View Full Version : Wilt Chamberlain full-court passes (vid)

10-05-2014, 02:25 PM

Been combing through Wilt's passing footage for my next "scouting tool" revision and thought I'd share these passes because they get a lot of praise in today's game through Wade and Love and their full court baseball and chest passes.



10-05-2014, 02:31 PM
One of the posts in your video:

Kevin Love, meet your father.

10-05-2014, 02:34 PM
Kek. Did they even play defense back then? :oldlol: Super small white guy had an open walk to the rim at 0:15-0:18

10-05-2014, 02:44 PM
jesus i forgot the type of competition back then. Basically a sprint off between a 7 footer and 5'10 white dudes.

10-05-2014, 02:46 PM
Kek. Did they even play defense back then? :oldlol: Super small white guy had an open walk to the rim at 0:15-0:18
Well first I feel I should educate you on what the purpose of a fast break is... a fast break by definition is early offense, it aims to happen before the defense has a chance to get set. So the very nature of it, is to be in scoring position before anyone can react to stop you.

That white guy has a name, Jerry West, and he's not really that small:


Only player who hustles up to contest in time is Pete Maravich. Maravich is not known as a defender, so he was either pulling a Harden (though he did hustle to get there quick which is a better start than Harden) or he may have been in foul trouble. No way of knowing as the clip was from a documentary not a game broadcast. Same kind of plays can and do happen in the game today.

10-05-2014, 02:57 PM
Kek. Did they even play defense back then? :oldlol: Super small white guy had an open walk to the rim at 0:15-0:18

jesus i forgot the type of competition back then. Basically a sprint off between a 7 footer and 5'10 white dudes.




Go troll somewhere else, ignorant bitches :lol

La Frescobaldi
10-05-2014, 04:06 PM



Go troll somewhere else, ignorant bitches :lol

Brewer rockin' the planet that night

10-05-2014, 09:20 PM
I should point out, I've noticed this is a lost-art in basketball. These passes by Wilt are pretty much standard among all the stars of his era (though maybe you could argue he throws it with "one hand" more effortlessly than the other guys he played with/against). Kevin Love gets a lot of praise for "mastering" this type of pass and being one of the only guys who can do it consistently in the modern game. But even in the Cavs pre-season match today Austin Carr pointed out he's the only guy of this era that has mastered the outlet pass, it's an old school type of pass that used to be common. Love for example, does it in emulation of Wes Unseld due to his connection via his father playing for the Bullets. Unseld of course is one of the best-ever at it. And Unseld emulated the guys he grew up watching... Wilt, Baylor, Russell etc. I mean this when I say it, nearly ALL the stars from the 60's were great full-court outlet passers. And despite 1-3% of their careers existing on film tops, I've seen multiple baseball and full-court chest pass highlights from every guy I've ever concentrated on. Cousy, Pettit, Baylor, West, Chamberlain, Robertson, Gus Johnson, Nate Thurmond, Connie Hawkins and of course Russell... If Kevin Love proves it is still a useful weapon, I wonder why it isn't used as much anymore?

Perhaps Cousy was right in the interview I have of him, when he says the game is "over coached" today and the transition game should be a higher priority than it is. Cousy has stated he believes players are distracted watching coaches hold up fingers and running half-court plays and should instead get out on the break as option number 1 and only when that option is gone resort to sets, which would of course demand high use of these old school transition game skills such as getting out and running early in the backcourt and looking up in the front court off rebounds. Transition game priority would perhaps re-develop these skills in a lot of modern players.

10-05-2014, 09:38 PM
I should point out, I've noticed this is a lost-art in basketball. These passes by Wilt are pretty much standard among all the stars of his era (though maybe you could argue he throws it with "one hand" more effortlessly than the other guys he played with/against). Kevin Love gets a lot of praise for "mastering" this type of pass and being one of the only guys who can do it consistently in the modern game. But even in the Cavs pre-season match today Austin Carr pointed out he's the only guy of this era that has mastered the outlet pass, it's an old school type of pass that used to be common. Love for example, does it in emulation of Wes Unseld due to his connection via his father playing for the Bullets. Unseld of course is one of the best-ever at it. And Unseld emulated the guys he grew up watching... Wilt, Baylor, Russell etc. I mean this when I say it, nearly ALL the stars from the 60's were great full-court outlet passers. And despite 1-3% of their careers existing on film tops, I've seen multiple baseball and full-court chest pass highlights from every guy I've ever concentrated on. Cousy, Pettit, Baylor, West, Chamberlain, Robertson, Gus Johnson, Nate Thurmond, Connie Hawkins and of course Russell... If Kevin Love proves it is still a useful weapon, I wonder why it isn't used as much anymore?

Perhaps Cousy was right in the interview I have of him, when he says the game is "over coached" today and the transition game should be a higher priority than it is. Cousy has stated he believes players are distracted watching coaches hold up fingers and running half-court plays and should instead get out on the break as option number 1 and only when that option is gone resort to sets, which would of course demand high use of these old school transition game skills such as getting out and running early in the backcourt and looking up in the front court off rebounds. Transition game priority would perhaps re-develop these skills in a lot of modern players.

It has to do with the pace of the game, as you said. Also, that's the way the Celtics played so I'm sure a lot of teams tried to imitate that success.

10-06-2014, 03:29 AM


10-06-2014, 04:14 AM
Not sure if trolling or you guys are seriously excited over a center throwing outlet passes:lol

La Frescobaldi
10-06-2014, 08:23 PM
Not sure if trolling or you guys are seriously excited over a center throwing outlet passes:lol

it's because great passes are always more exciting than any except the best-of-season dunks.

10-06-2014, 09:20 PM
Not sure if trolling or you guys are seriously excited over a center throwing outlet passes:lol

that video was more impressive than every 99% of the highlight videos that get posted here.

10-06-2014, 09:30 PM
Not sure if trolling or you guys are seriously excited over a center throwing outlet passes:lol
It's the passes he making that are impressive.

10-06-2014, 10:34 PM
it's because great passes are always more exciting than any except the best-of-season dunks.
Dunks are fun but I've always enjoyed watching great passes, acrobatic layups, post moves and hook shots more so. Especially when guards like Robertson and Magic pull out a hook just to name a couple

10-06-2014, 10:53 PM
Btw Cavs, GREAT video. Was hoping for something like this

Do you plan to make a defensive scouting tool? And how are the Robertson and Russell videos coming along?

10-06-2014, 11:55 PM
Far from a fanboy of that era, but the distance and accuracy Wilt gets with a flick of a wrist is impressive. His passing motion is as if he's trying to check that enormous strength so the ball doesn't go too far :oldlol:

edit: Thanks CavsFTW this is new stuff I didn't know about Wilt. Appreciate you sharing it.