View Full Version : Does Jalen Rose really believe some of the BS he spouts?

10-28-2014, 12:37 AM
I am finally getting around to watching the Grantland Basketball hour on ESPN. Jalen says Blake Griffin will be MVP over Anthony Davis after KD and Lebron stop passing the torch back and forth in a few years and his main reason is because Blake averages a double double? Then why was David Lee not MVP? ZBO? Boogie? What the ****? I feel like he says shit just to be different, like when he said Scott Brooks is the second best coach in the NBA. :facepalm

Am I the only person who totally disregards his opinion? He is entertaining to listen to but half the time I feel like he makes shit up for attention.

10-28-2014, 12:42 AM
I am finally getting around to watching the Grantland Basketball hour on ESPN. Jalen says Blake Griffin will be MVP over Anthony Davis after KD and Lebron stop passing the torch back and forth in a few years and his main reason is because Blake averages a double double? Then why was David Lee not MVP? ZBO? Boogie? What the ****? I feel like he says shit just to be different, like when he said Scott Brooks is the second best coach in the NBA. :facepalm

Am I the only person who totally disregards his opinion? He is entertaining to listen to but half the time I feel like he makes shit up for attention.

10-28-2014, 12:45 AM

Yea he said Thibs and Brooks are the best coaches in the NBA, then he fixed himself and said on another podcast that they are the best coaches in the NBA.... to not win a title as HC.

Le Shaqtus
10-28-2014, 12:48 AM
Pretty sure Brooks has a double digit IQ, Jalen Rose is a maroon.

10-28-2014, 02:38 AM
I am finally getting around to watching the Grantland Basketball hour on ESPN. Jalen says Blake Griffin will be MVP over Anthony Davis after KD and Lebron stop passing the torch back and forth in a few years and his main reason is because Blake averages a double double? Then why was David Lee not MVP? ZBO? Boogie? What the ****? I feel like he says shit just to be different, like when he said Scott Brooks is the second best coach in the NBA. :facepalm

Am I the only person who totally disregards his opinion? He is entertaining to listen to but half the time I feel like he makes shit up for attention.

If you can't piece together why you need to reevaluate how you think, because somethings wrong. Blake is better than them AND averages a double double. The double double alone isn't the deciding factor.

10-28-2014, 04:36 AM
I'm still trying to figure out why Jalen was holding a bat the whole time. :confusedshrug:

Bless Mathews
10-28-2014, 04:46 AM
Jalen rose played the game. He studies the game.

I'll take his opinion over any innanet still living with their moms that got cut from 8th grade jv team any day.

It's not far fetched at all that ad and Blake will share mvps in a few years.

I think boaf will finish top 6 voting this year.

10-28-2014, 04:51 AM
Pretty sure Brooks has a double digit IQ, Jalen Rose is a maroon.

As does 50% of the population. :lol

Looks like someone here isn't too bright. :lol

10-28-2014, 04:51 AM
Jalen knows his shit.

Unfortunately the NBA sucks now and the only legit MVP candidates are Durant and Lefraud

10-28-2014, 09:45 AM
Jalen rose played the game. He studies the game.

I'll take his opinion over any innanet still living with their moms that got cut from 8th grade jv team any day.

It's not far fetched at all that ad and Blake will share mvps in a few years.

I think boaf will finish top 6 voting this year.Through my experiences, the correlation between individual basketball success and thorough, all-encompassing basketball knowledge has not always been direct.

There are certain things that are unknowable to anyone except those who've been there (ex: "Jalen, what was it like attacking David Robinson?") but in other realms of basketball discourse, there's often some pretty huge gaps amongst professional players. For instance, I'd say there's a healthy number of current players who may not be able to provide one legitimate fact about the aforementioned Robinson.

In truth, I've said this before, but I think there's a number of great players who don't become great due to their in-depth knowledge of the game, but because they grew to be a lanky & athletic 6'7'', were surrounded with challenging competition and coaching, and held a drive to succeed. Their tunnel vision actually sometimes means they end up knowing less about the game than many others, because all they want to do is get to the top, worrying about what they're doing alone.

On-topic response: Anyway, I think Jalen knows a lot about the game but sometimes struggles to convey all of that on-air. He doesn't always feel like he's being real, so oftentimes it seems we get nuggets from him that make little sense because it's as if he's saying it for show - or because he's not seriously thinking about what he's saying. Things just kind of pour out of him, as if he's not always paying attention.

It's almost like he's so fascinated with the idea that he's on-air that he's constantly trying to be "on-air" Jalen instead of his true self. I guarantee it's tougher to act and think naturally on-screen than a lot of us think though.

Le Shaqtus
10-28-2014, 09:48 AM
As does 50% of the population. :lol

Looks like someone here isn't too bright. :lol

Shit I took the L on that one :oldlol:

10-28-2014, 10:02 AM
Through my experiences, the correlation between individual basketball success and thorough, all-encompassing basketball knowledge has not always been direct.

There are certain things that are unknowable to anyone except those who've been there (ex: "Jalen, what was it like attacking David Robinson?") but in other realms of basketball discourse, there's often some pretty huge gaps amongst professional players. For instance, I'd say there's a healthy number of current players who may not be able to provide one legitimate fact about the aforementioned Robinson.

In truth, I've said this before, but I think there's a number of great players who don't become great due to their in-depth knowledge of the game, but because they grew to be a lanky & athletic 6'7'', were surrounded with challenging competition and coaching, and held a drive to succeed. Their tunnel vision actually sometimes means they end up knowing less about the game than many others, because all they want to do is get to the top, worrying about what they're doing alone.

On-topic response: Anyway, I think Jalen knows a lot about the game but sometimes struggles to convey all of that on-air. He doesn't always feel like he's being real, so oftentimes it seems we get nuggets from him that make little sense because it's as if he's saying it for show - or because he's not seriously thinking about what he's saying. Things just kind of pour out of him, as if he's not always paying attention.

It's almost like he's so fascinated with the idea that he's on-air that he's constantly trying to be "on-air" Jalen instead of his true self. I guarantee it's tougher to act and think naturally on-screen than a lot of us think though.

This is pretty much spot on. I like the show. I'm a little on and off with Jalen. But to me the thing that makes it good is that it takes everything with just the right touch of seriousness. If Jalen says something that just obviously makes not a ton of sense, I usually just assume he misspoke or something.

One of the things I like about them is that because of their access to guys like Zach Lowe, Kirk Goldsberry, and just a general respect for the analytic work being done in the sport, there's a nice amount of that in there. But because they come from such a deep place with the game, they pepper in more on court logic than just religously follow the analytics. Jalen especially will dump out sort of insider info on personalities and relationships that while I don't always believe, often feel like they make a lot of sense.

Cali Syndicate
10-28-2014, 12:17 PM
Boogie's Kings are not a top team, nor do they look to be in the forseeable future.

D-Lee is no longer averaging 20/10, and when he was, the Knicks were not a top team.

Z-Bo was never on a top team when he was doing 20/10.

Davis has a better celing than Blake, but the Pelicans may take awhile to become an elite team, or if even at all.

Clippers have put back to back 55+win, top-seeded seasons. if Blake can find that next gear and the Clips run away in the West, Blake being a top MVP candidate is not out of the question.

Blake's jumper looks to be more consistent so far and if that carries into the season, it'll be huge for the Clippers. him winning teh MVP would also depend CP3, cause if he clearly orchestrates that offense while putting up really good numbers like 18/12, it'd be difficult to choose, similar to Nash and Stat's production.

Jalen is like any other analyst you see on TV, they all have thier own views and sometimes they speak on them. What fun would it be if everyone had the exact same views?

10-28-2014, 12:21 PM
Skip is the only analyst on ESPN that I take serious.

10-28-2014, 12:34 PM
If you can't piece together why you need to reevaluate how you think, because somethings wrong. Blake is better than them AND averages a double double. The double double alone isn't the deciding factor.
This...Jalen didn't have to spell it out for me..I knew exactly what he meant and I agree with him...

10-28-2014, 12:35 PM
I'm still trying to figure out why Jalen was holding a bat the whole time. :confusedshrug:
That's his thing on there..He always holds the bat...:confusedshrug:

10-28-2014, 12:50 PM
he looks like a retard holding a bat. doesnt look cool at all. especially since hes a white wash espn herb

10-28-2014, 12:55 PM
he looks like a retard holding a bat. doesnt look cool at all. especially since hes a white wash espn herb
