View Full Version : If we want the NBA>NFL, should the league get rid of defensive 3 seconds?

08-19-2014, 12:50 PM
The NBA will be a more popular league if we get rid of defensive 3 seconds, and let any team play all-out Fiba style zones. Let's count the reasons why:

1. PROMOTING TEAM PLAY-- Getting rid of defensive 3 seconds will encourage more team basketball. NBA defenses will be allowed to play any type of zone scheme. By doing this, defenses will be more capable of neutralizing a top offensive player on another team, and thus creating more parity.

When offenses realize that no single player can tip the scales, more teams will need to rely on chemistry and fusion to create great teams. More SA Spurs type teams will necessarily emerge. Fans will ultimately root more for their teams, not just for players, and maybe we start eliminating the "stans".

Our basketball culture will change, even a sea change, perhaps. Oh, there will still be great players who can lead teams, but teams with lesser talent, but with great schemes on offense or defense will have a chance to counteract a superstar player on the opposing team. Just like in the NFL, where good teams with lesser talent often defeat far more talented teams. Once the ordinary fan sees this, the NBA stan culture will change.

2. UNPREDICTABILITY--The secret to the NFL's success is not just parity, but the legitimate hope that almost any team can emerge to become a good team in any given season. Two years ago, my Eagles finished with a 4-12 season and in last place in the NFC East. The coach was fired, and hotshot college coach Chip Kelly took over with his offensive genius reputation. The Eagles finished 2nd in total offense and among the top scorers in the NFL. Philly finished at 10-6 and in 1st place in the NFC East last season with basically the same personnel.

3. SUPERSTAR AND HIGH FREE AGENT SALARIES --The Eagles didn't need a superstar free agent, just new leadership with a new scheme. This would be impossible in the NBA. We all know every year there are only 3-4 teams capable of winning the title. Every other team is competing for I don't what. This is why if you're not, and can't be a title contender in the NBA, you really should be rebuilding and doing what the 76ers are doing in some form. Not many teams have the guts and discipline to do this, but this is the NBA reality.

I believe in an NBA with no defensive 3 seconds, superstars will be less dominant. They will still be the best players on their teams, but because they won't always have the ability to "will" their teams to a series win, the economics of the matter will naturally reduce salary demands to more reasonable levels.

Other owners will opt to go with less talented players with lower salaries in smaller markets content with the reasonable expectation that a good coach might be able to offset some of the top tier teams with their "big 3s" and such.

Fans have never identified with those huge salaries, but merely accept these as a necessary part of doing business in sports. An NBA that places more importance to team- first basketball will appeal to a more broad swath of fans that are currently not NBA fans.

The current NBA fan will still be NBA fans, because there is no other league in the world quite like the NBA, but we will draw more fans in the US who are turned off by the NBA for many of the usual reasons I mention above. There are many fans you meet everyday who are "college basketball only fans" to borrow a term from a "famous" poster here in ISH, and by changing changing some of the NBA rules, the NBA will have a chance of increasing it's market share.

4. QUALITY OF THE GAME-- I propose to keep the no hand checking rule so as to further encourage teams to find perimeter quickness for guards and forwards. This has proven to make the NBA's style of play far more fluid and exciting than the 1990s when physical defenses led by the Knicks slowed down the NBA.

The abolition of the defensive 3 seconds will probably spark fears that athletic plays will suddenly be reduced.That forays into the paint that we have grown accustomed to over the years will suddenly disappear as the Biyombo's of the world dominate the paint.

I disagree. I believe it will be lessened, but when it happens, it will be more exciting. Besides, this will push many teams to accelerate the fast break attack to prevent defenses from setting up.

This is for sure a radical idea, and most here will oppose this. But if we want the NBA to surpass the NFL in popularity, the NBA will need to find ways to make it more unpredictable, and a way to give more teams a real chance to win.

More team loyalty for fans, and less on individual players.

08-19-2014, 01:01 PM
Lol, the NBA is NEVER going to surpass the NFL in popularity, and this idea probably wouldn't change much about that

08-19-2014, 01:17 PM
Lol, the NBA is NEVER going to surpass the NFL in popularity, and this idea probably wouldn't change much about that


shut this thread down

08-19-2014, 01:28 PM
get rid of half of the timeouts

08-19-2014, 01:31 PM
Lol, the NBA is NEVER going to surpass the NFL in popularity, and this idea probably wouldn't change much about that

It will if the new generation likes bball more than football

08-19-2014, 01:48 PM
It will if the new generation likes bball more than football

You can say that about baseball, hockey, soccer, literally any sport, doesn't mean it's going to happen

08-19-2014, 02:20 PM

The NFL is more unpredictable because there is only 1 game. A 7 game series and for example Brady would not lose against the Giants.

08-19-2014, 02:22 PM

The NFL is more unpredictable because there is only 1 game. A 7 game series and for example Brady would not lose against the Giants.

this. Would make choking look that much more entertaining.

08-19-2014, 02:41 PM
The NBA will never be more popular than the NFL here in the USA, though it might be worldwide.

A few factors that will be difficult to overcome (among others):

1) Violence factor.
2) Fewer games with higher stakes.
3) Single elimination playoff games.

08-19-2014, 02:44 PM
If the nba had more white superstars it could rival the nfl.

Let's face it, older white people don't want to watch black tatted up hoopers dominate.

08-19-2014, 04:55 PM
If the nba had more white superstars it could rival the nfl.

Let's face it, older white people don't want to watch black tatted up hoopers dominate.

Considering the NFL is 2/3 black, and even the glamour position of QB is being taken over by the likes of Russell Wilson, RG3, Colin Kaepernick & Cam Newton, I'd say that theory is incorrect

08-19-2014, 04:57 PM
If the nba had more white superstars it could rival the nfl.

Let's face it, older white people don't want to watch black tatted up hoopers dominate.
old white people are dying off fast. Catering to them isn't going to help one bit (see: Baseball)

I don't think removing the D-3seconds rule would actually do that much. Team are getting pretty good at "2.9"-ing where they make sure to be constantly stepping out of the paint. Once you establish that the refs start to ignore the 3 second rule altogether, from what I've seen,

What they need to do is move the 3 point line back and get rid of the 3 corner. Just have the arc intersect directly with the corner. # of corner 3's has probably the highest correlation with winning of any stat

08-19-2014, 05:06 PM
Lol, the NBA is NEVER going to surpass the NFL in popularity, and this idea probably wouldn't change much about that

Maybe in North America but I can guarantee you that NBA is more popular globally than NFL

08-19-2014, 05:52 PM
thats not a bad idea. slow as fck centers would actually be more useful

08-19-2014, 06:56 PM
Basketball is definitely a lot more popular in countries like New Zealand, the UK and Australia. Also, probably most South American countries. Soccer/Football is king everywhere bar NZ, Aus, North America and middle-east.

It is extremely hard to see a full 7 games of a series in Oceania. I think I saw games 1, 4 and 6 of series' here in the 1st and 2nd round... Even WCF/ECF.

Do you guys see a lot of NFL Jerseys in the US? I'd be lucky to see one a year in NZ.

08-19-2014, 07:02 PM
The NBA will never be more popular than the NFL here in the USA, though it might be worldwide.

A few factors that will be difficult to overcome (among others):

1) Violence factor.
2) Fewer games with higher stakes.
3) Single elimination playoff games.

I strongly disagree with this. I have given up football. It kills people. Literally. Never mind the brain injuries, etc. The avg life span for a 5 yr NFL player is 54.7. These are the best conditioned players. The ones that broke the other competitors along the way. But if they are still in the NFL at 28 years old they are expected to live ~half as long as the average 27 year old. Think about that one car accident you were in 6 years ago and how you still aren't right. Now multiply that times 10,000. Universities used to have boxing teams. They don't anymore. It will take a while but fewer kids are playing football today than they were a few years ago.

08-19-2014, 07:04 PM
But as far as def 3 sec. NO. DO NOT ALLOW IT. That just prevents the drive which is a far more exciting play than the 18 ft J.

08-19-2014, 10:21 PM
The NBA will never be more popular than the NFL here in the USA, though it might be worldwide.

A few factors that will be difficult to overcome (among others):

1) Violence factor.
2) Fewer games with higher stakes.
3) Single elimination playoff games.

If you were the head of a highly competitive corporation in a highly competitive field, you have to aim high or they get rid of you. You can't tell your stockholders "we will never be better than so and so".

They will want to hear your vision and then how you plan to get there. In this case, the NBA's goal is to be better than the NFL. It won't happen overnight, but if we tried, could the NBA be more popular in 10-15 years, I say it's possible.

BTW, there are talks ongoing in the NBA of single elimination tournaments, albeit either mid season or at the end of the season for other teams.

08-19-2014, 10:27 PM

The NFL is more unpredictable because there is only 1 game. A 7 game series and for example Brady would not lose against the Giants.

A fair point. But when you watch international games, you can see how a less talented team can stay in a game against a superstar laden team. This happens a lot when Team USA plays a Lithuania or Spain, and can't often times just blow them out of the water.

Now imagine a more even balance of talent in an NBA setting, where there is only one Lebron playing, and the other team only has a Steph Curry, but has a big shot blocking center, this team(Curry's team) may indeed beat Lebron's team in a series, if it plays the right schemes.

08-19-2014, 10:47 PM
Why would anyone care if the NBA is mor or less popular than the NFL?

Am I missing somethin here?

08-19-2014, 10:49 PM
Maybe create MMA basketball. The same goal and scoring points as basketball but there is no foul, you can do MMA moves on the opponent.

The violence and gore of the MMA + the excitement of a basketball game is a win win

08-19-2014, 11:08 PM
Why would anyone care if the NBA is mor or less popular than the NFL?

Am I missing somethin here?

It absolutely matters to the NBA. It's the goal of any competitive organization to be the best it can be.

From the fan's point of view, it's still pretty cool to root for your teams playing in a league that you know is the most popular in the US. Popularity begets more popularity.

08-19-2014, 11:10 PM
Maybe create MMA basketball. The same goal and scoring points as basketball but there is no foul, you can do MMA moves on the opponent.

The violence and gore of the MMA + the excitement of a basketball game is a win win


08-19-2014, 11:11 PM
Bump the white player quotient of players by 2-3x, reduce the regular season to 50 games, contract 4-6 of the teams, kill the excessive time outs at the end of a game, invent the DeLorean time machine and bring prime Jordan and prime Bird into the game ... then the NFL might start to sweat a little.

08-19-2014, 11:13 PM
Bump the white player quotient of players by 2-3x, reduce the regular season to 50 games, contract 4-6 of the teams, kill the excessive time outs at the end of a game, invent the DeLorean time machine and bring prime Jordan and prime Bird into the game ... then the NFL might start to sweat a little.

This post may have been made in jest, but I completely agree with all those points

08-19-2014, 11:20 PM
What I do know is they need to remove that 5 second back to the basket BS.

08-19-2014, 11:42 PM



08-20-2014, 09:06 AM
I agree that defensive 3 seconds should be banned. That's the single worst rule in any professional team sport.

It makes the NBA closer to WWE than actual sports competition.

And FIBA has repeatedly said they will never under any circumstances even discuss or consider adding it.

08-20-2014, 09:17 AM
A fair point. But when you watch international games, you can see how a less talented team can stay in a game against a superstar laden team. This happens a lot when Team USA plays a Lithuania or Spain, and can't often times just blow them out of the water.

Now imagine a more even balance of talent in an NBA setting, where there is only one Lebron playing, and the other team only has a Steph Curry, but has a big shot blocking center, this team(Curry's team) may indeed beat Lebron's team in a series, if it plays the right schemes.

You just don't get it do you?

You never are going to get it are you?

It's NOT so less talented teams can compete with more talented teams. When are you going to grasp how basketball works?

The defensive 3 seconds is so that INFERIOR players and teams can play the game and appear better than they really are.

You STILL do not even understand what these rules exist for. You are proposing this, yet you don't have the basic understanding and grasp of why the NBA employs such rules.

08-20-2014, 09:26 AM
It absolutely matters to the NBA. It's the goal of any competitive organization to be the best it can be.

From the fan's point of view, it's still pretty cool to root for your teams playing in a league that you know is the most popular in the US. Popularity begets more popularity.

The NBA isn't trying to be competitive. The whole point of rules like defensive 3 seconds are to create FAKE "NBA stars". What is so hard for you to comprehend about that?

Ty Lawson was barely even able to play in Euroleague. In the NBA he looks like a "star". That is the whole point of these rules. The same with the no hand checking, the allowance of traveling, the allowance of carrying, the refs giving special treatment to certain players, favoring certain players, barely any contact being allowed, the free throws parade that certain players get, etc.

It's to manufacture FAKE NBA "stars".

You seem to be able to grasp how removing the defensive 3 seconds would improve the game....but you have no understanding of why that rule exists or what motivations the NBA has for having it.

And you clearly don't get why removing it would change how games would be played.

It isn't the zone defense. It's the fact that the NBA defensive 3 seconds and all the other rules and reffing style, create a FAKE league that makes average, or below average, or bad players look good.

It makes good players look like "the best players in the world" to anyone that does not understand basic basketball principles.

Team USA plays close to even with those teams because they are barely better than those teams. It's not the rules. Team USA is still allowed to travel with the ball and carry with the ball in those games.

Take that away.......they don't even win those games.

The motive for the NBA is because guess what?

Without the defensive 3 seconds, all those Sportscenter highlights are GONE.

LeBron is GONE. The whole concept of the fake league image they created won't exist anymore.

08-20-2014, 09:27 AM
Making it harder for "Superstars" to score will make the game more popular?

08-20-2014, 10:54 AM
Making it harder for "Superstars" to score will make the game more popular?

Scoring will be more balanced. Superstars will still be superstars, but the new rules will teach them to be more well rounded and share the basketball. We will learn the value of "hockey assists" or passes that lead to assist passes. This is a stat that is wholly ignored by stat fans, but is actually one of the most relevant statistics to indicate team chemistry. Watch clips of the Spurs during the Finals as you watch Tony Parker see Duncan in the post, but passes the ball to Diaw instead, who then passes to Duncan for the easy bucket

Maybe a new group of stars will emerge. Players with less athleticism, but who are smarter and play with a great deal of skill. Once non NBA fans see this, they may be reminded of college basketball and the all for one, one for all mentality of NCAA hoops. The NBA market share will increase.

Non- NBA fans normally complain about the league being dominated by just a few bigger than life superstars that hold all the cards. Teams with no superstar players have 0% chance of winning a title, lets face it.

In a league with no defensive 3 seconds, there will be more parity, and no Lebron or Lebron and his pals will be able to alter a season or off season.

08-20-2014, 11:02 AM
You need to stop worrying, NFL is only popular in USA and your ratings are only USA measured..... NBA kills it internationally, NFL is as popular as Womens Cricket internationally while NBA/Basketball is battling only with the #1 sport on earth, Soccer... I know its hard for you Am.Football lovers to understand, but internationally its really horrible, i mean everybody know what NFL / Am.Football is, they just think that sport blows.... and any rare guy who really can fancy it will end up respecting Rugby more and end up dissing NFL/Am. Football even more instead...

08-20-2014, 11:05 AM
Of course race has to be brought into it :facepalm

08-20-2014, 11:11 AM
Scoring will be more balanced. Superstars will still be superstars, but the new rules will teach them to be more well rounded and share the basketball. We will learn the value of "hockey assists" or passes that lead to assist passes. This is a stat that is wholly ignored by stat fans, but is actually one of the most relevant statistics to indicate team chemistry. Watch clips of the Spurs during the Finals as you watch Tony Parker see Duncan in the post, but passes the ball to Diaw instead, who then passes to Duncan for the easy bucket

Maybe a new group of stars will emerge. Players with less athleticism, but who are smarter and play with a great deal of skill. Once non NBA fans see this, they may be reminded of college basketball and the all for one, one for all mentality of NCAA hoops. The NBA market share will increase.

Non- NBA fans normally complain about the league being dominated by just a few bigger than life superstars that hold all the cards. Teams with no superstar players have 0% chance of winning a title, lets face it.

In a league with no defensive 3 seconds, there will be more parity, and no Lebron or Lebron and his pals will be able to alter a season or off season.

Wish that most fans would appreciate team play but the reality is that high scoring stars would always be more popular hence the nba applying all types of rule changes to make it easier for the players to score through the years.
Great insight by the way, hope more people see basketball the way you do.

08-20-2014, 11:12 AM
You need to stop worrying, NFL is only popular in USA and your ratings are only USA measured..... NBA kills it internationally, NFL is as popular as Womens Cricket internationally while NBA/Basketball is battling only with the #1 sport on earth, Soccer... I know its hard for you Am.Football lovers to understand, but internationally its really horrible, i mean everybody know what NFL / Am.Football is, they just think that sport blows...

Yes, we know this, but the NBA is not even the most popular in the US. Not even close. Why? The game is arguably as good or better than the NFL.

The NBA is losing out big time with big money right here on the home front. The NBA knows it too.

My proposal is not really new, and it has already been considered, and it's still in the discussion stage.

08-20-2014, 11:17 AM
Wish that most fans would appreciate team play but the reality is that high scoring stars would always be more popular hence the nba applying all types of rule changes to make it easier for the players to score through the years.
Great insight by the way, hope more people see basketball the way you do.

Thanks. Yes, fans who are already fans of the NBA like the high scoring superstars, but there are so many fans out there turned off by the NBA obviously. How can we make them NBA fans too?

The current fans will still be fans, even if some rules are altered, trust me. My proposal will target those other fans who love NCAA hoops, and that's a big market.

08-20-2014, 11:19 AM
Of course race has to be brought into it :facepalm

Who brought up race?

08-20-2014, 11:22 AM
I can understand the desire to be more popular than the NFL but its just has slim chances for it to happen. Although, no one can ever say never. The NBA has made major strides over the years since its inception. At one point it was far behind boxing, baseball, and horse racing.

Now its top 3. Good spot to be in. Just keep doing what they are doing and it will be solidly number 2 because as technology advances baseball will become less popular on its own (which is a shame IMHO its a fantastic sport). Children of the 80's and beyond are instant gratification youths which baseball isnt built upon its built upon a marathon and time consuming entertainment.

I think contraction which would minimize the disbursement of talent would help and development of players technically to match the athleticism would help.

You need to stop worrying, NFL is only popular in USA and your ratings are only USA measured..... NBA kills it internationally, NFL is as popular as Womens Cricket internationally while NBA/Basketball is battling only with the #1 sport on earth, Soccer... I know its hard for you Am.Football lovers to understand, but internationally its really horrible, i mean everybody know what NFL / Am.Football is, they just think that sport blows.... and any rare guy who really can fancy it will fancy Rugby first and end up dissing NFL/Am. Football even more instead...

08-20-2014, 11:24 AM
Yes, we know this, but the NBA is not even the most popular in the US. Not even close. Why? The game is arguably as good or better than the NFL.

The NBA is losing out big time with big money right here on the home front. The NBA knows it too.

My proposal is not really new, and it has already been considered, and it's still in the discussion stage.

I honestly have no idea why NFL/Am.Football is so popular in USA.... i really dont think it has anything to do with the NBA/Basketball rules.... they... just... like... Am.Football..... thats it.... for some odd reason... it almost feels like God managed to collect all humans on planet earth with that acquired taste and throw them in US... :P

Anytime NFL feels like it can measure up to NBA in USA and NBA feels threatened, then they can whip out the international card and expand or i mean move some teams outside like in Paris, London, Barcelona, Hong Kong, whatever.... you will then see the real popularity.... NFL will then be seen as what it truly is, just a popular sport in US.... i dont even know why NBA needs to do that, it is already seen.... so... what is the problem again here?

08-20-2014, 11:46 AM
I honestly have no idea why NFL/Am.Football is so popular in USA.... i really dont think it has anything to do with the NBA/Basketball rules.... they... just... like... Am.Football..... thats it.... for some odd reason... it almost feels like God managed to collect all humans on planet earth with that acquired taste and throw them in US... :P

Anytime NFL feels like it can measure up to NBA in USA and NBA feels threatened, then they can whip out the international card and expand or i mean move some teams outside like in Paris, London, Barcelona, Hong Kong, whatever.... you will then see the real popularity.... NFL will then be seen as what it truly is, just a popular sport in US.... i dont even know why NBA needs to do that, it is already seen.... so... what is the problem again here?

The US is the biggest, if not one of the biggest sports markets in the world. We have shows in the US analyzing before the game, during the game, after the game, and we have analysts analyzing the analysts. It's sports paradise's, but it's crazy.

The NFL dominates American sports by a mile. The NBA is losing out big time in it's own backyard. All the business infrastructure and networks of contacts are right here, but the NBA is not close to the NFL in audience or money.

If you are an NBA owner, you would clearly want a bigger piece of the American pie.

International is great and all, but it is more unfamiliar, and there are other foreign type issues to deal with, including other sports that are more ingrained historically.

08-20-2014, 11:53 AM
NBA should start funding reasearchvon concussions if they really want to take down the nfl:roll: scare Evey kids mom into not letting them.play and in 15 years the league is in the toilet.

08-20-2014, 11:58 AM
It will never happen. American football is king in the US. Why do people have a problem with it? Many other countries have sports that are only popular in that specific country. Are they jealous at how big and financially successful the NFL is compared to Gaelic football and whatnot?

08-20-2014, 11:59 AM
NBA should start funding reasearchvon concussions if they really want to take down the nfl:roll: scare Evey kids mom into not letting them.play and in 15 years the league is in the toilet.

That's actually a backhanded but legitimate idea.:lol

08-20-2014, 11:59 AM
NFL will always be more popular in the states than the NBA. It's just the culture.

08-20-2014, 12:08 PM
NFL will always be more popular in the states than the NBA. It's just the culture.

No, anything can change. It was once thought that blacks were inferior to whites even in sports like basketball.

Many thought they weren't smart enough or would not produce in clutch moments. That was 50 years ago.

In today's media/internet age, we can accelerate change so much faster than years ago. The 24 sports and news cycle will make sure of that.

08-20-2014, 12:12 PM
No, anything can change. It was once thought that blacks were inferior to whites even in sports like basketball.

Many thought they weren't smart enough or would not produce in clutch moments. That was 50 years ago.

In today's media/internet age, we can accelerate change so much faster than years ago. The 24 sports and news cycle will make sure of that.

NFL is the #1 topic in sports media. NFL format just keeps it that way. one NFL regular season game holds like 5 times as much weight as an NBA regular season game, SuperBowl is a far bigger event than the NBA Finals.

Football has a bigger following.

Of course it could change in the long run, but right now, I don't see anything stopping the NFL from staying on top with the media coverage ESPN gives.

Johnny Manziel is a 3rd/4th round talent, and he is top 5 most talked about athlete in the US. That's crazy.

08-20-2014, 12:59 PM
You need to stop worrying, NFL is only popular in USA and your ratings are only USA measured..... NBA kills it internationally, NFL is as popular as Womens Cricket internationally while NBA/Basketball is battling only with the #1 sport on earth, Soccer... I know its hard for you Am.Football lovers to understand, but internationally its really horrible, i mean everybody know what NFL / Am.Football is, they just think that sport blows.... and any rare guy who really can fancy it will end up respecting Rugby more and end up dissing NFL/Am. Football even more instead...

The only country in the world that cares about NBA outside of USA is China. Toronto is not a country for the retards here that think it is.

The NFL actually does fairly well in the UK.

08-20-2014, 01:02 PM
The US is the biggest, if not one of the biggest sports markets in the world. We have shows in the US analyzing before the game, during the game, after the game, and we have analysts analyzing the analysts. It's sports paradise's, but it's crazy.

The NFL dominates American sports by a mile. The NBA is losing out big time in it's own backyard. All the business infrastructure and networks of contacts are right here, but the NBA is not close to the NFL in audience or money.

If you are an NBA owner, you would clearly want a bigger piece of the American pie.

International is great and all, but it is more unfamiliar, and there are other foreign type issues to deal with, including other sports that are more ingrained historically.

And your ignorance always shows through.

08-20-2014, 02:21 PM
And your ignorance always shows through.

Okay, you win. The US actually has one of the smallest markets in the world for sports, if not the smallest.

You happy now?:oldlol:

08-20-2014, 02:23 PM
**** that, the last thing I want to see is Hibbert camped out in the paint getting away with his verticality BS all game.

Optimus Prime
08-20-2014, 02:26 PM
The NBA is already > the NFL. The NFL is purely an American sensation with basically zero support outside of the States. The NBA is an international product that is popular all over the globe.

I'd rather the NBA stay #2 in the US. Being the most popular brings all sorts of...undesirable consequences along with it, and I rather enjoy my NBA as it is.

08-20-2014, 03:12 PM
A fair point. But when you watch international games, you can see how a less talented team can stay in a game against a superstar laden team. This happens a lot when Team USA plays a Lithuania or Spain, and can't often times just blow them out of the water.

Now imagine a more even balance of talent in an NBA setting, where there is only one Lebron playing, and the other team only has a Steph Curry, but has a big shot blocking center, this team(Curry's team) may indeed beat Lebron's team in a series, if it plays the right schemes.

You know that only happens in international play because our players have really never played together before right? They are facing teams that have sometimes played together since they were 18 or younger. Also don't agree with you that it will make it easier to defend and neutralize superstars better. Maybe you forget why the rule was implemented in the first place. Look back at the bigs who would just camp the lane back then (ex: Shaq). No 3 secs = literally no possibly way to guard him.

As for NFL, NBA would likely have the same amount of parity if it had supershort season and one and done format. I would hate that though since the better team wouldn't always win. Way less strategy involved too since you obviously wouldn't be making changes each game. There's a reason I don't watch football.

08-20-2014, 07:08 PM
The NBA is already > the NFL. The NFL is purely an American sensation with basically zero support outside of the States. The NBA is an international product that is popular all over the globe.

I'd rather the NBA stay #2 in the US. Being the most popular brings all sorts of...undesirable consequences along with it, and I rather enjoy my NBA as it is.

Football is popular in Canada and several people in Europe enjoy it.

08-21-2014, 10:40 AM
You know that only happens in international play because our players have really never played together before right? They are facing teams that have sometimes played together since they were 18 or younger. Also don't agree with you that it will make it easier to defend and neutralize superstars better. Maybe you forget why the rule was implemented in the first place. Look back at the bigs who would just camp the lane back then (ex: Shaq). No 3 secs = literally no possibly way to guard him.

As for NFL, NBA would likely have the same amount of parity if it had supershort season and one and done format. I would hate that though since the better team wouldn't always win. Way less strategy involved too since you obviously wouldn't be making changes each game. There's a reason I don't watch football.

What the NBA rule was prior to 2002, before the onset of the defensive 3 second rule, was the illegal defense rule. You couldn't play zone in any part of the court. Today, any kind of zone defense is allowed, as long as you don't exceed 3 seconds in the shaded area.

Today, you can play 3-2 or 2-3 zones or any other type of zone, in contrast to the past, when it was clearly illegal. Some teams prior to 2002 would try to "hide" it, but smart offenses would sometimes expose them by spreading the court.

Yes, the new rules were made, in part, to counteract the big man, but it was more than that. I believe, and this is just a hypothesis, that the NBA reacted to the US NT defeat in the World Championships in Indiana that year, and realized that the NBA needed to adjust the rule to encourage play closer to the international style.

Well, it's worked, don't you think?

08-21-2014, 11:44 AM
If the nba had more white superstars it could rival the nfl.

Let's face it, older white people don't want to watch black tatted up hoopers dominate.
explain how golf's popularity/ratings is almost entirely dependant on tiger woods.