View Full Version : Kids, now you know. Bones need calcium and vitamin D

08-02-2014, 04:53 AM
stop eating junk and eat right!

Bones that break like that are brittle. Probably low calcium intake and even less vitamin D. Calcium makes your bone strong, vitamin D helps your body absorb the calcium you intake. without vitamin D, you'll just piss away the calcium you intake.

also, stay away from salty foods. the more salt you intake, the more calcium you piss away.

these athletes probably just eat McDonalds and In n Out all day. aside from being junk food, these foods are high in salt content.

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-H7ywcu6TtZw/UKAlvjUq39I/AAAAAAAABGw/gOhQHG7y8d0/w800-h800/Food%2Bfor%2Bstrong%2Bhealthy%2Bbones%2BHealth%2B% 2526%2BOrganic%2BWellbeing.png

08-02-2014, 05:05 AM
stop eating junk and eat right!

Bones that break like that are brittle. Probably low calcium intake and even less vitamin D. Calcium makes your bone strong, vitamin D helps your body absorb the calcium you intake. without vitamin D, you'll just piss away the calcium you intake.

also, stay away from salty foods. the more salt you intake, the more calcium you piss away.

these athletes probably just eat McDonalds and In n Out all day. aside from being junk food, these foods are high in salt content.

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-H7ywcu6TtZw/UKAlvjUq39I/AAAAAAAABGw/gOhQHG7y8d0/w800-h800/Food%2Bfor%2Bstrong%2Bhealthy%2Bbones%2BHealth%2B% 2526%2BOrganic%2BWellbeing.png

**** your dairy industry propaganda off.. just get the greens into ya.

08-02-2014, 05:38 AM
Awesome, and we can all get brain damage caused by mercury poisoning from all the f*cking fish you want us to eat.

08-02-2014, 08:07 AM
You are crazy if you think they eat at McDonalds all the time. They could not survive for 82 game season. They have diets just like every pro have.

08-02-2014, 08:25 AM
these athletes probably just eat McDonalds and In n Out all day. I'd eat fast food everyday if that was true. :lol

08-02-2014, 09:40 AM
You know what happens when a bone gets too much calcium in it? It gets cancer.


08-02-2014, 09:43 AM
You know what happens when a bone gets too much calcium in it? It gets cancer.


Dont do him like that playa

08-02-2014, 11:07 AM
Damn! And all along I wanted to be like McBron and eat burgers all day. :mad:

08-02-2014, 11:13 AM
Yea, cause I'm sure professional athletes with the best trainers, nutritionists and resources have the diet of an obese american teen who feasts on McDonalds daily. :rolleyes:

08-02-2014, 11:18 AM
It was a freak injury. These things just happen in sports. Doesn't mean his health wasn't what it should be.

08-02-2014, 11:50 AM
**** your dairy industry propaganda off.. just get the greens into ya.
Saw what you did there...:D

08-02-2014, 11:51 AM
You know what happens when a bone gets too much calcium in it? It gets cancer.

Don't forget kidney stones

08-02-2014, 12:31 PM
Yea, cause I'm sure professional athletes with the best trainers, nutritionists and resources have the diet of an obese american teen who feasts on McDonalds daily. :rolleyes:
these pro-athletes were kids at one point... some of them poor kids ... meaning some legitimately did grow up and develop on absolute shit diets

08-02-2014, 12:36 PM
these pro-athletes were kids at one point... some of them poor kids ... meaning some legitimately did grow up and develop on absolute shit diets
Word. A big problem in the States is the cost of safe, healthy food. A family of 5 could eat at McCrap's for under $40.

08-02-2014, 12:41 PM
I agree that we all should eat more healthy by having vitamin D and calcium that are bones definitely needs. We don't want to end up with disastrous scenarios with breaking bones like Paul George or having osteoporosis years down the line.

08-02-2014, 12:58 PM
working out legs doesnt hurt either

robert de niro
08-02-2014, 01:29 PM
researchers at Yale University analyzed 34 published studies from 16 different countries and found that the countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis (including the United States, Sweden, and Finland) were those in which people consumed the most meat, milk, and other animal-based foods. The study also showed that African-Americans, who consume, on average, more than 1,000 mg of calcium per day, are nine times more likely to experience hip fractures than are South African blacks, whose daily calcium intake is only about 196 mg. On a nation-by-nation basis, people who consume the most calcium have the weakest bones and the highest rates of osteoporosis.

The interesting thing is that our world-wide obsession with calcium is a relatively new phenomenon. It actually started in the 1950's under pressure from the American dairy industry. Before then, historically, people didn't consume much calcium -- and had very few problems with osteoporosis. What they did consume was magnesium -- almost 5 times as much magnesium as we consume today. Which brings up a key point: the health of our bones depends far more on other factors such as magnesium, boron, vitamin K, and vitamin D than it does on calcium. In fact, consumption of too much calcium is just plain damaging to your bones and your health in general.

08-02-2014, 01:47 PM

08-02-2014, 01:51 PM


08-02-2014, 02:29 PM
You are crazy if you think they eat at McDonalds all the time. They could not survive for 82 game season. They have diets just like every pro have.
MJ readily admitted he ate fast food from like 21 - 27, particularly McDonalds. Kobe before he turned 30 was eating greasy pizza, and junk food all the time. Just because they're astounding athletes doesn't mean they fuel their body correctly.

08-02-2014, 02:36 PM
these pro-athletes were kids at one point... some of them poor kids ... meaning some legitimately did grow up and develop on absolute shit diets
exactly my point. why i addressed the thread to "kids"

it's your diet while growing which matters because that's what your body uses to construct your bones and other body parts.

08-02-2014, 05:50 PM
researchers at Yale University analyzed 34 published studies from 16 different countries and found that the countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis (including the United States, Sweden, and Finland) were those in which people consumed the most meat, milk, and other animal-based foods. The study also showed that African-Americans, who consume, on average, more than 1,000 mg of calcium per day, are nine times more likely to experience hip fractures than are South African blacks, whose daily calcium intake is only about 196 mg. On a nation-by-nation basis, people who consume the most calcium have the weakest bones and the highest rates of osteoporosis.

The interesting thing is that our world-wide obsession with calcium is a relatively new phenomenon. It actually started in the 1950's under pressure from the American dairy industry. Before then, historically, people didn't consume much calcium -- and had very few problems with osteoporosis. What they did consume was magnesium -- almost 5 times as much magnesium as we consume today. Which brings up a key point: the health of our bones depends far more on other factors such as magnesium, boron, vitamin K, and vitamin D than it does on calcium. In fact, consumption of too much calcium is just plain damaging to your bones and your health in general.

Agreed. Make sure it's vitamin K-2 (MK-7).

08-02-2014, 09:00 PM
Yeah, nothing whatsoever to do with diet.

Bones have very low flexural strength, in other words, they're not made to bend under pressure.

Bones, especially in the legs and arms are essentially shock absorbers, super strong for compression, not great for much else. Hence why we do not see every player break their leg after jumping.

In Paul's case his foot was planted flush with the basket's stanchion while his bodies momentum continued forward, forcing the tibia and fibula to flex... and snap. Put any human on earth in that exact situation they'll come out with a compound fracture.

08-03-2014, 04:46 AM
Saw what you did there...:D

The truth?

08-03-2014, 05:27 AM
