View Full Version : Any Skaters on here?

11-27-2014, 04:41 PM
What are some essential accessories for skateboard maintenance? Thinking about getting one for the holidays

11-27-2014, 05:05 PM
Just pick up a skate tool and some WD40 to grease your bearings if they are needed. Shops will sell skate tools, they are usually just a T shaped tool that has everything you need on it to adjust whatever on your board. If you find you are wearing your shoes out aswell shoe goo is great for putting over your front foots toe area so you don't just wear holes in it instantly. If you are just riding around there's not really any special maintenance, the only real maintenance was getting it set up how you like to begin and avoid getting your deck wet by riding in the rain or it can get soft and chip up easy.

I used to skate pretty much every night and every weekend for about 10 years, don't do it much any more besides the odd roll around or casual trip to the skate park near me.

11-27-2014, 08:55 PM
depends on what you plan on doing, and how hard you are going to be skating. If you are just going to be doing park skating, like bowls and shit, dont need much. But if you're going hardcore with it and street skating, get some wax, skate tool, extra bearings and that about it. I used to blow out bearings all the time, thats why I say extra bearings, but skateboarding doesnt require too much maintenance.

I used to blow out rubbers more than bearings. Never carried spares though but there was a skate shop at shopping centre were out bus depot was so I could always grab things there.

11-28-2014, 03:09 AM
It's more of a longboard, forgot to mention mb. But thanks for the suggestions, i've been told that I should grease the bearings every 50 hrs or so.