthy, they ALL miraculously discover how to play in the triangle, and the idiots on their team steal Kidd and Nash's BBIQs on some Space Jam monstars shit...they're not touching that.

They suck right now, and Kerr would make them better. Zero doubt about that.

12-14-2014, 02:46 AM
The Knicks are in the East. They will win 30-35 when it's all said and done

I don't believe this for one second. The Warriors aren't winning with any particular strategy. It's totally talent-driven and I don't get how any serious NBA fan can't see that

I don't deny it's talent driven. We are extremely talented no doubt.

But not winning with any particular strategy? I guess, if you don't consider the excellent defense and offensive schemes a strategy. And good rotations and minutes management. And playing through big men more than Jackson ever did. Unless you mean to imply the resurgence of Bogut and Speights having a career year is a coincidence.

Did Kerr add 18-20 wins to the team? No. Did Kerr add 6-8 wins to the team? Very well could be.

12-14-2014, 03:44 AM
It's an entirely new offense that's creating a lot more open shots than last season. I believe we currently lead the league in team assists per game. Pretty much the same defense, which was already elite last year.

12-14-2014, 03:48 AM
The Knicks are in the East. They will win 30-35 when it's all said and done

I don't believe this for one second. The Warriors aren't winning with any particular strategy. It's totally talent-driven and I don't get how any serious NBA fan can't see that

Stop talking out of your ass. Any serious NBA fan would see that last season we were playing offense based on talent alone. This year we're running an entirely different offense which utilizes our talented forwards at the high post, creating better shots for everyone. Green, Speights, and Barnes are playing better this year because the system is getting them better shots.

12-14-2014, 06:24 AM
I'm sure some of you guys also think Spoelstra deserves to be a HOF coach :rolleyes:

12-14-2014, 08:25 AM
It's settled. The konex curse mandates that Steve Kerr checks in then hits a game winning 3 in game 7 of the finals.

12-14-2014, 10:03 AM
]I don't think coaches, systems or other players make guys better.[/B] Talent around you makes it easier to produce but actual improvement is an individual thing.

For example, Klay was on this trajectory with or without Kerr and that's why the Wolves wanted him for Love...


12-14-2014, 12:13 PM
I've lurked long enough.

Everyone seems to want to attribute the team's success to Kerr. Not enough credit goes to Jackson, and not enough BLAME goes to management.

Yes, the team is passing more this year than last. But Jackson was there for more than just last year. When we made it to the Western Conference Semis in 2012, we were running Horns a lot, and had much more passing. The thing is, in 2012, we had Jarrett Jack and Nate Robinson, along with Carl Landry. We did NOT have Iguodala, and Barnes was playing with the starters.

Management decides to go after Iguodala, an expensive small forward, and they require Jackson to start him, since they cannot justify spending that much money on a bench player. The reasoning was that he would be an extra ball handler, so we could get Steph to play off the ball.

Several problems arose from that signing. The most obvious was hindering Barnes' growth. He showed great success playing with the starters. Steph, Klay, and Lee got so much attention, Barnes was not the focus of the defense's attention. He got open looks because of the people he was playing with. By getting and starting Iguodala, Barnes had to play with less threatening offensive options. This was because the Iguodala signing made it impossible to keep any of the key bench players from the year before. Steph's backups were Kent Bazemore and Toney Douglas, and eventually Jordan Crawford and Steve Blake. None of them were as good as Jack and Nate.

Iguodala also got injured. He was out for a long stretch, and when he came back, he was playing back into game shape. This made the plan of having Steph off the ball impossible. The starters were generally great. The bench was horrible. No one on the perimeter until Crawford came could get their own shot. Basketball IQ was definitely not as high as the year before. Isos were done in hopes that a double-team would come. JO was a capable post player, but at his age, a motion-intensive offense and finishing on a fast break would be asking too much. It was a necessary evil to play slow-down basketball.

So, compared to the year before, we had fewer passes per possession. What changed? The personnel. Who changed the personnel? MANAGEMENT. Jackson was dealt a horrible hand. He bluffed his way to seven games in the first round. That is quite an accomplishment.

So what does management do? They fire Jackson. Some people say that Jackson had a thing against gays. Most of those people quote half an interview where Jackson says he will "pray for (Jason Collins) and his family" after Collins came out. Any Christian knows that praying for someone is a good thing. Collins and his family were going to be the center of a lot of attention. Jackson explicitly said in his interview that he loves Collins, in spite of what the Bible may say, because he knows him as a man. People conveniently overlook that part of the interview. Jackson did not hate gays.

Jackson was also the most successful coach in years. He was the first coach to bring the team to back to back playoffs. And unlike the We Believe team, the Jackson teams were known for their defense. Some people attribute that to Malone. Malone is on record saying that Jackson hired him (for some reason, some people think that management hired him directly). Jackson is on record saying that he wanted Malone as his assistant since before he was hired. They share defensive philosophies. The team won more regular seasons without Malone last year than they did with him the year before. Some say that Mark Jackson was not an Xs and Os guy. You don't have to be in order to be a good head coach. Assistant coaches can do that. You just have to make sure everyone is doing their job well, and get the team focused. Phil Jackson did not create the triangle. His assistant coach, Tex Winter was the Xs and Os guy for most of those titles, with both the Bulls and the Lakers. Even when he wasn't an assistant coach, he was a "consultant" in the last two Lakers titles.

At any rate, Jackson was fired. Shaun Livingston and Leandro Barbosa were acquired. DLee got injured and Draymond was forced into a starting position. Management allowed Kerr to bring Iguodala off the bench. Barnes can play with the starters. Speights is on record saying he started the year too slow last year for liking, and made a conscious effort to be more aggressive this year. The aging JO is gone. Ezeli came back from injury.

So now you have Barnes playing with people that can create open shots for him. He is better than last year, but he was also good the year before, under Jackson. That's not Jackson's fault. Management forced Jackson to start Iguodala.

DLee getting injured and Draymond starting has been a godsend. Draymond gets more hustle plays. He is a better defender. He also stretches the floor more than DLee, allowing the lane to be open up for slashers like the aforementioned Barnes. DLee's injury was not thanks to Kerr.

Klay is coming off a stint with Team USA. That built so much confidence in him, being able to hang with the best in the world. Not thanks to Kerr, and not something Jackson had.

Barbosa can create his own shot. Livingston gets people shots, especially Speights. Speights did not have nearly as many open looks last year, playing with Bazemore/Douglas/Crawford/Blake. Jackson didn't have Barbosa or Livingston. Can't blame him for that.

So the team is doing better, but is that due to Kerr, or is that due to:

Management allowing Iguodala to come off the bench.
Livingston and Barbosa >>>>>> Bazemore and Douglas.
JO, who thrives better in an iso offense, is no longer with the team.
Ezeli is back.
DLee injured/Draymond starting.
Speights making a conscious decision to do better than last year.


To me, I think Kerr's offense is better than what we ran last year. But this year's team is also better than what we had last year. When management actually provided Jackson with good players, the team got to the second round. Even with a beat up team, they made it to seven games against the Clippers (without Bogut, without JO for a bit thanks to Big Baby, and with Steph not getting a call at the end of one game, even though he said he was fouled "100 percent". Kerr is not a bad coach. I just don't know what he can do without talented players on the team.

12-14-2014, 12:19 PM
^whose alt are you? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


12-14-2014, 12:49 PM
We all know that it is the players who are the ones shooting, passing, rebounding, and defending. However, the coach plays a huge part in the overall flow of the team and their attitude. So yeah, Steve is a huge reason why he Warriors are playing well.

12-14-2014, 12:55 PM
Konex curse has been invoked :bowdown: :bowdown:

I call BS on this and every intelligent fan should too

- Steph is somehow playing better than last year
- Green and Thompson are making "the leap"
- Barnes is improving (okay maybe Kerr deserves some credit here for starting the better player over Iggy)
- Bogut has been healthy
- Livingston signing gives them a legit backup for Steph
- Mo Speights and a deep bench

Mark Jackson would be having the same results and that's why the owner fired him after 2 straight trips to the playoffs to hire his golfing buddy. Would have been tough to push him out after this kind of start

PS: I don't think Mark Jackson was a particularly good coach. I think coaching is highly overrated in fact
Steve Kerr coaching the GSW to a ring this year :(

The Knicks are in the East. They will win 30-35 when it's all said and done

I don't believe this for one second. The Warriors aren't winning with any particular strategy. It's totally talent-driven and I don't get how any serious NBA fan can't see that
Knicks will not win 30 Games this year :lol

I'm sure some of you guys also think Spoelstra deserves to be a HOF coach :rolleyes:
Spoelstra guaranteed lock for the HOF:applause:

12-14-2014, 02:07 PM
Great post, Mark Jackson....err Yoshio :applause:

12-14-2014, 02:17 PM
Kerr is one of the reasons they are winning, a very important reason but not the only one... He's revamped the style of play but you also have a team that's gelling and maturing

12-14-2014, 06:10 PM
In 2012 Mike Malone ran our offense. When he left for Sacramento, our offense took a step back.

12-14-2014, 06:25 PM
If you don't think Kerr is an upgrade over Jackson you are an idiot. It's a combo of things why the Warriors are better and Kerr is one of the reasons.

- Kerr has allowed Bogut to be involved more with the offense which has helped the team, Jackson just wanted Bogut to defend & rebound which limited Bogut considering he is a very good passer for his size.

- Kerr has made the right move in starting Barnes

- More ball-movement on offense, some credit goes to Kerr.

- Lee getting injured was a blessing for GS, Green is a much better fit with this team.

- K. Thompson improved as a player

- Bogut for the most part has been healthy