View Full Version : Fan Reaction Around the League: Love to Cleveland

08-24-2014, 09:33 PM
These are taken off various team forums...

Atlanta Hawks

- Easy decision? Wade is broken and San Antonio is still in the league. James knew it would be too hard to win in Miami again. Pairing up with a stud in Kyrie and a ton of young talent is a bitch move. I wish the Cleveland fans would not accept him with open arms, but they will because that city is desperate. He turned his back on two cities and fan bases.

- I'm not saying he should have stayed in Miami but there are other teams that he could have gone to that were in better position than Cleveland.

Boston Celtics

- Good for him - it's the right move, make things right...

- Classy statement from LeBron. I still don't like him but you have to respect that message.

- [dang] it, goodbye Kevin love.

Brooklyn Nets

- LeBron redefining what it means to be an all-time great. Very mature way of handling this.

- Amidst all the tweets and leaks and percentages, he goes to classic journalism to announce the biggest story in sports.

Charlotte Hornets

- South East just became ours for the taking

- I didn't say I'm a fan. I just respect how he handled the letter and wanting to go back home to build something. I still think he's a crybaby bitch when it comes to the court and would love nothing more then to knock him out every time we play against him.

- Dan Gilbert is a pos child. I really hope he doesn't win anything. Why the NBA caters to this guy is beyond me.

Chicago Bulls

- This is great news for the NBA as a whole. Hopefully this makes Melo realize the Bulls are where he needs to be

- Will Miami have any fans left?

Dallas Mavericks

- Happy for Cleveland. Bummed about Parsons. Deng it is

- I'm happy for Cleveland. It will be a ton of fun to watch the young roster they are putting together up there go to work. Now if we can just nab Stephenson for 10 mill per and use the rest of the space for VC, Mo and perhaps trade Wright for a solid 4 we will be set!

Denver Nuggets

- well written essay and love his reasoning

Detroit Pistons

- Well the division just got ridiculous.

- I'm not sure why, but this makes happy for some reason. I'm glad he's back in CLE.

Golden State Warriors

- Wow. Note that his letter said nothing about playing with Wiggins or Bennett. He wants Love

Houston Rockets

- Wow Love LBJ Irving and Wiggins? Damn we have a dynasty lol looks like LBJ needs caves more than Caves needed him.

Indiana Pacers

- I'm surprised, I figured he was just trolling the hell out of Cleveland. I liked this article, well done Lebron. Our division is going to be the best in the NBA.

- Wow I got emotional reading that and I'm going to root against them/him.

- go read heat forums... hilarious

LA Clippers

- They have lob cityin Cleveland now. LBJ mentoring Wiggins and Irving will be insanely good for the 2 pups.

- Irving and Love would be fantastic fits with LBJ... that is going to be a killer team if they can swing a trade for Love.

LA Lakers

- Holy crap! I'm happy about it ! wish him the best.

- No problem with that decision. He's trying to make things right with his hometown.

- Actually I agree with you. (bleep) them all, their not Lakers. They are still in Cleveland for crying out loud, what a joke of a town. We are LA.

Memphis Grizzlies

- I love it.

- But i am saddened with the possibility of Mike Meeler going to Cleveland to win a ring

Miami Heat

- Thank you for these last 4 years Lebron. It was a magical time as a Heat fan. We were contending every year and got to the Finals 4 times in a row. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

- Well, back to where we started boys. Shout-out to everyone who was here before the Big 3 and is still here, the rest can kick rocks. Thanks LeBron and probably Bosh as well, for the 4 years they've given us. Those are GREAT memories and they helped take our team to new heights. With that said, it's time or a new era. Looking forward to it.

- cavs rigged those drafts i swear, no way anyone can ever get THAT lucky, some bs


- he left for reasons greater than ball, can't be mad

Milwaukee Bucks

- I absolutely love love LOVE that ESPN got completely shut out of this story. Screw you ESPN.

Minnesota Timberwolves

- Wow I can't believe he's going through with it. Now the negotiations for Love can really get going. If nothing else it's going to up the ante!

- I noticed also that Wiggins was left out of James' mention of the young guys that he'll be a mentor to. If not to Minnesota, could there be any other team that the Cavs are dealing with?

- That's my feeling too. Not to mention there were tons of rumors that CLE was trying to trade for Love prior to LBJ making his announcement, so I feel they've already promised the king Kevin Love if he comes home. EXCITING TIMES YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!!

New Orleans Pelicans

- So, Cleveland back in the lottery in a couple of year?

- I wonder if the Cavs have a deal in place for Love?

New York Knicks

- kyrie, lebron, love is in some ways actually better than wade, lebron, bosh, but... im just not afraid of a team playing in cleveland lol

- If Dion Waiters,Bennet and a pick get Love,then I would be very afraid

Oklahoma City Thunder

- Great move by Lebron. He should have never left. Cleveland will now be a force for a while.

- The letter was a great read. I'm a Lebron fan again.

- He's the same frontrunner he was 4 years ago, but everyone is gonna bow at his throne since he's going back home. Give me a break.

Orlando Magic

- Let's just have a moment of silence in respect for all seventeen of the die-hard, life long Heat fans...

- I went over to the Heat board to see what they are saying, and some of them are convinced the NBA rigged the draft the 3 years the Cavs won the lottery in order to entice James to go back to Cleveland. LOL

Philadelphia 76ers

- I really like this. I

Le Shaqtus
08-24-2014, 09:37 PM
Orlando Magic

- Let's just have a moment of silence in respect for all seventeen of the die-hard, life long Heat fans...

- I went over to the Heat board to see what they are saying, and some of them are convinced the NBA rigged the draft the 3 years the Cavs won the lottery in order to entice James to go back to Cleveland. LOL

Magic fans know whats up :banana: